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Sources of Electrical


Prepared By

Dhondiram Karkare
What is Energy
Ø Energy makes change; it does things for us.
Ø It moves cars along the road and boats over the
Ø It bakes a cake in the oven and keeps ice frozen
in the freezer.
Ø It plays our favorite songs on the radio and lights
our homes.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 22

Basic Definition

A very good definition of energy is

Ø Energy is the ability to do work

In common sense, work is get things done.

In physics, ‘work’ is force x displacement,
W = Fs.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 33
Forms of Energy

1. Mechanical( Kinetic and potential)

2. Chemical
3. Heat
4. Electric
5. Light
6. Sound
7. Nuclear

People have learned how to change energy from one

form to another so that we can do work more easily and
live more comfortably.

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Potential Energy
Kinetic energy
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Chemical Heat +Light

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● Fifth level

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Sound/Light/Heat/Mechanical Energy

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Nuclear Energy by Fission
Nuclear fission:
A large nucleus splits into several
small nuclei when bumped by a
neutron and energy is released in
this process.

Nuclear power plants

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Nuclear fusion

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History of Energy
For heat, we relied on the sun -- and burned
wood, straw, and dried dung when the sun failed

For transportation, the muscle of horses and the

power of the wind in our sails took us to every
corner of the world.

For work, we used animals to do jobs that we

couldn't do with our own labor. Water and wind
drove the simple machines that ground our grain
and pumped our water.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1212

Use of fire
Man started to use fire a half million years ago.

Ancient people knew the fire through lightning, forest-

fire, explosion of volcano and so on.

Fire can protect them from dangerous animals, warm

them in a cold night, lighten the darkness.

They wanted to maintain convenient fire to use it

anytime. At first they kept the fire which was occurred
by forest fire by transferring to wood pieces.

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Forest Fire

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Use of fire
But it was difficult to control fire by this method.

A wise man thought. "Producing fire by ourselves

is the better way!“

"Luxury is the mother of invention"

Man has invented the methods to produce and control

fire more easily.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1515

Invention of
with wheels.
Man invented and developed tools continuously.
But, to carry tools and the materials was tough job.
Man invented cart with wheels in order to carry
loads easily.
This was the first step to "mechanical energy“
which developed civilization rapidly .

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1616


Traditional boat was improved to sailboat

in order to utilize wind and drive boat

This was a great turning point in the

meaning that man utilized wind as
motion energy, as well as windmill which
is used in some area nowadays.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1717

B.C.600 Discovery of
Man discovered electricity 2500 years ago.

Amber which was rubbed generated static electricity which

attracted light materials.

"Electric energy“ which is most familiar to us in the history of energy

was discovered at that time.

However modern technology for controlling electric energy was

established at a much later time, say until Volta invented the Voltaic
cell at 1799.

But man continued to develop the techniques of utilizing energy not

being satisfied.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1818
7th Century
Invention of windmill
Windmill is one of very important
inventions in the Medieval Ages.
Windmill brought the improvement in
efficiency of job and the spread of
technology to operate some machines at
the same time by using cranks and gears.
The development of "mechanical energy“
was accelerated hereinafter.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 1919

16th century- The Industrial
Revolution and further
1. Steam engine

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Steam engine
The development of utilizing technology of
mechanical energy was accelerated at the
speed which mankind had never experienced
by the invention of steam engine.

Steam engine brought people railways, power

plant, modern manufacturing plants and so on.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 2121

2. Birth of international network

The development of shipbuilding

technology, telegraphic
communication (Marconi 1874-1937),
railway technology, and the invention
of airplane in the first half of 19th
century made people to communicate

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End of 19th century: Birth of
power plant
Invention of electric light bulb (Edison 1847-1931) is a
milestone of modernization in 19th century.

Electric light was rapidly spread in the industrial

countries around the world with increasing number of
power plants, and the age of electric energy had come.

