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Back To Nature

Spring 1 - New Year's Festival

Spring 2 - Louis' birthday
Spring 4 - Bold's birthday
Spring 8 - Goddess Festival
Spring 11 - Saibara's birthday
Spring 14 - Spring Thanksgiving Festival
Spring 15 - Staid's birthday
Spring 16 - Elli's birthday
Spring 17 - Barley's birthday
Spring 18 - Local Horse Race
Spring 19 - Lillia's birthday
Spring 20 - Elli's birthday (alternate)
Spring 22 - Cooking Festival
Spring 26 - Aqua's birthday
Spring 29 - Greg's birthday
Spring 30 - Sasha's birthday

Summer 1 - Opening Day
Summer 3 - Popuri's birthday
Summer 4 - Harris' birthday
Summer 6 - Cliff's birthday
Summer 7 - Chicken Festival
Summer 10 - Popuri's birthday (alternate)
Summer 11 - Basil's birthday
Summer 12 - Tomato Festival
Summer 16 - Timid's birthday
Summer 17 - Ann's birthday
Summer 20 - Cow Festival
Summer 22 - Kai's birthday; Ann's birthday (alternate)
Summer 24 - Fireworks Display
Summer 25 - Thomas's birthday
Summer 29 - Zack's birthday
Fall 2 - Gotz's birthday
Fall 3 - Music Festival
Fall 5 - Stu's birthday; Ann's Mother's Memorial
Fall 9 - Harvest Festival
Fall 10 - Hoggy's birthday
Fall 11 - Manna's birthday
Fall 13 - Moon-Viewing Day
Fall 14 - Chef's birthday
Fall 15 - Karen's birthday
Fall 17 - Doctor's birthday
Fall 20 - Carter's birthday
Fall 21 - Sheep Festival
Fall 23 - Anna's birthday; Karen's birthday (alternate)
Fall 27 - Rick's birthday
Winter 2 - Kano's birthday
Winter 6 - Gray's birthday
Winter 10 - Dog Race
Winter 11 - Doug's Birthday
Winter 13 - Ellen's birthday
Winter 14 - Winter Thanksgiving Festival
Winter 15 - Duke's birthday
Winter 19 - Won's birthday
Winter 20 - Mary's birthday
Winter 22 - Nappy's birthday
Winter 24 - Star Night Festival
Winter 25 - Mary's birthday (alternate)
Winter 26 - May's birthday
Winter 29 - Jeff's birthday
Winter 30 - New Year's Party
Zack is the guy in this videogame who picks up all the items from your shipping bin every evening. He’s usually quite
nice but can get angry quickly.
Birthday: Summer 29
Recipe: Fried Noodles

Zack’s schedule
Day Time Location

6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his house
Every 7:40 am to 10:00
Inside the supermarket
day am
Every 10:40 am to 4:00
Inside his house
day pm
4:50 pm to 5:50 pm At your farm
Every 7:50 pm to 12:00
Inside his house
day am

Large fish aren’t the easiest things to give in this videogame so you’re probably best with sticking with liked items
such as Fish Food which you can just buy and give to him or Apples during the fall.
Zack’s likes and dislikes
Large Fish
Apple, Apple Pie, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Fish Food, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Latte, Grilled Fish,
Hot Milk, Medium Fish, Miso Soup, Mixed Latte, Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball,
Sandwich, Sashimi, Spinach, Stew, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tomato Juice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Wine
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cabbage, Cake,
Carrot, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles, Dinner
Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Fried Noodles, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Greens, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Ice
Cream, Jam Bun, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Juice, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mystrile, Noodles,
Omelet, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Orichalc, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Potato, Pumpkin,
Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-
Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura,
Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Small Fish
Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Branch, Butter, Chicken Feed, Curry Powder, Dead Weeds, Flour,
Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Oil,
Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Stone, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter
In this videogame Won is a merchant with questionable morals who will sell you rare seeds and will occasionally
come to your door to sell you other items.
Don’t buy his SUGDW Apple or his Blue Feather because he’s trying to cheat you with both those items.
Birthday: Winter 19

Won’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 1:00 pm No one knows where he is

Every day 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Every day 4:00 pm to 12:00 am No one knows where he is

Won doesn’t love anything in this game and he only likes fish which makes gift giving difficult. If you’re trying to get
him to like you just get him a ton of small fish.
Won’s likes and dislikes
Fish (any size)
Adamantite, Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer,
Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Butter, Cabbage, Cake, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chirashi Sushi,
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Copper Ore, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles, Curry
Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Gold Ore,
Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream,
Jam Bun, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom
Rice, Mystrile, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Orichalc, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Pink Cat
Flower, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower,
Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled
Eggs, Silver Ore, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple,
Sushi, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle,
Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape, Wine, Wool
and Yarn Ball
Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Fodder, Lumber and Winter Lumber
Bandage, Branch, Dead Weeds, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Ketchup Recipe, Poisonous Mushroom, Stone,
Weed, Winter Branch and Winter Stone
Stu is quite mischievous in this videogame and he likes to pull pranks and get into trouble. He is the brother of Elli and
really good friends with May. He secretly has a crush on May too.
Birthday: Fall 5

Stu’s schedule
There is an event in the game that causes Stu and May to regularly visit the church. After that event Stu’s schedule
changes to the following one:
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside his house

Every day 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Outside his house
Every day 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house
Every day (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 pm Inside his house

The easiest gift in this videogame that Stu loves is probably honey. After that you could give him flowers, ore from
the Waterfal Mine or possibly apples with minimal effort.
Stu’s likes and dislikes
Apple Pie, Bandage, Cake, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookie, Fries,
Fruit Juice, Grape Juice, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Orange Cup Fruit, Pizza, Popcorn, Rice
Omelet , Sandwich, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Wild Grape and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Apple, Apple Jam, Branch, Butter, Cheese, Copper Ore, Curry, Curry Noodles, Fried Noodles, Gold Ore,
Grape Jam, Jam Bun, Large Fish, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Milk, Moondrop Flower, Mystrile, Omelet, Orichalc,
Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin Pudding, Roasted Potatoes, Silver Ore, Stew, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Toy
Flower, Veggie Pancake, Winter Branch and Wool
Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Corn, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Flour, Fried Rice, Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Mixed
Juice, Mixed Latte, Noodles, Oil, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Stir Fry,
Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato and Truffle Rice
Bamboo Rice, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Cabbage, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Cucumber, Eggplant,
Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Miso Soup, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Onion, Pickled Turnips,
Pickles, Potato, Pumpkin, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower, Sashimi, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Spinach, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tomato Juice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Blue Grass, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Green Grass, Lumber,
Poisonous Mushroom, Stone, Truffle, Weeds, Wine, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Sasha is the wife of Jeff in this videogame and she constantly gives him a hard time about allowing the villagers to buy
things on credit and take advantage of him. She is also the mother of Karen.
Birthday: Spring 30
Recipe: Chocolate Cookie

Sasha’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Tuesday 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the supermarket house area
Every day except for Tuesday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Every day except for Tuesday 4:45 pm to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket house area
Every day except for Tuesday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket house area
Tuesday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the supermarket house area
Tuesday 8:00 am to 10:00 am At Yodel Ranch
Tuesday 10:50 am to 1:00 pm At the Poultry Farm
Tuesday 1:50 pm to 4:00 pm At Ellen’s house
Tuesday 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket house area

Giving things that Sasha loves is going to take a lot of effort in this game so you’re probably best off giving her things
she likes. The easiest thing she likes is probably any flower.
Sasha’s likes and dislikes
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie and Cookie
Apple, Bamboo Rice, Bandage, Blue Magic Red Flower, Carrot, Curry Powder, Flour, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape
Juice, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Jam Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower,
Oil, Orange Cup Fruit, Orichalc, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation
Tea, Spinach, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Vegetable
Juice, Veggie Latte, Wool and Yarn Ball,
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Butter, Cabbage, Cake,
Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Fried
Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Green Grass, Green Pepper, Greens, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Ketchup,
Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Omelet, Onion, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato,
Pumpkin Pudding, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich,
Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Stir Fry, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura, Tempura
Noodles, Tomato Juice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape and Wine
Adamantite, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi, Copper Ore, Egg, Gold Ore, Grilled Fish, Mystrile, Sashimi, Silver Ore and Sushi
Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Poisonous
Mushroom, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Saibara is the town blacksmith and the grandfather of Gray in this game. He enjoys his work and will upgrade
your tools for you.
Birthday: Spring 11
Recipe: Pickled Turnips

Saibara’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Thursday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside his shop
Thursday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his shop
Thursday 8:00 am to 10:00 am At the top of Mother Hill
Thursday 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside his shop
Thursday 1:50 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the supermarket
Thursday 4:55 pm to 12:00 am Inside his shop
Thursday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside his shop

The easiest gifts for Saibara in this videogame are probably Bamboo Shoots during the spring and then ore from
the Waterfall Mine or even Lumber.
Saibara’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Large Fish, Miso Soup, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Truffle and Truffle Rice
Adamantite, Apple, Branch, Copper Ore, Cucumber, Gold Ore, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Lumber, Milk,
Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mystrile, Orichalc, Pumpkin, Rice Ball, Scrambled Eggs, Silver Ore, Spinach, Tempura,
Tempura Noodles, Turnip, Wine, Winter Branch and Winter Lumber
Apple Jam, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Curry Noodles, Egg, Eggplant,
Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Honey, Hot Milk, Jam Bun,
Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Noodles, Onion, Potato, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea
Leaves, Roasted Potato, Salad, Sashimi, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Sweet Potato,
Tomato, Tomato Juice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Apple Pie, Bandage, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Bread, Cake, Cheese, Cheesecake,
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Curry, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Flour, Fries, Grape Juice,
Green Grass, Ice Cream, Ketchup Recipe, Moondrop Flower, Oil, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower,
Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower, Rice Omelet , Sandwich, Stew,
Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Toy Flower, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Wool and
Yarn Ball
Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Stone,
Weeds and Winter Stone
Rick is the brother of Popuri and the son of Lillia. Since his father left to try and find a cure for Lillia’s illness, Rick feels
as if he has to be the man of the house. He’s quite protective of Popuri as well. He does a lot of the work at the Poultry
Birthday: Fall 27

Rick’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Tuesday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Outside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday 7:30 am to 10:00 am Outside the supermarket
Every day except for Tuesday 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Outside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 am Outside thePoultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday (if it’s raining) 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday (if it’s raining) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Outside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except for Tuesday (if it’s raining) 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Outside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday 7:40 am to 10:00 am At the town square
Tuesday 10:50 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside Saibara’s shop
Tuesday 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 am Outside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Poultry Farm building
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside Saibara’s shop
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building

The easiest gifts for Rick in this videogame are probably going to be Spa-Boiled Eggs or Honey.
Rick’s likes and dislikes
Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Curry, Honey, Large Fish, Omelet, Popcorn, Rice
Omelet, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Strawberry Milk, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL and Wine
Blue Magic Red Flower, Cake, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chicken Feed, Corn, Curry Noodles, Egg, Fried
Noodles, Fries, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Mixed Juice,
Mushroom, Pineapple, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea
Leaves, Stir Fry and Strawberry Jam
Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bread, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate
Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Rice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Green
Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Jam Bun, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom
Rice, Noodles, Oil, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pink Cat Flower, Pizza, Potato, Rice Ball, Salad,
Sandwich, Sashimi, Small Fish, Spinach, Stew, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato,
Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Bandage, Hot Milk, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Pumpkin, Roasted Potatoes, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Winter
Lumber, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Blue Grass, Branch, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage,
Gold Ore, Green Grass, Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Silver Ore, Stone, Weed, Winter Branch
and Winter Stone
Pastor Carter
Pastor Carter is the village’s pastor. He’s always happy and takes care of anyone who needs help in this videogame.
Birthday: Fall 20
Recipe: Strawberry Milk

Pastor Carter’s schedule

Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 9:00 am Outside the church

Every day 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the church
Every day 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the church’s confessional room
Every day 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside the church
Every day (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the church
There is an event that causes May and Stu to regularly visit the church. After that event Pastor Carter’s schedule in the
game changes to the following one:

The best gift for Paster Carter is probably fish or maybe just buy him a ton of oil from the supermarket.
Pastor Carter’s likes and dislikes
Bandage, Bread, Butter, Curry Powder, Fish (any size), Flour, Fries, Hot Milk, Ketchup, Lumber, Oil, Orange Cup Fruit,
Popcorn, Roasted Potatoes, Stew, Strawberry Milk, Wine and Winter Lumber
Apple, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Cucumber, Egg, Eggplant, Fried Rice, Gold Egg, Green Pepper,
Honey, Ketchup Recipe, Mayonnaise, Milk, Miso Soup, Onion, Pineapple, Pizza, Potato, Pumpkin, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Spinach, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Turnip, Wild Grape and Yarn Ball
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Branch, Cake, Cheese Fondue,
Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Curry, Curry Noodles, Dinner Roll, Fried Noodles, Fruit Juice,
Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Mixed Juice, Mixed
Latte, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Omelet, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pink Cat Flower,
Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet,
Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Stir Fry, Strawberry Jam, Sushi, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura, Tempura
Noodles, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Winter
Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Chocolate, Green Grass, Red Grass, Turbojolt and Turbojolt XL
Adamantite, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore,
Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Silver Ore, Stone, Weeds, Winter Stone and Wool
Mayor Thomas
Thomas is the mayor of the village in this videogame and he organizes most of the festivals. He’s very considerate and
spends a lot of time checking up on the people in the village.
Birthday: Summer 25

Mayor Thomas’s schedule

Day Time Location

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside his house
Saturday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his house
Saturday 7:40 am to 10:00 am Inside the supermarket
Saturday 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside Ellen’s house
Saturday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Saturday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house
Saturday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his house
Satuday (if it’s raining) 7:40 am to 10:00 am Inside the supermarket
Saturday (if it’s raining) 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside Ellen’s house
Saturday (if it’s raining) 1:10 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house
Sunday 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside his house
Sunday 10:10 am to 1:00 pm Inside Ellen’s house
Sunday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Sunday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house
Sunday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside his house
Sunday (if it’s raining) 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside Ellen’s house
Sunday (if it’s raining) 1:10 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house

