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For the rotary evaporation of the condensate from the prior process, the sample was placed to

the round-bottom flask and deionized water was used to fill the heating bath so that the flask will be
immerse the in the warm water. It consists of a heated rotating vessel which was maintained under a
vacuum though a tube connecting it to a condenser. The flask's rotation provides improved heat transfer
to the contained liquid; the rotation also strongly reduces the occupancy of bumps caused by
superheating of the liquid. The solvent vapors leave the flask by the connecting tube and are condensed
in the condenser section. The condenser section was arranged so that the condensed vapors drain into
another flask where they are collected. A condenser at the other end converts the gas back to liquid,
which requires lowered temperatures. Cold water is used in achieving the cooling effect, after which the
condensed liquid is collected in a separate vessel.

As the cold water was being circulated through the rotavap condenser it condenses the volatile
solvent on the condenser coils and dripped into the receiving flask. Once all the solvent evaporated the
flask was raised out of the water bath and the spinning was discontinued.

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