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Anno Domini World War 1
The First World War in which 32 countries participated
was a war using technological armament such as
submarine, aircraft, carrier, poison gas, machine gun.
Many lives were sacrificed in the war, showing the
dark side of energy and technology.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 2424

Engg., Bangalore
A.D.1939-1945   World
War 2
The World War 2 is a very important
milestone in the utilizataion of
energy, because nuclear arms were
used for the first time in the war.

It shows that energy and technology

can destroy the civilization, if they are
used in wrong way.
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Nuclear Explosion

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A.D.1986 Accident at Chernobyl's
nuclear power plant

This accident teach us that we should

consider also dangerousness in
thinking the use of energy.

We cannot say "absolutely safety“ in the

field of nuclear energy.

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 2727

All of our main energy technologies
have serious environmental
Air pollution: health problems, acid
CO2 production: climate change
Waste disposal: health hazards
Can they be controlled?
Must they be replaced?
Can they be replaced ?

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 2828

w e
P o
a l
i c
c tr
E le
o f
e s
r c
o u
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 2929
Wind Energy
Wind is caused by the
uneven heating of the
atmosphere. Some
areas of the world, such
as costal regions, have
more wind than others
because the terrain of
the area is relatively
flat and has few
obstacles to block the
wind from blowing.

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How wind is converted to
A wind turbine obtains its power input by
converting the force of the wind into a torque
(turning force) acting on the rotor blades
The amount of energy which the wind transfers
to the rotor depends
on the density of the air
the rotor area
and the wind speed.

In other words you can get more energy:

the "heavier" the air
the “bigger” the rotor
the “higher” the wind speed

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Turbines can be categorized into two overarching classes
based on the orientation of the rotor
Vertical Axis Horizontal Axis

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● Fifth level ● Fifth level

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Engg., Bangalore
Vertical Axis
Rotors generally near ground
Omnidirectional where wind poorer
Accepts wind from any angle Centrifugal force stresses
Components can be Poor self-starting capabilities
mounted at ground level
Requires support at top of
Ease of service turbine rotor
Lighter weight towers Requires entire rotor to be
removed to replace bearings
Can theoretically use less
materials to capture the Overall poor performance and
same amount of wind reliability
Have never been commercially
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 3535
Horizontal Axis
Wind Turbines
Rotors are usually
Up-wind of tower
Some machines
have down-wind
rotors, but only
available ones are
small turbines

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Wind Power Equation

P = ½ * air density * Area Swept by Rotor * Wind Speed3

P = ½ * ρ * A * V3

1) Power in the wind is correlated 1:1 with area and is extremely sensitive to
wind speed (the cubic amplifies the power significantly)

1) If the wind speed is twice as high, it contains 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 times as

much energy
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 3737
Wind Turbines
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● Third level ● Fourth level

● Fourth level ● Fifth level

● Fifth level

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● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 3838
Engg., Bangalore
Turbines: Different Sizes and Application

Small (10 kW)

• Homes (Grid- Intermediate
• Farms (10-500 kW)
• Remote Applications
• Village Power
(e.g. battery changing, • Hybrid Systems
water pumping, telecom
sites) • Distributed Powe

Large (500 kW – 5
• Central Station Wind
• Distributed Power

• Offshore Wind

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 3939

Typical Turbine Size
1.3 to 1.8 MW rated capacity
Rotor diameter 60 to 80 meters
Tower height 60 to 80 meters
Turbine footprint 10 m x 10 m
Lowest ground clearance is at least 100 ft.

