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EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Sammon Kuma VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘On behalf of Vanda Teas, wear pleased lo make you anole of appointment as Manage Logistics at Vahdom Teas. Youll be placed at our office in Now Del, Okhla Pha ‘aeeement, accopted, sas forth te tors of your employment withthe company. We corsider 1 The "enportan for us to understand our mutual expectations regarding your employment with Ne nny, Ths agreement when signed by you and an authorized company representative wil = legally binding agreement, The purpove of is agreement isto sat out he tems of your employment with the company 35 talows: ‘Te contac of employment (Agrwement 8 made and entered inte between Vanda Teas Private Lmted (Company), wih ks ofce a B-108 Okt Industial Area - Phase 1. New Deb "10020, NDIA, and Sarnmee Kumar, an indival Cou") ‘our activa dat of employment wih the company wl be Sth January, 2018 ‘sujact tothe trms, your employments intended to be inde, subject to termination pursuant to the terme ofthis Agreement and ihe reqaement of appcabeInian iw, ‘arms and Scope of Employment: ‘You ibe employed inthe postin of Manager, Logstes ADMIN OFFICE: 8-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE - 1 NEW DELHI - 110020 al See VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘Prone No O1-4073406 ‘eal: hepeahsontaascam Under me tems of is Agreement, and without he need terminate the employment ‘elatons orto entrinto a new agreement, the Company permite Io essign you, ‘dctonal asks, o molly or remove you aged dlls, wihoutsdaionsl, compensation o you You win aston othe tems and condton of enploymant special stated hes, ‘so be governed by te rules reguaon and such ther practices, sytem, orocedures {and polices remee, amended. ose o nites bythe empany Kom bn tote. ‘You wi sito be governed by sitter laws enacted by Contra and Site Government ot lol auton as may be apptcabe to you trom tine to ine. 3. Professional Ethics & Confidentiality: ‘While you ar inthe services of tho company, you are nat geri to cary on ay ‘siness or profession or ene, for ry para your i, Inany capaci. he serves of, 2 Beempioyes by or engaged with ary oer fm, company or person You wit devote your whole ine and stent o your ofle work to pret the intrest ofthe company, lease noe that while joining tho services of ha company ad during the course of your ‘serices wth ho company, you woud be required tone he company immediately th deta of civ or cminal cael insitted against you Many any cout aw of any omelaishow cause necelprosecuton witb any plc station by ary stattory ‘author, a8 aso you wil noty any outcome of euch compart ke ng of chargeshostrrestConvicon/AcquitaVDischarge. Ay actin beach ol his em woud ‘ental inaton of eppropriateacton as deamed bythe company. ‘The company expects a resoliton of issuals eating to your employment if any, within {he Ramowork tema, at limos during you service pared ad even afer cessation of srvie due to any reason whatsoever, As sch please net that any atempt to ng {any ode infuenes - det or inarecty- upon any aur are your trons inrospect of matiers pearing to your services wih the company wou emoun ‘ach of employment contrat leading 1 ition of appropriate acon Plese noe that dung the couse of your serves with he zompany, you wl not ake Partin any demoastation/agtaton against the oompany ants offal rot on beh of any extemal bodespoical ous - ether as membres a sympathize Any ae in conraventen of he above would be Hosted ax preudalto tw invest end ‘reputation ofthe company leacing to nitaton of aprepia acton ‘ADMIN OFFICE: B-08 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI 110020 VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Phone No: On-41073005, Malls nabGvatdartansor 4. Notice Period: + incase you decid t leave ho company’ services, you wil be required to give 2 ‘moss wrton netic (60 ays). Incase you foo 9, yu wl belgie to pay 'e company 2 months of your CTC salary. The coreany ns Sle cscretion can ‘decd to waive offreducs ine note peed depending upon the eigecis. Incase he conan docies to terminate your sorvens ana association wn the company, you ‘woud be requrea to serve 1 month notes (20 dae). The company can ao terminals You" sonices with imme ete without the employs having oearve the nates Bed by paying 1 month of your CTC sry, 5. Vacation Enilament nd Paid Holidays: 1 Youwi be ented to eaves a: dood by th eave poy of he company. Such eaves to» provad according tote number ef completed months of services and wil bo taken by you at mes that wit be determine, depending upon the equrerents of the business actives of te Company and depending upon the poison of natena unless te Company and you sal ethorwsespectcall agree. 