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Name: Astrid Lindgren as Myst Player: Mishka87

Metatype: Elf Age: 50 Sex: Female Nuyen: 9¥

Height: 5'10" Weight: 143lbs Hair: White Eyes: Blue Skin: White
Karma: 0 Career Karma: 0 Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 0
Judge Lift/Carry
Composure: 8 9 Lift/Carry: 6 60 kg/40 kg Primary Arm: Right
Intentions: Weight:
Memory: 11 Movement: 16/32 (2m/hit) Swim: 10 (1m/hit)

PERSONAL DATA Show: Yes Page Break: No

Physical Attributes Mental Attributes Special Attributes Initiative

Body: 2 Charisma: 3 Edge: 1 Initiative: 10 +1d6

Agility: 5 (8) Intuition: 6 Current Edge Points:

Reaction: 2 (4) Logic: 5 (6) Essence: 1.17 Rigger Initiative: 10 +1d6

Matrix AR: 10 +1d6

Strength: 1 (4) Willpower: 5 Matrix Cold: 6 + DP +3d6
Matrix Hot: 6 + DP +4d6

ATTRIBUTES Show: Yes Page Break: No

Physical Limit: 5 Mental Limit: 8 Social Limit: 5 Astral Limit: 8

Audio Enhancement [+2] (Only for
Autopicker [+6] (Only for picking a audio Perception) Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger [+1]
mechanical lock) Vision Enhancement [+3] (Only for (Must be visible)
visual Perception)

LIMITS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Knowledge Skills
Skill Rtg
English INT
Area Knowledge: Seattle INT 3
Forensics LOG 1
Matrix Security LOG 4
Matrix Threats LOG 4
Matrix Trolling LOG 1
Security Design INT 3
Security Procedures LOG 3
Shadow Community INT 1
Small Unit Tactics (Urban) INT 1

Active Skills
Skill Rtg Pool Active Skills
Combat Active Skills Skill Rtg Pool
Automatics (Submachine Guns) AGI 6 14 (16) Technical Active Skills
Physical Active Skills Hacking (Hack on the fly) LOG 6 12 (14)
Palming (Pickpocket) AGI 6 14 (16) Hardware (Jack Out) LOG 6 12 (14)
Sneaking AGI +2 6 16 Software (Data Bombs) LOG 6 12 (14)
Perception INT 4 10 Aeronautics Mechanic LOG 1 7
Social Active Skills Automotive Mechanic LOG 1 7
Etiquette CHA 3 6 Demolitions (Improvised
1 7 (9)
Leadership CHA 3 6 Explosives) LOG
Negotiation (Contracts) CHA 3 6 (8) Industrial Mechanic LOG 1 7
Technical Active Skills Locksmith (Maglock) AGI 1 9 (11)
Computer (Matrix Perception) LOG 6 12 (14) Nautical Mechanic LOG 1 7
Electronic Warfare (Hide) LOG 6 12 (14)

SKILLS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Agile Defender RG 127

Catlike SR5 72
Catlike SR5 72

Code of Honor: Like a Boss DT 46

Physical Damage Stun Damage
Codeslinger: Hack on the Fly SR5 72 Track Track
Insomnia (Basic) SR5 81

Low-Light Vision SR5 66

Overclocker RF 148
QUALITIES Show: Yes Page Break: No

Implant Essence Grade

Cerebral Booster 1 0.2 Standard SR5 460
Datajack 0.13 Used SR5 452
Muscle Replacement 3 3.75 Used SR5 455
Reaction Enhancers 2 0.75 Used SR5 455

CYBERWARE/BIOWARE Show: Yes Page Break: No

Armor Value Equipped

Ballistic Mask 2 RG 74
Gas Mask

Securetech PPP: Arms Kit 1 RG 70

Securetech PPP: Legs Kit 1 RG 70

Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit 1 RG 70

Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger 13 ** RG 61

Chemical Protection 5; Custom Fit; Newest Model; Nonconductivity 5; Ruthenium
Polymer Coating;
Total 13

ARMOR Show: Yes Page Break: No

Weapon Pool Accuracy Damage AP Mode RC Ammo [Loaded]

Ares SIGMA 3 14 (16) 7 8P - SA/BF/FA 5 50(d) GH3 11
S: 0-10 M: 11-40 L: 41-80 E: 81-150
Foregrip; Personalized
Grip; Silencer; Slide
Mount; Slide Mount;
Smartgun System,
Internal; Spare Clip;
Spare Clip; Spare Clip;

Grenade: Gas 7 5 Chemical (10m Radius) - 3 1 SR5 435

S: 0-8 M: 9-16 L: 17-24 E: 25-40

Grenade: Thermal Smoke 7 5 0 (10m Radius) - 3 1 SR5 435

S: 0-8 M: 9-16 L: 17-24 E: 25-40

RANGED WEAPONS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Weapon Pool Accuracy Damage AP Reach

