World Explorers 2 DVD Worsheet PDF

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DVD 1 Unit

1 Watch and number. Ellie Farid Uncle Bill

a b c

aubergines weeds a bird feeder

d e f

beans a pumpkin a watering can

g h i

wheelbarrow 1 a worm an insect hotel

2 Read and write True or False.

How observant are you?
1 Bill is a teacher.
1 Who waters the aubergines?
2 Bill is Farid’s uncle.
2 Who picks some beans?
3 Farid picks some tomatoes.
3 Who sees some pears?
4 There are some bean plants in the garden.
4 Who sees a bird on the
5 There are some bird feeders in the garden.
bird feeder?
6 Sweetcorn is white when it’s ready.
5 Who finds a worm?
7 Bill and the children make a bird table.
6 Who wants to eat
8 Farid pushes the wheelbarrow. some sweetcorn?

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DVD 2 Unit 1
1 Complete. Then tick ✓ the actions in the DVD.
a window box ​an insect hotel ​weeds ​a wheelbarrow ​the grass ​the birds ​
a hole ​beans ​sweetcorn ​a bird feeder ​potatoes ​the dog ​tomatoes

1 dig weeds    
2 pick    
3 cut
4 make    
5 feed  
6 push

2 Watch. Who says it? Write the names.

Uncle Bill ​Farid ​Ellie

Hello, Farid! How are you today? What are you doing? Wow! It’s enormous!

1 Uncle Bill 2 3

Look carefully. Can I look around the garden first?

4 5

Look, there’s a worm! I’ve got one! OK. Your turn.

6 7 Ellie 8

3 Complete the dialogue. Then watch and check.

Ellie: What doing, Uncle Bill?
Uncle Bill: I’m Do you
want to ?
Farid: !

4 Now practise the dialogue in pairs. You can change some words.

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DVD 3 Unit 1
The Garden Game

How to play
1 Play the Garden Game in pairs.
2 Take turns to throw a 1€ coin. If you throw side A, move one square. If you throw
side B, move two squares.
3 Read the sentence on your square. Think about it. If it’s good news, move forward one
square. If it’s bad news, move back one square.
4 The first person to get to the bench is the winner.

4 The apples
Start here 3 There are lots
2 A dog digs are ready.
of insects in
1 The sweetcorn up your You can pick
your insect
is yellow. You potatoes. them.
can pick it.

5 The birds eat


6 It’s raining
7 Your friends
9 Your pumpkin 8 A mouse and the
10 It’s very hot help you cut
is the biggest! eats your garden
and the the grass.
You win first sweetcorn. needs water.
garden prize.
needs water.

11 You make a
bird box.

12 There are lots 13 Your 14 There’s a 15 There are lots

of weeds in wheelbarrow hedgehog in of worms in
the garden. breaks. your garden. the garden.

π Think about it! π   Make a list of things which are good for gardens.

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DVD 1 Unit 2

1 Watch and number. Eric Gina Mum Stacey Judy

a b c

d e f

g h i

2 Match the sentences to the photos.

1 They meet Judy.
How observant are you?
2 They brush Can Can.
1 What colour is the first horse
3 Eric takes a photo.
they see?
4 They arrive at the stables. a 2 What colour is Mum’s jacket?
5 Gina rides a horse.
3 What colour is Eric’s bag?
6 They see their friend Stacey.
4 What colour are Can Can’s feet?
7 They watch a riding lesson.
5 What colour is Splash?
8 They get some water for the horses.
6 What colour is Gina’s helmet?
9 Stacey gives the horses their food.

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DVD 2 Unit 2
1 Read and write True or False.
1 Stacey starts work at nine o’clock. False 6 She washes the horses with hot water.
2 She cooks the horses’ breakfast. 7 She brushes the horses.
3 She feeds the horses. 8 She gives riding lessons.
4 She cleans the stables. 9 Her job is easy.
5 She changes the horses’ beds. 10 She sometimes rides the horses.

2 Write. Use your dictionary to help you.

saddle ​hoof ​hay ​show ​jumper  ​stable ​helmet ​riding instructor ​reins

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

3 Complete the sentences. Use the words from activity 2.

1 Horses eat hay.
2 Horses live in a
3 A rides in competitions.
4 Riders always wear a
5 A teaches people how to ride.
6 When you ride a horse, you usually sit on a
7 You control a horse with the
8 A horse’s foot is called a

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DVD 3 Unit 2
Stacey loves horses. She also likes dogs, but she can’t have a dog
because she’s out at work all day. It’s important to think carefully
before you buy a pet. Different pets are good for different people.

