Bahasa Inggris Ispaku

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A. Definitions

Acute Respiratory Infection is a group of complex and heterogeneous diseases caused by

various causes and can affect any location along the respiratory tract (WHO, 1986).

Respiratory tract infection is a condition in which the respiratory tract (nose, pharynx and
larynx) is inflamed causing airway obstruction and will cause chest wall retraction during
respiration (Pincus Catzel & Ian Roberts; 1990; 450).

A respiratory tract infection is a decrease in the natural airway defense ability in the face of
foreign organisms (Whaley and Wong; 1991; 1418).

Acute Respiratory Infection stands for acute respiratory infection, the term is adapted from
the English term Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI). The term ARD includes three elements,
namely infection, respiratory and acute channels, with the following meanings:

Infection is the entry of germs or microorganisms into the human body and multiply causing
symptoms of the disease.

Respiratory tract is the organ from the nose to the alveoli and organ adneksanya like sinuses,
middle ear and pleural cavity. ARDs anatomically include upper respiratory tract, lower
respiratory tract (including lung tissue) and respiratory tract organ adnexa. With this
limitation, lung tissue is included in the respiratory tract.

Acute infection is an infection lasting up to 14 days. The 14 day limit is taken to indicate an
acute process although for some diseases that can be classified in ARI the process can last
more than 14 days.

B. Etiology

Etiology of ARI consists of 300 types of bacteria, viruses and richetsia. Bacteria that cause
ISPA include streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Pneumococcus, Haemophylus, Bordetella and
Corinebacterium. Viruses that cause ARI include Mixovirus, Adenovirus, Coronavirus,
Picornavirus, Micoplasma, Herpesvirus and others. (Suriadi, 2001)

D. Clinical Features
The disease is usually manifested in the form of a fever, nasal obstruction with a watery
secretion to the breathing strait, the baby becomes restless and difficult or even unwilling to
drink (Pincus Catzel & Ian Roberts; 1990; 451).

E. Signs and symptoms

a. The signs and symptoms of are as follows:

1) Cough

2) Rapid breathing

3) Sneezing

4) Discharge secretions or mucus from the nose

5) Headache

6) A mild fever

7) Not feeling well

8) nasal congestion

9) Sometimes pain when swallowing

F. Diagnostic Examination

The usual diagnostic checks are:

1. Examination of culture / culture germs (swab); the results obtained are bacterial cultures
(+) in accordance with the type of germs,

2. Blood count examination (deferential count); the rate of sedimentation of the blood
increases with the presence of leukocytosis and may also be accompanied by the presence of
thrombocytopenia, and

3. Examination of thoracic photos if necessary

G. Complications

a. Penemonia.
b. Bronchitis.

c. Sinusitis.

d. Laryngitis.

e. Seizure Fever.

(Soegijanto, S, 2009)

H. Management

1. Treatment:

a. Rest in place until the fever is gone, break sound.

b. Diet soft foods

c. Warm water compresses

In the study Nurlaili Susanti (2012) In addition to cold compress, known use of warm
compresses in the treatment of fever. Warm compresses are coating the surface of the skin
with a towel that has been dampened with warm water with a maximum temperature of 43oC.
Location of the skin where the compresses are usually on the face, neck, and hands. Warm
compresses on the skin can inhibit the shivering and metabolic effects it produces. In
addition, warm compresses also induce peripheral vasodilation, thereby increasing body heat
expenditure. Research has shown that combination antipyretic therapy and warm compresses
are more effective than antipyretics alone, while also reducing the discomfort caused by
symptoms of perceived fever. The use of antipyretics and warm compresses has a non-
contrasting process in lowering body temperature. Therefore, the use of a combination of
both is recommended in the treatment of fever.

In the article Various Traditional Medicines For Children, grated onion that is rubbed on the
child's body can reduce fever

d. Provision of drinking water

Provision of warm drinking water can thin the sputum. In addition in the article Various
Drugs For Children, lime juice mixed with honey and warm water can thin the sputum.

e. Monitor vital signs

I. Prevention

Some things that need to be done to prevent ARI is:

1. Seeking Children to Have a Good Nutrition

a. The baby should be breastfed until the age of two because breast milk is the best food for
the baby.

b. Give baby solids according to age.

c. In infants and children, food should contain enough nutrients that contain enough protein
(egg white matter), carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

d. Nutritious food does not mean expensive food. Protein for example can be obtained from
tempeh and tofu, carbohydrates from rice or corn, fat from coconut or oil while vitamins and
minerals from vegetables, and fruits.

2. Ensuring Immunization of Children With Immunization

In order for children to obtain immunity in the body of children need to get immunization of
DPT (MOH, 2002). DPT immunization one of which is intended to prevent Pertussis disease
which one of the symptoms is a respiratory infection (Gloria Cyber Ministries, 2001).

3. Maintaining Personal and Environmental Hygiene

Behavior clean and healthy life is the main capital for the prevention of ARI disease,
otherwise behavior that does not reflect healthy life will cause various diseases. This behavior
can be done through efforts to pay attention to healthy homes, healthy villages and healthy
environment (Suyudi, 2002).

4. Immediate Treatment

If the child is positive for ARD, parents should not provide food that can stimulate the pain in
the throat, such as cold drinks, foods containing vetsin or savory, coloring, preservatives and
foods that are too sweet. Children who have ARI, should be immediately taken to the doctor
(PD PERSI, 2002)


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