Iron Through The Ages: Alan W. Pense

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Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353 ± 363

Iron through the ages

Alan W. Pense*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Received 1 September 2000; accepted 1 October 2000


A range of iron artifacts, covering an approximate time period from 1000 BCE to 1000 CE, have been
metallographically examined. It is concluded that there was little change in iron manufacturing over this time span
of 2000 years. It is also concluded that some artifacts, specifically tool and weapon blades, showed that
knowledge existed, by at least 500 BCE, to increase hardness both by increasing carbon content and by rapid
cooling from the austenite range. The study indicates that there was a considerable degree of sophistication on the
part of these early ironworkers, although the processing is thought to have been empirical. D 2001 Elsevier
Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wrought iron; Iron Age; Ancient heat treatment; Roman iron; Martensite

1. Introduction over the centuries of the ``Iron Age'' that was the
impetus for the study described in this paper. It is
The early history of mankind has been divided by known that small iron lumps have been found in
scholars into ``ages,'' some of which are characterized contexts that suggest that they were produced, prob-
by the nature of the materials used for the manufac- ably accidentally, during the smelting of copper ores
ture of tools and structures. That this scheme is not in the Sinai desert as early as 3000 BCE [1]. It
very sophisticated is widely understood by most appears that they had no practical usefulness and
historians, and certainly by those interested in histor- the concept of making something useful of them,
ical metallurgy, but it has long endured. The ``Chal- for example a tool or knife, had to wait many years.
colithic,'' ``Bronze,'' and ``Iron'' Ages were not By 2500 BCE, iron in the form of a knife blade was
distinct periods of time but rather overlapping periods reported to have been found in a Hattic tomb on the
during which new materials technology evolved Anatolian Plateau [2] and somewhat later in an
slowly and the previously employed materials tech- Egyptian tomb, for example an iron-bladed knife
nology continued to be developed and improved. found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (around 1300
Thus iron-making technology was actually developed BCE) [3]. It is not known whether these were made of
during the ``Bronze'' Age and bronze technology smelted or meteoritic iron, but the suggestion is that
continued to be developed in the ``Iron'' Age. they were manufactured from smelted iron.
It was curiosity about the development of metal- What is known is that ancient smelters in the
lurgical knowledge of iron making and processing Western world could not generate high enough tem-
peratures in their furnaces to produce liquid iron.
* Lehigh University, 117 ATLSS Drive, Bethlehem, PA Rather, the end product of the smelting process was
18015-4728, USA. Tel.: +1-610-758-6104; fax: +1-610- sponge iron mixed with slag that gathered in the
758-5553. bottom of the furnace. The iron was produced by

1044-5803/00/$ ± see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 0 4 4 - 5 8 0 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 0 5 - 4
354 A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363

direct reduction from iron ore in contact with hot Some of the intriguing questions about this and
charcoal in the presence of a silicate slag. The slag- subsequent periods during this 3000-year period are
rich sponge had to be subsequently hot forged to ``what did they know and when did they know it?''
squeeze the slag out and to consolidate the iron, Some historians have suggested that the Hittites in the
producing wrought iron. late second millennium had not only made iron
Because this process could produce only small regularly, but also knew how to carburize it to increase
bars of iron, objects of any appreciable size required its strength [6]. This would make it ``good'' iron, i.e.,
the forging together of a number of these wrought strong iron Ð strong enough to be effective against
iron ``blooms.'' Remarkably, all of the iron used in bronze weapons. If this is true, even in this early
the Western world was produced by this process, with period at least an empirical knowledge of how to heat
some improvements, for at least 2000 years; it was iron in a carburizing atmosphere (probably in a hot
not until after 1000 CE that molten (cast) iron was charcoal bed) must have existed. Another ancient
produced in the West. reference suggests that an early knowledge of the
There were important improvements along the effects of quenching to increase strength also existed.
way, however, some of them coming quite early. This is based on one translation of the Odyssey (about
An interesting letter (cuneiform tablet) from a Hittite 800 BCE) in which the quenching of hot iron in cold
ruler to an Assyrian prince dated about 1300 BCE water to make it strong is referenced [7].
discusses the shipment to him of ``good iron,'' and as
a show of good faith (or good business), indicates he
is sending him a sample knife as a gift [4]. This 2. The present study
would suggest that iron was being manufactured and
fabricated into trade goods at least by this time, and The investigation reported here is an attempt, in a
some sophistication in iron making and processing limited way, to explore answers to these questions
had been developed in the Hittite Empire. This was at through metallographic examination and microhard-
least the reputation that the Hittites had in the ancient ness testing of iron artifacts made in the time frame
world, a reputation that passed down to the Philistines described as the Early Iron Age through the Crusader
after their conquest of the Hittite Empire in about Period, 1000 BCE to 1000 CE. The artifacts are all
1200 BCE. The Philistine reputation for knowledge tools or weapons. All have been purchased commer-
of iron working appears to be confirmed in a portion cially. As a result, the location in which they were
of the Bible describing events taking place probably found is not easily documented and their dating is
about 1100 BCE, thus reinforcing the Hittites place in not securely known. In some cases, they can be
the development of iron technology [5]. located in a particular cultural context and era based