1 Read. Complete the table.

Horses are beautiful animals. Dogs are very popular pets. Canaries are very pretty birds.
They live for 25–30 years. They love company – you They’re easy to look after, they
They need a stable and a can’t leave them alone all don’t need a lot of exercise
place outside too. Horses day. They usually live for and they don’t need a lot of
need a lot of exercise and 15− 20 years. They can live in your time. They need a cage,
a lot of your time. They are a house or a flat, but they but they aren’t expensive.
expensive and they need need exercise outside every They live for about 10 years.
regular attention from a vet. day. They need regular They sometimes need attention
Some people are allergic to attention from a vet. Some from a vet. They don’t usually
horses. people are allergic to dogs. cause allergies.

Do they Do they Do they Where do How long How much

need need your cause they live? do they live? money do
exercise? time? allergies? you need?
Horses +++++

Key: +++++ = a lot +++ = some + = a little

2 Read. Which pet do you recommend for each person?

1 2 3

Katy lives in a big house with Veronica is 17 years old. She David lives in a flat. He is 15
a garden. She is 12 years old. loves sports. She lives in a flat years old. He’s got two brothers
She goes to school and at the near a park and a riding stable. and they all love animals. There
weekends she plays a lot of She is at school, but she is is a park near his flat. His dad
sport. Her parents are doctors. free in the afternoons and at is a teacher but his mum hasn’t
Her mum is allergic to animal fur. weekends. Her dad is a vet. got a job.

π Think about it! π   Which is a good pet for you? Why?

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DVD 1 Unit 3

1 Write. Then tick ✓ the things you see in the DVD. Anna Mark Dad

an old computer game ​a digital watch  ​a laptop ​a memory stick ​a mobile phone
​a calculator ​headphones ​an MP3 player ​a very old computer ​a flight simulator game
​a digital camera ​a video camera

1 2 3 4

a laptop

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

2 Answer the questions.

1 Who is doing a History project How observant are you?

about computers? 1 What colour is the National

Museum of Computing’s sign?
2 Who loves technology?
2 What colour is Anna’s notebook?
3 When did they use Colossus?
3 How many photos does
4 Who played Pingi? Dad take?
5 Who prefers modern computer games? 4 What’s on the wall behind Anna
6 Who flies planes on the simulator? in the flight simulator picture?
7 Who has got a laptop? 5 What drink do Mark and
Anna have?
8 Who sends a photo to Mum?

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DVD 2 Unit 3
1 Watch again and match.
Done! a b

It’s so old-fashioned, Dad!


c d
This computer is older than Grandad!

Look, there it is! This is the

4 computer we had at school!

e f
I use a computer every day.

Smile! a

2 Order the words. Then practise the dialogue.

1 How this Mark ? computer , is old
How old is this computer, Mark?
computer used They . this 1944 in /// years It’s 70 . old about

2 ? you Can this on games computer play

! Oh yes /// was This game . favourite my

3 turn you a Would , Anna ? like

Mark No . , thanks /// play want I to a game . different

4 best did ? you What like

liked game Pingi . I the /// was It . fun

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DVD 3 Unit 3
Mark and Dad like doing different things. They like computers and they
like visiting museums too. We need a balance of activities in our lives.

1 Read and complete the table.

Kirsty, Ben and Fred go to the same school. They finish school at three
o’clock and then they go home. This is a typical afternoon for them.
Kirsty has lunch with Ben has lunch in Fred has lunch with
her family. Then she front of the television. his family. Then
goes to her bedroom Then he does some he often surfs the
and she does her homework. homework. After that he Internet. He’s got lots of friends
She loves reading and she meets his friends in the park and he usually chats online for
reads her book for two hours. and they talk or play football. two hours in the afternoon.
Sometimes she meets her In the summer he doesn’t go Then he usually plays computer
friends. She has dinner with home until ten o’clock. He games. He is in a football team
her family and then she surfs has dinner with his family and he trains twice a week.
the Internet for an hour and then he reads his book. In the evenings he plays table
before she goes to bed. tennis with his dad.

I do this by myself I do this with my family I do this with my friends

Kirsty homework



2 Read again and answer.

1 Who spends most time on electronic media? 4 Who doesn’t do any sport?
Fred 5 Who doesn’t read?
2 Who spends most time at home? 6 Who doesn’t use the computer?
3 Who spends most time with friends? 7 Do Kirsty, Ben and Fred have a good balance
of activities?

3 Read again and complete.

For a better balance of activities, …
Kirsty can
Ben can
Fred can

π Think about it! π   What do you do? What can you do to get a better balance of activities?