Mayor Thomas is not an easy person to give gifts. During the spring of this game try to give him as many Bamboo
Shoots as possible. Other than that you can default to Spa-Boiled Eggs and that’s probably going to take the least
amount of effort.
Mayor Thomas’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Sashimi, Truffle, Truffle Rice and Wine
Apple Pie, Cake, Cheese, Chocolate Cake, Egg, Fried Noodles, Gold Egg, Greens, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Hot Milk, Milk,
Miso Soup, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Rice Omelet, Scrambled
Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura Noodles and Turnip
Apple, Apple Jam, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese
Fondue, Cheesecake, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles,
Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Flour, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Grape
Juice, Green Pepper, Grilled Fish, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower,
Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Onion, Pink Cat Flower, Pizza, Poisonous Mushroom, Popcorn, Pumpkin
Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes,
Salad, Sandwich, Spinach, Stew, Stir Fry, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Turbojolt, Turbojolt
XL, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bandage, Blue Grass, Copper Ore, Fries Recipe, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Jam Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber,
Mystrile, Orichalc, Red Grass, Silver Ore, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish) and Winter Lumber
Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Garbage, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch and
Winter Stone
May is a somewhat shy girl in this videogame who is the granddaughter of Barley. Her mother ran away or something
so she lives at Yodel Ranch with Barley who doesn’t really have time to take care of her. She is really good friends
with Stu and she does her best to help out around Yodel Ranch.
There is a somewhat random event in which May will go missing. When that happens you’ll be able to find her at the
beach after 7:00 pm.
Birthday: Winter 26

May’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday 7:00 am to 11:00 am Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 7:00 am to 11:00 am Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm At the hot springs
Monday 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
There is an event that causes May and Stu to regularly visit the church. After that event May’s schedule in this
videogame changes to the following one:

The best gift for May is the flowers you can find on the mountain for free in any season. She loves any kind of flower.
May’s likes and dislikes
Apple Jam, Bandage, Blue Magic Red Flower, Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookie, Fodder,
Fries Recipe, Fruit Juice, Garbage, Grape Juice, Honey, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Large Fish, Lumber,
Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin Pudding, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea
Leaves, Rice Omelet, Stew, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Toy Flower, Winter Lumber and
Yarn Ball
Apple, Apple Pie, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Cheesecake, Curry, Egg, Fries, Gold Egg, Hot Milk, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk,
Mixed Juice, Pineapple, Popcorn, Relaxation Tea, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Stir Fry, SUGDW Apple, Tomato, Tomato
Juice and Wool
Bamboo Rice, Bread, Butter, Carrot, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Cucumber, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder,
Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Green Grass, Greens, Happy Eggplant,
Medium Fish, Miso Soup, Mixed Latte , Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Pizza, Potato, Pumpkin, Raisin
Bread, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Small Fish, Spinach, Strawberry, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura
Noodles, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Grilled Fish, Mushroom, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Sashimi, Spa-
Boiled Egg, Truffle and Vegetable Juice
Adamantite, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Bone, Fish Food, Food
Fiasco, Gold Ore, Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Silver Ore, Stone, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL,
Weeds, Wine, Winter Branch and Winter Stone
Manna is the wife of Duke and she is also the manager of the winery in this videogame. She really loves to talk.
Birthday: Fall 11
Recipe: Greens
Manna’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Saturday 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the winery
Every day except for Saturday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Every day except for Saturday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside Anna’s house
Saturday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Saturday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday (if Cliff is working at the winery) 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday (if Cliff is working at the winery) 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside Anna’s house
Saturday (if Cliff is working at the winery) 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Saturday (if Cliff is working at the winery) 4:40 pm to 7:00 pm Inside the church
Saturday (if Cliff is working at the winery) 7:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery

The easiest gift for Manna in this videogame is probably honey every day or a ton of Pink Cat Flowers during the
Manna’s likes and dislikes
Apple Jam, Honey, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea,
Relaxation Tea Leaves, Strawberry Jam, Sushi, Tomato Juice, Truffle Rice, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Bandage, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Cabbage, Cake, Carrot, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi,
Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Egg, Eggplant, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Green Pepper,
Ice Cream, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower,
Mushroom Rice, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Sashimi, Small Fish, Spinach, Strawberry,
SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Wild
Grape, Winter Lumber and Yarn Ball
Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Corn,
Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Grape Jam, Greens, Grilled Fish,
Happy Eggplant, Hot Milk, Jam Bun, Miso Soup, Mushroom, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza,
Popcorn, Red Magic Red Flower, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-
Boiled Egg, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry Milk, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Veggie Pancake, Wine and Wool
Adamantite, Blue Grass, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries
Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Silver Ore,
Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch and Winter Stone
Louis is a beekeeper who lives with Gotz. He’s searching the area around the village for a rare species of bee.
If you plant 9 or more flowers on your farm in this videogame bees will come build a hive in the apple tree on your
farm. You’ll be able to collect honey from that tree every day.
If you give that honey to Louis he’ll come by the next day and tell you that those bees are the rare species he’s looking
for and from then on you’ll be able to sell that honey for slightly more.
Birthday: Spring 2
Recipe: Apple Jam

Louis’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Saturday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside Gotz’s house
Saturday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside Gotz’s house
Saturday 8:00 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill near the flowers
Saturday 10:40 am to 12:00 am Inside Gotz’s house

Once you get the beehive on your farm giving Louis honey every day takes the least amount of effort in this
Louis’s likes and dislikes
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bread, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Honey, Mushroom Rice, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Strawberry Jam
and Tomato Juice
Apple, Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Happy Eggplant, Hot Milk, Mixed
Juice, Mixed Latte, Mushroom, Pineapple, Pizza, Raisin Bread, Rice Ball, Spa-Boiled Egg, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple,
Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Wild Grape and Wine
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Butter,
Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Corn, Curry, Curry
Noodles, Dinner Roll, Egg, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Gold Egg, Green Grass, Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish,
Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Noodles, Omelet, Onion, Orange Cup
Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Popcorn, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea,
Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Stew, Stir
Fry, Strawberry Milk, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt
XL, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wool and Yarn Ball
Branch, Chicken Feed, Curry Powder, Fish (any size), Fish Food, Flour, Lumber, Oil, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass,
Winter Branch and Winter Lumber
Adamantite, Bandage, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Ketchup
Recipe, Mystrile, Orichalc, Silver Ore, Stone, Weed and Winter Stone
Lillia is the owner of the Poultry farm and the mother of Popuri and Rick. She is sick with some kind of unspecified
illness in this videogame and her husband is off travelling the world to try to find a cure.
Birthday: Spring 19
Recipe: Scrambled Eggs

Lillia’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Sunday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the hospital
Sunday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building

Lillia really likes flowers, especially the ones you can find on the mountain during the fall of this game.
Lillia’s likes and dislikes
Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Chocolate Cookie, Green Grass, Large Fish, Red Magic Red
Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Truffle, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL and Wild Grape
Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Cake, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake , Cookie,
Corn, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Honey, Hot Milk, Jam Bun, Milk, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup
Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Pizza, Roasted Potatoes, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sweet
Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle Rice and Wool
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Butter, Cabbage, Chicken Feed, Chirashi Sushi, Cucumber, Curry,
Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Latte, Greens, Grilled Fish,
Happy Eggplant, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Mushroom,
Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Popcorn, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Pudding, Raisin Bread, Rice Omelet, Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Stew, Stir Fry, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bandage, Copper Ore, Dinner Roll, Egg, Gold Ore, Green Pepper, Ketchup Recipe, Mystrile, Orichalc, Rice
Ball, Silver Ore and Wine
Branch, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Red
Grass, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Kano is a photographer in this videogame who seems to live with they Mayor. No one really knows much else about
Birthday: Winter 2

Kano’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside the Mayor’s house

Every day 7:40 pm to 10:10 pm Inside the Inn
Every day 10:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Mayor’s house

Kano loves all the free wild plants you can find in this game so collect them up and give them to him.
Kano’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Butter, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Honey, Large Fish, Mushroom, Poisonous
Mushroom, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Spa-Boiled Egg, Truffle, Wild Grape and Wine
Adamantite, Apple, Apple Jam, Bamboo Rice, Blue Magic Red Flower, Cheese, Cheesecake, Copper Ore, Corn, Gold Ore,
Gold Egg, Ketchup , Mayonnaise, Moondrop Flower, Mystrile, Orange Cup Fruit, Orichalc, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower,
Pumpkin Pudding, Red Magic Red Flower, Sashimi, Silver Ore, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Sweet
Potato, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle Rice, Wool and Yarn Ball
Apple Pie, Bread, Cake, Carrot, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie,
Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Green
Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Medium Fish, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed
Juice, Mixed Latte, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Pumpkin, Raisin Bread, Rice
Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Small Fish, Spinach, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry
Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Veggie
Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Cucumber, Curry, Fried Rice, Onion, Popcorn, Potato, Turbojolt and
Turbojolt XL
Bandage, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Ketchup Recipe,
Lumber, Stone, Weed, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Kai lives in another village in this videogame and visits during the summer. He’s very competitive and can be
somewhat rude to the males in the village. He is your rival for Popuri and if he marries her he’ll stay in the village all
Birthday: Summer 22
Recipe: Popcorn

Kai’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Inside his house

Every day 8:00 am to 11:30 am On the beach
Every day 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside his house
Every day 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm On the beach
Every day 5:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house

The easiest gift for Kai in this game is probably flour which you can buy a lot of at the supermarket.
Kai’s likes and dislikes
Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Bread, Butter, Flour, Large Fish, Oil, Pizza, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL and Wine
Apple, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Curry, Curry Powder, Egg, Fried Noodles, Gold Egg, Grilled Fish, Honey, Ketchup,
Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Milk, Omelet, Onion, Pineapple, Popcorn, Pumpkin, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Salad, Sashimi,
Small Fish, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tempura, Tomato, Tomato Juice and Wild Grape
Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Cake, Carrot, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie,
Cucumber, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Greens, Happy
Eggplant, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Potato,
Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Rice Ball, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs,
Spinach, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Milk, Toy Flower, Vegetable Juice and Vegetable Latte
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Copper Ore, Curry Noodles, Gold Ore,
Grape Jam, Jam Bun, Miso Soup, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Rice Omelet, Roasted
Potatoes, Silver Ore, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Strawberry Jam, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura Noodles,
Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bandage, Blue Grass, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe,
Garbage, Green Grass, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Stone, Weed,
Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Jeff is married to Sasha and is the father of Karen. He runs the supermarket in this videogame, is quite timid and he
tends to let people push him around. His wife isn’t too impressed with him.
Birthday: Winter 29

Jeff’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Tuesday and Sunday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket
Tuesday 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the supermarket
Tuesday 10:50 am to 1:00 pm Inside the church
Tuesday 1:45 pm to 4:10 pm Inside the hospital
Tuesday 4:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket
Sunday 6:00 am to 1:10 pm Inside the supermarket
Sunday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Sunday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the supermarket

Jeff’s likes and dislikes

Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Fruit
Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Relaxation Tea, Tomato Juice, Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt
XL, Vegetable Juice and Vegetable Latte
Apple, Blue Grass, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cake, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Curry, Curry Noodles, Fish (any size), Fried
Noodles, Fried Rice, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice
Cream, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk, Miso Soup, Mushroom Rice, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips, Pickles,
Pink Cat Flower, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Omelet, Salad, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Stew, Stir Fry, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Truffle, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Apple Jam, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bread, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Corn, Cucumber,
Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Flour, Fries, Green Grass, Jam Bun, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Noodles,
Oil, Onion, Pineapple, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Rice
Ball, Roasted Potatoes, Sashimi, Spinach, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato
(dish), Toy Flower, Turnip, Wool and Yarn
Adamantite, Bandage, Copper Ore, Gold Ore, Ketchup Recipe, Mystrile, Orichalc, Silver Ore and Wine
Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Poisonous
Mushroom, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Harris is Mayor Thomas’s son and he’s the town’s policeman in this videogame. He has a crush on Aja who is the
daughter of Manna and Duke but since she ran away he feels pretty lonely most of the time.
Birthday: Summer 4
Recipe: Fried Rice

Harris’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his home

Every day 8:30 am to 9:00 am At Yodel Ranch
Every day 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside Gotz’s house
Every day 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Every day 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm Inside his home
Every day 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm The area outside his home
Every day 10:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside his home

The easiest gift to give Harris in this game is probably just a bunch of Spa-Boiled Eggs.
Harris’s likes and dislikes
Apple Pie, Bodigizer XL, Cake, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate Cake, Fried Rice, Fries, Mixed Juice, Relaxation Tea,
Sandwich, Spa-Boiled Egg, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Wine

Apple, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Cheesecake,
Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Corn, Dinner Roll, Egg, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Green Pepper, Honey, Hot Milk, Jam Bun,
Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Potato,
Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Salad, Small Fish, Stew, Stir Fry,
Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle Rice and

Apple Jam, Boiled Egg, Bread, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Cucumber, Curry Powder, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles,
Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Ice Cream, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Milk, Mushroom,
Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Roasted
Potatoes, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Veggie
Pancake and Wild Grape

Adamantite, Bandage, Blue Grass, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Curry, Curry Noodles, Fish Food, Fodder, Food
Fiasco, Fruit Latte, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Mixed Latte, Mystrile, Onion, Orichalc, Sashimi,
Silver Ore, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Yarn

Dead Weeds, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Stone, Weeds and Winter Stone
Greg is a fisherman and he doesn’t come out of his house much in this videogame. He’ll give you the fishing rod and
eventually the fishing pole as well. He seems to live with Zack.
Birthday: Spring 29
Recipe: Sashimi

Greg’s schedule
Day Time Location

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside Zack’s house
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside Zack’s house
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7:00 am to 10:00 am At the end of the pier
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside Zack’s house
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm At the end of the pier
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside Zack’s house