Fig. 1. Artifact No. 7, the Roman Legionary dagger.

A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363 355

Fig. 2. Microstructure of Artifact No. 9, the Late Roman Fig. 4. Microstructure of Artifact No. 1, the Early Iron Age
javelin point (2% nital etch). arrow point (2% nital etch).

on their distinctive size, shape, and style in compar- can provide insight into the iron-making metallurgy
ison with more securely dated similar artifacts in in this 2000-year period.
museums. For example, the Roman Legionary dag-
ger (Fig. 1), even when well rusted, can be identified
easily on this basis, although placing a date on this 3. The artifacts used
artifact to better than a 200-year period is not
possible. However, for the purposes of this investi- The artifacts that were used in the investigation
gation, locating this artifact within this context and are listed below.
time period may be sufficient.
Much more problematic is the secure identifica-  Early Iron Age artifacts
tion of iron arrow or spear blades that do not have 1. Arrow point from Israel dated to about
such a distinct shape to their reported time and date, 1000 BCE
e.g., Early Iron Age Palestine. Other artifacts used in 2. Spear point from Israel dated to about
the investigation fall somewhere within these cer- 1000 BCE
tainty/uncertainty boundaries of identification. The 3. Razor blade from Israel dated to about
wide range of artifacts reported here covers the time 700 BCE
period from about 1000 BCE to 1000 CE. However,
their source reports are considered by the author to be  Roman Era artifacts
reasonably accurate, and therefore, it is believed they
4. Leather knife dated to about 200 CE

Fig. 3. Artifact No. 9, the Late Roman javelin point. Fig. 5. Artifact No. 1, the Early Iron Age arrow point.
356 A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363

4. Experimental techniques

4.1. Metallographic examination

The artifacts were sectioned to remove metallo-

graphic samples that were subsequently mounted in
phenol ± formaldehyde compound for metallographic
preparation. Standard silicon carbide coarse polishing
techniques followed by 6 mm diamond, 3 mm alu-
mina, and colloidal silica in the final stages were
used. The specimens were etched with 2% nital,
picral, or Marshall's reagent, depending on the micro-
structure of the sample.

Fig. 6. Microstructure of Artifact No. 12, the Crusader arrow 4.2. Microhardness tests
point (Marshall's etch).
The polished metallographic samples were
employed for microhardness testing using a Leco
5. Draw knife (scorp) dated to about 200 CE M-400-G HV microhardness tester with 500-g load.
6. Food (?) cleaver dated to about 200 CE At least five hardness tests were performed on each
7. Legionary dagger blade dated to about 100 sample. In the cases where substantially different
CE microstructural constituents were present, multiple
8. Legionary spear blade dated to about 100 hardness readings were taken on each constituent.

