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chJULY 2017


Objectives in maintaining active liaison between records centers and their respective client agencies
(chap 3)

1) Step to ensure cleanliness and order of a record center (chap 1)

• The records centre must be clean. This means that the records must be protected from damage
from dirt, insects or rodents or infestation by moulds.

• No one should be allowed to eat or bring food into the records centre: crumbs could encourage
insects or rodents.

• Smoking must be prohibited in the records centre at all times, and there should be prominent
notices to this effect.

• The records centre should be cleaned, dusted and inspected on a regular basis.

• The records centre should also be orderly. This means that the records kept in it must be in
proper order on the shelves, so that any record can be found at any time with a minimum of

• Records should be kept in proper containers or wrappings, clearly labeled with their reference

• Regular checks should be made to ensure records are returned to their appropriate locations
and are not stored inappropriately.

2) 5 items should be included in a records center accessions register

Explain why records center must be efficient – chapter 1

• The records centre must be efficient. Every record held in the centre should be retrievable
quickly and easily.

• Records should also be disposed of according to a predetermined disposal schedule.

• Records centres are organised so as to be able to identify and retrieve records efficiently,
whereas offices are generally organised in support of administrative services.

• Records in special formats require special conditions for storage and special techniques for
retrieval. These can be better provided in the records centre than in the office



1) Objective of record management manual in records center(chap 7)

• Objectives

1. designate authority for the centralized control of all records management activities

2. identify the relationships between the records management department and all other

3. establish uniform procedures in the creation, processing, retention and destruction of

records through out the organization

4. provide a source of instructions and guidance for all personnel who create, use and
maintain an organization’s records

5. create an understanding among all employees of the basic principles of good records
management and recognize its advantage

6. encourage constructive suggestions from employees concerning the program

2) Duties of record center staff (chap 2)

• gaining appropriate qualifications in the field and keeping up to date with new developments

• understand the strategic and regulatory environment of information management

• analyse agency business functions, identify information management requirements, assess risks

• influence and persuade stakeholders to incorporate information and records management


• integrate information management expertise and strategic business skills to develop policies,
standards and systems to support business outcomes

• ensure that adequate documentation, training and advice on information management,

3) Difference between environmental and custodial security (chap 1) – kene fahamkan

4) Importance of transportation for a records center daily operation (chap 3)

 How will the records be transferred, disposed of and retrieved?

 Records that are retired from current systems should be transferred to the records centre

 In general, agencies should be encouraged to make smaller transfers more frequently rather
than larger transfers less often.

 However, difficult transport arrangements may make this impractical.

 Suitable transport arrangements will always improve the efficiency of the service.

 The records centre should have accommodation and equipment to facilitate large transfers of
records :-

 weather-proof loading bay, adequate parking

 space for large vehicles

 a working area where transferred materials can be cleaned and checked before being placed on

5) Purpose of the issue sticker in a records center (chap 8 pg111)

The purpose of issue sticker is to :-

 Identify record a having been issued by the records center

 Remind officers to return it at a proper time
 Help records center staff replace it in the proper place
 Identify the record as a returned issue and not as a new transfer
 Be a ready reference marker in checking how often records are used


JUN 2016

1) 5 steps in providing environmental security of a records center (chap 1)

• The records centre should be isolated from any dangers that might threaten the safety of the
records, including fire, flood or natural disaster. This system of isolation should be supported by
the installation of automatic alarm systems and by constant monitoring of the area.

• Intruder alarms should connect automatically with the appropriate police or security authorities.

• Smoke, fire and flood alarms should connect with the appropriate fire service.

• Staff should be trained in the use of extinguishers and should know what to do in an emergency.

• All alarm systems should be tested regularly.

2) 5 duties and responsibilities of an active records supervisor (chap 5 slide)

Records Center Supervisor

• Maintain a control card index file to facilitate ready reference to all records housed in
the record center

• Initiate and maintain reference control forms

• Analyze rate of reference to records and make recommendations for changes in

retention schedules

• Make adequate provisions for maintaining and safeguarding all inactive records

• Coordinate transfer of records from active records areas to the record center

• Arrange for the pickup and transportation of records

• Supervise the operation of microfilm equipment

• Arrange for removal and destruction of records from the records center upon proper

• Supervise the destruction of obsolete records

3) 5 factors to be considered for planning a records center (chap4)-huraikan

When planning a records centre, decisions have to be made on the following policy issues:

2.1 centralization

2.2 location

2.3 means of transport

2.4 communications and technology

2.5 staffing

2.6 accommodation

2.7 authority, service levels and costs.