The best gift for Greg is large fish which shouldn’t be a surprise. Getting large fish isn’t so easy in this game though so
you might be better off just going with medium fish and possibly apples during the fall or corn during the summer.
Greg’s likes and dislikes
Large Fish
Apple, Apple Pie, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Fish Food, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Latte, Grilled Fish,
Hot Milk, Medium Fish, Miso Soup, Mixed Latte , Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball,
Sandwich, Sashimi, Spinach, Stew, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tomato Juice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Wine
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cabbage, Cake,
Carrot, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles, Dinner
Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Fried Noodles, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Greens, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Ice
Cream, Jam Bun, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Juice, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mystrile, Noodles,
Omelet, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Orichalc, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Potato, Pumpkin,
Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Rice Omelet , Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-
Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura,
Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Branch, Butter, Chicken Feed, Curry Powder, Dead Weeds, Flour,
Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Oil,
Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Stone, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter
Popuri’s family runs the poultry farm in this game. She is the most childish out of all the girls in Harvest Moon: Back to
Nature and she has pretty extreme mood swings. Her mother is sick and her father is out travelling the world to find a
cure for her mother’s illness.
Birthday: Summer 3
Alternate birthday: Summer 10 (If your birthday is on Summer 3 then hers will change to Summer 10)

Popuri’s Schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except Sunday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except Sunday 7:45 am to 10:00 am At the hot springs
Every day except Sunday 10:45 to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Every day except Sunday (if it’s raining) All day Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday 6:00 am to 9:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside the church
Sunday 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm At the town square
Sunday 6:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 9:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building
Sunday (if it’s raining) 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside the church
Sunday (if it’s raining) 1:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Poultry Farm building

Popuri loves or likes all types of flowers in this game which are free on the mountain so collect a bunch every day and
give them to her.
Popuri’s likes and dislikes
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Boiled Egg, Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Fruit Juice, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Jewelry,
Omelet, Pink Cat Flower, Relaxation Tea, Rice Omelet, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Strawberry Jam,
Strawberry Milk and Toy FLower
Apple, Bamboo Rice, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bread, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Egg, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fries, Gold Wool,
Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom Rice, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Popcorn, Pumpkin
Pudding, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Salad, Stew, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura,
Tomato, Truffle, Veggie Pancake and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bamboo Shoot, Butter, Carrot, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles,
Curry Powder, Dead Weeds, Dinner Roll, Fish (any size), Fried Rice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Jam Bun, Miso Soup,
Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Onion, Pickles, Potato, Raisin Bread, Rice Ball, Roasted
Potato, Sashimi, Spinach, Stir Fry, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tempura Noodles, Wild Grape and Wool
Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Eggplant, Fruit Latte, Green Pepper, Happy Eggplant, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Pickled
Turnips, Pizza, Pumpkin, Tomato Juice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco,
Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Mystrile, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Red
Grass, Silver Ore, Stone, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Wine, Winter Stone, Winter Branch and Winter Lumber

Your rival for Popuri is Kai. Kai only visits the village during the summer so he shouldn’t be too much of a threat in
this videogame if you want to marry Popuri.
Mary is the town librarian in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and she is quite shy although not quite as shy as she was
in the game Harvest Moon 64. Since she moved to the town when she was younger she somewhat feels like she
doesn’t fit in. She also spends a lot of time reading and studying.
Birthday: Winter 20
Alternate birthday: Winter 25 (If your birthday is on Winter 20 then hers will change to Winter 25)

Mary’s Schedule
Day Time Location

Everyday except Monday 6:00 am 10:00 am Inside her house

Everyday except Monday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Everyday except Monday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house
Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside her house
Monday 8:00 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill by the flowers
Monday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside her house
Monday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Monday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house
Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside her house
Monday (if it’s raining) 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Monday (if it’s raining) 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house

A lot of the things Mary loves in this game can be found on the mountain for free. In the fall especially you can collect
pretty much everything and give it to her everyday.
Mary’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Cheese Fondue, Grape Jam, Green Grass,
Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Poisonous Mushroom, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea,
Relaxation Tea Leaves, Tomato Juice, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Cake, Cheese, Cheesecake, Cookie, Dinner Roll, Fruit
Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Greens, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Jewelry, Ketchup,
Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin, Red
Magic Red Flower, Spinach, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Sweet Potato (dish), Toy Flower,
Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bread, Cabbage, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Curry Noodles,
Copper Ore, Corn, Cucumber, Curry Powder, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Flour, Fried Noodles, Gold Ore, Grilled
Fish, Miso Soup, Mystrile, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Orichalc, Pineapple, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Tempura, Tempura
Noodles, Tomato, Turnip, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Silver
Ore, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Sweet Potato and Wine
Butter, Curry, Fried Rice, Fries, Happy Eggplant, Pickled Turnips, Pickles and Veggie Pancake
Bandage, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Ketchup
Recipe, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone

Your rival for Mary in this game is Gray.
Karen lives with her parents at the supermarket. She’s pretty serious, very assertive and even somewhat agressive
but she has less of an attitude than she did in the game Harvest Moon 64. She’s somewhat helpful and will listen to
your problems. She’s also one of the harder girls to get to like you in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.
Birthday: Fall 15
Alternate birthday: Fall 22 (If your birthday is on Fall 15 then hers will change to Fall 22)

Karen’s schedule
Day Time Location

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6:00 am to 8:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 am to 10:30 am Outside the Supermarket
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10:30 am to 1:00 pm the Supermarket house
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm the Supermarket store
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm the Supermarket house
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm At the beach
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (if it’s
6:00 am to 8:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (if it’s
8:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (if it’s
10:00 am to 1:00 pm the Supermarket house
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (if it’s
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm the Supermarket store
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (if it’s
4:00 pm to 12:00 am the Supermarket house
Tuesday 6:00 am to 8:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Tuesday 8:00 am to 10:30 am Outside the Supermarket
Tuesday 10:30 am to 1:00 pm the Supermarket store
Tuesday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm At the hot springs
Tuesday 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Tuesday 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the inn
Tuesday 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside Gotz’s house
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the inn
Tuesday (if it’s raining) 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Supermarket
Sunday 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside the Supermarket
Sunday 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the inn
Sunday 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Supermarket
There are only a few things that Karen loves in this videogame and they’re not easy items to get. You’re probably best
off giving her a ton of flowers that you can find on the mountatin for free. It’ll take a while but there’s not a lot you can
do about that. You coud also buy her a lot of wine if you don’t mind spending the money.
Karen’s likes and dislikes
Fries, Pizza, Popcorn, Sashimi, Truffle and Wine
Blue Magic Red Flower, Butter, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Corn, Cucumber, Egg, Eggplant, Gold Egg, Green Pepper,
Greens, Happy Eggplant, Jewelry, Mayonnaise, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips,
Pickles, Pink Cat Flower, Potato, Pumpkin, Red Magic Red Flower, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Stir Fry, Sweet Potato and Toy Flower
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cabbage, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Curry, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder,
Dinner Roll, Fish (any size), Flour, Food Fiasco, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fruit Juice, Grilled Fish, Hot Milk, Ketchup,
Milk, Mixed Juice, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Pineapple, Sandwich, Stew, Tempura,
Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet,
Strawberry, Sushi, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake, Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Apple, Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fruit Latte, Grape Juice, Green Grass,
Gold Ore, Grape Jam, Honey, Jam Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Mixed Latte, Mystrile, Orichalc, Raisin Bread, Red Grass,
Relaxation Tea, Roasted Potatoes, Silver Ore, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Turbojolt, Turbojolt
XL and Weeds
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Branch, Cake, Cheesecake, Chicken Feed, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate
Cookie, Cookie, Fish Food, Fodder, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Ice Cream, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Pumpkin
Pudding, Stone, Sweet Potato (dish), Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone

Your rival for Karen in this game is Rick.
Elli is a really nice, caring traditional and motherly girl who works as a nurse at the hospital. She supports
her grandmother and little brother Stu. Elli is probably the easiest girl to get to like you in the game.
Birthday: Spring 16
Alternate birthday: Spring 20 (If your birthday is on Spring 16 then hers will change to Spring 20)

Elli’s Schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except Wednesday All day Inside the hospital

Wednesday 6:00 am to 9:00 am Inside the hospital
Wednesday 9:45 am to 1:00 pm Inside Ellen‘s house
Wednesday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the supermarket
Wednesday 4:45 pm to 7:10 pm Inside Ellen’s house
Wednesday 7:55 to 12:00 am Inside the hospital

Gifts for Elli are pretty easy in this videogame. She loves all kinds of flowers and those are free on the mountain so
grab a ton and give them to her every day.
Elli’s likes and dislikes
Bandage, Blue Magic Red Flower, Jewelry, Ketchup Recipe, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Red
Magic Red Flower and Toy Flower
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Blue Grass, Cake, Cheesecake, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies,
Cookie, Fish, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Fruit Latte, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Milk, Mixed Latte, Popcorn,
Pumpkin Pudding, Salad, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Sandwich, Sashimi, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry
Jam, Sweet Potato (dish), Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Adamantite, Apple, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bread, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot,
Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Copper Ore, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Eggplant, Flour, Food
Fiasco, Fried Noodles, Fries, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Jam Bun, Ketchup,
Mayonnaise, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mystrile, Noodles, Oil, Orichalc, Pickled Turnips,
Pickles, Pineapple, Pizza, Potato, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes, Silver Ore, Spa Boiled Egg,
Spinach, Stew, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Tomato
Juice, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Wild Grape, Veggie Pancake, Wool and Yarn Ball
Fried Rice, Green Pepper, Omelet, Onion, Pumpkin, Rice Omelet, Scrambled Eggs and Wine
Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Stone,
Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone

Your rival for Elli in this game is Doctor Tim.
In this videogame Ann is somewhat of a Tomboy and she loves animals. She is sweet, kind and fairly outgoing. She lost
her mother at a young age and she currently helps her dad run the Inn. She also enjoys to cook.
Birthday: Summer 17
Alternate birthday: Summer 22 (If your birthday is on Summer 17 then hers will change to Summer 22)

Ann’s Schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 7:00 am inside the Inn

Every day 7:30 am to 10:00 am The Hot Springs
Every day 10:30 am to 1:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day 7:00 pm to 12:00 am inside the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 am inside the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 7:30 am to 10:00 am The back room of the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 10:00 am to 1:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm inside the Inn
Every day (if it’s raining) 7:00 pm to 12:00 am inside the Inn

Probably the easiest way to get Ann to like you in this videogame is to take a bunch of eggs to the hot springs every
morning and turn them into Spa-Boiled Eggs. Ann is conventiently standing nearby in the morning so you can give
them to her right away.
Ann’s likes and dislikes
Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Cake, Cheesecake, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Curry, Fried Noodles, Fried
Rice, Grilled Fish, Ice Cream, Mushroom Rice, Omelet, Pumpkin Pudding, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes Salad,
Sandwich, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry Milk, Sushi, Tempura Noodles, Truffle Rice and Veggie Pancake
Apple, Bandage, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cookie, Cookies, Dinner Roll, Egg, Fries, Fruit
Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Juice, Greens, Gold Egg, Happy Eggplant, Jam Bun, Jewelry, Ketchup Recipe, Large Fish, Milk,
Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Noodles, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Pizza, Popcorn, Raisin Bread,
Relaxation tea, Rice Ball, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato (dish),
Tempura, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Veggie Latte, Vegetable Juice and Wild Grape
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Curry
Powder, Eggplant, Flour, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Honey, Hot Milk, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Moondrop Flower,
Mushroom, Oil, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Potato, Pumpkin, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea
Leaves, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Turnip, Wine, Wool and Yarn Ball
Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Branch, Food Fiasco, Green Grass, Lumber, Medium Fish, Small Fish, Turbojolt,
Turbojolt XL, Winter Branch and Winter Lumber
Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Mystrile, Orichalc,
Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Silver Ore, Stone, Weeds and Winter Stone

Your rival for Ann in this game is Cliff. If you want to see these two get married then it’s very important
that Cliff doesn’t leave the village. In your first fall when you are given the invitation to come work at the vineyard you
must find Cliff and tell him about the job also. The two of you will work there, make some money and Cliff will stay in
the village.
Gray is Saibara’s grandson and he’s trying to become a blacksmith to impress his grandfather. He feels as if his
grandfather ignores him and doesn’t approve of his work.
He is your rival for Mary.
Birthday: Winter 6

Gray’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Thursday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the Inn
Every day except for Thursday 7:50 am to 1:00 pm Inside Saibara’s shop
Every day except for Thursday 1:40 am to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Every day except for Thursday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn
Thursday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the Inn
Thursday 8:00 am to 10:00 am At the top of Mother Hill
Thursday 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside Saibara’s shop
Thursday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Thursday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn
Thursday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the Inn
Thursday (if it’s raining) 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside Saibara’s shop
Thursday (if it’s raining) 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Thursday (if it’s raining) 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn

Gray’s likes and dislikes

Adamantite, Bodigizer XL, Chocolate, Copper Ore, Curry, Fried Rice, Gold Ore, Ice Cream, Mystrile, Orichalc, Rice
Omelet , Roasted Potatoes, Silver Ore, Turbojolt XL and Veggie Pancake
Bodigizer, Branch, Bread, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Curry Noodles, Dinner Roll, Egg, Fish (any size), Gold Egg, Ketchup,
Lumber, Mayonnaise, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Scrambled Eggs, Turbojolt, Wine, Winter Branch and Winter Lumber
Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bandage, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cabbage,
Cake, Carrot, Cheesecake, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Corn, Cucumber, Curry Powder,
Eggplant, Flour, Fried Noodles, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Grilled Fish, Honey,
Hot Milk, Jam Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte , Moondrop Flower, Mushroom,
Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Salad, Sandwich,
Sashimi, Spinach, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Sweet Potato,
Sweet Potato (dish), Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie
Latte, Wild Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Bamboo Shoot, Green Pepper, Greens, Happy Eggplant, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Spa-Boiled Egg and Tomato Juice
Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass,
Stone, Turnip, Weeds and Winter Stone
Gotz is a lumberjack and he will upgrade the buildings on your farm for you in this videogame. His family died years
ago in a terrible blizzard and he now iives with Louis.
Birthday: Fall 2
Recipe: Veggie Pancake

Gotz’s schedule
Day Time Location

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his house
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill by the lake
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10:40 am to 12:00 am Inside his house
Saturday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his house
Saturday 8:00 am to 10:10 am On Mother Hill by the flowers
Saturday 10:40 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Mayor’s house
Saturday 1:40 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the supermarket
Saturday 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house
Sunday 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside his house
Sunday 1:40 pm to 4:10 pm On Mother Hill at the peak
Sunday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside his house