 Late Roman and Crusader artifacts 5. Results of the investigation

9. Javelin point dated to about 300 CE
10. Arrow point dated to about 500 CE 5.1. Microstructural results and discussion
11. Hammer axe blade dated to about 300 CE
12. Crusader arrow point dated to about 1100 Regardless of the other microstructural constitu-
CE. ents present, all of the samples showed the long

Fig. 7. Artifact No. 8, the Legionary spear blade.

A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363 357

Fig. 8. Microstructure of Artifact No. 8, the Legionary spear Fig. 10. Microstructure of Artifact No. 6, the Roman cleaver
blade (2% nital etch). (heel) (2% nital etch).

such as the razor and knife blades, were relatively

stringers of slag separated by banded ferrite char- free of slag and oxidation along the surfaces of
acteristic of wrought iron. The structures also show internal seams.
regions where the ferrite and inclusions have been Another characteristic microstructural feature that
folded over in the fabrication process. In some appears in many of the artifacts is the presence of
cases, the presence of slag pockets or oxidation iron ± iron carbide regions apparently isolated in the
prevented full consolidation of the metal and the interior of the product. An example of one such
artifact contains voids and seams from processing. region is seen in Fig. 4, from the interior of Artifact
A good example of this type of microstructure is No. 1, an Iron Age arrow point like that seen in
seen in Fig. 2. The field shown is a cross-section Fig. 5. This structure may be the result of the
through a portion of the Late Roman javelin head heating, folding, and hammering process used to
(Artifact No. 9), an artifact with a roughly square consolidate the iron prior to or during the produc-
cross-section at its center tapering to a point on tion of the arrow point. In this process, the exterior
both ends (shown in Fig. 3). In addition to a very surfaces of the iron may have received light carbur-
mixed grain size and the apparent presence of some ization from the forge charcoal bed and were
cold work, the folded microstructure with slag subsequently folded onto themselves during further
stringers and unconsolidated (now oxidized) regions manufacturing. Another area of folding marked by a
is evident. Most of the artifacts had this type of line of oxide stringers and evident microstructural
structure to some degree. Only the artifacts that had change across the fold boundary is seen in Fig. 6, a
been worked to thin cross-sections (about 1 ± 2 mm), section through Artifact No. 12, the Crusader arrow

Fig. 9. Microstructure of Artifact No. 10, the Late Roman Fig. 11. Microstructure of Artifact No. 6, the Roman cleaver
arrow point (2% nital etch). (blade) (2% nital etch).
358 A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363

Fig. 12. Artifact No. 4, the Roman leather knife.

point. In both of these cases the carbide does not were evidently produced by consolidating many
appear to be in the form of normal pearlite but small pieces of iron together to make the raw material
rather fine irregular carbide regions. The same for production. This must have been a very labor-
nonpearlitic ferrite-carbide regions are found in the intensive process.
Iron Age spear (Artifact No. 2) and the Roman era In terms of the advance of technology, the spear,
spear (Artifact No. 8). The Roman era spear blade arrow, and javelin points do not seem to show any
is seen in Fig. 7 and its microstructure is shown in significant difference from the earliest (Iron Age,
Fig. 8. Artifact No. 1) period to the latest (Crusader, Arti-
These microstructural features suggest that the fact No. 12). The Early Iron Age spear point
temperature during the manufacturing process was (Artifact No. 2), the legionary spear point (Artifact
erratic, sometimes subcritical, sometimes above the No. 8), the Late Roman javelin point (Artifact No.
critical, and rarely high or long enough to allow 9), and the Late Roman arrow point (Artifact No.
transformations to approach equilibrium. These 10) are also not significantly different from Artifact
micrographs also indicate another characteristic of Nos. 1 and 12. The Late Roman arrow point is
many of the artifacts, especially the early ones. They shown in Fig. 9. Similar to the others, it consists

Fig. 13. Artifact No. 5, the Roman draw knife.

