Adaptive Control Design For The Buck-Boost Converter With Desired Pole/zero Assignment

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Adaptive control design for the buck-boost

converter with desired pole/zero assignment

Conference Paper · October 2012

DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2012.6389114


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3 authors, including:

Chung-Shi Tseng
Minghsin University of Science and Technology


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Adaptive Control Design for the Buck-Boost
Converter with Desired Pole/Zero Assignment
Ming-Fa Tsai, Chung-Shi Tseng, and Zen-Chen Zhou
Department of Electrical Engineering, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan
E-mail: and

Abstract- In this paper, an adaptive digital control scheme is It is time consuming and is an obvious obstacle to actual
proposed for the buck-boost converter using a desired pole/zero application. The purpose of this paper is to develop a simple
assignment approach. In the case that the plant parameters are
well-known, through the sensitivity function a digital controller algorithm to synthesize an adaptive controller such that the
for the buck-boost converter with desired pole/zero assignment desired pole/zero of the sensitivity function can be arbitrarily
is proposed by solving some simple algebraic equations instead assigned and the stability of the closed-loop system is always
of solving a Diophantine equation to meet the requirements of guaranteed for the buck-boost converter. The importance of
internal stability for the closed-loop system. In the case that the pole assignment has been shown in many previously
plant parameters are uncertain, a digital adaptive controller for
buck-boost converter is also proposed using the recursive least- published papers and the desired zero assignment of the
squares (RLS) algorithm to estimate the uncertain parameters, sensitivity function can make reference signal tracking
where the desired poles and zero are still assigned for the possible. In the case that the plant parameters are assumed to
sensitivity function with respect to the estimated parameters at be well-known, based on the small signal model of the buck-
each sampling step. A projection algorithm is proposed for the boost converter, the proposed digital controller with the
estimated parameters to satisfy the characteristics of poles and
zero for a buck-boost converter, where poles should be inside the desired pole/zero assignment for the sensitivity function can
unit circle and zero should be outside the unit circle, be obtained by solving some simple algebraic equations
respectively. To verify the validity of the proposed digital instead of solving a Diophantine equation. In the case that the
controller, experimental set-up is built for the buck-boost plant parameters are uncertain (or unknown), an adaptive
converter and the fully digital adaptive controller is digital controller is proposed for the buck-boost converter
implemented by a digital signal processor TMS320- F28335.
using the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm [21] to
I. INTRODUCTION estimate the uncertain parameters, where the desired poles
and zero are still assigned for the sensitivity function with
The dc-dc converter is used as a power supply in a wide respect to the estimated parameters at each sampling step.
variety of applications. Basically, there are two standard types Finally, the proposed adaptive digital controller is
of dc-dc converters that are buck converter which decreases implemented by a digital signal processor (DSP-TMS320
the voltage level and boost converter which increases the F28335) to verify the validity of the proposed approaches for
voltage level from an input dc source. Alternatively, the the buck-boost converter. From the experimental results, the
buck-boost converter, which has abilities of either decreasing proposed digital adaptive controller can achieve good
or increasing the voltage level from an input dc source, is a performance on voltage regulation for the buck-boost
combination of buck converter and boost converter. converter with uncertain parameters.
Inherently, the buck-boost converter has a right half-plane
(RHP) zero, which is also called non-minimum phase (NMP) II. CONTROL DESIGN FOR BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER
system [1]. As well known, the control system design for a WITH DESIRED POLE/ZERO ASSIGNMENT
non-minimum phase system is more difficult than that for a The circuit schematic of a buck-boost converter with
minimum phase system [2]-[3]. The controller design for a voltage-mode control is shown in Fig. 1. The continuous-time
non-minimum phase system should avoid the unstable control-to-output (or incremental duty ratio-to-incremental
pole/zero cancellation to guarantee the internal stability for output) transfer function of the small signal model for a buck-
the closed-loop system. Conventionally, PI (or PID) control boost converter in continuous conduction mode (CCM) can
scheme is proposed for the buck-boost converter via root- be derived as follows [1].
locus method or pole-placement technique [5]-[10]. However, 1
these methods fail to determine suitable PI (or PID) control G pdo ( 1 − s)
gains when system parameters such as the inductance, Gp( s ) =
1 1
capacitance, and the load resistance are uncertain. Therefore, (1 + s )( 1 + s)
various kinds of adaptive control have been proposed to deal p1 p2 (1)
with the control system design for the plants with the where
uncertain parameters [11]-[18]. ω2G
Almost all the adaptive pole-assignment algorithms need to G pdo = 0 do ,
solve a Diophantine equation at each sampling step [19]-[20].