Lumber, eggs or any ore you can dig up in the mine are probably the easiest things to give Gotz in this videogame.
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bread, Cake, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate Cookie, Copper Ore, Curry Noodles,
Dinner Roll, Egg, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Ore, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Hot
Milk, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Lumber, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Mystrile,
Noodles, Omelet, Orichalc, Raisin Bread, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Salad, Sashimi, Silver Ore, Strawberry Jam, SUGDW
Apple, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Tomato Juice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Wool
Apple, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Powder, Flour, Fried
Noodles, Fried Rice, Green Pepper, Honey, Ketchup, Large Fish, Oil, Onion, Pizza, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding,
Relaxation Tea, Stew, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Veggie Pancake, Wine and
Winter Lumber
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bandage, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Cheesecake,
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Cookie, Eggplant, Fries, Grape Jam, Green Grass, Ketchup Recipe, Moondrop Flower,
Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Popcorn, Red
Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Roasted Potatoes, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Spinach, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Milk, Tomato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice and Wild Grape
Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Fodder and Yarn Ball
Branch, Dead Weeds, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Stone, Weeds, Winter
Branch and Winter Stone
Ellen is Elli and Stu’s grandmother. She’s very old and is always sitting in her rocking chair in this videogame. Since
she never leaves her house she loves it when people come by to talk to her. She’s very kind and is always happy.
Birthday: Winter 13
Recipe: Sandwich

Ellen’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside her home

The best way to get Ellen to like you in this game is probably to collect a ton of free flowers from the mountatin and
give those to her.
Ellen’s likes and dislikes
Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Bodigizer, Bodigizer, Flour, Fruit Juice, Honey, Large
Fish, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Red Flower, Red Magic,
Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle, Truffle Rice,
Vegetable Juice, Wild Grape, XL and Yarn Ball
Apple, Bread, Cabbage, Cake, Carrot, Cheesecake, Cucumber, Dinner Roll, Egg, Gold Egg , Grape Jam, Grape Juice,
Greens, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Medium Fish, Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Noodles, Omelet, Pickled Turnips,
Pickles, Pumpkin, Raisin Bread, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Small Fish, Spinach,
Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato, Turnip and
Apple Jam, Butter, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Corn, Curry Powder, Eggplant, Fried Rice, Fruit Latte,
Green Grass, Green pepper, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mixed Latte, Oil, Onion, Pineapple,
Pizza, Potato, Pumpkin Pudding, Rice Omelet , Salad, Sashimi, Stir Fry, Sushi, Tempura Noodles, Turbojolt, Turbojolt
XL, Veggie Latte and Veggie Pancake
Adamantite, Bandage , Blue Grass, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Copper Ore, Curry,
Curry Noodles, Food Fiasco, Fried Noodles, Fries, Gold Ore, Ketchup Recipe, Mystrile, Orichalc, Popcorn, Silver Ore
and Tempura
Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom, Red
Grass, Stone, Weeds, Wine, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Duke runs the winery in this videogame with his wife Manna. His daughter left the village and moved to the city and
he’s kind of sad about that.
Birthday: Winter 15

Duke’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Saturday 6:00 am to 1:10 pm Inside the winery
Every day except for Saturday 1:10 pm to 3:00 pm Inside the winery storehouse
Every day except for Saturday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm In the vineyard
Every day except for Saturday 5:10 pm to 7:00 pm Inside the winery
Every day except for Saturday 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the Inn
Every day except for Saturday 11:10 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday 6:00 am to 1:10 pm Inside the winery
Saturday 1:50 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Saturday 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery
Saturday (if Cliff works at the winery) 6:00 am to 1:10 pm Inside the winery
Saturday (if Cliff works at the winery) 1:50 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the Inn
Saturday (if Cliff works at the winery) 4:40 pm to 7:00 pm Inside the church
Saturday (if Cliff works at the winery) 7:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the winery

The easiest gift for Duke in this game is to probably just give him a ton of Spa-Boiled Eggs.
Duke’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Rice, Bread, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Large Fish,
Miso Soup, Pickles, Pizza, Sashimi, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, Sushi, Tempura and Wine
Apple, Apple Pie, Boiled Egg, Cake, Cheese, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Cucumber, Curry,
Egg, Eggplant, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Gold Egg, Mushroom Rice, Omelet, Pickled Turnips, Pineapple, Popcorn,
Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Salad, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Stew, SUGDW Apple,
Tomato Juice, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheesecake, Corn, Curry Noodles, Flour, Fried
Noodles, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Medium Fish, Milk, Moondrop
Flower, Mushroom, Noodles, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Potato, Pumpkin, Red Magic Red Flower,
Roasted Potatoes, Small Fish, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Toy Flower, Turnip, Wool and
Yarn Ball
Apple Jam, Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Fruit Latte, Green Grass, Jam
Bun, Ketchup Recipe, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Oil, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea,
Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Adamantite, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold
Ore, Lumber, Mystrile,, Ore, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Silver Ore, Stone, Stone, Weeds, Winter, Winter Branch
and Winter Lumber
Doug is the owner of the Inn and he is also Ann‘s father in this videogame. Doug’s wife died several years ago and he
wants to see Ann settle down and get married to someone.
Birthday: Winter 11

Doug’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the Inn

The easiest gifts for Doug in this videogame are probably the Bamboo Shoots and Green Grass you can find on the
mountain for free. You can also buy a ton of Flour at the supermarket and give that to him too.
Doug’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Shoot, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate, Curry Powder, Fish (any size), Flour, Green Grass,
Honey, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Mushroom, Oil, Truffle, Turbojolt XL and Wine
Apple, Bamboo Rice, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cake, Egg, Gold Egg,
Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom Rice, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnips,
Pickles, Pineapple, Pizza, Relaxation Tea, Sashimi, Strawberry Jam, SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tempura, Truffle Rice,
Turbojolt and Wild Grape
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cake, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry
Noodles, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green
Pepper, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Noodles, Omelet, Popcorn, Potato,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad,
Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato, Sweet
Potato (dish), Tempura Noodles, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Veggie Pancake
Adamantite, Blue Magic Red Flower, Copper Ore, Gold Ore, Moondrop Flower, Mystrile, Orichalc, Pink Cat Flower,
Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower, Silver Ore, Toy Flower, Wool and Yarn Ball
Bandage, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber,
Poisonous Mushroom, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Doctor Tim
Doctor Tim is a quiet man who doesn’t really seem that interested in making friends with the other villagers in this
videogame. He’s also your rival for Elli.
Birthday: Fall 17
Recipe: Mixed Juice

Doctor Tim’s schedule

Day Time Location

Everyday except for Wednesday 6:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the hospital

Wednesday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the hospital
Wednesday 8:00 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill by the lake
Wednesday 10:40 am to 1:10 pm Inside the hospital
Wednesday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Wednesday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the hospital
Wednesday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside the hospital
Wednesday (if it’s raining) 7:50 am to 10:00 am Inside the church
Wednesday (if it’s raining) 10:40 am to 1:10 pm Inside the hospital
Wednesday (if it’s raining) 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the library
Wednesday (if it’s raining) 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the hospital

Doctor Tim conveniently likes a lot of the items that you can find for free on the mountain in this videogame. Spa-
Boiled Eggs are also a really good and easy gift to give.
Doctor Tim’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Large Fish, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte,
Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and
Apple Jam, Bamboo Rice, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Corn, Cucumber, Curry Powder, Egg, Eggplant,
Flour, Gold Egg, Green Pepper, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Jam Bun, Ketchup, Medium Fish, Milk, Mushroom Rice, Oil,
Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Relaxation Tea, Salad, Small Fish, Spinach, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato,
Tomato Juice, Truffle Rice and Turnip
Apple, Apple Pie, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Cookie, Copper Ore,
Curry, Curry Noodles, Dinner Roll, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Gold Ore, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass, Greens,
Grilled Fish, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Mayonnaise, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mystrile, Noodles, Omelet,
Orange Cup Fruit, Pickled Turnip, Pickles, Pink Cat Flower, Pizza, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Ball, Rice
Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Sandwich, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Silver Ore, Stir Fry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk,
SUGDW Apple, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Toy Flower, Truffle, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Veggie Pancake, Wild
Grape, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bandage, Branch, Cake, Chicken Feed, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Dead Weeds, Fish
Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Orichalc, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Stone, Sweet Potato
(dish), Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Fries Recipe and Garbage
Cliff is a drifter in this videogame who travels from town to town and he doesn’t have much money. During the first
fall you have to invite him to come work at the winery or else he will leave the town and never come back. He’ll be
much happier after he has a job.
He is also your rival for Ann.
Birthday: Summer 6

Cliff’s schedule before being offered the job at the winery

Day Time Location

Every day 6:00 am to 9:00 am Inside the Inn

Every day 9:40 am to 4:00 pm Inside the church
Every day 4:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn

Cliff’s schedule after accepting the job at the winery

Day Time Location
Every day except for Tuesday and Saturday 6:00 am to 10:00 am Inside the Inn
Every day except for Tuesday and Saturday 10:50 am to 1:00 pm
the winery storehouse
Every day except for Tuesday and Saturday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm In the vineyard
Every day except for Tuesday and Saturday 4:40 pm to 7:20 pm Inside the church
Every day except for Tuesday and Saturday 8:10 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn
Tuesday and Saturday 6:00 am to 4:10 pm Inside the Inn
Tuesday and Saturday 4:50 pm to 7:20 pm Inside the church
Tuesday and Saturday 8:10 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Inn

Cliff likes a lot of things in this videogame that you can cook but probably the easiest thing to give him is a bunch
of Spa-Boiled Eggs.
Cliff’s likes and dislikes
Bamboo Rice, Boiled Egg, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Curry, Curry Noodles, Fruit Latte, Greens, Happy Eggplant,
Hot Milk, Miso Soup, Mixed Latte, Mushroom Rice, Omelet, Pizza, Rice Omelet, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled
Egg, Stew, Stir Fry, Sushi, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Truffle Rice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Veggie Pancake
Apple, Apple Pie, Bread, Cake, Carrot, Cheese, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Corn, Cucumber, Dinner Roll,
Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Fruit Juice, Grape Juice, Grilled Fish, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Milk, Mixed Juice, Pickled
Turnips, Pickles, Pineapple, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes,
Salad, Sashimi, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato, Tomato
Juice, Wild Grape and Wine
Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Cabbage, Chocolate Cookies, Cookie, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Gold Egg,
Green Pepper, Honey, Mayonnaise, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Noodles, Onion, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower,
Potato, Pumpkin, Red Magic Red Flower, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Toy Flower, Truffle and Turnip
Adamantite, Apple Jam, Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Curry
Powder, Fish Food, Flour, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Gold Ore, Grape Jam, Green Grass, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber,
Mystrile, Oil, Orichalc, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Silver Ore, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Winter Lumber, Wool
and Yarn Ball
Branch, Dead Weeds, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Stone, Weed, Winter Branch and Winter Stone
Basil is the husband of Anna and the father of Mary. He is a botanist in the videogame and is conducting research on
the plants in and around the village. A lot of the books in the library were written by him.
Birthday: Summer 11
Recipe: Fruit Latte

Basil’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside his home
Every day except for Monday 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the Inn
Every day except for Monday 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside his home
Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 am Inside his home
Monday 8:30 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill by the flowers
Monday 11:30 am to 7:00 pm Inside his home
Monday 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the Inn
Monday 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside his home
Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside his home
Monday (if it’s raining) 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Inside the Inn
Monday (if it’s raining) 10:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside his home

It’s probably easiest to just give Basil wild plants from the mountain, especially during the fall of this videogame. Spa-
Boiled Eggs are pretty easy to acquire too.
Basil’s likes and dislikes
Apple Pie, Bamboo Rice, Blue Grass, Cheesecake, Cookie, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Green Grass, Mixed Juice, Mixed
Latte, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Poisonous Mushroom, Pumpkin Pudding, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Sweet Potato (dish), Tomato Juice, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte and Wild Grape
Apple, Apple Jam, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Branch, Bread, Cake, Carrot, Cheese
Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cookie, Corn, Curry Noodles, Dinner Roll, Fried Noodles, Grape Jam, Grape Juice,
Greens, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Noodles, Orange Cup
Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes,
Salad, Sandwich, Spinach, Stir Fry, Strawberry Jam, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Toy
Flower, Veggie Pancake, Wine and Winter Branch
Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cabbage, Cheese, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Cucumber, Curry, Curry
Powder, Egg, Eggplant, Flour, Fried Rice, Fries, Gold Egg, Green Pepper, Jam Bun, Mayonnaise, Milk, Oil, Omelet,
Onion, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pumpkin, Red Grass, Rice Omelet, Scrambled Eggs, Stew, Strawberry, Strawberry
Milk, Tomato, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL and Turnip
Fish (any size), Grilled Fish, Sashimi, Sushi, Wool and Yarn Ball
Adamantite, Bandage, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage,
Gold Ore, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Mystrile, Orichalc, Silver Ore, Stone, Weeds, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
Barley is the owner of Yodel Ranch where he lives with his granddaughter May and their dog Hana. He tends to be a
little bit forgetful and he doesn’t really have time to take care of May. His daughter apparently ran away in this
videogame and left him to take care of May.
You can buy Cows, Sheep and animal related things at his farm.
Birthday: Spring 17
Recipe: Ice Cream

Barley’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except for Monday 6:00 am to 8:00 am Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Every day except for Monday 8:00 am to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 6:00 am to 8:00 am Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday 8:50 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Mayor’s house
Monday 1:40 pm to 4:10 pm At the hot springs
Monday 4:50 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 8:00 am Outside the Yodel Ranch building
Monday (if it’s raining) 8:50 am to 1:00 pm Inside the Mayor’s house
Monday (if it’s raining) 1:40 pm to 12:00 am Inside the Yodel Ranch building