A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363 359

mostly of ferrite with mixed grain sizes indicating

nonequilibrium conditions of manufacture. As will
be seen later, many of the sharp-edged knives and
tools made during the same time period show a
more sophisticated approach to their processing and
heat treatment but this was not applied to the spears
and arrows.
One possible reason for this, at least in the later
periods, is that arrow points were a commodity item
and the knives and tools were more of a specialty
item. Because many spear and arrow points had to be
made and many were lost in battle, there was no
particular incentive to improve their quality unless it
greatly improved their effectiveness. As a result, if
the common arrow or spear point worked well Fig. 15. Microstructure of Artifact No. 5, the Roman draw
enough, and they apparently did, no more care was knife (2% nital etch).
given to their manufacture than necessary.
When the razor, knives, and tools are examined,
as indicated above, a different pattern is evident. For The observation that there is an increased carbon
most of these artifacts, there seems to have been a content in the blade area as compared to the heel
more deliberate effort to increase hardness. The raises the question whether or not this was deliberate
methods used appear to have been to carburize the or merely a result of random carburization from
iron and, in a few cases, to apply heat treatments. An uncontrolled processing. Based on this single speci-
example of the first method is seen in the micro- men, there would be no way to answer this question.
structure of the cleaver (Artifact No. 6). The micro- However, after looking at the microstructures of all of
structure of the heel of the cleaver, which is about 3 the sharp-edged blades and tools, a pattern develops
mm in thickness, is seen in Fig. 10 while the micro- that is hard to rationalize except on the assumption
structure of the sharpened blade is seen in Fig. 11. that the increase in carbon in the sharp edges of these
The microstructure of the cleaver heel consists of artifacts, and in at least some cases, attempts at heat
ferrite, slag stringers, and bands with fine pearlite treatment, were intentional.
colonies. The microstructure of the blade region Confirmation of this pattern is supported by the
indicates a higher level of carbon, bands of appar- microstructures of the leather knife, the draw knife,
ently coarser prior austenite grain size, and relatively and the Legionary dagger (Artifact Nos. 4, 5, and 7,
fine pearlite spacing. The slag and oxide stringers respectively). These artifacts are seen in (Figs. 12,
typical of the other products are also present. The 13, and 1). Their microstructures are shown in Figs.
blade area was apparently intended to be harder than 14, 15, and 16, respectively. In each of these cases,
the heel. the microstructure consists of ferrite and substantial

Fig. 14. Microstructure of Artifact No. 4, the Roman leather Fig. 16. Microstructure of Artifact No. 7, the Roman
knife (2% nital etch). Legionary dagger (2% nital + picral etch).
360 A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363

Fig. 17. Artifact No. 11, the Late Roman hammer axe.

amounts of pearlite with the proportion of pearlite regions around a preexisting ferrite core. These
varying up to 100% in many areas. The microstruc- characteristics suggest short-time nonequilibrium
ture of the draw knife (Fig. 15) is mostly pearlite heating and cooling cycles rather than long cycles
with some scattered ferrite. In the leather knife and with slow cooling. Although some areas of these
the Legionary dagger, as shown in Figs. 14 and 16, artifacts are only a few millimeters in thickness, for
the amount of pearlite approaches 100%. This sug- the most part, they are too thick for these micro-
gests a deliberate effort to carburize these tools by structural characteristics to have been produced by
some means. air-cooling.
Equally important, none of these microstructures Not all tools were, or perhaps could be, given
suggests a cooling process from austenitizing that is special treatment. The final tool on the list, the
anywhere near equilibrium. Figs. 14 and 16 show fine hammer axe (Artifact No. 11), is seen in Fig. 17. In
acicular ferrite. The ferrite in Fig. 15 is also largely this case, the microstructure of the blade edge, seen in
acicular. Moreover, there is an area in the center of Fig. 18, has a very shallow layer of possible carbur-
Fig. 14 that appears to be ferrite partially transformed ization at its surface although much of the surface is
to austenite that has then been subsequently cooled well rusted. Perhaps this tool was too large or too
and retransformed nucleating additional ferrite mundane to merit any special treatment.

