Exam 19 PDF

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Q: 1 : What is Ethics?

-It’s the accepted standard behavior of humans globally which defines what is correct and
what is wrong taken from philosophy , and professional societies

- it’s the accepted standards of humans behaviors referring to his own area local
environment, family culture and society.

- Its same as morals

- It's about your communications skills and capabilities.

Q:2: Forced heat transfer by convection heat transfer coefficient value (h) :

-Will be less than the regular heat transfer coefficient value at normal
-Will be greater than the regular heat transfer coefficient at normal convection
-Will remain the same
-Can't say

Q:3 water is added to concerte at concrete mixer in order to increase

- slump value
- None of the above

Q:4: the Vapor compression refrigerating cycle is irreversible due to:

-The cycle is not isothermal

-Condenser is not at 100% efficiency
-The used valve is one directional flow
-can't recall

Q:5: The vertical force affecting the submerged body and keeps it floating is

-Gravity Force
-Buoyancy Force
-Can't recall
Q: 6: what can be used to isolate specific hazards at certain location:
- Fire damper
-Smoke damper
-Stack damper
-Air Curtains

Q:7: NPFA 72 visual inspection frequency for smoke detectors is done

-semi annually

Q: 8: NFPA 72 testing frequency for primary and secondary power supply

-semi annually

Q: 9: what is the amount of opening for enclosed car parking

- 20%
- 30%
- 40% and above

Q: 10: Fins are usually designed as thin as possible

- To allow to fix as much as possible more fins

- To allow coolant to flow easily around the fin
-To increase the width of the total profile area
To decrease the total weight

: Q:11: which one is not part of the interaction skills

- law
Q:12: To minimize the energy loss at the central air conditioning system:

- use different frequency pumps and variable sensors to control

pressure and temperature
-Avoid leaks of air inside the rooms
-Increase the room temperature to reasonable values
-All of the above

Q13: TQM refers to:

-Tool Quality management

-Test Quality Manager
-Total Quality Management
-Total Quality Manager

Q14: Project Controls is done during which part of the project:

-Before project starts

-During construction phase

-At project closure time

During the entire process

Q15: Water in General starts boiling at :

-100 degress Celsuis

-Saturation temperature

-Superheated temperature

-Triple point

Q16: The process of releasing vapor at the eye of the centrifugal pump is called:




None of the above

Q17: The type of welding defect that is due to sudden cool of weld is:


-Deep Penetration


None of the above

Q18: One Electrical Question I don’t recall (sth about DB Decibel )

Q19: Hooks law is applicable up to:

-Elastic limit

-At yield point

-Plastic limit

-Fracture point

The Other questions I can't recall….

Good luck


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