Spa-Boiled Eggs aren’t hard to get in this videogame so you should easily be able to give a lot to Barley everyday until
you max out his affection.
Barley’s likes and dislikes
Spa-Boiled Egg and Rice Ball
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Red Flower, Butter, Carrot, Chirashi Sushi, Copper Ore, Cucumber, Egg,
Eggplant, Fodder, Gold Ore, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Honey, Hot Milk, Lumber,
Milk, Miso Soup, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mystrile, Noodles, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit,
Orichalcum, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation
Tea Leaves, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Silver Ore, Spinach, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower,
Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Winter Lumber, Wool and Yarn Ball
Apple, Apple Jam, Bandage, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cabbage, Corn, Curry Noodles,
Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Fish (any size), Flour, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Green
Grass, Green Pepper, Jam Bun, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Oil, Onion, Potato, Raisin Bread,
Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, SUGDW
Apple, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Veggie Pancake and Wild Grape
Adamantite, Apple Pie, Cake, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie,
Cookie, Curry, Fries, Ice Cream, Mayonnaise, Pineapple, Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Sweet Potato (dish) and
Branch, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom, Red
Grass, Weeds and Winter Stone
Anna is married to Basil in this videogame and she is the mother of Mary. She’s a kind and level headed person. Her
family moved to the village from the city a few years ago.
If you plant 90+ of any flower or combination of flowers on your farm she will come by, take all your flowers and give
you a Power Berry.
Birthday: Fall 22

Anna’s schedule
Day Time Location

Every day except Monday 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside her house

Every day except Monday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm At the town square
Every day except Monday 5:00 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house
Every day except Monday (if it’s raining) All day Inside her house
Monday 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Inside her house
Monday 8:30 am to 10:00 am On Mother Hill by the flowers
Monday 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Inside her house
Monday 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the supermarket
Monday 4:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house
Monday (if it’s raining) 6:00 am to 1:00 pm Inside her house
Monday (if it’s raining) 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Inside the supermarket
Monday (if it’s raining) 4:30 pm to 12:00 am Inside her house

In this videogame you’re probably best off just collecting flowers on the mountain for free to give to Anna.
Anna’s likes and dislikes
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Blue Magic Red Flower, Cake, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Grape Jam,
Ice Cream, Ketchup Recipe, Moondrop Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Pink Cat Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, Strawberry
Jam, Strawberry Milk and Toy Flower
Adamantite, Apple, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Copper Ore, Curry Powder, Dinner Roll, Egg, Fish (any
size), Flour, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Honey, Hot Milk, Jam Bun, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Latte, Mystrile, Oil,
Orichalc, Pineapple, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Silver Ore, Strawberry,
SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato (dish), Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Wild Grape, Wine, Wool and Yarn Ball
Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold
Egg, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Mixed Juice, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Salad, Sandwich, Spinach, Stew,
Sweet Potato, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Truffle, Turnip, Vegetable Juice and Veggie Latte
Bamboo Rice, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Curry, Curry Noodles, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fries, Greens,
Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant, Miso Soup, Mushroom Rice, Noodles, Omelet, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Popcorn,
Relaxation Tea, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet, Roasted Potatoes, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, Sushi,
Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Truffle Rice and Veggie Pancake
Bandage, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dead Weeds, Fish Food, Fodder, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Lumber,
Poisonous Mushroom, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber and Winter Stone
The Harvest Sprites
You can find the Harvest Sprites in the small hut behind the church. You can ask the sprites to work on your farm
doing things such as watering crops, taking care of your animals or harvesting crops. For the record I have never
hired the Harvest Sprites to do any work in any of my play-throughs of this videogame.
If you speak to them twice you can get them to work on your farm. During the spring all they talk about is a tea party
and you’ll have to speak to them 5 times to get them to do any work for you.
The Harvest Sprites have heart levels that go up every 25 affection points. They also lose 2 affection every time you
make them work.
They also have a hidden skill level for various jobs that starts out at 0 for each job. As you get them to do work for you
this skill level will go up by one point and they’ll eventually get less terrible at doing the work. The maximum skill
level for each job is 255 points.
The harvest sprites in this game all like and dislike the same things and they gain affection at the same rate as the
villagers. They all have different birthdays which are listed below.

Chef: Fall 14
Nappy: Winter 22
Hoggy: Fall 10
Timid: Summer 16
Aqua: Spring 26
Staid: Spring 15
Bold: Spring 4

Probably the easiest way to get the harvest sprites to like you is to just buy a ton of flour at the supermarket and give
it to them.
Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Bread, Butter, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookie, Cookie, Flour,
Fruit Juice, Grape Jam, Honey, Hot Milk, Jewelry, Mixed Juice, Omelet, Pizza, Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread,
Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Turbojolt XL, Wild
Grape, Wine and Yarn Ball
Apple, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Red Flower, Boiled Egg, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Egg,
Fruit Latte, Gold Egg, Grape Juice, Ice Cream, Jam Bun, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Mushroom
Rice, Oil, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin, Red Grass, Red Magic Red Flower, Rice Omelet,
Spinach, Stew, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Truffle, Turbojolt, Turnip, Vegetable Juice and
Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bandage, Cabbage, Chicken Feed, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Dinner Roll, Eggplant, Fish
Food, Fodder, Fried Rice, Fries, Green Pepper, Grilled Fish, Ketchup, Ketchup Recipe, Lumber, Miso Soup, Mushroom,
Onion, Popcorn, Potato, Rice Ball, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stir Fry, Sweet
Potato, Tempura, Tomato, Truffle Rice, Veggie Latte, Veggie Pancake and Winter Lumber
Chirashi Sushi, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Fried Noodles, Greens, Happy Eggplant, Large Fish, Medium Fish,
Noodles, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Sushi and Tempura Noodles
Adamantite, Branch, Copper Ore, Dead Weeds, Food Fiasco, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Mystrile,
Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom, Silver Ore, Stone, Weeds, Winter Branch and Winter Stone
Your Child
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature after you’ve been married for 32 days your wife will become pregnant and 58 days
later she will have your kid.
At the start of the pregnancy your wife will start complaining about not feeling well. When this happens you have to
go to the hospital some time in the next 8 days and the doctor will diagnose her as pregnant.
If you fail to take her to the hospital in those 8 days your wife will get very sick and lose some affection points.
On the day that your kid is born you won’t be able to do any work. Your baby starts off with 50 affection points in this
videogame and you can’t give him any gifts until 60 days after he’s been born.

Your child’s likes and dislikes

our child has a max affection amount of 255 and gains the same amount amount of affection points from gifts as the
rest of the villagers.
Cake, Cheesecake, Grape Juice, Honey, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Noodles and Wild Grape

Apple, Blue Magic Red Flower, Branch, Carrot, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Fries, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Mayonnaise,
Milk, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moondrop Flower, Omelet, Orange Cup Fruit, Pineapple, Pink Cat Flower, Pumpkin
Pudding, Red Magic Red Flower, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Stone, Strawberry, SUGDW Apple, Sweet Potato (dish),
Tomato Juice, Toy Flower, Vegetable Juice, Veggie Latte, Winter Branch, Winter Stone and Yarn

Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Boiled Egg, Bread, Dinner Roll, Egg, Gold Egg, Grape Jam, Greens, Grilled Fish, Happy Eggplant,
Jam Bun, Jewelry, Ketchup, Miso Soup, Popcorn, Pumpkin, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea, Rice Ball, Rice Omelet,
Roasted Potatoes, Salad, Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stew, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk
and Tomato

Bamboo Rice, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Butter, Cabbage, Cheese, Cheese Fondue, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cookie,
Cookie, Corn, Cucumber, Curry, Curry Noodles, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Food Fiasco, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice,
Green Pepper, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Onion, Pickled Turnips, Pickles, Pizza, Potato, Red Grass, Sashimi, Stir Fry,
Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura Noodles, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip and Veggie

Adamantite, Bamboo Shoot, Bandage, Blue Grass, Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Curry Powder, Dead Weeds, Fish Food,
Flour, Fodder, Fries Recipe, Garbage, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Lumber, Mystrile, Oil, Orichalc, Poisonous Mushroom,
Silver Ore, Weed, Wine, Winter Lumber and Wool
Shipping List
This is a list of all the items in the videogame Harvest Moon: Back to Nature that you can ship and the prices that they
sell for that you can use as a quick reference if you want to quickly look up a specific item or something.
Crop Selling Price

Cabbage 250g
Carrot 120g
Corn 100g
Cucumber 60g
Eggplant 80g
Green Pepper 40g
Magic Red Flower (red) 200g
Onion 80g
Orangecup Fruit 60g
Pineapple 500g
Potato 80g
Pumpkin 250g
Spinach 80g
Strawberry 30g
Sweet Potato 120g
Tomato 60g
Turnip 60g
Fish Selling Price
Large Fish 200g
Medium Fish 120g
Small Fish 50g
Animal Products Selling Price
Cheese Small 300g
Cheese Medium 400g
Cheese Large 500g
Cheese Gold 600g
Egg 50g
Golden Egg 150g
Mayonnaise Small 100g
Mayonnaise Medium 150g
Mayonnaise Large 200g
Mayonnaise Gold 300g
Milk Small 100g
Milk Medium 150g
Milk Large 200g
Milk Gold 300g
Spa-Boiled Egg 80g
Wool Small 100g
Wool Medium 400g
Wool Large 500g
Wool Gold 600g
Yarn Small 300g
Yarm Medium 700g
Yarn Large 800g
Yarn Gold 1,000g
Wild Plants Selling Price
Apple 50g
Bamboo Shoot 50g
Blue Grass 100g
Green Grass 100g
Honey 50g or 60g*
Mushroom 70g
Poisonous Mushroom 100g
Red Grass 100g
Truffle 500g
Wild Grape 50gs
Ore/Jewelry Selling Price
Adamantite 50g
Bracelet 2,000g
Copper Ore 15g
Earrings 2,000g
Gold Ore 25g
Junk Ore 1g
Mystrile Ore 40g
Necklace 2,000g
Orichalc 50g
Silver Ore 20g

*If you give a jar of honey to Louis in this game he’ll tell you the bees are of a rare species and the honey you collect
will then sell for 60g instead of 50g.
I realize the SUGDW Apple isn’t in there because I wanted to keep my tables symmetrical. It sells for 50g like a regular
Crops and Wild Plants
There are many different crops you can grow as well as wild plants you can harvest in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.
The crops and wild plants are different every season and if you still have crops planted they will die when the season
The profit per day is a number I calculated to compare different crops to see which crop is the best investment since
they all grow at different rates, sell for different amounts and the seeds cost different amounts too.
To calculate the profit per day I took one 3×3 square of land in the videogame and calculated how much gold you
could earn by planting the seeds repeatedly if they didn’t grow back or by repeatedly harvesting them if they did grow
back. I took the total revenue at the end of the season minus the expense for seeds and then divided it by 30 days.
This number takes into consideration factors such as having extra days at the end of the season where there isn’t
enough time for the crop to grow back and the fact that you can’t reach the middle plant of crops that grow back until
you cut down the rest at the end of the season in this videogame.
This number also assumes you have a watering can that can water a 3×3 square so you can reach that middle plant.
All the wild plants can be found on the mountain, near the hot springs or in the area around Gotz’s house.

Spring Crops
Where to
Seed Price Selling Price Days to Grow Days to Re-Grow Profit Per Day

Turnip 120g 60g 5 – 84g Supermarket

Potato 150g 80g 8 – 57g Supermarket
Cucumber 200g 60g 10 5 75g Supermarket
Cabbage 500g 250g 15 – 117g Won’s Shop
Strawberry 150g 30g 9 2 84g Supermarket*
Toy Flower 300g – 12 – – Won’s Shop
Moondrop Flowers 300g – 6 – – Won’s Shop^
Grass 500g – 11 7 – Supermarket
Grows in the
Bamboo Shoot – 50g – – 150g
Grows in the
Blue Grass – 100g – – 200g
* The Strawberry seeds become available after you ship 100 turnips, 100 potatoes, 100 cucumbers and 100 cabbages.
^ During the spring if you have at least 15,000 affection with Karen she’ll come by and give you some Moondrop
seeds. After they bloom Won will start selling Moondrop seeds.
In terms of profit your best investment during the spring in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is to go with cabbage seeds.
While you can only plant two of them in the same space in one season, they ultimately bring in the most profit per
day. If you’re starting off and can’t afford cabbage yet then go with turnips. Cucumber’s might seem like a good
investment in this videogame since they grow back but when you do the math they end up earning you less by the end
of the season with the same amount of space than turnips.
Every day during the spring you can find 3 bamboo shoots and 2 blue grasses in the wild. In your first year especially
you should collect these every day.

Summer Crops
Profit Per Where to
Seed Price Selling Price Days to Grow Days to Re-Grow
Day Buy/Find
Onion 150g 80g 8 – 57g Supermarket
Tomato 200g 60g 10 3 107g Supermarket
Corn 300g 100g 15 3 153g Supermarket
Pineapple 1,000g 500g 21 5 250g Won’s Shop
Pumpkin 500g 250g 15 – 117g Supermarket
Pink Cat Flower 200g – 6 – – Won’s Shop
Grass 500g – 11 7 – Supermarket
Grows in the
Red Grass – 100g – – 200g
* The pumpkin seeds become available after you ship 100 onions, 100 tomatos, 100 corn and 100 pineapples.
In terms of making the most profit with your space during the summer in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you should
plant pineapples. Even though they take almost all season to grow and you can only get two harvests out of them their
high selling price is enough to make them the best investment in this videogame. If you can’t afford them then your
next best bet is to go with corn.
Every day during the summer you can find 2 red grasses growing in the wild.

Fall Crops
Days to Re- Profit Per Where to
Seed Price Selling Price Days to Grow
Grow Day Buy/Find
Carrot 300g 120g 8 – 78g Supermarket
Eggplant 120g 80g 10 3 148g Supermarket
Sweet Potato 300g 120g 6 3 282g Supermarket
Green Pepper 150g 40g 8 2 252g Won’s Shop
Spinach 200g 80g 6 – 87g Supermarket
Magic Red Flower 600g – 10 – – Won’s Shop
Grass 500g – 11 7 – Supermarket
The tree on
Apples – 50g – – 150g
your farm
Grows in the
Green Grass – 100g – – 200g
Grows in the
Wild Grapes – 50g – – 100g
Grows in the
Mushroom – 70g – – 280g
Grows in the
Poisonous Mushroom – 100g – – 100g
Grows in the
Truffle – 500g – – 500g
* The spinach seeds become available after you ship 100 carrots, 100 eggplants, 100 sweet potatoes and 100 green
On rare ocassions a red coloured Red Magic Flower (they’re usually blue hence the confusion) will grow and this can
be sold for 200g.
By far your best investment in the fall of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is to grow sweet potatoes. These aren’t too
expensive either so you should easily be able to plant a lot.
Every day during the fall in this videogame you can find 3 apples by the tree on your farm, and in the wild you can find
2 green grasses, 4 mushrooms, 1 poisonous mushroom, 2 wild grapes and 1 truffle.
Make sure you grab that truffle every day and you’ll get 15,000g by the end of the season.