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DVD 1 Unit 4

1 Watch and number. Farid Anna Aunt Sally

a b c

d e f

2 Match the sentences and photos.

1 There are lots of things to do and see in the city. b
2 I liked this sculpture. It made me smile.
3 I think this is my favourite.
4 I make sculptures with stones from the beach.
5 Finished! Look at my sculpture.
6 It looks so realistic!

How observant are you?

3 Match. Then watch and check.
1 Are there any sculptures
1 Aunt Sally is f a the first sculpture. of women?
2 Brighton is b a
 stick and some stones. 2 How many people are
3 Aunt Sally’s favourite c a city by the sea. wearing hats?
sculptures are d to 3 Who’s wearing earrings?
 put the photo on
4 Farid liked his blog. 4 Which continent does Anna
5 Farid didn’t like e grey and white stones. find on the first sculpture?

6 Anna uses f a sculptor. 5 Are there any animals on

the DVD?
7 Farid uses g the second sculpture.
6 What colour are Anna’s
8 Farid wants h near the sea. boots?

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DVD 2 Unit 4
1 Order the words. Write.
1 I junk think it looks like .

2 pattern beautiful The is .

3 sculpture This is my favourite .

2 What do they think of the sculptures? Write.

skeleton ​cans  ​boat ​dolphins

1 2 3 4

I like it. I
think it looks I think they
like a boat.

3 Now give your opinions of these sculptures.

1 2




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DVD 3 Unit 4
Farid and Anna had a good time in Brighton with Aunt Sally. They saw some sculptures
and they made sculptures too. They didn’t spend any money. It was all free!

1 Read. Look at the ads and complete the prices.

1 Zoe wants to go to Bochester 2 Good idea. I love Bochester! Funny Ha! Ha! Bochester
with her family. It’s a big city. I want to see the comedy A great comedy TV Studios
It’s fun, but it’s expensive! show Funny Ha! Ha! show! Be part of the audience at
the comedy show
Adults £15
Laugh a Lot! free
Can we go to Children £10
Cost: 2 adults + 2 children £ 50 Explore River Rollerblade!
3 4 Bochester Rollerblade by the river
with us on Saturday
cathedral and castle afternoon
I want to go to Adults £5 free if you bring your
There’s a good
the aquarium at Children £3 own rollerblades
jazz concert at the
Bochester Zoo.
Concert Centre.
Bochester Zoo Skate-o-drome
Cost: 2 adults + 2 children £ Cost: Family ticket: £ and Aquarium The best skating
5 6 Family ticket: experience
£25 Family ticket £25

Can we go to What about the

cathedral and Bochester Bochester Parks
Skate-o-drome? History Club
It’s brilliant! castle? Jazz in the City Park
Explore the city with on Saturday
a history student
Cost: Family ticket: £ Cost: 2 adults + 2 children £
Family ticket: free
7 8 £1
How much money Oh, dear. Bochester is
do we need? very expensive! Concert Centre Bochester Museum
Jazz Visit our Wonders of
the Sea exhibition.
at lunchtime
Adults £10 FREE
Total cost: £ Children £5

2 Look. Match and complete. Then answer.

Zoe looks in the Visit Bochester magazine. She finds some alternatives.
1 We can watch a comedy show a by the river. It’s
2 Mum can listen to jazz b with Bochester History Club. It’s
3 I can go to the sea exhibition c in the City Park. It’s
4 Pete can go rollerblading d at the Bochester Museum. It’s
5 We can do a walking tour e at the Bochester TV studios. It’s free.
How much is the total now?   Can they go to Bochester?

π Think about it! π   What can you do for free in your area?

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DVD 1 Unit 5

1 Label the photos. Then watch and number. Gina Eric Rachel

the Food Technology classroom ​the canteen ​a noticeboard

the Science Lab ​a classroom ​a corridor

a b c


a corridor      

d e f



2 Read and write True or False.

False How observant are you?
1 Rachel is in Year 11.
1 Do the girls have to wear
2 The students in Year 7 have to wear a uniform.
3 In Year 7 you have the same teacher for
2 How many microscopes are
every subject. in the Science Lab?
4 The exams are difficult. 3 Are they making pasta in
5 Rachel doesn’t like Food Technology. Food Technology?

6 The students are making chocolate cake in 4 What fruit is there in the
Food Technology.
5 Do they learn Spanish?
7 All the students buy lunch in the canteen.
6 Is there a girls’ football team?
8 Rachel thinks the school is fantastic.