245-330 ft. TIP

165-220 ft TOWER
Apx. 100 ft.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 4040
Wind Turbine Schematic

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Wind Energy
No air emissions
No fuel to mine,
transport, or store
No cooling water
No water pollution
No wastes

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Wind Power Isn’t Perfect

Ø Wind Power output varies over time; it isn’t dispatchable

Ø Wind Power is location-dependent (rural vs. urban where it

is needed most)

Ø Wind Power is transmission-dependent for tie-in to the grid

Ø Wind Power has environmental impacts (pro / con)

Ø Wind Power can only meet part of the electrical load

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9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 4444
The sun is the closest
star to Earth. It brings
heat and light to the
world. Some areas of
the world, such as those
closest to the equator,
have more sun than

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What is Solar Energy?
Energy produced (solar) panel
by the sun
source of energy
Harnessed by
solar collection
methods such as Sun and electrical
power lines
solar cells Set of solar panels

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Converted into
Photovoltaic Technology


Light Electricity

Photovoltaics use as the fuel

sunlight and convert the solar
energy into another type,

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Photovoltaic Solar Cells

Generate electricity
directly from sunlight Silicon-based
solar cell
2 Main types:
Single-crystal silicon
● Widespread
● Expensive to Dye-
manufacture sensitized
solar cell
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Solar Cells are Converters of
Solar cells are
devices that take
light energy as
Light energy
input and convert it
into energy
Electrical electrical
(carried through
Solar cell -
converts light
energy to

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 4949

How a Silicon-Based Solar
Cell Works
• Light with energy greater than the band gap
energy of Si is absorbed
• Energy is given to an electron in the crystal
• The energy excites the electron; it is free to
• A positive “hole”
is left in the
electron’s place
• This separation of
electrons and
holes creates a
voltage and a
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 5050
How a Dye-Sensitized Cell
• Light with high enough energy excites
electrons in dye molecules
• Excited electrons
infused into
TiO2, transported
out of cell
• Positive “holes” left
in dye molecules
• Separation of
excited electrons
and “holes” creates
a voltage
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 5151
Dye-Sensitized and Silicon-
based Solar Cells Compared
Dye-Sensitized • Traditional
– Expensive
Relatively – Need TLC
inexpensive – Long return on
Need little TLC
Short return on

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 5252

Solar Electric Power Plants

Harness solar power

to generate
Main types: Array of mirrored solar collectors at
FPL Energy site in California
Solar thermal energy
● Has mirrored surface
that reflects sunlight
to heat up liquid to
make steam to
generate electricity
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Photovoltaic Concentrated solar collector (parabolic)
Solar Heating Systems

Direct heating of fluid; no conversion to

– solar thermal
– fluid system to
move heat (not
– reservoir to stock
heat for later use Example system with water
• Common uses heated by solar collector and used
to supplement hot water radiator
– Heat water for
home or pool
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Applications and Utilizations

1. City Residential Homes

1. Industrial Applications

1. Water Pumping, Lighting, Heating

1. Central Power Stations

1. Commercial Buildings

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Advantages & Disadvantages

ü The most promising renewable
energy source
ü Non-polluting
ü No requirement for maintanance
ü Infinite energy source: Sun

High Cost.
Too high investment
for household budgets.
The savings are long-
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Solar Energy

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● Fifth level

The Sun Solar Cell (photoelectric

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Engg., Bangalore
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Tidal Energy
Energy from the
generated by the combination of the moon and sun’s
gravitational forces

Greatest affect in spring when moon and sun combine forces

Bays and inlets amplify the height of the tide

In order to be practical for energy production, the height difference

needs to be at least 5 meters

Only 40 sites around the world of this magnitude

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How it works

First generation,
barrage-style tidal
power plants
Works by building
Barrage to contain
water after high tide,
then water has to
pass through a
turbine to return to
low tide
in France (La
BMS Evening College of 6262
Second-generation tidal power plants

Barrage not need, limiting total costs

Two types- vertical axis and horizontal
Harness the energy of tidal streams
More efficient because they allow for
energy production on both the ebbing
and surging tides
One site has potential to equal the
9/10/10 power of College
BMS Evening 3 nuclear
of power 6363
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No pollution
Renewable resource
More efficient than wind because of the density of
Predictable source of energy vs. wind and solar
Second generation has very few disadvantages
Does not affect wildlife
Does not affect silt deposits
Less costly – both in building and maintenance

