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Fire protection for wind turbines Safe for certain

Over the last few years, the such as mineral oils, lubricants,
generation of electricity from plastics and electrical compo-
wind energy has become a nents.
major technology showing
huge growth rates and excel- Effective intervention is ham-
lent opportunities for the fu- pered by long response times
ture. Today's highly efficient on the part of the emergency
wind power stations are a far services, remote location with
cry from traditional windmills. poor roads and wind turbines
Offshore installation and the with extreme hub heights.
production of the latest high- As access to the seat of the
performance wind turbines fire is crucial for a successful
require considerable invest- intervention, fire-fighters are
ment, which must be secured often unable to intervene, as
against downtimes and poten- standard fire ladders can only
tial loss. Until recently, manu- be extended to a height of
facturers, operators and fire- approximately 30 metres.
fighters were unable to reduce
the risk of damage by fire. Under such circumstances,
fire-fighting measures are
Underestimated risk thus reduced to protecting
The nacelle is at the heart of the immediate vicinity and
wind turbines, as it contains watching the station on fire
the essential elements such as burn down. In offshore plants,
the generator, the gearbox, intervention from the shore is
brakes, control panels, the in any case far too slow to
transformer and the converter. make a difference.
It also poses a particularly
high risk of fire. The consequences:
If a fire breaks out, for instance Downtimes or total loss of
as a result of overheated com- the unit, with considerable
ponents, electrical faults or a economic consequences for
bolt of lightning, the fire can operators, manufacturers
spread easily as the nacelle and insurance companies.
contains combustible materials

Minimax is the only supplier in

Europe providing mobile and
fixed fire protection solutions.
For more than 100 years,
Minimax has offered planning,
design, installation, mainte-
nance and training in the field
of fire protection.

Loss of corporate image On the above basis, Minimax eliminated by shutting down
and uneasiness on the part offers a range of different fire the unit, and if further de-
of investors and the gene- protection solutions that are tectors are triggered, the in-
ral public. suitable for new wind turbines stalled extinguishing system
as well as for retrofitting in is activated.
Minimax existing units. All messages and data from
fire protection solutions the fire detection control
Minimax, the market leader in panel can be easily integrated
fire protection solutions, has into the condition monitoring
developed effective systems Fire gas detectors, smoke or system of the wind turbine.
specifically designed for wind heat detectors installed at the
turbines, based on proven and relevant critical locations au- In addition to that the
tested components. tomatically detect a fire at a Minimax fire detection and
The Minimax systems detect a very early stage. Also, a num- control panel may be equip-
fire at an early stage and ber of manual call points are ped to allow remote diag-
extinguish it automatically, located in the wind turbine. nostics and remote control
minimising downtimes and As soon as a detector is trig- of the panel.
damage to the equipment. gered, the control panel
immediately shuts down the
In order to determine the wind turbine and initiates a
Minimax protection system sequence of pre-programmed
that best suits your wind tur- procedures. Visual and acous-
bine, our specialised engineers tic alarms indicate the level
will advise you on all aspects of risk; at the same time, the
of the technology and design alarm signal is forwarded to
with you a tailor-made solu- a ”continuously manned
tion that meets your needs. post“. If the fire hazard is not


Argotec extinguishing systems

with nitrogen from Minimax
pipework with are the ideal solution for wind
extinguishing turbines.

The figure to the left shows

the main components of the
fire protection system and
their ideal location in the
- Nitrogen gas cylinder bank
at the base of the tower
- Downstream Pipes with
extinguishing nozzles in the
Upstream pipe
nacelle and the electrical
- Fire detectors and the con-
trol panel to detect the fire
at an early stage, to control
fire detectors the automatic extinguishing
process and alert the fire
Manual release
for the nitrogen brigade
extinguishing system

Nitrogen Fire detection

cylinder bank control panel

Given that offshore wind parks

require huge investments and
are difficult to reach in the
event of an emergency, auto-
matic fire extinguishing systems
are a must, as insurance cover is
otherwise not obtainable.