978-1-4673-2420-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 5924

Q1 D1 Ts u (t )
Buck − Boost
Zero − order hold y(t )
D/ A
Gho (s) G p (s )
DTSp Digital
TSp Ts
A/ D
Fig. 1 The circuit schematic of a buck-boost converter.

Fig. 2 A digital control scheme for a buck-boost converter.

Gdo = o , D′ = 1 − D , Vo = − V I ,
DD ′ D′ Ghop ( z ) = Z{Gho ( s )G p ( s )}
D′ 1
ω0 = , G pd 0 (1 − s)
LC −1 ωz
= (1 − z )Z { }
RD ′ 2 1 1
ωz = , s (1 + s )(1 + s)
LD p1
(4) p2
ω0 ± jω 0 4Q − 1 2 1
p1 , p 2 = , In the case of Q > , the discrete-time transfer function for
2Q 2
the buck-boost converter with a zero-order hold has the
C following form
Q = RD ′ .
b0 z + b1 B( z )
As can be seen from (1), there are two poles and one zero. Ghop ( z ) = 2
In general, the poles locate at the left-half plane (LHP) and z + a0 z + a1 A( z )
the zero locates at the right-half plane (RHP), respectively.
The characteristics of poles depends on the value of Q and
has the following three types. A(z) = z 2 + a0 z + a1
1 ω ± jω 0 4Q 2 − 1 B(z) = b0 z + b1
(1) When Q > , p1 , p 2 = 0 are complex (6)
2 2Q In (5), due to the mapping from (4), the poles of Ghop ( z )
conjugate poles.
locate inside the unit circuit of z-plane and zero of Ghop ( z )
1 ω
(2) When Q = , p1 , p 2 = 0 are the same real poles. locates outside the unit circuit of z-plane. In this study, A( z )
2 2Q
and B( z ) are coprime and can be factorized as follows.
1 ω ± ω0 1 − 4Q 2
(3) When Q < , p1 , p 2 = 0 are the A( z ) = A+ ( z ) A− ( z )
2 2Q
different real poles. B( z ) = B+ ( z ) B− ( z )
1 (7)
In this paper, we study the case of Q > , i.e., two poles where
of the buck-boost converter are complex conjugate and the A+ ( z ) and B+ ( z ) have all their zeros in z ≥ 1 .
other two cases can also be followed by the proposed method. A− ( z ) and B− ( z ) have all their zeros in z < 1 .
A digital control scheme for the buck-boost converter is For a buck-boost converter, there are two poles inside the
depicted in Fig. 2, where G ho ( s ) is a zero-order hold. unit circle and one zero outside the unit circle and therefore
Combining the zero-order hold G ho ( s ) and the buck- A− ( z ) = A( z ), B+ ( z ) = B( z ),
boost converter, G p ( s ) , we define A+ ( z ) = 1, B− ( z ) = 1.
b0 z + b1 B (z)
G hop ( s ) Δ G ho ( s )G p ( s ) Ghop ( z ) = 2
= +
z + a0 z + a1 A− ( z )
(2) (8)
where The configuration of the proposed digital control is shown
1 − e −Ts s in Fig. 3, where the reference input r ( z ) is assumed to be a
G ho ( s ) = (3)
s step function as follows.
where Ts is the sampling period. Taking the Z-transform on
G hop ( s ) , we obtain