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Presently costly
Expensive to build and maintain
A 1085MW facility could cost as much as 1.2 billion
dollars to construct and run
Connection to the grid
Technology is not fully developed
Barrage style only produces energy for about
10 hours out of the day
Barrage style has environmental affects
Such as fish and plant migration
Silt deposits
Local tides change- affects
9/10/10 still under
BMS Evening College study
of 6666
Wave Power

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Engg., Bangalore
Wave Facts:

Waves are caused by a number of forces, i.e. wind, gravitational pull from the sun and
moon, changes in atmospheric pressure, earthquakes etc. Waves created by wind are the
most common waves. Unequal heating of the Earth’s surface generates wind, and wind
blowing over water generates waves.

This energy transfer results in a concentration of the energy involved: the initial solar
power level of about 1 kW/m2 is concentrated to an average wave power level of 70kW/m
of crest length. This figure rises to an average of 170 kW/m of crest length during the
winter, and to more than 1 MW/m during storms.

Wave energy performance measures are characterized by diffuse energy, enormous forces
during storms, and variation over wide range in wave size, length, period, and direction.

Wave energy is an irregular and oscillating low-frequency energy source that must be
converted to a 60-Hertz frequency
9/10/10 before
BMS it canCollege
Evening be added
of to the electric utility grid.
Engg., Bangalore
Oscillating Water Columns

The Nearshore OWC rests directly on the seabed and is

designed to operate in the near-shore environment in a nominal
mean water depth of 15m.

Nearshore OWC units also act like artificial reefs, improving

environments for fishing while calming the water for a harbor.

OWC designs typically require high maintenance, costly, taut

moorings or foundations for operation while only using the
extreme upper strata of an ocean site for energy conversion.
While focusing devices are less susceptible to storm damage,
massive structuring renders them most costly among wave
power plant types.

Since 1965, Japan has installed hundreds of OWC-powered

navigational buoys and is currently operating two small
demonstration OWC power plants. China constructed a 3 kW
OWC and India has a 150 kW OWC caisson breakwater device.

A 75 kW shore-based demonstration plant by Queens

University, Belfast, using the OWC process described above has
operated on the Scottish island of Islay for 10 years

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Engg., Bangalore
Tapered Channel Wave

These shoreline systems consist of a tapered channel which feeds

into a reservoir constructed on a cliff. The narrowing of the channel
causes the waves to increase their amplitude (wave height) as they
move towards the cliff face which eventually spills over the walls of
the channel and into the reservoir which is positioned several meters
above mean sea level. The kinetic energy of the moving wave is
converted into potential energy as the water is stored in the reservoir.
The water then passes through
9/10/10 hydroelectric
BMS Evening turbines on the way back
College of 7070
to sea level thus generatingEngg.,
This vs. That
The energy is free - no fuel needed, no waste produced.
Most designs are inexpensive to operate and maintain.
Waves can produce a great deal of energy.
There are minimal environmental impacts.

Depends on the waves - sometimes you'll get loads of energy,
sometimes nothing.
Needs a suitable site, where waves are consistently strong.
Must be able to withstand very rough weather.
Disturbance or destruction of marine life
Possible threat to navigation from collisions because the wave energy
9/10/10rise only a few feet BMS
devices Evening
above College of
the water. 7171
Engg., Bangalore
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Water Cycle
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● Fifth level

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Heat from the Earth’s
Earth's core maintains temperatures in excess of 5000°C
Heat radual radioactive decay of elements

Heat energy continuously flows from hot core

Conductive heat flow
Convective flows of molten mantle beneath the crust.

Mean heat flux at earth's surface

16 kilowatts of heat energy per square kilometer
Dissipates to the atmosphere and space.
Tends to be strongest along tectonic plate boundaries

Volcanic activity transports hot material to near the surface

Only a small fraction of molten rock actually reaches surface.
Most is left at depths of 5-20 km beneath the surface,

Hydrological convection forms high temperature geothermal systems at shallow

depths of 500-3000m.

