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Corrections in quantity of items

1) Excavation in all types of hard and soft soil such as murrum, sand, clay, black cotton soil,
kankar, etc. and also in wet condition if required removing, transporting and stacking of useful
materials and disposing off the excavated stuff up to 50 m lead with lifts as indicated below
including shoring and strutting, clearing site, removing vegetation, debris etc. guarding, lighting,
fencing the trenches and pits if required (depth measured from existing ground lvl) etc.
complete. The rate shall including supporting public utilities such as cables, drains service pipes
drains water mains etc.

Upto 1.5 m depth: 3000 Cum

Actual qty according to drawings: 3500 Cum

2) C.C M30 Control Concrete for water retaining structures Providing and cast in situ C.C in
grade M30 (proportions as per mix design) using broken stone aggregate of size 12mm to
20mm and or 6mm to 12 mm including scaffolding, centering, formwork, needle vibrated
consolidation, curing hydraulic testing etc. complete (excluding cost of reinforcement) up to 6
meter height/ depth above/ below G.L for all water retaining structures.

RCC columns: 50 Cum

Actual quantity: 55 Cum

3) Providing cast iron cowl type ventilator 150 dia(weighing 40 kg/no) with jali etc. complete
including fixing and painting the same: 40 no

Actual quantity according to drawing: 35 no

4) Providing, laying and jointing in true line and level 110 diameter U.P.V.C (Type 'B')
conforming to IS 13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with Rubber ring, &
fittings conforming to ISI 14735-1999 of approved make for drainage system pipe line, pipe
shall be jointed with each other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall be fixed on wall using of PVC
clamp of the size 110 mm diameter x 149 mm length x 145 mm heights at every 2000 mm
center to center or shall be concealed in walls as directed including necessary fittings such as
bends, shoes etc. including testing of pipes and joints and jointed with adhesive solvent cement
including cost of all materials. 960 Rmt

Type and number of fittings

Types of bends required.

Minimum span between two joints

5) Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior brick / concrete work for
plastering comprising of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1 Cement:
4 coarse sand) in rough finishing and 8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement: 2
Coarse sand) finished with trovel including scaffolding curing etc. complete: 21, 082 Sqmt

Detailed specifications which are not available for an item can also be discussed here.

Correction in sub soil condition

 Type of soil mentioned in the tender document: loamy soil

 There may be loose or black cotton soil in the deeper layers which would change the
depth of foundations.

Value and form of EMD

 Challan for earnest money @ 1% of the estimated cost must be sent by Regd. Post A.D.
or Speed Post or by Hand delivery so as to reach before the date of online submission.
Tenderer may pay earnest money upto Rs. 50,000 in cash or in the form of Crossed
Demand Draft or fixed deposit or fixed deposit at call receipts with a validity period of
not less than six months. Of Nationalized or Scheduled bank or Narmada/Shrinidhi
F.D.Rs. drawn in favour of Executive Engineer/Divisional Officer concerned. Earnest
money by cheque & Bank Guarantee shall not be accepted.

Security deposit
(i)In the form of small savings or Narmada Bonds (of minimum one year time limit) … 2.5%
(ii) To be deducted from bills … 2.5% (iii) Performance bond of Schedule Bank … 5% deposit
fifty percentage of the total security deposits within 10 days from the acceptance of tender

% deduction from RA bills

 5% amount to be deducted from RA bills

 The minimum amount of bills should be 50000.

Mobilization advance

 How much mobilization amount to be given to the contractor in advance.

 Any conditions of the client regarding this matter?

 Amount to be deducted every month?

Material supplied by client

 For such materials consumed in excess quantities, the rates provided shall be
increased/decreased corresponding to the increased/decrease in the new rate payable
for excess quantity as compared to the tender-rates.

 The contractor is bound to return in good condition such materials issued in excess
within a period of 15 days from the date of the demand in writing of such materials
being made by the Engineer-in-charge, he shall be charged for the excess materials at
double the issue-rate for such materials specified

 In the case of such delay in the supply of materials, client shall grant such extension of
time for the completion of the works as shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge to be
reasonable in accordance with the circumstances of the case.

Terms of payment, minimum value and intervals of interim bills

A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the
Engineer-in-charge for all works executed in the previous month and the engineer in charge
shall check the same or in case contractor fails to submit the bill he shall appoint a sub
ordinate to perform the measurements and prepare the bill.

Minimum amount: 50000 Rs for RA bill

Intermediate bills at 15 days

Minimum amount 15000 Rs

Final bill

 For all works costing upto Rs. 50 lakhs (amount put to tender) the final measurements
shall be recorded within 45 days from the date of physical completion of the work and
the final bill shall be prepared within 45 days from the date of recording final

 Works costing more than Rs. 50 lakhs (amount put on tender), the final measurements
shall be recorded within 75 days from the date of physical completion of the work and
the final bill shall be prepared within 75 days from the date of recording final

Type of contract

 Item rate

 Fixed fee

 Cost plus: fixed or variable?

 Lump sum

 Some of the items of BOQ are LS?

Price variation clause

 The fluctuations in rates of cement and steel shall be adjusted in the bills payable to the
contractors as under : A=B x ( C1 – 1) x D / C0

 A= Difference of Amount payable or recoverable

 B= Star rate of steel/cement/asphalt

 C1- The (quarterly) average corresponding index for steel, cement, asphalt for the
quarter under consideration

 Co. – Price index of cement/steel asphalt for the month in which the DTPs are approved
published in monthly bulletin of Reserve Bank of India.)

 D-= Qty. of cement/steel/asphalt actually brought by the contractor on site of work and
consumed in the work during the quarter duly supported with bill as recorded in cement
consumption register or MB (for steel).

 No Ceiling for escalation for difference in the cost of steel and cement will be

Supply of drawings

 List of drawings to be submitted at the time of mobilization

 Floor wise submission of drawings

 Detailed floor plans to be submitted 30 days before starting of first floor

Method of resolving disputes

 Negotiation

 Mediation

 Litigation

 Arbitration

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