Fig. 18. Microstructure of Artifact No. 11, the Late Roman Fig. 19. Microstructure of Artifact No. 4, the Roman leather
hammer axe (2% nital etch). knife. (2% nital etch).
A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363 361

Fig. 20. Microstructure of Artifact No. 3, the Early Iron Age

razor blade. Fig. 22. Microstructure of Artifact No. 3, the Early Iron Age
razor blade (2% nital etch).

Additional clues to the nature of the attempted

boundaries. This structure could not have been pro-
heat treatments applied to these artifacts may be
duced in a wrought iron without a liquid, probably
derived from these microstructures. For example, it
water, quench being used even though the razor is
is possible to learn something about the cooling
only about 1 mm thick. The quench apparently
cycle from austenitizing used for the leather knife
caused the iron of the razor to just pass through the
from its microstructure, which is seen at higher
``nose'' of the CCT diagram.
magnification in Fig. 19. This micrograph shows
that the pearlite colonies have very fine carbide
platelet spacing and that, in between some of the
pearlite colonies, there is martensite. These two 6. Microhardness results and discussion
features suggest that the cooling process from auste-
nitizing was by a liquid-quench. The microstructural findings are substantially
The strongest evidence for the use of a liquid- supported by the microhardness test results seen in
quench from austenitizing is found in the microstruc- Table 1 but the microhardness data provide some
ture of the Late Iron Age razor (Artifact No. 3) seen
in Fig. 20. The microstructure of the razor is shown in
Figs. 21 and 22. These figures show that the micro-
Table 1
structure the of razor is mostly martensite (somewhat Vickers microhardness test results
overetched to make it evident), with some very fine
Artifact HV (500 g)
pearlite colonies present along prior austenite grain
ID number Description Average Maximum
Early Iron Age
1 arrow point 194 206
2 spear point 149 187
3 razor 618 645

Roman Era
4 leather knife 430 612
5 draw knife 257 283
6 food cleaver
blade 213 271
heel 155 174
7 Legionary dagger 354 395
8 Legionary spear 164 177

Late Roman and Crusader Era

9 javelin point 239 265
10 arrow point 140 155
Fig. 21. Microstructure of Artifact No. 3, the Early Iron Age 11 hammer axe 200 239
razor blade (2% nital etch). 12 Crusader arrow point 153 195
362 A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363