Unarmed Attack 7 5 4S - 0 SR5 132

MELEE WEAPONS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Name Rtg Qty

Track - 1 SR5 245
Perc Gear
Contacts 3 1 SR5 443
Flare Compensation,
Name Rtg Qty Image Link, Vision
Name Rtg Qty
Commlink Magnification;
Ammo: Regular Ammo
- 300 SR5 434Trodes - 1 SR5 439Earbuds 3 1 SR5 445
(Submachine Guns) Audio Enhancement
Ammo: Subsonic rating 2, Select Sound
- 300 HT 189 Baby Monitor - 1 SR5 245
(Submachine Guns) Filter rating 1;
Browse - 1 SR5 245
Briefcase (Good) - 1 RF 254 Decryption - 1 SR5 245Glasses 4 1 SR5 443
Grenade: Gas - 10 SR5 435Defuse Thermographic Vision,
- 1 SR5 245
Pepper Punch; Demolition - 1 SR5 245 Vision Enhancement
Grenade: Thermal Smoke - 6 SR5 435Edit - 1 SR5 245 rating 3;
B&E Encryption - 1 SR5 245Sin
B&E Encryption - 1 SR5 245Sin
Autopicker 6 1 SR5 447Exploit - 1 SR5 245Fake License (Restricted
Lockpick Set - 1 SR5 448Hermes Chariot - 1 SR5 439Cyberware License) 4 1 SR5 443
Microwire (100m) - 4 SR5 449 Electronic Parts x4,
Miniwelder - 1 SR5 448 Fake License (Cyberdeck
Modify Matrix Attribute, 4 1 SR5 443
Miniwelder Fuel Canister - 3 SR5 448 License)
Program Carrier Fake License (Automatic
Burner Comms 4 1 SR5 443
(Armor) ; Weapons License)
Meta Link - 5 SR5 438
Signal Scrub - 1 SR5 245Fake License (Bounty Hunter's
Commlink 4 1 SR5 443
Sneak - 1 SR5 245License)
AR Gloves - 1 SR5 439Stealth - 1 SR5 245Fake SIN (Jessica McGuire) 4 1 SR5 442
Hermes Ikon - 1 SR5 438Tool Kit (Hardware) - 1 SR5 443Tag Gear
Micro-Transceiver - 1 SR5 441Toolbox - 1 SR5 245
Subvocal Mic - 1 SR5 439 Bug Scanner 6 1 SR5 440
Datachip - 10 SR5 440
Security Tags - 10 SR5 440
Sensor Tags - 20 SR5 440
Standard Tags - 10 SR5 440
Stealth Tags - 10 SR5 440
Tag Eraser - 1 SR5 441

GEAR Show: Yes Page Break: No

Device Category Rating Attack Sleaze Data Proc. Firewall

Meta Link Commlinks 1 0 0 1 1 SR5 438
Hermes Ikon Commlinks 5 0 0 5 5 SR5 438
Hermes Chariot Cyberdecks 2 2 4 4 5 SR5 439
Electronic Parts x4, Modify Matrix
Attribute, Program Carrier (Armor) ;

DEVICES/PROGRAMS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Lifestyle Level Cost Months

Pullyallup, Near The Armadillo Low 2,000¥ 1 SR5 369

LIFESTYLE Show: Yes Page Break: No

Contact Location Archetype Connection Loyalty

Joseph Zicarelli Renton, Lake Youngs Fixer 6 1

Thomas Lucchese Pullyallup, Spanaway Fence 1 1

CONTACTS Show: Yes Page Break: No

Early push to 3 edge with first Karma. SMG picked as it seems more possible to fit SMG + 2 drums in a briefcase than an assault rifle.

NOTES Show: Yes Page Break: No

Stealthy B&E Decker with 2 guaranteed IPs so she can full def with her high agility & agile defender and use her SMG for suppression.

CONCEPT Show: Yes Page Break: No

A little shorter than the average elf but not so much to as draw attention. Has a number of tattoos, most of which are in colour. Always gives off the
impression of confidence, almost to the point of arrogance.

DESCRIPTION Show: Yes Page Break: No

Parents belong to the Humanis and were not happy to have an elf child so Astrid ran away at 14, managing to get by pickpocketing on the street and
breaking into unsecured homes. As more and more locks became digital Astrid found it necessary to learn how to break into systems in order to get by
and was eventually noticed by a Shadowrunning team when she broke into their target's house. After running with the team for a couple of years in
Denver the team made a mistake and Astrid found herself needing to relocate with a new SIN and has just arrived in Seattle.

BACKGROUND Show: Yes Page Break: No

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