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(18h Feb 2018) ~ study Rev 11:18 ~ (endtimes777) “..and shouldest destroy them which destroy the
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SPECIAL REPORT (highlighting our youtuber friends)

When we read things in the book of revelation about 1/3 of the sea dying & 1/3 of the ships being destroyed (Rev 8:9), most
prosperity churches tell us that it’s speaking of something else; NOT what actually is written in front of you, in black ink. The
catholic church, when they say their gay/paedophile priests are better at interpreting the bible than you; do you really think
they are telling the truth about the death of one of the world’s largest
oceans, and the death of MILLIONS of species, never to be seen again
on the planet earth?

Since Fukushima was tsunami’d in March 2011, some say by scalar

weaponry, or by H.A.A.R.P. Yet, the true significance of this event has
been played down by the media, with crazy Boris Johnston, pictured
below, drinking a can of peach juice from (allegedly) the grounds of
Fukushima. The picture on the left is what he will look like in a few
years, unless there is some anti-radiation drug we don’t know about.
Telsa might have, but most of his inventions were hidden, only
coming out sporadically the past 100 years. Scalar weaponry can be
used for many things, including using it as a plasma shield against
radiation! But I am sure thy won’t release that technology to us!!

The millions of tonnes of radiation per day, were, and are being
released into the Pacific Ocean, and is also being released into the air.
This is causing the mass deaths of fish and birds falling out the sky…..
the media only going as far as to tell us that it must be “global
warming”, and not the earth being poisoned by Radiation Fallout
from the many nuclear power stations, not least in Japan. In the UK we
have Sellafield, and locals there have been campaigning for years that
it be shut down immediately after leaks causing high cancer rates in
the Liverpool area, and while evidence of radiation sweeps around the
British and Scandinavian coasts, causing star fish to “melt”, and fish to
have tumour growths.

Kevin Blanch, Dana Durnford (BeautifulGirlByDana), and many

others are speaking out about this extinction level event in the North
Pacific, but hardly a whimper from your local, main urine stream run
media. Oh yes I forgot….. the Olympics are going to be held in Japan
2020…. they wouldn’t sacrifice your future, and the future of your
children for a few quid in their pockets, would they??

Tut Tut for even suggesting that!!

Which brings me to our freakish friend above’s linage…. an article recently showing his ancestry from a mummy in Egypt.
That’s right, from the Pharaoh’s linage, same as Jimmy Savile, and many other’s who have shafted society, for money in the
pocket. Sell outs, clouds without water as the book of Jude describes them, where the darkest pit of hell is reserved for. Sean
Hross is another youtuber who looks into secret societies in his well talked about “Pharaoh Show”, done in English, German, and
French, is well worth watching. Let the “Joseph company” as spoken of in flyer 13, rise up against these Pharaoh’s, who are truly
killing the earth as the bible predicted would happen, like in “the days of Noah”, so shall it be at Christ’s 2 nd coming.
As Ecosystem breaks down because of the Nuclear Industry - and is spiralling out of control, you might wonder what type of future
we (humanity) may have. Enter Robocop, Darth Vader, or how about Spiderman, or the Fantastic 4? What they share in common is
transhumanism, a state of altered humanity, which holywood promotes as “pure brilliant man”. But God calls them all
“ABOMINATIONS”. In fact, our education system has failed to teach us the extreme
dangers of all the break downs that are going on around us (not least of all your smart
car), whether they be moral, physical, or mental, we are being led swiftly away from the
great I AM (YHWH), and into a place which is desolate from real love, truth, health, and
all the good stuff we take for granted, like having a soul. Sensual lusts destroy the mind,
and open the way for a future of fatherless children, and cold loveless families, perhaps
like JK (Jamiroquai) spoke about in his recent single “Automaton”. Well, we know it’s
already here, but for how long will it stay?
“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse...”
You may think that what we are talking about here is science, but the creator of all things
asks this: “choose you this day which Father is your own…. I the creator, or satan the
destroyer”; known in 2Thessalonians as “the man of perdition” (destruction). The bible
is the real, trustworthy book of history, with it’s events proven by prayerful men such as
Ron Wyatt, who we highlighted in another of our flyers.
If you want to get involved in educating your local church, school, or family, drop us a
line at “Yeshurun International” (on youtube), or simply download our flyers at and share. We believe it is the endtimes, and our friend at endtimess777 on youtube shares his street ministry and produces
music online for your encouragement. We currently support 20 aids orphan families in Uganda, so for a worth while donation or if you
would like to give to the project in building an orphanage in East Africa, please contact us now. Sharing the truth and love of the
gospel of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) is what we are about, and loving the truth is what we should do, lest God sends a strong
Finally, rather than doing a whole other flyer about the “Mandela Effect”, which we spoke about CERN in flyer 21 and it’s link with
the “Hindu gods”, or what I call demons, there have been several quantum shifts reported around the world, starting around the 1980’s,
and peaking about 2015-16. What am I talking about? – the “Mandela Effect” or “Quantum Effect” is a time distortion anomaly, which
is caused by time travel. Let me give you some quick examples. Life “is” no longer like a box of chocolates ; Sex is no longer “in”
the city ; Dolly no longer wears braces (Moonraker) ; Darth Vader leaves out his son’s name when revealing he is his father ; no
longer Froot Loops or Looney Toons ; the V and W and the Volkswagen badge no longer touch ; Ford logo has added a tail to the
“F” ; Australia moved north west from New Zealand, South America moved east from Central America ; Statue of Liberty torch been
out of bounds since New York was bombed by the Nazi’s, even though people remember visiting the torch a few years ago, and
don’t remember the bombing ; location of Statue of Liberty no longer Ellis Island ; wicked witch in Snow White no longer says
“mirror mirror”, and there are hundreds of more examples which have already shaken people’s understanding of reality.
It may be that you have read Yeshurun’s flyer’s before, and they have informed you of something important, or changed your outlook,
hopefully about your eternal destiny.... The flyer’s were started by a missionary in Ghana, who baptised and started a group who called
themselves ‘Yeshurun’, a name taken out of the old testament meaning “upright’, or ‘righteous’. They were Liberian refugees, who
were hungry for information about why so many church denominations and why the ‘church” does not work together as one body.
Perhaps if someone’s brain is disconnected from their body, the body doesn’t work. That is why we at Yeshurun, feel that education is
a stimulant unto good works and exploits, which the bible describes in the book of Daniel; the 2 resurrections described in Daniel 12,
one for the righteous (those who take the gospel to heart), and those who follow a different gospel, which the bible calls, those who
walk in the spirit of error, or unrighteousness. A tree is known by it’s fruit.
So just as knowledge increases as Daniel predicted, so do cancer rates, brain tumour's and other diseases, flu covering the whole of the
UK in January 2018 (for the 1st time), and also killing thousands a day in America this month. As we explained the main reason for
chemtrails in flyer 13, they can be also used to spread viruses into the air, and the phone towers pump our school children full of low
dose radiation, as if the nuclear industry wasn’t enough. Many have taken wi-fi OUT of their houses due to frequent headaches and
other behavioural changes, which can only be attributed to scalar warfare technology; weapons we don’t think are weapons are being
used to our detriment. Use the benefits of technology to spread the truth, but know that it is pushing
everyday to catch humanity in it’s WWW web

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