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{f) t ~ 1.85 seconds (g} t ~ 2~?.2 seconds (h) !

::nd of Test

Fíg. 7 - Unit 12 at various ínstants duríng the hígh strain rate test

Fig. 7 shows a series of time-sequence photographs shows a close-up of the fracture of three hoops from
far Unit 12, which was loaded concentrically and at the lightly confined Unit 12 (see also Fig. 7) and also
the high strain rate. The photographs were taken at illustrates the loss of anchorage of the outer hoops.
high speed, and the time t in the figure indicates the Fig. 8(d) shows the unreinforced U nit 11 after high
time in seconds after the start of loading. The hori- strain rate concentric loading. The cone of failure at
zontal metal bands seen in the figure near the center each end joined by a large vertical crack was typical
of the test unit were made loose fitting, with 25 mm of ali unreinforced units tested, and the failure was
(1 in.) clearance ali around, to provide protection to always brittle with a sudden loss of load capacity.
the potentiometers; the bands provided no confine- The eccentrically loaded U nits 4 and 5 at failure can
ment. Fig. 7 shows that vertical cracking of the cover be seen in Fig. 8(e) and (f). Note the buckling of the
concrete had occurred by t = 0.39 sec, just befare a longitudinal bars on the compression face and the large
peak load of 8.5 MN (1910 kips) was reached, and by evenly spaced tension cracks on the opposite face.
the next photograph at t = O. 79 sec the load had fallen These tension cracks are slightly inclined to the hori-
to 6.4 MN (1440 kips). The next photograph at t = zontal due to the shear induced by the amount gradient
1.13 sec was taken just befare the first hoop fracture, resulting from high, but variable, P-ll moments. Since
and the photograph at t = 1.48 sec is at the third hoop P-ll moments are maximum at mid-height and zero at
fracture. By the last sequential photograph at t = 2.22 top and bottom, a moment gradient with height, and
sec, six hoops had fractured; two more would do so thus a shear force distribution, is involved. It is sig-
befare the end of the test. The final photograph shows nificant that despite the squat nature of the test units,
the condition of the concrete core at the end of testing. the lateral displacements finally induced P-ll moments
Fig. 8 shows selected features of the failures for var- of the same order of magnitude as moments resulting
ious test units. Fig. 8(a) shows a typical lightly con- from the end eccentricities. The extent of the final lat-
fined unit (Unit 17) and Fig. 8(b) shows a typical heav- eral displacement is clearly illustrated by Fig. 8(f).
ily confined unit (Unit 15), both after high strain rate
concentric loading. Failure occurred in the central re- GENERAL TEST RESULTS
gion of the units and the longitudinal bars buckled. It The main test results obtained for each unit were the
is also evident that the core concrete of the more lightly relationships between total load versus longitudinal
confined Unit 17 is significantly more damaged than strain, the longitudinal concrete core stress versus lon-
that of the more heavíly confined U nit 15. Fig. 8( c) gitudinal strain, and the hoop reinfarcement stress ver-
18 ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1982

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