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Earth Temperature Gradient

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Extracting Geothermal
Methods of Heat Extraction

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Dry Steam Power Plants
“Dry” steam extracted from natural reservoir
180-225 ºC ( 356-437 ºF)
4-8 MPa (580-1160 psi)
200+ km/hr (100+ mph)
Steam is used to drive a turbo-generator
Steam is condensed and pumped back into the
Can achieve 1 kWh per 6.5 kg of steam
A 55 MW plant requires 100 kg/s of steam

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Dry Steam Schematic

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Single Flash Steam Power
Steam with water extracted from ground
Pressure of mixture drops at surface and
more water “flashes” to steam
Steam separated from water
Steam drives a turbine
Turbine drives an electric generator
Generate between 5 and 100 MW
Use 6 to 9 tonnes of steam per hour
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Single Flash Steam

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Binary Cycle Power Plants

Low temps – 100o and 150oC

Use heat to vaporize organic liquid
E.g., iso-butane, iso-pentane
Use vapor to drive turbine
Causes vapor to condense
Recycle continuously
Typically 7 to 12 % efficient
0.1 – 40 MW units common
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Binary Cycle Schematic

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Double Flash Power Plants

Similar to single flash operation

Unflashed liquid flows to low-pressure
tank – flashes to steam
Steam drives a second-stage turbine
Also uses exhaust from first turbine
Increases output 20-25% for 5%
increase in plant costs

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Double Flash Schematic

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Geothermal Uses
Aquacultur Electricity
e Generation

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District Heating
Second level
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Second level Heat Pumps

● Fourth level
● Third level ● Fifth level
● Fourth level

● Fifth level

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 86Geothermal 86

Engg., Bangalore
Technological Issues

Geothermal fluids can be corrosive

Contain gases such as hydrogen
Corrosion, scaling
Requires careful selection of materials
and diligent operating procedures
Typical capacity factors of 85-95%

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Geothermal power plant

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Advantages of
Geothermal Power
High availability factor
Base load resource
Little or no emissions
No Fuel Cost Risk

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Disadvantages of
Geothermal Power
Resource is harder to find than wind or
Resource is mostly in western states
More expensive to bring on line
Longer lead time

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 9090

Environmental Impacts

Land Water
Vegetation loss Watershed impact
Soil erosion Damming streams
Landslides Hydrothermal eruptions
Lower water table
Slight air heating
Local fogging
Ground Benign overall
cooling BMS Evening College of 9191
Single Flash Plant

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Binary Cycle Power Plant

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Flash Steam Power Plant

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Biomass Energy
Ø In the past few years, there have
been significant improvements in
renewable energy technologies
along with declines in cost.
Ø The growing concern for the
environment and sustainable
development, have led to worldwide
interest in renewable energies and
bio-energy in particular.
Ø Biomass
9/10/10 can beCollege
BMS Evening converted
of into
Different Ways of extracting energy from biomass

The different methods of biomass

extraction can be broadly be classified
a)Anaerobic Digestion.
Solid fuel combustion
a)The simplest and most common way
of extracting energy
9/10/10 fromof biomass is 9797
BMS Evening College
Ø Gasification is a process that
exposes a solid fuel to high
temperatures and limited oxygen, to
produce a gaseous fuel.
Ø This is a mix of gases such as carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
hydrogen and methane.
Ø Gasification has several advantages
over burning solid fuel.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 9898
Ø One is convenience –one of the
Ø Biomass digestion works by the
action of anaerobic bacteria.
Ø These microorganisms usually live at
the bottom of swamps or in other
places where there is no air,
consuming dead organic matter to
produce, among other things,
methane and hydrogen.
Ø We can put these bacteria to work
for us.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 9999
Ø Like many of the other processes described
here, fermentation isn't a new idea.

Ø For centuries, people have used yeasts and

other microorganisms to ferment the sugar of
various plants into ethanol.