6. Confdentiaty and Nen-Disslosure Agreement ‘+ Company's Trade Secrots - in tbe porrmanceof Employee's ob dues wih the company employe will ba expcees to conay'sconidentalntrmaton.“Confidnta lnfomation “means information a mater! Pats commit vauabie toe company (@) Teetcal information concerning company’s products and serves, ncluing product ‘row-ow, formals, designs, devices, agtéme, software code, et eau, recess, inventions, researc projects and product davelopmens, technical memorands and ‘orespondence: (b) Infomation concerning companys business, nudng cost infomation, pois, sles, ‘nfomation accounting and unpubishes nancial nfomaten, business plan, make ‘2nd mrkating methods, cusses ad customar ifomation, purchasing ‘wchiques, super sls and supplerifomation and sdverting satis. (© iforaton concerning company’s employees ‘eluding slanes, strange, weaknesses (@)fomaton suomi by companys customer, buppSers, employes, consultants of ‘ovetuepariners wih company fer study, evauaton or use, and ADMIN OFFICE: 8-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI 110020, cee OF VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Phone Ne. 01-11073406 ‘EMalt: hleataens.con (6) Any cher information ot ganeraly brown ote publ when. iaused or islosed, ould easonaby be expociod lo edvereay aoc company's business ‘+ Non Disclosure of Trade Secrets: Employee shal hen company’s confidential 'nfrmation, wheter net prepares or developed by employee inthe sncost anfience, Employee wil not csclse suc lvomation fo anyone ouside company without companys par wren consent Noe wil employee make use of any canted ‘nformation fr or emoyee's own purposes or the bento anyone ate than company. Al the resetch done and data generated neucng thet ofthe leriauatmer database of Vahcam is the sole propery of the Organisation Unauthorised sarin copying deleting or transnting (hn hardiso or any eer means) of any ober infermation wi be in beach of conract ise secu aga ofence and ey potted This wile to immedste termination witet ary note, Alllossas on such fences wil have io be fay compensated in monary tens + Return of Matra: Wen employee's employment wih tn company ends fo whatever reason, employee will romp ceiver to company all agnals and copies of ‘l documents, comput, records, sofware programe, media and eter mateale anlaning any confide information. Employee wl alo rtum to company a eapment fies, sotsare programs ang othe personal property belonging to company. *+ Confidentiality Obigition Survives Employmant: Employee's ebigation to mainan "he confidently and socrty of conan formation remain even ai the ‘employee's empoymex win company ends an continues fr slong as sh onidntal oem romaine wade sare, + Your soar package is base on besides your overall experience lovl nthe industy, {You edueatona quaifeations andthe experience ané knowledge love asseseed a the ‘ime of selection, partly nthe sil sets relevant. Thereor, the salary package ‘fleet you is peculiar and personal to you = Youwil not nige datas tke componsation stucire (CTC), perfarmance rating, performance bonis amount increment tend wi not dwg oan person of iizo any of he company’s sxres or athe related information (which you may posto by ‘aon of your associaten withthe company) with any extemal agencis pres te ‘outside he company, Ary actin breach of str would ena nation of approprite acton as deemod fi byin company, 5 ADMIN OFFICE: 8-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI - 110020, ante VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED ‘Phone No O1-1073408 eMail belegrandanteancom During the peed of emeloymentyoumigh receive valuable lvomation pertains fo \Vandam's new businessos and proces, whch shoul ot be dscosad any ote third arty witout he por krowldge of Oranaiontanagament, “ianster ‘rng te cours of your ene wt te company.) ae lbatobe tant, decid by the company, o any os lcalen where e compen shaving bncosk, Furor, te company may atts cscreton alsa ansfor your serie to ay ott ‘associates andor group sommpanies anywhere i. ‘Sontdentaty and Nan-Compatiion Obligations: Inthe event of mination of you saris bythe company or your resignation from the ‘s0roes of tho company, for 