4) Demonstrate 5 indicators of records center staffs performance evaluation (chap6)

Evaluating Performance

 control of human behavior:

 poor attendance
 excessive overtime
 numbers and patterns of errors in work
 slow response to work assignments
 low morale and lack of interest
 lack of concern

5) 5 indication that a good storage program is in place in a records center (chap7)

Some indications that a good storage program is in place include:

1. Inactive records are stored off-site in an in-house or contracted records center.

2. Proper shelving is used to store records.

3. Electronic data backup procedures are in place and are routinely followed.

4. Disaster preparedness plans are in place.

5. Micrographics standards are followed.

6. Microfilm masters and computer backups are stored securely offsite.

DEC 2015


1) 5 procedures that should be considered in managing records in a records center (chapter 2)

There are a few procedures that should be considered in managing records in Records center which:

a) Liaising with records offices

b) Transferring records to the records center and accessioning records

c) Retrieving and using records held by records center

d) Disposing of records, including destruction or transfer of records to the archival institution

e) Measuring and reporting performance

2) Discuss 5 purpose of preparing reference analysis in a record center

 analysis enable records manager to know:

 how many reference are made for any given records series

 the age of records being referred

 number of records that cannot be located or charged out

 who uses the records center

 when the records are used

 how old records are when they ceased to be used

 where 'high activity' records are located in records center


3) 5 chargeable services to records center client(chap4)

Chargeable services may include:

 Transfer of records to the records center and storage

 Retrieval of records and issue to the creator agency for reference
 Replacement of records after reference
 Retrieval of records for consultation in the reference room
 Advice on records management procedures and appraisal

4) 5 indication of a good records storage program applied in organization (chap 7)

• Some indications that a good storage program is in place include:

1. Inactive records are stored off-site in an in-house or contracted records center.

2. Proper shelving is used to store records.

3. Electronic data backup procedures are in place and are routinely followed.

4. Disaster preparedness plans are in place.

5. Micrographics standards are followed.

5) 5 issues that should be addressed in legislations related to records center management(chap 3)


DEC 2014

1) Discuss 5 basic procedures involve in managing records in a records center (chapter 2)

• There are a few procedures that should be considered in managing records in Records centre

– Liaising with records offices

– Transferring records to the records centre and accessioning records

– Retrieving and using records held by records centre

– Disposing of records, including destruction or transfer of records to the archival


– Measuring and reporting performance


2) 5 responsibilities of senior management in a records center (chapter2)

Senior management have the following roles and responsibilities:

 Recognise the importance of information and records management to their agency

 Help the program to succeed by
o endorsing policies and procedures
o directing the agency staff to use those facilities available to them
o allocate roles and responsibilities to agency staff
o ensuring that staff understand their roles and responsibilities
o making sure that staff are fully trained in the application of those facilities
 Provide appropriate resources for all aspects of the program. This means that
there will be sufficient numbers of skilled people and appropriate information
management infrastructure within the agency to ensure the program can run effectively
• Seek and act on the advice of those skilled people when required
• Foster the establishment and maintenance of working partnerships among senior managers,
information and records managers, and information and communication technology staff in
order to develop, review and implement business technology systems that support the creation
and management of authentic and reliable records

3) 5 duties of ICT staff in a records center (chapter 2)

Information and communication technology staff has the following roles and responsibilities:

• responsible for creating and maintaining the technological infrastructure which supports the

• understand that applications and systems need to have appropriate functionality for capturing
and managing the evidence of agency business

• work cooperatively with IRM professionals to design, implement and improve the records
management capability, information architecture and accessibility of information within
business systems

• consider the significant risks involved if records are not managed properly for as long as is

• provide input to strategic frameworks for managing information across the agency

4) 5 element to be considered in a records center planning and development processes (chapter 3


When planning a records centre, decisions have to be made on the following policy issues:

2.1 centralization

2.2 location

2.3 means of transport

2.4 communications and technology

2.5 staffing

2.6 accommodation

2.7 authority, service levels and costs.

5) 5 signs of a good records storage program applied in an organization (chapter 7)

• Some indications that a good storage program is in place include:

1. Inactive records are stored off-site in an in-house or contracted records center.

2. Proper shelving is used to store records.

3. Electronic data backup procedures are in place and are routinely followed.

4. Disaster preparedness plans are in place.

5. Micrographics standards are followed.

6) 5 challenges in managing a commercial records center (google)


 Managing various format of records, example: maps and plan – too sensitive

 Organizational and Personnel Problem

Record center must ensure their staff to have passable academic qualification and experience that
combines skills of information technology and also in information management, business system
analysis and any skills that related. Record overload becoming worse as registries in the public
sector attempted to deal with excessive quantities of paper which could be destroyed or sent to
centers designed for the storage of inactive records or to the National Archives.
 Technology
There are some important decision-support documents are in the form of multimedia
presentations and spreadsheets which have assumptions that embedded within the electronic
version that are not easily willing to print out. The problems related to saving such important
types of records are typically not addressed, and so the records are lost. There are also new
formats of record material including computer generated, motion picture and television films
which all requiring skills, procedures and storage environment in a part of the world where there
are extreme variations in temperature and humidity.
 Level of Risk
In developing the records disaster recovery plan, record center should assess the changeable
force of each risk to which their records may be subject. Risks may range from minor flooding
affecting perhaps only one or two offices in a facility to a major fire that may cause major damage

to the entire facility and its contents (Barry, 2003). Generally, water, fire, and smoke damage
should receive particular attention as they are the likely the main problem that will damage
records stored in an agency facility. If chemical agents are either stored in the building or are
contained in its operating systems, the potential damage these might cause should also be
addressed during the planning.

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