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strain gage positions were as shown in Fig. 5.

For the 2
tests conducted at the fast strain rate, only the gages
numbered 2 and 10 were present at one one-third 8 3 8 3
point, 4 and 11 at midheight, and 7 and 12 at the other
one-third point. The strain gages used had a gage
length of 5 mm (0.20 in.). 7 4
For tests conducted at the low strain rate 4

(0.0000033/sec), the loads and strains were recorded

manually. For tests conducted at the higher strain rates
(0.00167 /sec or 0.0167 /sec), all measurements were re- Fig. 5 - Posítions oí electrícal resístance straín gages
corded electronically. for 8- and 12-bar uníts

Test unit preparation

The concentrically loaded test uníts had thin layers
of plaster placed between their ends and the steel plates Buck/1ng of ~/24mm (0.941n.!
at the ends of the testíng machine. The spherical seat-
ing normally located at the top platen was removed
long1rud1nal Dar
Dend1ng supporr --- d1a Dar

Dar w1rh 11 ~ 16mm !0.63in)d1a

since it was considered that a more uniform compres- <::;¡
"' supporr bar
sion strain would be maintained at high strains if ro- ~
tation of the platen could not occur.
For the concentrically loaded test units, a steel roller
bearing was inserted at each end of the unit between
-- -- -- ~

the end plates and the platens of the testing machine.

The roller bearings were set at a predetermined eccen- Fíg. 6 - Bendíng oí bar to which linear potentiometers
tricity of 49 mm (1.93 in.) for the 12-bar units and 33 were attached
mm (1.30 in.) for the 8-bar units. The eccentric loading
produced a strain gradient which varied as the test pro-
gressed, since the distribution of concrete compressive and supported the linear potentiometers had often de-
stress depended on the shape of the concrete stress- formed near one end, indicating that initially plane sec-
strain curve which changed as the test progressed. For tions were not remaining plane for the duration of the
the chosen end eccentricity (the end eccentricity was test. This occurred despite the fact that the end sections
held constant during the test), the straín was O at one of the test units remained plane. It was noticed that
face of the concrete core when the compressive strain the horizontal bars bent only if they were near a buckle
at the opposite face was about 0.01. Generally, rather in the longitudinal bars, as illustrated in Fig. 6. It ap-
than zero strain, there was initially a small compressive peared that the very high localized strains associated
strain and then a small and eventually a high tensile with longitudinal bar buckling caused local distortion
strain at one face, while the compressive strain in- of the concrete section. However, beca use this phe-
creased at the opposite face. nomenon occurred toward the end of testing, errors in
the longitudinal strains measured were not considered
to be great.
TEST OBSERVATIONS In the tests, a marked degradation in the strength of
The appearance of vertical cracks in the concrete the concrete core was always initiated by fracture of
cover was always the first sign of any distress in the an inner hoop. Generally, a considerable number of
test units. These cracks spread rapidly as crushing of hoops fractured befare testíng was complete, and the
the concrete cover caused the cover to become ineffec- concrete was still able to carry a significant load after
tive. As expected, this was particularly evident for the the fracture of three or four hoops. Thus, it would be
units with closely spaced hoops, since closely spaced reasonably conservative to define the limit of useful
transverse steel causes a plane of weakness between the concrete compressive strain as that strain at which
core and cover concrete. However, with the cover con- fracture of a hoop first occurs. It should be noted that
crete lost, the load still continued to increase as the fracture of the outer (perimeter) hoops occurred later,
core concrete became confined by arching between the if at all, than fracture of the inner hoops. This was
hoops and longitudinal bars. Eventually this load de- due to the loss of bond at the outer hoops, caused by
creased. Buckling of the longitudinal bars occurred at the loss of the concrete cover, allowing an averaging
higher strains; this was invariably associated with frac- of the outer hoop strain across the width of the con-
ture of the hoops at or near the buckle. As the hoops crete core. Fracture of an inner hoop, and the subse-
snapped, the core concrete in the near vicinity was re- quent local degradation of the strength of the concrete
duced to fine rubble and flowed or was ejected from core, also caused a loss of anchorage at the embedded
the core. ends of the outer hoop bars, resulting in a tendency
After the tests, it was found that the horizontal bars for the outer hoop bar to unwind rather than to frac-
which passed through the units at the one-third points ture.
ACI JOURNAL / January-February 1982 17

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