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Teacher: Joel C. Magbanua Jr. Date: October 15, 2017

Windler E. Paguntalan

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Observe safety precaution in soldering components to the board;
2. Identify the different tools and materials in soldering components on the board.

Topic: Assemble and disassemble consumer electronic product and system (40) (AD)
1. Soldering and de-soldering process
Learning Competency: LO2. Soldering/De-solder components to the board.
Code: TLE_IAES9-12-If-j-2
References: Curriculum Guide (CG), Internet Websites
Materials: Laptop and wide screen.

III. Procedures
A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
Greet the students then ask them to seat properly.
 Checking of attendance
B. Review
What are the tools and material according to job requirements?
C. Motivation: Video presentation
 Soldering.
D. Presentation
(Present lesson for the day)
The teacher present the topic for the day and post the days objectives that are going
to attain.
 Observe safety precaution in soldering components to the board;
 Identify the different tools and materials in soldering components on the board.

E. Activity Proper

a. Unlocking of difficulties.
 Soldering is a process in which two or more items (usually metal) are joined
together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler metal
having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.
 Soldering iron is a hand tool used in soldering. It supplies heat to melt solder so
that it can flow into the joint between two workpieces.
 Solder - an alloy (usually of lead and tin) used when melted to join two metal
 Printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects
electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched
from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.
b. Activity
Group activity (15mins)
Selecting the right tool for the right job in soldering components on the board.
c. Analysis
1. How did you identify the right tools in soldering components on the board?
2. What did you feel when you are performing the activity?
d. Abstraction
Class discussion:
1. What are the tools and materials needed in soldering components on the
2. What precautions did you observe in soldering components on the board?
e. Application
Group activity (15mins)
 Perform soldering with safety precaution in soldering components on the board.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Proper use of tools
Observe safety
Quality of soldering

IV. Evaluation
1. When I am not using the soldering iron, I should return it to the holder because ____?
2. I will put a heat mat under the area I am working on because _______________?
3. Good ventilation is important when soldering because _________________?
4. Only one person should solder at a time and they should concentrate well so that__?
5. I will not touch the soldering iron to see if it is on. Instead, I will ________________?
V. Assignment
Bring Old Printed Circuit board for next activity.

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