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DVD 2 Unit 5
1 Answer the questions about Walton High. Watch again and check.
1 What time does the day start? At half past eight.
2 What time does the first lesson start?
3 How many pupils are there?
4 How many teachers are there?
5 How many classrooms are there?
6 How many Science labs are there?
7 What time is lunch?
8 How many hours of homework a week do they do in Year 7?

2 Imagine you are telling a new student about your school. Write your year number. Then
write a short dialogue. Use some of the questions in activity 1.

Hello! Hi, I’m in year . Please ask

me questions about the school.

How many pupils are there?

Bye! See you next year!

Bye! Thanks for answering my questions.

3 Now act out your dialogue.

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DVD 3 Unit 5
We are part of lots of different communities, our families, our school, our town and the world.
Rachel helps the younger children at her school. We can all help other people in our communities.

1 Read and number.

Small ideas, great results!
1 Polly Parker loves playing the 2 Tom’s mum is a doctor. She 3 Amy is learning Spanish at
piano. She wants to study at works at the local hospital. school. She likes it a lot. She’s
a music school but the When she comes home she is got an e-pal in Argentina. His
entrance exams are difficult. very, very tired. But she name’s Pablo. He’s learning
Luckily Mrs Stevens can help. doesn’t have to make dinner English. Amy writes to Pablo
She was a concert pianist and on Fridays because that’s in Spanish, and Pablo writes
now lives at the Old People’s Tom’s job. He likes cooking to Amy in English. ‘It’s great!’
Home. She helps Polly with and he likes making different says Amy, ‘Pablo corrects my
her exams, and Polly plays things. He can make pizza, mistakes, and I help him with
the piano at the Home’s pasta and pancakes too. his English too.’
dance classes on Saturday Tom’s mum says, ‘I love
afternoons. Tom’s cooking. It’s better
than going to a restaurant.’
a b c

2 Complete.
1 Polly enjoys playing the piano.
2 She’s trying to
3 Mrs Stevens can help Polly because
4 To help Mrs Stevens, Polly
5 Tom’s mum helps people. She’s a
6 When she comes home she is
7 On Fridays, Tom to help his mum.
8 Anna is learning
9 Pablo is learning
10 Pablo to help Anna.

π Think about it! π

1  What communities are you part of?  
2  Do you help in your communities? How?
3  What can you do to help more?
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DVD 1 Unit 6

Anna Farid Eric Ellie Miss Mr

Brown Willis
1 Watch and number.

2 Match the speech bubbles with the photos.

1 2
Let’s meet here It’s nearly four
again at the gate o’clock! Let’s go!
at four o’clock.

3 4
Is there any I can see it!
treasure inside?

5 6
What are we It says look near
going to do now? the rainbow, over
the river.

7 8
We had fun. Ours was in
some bushes.

3 Read and write True or False.

1 They are members of the school Geo-caching Club.
2 They use a GPS to find a treasure box. How observant are you?
3 They are working with their History teachers. 1 What colour is Mr Willis’s
4 The teams are looking for the same cache.
2 How many people have
5 Ellie finds the cache in a tree.
a bag?
6 There’s always a small book and a pencil in a cache.
3 What colour is the bridge?
4 Are there any boats in
7 Anna takes the stamp.
the DVD?
8 Anna leaves a ring.
5 Who took a badge?
9 Eric and Ellie write about their cache on the laptop.
6 Which animals appear in
the DVD?
10 They start to plan another adventure.

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DVD 2 Unit 6
1 Complete the questions and answers.
near a bridge ​in a tree ​under a rock ​in some bushes ​near a bus stop ​in a fence

1 2 3


Where was your cache?    Where your cache?  

It was in a fence.   It was   

4 5 6


.    .    .
.    .    .
2 Match.
1   What did you take?    I took a pen and my friend took a badge. a b
2   What did you take?    I took a stamp and my friend took a ring.
3   What did you take?    I took a pencil and my friend took a pen. c

4   What did you take?    I took a stamp and my friend took a badge.

3 Now combine activities 1 and 2 to make dialogues. Practise them with a friend.
Where   your cache?

What   take?

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DVD 3 Unit 6
Teams that work well together are usually good at geo-caching.
Play the Geo-caching Race Game and find out how to be a good team member.
The Geo-caching Race!

1 Play in pairs. One person starts at A. The other person starts at B.

2 Take turns to throw a 1€ coin. If you throw side A, move one square. If you throw side B,
move two squares.
3 Read the sentence on your square. Think about it. If your team is working well together, move
forward one square. If you team isn’t working well together, move back one square.
4 The first person to get to the cache is the winner.

