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Living heritage called “Gujri Baazar”, Ahmedabad’s oldest market,

Ravivari, is also called “Ravivari Baazar” a unique flea market started
almost 600 years back by Sultan Ahmed Shah, the founder of
Ahmedabad. Since decades, the Gujri bazaar has operated as an open
flea market on Sundays, catering to the needs of people from nearby
towns and villages as well as from the locality. It is estimated that over
5,000 people visit the flea market every Sunday. There is huge variety
on sale like furniture, household utensils, stoves, handcarts, cycles,
electronic goods, second-hand items, antique, clothes, books, foodstuff
and even animals and of course some stolen goods too. Gujari Bazaar
can be seen as a traditional form of modern shopping malls. Spread on
the eastern bank of the river Sabarmati near Ellis bridge the Bazaar
accommodates more than 1200 traders one third of which are women,
most of them selling used items, though recently there are traders who
also sells fresh, all you can hear is the cacophony of customers
bargaining and fixing prices at the local flea market. You can see
vendors occupying their places on the charpoys with their wares on both
sides of the roads and the reclaimed area on the river bank. The flea
market resembles a fair with choc-a- block streets.

Sunday was the last day of Ahmedabad's famed flea market, the Gujari
Bazaar, at its current location. The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
(AMC) will officially be shifting the market to a new location on
Monday. The event is significant as this year Gujari Bazar is exactly
600-year-old since it was first established in 1414 AD.

The market will be now shifted to a new location on the riverfront

almost 500 meters away from the old site. It will have far less sprawl at
its new location on the eastern bank of Sabarmati river. This will be the
third time that the market will be shifted in its 600-old history.

It was established by Sultan Ahmed Shah in 1414 AD when it was called

the Khaas (special) Bazaar. It was a Friday market, and called
Shukarvari. The sprawl of the market extened from Teen Darwaza to
where the Bhadra post office stands today. Historians say that the bazaar
has changed locations twice since it was established. It eventually settled
at the current in 1954.

Here’s a quick guide of the flea market.

Ahmedabad Flea Market: Furniture, clothing and electronics
The Sunday market has everything from a needle to spear. In furniture
you can spot chairs, tables, computer tables and cots lined up one after
another on the sides of the streets. Old and second hand jeans, skirts and
sarees are strewn over cots though they aren’t too attractive to look at.
That apart, you will find electronic items, computer parts and other
gadgets here.

Ahmedabad Flea Market: Antiques

There are showpieces, brassware, pots, jewelry boxes with intricate
carving and antiquated items that look like they belong to some Mughal
period. You may even stumble upon the most unexpected things like
gramophone records, rare coins, stamps, saxophone etc. If you are lucky
enough you may end up owning some interesting antique pieces.

Ahmedabad Flea Market: Books

As you move forward, you will come to a place where you will find
vendors selling lots of books piled up in front of them on the ground.
This market is a treasure trove of second hand and old books ranging
from philosophy, politics, classics, art, literature, encyclopedias and so
on. If you are in search of rare books and magazines then this is the
perfect place to visit in Ahmedabad.
Ahmedabad Flea Market: Knick knacks
Then there is crockery, fabrics, combs, aluminum utensils, spanners,
screwdrivers, playing cards, mirrors, brassware, watches, vehicle parts
and much more at Ravivari market.

Ravivari’s flea market is not a place for high-end shopping.

• Your success in striking a good deal lies in your bargaining power
and you can manage to get things at throwaway prices. Ask for one
fourth of the price quoted by the seller.
• Once you buy the product forget about warranty and exchange.
• Don’t pick a fight with the vendor or you will end up falling in
trouble as the area is dominated by them.
• Make sure to visit this flea market in the morning as by noon the
entire area becomes overcrowded.
• Forget about parking, it is next to impossible.


President : Nabish Ahmed Allahmala (since 15 years)

Total Commitee members :7 persons

Association History Details:

Traditional market : 2/2/1914 to 2014

Riverfront Market: 2014 onwards till now

Total Members: 1200 persons

Female Members among total members: 400 persons

Management Staff : 35 persons

Tax payable to Municipal per year : 15%

Charges for vendors:

Per stall: 20 Rs. ( In General)

10 Rs. ( For below poverty people as decided by comitee

norms )

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