As the gas cylinders are stored Fast and effective. Advantages of the Argotec
at the base of the tower, its Reliable. extinguishing technology
static properties are not af- In the event of a fire, the with nitrogen
fected by additional weight. extinguishing process is auto- Fast extinction without
The nitrogen is stored in pres- matically started and control- leaving residue behind
surised containers and can led. The downstream pipes Only short interruption
thus be quickly distributed and installed extinguishing of operations
through the upstream pipe, nozzles ensure a fast and No damage to electrical
reaching even the highest homogenous distribution of and electronic components
nacelle within seconds. the nitrogen in the protection Nitrogen gas harmless
zone so that the concentra- to humans and the
The nitrogen reduces the tion necessary to extinguish a environment
oxygen in the air, necessary fire is reached quickly. The fire Extinguishes fires even at
for each combustion process, is smothered before any extremely low ambient
and extinguishes the fire serious damage is done. temperatures
quickly and without leaving Compact unit requiring
any residue behind. The gas When the fire is fully extin- minimum space thanks to
is non-conductive and reaches guished, the wind turbine 300 bar technology
even the most remote loca- can be restarted without Low-cost extinguishing
tions in the nacelle, entering delay, as the nitrogen gas agent that is widely
every groove and gap and does not leave any residue available
penetrating housings and behind. Simply ventilate the Tested and approved quality
switch cabinets. room to let the gas escape.
while the vapour has a suffo-
cation effect, displacing the
Minifog fine water spray sys- oxygen at the seat of the fire.
tems were developed to allow
for protection concepts that As the amount of water re-
combine excellent fire fight- leased by the Minifog system
ing capabilities with a mini- is minimal, there is normally
mum discharge of water. The no need to provide extra re-
Minifog nozzles are installed taining containers for the
in such a way that crucial com- extinguishing agent.
ponents such as main bearings,
gear systems, brakes and The water supply system was
The water supply unit of the
generators are effectively developed as a compact unit Minifog system is of a compact de-
protected. with minimum weight to sign requiring only minimum space
allow easy installation in the
To ensure reliability even un- nacelle. The Minifog system
der extreme conditions, an may be installed during nacel-
antifreeze solution is used le production, thus allowing
that allows for proper extin- for a minimised erection time
The flexible FMZ 5000 fire detection
guishing at down to minus for the wind turbine. control panel monitors and controls
30 degrees Celsius. Advantages of the Minifog the attached automatic extinguish-
ing systems
fine water spray technology
To enhance the efficiency of Highly effective
the extinguishing agent it in- Only small amounts of water
cludes a film forming foam required
and is sprayed through spe- No risk to persons
cially designed nozzles. By Homogeneous cooling
atomising the water, its sur- of protected equipment
face is multiplied, increasing Smoke-cleaning effect
the heat binding capability of Approved technology
the agent and intensifying the with low costs
cooling effect. As the agent Minimisation of
evaporates, it effectively re- expensive downtimes Nitrogen gas cylinders of the
duces the heat from the fire,
Argotec compact extinguishing
system are pressurised to 300 bar,
so that the weight and space re-
quirements are minimised

Since 1989, Minimax fire protec- several megawatts. Systems are

tion systems have been installed in developed and extensively tested
a variety of different wind turbine in our fire research centre to
types. Minimax offers fire protec- ensure reliability under realistic
tion solutions for all types of units, conditions.
from simple wind machines to
modern turbines with capacities of

While a Minifog fine water electronic control cabinets

spray system protects the of the wind turbine are
mechanical components in safeguarded by an Argotec
the nacelle, the electrical and system.

Insurance companies Operators and investors

Proven reduction of risks and In the event of a fire,
damage by automatic fire downtimes are minimised
protection systems Optimised availability, as the risk of
Accurate assessment, thanks to fire and serious damage is minimised
the use of approved and certified Only the installation of an automatic
products and technologies (VdS, fire protection system can prevent
German Lloyd, etc.) total loss by fire
Stronger position for negotiations
with insurance companies and banks
Protection of the investment
Upgrading of existing units

Manufacturers Fire brigade

Competitive edge, thanks Effective fire protection for persons
to improved availability and property, prevention of damage
Enhanced image, as fire to the environment and elimination
protection also means of operational risks
protecting the environment Active support of the fire brigade as
weaknesses in the safety concept are
effectively eliminated

Minimax fire fighting solutions

Effective prevention of damage by fire and all resulting economic consequences
Enhancement of the image of wind turbines as safe and environmentally friendly systems
Use of ecologically sustainable technologies

Title: „Windpark Dubener Platte“, Copyright: Das Grüne Emissionshaus Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestrasse 10/12
Nr. S 89201

AL07e_01/ 08.03/ 04.07/HA

23840 Bad Oldesloe

Printed in Germany

Phone: +49 4531 803-0

Fax: +49 4531 803-248

Please see Minimax product sheets for detailed information.

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