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Nozzle calculation for M1

A Inputs
A.1 Design constraints
Pressure for reinforcement calculation P 81.717 bars
Temperature for internal pressure, Temp 121 °C
Design External Pressure, Pext 1.025 bars
Temperature for External Pressure, Tempex 121 °C

Shell Material SA-240 316L

Material properties as per section II part D
Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 92.1 N./mm²
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 115 N./mm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 1220 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 60 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 800 mm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 °C

A.2 Nozzle details

Material SA-182 F316L
Material Specification/Type Forgings
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 92.1 N./mm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 115 N./mm²

Nozzle type Hub nozzle(set in)

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) OD
Layout Angle 90 deg
Diameter 20 inch
Nozzle OD 508 mm
Size and Thickness Basis Nominal
Nominal Thickness 80 sch
26.19 mm
Flange Material SA-182 F316L
Flange Type RTJWn
Hub Height of Integral Nozzle h 101 mm
Height of Beveled Transition L 25 mm
Hub Thickness of Integral Nozzle ( tn or x+tp ) 50 mm

Corrosion Allowance can 0 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1
Joint Efficiency of Shell E 1
Outside Projection ho 150 mm
Thickness of reinforcing pad te 18 mm
Width of reinforcemennt pad W 210 mm
Weld leg size between Nozzle and
L41 18 mm
Weld leg size between Pad to Shell L42 18 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and
Wgnv 60 mm
Inside Projection h 0 mm
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell L43 0 mm
ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None
This is a Manway or Access Opening.

Class of attached Flange 900

Grade of attached Flange Gr 2.3

Pressure design option Design pressure +

static head

B Neck thickness calculation-M1

Outside diameter of nozzle 20 inch

B.1 Cylindrical shell thickness - Tr (internal pressure) Cl.UG-27(c-1)

P=internal design pressure
81.717 bars
8.1717 N./mm²
R=inside radius of the shell course under
consideration 610 mm

S=maximum allowable stress value 92.1 N./mm²

t=minimum required thickness of shell

Required thickness of cylindrical shell 57.17 mm

B.2 Required thickness of nozzle wall- Trn (internal pressure) Cl.App 1-1(a)(1)

Ro=outside radius of nozzle 254 mm

Required thickness of nozzle wall,Trn 21.76 mm

Required thickness of nozzle under external pressure (UG 28) 1.0086 mm

B.3 Intermediate hub nozzle calculation

Check to determine use of sketch e-1 or e-2

Height value from sketch e-1 (te)

te=(hub thk. - neck thk.)/tan30 41.24 mm
2.5xhub thickness 125 mm
Hub height < 2.5 x Hub thick

Hence. Use sketch UG 40-e1

D Available Reinforcement area calculation

D.1 Limit of reinforcement along the vessel wall

D.1.1 For intergrally reinforced nozzles:

Effective length of vessel wall LR = 8t
Nominal thickness of vessel t = 60 mm

D.1.2 Nozzle with reinforcement Pad

Thickness of reinforcing pad te = 18 mm

Width of reinforcemennt pad W = 210 mm
0.5t = 30 mm
2t = 120 mm
8(te + t) = 624 mm
te < 0.5t
W >=8(t+te)

D.1.3 Hence,
LR = 8t

D.1.4 = 480 mm

D.1.5 Corrected LR for incorporating spacing limitation = 210 mm

D.1.3 Therefor, LR = 210 mm

D.2 Limit of reinforcement along the nozzle wall projection outside vessel surface

= 143.247 mm

= 210 mm

= 624 mm

= 192.56 mm

Effective length of nozzle wall outside the vessel, LH

= 143.247 mm

Nozzle inside radius Rn = 227.81 mm
Nominal thickness of nozzle
tn 50 mm
Nozzle projection from outside
Lpr1 150 mm
Thickness of the reinforcing pad
te 18 mm
Nominal wall thickness of
thinner portion
tn2 26.19 mm
Length of variable thickness
Lpr3 101 mm

D.3 Determining Total available area near the nozzle opening

= 1.824

D.3.1 Area contributed by the vessel A1


= 126 cm2

D.3.2 Area contributed by the nozzle A2

outside the vessel wall

= 71.623 cm2

161.000 mm
>= LH
D.3.3 Area contributed by shell inside the vessel wall, A 3
= 0.000 cm2

Effective length of nozzle wall 0
inside the vessel, L1 = mm

D.3.3 Area contributed by the A41

outside nozzle fillet weld

= 1.62 cm2

Inside diameter of nozzle dn = 455.62 mm
Inside diameter of shell Di = 1220 mm
Effective thickness near teff = 60 mm
nozzle opening
Weld leg length of outside
nozzle fllet weld L41 = 18 mm

D.3.4 Area contributed by the pad to

vessel fillet weld A42 = 1.62 cm2


Weld length of the pad to

vessel fillet weld
L42 = 18 mm

D.3.5 Area contributed by the inside

nozzle fillet weld A43 = 0 cm2

Weld length of the inside
nozzle fillet weld L43 = 0 mm

D.3.6 Area contributed by the

reinforcing pad A5 = 37.8 cm2


Width of reinforcemennt pad W = 210 mm

Total Area within the assumed
limits of reinforcement

AT = 238.663 cm2

D.4 Effective radius of shell Reff

= 610 mm

D.5 Applicable forces

Force from internal pressure in

D.5.1 the nozzle

= 15802.73 kgf
D.5.2 Force from internal pressure in
shell fS

= 132158.93635 kgf

D.5.3 Discontinuity force from

internal pressure fY

= 115796.64343 kgf

Internal design pressure P 81.717 bar
83.32845924 kg/cm2
Radius of nozzle opening along Rnc
the long chord

= 227.81 mm

D.6 Effective thickness for nozzle in cylindrical shell

= 60 mm

D.7 Primary membrane stresses

D.7.1 Average local primary membrane stress σavg

= 108.42 N/mm2

D.7.2 General primary stress σcirc

= 83.11 N/mm2

D.8 Maximum local primary membrane

stressat nozzle intersection PL
= 133.72 N/mm2

D.9 Allowable local primary membrane stress Sallow

= 138.15 N/mm2

Allowable stress of nozzle S = 92.1 N/mm2
Weld joint factor E = 1

D.10 Comparing PL with Sall

Opening is adequately Reinforced

D.11 Nozzle maximum allowable pressure Pmax

= 84.452 bar

= 90.590163934 bar

= 3165.28 cm2

= 84.451785335 bar

D.12 Smmary of nozzle pressure/stress Results

Allowable local primary membrane stress Sallow = 138.15 N/mm2

Maximum local primary membrane

stressat nozzle intersection PL = 133.72 N/mm2
Nozzle maximum allowable pressure Pmax = 84.452 bar
ID of vess 122 cm
Head depth 30.5 cm
Shell height above nozzle 335.4 cm
waterHeight above nozzle 365.9 cm
density of liq 0.001 kg/cm3
Static head 3.589479 N/cm2
0.358948 bar
int press 81.35814 bar
total press 81.71709 bar

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