Ø Producing fuel from biomass by fermentation

is just an extension of this old process,
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of
although a wider range of plant material 100100

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestionis a biochemical

degradation process that converts
complex organic material, such as
animal manure, into methane and
other byproducts.
9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 101101
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● Third level
● Fourth level
Floating Gasholder drum

● Fifth level
BMS Evening College of

Spherical shaped fixed
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-dome plant
Second level
● Third level
● Fourth level

● Fifth level

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Uses of Biogas
Ø Biogas can be directly used for
cooking by supplying the gas though
pipes to households from the plant.
Ø Biogas has been effectively used as
a fuel in industrial high compression
spark ignition engines.
Ø To generate electricity an induction
generator can be used and is the
simplest to interface to the electrical
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9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 105105

How does it work?
• Dam creates a
reservoir, which stores
• Dam elevates the water,
creating a drop
• Water from the
reservoir falls through
the penstock to turn the
• Generator is turned by
the turbine to produce
• Electricity is carried to
the consumers by power
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Hydro Electric Power (Hydel
Operating Principle

Ø Hydro-electric power is generated by the flow

of water through turbine, turning the blades of
the turbine.

Ø A generator shaft connected to this turbine

also turns and hence generates electricity
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The main components of a hydel

power plant are:
Ø Dam/Reservoir/Large buffer tank
Ø Penstock
Ø Power House
BMS Evening College of 109109

Depending on the capacity, hydel power

plants are divided into the following

Category Capacity
Large Hydel Plant 50 MW to 1000 MW
Large Cities
9/10/10 Hydel Plant 1 MW
BMS Evening Collegeto
of 50 MW 110110

Hydel plants have an efficiency of

75%. The power delivered is given by
the following expression:
Power delivered = 7*H*dQ/dt Kilo
Where H = Head in meters
DQ/dt = Rate of discharge in m3/s

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 111111

The turbine is a device which
converts the hydraulic power from the
water to rotating mechanical energy.

There are several turbines that have

been developed for specific purposes.
Turbines are classified into
a)Impulse turbines for high heads.
9/10/10 turbines
BMS Eveningfor low
College of heads. 112112

No CO2 or other
harmful emissions
Fossil fuels like oil and
gas will become more
and more expensive
Is very reliable

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 113113


Building costs are

very high
You need a river
The water doesn't
come constantly

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 114114

Environmental problems

Emits greenhouse gases

Effects fish migration
Change of habitat for animals
Causes erosion of riverbanks
Reduced oxygen content in water

9/10/10 BMS Evening College of 115115

Air Pollution :- High particulate matter emission levels due to
burning of inferior grade coal which leads to
generation of large quantity of flyash

Emissions of SO2, NOx & Green house gas (CO2)

are also matter of concern

Water Pollution :- Mainly caused by the effluent discharge from ash

ponds, condenser cooling /cooling tower, DM plant and
Boiler blow down.

Noise Pollution :- High noise levels due to release of high pressure

steam and running of fans and motors

Land Degradation :- About 100 million tonnes of fly ash is generated by

use of coal far energy production. The disposal of such large
quantity of fly ash has occupied thousands hectares of land
which includes agricultural and forest land too.

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Share of Sulphur Dioxide Load (Tonnes / day)
By different categories of Industries
(Total Load = 3715 Tonnes / day)

Sulphuric Acid
Oil Refineries Plants
3% 2% Others

Thermal Power

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Gas Turbine Power Plants
Gas generator section • Power
Combustion chamber
• Power
Gas generator turbine

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Gas Turbine Plant
Light weight & compact
Short startup time
Reliable & quiet
High full-load efficiency
Large quantities of air (NBC problems)
Large fuel storage
Low efficiency @ partial loads
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Nuclear Power Plant

Endurance, reliability, speed
No air required for combustion
No NBC warfare problem
High costs & weight for shielding
Long startup time
Manpower & training requirements
Radiological problems
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Diesel Plant