r(z) ~
e (z) u(z) B(z) y(z) If S ( z ) satisfies all the requirements of internal stability,
C(z) Ghop (z) =
A(z) then we can directly obtain the controller C ( z ) as follows
1 − S ( z)
C ( z) =
Fig. 3 The configuration of the proposed digital control Ghop ( z ) S ( z ) (13)
rm z r z With the above controller, there is no unstable pole/zero
r ( z) = = m cancellation between C ( z ) and Ghop ( z ) . From condition (b)
z −1 M + ( z)
(9) of above lemma, the numerator of sensitivity function must
where rm is the amplitude of the step input and contain A+ ( z ) , i.e., the sensitivity function must be of the
M + ( z ) = ( z − 1) . following form
Let us define a sensitivity function for Fig. 3 as W ( z )( z − 1) l ( z ) A+ ( z )( z − 1) l ( z )( z − 1)
S ( z) = = =
S ( z ) = (1 + Ghop ( z )C ( z ) ) −1
g ( z) g ( z) g ( z) (14)
where C ( z ) denotes the controller to be determined later. where g ( z ) contains the desired poles which satisfy the
From Fig. 3, the tracking error e ( z ) is given as condition (a) and l ( z ) is a polynomial to be determined by
the condition (c) in the above lemma. From (14), we obtain
e ( z ) = S ( z )r ( z ) (11) g ( z ) − l ( z )( z − 1)
To track a step reference signal r ( z ) , the right hand side 1 − S ( z) =
g ( z) (15)
of (11) must not have any pole in z ≥ 1 , i.e., for this study To satisfy condition (c) in the above lemma, the numerator
the sensitivity function S ( z ) must have a zero at ( z − 1) to g ( z ) − l ( z )( z − 1) in (15) must contain B+ ( z ) , i.e., it must be
cancel the pole of r ( z ) at ( z − 1). Hence the zero assignment of the following form
of is very important in this tracking problem. The importance g ( z ) − l ( z )( z − 1) = B+ ( z ) F ( z ) = B ( z ) F ( z ) (16)
of pole assignment has been shown in many previously with
published papers. Our design objective is to synthesize a
deg ( l ( z ) ) = deg ( B+ ( z ) ) = deg ( B ( z ) ) = 1 (17)
controller C ( z ) such that the sensitivity function S ( z ) has
and we simply let
all desired poles and one desired zero for the purpose of
tracking a step reference signal. For the purpose of tracking a l ( z ) = ( z + l1 ) (18)
step reference signal and desired pole assignment, the −b
sensitivity function S ( z ) must be of the following form Since B+ ( z ) = b0 z + b1 , if let z1 = 1 , then
W ( z ) M + ( z ) W ( z )( z − 1)
S ( z) = = g ( z1 ) − l ( z1 )( z1 − 1) = B+ ( z1 ) F ( z1 ) = 0 ,
g (z) g ( z) (39)
where g ( z ) is a Hurwitz polynomial containing the desired g ( z1 )
l ( z1 ) = z1 + l1 = ,
( z1 − 1) (20)
poles in z < 1 , ( z − 1) is the desired zero for S ( z ) to cancel
the pole of r ( z ) at ( z − 1) , and W ( z ) is an undetermined g ( z1 )
monic polynomial which should be determined to satisfy the l1 = − z1
( z1 − 1) (21)
following internal stability constraint.
In order to satisfy the requirement of causality for the
Definition [22]: The sensitivity function S ( z ) is said to be
sensitivity function S ( z ) in (14),
stable if the closed-loop of Fig. 3 is asymptotically stable for
some choice of the controller C ( z ) , i.e., no pole/zero deg( g ( z )) ≥ deg(l ( z )) + deg(( z − 1)) = 1 + 1 = 2 (22)
cancellation between C ( z ) and Ghop ( z ) in z ≥ 1 . For the simplicity of design, let deg( g ( z )) = 2 and
The following lemma provides the conditions of internal g ( z ) = ( z − d1 )( z − d 2 )
stability for a closed-loop sensitivity function. where d1 and d 2 are desired poles for the sensitivity
Lemma [22]-[23]: The sensitivity function S ( z ) ≠ 0 is
function. Hence, F ( z ) can be obtained from (16) as follows.
internally stable if and only if all the following conditions
( z − d1 )( z − d 2 ) − ( z + l1 )( z − 1)
hold F ( z) =
(a) S ( z ) is analytic in z ≥ 1 . B+ ( z )
(1 − d1 − d 2 − l1 ) z + d1d 2 + l1
(b) Every zero of the polynomial A( z ) in z ≥ 1 is a zero of =
b0 z + b1 (24)
S ( z ) of at least the same multiplicity.
After determining l ( z ) and F ( z ) , we can obtain the
(c) Every zero of the polynomial B ( z ) in z ≥ 1 is a zero of
corresponding controller C ( z ) as
1- S ( z ) of at least the same multiplicity.

yˆ(k ) = [ − y ( k − 1) − y ( k − 2) u ( k − 1) u (k − 2)]
r(k) e~ (k) u(k) y(k)
× ⎡⎣ aˆ0 aˆ1 bˆ0 bˆ1 ⎤⎦
Ghop (z)