additional insights. The hardness data of the arrow Neither the metallographic nor microhardness
and spear points all fall within the range of 140 ± results provide a definitive answer to the question
194 HV, typically about 165, which is equivalent to about whether or not these artifacts were tempered
a normalized 1030 steel. This is stronger than after quenching. The structure of the martensite
expected for their primarily ferritic microstructure, regions suggests it was transformed from high car-
although some also have scattered carbides present. bon rather than low carbon austenite. However, their
The javelin point hardness is somewhat higher, 239 hardness of these regions is in the 612- to 645-HV
HV, equivalent to a normalized 1060 steel. All of range rather than close to 800 HV. It is, therefore,
these values are higher than expected for 19th tempting to propose that tempering after quenching
century wrought irons for which the HV is about was used to lower the martensite hardness and
120. One possible explanation for this higher hard- provide the ductility level required for service.
ness is that these artifacts retain some cold work However, without knowing the carbon content of
from processing. The javelin point, which appears to the austenite, the anticipated hardness of the fresh
show some evidence of cold work in Fig. 2, shows martensite cannot be estimated. The structures seen
even more in other areas. To varying degrees, this in Figs. 19, 21, and 22 were etched to bring out the
may be true for the other artifacts as well. martensite platelets, otherwise the martensite areas
The microhardness results are especially useful appear relatively unetched. An alternate argument
in evaluating the significance of the microstructures can be made that blades only partially converted to
observed in the knives and tools. For example, as martensite could have been hard and ductile enough
might be expected, the hammer axe (Artifact No. to have served as tools and weapons without temper-
11) is only marginally harder than the typical ing. This investigation does not appear to answer
arrow or spear with an average HV of 200. This this question.
is in agreement with the fact that it is mostly There is no assumption in this analysis that the
ferrite. The cleaver heel has an average hardness of producers of these artifacts had any theoretical under-
only 155 HV and a maximum of 174 HV, while standing of the effects of their metallurgical proces-
the blade has an average hardness of 213 HV with sing efforts but it reveals a substantial degree of
a maximum of 271 HV. This is also in agreement sophistication in their empirical efforts to produce
with its microstructural appearance (i.e., Figs. 10 the properties they deemed useful for service.
and 11). The draw knife, with a microstructure of
mostly pearlite but with some regions of ferrite
(Fig. 14), has an average hardness of 257 HV with 7. Summary
a maximum of 283 HV. This is harder than the
cleaver blade on average but the maximum hard- The examination of a broad range of iron arti-
ness is not much greater. The maximum hardness facts covering an approximate time period of 2000
is found in the fine pearlite regions and should be years, from 1000 BCE to 1000 CE, indicates that for
about the same for the two artifacts. The Legionary some products, for example arrow and spear blades,
dagger (Artifact No. 7), with virtually 100% fine there was little change in iron manufacturing tech-
pearlite (Fig. 16), has an even higher average nology. These products had varying but generally
hardness, 354 HV, with a maximum of 395 HV. low carbon contents and the occasional slag strin-
This is somewhat higher than the hardness for a gers typical of wrought iron. Average hardnesses
normalized eutectoid steel. were also low for these artifacts, typically less than
It is in the artifacts that have regions appearing 200 HV. Based on the microstructures and hardness
to have martensite present that the microhardness levels achieved in other artifacts, it is assumed that
readings are especially useful. The leather knife ways to improve their hardness were known, but
(Artifact No. 4), which appeared to have small deemed to be either too labor intensive or incapable
martensite regions within a matrix of fine pearlite of providing sufficient benefit in performance to
(Fig. 19), has a maximum hardness in these mar- merit employing them.
tensitic areas of 612 HV, corresponding to that in an In contrast, certain of the artifacts, specifically
as-quenched 0.45% C to 0.50% C steel. The aver- some tool and weapon blades, showed that knowl-
age hardness in this artifact is 430 HV, which is edge existed by at least 500 BCE to increase the
reasonable because the martensitic regions are small hardness levels of the artifacts by both increasing
and well distributed. The microhardness readings their carbon content and by rapid cooling from
also confirm that the microstructure of the razor is austenitizing. These artifacts, which typically had
largely hard martensite (Fig. 22) with an average blades no more than a few millimeters thick, had
microhardness in the range of 618 HV and a regions containing high proportions of pearlite and
maximum of 645 HV. higher hardnesses, typically 250 to 400 HV. The
A.W. Pense / Materials Characterization 45 (2000) 353±363 363

hardest artifacts, with hardnesses in some areas over References

600 HV, had regions of martensite in their micro-
structure, indicating that a rapid quench was used in [1] Rothenberg B. Timna. London: Thames & Hudson,
their thermal processing. The artifact with the highest 1972.
overall hardness and largest proportion of martensite [2] Raymond F. Out of the fiery furnace. University Park,
was a razor less than 1 mm in thickness dating to PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1986. p. 61.
[3] Raymond F. Out of the fiery furnace. University Park,
about 500 BCE. It is presumed that the metallurgical
PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1986. p. 54.
processing of the iron artifacts was empirical, but it
[4] Madden R, Muhly JD, Wheeler TS, Maxwell-Hyslop
reveals a fair degree of sophistication on the part of KR. Iron at Taanach and at early iron metallurgy in the
these early ironworkers. Eastern Mediterranean. Am J Archaeol, 1981; July.
[5] The Holy Bible, I Samuel 13:19 ± 20, New Interna-
tional Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible
[6] Madden R, Muhly JD, Wheeler TS. How the Iron Age
began. Sci Am, 1977; October.
The author acknowledges the expert assistance of [7] Homer TS. The Odyssey. New York: Harper & Row
Mr. Arlan Benscoter in the metallographic prepara- Publishers, 1967 (Lattimore R, Trans.; Book 9, lines
tion of the artifacts used in this study. 390 ± 394).

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