Hothouse Only
Profit Where to
Seed Price Selling Price Days to Grow Days to Re-Grow
Per Day Buy
Orange Cup Fruit 1,000g 60g 8 – -46g Won’s Shop
Orange Cup Fruits don’t seem like a good way to make money at all in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. You probably
only want to grow these to give as gifts.
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature to get the fishing rod you have to visit the beach between 7:00 to 10:00 am or 7:00
to 10:00 pm on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. You’ll find Greg on the end of the pier and if you talk to him you’ll
receive the Fishing Rod.
You can also get a Fishing Pole in this videogame which makes it take half the time to catch a fish and makes catching
King Fish easier. To get the Fishing Pole you have to have at least 50 fish in your pond. Then Greg will come by your
farm to admire your pond full of fish and he’ll give you the Fishing Pole. It’s very important that you have a free slot in
your inventory for the Fishing Pole and that you don’t enter any buildings before talking to Greg or you’ll never be
able to get the Fishing Pole.
When you fish in this game you’ll catch either a small fish, medium fish, large fish or some kind of garbage. Depending
on where you fish you’ll receive a higher percentage of either fish or garbage.
You can throw the fish you catch into your pond. If you feed them fish food which you can get from the Supermarket
the fish will grow and eventually new fish will be born.

Fish Selling Price

Small Fish 50g

Medium Fish 120g
Large Fish 200g

Fishing Locations
There are four main locations in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature where you can fish:
The river running by your farm
Types of fish: only small fish
Difficulty: easy
Fish to Trash Ratio: 1 fish to 3 trash
This is definitely not the best place to fish. You’ll waste a lot of your time for only a few small fish.
The Waterfall Pond
Types of fish: small fish and medium fish
Difficulty: medium
Fish to Trash Ratio: 1 fish to 2 trash
This spot is better than the river running by your farm but you’re still probably better off fishing elsewhere.
Mother’s Hill Lake
Types of fish: small fish and medium fish
Difficulty: medium
Fish to Trash Ratio: 2 fish to 1 trash
This is probably the best place to spend your time fishing in this videogame. You’ll be able to catch a large amount of fish
in a minimal amount of time. Even though most of the lake is frozen during the winter you can still fish here. There’s no
ice near the waterfall so you should be able to find a place to cast and hit water near the bridge.
The beach
Types of fish: small, medium and large fish
Difficulty: hard
Fish to Trash Ratio: 1 fish to 1 trash
While this is the only place you can catch large fish in this videogame the difficulty is very hard and really not worth your
time. You can fish from both the beach itself or the pier, it won’t affect anything where you stand.
You can however fish up a Power Berry here so once you get that you probably shouldn’t bother fishing here ever

King Fish
There are also 6 "King Fish" in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. You should probably only attempt to catch these after
you get the Fishing Pole as they’re quite difficult to catch. You have to meet certain requirements for each fish before
you can catch it and after you catch it you’ll receive a picture and you’ll throw the fish back.
Name of
Location Requirements
King Fish
Catfish Winter Mine You’ll find a pond on the bottom floor of the Winter Mine. Fish here to catch the Catfish.
Angler Beach Fish at the beach in winter from 6:00 to 8:00 am or 10:00 pm to 5:50 am.
Waterfall Get all the fish recipes (Grilled Fish, Sashimi, Sushi and Chirashi Sushi) and fish at the
Pond Waterfall Pond.
During the summer throw a small fish into the ocean then fish. If you fail you’ll have to
Squid Beach
throw a new small fish in the ocean again the next day and again every day you fish until
you catch the Squid.
Ship at least 200 fish by manually throwing them into the shipping bin yourself (not by
Sea Bream Beach
using the basket or horse!) and then fish at the beach in any season other than summer.
Mother’s Hill After you’ve caught all 5 of the other fish you can catch this in Mother’s Hill Lake during
Lake the fall.
There are two mines in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. The Waterfall Mine is open all year and you can find the ores
you need to upgrade your tools there. The other mine is open only during the winter of this videogame when the pond
on the mountain freezes over and you can find several other rare ores that sell for more and can be used to make
things like jewelry or the maker machines.
If you buy the basket from the Supermarket you’ll be able to take that into the mine and it will allow you to gather
way more ore per trip.
Both mines have ten floors. A trick to find the ladder to the next floor is to dig around the area on the opposite side of
the room. For example if the ladder back up is in the bottom left corner of the room dig around the upper right corner
to find the ladder down to the next floor.
The ladder will also never be in any of the squares on the perimeter of the room so don’t bother digging there. Dig at
least one square in from the perimeter to find the ladder.
In this videogame you’ll also find a pond on the bottom floor of the Winter mine where you can catch a King Fish.
With both mines you’ll dig up better items the deeper you go. You can also dig up bags of 10g, especially in the
Waterfall Mine, and you’ll dig up a Power Berry randomly in each mine too.

Waterfall Mine
Ore Selling Price

Junk Ore 1g
Copper Ore 15g
Silver Ore 20g
Gold Ore 25g
Mystrile Ore 40g

Winter Mine
Ore Selling Price
Junk Ore 1g
Mystrile Ore 40g
Adamantite Ore 50g
Orichalc 50g
Power Berries
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you can find Power Berries which will increase your stamina. You start off with only
100 stamina and each Power Berry you find increases your total stamina by 10. The higher your stamina the more
work you can get done before you collapse and start gaining fatigue in the videogame.
As a slight bonus your stamina will be completely recovered when you find a Power Berry and there are a total of 10
of them in the game.
It doesn’t matter at all which order you get these in.
1. You can randomly dig up a Power Berry inside the Waterfall Mine.
2. You can randomly dig up a Power Berry inside the Winter Mine.
3. If you go behind the little island the Winter Mine is on and press X you’ll find a Power Berry.
4. When you watch the Shopping Network on TV one day they will randomly sell a Power Berry for 5,000g.
5. When you fish at the beach in this videogame you’ll randomly catch a Power Berry.
6. There’s a tree on Mother’s Hill that will give you a Power Berry if you try to cut it down during the Spring but
stop when it asks you to stop.
7. The first time you win the Swimming Festival you will receive a Power Berry.
8. If you throw 5 items into the Goddess’s pond she will give you a Power Berry.
9. You can trade 1001 medals at the Horse Race for a Power Berry.
10. If you plant 90+ of any flower or combination of flowers on your farm she will come by, take all your flowers
and give you a Power Berry.
11. If you throw cucumbers into the lake on the mountain where the Winter Mine is a Kappa will appear. It will
only appear after 11:00 am during the spring.
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there are several different shops where you can buy animals, seeds and various
other items. You can also upgrade the buildings on your farm and make new tools.

Aja Winery
Hours: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Closed: Saturday
Owners: Duke and Manna
All you can buy here is Wine and Grape Juice. Both these items don’t have much use in this videogame except for gifts.
Item Cost Description

Grape Juice 200g Drink it or give it as a gift

Wine 300g Drink it or give it as a gift

Gotz’s Shop
Hours: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Sunday
Owner: Gotz
Gotz will sell you lumber and if you pay him and have enough lumber he’ll upgrade the various buildings on your
Item Price Lumber Required Description
You can buy lumber if you don’t feel like gathering it
Lumber 50g –
Hen House Extension 5,000g 420 Let’s you have twice as many chickens
Adds a shelf and kitchen with a fridge in which you can
First House Extension 4,700g 370
cook recipes
Barn Extension 6,800g 500 Let’s you have twice as many cows and sheep
Adds a bedroom, this extension is required before you can
Second House Extension 10,000g 750
get married
Hothouse 30,000g 580 Let’s you grow crops during any season

The Hospital
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Closed: Wednesday
Owner: Doctor Tim
Doctor Tim runs the hospital in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and is helped by Elli. You can buy medicine and get a
checkup here.
Item Cost Description
Checkup 10g The doctor will tell you if you have any fatigue
Bodigizer 500g Recovers 50 stamina
Turbojolt 1,000g Removes 20 fatigue
Bodigizer XL* 1,000g Recovers 100 stamina
Turbojolt XL* 2,000g Removes 50 fatigue
*The Bodigizer XL becomes available in this game after you ship 51 Blue Grass and the Turbojolt XL becomes
available after you ship 51 Green Grass.

The Inn
Hours: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Owner: Doug
Doug operates a restaurant and bar where you can buy food and hang out with other characters in the evenings. He
has one menu during the day and a different one during the evening.
The Inn’s menu during the day
Item Cost Description
Set Meal 500g Recovers 50 stamina and removes 10 fatigue
Salad 300g Recovers 10 stamina and removes 20 fatigue
Apple Pie 300g Recovers 30 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Cheesecake 250g Recovers 20 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Cookie 200g Recovers 10 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Water 0g Recovers 1 stamina
The Inn’s menu during the evening
Item Cost Description
Grape Liquor 500g Removes 20 fatigue
Pineapple Juice 300g Removes 15 fatigue
Milk 200g Removes 10 fatigue
Water 0g Recovers 1 stamina

Kai’s Shop
Hours: 10:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Closed: Monday and only open during the summer
Owner: Kai
During the summer of this videogame you can find Kai on the beach and he’ll sell you some food. I don’t really see
much of a point to his shop.
Item Cost Description
Snowcone 300g Removes 10 fatigue
Roasted Corn 250g Recovers 10 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Pasta 300g Recovers 20 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Pizza 200g Recovers 15 stamina and removes 1 fatigue
Water 0g Recovers 1 stamina

Poultry Farm
Hours: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Closed: Sunday
Owner: Lillia
At the Poultry Farm you can buy and sell chickens as well as other chicken care related items. Because Lillia is sick the
store is only open for a small part of the day. If you sell a chicken the amount of gold you’ll receive depends on how
high the chicken’s heart level is.
Item Cost Description
Chicken Feed 10g Feed it to your chickens
Chicken 1,500g You’ll have to buy at least one, then you can just hatch the eggs it lays
Animal Medicine 1,000g Cures any sick animal

Saibara’s Shop
Hours: 10:00 pm to 4:00 pm (once you become good friends with Saibara his shop will open at 9:00 am)
Closed: Thursday
Owner: Saibara
Saibara has various tools for sale and if you bring him ore he can upgrade some of your existing tools as well. He’ll
also make you the maker machines and he can make you jewelry to give to the girls.
Item Price Ore Required Description
Copper Tool Upgrade 1,000g Copper Ore Upgrades your tool into a copper tool and takes 3 days
Silver Tool Upgrade 2,000g Silver Ore Upgrades a tool into a silver tool and takes 3 days
Gold Tool Upgrade 3,000g Gold Ore Upgrades a tool into a gold tool and takes 3 days
Mystrile Tool Upgrade 5,000g Mystrile Ore Upgrades a tool into a mystrile tool and takes 3 days
Mayonnaise Maker 20,000g Adamantite Ore Lets you turn Eggs into Mayonnaise which sells for more
Cheese Maker 20,000g Adamantite Ore Lets you turn Milk into Cheese which sells for more
Yarn Maker 20,000g Adamantite Ore Lets you turn Wool into Balls of Yarn which sell for more
Girl’s Present 1,000g Orichalc Ore Creates a random piece of jewelry to give to a girl
Brush 800g – Use it to brush your horse, sheep or cows
Clippers 1,800g – Use it to cut your sheeps’ wool
Milker 2,000g – Use it to milk your cows

Closed: Sunday and Tuesday
Owner: Jeff
The supermarket in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is where you go to buy seeds, cooking supplies and other useful
items. The seed selection will change depending on what season it is but once you have a hothouse they’ll sell all the
seeds regardless of what season it is.
Item Cost Description
Curry Powder 50g Use it for cooking
Oil 50g Use it for cooking
Flour 50g Use it for cooking
Rice Ball 100g Use it for cooking
Bread 100g Use it for cooking
Fish Food 20g Feeds the fish you throw into your pond.
Wrapping Paper 100g Use it to wrap an item to give as a gift
Blue Feather 1,000g Use it to propose marriage. It’s only available when a girl has a pink heart
Medium Rucksack 3,000g Holds 4 items and 4 tools
Large Rucksack 5,000g Holds 8 items and 8 tools
Basket 5,000g You can throw 30 items into it and then dump it into the shipping bin

Item Price Season Description
Turnip Seeds 120g Spring Grows Turnips
Potato Seeds 150g Spring Grows Potatoes
Cucumber Seeds 200g Spring Grows Cucumbers
Strawberry Seeds 150g Spring These become available after shipping 100 of each Spring crop
Onion Seeds 150g Summer Grows Onions
Tomato Seeds 200g Summer Grows Tomatoes
Corn Seeds 300g Summer Grows Corn
Pumpkin Seeds 500g Summer These become available after shipping 100 of each Summer crop
Carrot Seeds 300g Fall Grows Carrots
Eggplant Seeds 120g Fall Grows Eggplants
Sweet Potato Seeds 300g Fall Grows Sweet Potatoes
Spinach Seeds 200g Fall These become avilable after shipping 100 of each Fall crop
All except
Grass 500g Grows grass which can be cut and turned into fodder for animals

Won’s Shop
Hours: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Owner: Won
You’ll find Won hanging out in the Inn during the afternoon and in this videogame he will sell you rare seeds.
Item Price Season Description
Cabbage Seeds 500g Spring Grows Cabbage
These flower seeds become available after a certain event
Moondrop Seeds 300g Spring
with Karen*
Toy Flower Seeds 500g Spring Grows Toy Flowers
Pineapple Seeds 1,000g Summer Grows Pineapples
Pink Cat Seeds 200g Summer Grows Pink Cat Flowers
Green Pepper Seeds 150g Fall Grows Green Peppers
Magic Red Seeds 600g Fall Grows Magic Red Flowers
Orange Cup Seeds 1,000g Hothouse Only Grows Orange Cup Flowers
*During the spring if you have at least 15,000 affection with Karen she’ll come by and give you some Moondrop seeds.
After they bloom Won will start selling Moondrop seeds.