8 pared of 24 mnths there. he employes shal no ‘roc or indeed engage i, be employed by, manage, operate render serves fr, fay on, or partial in wheter a onner,parer. onautart, save or ‘otherwise, n any capacty whatsoever) ary business which in competvon Sect or lncrcty withthe business of te Company ots 2 compete. Competitor means thy Berson wn i, dey orice, ngagtdin any commercial acy whichis ‘he sare as anor sustaiialy senior ois o¢ may be @subtiuot the Busines ich competes in any way win the Businoss,incutingrelling of ta faves, tea ond, pices & herbal favour online & trough aher means. lease not tht during the course of your servca wit the company ora the event of cesetion of you servicesin thefts, eto any reason whatsoever, ou sal fora aod e2 year om the date such eastaton, cect or inrecy, ether on your ‘24m cord or on Bohan conjunction wh any ther parsons, fr or company fetanesat rom canvassing or solising or tempting fo or Inducing any ‘moyee(s)businoss associ) oleave at curent employment wit he compeny tojoin be services of yournew employetin/businesscompary or any der ‘ompetior. This includes tne invtaton of any sector or employee of the Company i Join he Employes or any cnr person, company reniy asa parnor,c-eunder, epoyee, vostro ctw. Ary actin contavenon of he above provion sha ‘nial iain of aperopateacton as doomed by the company. fot pt 24 mate saree es cs cased tone Geren poy tk ror ny Ca cr (ta termi end btw, rector nents, ty hradcon thew tn Cnpy ee Susess, any yp fares ba ax puaned whl arpleyedoy be Conan ree purpon os doce Cnt shat mean} Ogasawara eae ‘ADMIN OFFICE: B-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI 110020 VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Phone Na 1141073408 dal: res on baal of the Company (i) Organizations you soled and wich ‘subsequently hired the Company dung the Tw yer period porto your separation ‘rom tn Company and for one year after you leave ths Company's onsen 9. Termination of €mployment: + Your eerices with te company ae Sable tobe teminaad if 8) Any breach of he condtons mantond nis of letr on your part 1) Any incorrect oration furnished by you the mlm in your prevus employment ta.even for a day, mismatch m your previous pay si, forging of company documents, fake documents ete: and ©) Suppression of any materia intation by you 1) Non-isclosure of any infomation about competion which canbe har he ‘operators ofthe company ‘+ Qn zonation of your serces, you wl return al asses of he Company which aren Yur posteston ad wl abe ened to use any formation cme Corpor {Rete in any mater whatsoever, The Compan reserve ho imtion law to take atrncessaryacton to potet misuse of any propery internation upon youleaving bh ergancaton 10. Ganeral Provisions: "+ Belaanshias: Nothing contained nis agreement shal be doomed to make employee {parte ont vertu of company fr eny pure, + Stisabltvi a cout fe any provision ofthis agreement inva or unenforceable, he ‘eeainde of ts agreement shal be interpreted so a best oat tne lentat ‘company and employee, * letasatn: This agreement expresses he complete understanding of he pate wih ‘respect ote subject matter and suporsees all pro proposals, apreornents wring signed by both company ang employee * ladamat: Employes agrees to indemnity company against eny ard a loss, ameges, lms or expendesincured or sured by company asa rest ot employee's ‘reach ofthis ogreement ‘ADMIN OFFICE: B-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI 110029 & Phone No: 01141073426 alls ; KVA VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED ¥en ara aprssae to the above-mentioned ere and condone, ploazo imitate your acceptance tous by reluming scopy of his lotr, duly signed by you, The dea of your ‘renunecation are given in Annexure. Ths Agreement wl remain valid unt ts trminaod in ‘cordance with he provisions of hi Agreement. ‘Youhave caret reed al tis agreement and agrees ha l ofthe restritons so fo are fir 2d oasonably required to protact company’ intrest oe —teidka ‘Agreed and Executed For vate Te ‘Auonzed Signatary ‘Semmes Kumar Sarda - CEO, Vahdam Teas ‘Oat 2nd January, 2018 ‘ADMIN OFFICE: 8-108 OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE -1 NEW DELHI~ 110020 od RV VAHDAM TEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Phone No 01181072408 Eat abgames cm “ANNEXURE: Date: 2nd January, 2018 (CTC breakup stating Sth January, 2018 for Sammee Kum Sno [Component ony Amc [Ann Aout)

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