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1. Di gambarajah berikut isikan ruang kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.

In the diagram below fill in the space with the correct answer.

Operation Management

2. …...……………………………
1. ………………… 3. …………………..


2. Produktiviti adalah penting bagi sebuah organisasi bisnes. Takrif produktiviti dan
jelaskan mengapa produktiviti adalah penting bagi bisnes.
Productivity is important in a business organization. Define productivity and explain why.


3. Faktor-faktor pengeluaran adalah seperti berikut:

The factors of production are:

a. land, labour, capital, machinery

b. labour, cost, entrepreneur, capital
c. capital, land, labour, entrepreneur
d. machinery, information, capital, labour

4. Modal kerja adalah penting bagi operasi bisnes harian. Ia merujuk kepada:
Working capital is important for daily business operations. It refers to:
. (3M)

a. Liquid assets (money) needed for immediate production expenses.

b. Physical assets (cash) needed for immediate operation expenses.
c. Liquid assets (currency) needed for immediate inventory expenses.
d. Physical assets (money) needed for immediate production expenses.

5. Senaraikan lima (5) jenis fungsi pengurusan operasi.

List down five functions of operation management. .

6. Inventory management involves…………………….. and …………………………………….

of goods just-in-time. It helps to save……………… and help move quickly products and
…………………… to customers.

7. Nyatakan aktiviti-aktiviti yang perlu dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kapasiti

pengeluaran dalam pengurusan operasi.
State the activities that must be done to increase production capacity in operations

8. Proses pembuatan kereta melibatkan:
Automobile manufacturing process involves:

a. stamping, skimming, painting, assembly.

b. operation, painting, assembly, engine.
c. welding, painting, quality check, production
d. stamping, welding, painting, assembly.

9. Proses pengurusan operasi meningkat menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien apabila konsep
tepat pada masa diperkenalkan dalam operasi. Jelaskan istilah "efektif dan efisien".
Operations management processes improve to be more effective and efficient when just-
in-time concept is introduced in the operations. Explain the terms “effective and

10. Di dalam sebuah syarikat pembuatan inventori boleh berupa bahan mentah, proses
kerja dan barangan jadi/produk. Terangkan:.
In a manufacturing company the inventory can be in the form of raw materials, work-in-
process and finished goods. Explain:
. (6M)

a. Raw Material :
b. Work-in-process:
c. Finished goods:

11. Just-in-time (JIT) juga dikenali sebagai pengeluaran ‘lean’ atau ................. pengeluaran.
Just-in-time (JIT) is also known as lean production or ………………. production.

12. Proses pemeriksaan yang sistematik untuk melihat sama ada produk atau perkhidmatan
yang sedang dibangunkan memenuhi keperluan tertentu yang dikenali sebagai
.................. .................... .
A systematic process of checking to see whether a product or service being developed
is meeting specified requirements is known as ……………… ……………….. .

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