Yodel Ranch
Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Closed: Monday
Owner: Barley
Yodel Ranch is where you go to buy cows, sheep and items related to taking care of animals in Harvest Moon: Back to
Nature. You can also sell one of your cows of sheep and the price you get depends on the animal’s heart level.
Item Cost Description
Fodder 20g You can buy fodder to feed to your animals if you don’t want to cut grass
C.M. Potion 3,000g Makes any adult cow pregnant
S.M. Potion 3,000g Makes any adult sheep pregnant
Cow 6,000g You can buy an adult cow
Sheep 4,000g You can buy an adult sheep
Bell 500g Calls your animals to you
Animal Medicine 1,000g Cures any sick animal
There are several festivals in each season in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. By attending the festivals the villagers will
like you more and you can win prizes at certain ones. There are also several romantic festivals where you can
improve your relationships with the girls.
You can show up to the festivals at any point during the times listed. When most of the festivals end it will be 6:00 pm
in this videogame.

Spring Festivals
New Years Day: Spring 1
Time: between 6:00 pm and 7:50 pm
Location: either the Town Square or the Inn
You can choose if you want to go to the Square or the Inn. You’ll get +5 affection with anyone you speak to and +500
affection for any girl you speak to. Nothing else you do has any effect on anything.
Goddess Festival: Spring 8
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
On the day before you can ask any girl who has at least 15,000 affection to attend the festival with you. You get +5
affection with any villagers you speak with and +500 affection for any girl you speak to. If you attend the festival with
a girl and go home alone afterwards you get +1,000 affection with that girl. If you agree to go to her favorite place
afterwards you get +3,000 affection.
Spring Thanksgiving: Spring 14
Time: 6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: n/a
On this day you give girls something sweet to eat. You get +1,000 affection if you give a dessert to a girl. You can’t
repeatedly give them gifts. You only get +1,000 affection for the first gift.
Horse Race: Spring 18
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
There are three races you can watch and if your horse is an adult you can participate in the race yourself. The higher
your horse’s stamina the better you’ll do in the race.
You’ll get +5 affection with every villager you speak to. You’ll also get +500 affection with every girl you speak to. You
can speak to everyone before each race and get a maximum of +15 affection and +1500 affection with the villagers
and girls.
If you participate in the race and win all the villagers there get +20 affection and all the girls there get +500 affection.
Cooking Festival: Spring 22
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
You can cook any dish you want and bring it. If you submit Relaxation Tea you’re pretty much guaranteed to win.
You’ll get +5 affection with every villager you speak to and +500 affection with any girl you speak to. If you win the
contest you’ll get +20 affection with all the villagers there and +500 with each of the girls there.

Summer Festivals
Swimming Festival: Summer 1
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the beach
You get +5 affection with any villager you speak to. You also get +500 affection with any girl you speak to. The first
time you win this festival you’ll get a Power Berry.
If you win the festival you’ll get +20 affection with all the villagers there and +500 with all the girls there. This is
probably the hardest minigame to win in this videogame.
Chicken Festival: Summer 7
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
You can go and watch or on the day before you can enter a chicken in the contest. If your chicken wins the contest it
will give Gold Eggs. The higher your chicken’s heart level the better it’s chances at winning will be.
You’ll get +5 affection for everyone you speak to.If you win you’ll get +20 affection with every villager there.
Tomato Festival: Summer 12
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
You get +5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 affection with any girl you speak to. If your team wins
you get +20 affection with each villager and +500 affection with each girl. You don’t seem to get any affection bonus
with the person who’s team you join.
Cow Festival: Summer 20
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: Yodel Ranch
You can watch this festival or enter your own cow the day before. If your cow wins the festival it will start giving Gold
Milk. The higher your cow’s heart level the better chance it has of winning.
You get +5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 affection with any girl you speak to. If your cow wins you
get +20 affection with each villager and +500 affection with each girl.
Fireworks Display: Summer 24
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:50 pm
Location: the beach
You can watch the fireworks with any girl in this videogame or Kai might ask you to watch them with him. You’ll get
+5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 affection with any girl you speak to.
It doesn’t matter who you watch the fireworks with, you won’t get any extra affection points with them.

Fall Festivals
Music Festival: Fall 3
Time: 6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
Location: the church
You can either show up and watch or if you agree to participate the day before you’ll play the ocarina in the
performance. It won’t affect anyone’s affection if you choose to participate or not.
You’ll get +5 affection for each villager you speak to and +500 affection for each girl you speak to.
Harvest Festival: Fall 9
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
You can bring a random ingredient for the soup or not. It doesn’t really matter what you bring or if you bring
something. You’ll get +5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 with any girl you speak to.
Moon Viewing Festival: Fall 13
Time: 6:00 pm to 11:50 pm
Location: the top of Mount Moon
You go to the top of the mountain and spend time with a girl who likes you enough. There are no effects on anyone’s
Sheep Festival: Fall 21
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: Yodel Ranch
If you have a sheep in this videogame with fully grown wool you can enter it in the contest the day before or you can
just attend the festival and watch. If your sheep wins the festival it will give Gold Wool.
You get +5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 with any girl you speak to. If your sheep wins then you
get +20 affection with each villager and +500 with each girl there.

Winter Festivals
Dog Race: Winter 10
Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm
Location: the Town Square
You can either watch the race or enter your dog. The higher your dog’s intelligence in this videogame the beter chance
he has of winning.
You’ll get +5 affection with any villager you speak to and +500 affection with any girl you speak to. If your dog wins
you’ll get +20 affection with everyone there and +500 with any of the girls who are there.
Winter Thanksgiving: Winter 14
Time: 6:00 am, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm
Location: your farm
Any girl who has at least a purple heart will come by your farm and give you some kind of chocolate. If their heart
level is purple or blue you’ll get chocolate and if their heart level is green, yellow, orange or pink you’ll get chocolate
cake. There is no effect on affection levels.
Star Night Festival: Winter 24
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:50 pm
Location: depends on the girl
Talk to a girl in this videogame the day before and if she likes you enough she’ll invite you to have dinner with her
family. If you’re married the dinner will take place at your house. There is no effect on affection levels.
New Years Eve: Winter 30
Time: 12:00 am to 4:50 am
Location: the top of Mother’s Hill
You head up to the top of Mother’s Hill and watch the sunrise with all the other villagers. You’ll get +5 affection with
any villager you speak to and +500 with any girl you speak to.
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature all animals have a hidden affection score. The maximum amount of affection points
any animal can have is 255 and for every 25 points they’ll go up a heart level. You can see the heart level for each of
your animals in the start menu.
Only the first action you take each day in this videogame will raise their affection levels. That means, for example, that
if you brush your animal once its affection will go up. If you continue to brush that animal several more times that day
you’re wasting your time because it has no effect at that point on their affection levels.
The new affection points you get from say brushing or talking to your animals don’t get added to the total until the
start of the next day.
The only exception to these rules is if you attack your animal with a tool such as the axe. This will immediately lower
its affection and you can repeatedly attack them and repeatedly lower their affection level without having to wait
until the start of the next day.

You will begin with the dog and it starts out with 10 affection points. The following activities affect your dog’s
affection points.
Activity Affection Points Per Day

Picking him up and putting him down +2 Affection

Whistling at him and having him respond +2 Affection
Ignoring him completely all day -1 Affection
Leaving him outside in the rain, snow, a hurricane or a blizzard overnight -5 Affection
Attacking your dog with a tool -10 Affection
Your dog also has a second hidden Intelligence stat in this videogame that starts at 0 and can never decrease. When he
becomes an adult you will be able to purchase a ball that you can use to play with your dog. If you throw the ball, the
dog barks, gets the ball and returns it to you its intelligence will go up by 3 points. Your dog’s intelligence can only go
up by 3 points per day no matter how many times you throw the ball. The higher your dog’s intelligence the better he
will do at the Dog Race Festival.
You never have to feed your dog. It takes a minimum of 60 days to get your dog’s heart level to 10. It also takes a
minimum of 85 days to get your dog to maximum intelligence.

During the spring of your first year in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you can visit Yodel Ranch and receive a horse.
The horse starts out with 10 affection points. The following activites affect your horse’s affection points.
Affection Points Per
Whistling at him and having him respond +2 Affection
Brushing him +2 Affection
Not brushing, riding or whistling at him for a whole day -1 Affection
Attacking him twice -1 Affection
Attacking him an additional time after having already attacked him twice -1 Affection
Having a wild dog bark at him twice -1 Affection
Having a wild dog bark at him an additional time after already being barked at twice -1 Affection
Leaving him outside in the rain, snow, a hurricane or a blizzard overnight -5 Affection
Talking to your horse will have no effect on its affection levels.
Your horse also has a hidden stamina stat in this videogame. His stamina starts at 0 and can never decrease. When
your horse becomes an adult you will be able to ride him. Every time you jump up onto your horse his stamina will go
up by 3 points. His stamina will only increase once per day no matter how many times you jump onto him. The higher
your horse’s stamina is the better it will do in the Horse Race Festival.
You never have to feed your horse. You can also use your horse as a mobile shipping bin when it becomes an adult by
throwing items into the bags on the sides of its saddle. These items will get shipped with everything else. The idea is I
guess that your horse takes the items to the shipping bin for you.
If your horse doesn’t have a total of 8 hearts by the end of the first year Barley will come and take it away.
It takes a minimum of 60 days to get your horse’s heart level to 10. It also takes a minimum of 85 days to get your
horse to maximum stamina.
You can buy chickens from the Poultry Farm for 1,500g each. Chickens start out with 10 affection points and the
following activities affect their affection levels:
Activity Affection Points Per Day
Feed them +10 Affection
Attacking a chicken with a tool -10 Affection
Being barked at by a wild dog -10 Affection
Forgetting to feed a chicken -20 Affection
Leaving them outside in the rain, snow, a hurricane or a blizzard overnight -120 Affection
It takes a minimum of 24 days to get a chicken’s heart level to 10. You can buy food for your chickens in this
videogame at the Poultry farm. One unit of chicken feed costs 10g. You can also throw corn into your windmill to have
one unit of corn converted into 10 units of chicken feed. If you leave your chickens outside then you don’t have to feed
them. You can also put the chicken feed in any of the chicken stalls as long as you put as many units of food as you
have chickens. For example if you have two chickens you can put the feed in stalls 2 and 5, it doesn’t matter.
After you purchase one chicken in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there’s no need to ever purchase another. You can
put an egg in the incubator and after 3 days it will hatch. After another 9 days the chick will mature into an adult
Chickens lay eggs when they have at least 1 heart or 25 affection points. If you fail to feed a chicken then it won’t lay
eggs for the next two days.
If your chicken wins the Chicken Festival then they will start to lay gold eggs. You can also get Saibara to make you
the Mayonnaise Maker. You can put eggs into the Mayonnaise Maker to get small, medium, large or gold mayonnaise
based on how high your chicken’s heart level is. The higher your chicken’s heart level, the better mayonnaise you will
get. Gold eggs get made into gold mayonnaise.
Chicken Products Selling Price
Egg 50g
Gold Egg 150g
Small Mayonnaise 100g
Medium Mayonnaise 150g
Large Mayonnaise 200g
Gold Mayonnaise 300g

You can buy a cow for 6,000g at Yodel Ranch. Cows start out with 10 Affection points and the following activities
affect their affection levels:
Activity Affection Points Per Day
Talking to your cow +3 Affection
Letting your cow eat grass outside +2 Affection
Feeding your cow fodder inside the barn +1 Affection
Leaving your cow outside with no mature grass to eat -9 Affection
Failing to feed your cow fodder when it’s inside the barn -10 Affection
Attacking a cow with a tool -10 Affection
Having a wild dog bark at your cow -10 Affection
Leaving them outside in the rain, snow, a hurricane or a blizzard overnight -120 Affection
Brushing or milking your cows has no effect on their affection levels for some strange reason in. It takes a minimum of
48 days to get your cow’s heart level to 10 but this requires constant perfect weather and a field with enough grass.
60 days is a much more reasonable minimum amount of time to reach the maximum heart level.
A pregnant cow in this videogame takes 21 days to give birth to a calf. The calf takes 15 days to grow into an
immature cow and then another 14 days to mature into an adult cow. Because it takes so long and because pregnant
cows give less milk I recommend just buying all your cows. You won’t have to buy the pregnancy potion or loose the
milk while the cow is pregnant.
You can place the fodder in any of the feeding bins in the barn as long as there are as many units of fodder as there are
cows. If you fail to feed your cow it won’t give milk for two days.
If your cow wins the Cow Festival it will start to give gold milk. You can also have Saibara make you the Cheese
Maker which will take your cow’s milk and turn it into cheese which sells for more.
Cow Products Selling Price
Small Milk 100g
Medium Milk 150g
Large Milk 200g
Gold Milk 300g
Small Cheese 300g
Medium Cheese 400g
Large Cheese 500g
Gold Cheese 600g

You can buy a sheep for 4,000g at Yodel Ranch. Sheep start out with 10 Affection points and the following activities
affect their affection levels:
Affection Points Per
Talking to your sheep +3 Affection
Letting your sheep eat grass outside +2 Affection
Feeding your sheep fodder inside the barn +1 Affection
Attacking a sheep with a tool -1 Affection
Having a wild dog bark at your sheep -1 Affection
Leaving your sheep outside with no mature grass to eat -9 Affection
Failing to feed your sheep fodder when it’s inside the barn -10 Affection
Leaving them outside in the rain, snow, a hurricane or a blizzard overnight -120 Affection
Brushing your sheep and cutting their wool has no effect on their affection levels oddly enough. It takes a minimum of
48 days for your sheep to reach a heart level of 10 but this again requires perfect weather and a field with enough
grass. A minimum of 60 days to reach the maximum heart level is a much more likely amount of time.
If you give your sheep the pregnancy potion in this videogame it will take 21 days for a new sheep to be born. Lambs
then take a total of 15 days to mature into adult sheep that can have their wool cut.
It takes 7 days for a sheep to regrow its wool after it has been cut and if you fail to feed your sheep you’ll set this back
by one day. You again can put the fodder in any of the bins as long as there are as many units of fodder as you have
If your sheep wins the Sheep Festival it will start to give gold wool. You can also get Saibara to make you a Yarn
Maker where you can make yarn out of your sheep’s wool which sells for a lot more.
Sheep Products Selling Price
Small Wool 100g
Medium Wool 400g
Large Wool 500g
Gold Wool 600g
Small Yarn 300g
Medium Yarn 700g
Large Yarn 800g
Gold Yarn 1000g
Once you buy the first house upgrade in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you can use your new kitchen to cook up
various recipes. For every 8 different recipes you cook you’ll get 1% added to your farm percentage and there are a
total of 64 recipes in the game.
After you have your kitchen you can buy the cooking utensils on Saturday by watching the entire show on the
Shopping Network in the videogame. After you’ve watched the show head over to the inn and you can use the phone
near Doug to place an order. The utensil will be delivered the next Tuesday (or Wednesday if Tuesday is a festival or
The order in which you buy the utensils is as follows: Knife (3,000g), Frying Pan (2,500g), Pot (2,000g), Mixer
(2,500g), Whisk (5,000g), Rolling Pin (1,500g), Oven (5,000g) and finally Seasoning Set (5,000g).
You have to buy the utensils one at a time each week until you have them all. The last one that you can buy is the Spice
Rack which will contain an unlimited amount of the spices required for many of the recipes in the videogame.
You can hear about new recipes by getting to be really good friends with the characters or by watching the "Delicious
Hour" show on Tuesday or a New Years special early in the Spring. They won’t be recorded in your recipe book until
you cook them though. You don’t need to get the recipe from a villager though. You can just take this list and cook
them all up yourself.
There are certain ingredients and utensils that you must use in each recipe in this videogame. There are also a ton of
optional ingredients and utensils that you can use which supposedly can make whatever you cook "taste better"
which just means it will restore more stamina when you eat it. I don’t think it makes a character like it any more if you
give it to them as a gift.
If you fail to cook something in this game then you’ll end up with a "Food Fiasco".