High efficiency @ all loads
Low initial cost and specific fuel cost (SFC)
Few operators needed
Capacity limitations & space considerations
High maintenance & overhaul
High lube oil consumption
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What is Cogeneration?
Simultaneous production of electricity and
thermal energy
President Carter coined the phrase
cogeneration in the 1970s
Also called Combined Heat and Power
Thermal demand can include hot water,
steam, space heating, cooling, and

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History of Cogeneration

CHP was most common form of electricity

generation around 1900
Cost reduction and reliability of separate
electric systems overtook the market
By 1978, only 4% of US electricity was
generated using CHP
Currently a stagnation in the CHP market

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Cogeneration Technologies

Steam or gas turbines

Fuel cells
Micro turbines

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Cogeneration Fuels
Natural gas
Bagasse (waste product from sugar cane
Waste gas
Sludge gas from sewage treatment plant
Methane from landfills and coal bed
Liquid fuels (oil)
Renewable gases
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Cogeneration Fuels (cont.)


Natural gas
Waste gas 55%

Liquid fuels
Renew able gases

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Three Categories of CHP
Industrial plants
District energy systems
Small-scale commercial and residential
building systems

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Industrial Plant
Largest share of current installed
capacity in US
Segment with greatest potential for
near-term growth
Example industries include
petroleum refining, petrochemical,
and pulp and paper
Often have electricity capacity of
more than 50MW and several
hundred thousand lb/hr of steam
Generally owned by a 3rd party 128128
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District Energy Systems
Distribute steam, hot water, and/or
chilled water from central plant to
individual buildings through a network
of pipes
Provide space heating, air
conditioning, domestic hot water, and
industrial process energy
Examples include universities,
hospitals, and government complexes
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Small Scale Systems
Reciprocating engines and micro-combustion
turbines are making CHP feasible for smaller
commercial buildings
System generates part of the electricity
requirements for the building while providing
heating and/or cooling
Capacities start as low as 25kW
Examples include small commercial buildings
such as fast food restaurants

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Barriers to Cogeneration
Current regulations don’t recognize the
overall efficiency or credit the emissions
avoided using CHP systems
Site-by-site environmental permitting
system is complex costly and time
Utilities charge discriminatory backup rates
or “exit fees” to customers who build on
site CHP facilities

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Barriers to Cogeneration
Depreciation schedules don’t
accurately reflect equipment lifetime
Unfavorable tax treatment
Market is unaware of technology
developments that have expanded to
potential for CHP

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Potential Growth for CHP
If barriers are removed CHP capacity
will likely increase

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More efficient because it uses the

residual thermal energy wasted in
standard electrical energy facilities
Uses less fuel than conventional facilities
Overall net efficiency of 65% to 90%
(generally around 70%)
Typical power facility is 30% to 35%

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Efficiency (cont.)

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Efficiency (cont.)

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Cogeneration Schematic

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Cogeneration Operation
Two natural gas fired combustion turbines
drive generators to produce electricity
Hot combustion gases from the turbines pass
through a heat-recovery steam generator
(HRSG) to produce steam
High and low pressure steam from the HRSG
then pass through an extracting/condensing
steam turbine which sends heating steam to
UW and produces electricity for MGE

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Cogeneration Operation
A condenser and cooling towers turn the
exhaust steam into water which is reused
Electricity driven centrifugal chillers
produce chilled water for UW, using
cooling towers for heat removal
Steam heat and chilled water will be used
by UW
Electricity sent to existing substation and
used by Madison residents

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Environmental Aspects

Efficiency – overall net 70%

Nitrogen oxide (NOx) – emissions reduced
by up to 150 tons/yr or 80% compared to
separate electric generation/cooling
facilities (catalytic reduction units result
in NOx emissions of 2.5 ppm)
CO2 – emissions reduced by 50,000
tons/yr or 15% compared to separate

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Environmental Aspects
Noise level – 60dB at facility boundary
Normal conversation is 60-65dB
Natural gas usage – in cogeneration
mode, 10-15% less gas than separate

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