Ĝhop (z) = ϕ (k )θˆ(k ) (30)

u(k) e(k)
θˆ(k ) y(k)
Fig. 4 shows the adaptive control scheme for the buck-
boost converter, where a recursive least-squares (RLS)
algorithm [21] is used to estimate the uncertain parameters of
the buck-boost converter. In Fig. 4, Ĝ hop (z) is an estimated
Fig. 4 The adaptive control scheme for the buck-boost converter.
model (transfer function) of the buck-boost converter, where
1 − S (z) ( z 2 + a0 z + a1 ) F ( z )
C ( z) = = e(k ) = y (k ) − yˆ (k ) and estimated parameter vector
Ghop ( z ) S ( z ) ( z + l1 )( z − 1) (25)
θˆ(k ) = [aˆ 0 aˆ1 bˆ0 bˆ1 ]T is updated by the following recursive
Example: It is assumed that the transfer function of a buck- least-squares (RLS) algorithm.
boost converter is with B( z ) = −12.07 z − 15.32 and θˆ(k ) = θˆ(k − 1) + P (k )ϕ (k − 1)e(k ) (31)
A(z) = z 2 − 1.77 z + 0.98, and desired poles P(k ) = [ P(k − 1) − P (k − 1)ϕ (k − 1)
g ( z ) = ( z − 0.2)( z − 0.2). From the above analysis, we can × V (k − 1) −1ϕ (k − 1)T P (k − 1)] / λ (32)
solve l1 = 0.318 and where
( z − 0.2)( z − 0.2) − ( z + 0.318)( z − 1) e(k ) = y (k ) − ϕ (k − 1)T θˆ(k − 1) (33)
F ( z) =
−12.07 z − 15.32 T
V (k − 1) = λ + ϕ (k − 1) P(k − 1)ϕ (k − 1) (34)
= −0.0234 (26) and λ (0 < λ ≤ 1) is a forgetting factor which is chosen close
By substituting l ( z ) = z + 0.318 and F ( z ) = −0.0234 into
to unity, θˆ(k ) = [aˆ 0 aˆ1 bˆ0 bˆ1 ]T is an estimate of
(25), we obtain
−0.0234 z 2 + 0.0414 z − 0.0229 θ (k ) = [a0 a1 b0 b1 ]T . The initial values of θˆ(0) and
C ( z) = P(0) = κI 4×4 ( κ >> 1 and I is an identity matrix) are given
z 2 − 0.682 z − 0.318 (27)
in advance.
When performing the estimating process, the estimated
III. ADAPTIVE CONTROL DESIGN FOR BUCK-BOOST poles and zero may be outside, on, or inside the unit circle
in z-plane. As known, the poles of the buck-boost
converter are inside the unit circle and the zero is outside
In the above section, the digital controller C ( z ) can be the unit circle. Therefore, we have to judge whether the
obtained if the parameters a 0 , a1 , b0 , and b1 are exactly locations of the estimated poles and zero are inside the unit
known. The exact values of a 0 , a1 , b0 , and b1 depend on circle and outside the unit circle, respectively. The
projection algorithm for the estimated poles and zero is
the exact information of resistor R , inductor L , capacitor
proposed as follows:
C , duty ratio D and input voltage V I in the buck-boost
(a) Projection of the estimated zero: Since the
converter. Sometimes, true values of these parameters may numerator of the estimated model (transfer function) is
not be exactly measured. In this section, an adaptive control

design for the buck-boost converter is proposed in the case Bˆ ( z ) = bˆ0 z + bˆ1 , if 1 > 1 then the estimated zero is outside
that the parameters of a 0 , a1 , b0 , and b1 are uncertain. b̂0
From (5), the difference-type of the transfer function for b̂1
the buck boost converter is expressed as follows. the unit circle and is reasonable. If ≤ 1 then the estimated
y (k ) = −a0 y (k − 1) − a1 y (k − 2) b̂0
+b0 u (k − 1) + b1u (k − 2) (28) zero is not outside the unit circle and the estimated b̂0 and
The above equation can be written as b̂1 can’t be used. In this case, we have to project this
y (k ) = [ − y ( k − 1) − y ( k − 2) u ( k − 1) u (k − 2)] estimated zero to the previously estimated zero. In other
× [ a0 a1 b0 b1 ]
T words, we can project b̂0 and b̂1 , which are improper, to the

= ϕ (k )θ (k ) previously estimated values of b̂0 and b̂1 to preserve the

property of zero, which is outside the unit circle, in the buck-
If θ (k ) is replaced by its estimate θˆ(k ), then the estimated
boost converter.
output yˆ(k ) is represented by (b) Projection of the estimated poles: Since the
denominator of the estimated model (transfer function) is