Missable Recipes
Make sure you save one stone when you’re clearing your field at the start of the videogame. There’s no way to
get one of those stones if you break all of them and you need one for the Roasted Potatoes recipe.
You also need to make sure you get at least 2 Chocolates from some girls on the Winter Thanksgiving because once
you get married none of the girls will give you chocolate during this festival again. You can only get Chocolate from
a girl who likes you a decent amount (purple or blue heart) on Winter Thanksgiving. If the girl likes you too
much (green to pink heart) she’ll give you Chocolate Cake instead which isn’t useful for recipes.
You need Chocolate to make Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Cookies.

Recipe Information
Apple Jam
Origin: Louis
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Required Utensils: Pot

Required Ingredients: Apple or SUGDW Apple
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey or Wine
Optional Seasoning: –
Apple Pie
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 50 to 54

Required Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot and Rolling Pin

Required Ingredients: Apple, Butter, Egg and Flour
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Wine or Honey
Optional Seasoning: –
Bamboo Rice
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot and Rice Ball
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Boiled Egg
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Required Utensils: Pot

Required Ingredients: Egg
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Salt
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 1

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 40 to 63

Required Utensils: Oven and Whisk

Required Ingredients: Butter, Egg and Flour
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grape
Optional Seasoning: –
Cheese Fondue
Origin: Doug
Stamina Restored: 43 to 53
Required Utensils: Pot
Required Ingredients: Bread and Cheese
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Wine
Optional Seasoning: Salt
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Required Utensils: Oven, Pot and Whisk

Required Ingredients: Cheese, Egg and Milk
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: –
Chirashi Sushi
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 50 to 55

Required Utensils: Knife

Required Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi and Scrambled Eggs
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Cucumber
Optional Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Chocolate Cake
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 70 to 91

Required Utensils: Oven and Whisk

Required Ingredients: Butter, Chocolate, Egg and Flour
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grape
Optional Seasoning: –
Chocolate Cookie
Origin: Sasha
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Required Utensils: Oven and Rolling Pin

Required Ingredients: Butter, Chocolate, Egg and Flour
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: –
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 15 to 17

Required Utensils: Oven and Rolling Pin

Required Ingredients: Butter, Egg and Flour
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: –
Origin: The Delicious Hour
30 to 65

Curry Powder and Rice Ball


Optional Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Egg, Fish (any size) Grape Juice, Green Pepper,
Ingredients: PotatoMushroom, Oil, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Vegetable Juice,
Wild Grape or Wine
Salt, Soy Sauce or Sugar
Curry Noodles
Origin: ?
60 to 80

Knife, Pot and Rolling Pin
Curry Powder and Flour or Curry Powder and Noodles



Optional Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion,
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Turnip and Truffle
Miso Paste, Salt, Soy Sauce and Sugar
Dinner Roll
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Bread and Butter
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: –
Fried Noodles
Origin: Zack
Stamina Restored: 60

Required Utensils: Frying Pan

Required Ingredients: Noodles and Oil
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Fried Rice
Origin: Harris
Stamina Restored: 49 to 69

Frying Pan
Egg, Oil and Rice Ball
Salt, Soy Sauce and Sugar

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Green Pepper,
Ingredients: Grilled Fish, Mushroom, Onion, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Stir Fry, Truffle, and Wine

Origin: Fish at the beach, eventually you’ll catch this recipe
Stamina Restored: 30 to 40

Frying Pan and Knife
Required Oil and Potato


Optional Utensils: –
Fruit Juice
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 29 to 33

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: At least one Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grape
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: Sugar
Fruit Latte
Origin: Basil
Stamina Restored: 39 to 43

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: At least one Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grap and Milk or Fruit Juice and Milk
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: Sugar
Grape Jam
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Required Utensils: Pot

Required Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey or Wine
Optional Seasoning: Salt
Origin: Manna
Stamina Restored: 20

Required Utensils: Pot

Required Ingredients: Spinach
Required Seasoning: Soy Sauce

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Grilled Fish
Origin: New Years Special TV (Spring 3) or the Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Required Utensils: Frying Pan

Required Ingredients: Medium Fish
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Happy Eggplant
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 30

Required Utensils: Frying Pan

Required Ingredients: Eggplant
Required Seasoning: Miso Paste, Sugar and Soy Sauce

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Hot Milk
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 20 to 24

Required Utensils: Pot

Required Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Sugar
Ice Cream
Origin: Barley
Stamina Restored: 30 to 53

Required Utensils: Pot and Whisk

Required Ingredients: Egg and Milk
Required Seasoning: Sugar
Optional Utensils: Knife
Optional Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grape
Optional Seasoning: –
Jam Bun
Origin: New Years Special TV (Spring 5)
Stamina Restored: 40 to 50

Required Utensils: –
Bread and either Apple Jam, Grape Jam or Strawberry Jam (you can use more than one type
Required Ingredients:
of jam)
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Origin: You can dig up this recipe in the Winter Mine
Stamina Restored: 1

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: Tomato and Onion
Required Seasoning: Salt, Sugar and Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Mayonnaise Small
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 1

Required Utensils: Whisk

Required Ingredients: Normal Egg (from a chicken with a low heart level) and Oil
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Mayonnaise Medium
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 2

Required Utensils: Whisk

Required Ingredients: Good Egg (from a chicken with a decent heart level) and Oil
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Mayonnaise Large
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 3

Required Utensils: Whisk

Required Ingredients: Excellent Egg (from a chicken with a high heart level) and Oil
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Mayonnaise Extra Large
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 4

Required Utensils: Whisk

Required Ingredients: Gold Egg and Oil
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Miso Soup
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 10 to 52

Required Utensils: Pot

Required At least one: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion,
Ingredients: Potato, Pumpkin, Small Fish, Spinach, Sweet Potato and/or Turnip
Miso Paste

Optional Utensils: Knife


Salt or Soy Sauce
Mixed Juice
Origin: Doctor Tim
Stamina Restored: 50 to 58

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required At least one Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grape and at least one Cabbage, Carrot or
Ingredients: Cucumber alternatively you can use Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice.

Optional Utensils: Knife
Optional Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Spinach,
Ingredients: Tomato, Truffle and Turnip
Salt or Sugar
Mixed Latte
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required One Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grapes, one Cabbage, Carrot or Cucumber and Milk
Ingredients: alternatively you can use Mixed Juice and Milk


Optional Utensils: Knife


Optional Seasoning: Salt or Sugar
Mushroom Rice
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Required Utensils: –
Mushroom and Rice Ball


Optional Utensils: Knife


Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 40 to 76

Required Utensils: Knife, Pot and Rolling Pin



Optional Utensils: –
Optional Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion,
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Truffle or Turnip
Salt, Soy Sauce or Sugar
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 50 to 82

Required Utensils: Frying Pan

Egg, Milk and Oil


Optional Utensils: Whisk

Optional Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup,
Ingredients: Mayonnaise, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle
Pickled Turnips
Origin: Saibara
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Required Utensils: Knife

Required Ingredients: Turnip
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Cucumber
Required Seasoning: Salt

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 43 to 67

Required Utensils: Oven and Rolling Pin

Cheese, Flour and Ketchup


Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion,
Ingredients: Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Tomato or Truffle
Salt or Sugar
Origin: Kai
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Required Utensils: Frying Pan



Optional Utensils: –

Pumpkin Pudding
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Required Utensils: Oven and Pot

Required Ingredients: Egg, Milk and Pumpkin
Required Seasoning: Sugar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey or Wine
Optional Seasoning: –
Raisin Bread
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 30

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Bread and Wild Grapes
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: –
Relaxation Tea
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 70 to 112

Required Utensils: Pot

Relaxation Tea Leaves
Required –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Apple, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Honey, Milk, Orangecup Fruit, Pineapple, Red Grass, Wild Grape or
Ingredients: Wine
Rice Omelet
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 60 to 82

Required Utensils: Frying Pan

Egg, Milk, Oil and Rice Ball


Optional Utensils: Whisk

Optional Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup,
Ingredients: Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potato or Truffle
Salt, Soy Sauce or Sugar
Roasted Potatoes
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 40 to 42

Required Utensils: Oven

Small Stone and Sweet Potato
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –

Optional Seasoning: Salt or Sugar
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 34 to 60

Required Utensils: Knife

Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber and Tomato
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Apple, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Corn, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Oil, Pineapple, Potato,
Ingredients: Strawberry, Truffle and Turnip
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Vinegar
Origin: Ellen
46 to 68

Bread, Cucumber and Tomato



Optional Apple, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cababge, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Honey,
Ingredients: Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Wild
Grape or Wine
Origin: Greg
30 to 38

Large Fish and/or Medium Fish




Soy Sauce
Scrambled Eggs
Origin: Lillia
Stamina Restored: 40 to 58

Frying Pan
Egg and Oil


Optional Utensils: Whisk

Butter or Mayonnaise
Salt, Soy Sauce or Sugar
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 35 to 58

Flour and Milk

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Chocolate, Fish, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Honey, Oil, Pineapple, Spa-
Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wild Grape or Wine

Stir Fry
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 40 to 52

Required Utensils: Frying Pan and Knife

Cabbage and Oil
Soy Sauce

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato,
Ingredients: Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle or Turnip
Optional Seasoning: –
Strawberry Jam
Origin: New Years Special TV (Spring 5)
Stamina Restored: 5

Required Utensils: Pot


Optional Utensils: –

Optional Seasoning: –
Strawberry Milk
Origin: Pastor Carter
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: Milk and Strawberry
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Sugar
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 40 to 41

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Rice Ball and Sashimi
Required Seasoning: Vinegar

Optional Utensils: –
Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Sweet Potato
Origin: Chef (the red Harvest Sprite)

Oven and Pot
Butter, Egg and Sweet Potato

Optional Utensils: –


Origin: ?
20 to 38

Frying Pan
Egg, Flour and Oil


Optional Utensils: Whisk

Optional Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper,
Ingredients: Mushroom, Pineapple, Poisonous Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle or Turnip
Optional –
Tempura Noodles
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 60 to 92

Required Utensils: Pot

Noodles and Tempura
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –
Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Turnip or Truffle
Optional Seasoning: Miso Paste, Salt, Sugar or Soy Sauce
Tomato Juice
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 20 to 25

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: –

Optional Seasoning: Salt
Truffle Rice
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65

Required Utensils: –
Required Ingredients: Rice Ball and Truffle
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: –
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Vegetable Juice
Origin: The Delicious Hour
Stamina Restored: 28 to 50

Required Utensils: Mixer

Required Ingredients: At least one Cabbage, Carrot and Cucumber
Required Seasoning: –

Optional Utensils: Knife

Optional Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle or
Optional Seasoning: Salt
Veggie Latte
Origin: ?
Stamina Restored: 38 to 59

Required Utensils: Mixer

Milk and at least one Cabbage, Carrot or Cucumber or Vegetable Juice and Milk


Optional Utensils: Knife

Bamboo Shoot, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle and Turnip
Optional Seasoning: Salt
Veggie Pancake
Origin: Gotz
Stamina Restored: 50 to 65

Required Utensils: Frying Pan and Knife

Cabbage, Egg, Flour and Oil


Optional Utensils: –
Optional Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Mayonnaise, Milk,
Ingredients: Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach or Truffle
Optional Seasoning: Salt or Soy Sauce
Farm Percentage
Your farm percentage doesn’t actually affect whether or not you win or lose the game. In the North American version
of the game the maximum percentage you can get is 98%. In some other versions of the game Power Berries don’t
count towards your total and you can only get 88%.
You get 1% for each Power Berry (10% total)
1% for each heart your dog has (10% total)
1% for each heart your horse has (10% total)
2% for each building upgrade you have (10% total)
1% for each chicken you own (10% total)
1% for each cow and/or sheep you own (20% total)
1% for each heart your wife has (10% total)
1% for each heart your child has (10% total)
1% for every 8 recipes you cook (8% total)

Winning the Game

After three years your performance will be evaluated. You’ll either "win the game " and be able to continue playing for
as many years as you want or you’ll lose and be forced to leave your farm. It’s very hard to lose the game so don’t
To win in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you have to have shipped at least 11 items produced on your farm, plant at
least 101 individual crops (each bag of seeds give you potentially 9), and have at least 500 affection with one girl.

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