1 You’re late. 2 There is a tree

Your team on the path. 3 Your friend 4 You’re
A starts here.
didn’t wait You work can’t use the hungry. You
for you. together and GPS. You share your
move it. help him. sandwiches
with your
8 The cache is in
9 You’re tired.
a tree. You say 5 You can’t
7 You’re tired. Your friend
it is impossible find the
You stop carries your
to climb the cache. You
and sit down. backpack.
tree. decide to go
Your team home.
continues. 10 The cache is
in a tree. You
help your
friend climb 6 Your friend
6 Your friend is CACHE can’t use
thirsty. You give the tree.
10 You open the GPS.
her some of your You shout
the cache.
water. at him.
You choose an
object together. 7 You’re
5 You take the wrong hungry. You
path. You say you stop and have
want to go home. 9 You open 8 You can’t find your picnic.
the cache. the cache. You Your team
You choose think about the continues.
4 You’re thirsty. an object clue together.
Your friend says first.
he needs all his
1 You forgot
3 You take the 2 Your friend B starts
the GPS! Your
wrong path. You forgot the GPS. here.
friend has got
decide a new You shout at
route together. her.

π Think about it! π   What makes a good team member?

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DVD 1 Unit 7
1 Write. Then tick ✓ the things you see in the DVD.
stones ​beans ​sweetcorn ​insect ​sculpture ​starfish  gardener  stick

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Answer the questions.

1 What is Tom learning about in his ICT class?

2 What is Ellie’s uncle’s job?

3 What is Ellie’s uncle making in the video?
How observant are you?
4 What is Farid’s aunt’s job? 1 What’s behind Tom in the
living room?

5 What did Farid use to make his sculpture? 2 Where does Uncle Bill put
the insect hotel?

3 What are Farid and Ellie
6 What did Anna use to make her sculpture? wearing on their feet in
7 What do you use when you go geo-caching? 4 What colour is Miss
Brown’s hat?

5 Name four things from
8 What two things are always in a geo-cache box?
the geo-cache.

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DVD 2 Unit 7
1 Watch again and match.
a b c

d e f

1 They’ve found the cache. 4 She’s made a starfish sculpture.

2 I’ve made a blog. 5 They’ve written for the website.
3 She’s picked some sweetcorn. 6 They’ve made an insect hotel.

2 Match the questions and answers.

1 Have you made a video?
2 What’s it about?
3 Do you know a lot about gardens?
4 Has he taught you how to grow vegetables?
5 That’s amazing! Have you eaten your vegetables?
6 I’ve never grown vegetables. Is it difficult?

a It’s about working in the garden.

b No, it isn’t. It’s easy. I can teach you!
c Yes, I have. They’re delicious!
d Yes, I do. My dad’s a gardener. He’s taught me lots of things.
e Yes, I have. Would you like to watch it?
f Yes, he has. I’ve grown beans and sweetcorn.

3 Now practise the dialogue with your partner.

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DVD 3 Unit 7
We all have different skills. We can think about our personal skills to help us find the perfect job.

1 Read and number.

1 Jenny knows a lot about 2 Steve is good at making 3 Katie is very kind and
plants and she likes growing things. He loves art and he’s patient. She always looks
things. She grows her own very good with his hands. after people and tries to help
fruit and vegetables and she He’s got lots of imagination people who are in trouble.
grows lots of different and he always has new and She never panics when things
flowers, too. She knows interesting ideas. He likes go wrong. She always stays
about useful animals and she using the things around him calm and tries to make
loves nature. She doesn’t like to make beautiful objects. people feel better. She knows
sitting at a desk. She loves a lot about the human body,
working outside. too.

4 Lucy is very brave. She isn’t 5 Ben loves travelling to new 6 James knows about lots of
afraid to take risks. She’s and interesting places. He’s different things. He’s patient
very fit and strong, too. She interested in learning about and he’s very good at
exercises every day and she different countries and their explaining things and making
likes to stay healthy. She likes cultures. He likes to find out things easy to understand.
being active and she wants about different cities and He likes working with young
to do a job that helps people. countries and he loves people and he enjoys helping
She’d like to rescue people learning new languages, too. other people to find out more
from dangerous situations. He’s very friendly and he about different subjects.
likes talking to people.

a b c d e f

2 Complete the sentences about you.

1 I’m good at .
2 I’m interested in .
3 I know about .
4 I like .
5 I love .
6 I’m .

3 Think about your answers in activity 2. Choose the best job for you.
Tell the class and give reasons for your choice.

π Think about it! π   What makes a good student? How can this help you in your job?

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