Buck-Boost Converter circuit of buck-boost converter. The sampling period for the
digital controller is Ts = 0.88ms and an 18-KHz PWM
module is used in the DSP as the duty ratio to drive the power
The digital controller is realized according the Design
Procedure in the above Section. From Fig. 5, the output
voltage Vo is sampled by ADC module and becomes digital
output signal y (k ) . By giving initial â0 , â1 , b̂0 , and b̂1 , the
polynomials lˆ( z ) and Fˆ ( z ) can be obtained by solving (21)
and (24), respectively. Then, the digital controller Cˆ ( z ) can
be obtained from (25). The control input, which is the duty
Fig. 5 The configuration of adaptive control for the buck-boost converter.
ratio, is calculated by u (k ) = Cˆ ( z )e (k ) , where the error signal
is calculated by e (k ) = r (k ) − y (k ) . The duty ratio is
Â(z) = z 2 + â 0 z + â 1 , the Jury’s Test can be used to
implemented by a PWM module in the DSP. The recursive
determine the locations of the estimated poles. According
least-squares algorithm and a projection algorithm of judging
to the Jury’s Test, if (a) Aˆ (1) > 0 , (b) Aˆ (−1) > 0 , and (c) estimated poles and zero are used to update the estimated
â1 < 1 are all satisfied then all the estimated poles are parameters θˆ(k ) = [aˆ aˆ bˆ bˆ ]T using u (k ) , y (k ) , and
0 1 0 1
inside the unit circle. If one of them is not satisfied, similarly e( k ) .
we can project the estimated values of â0 and â1 to the The experimental results for the boost-mode converter
previously estimated values of â0 and â1 to preserve the using the proposed adaptive control are shown in Fig. 6 with
property of poles, which are inside the unit circle, in the desired poles g ( z ) = ( z − 0.2)( z − 0.2), a forgetting factor
buck-boost converter. λ = 0.99 , initial values â 0 = −1.41 , â1 = 0.92 , b̂0 = −5.76 ,
According to the above analysis, the Design Procedure of
the proposed adaptive control design for the buck-boost b̂1 = −6.7 , and P(0) = 1000 I 4×4 . The initial values for â 0 ,
converter with desired pole/zero assignment is summarized as â1 , b̂0 , b̂1 can be obtained from rough knowledge of resistor
R , inductor L , capacitor C , duty ratio D and input voltage
Step 1: Given initial â0 , â1 , b̂0 , and b̂1 which satisfy V I . The desired output voltage is set to be 24V and the input
b̂1 voltage is about 8V. The experiment is performed without the
> 1 and (a) Aˆ (1) > 0 , (b) Aˆ (−1) > 0 , and (c)
b̂0 exact knowledge of all parameters. The experimental results
for the buck-mode converter using the proposed adaptive
â1 < 1 . control are shown in Fig.7 with the same conditions as that in
Step 2: Solve l̂1 from (21) and obtain Fˆ ( z ) from (24) by the boost mode. The desired output voltage is set to be 5V.

the estimated â0 , â1 , b̂0 , and b̂1 . V. CONCLUSIONS

Step 3: Substitute lˆ( z ) and Fˆ ( z ) into (25), we obtain In this paper, an adaptive digital control scheme with
desired pole/zero assignment of the sensitivity function is
Aˆ ( z ) Fˆ ( z ) proposed for the buck-boost converter. The controller design
Cˆ ( z ) = − .
lˆ( z )( z − 1) is based on the small signal model of the buck-boost
converter and the sensitivity function of the closed-loop
Step 4: Update Aˆ ( z ) = z 2 + aˆ z + aˆ and Bˆ ( z ) = bˆ z + bˆ
0 1 0 1 system. In the case that the plant parameters are well-known,
using RLS and the projection algorithm. a digital controller is obtained for the buck-boost converter by
Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 to update the digital controller Cˆ ( z ) solving some simple algebraic equations instead of a
Diophantine equation. In the case that the plant parameters
and the parameters of â0 , â1 , b̂0 , and b̂1 at every adaptive are uncertain (or unknown), a digital controller with adaptive
step. control scheme is proposed for the buck-boost converter
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS using the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm and a
projection algorithm to estimate the uncertain parameters,
In this section, to verify the performance of the proposed where the desired poles and zero are still assigned for the
adaptive control scheme for the buck-boost converter, sensitivity function with respect to the estimated parameters.
experiments are carried out using a floating-point 150 MHz To verify the validity of the proposed digital controller,
DSP TMS320-F28335. The configuration of the proposed experimental set-up is built for the buck-boost converter and
adaptive control for the buck-boost converter is shown in Fig. the fully digital adaptive controller is implemented by a
5, in which the left part is the proposed digital controller digital signal processor TMS320-F28335. From the
realized by a DSP TMS320-F28335 and the right part is the

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