Commentary: CCTV - Concord Journal, February 15 2018

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Relationship wit� town has crippled CCTV

By Neville Webb and limitations of out rela- We hope the Select Board
tionship with the town. will consider this situation,
We tried to install an updated as they evaluate whether the
� �"T.1.- ::::ten .. o er em· the':"own House town could do a better job run­
forum on Concord-Carlisle but this plan, that was years in ning the station themselves or
TV Feb. 2, it became evident the making, was nixed three would gain more by having a
that a number of concerned weeks before implementa- separate organization run the
citizens are wondering why tion. Our budget is controlled station with improved com­
the CCTV board has not by the town, in an exceedingly munication and direction.
been more proactive about limiting way. The town is con- We did not formally protest
moving CCTV forward. stantly and inappropriately in some of the interactions with
This is part of the general arrears with routine payments. the town, to protect our staff
scrutiny our board and organi- There has been a lack of and ensure a good outcome
zation faces, as the issue of the , formal communication regard­ for them. We believe that with ,

town taking over CCTV comes ing requests for coverage of full transparency and a broad
to the foreground and grows government meetings that understanding of the issues,
more heated. ';Ne see this public were not on our schedule, and we can all engineer a better
discourse as a healthy part of contrary to statements made outcome for CCTV - whether
the process of figuring out how by town officials that a dis­ it be a town-run station that
best to proceed in Concord with proportionate amount of pro­ has appropriate checks and
PEG (public-, educational- and gramming is being produced balances and a reasonable
government-access television). for Carlisle, Concord program­ arrangement for our staff, or a
Of course, improvements can ming consistently represents continuing, nonprofit entity.
always be made, but we have approximately 80 percent It is not our intention to make
always had the best interests of overall programming. this a confrontational process, •
of the organization in mind. It has become impossible to but to make good decisions,
We see a need, at this point, to run this organization properly. based on solid information that
clarify some misconceptions How can one plan for the future serves the town and its PEG­
and defend our organization. when the organization is effec- related goals. We look forward
Since signing the 2015 con­ tively told it has none? This to continued dialogue on this
act, our ability to advocate situation has been our quan- matter, and we have shared this
: r CCTV - moving il forward dary. With hindsight, it is clear letter with the Concord BOS.
- .erms of public outreach, that the 2015 contract began a
ological innovations, strangulating process and effec­ Neville Webb is president of the
-- amming, etc. -- has been tively killed our ability to oper­ CCTV Board ofDirectors, and is.
_ eel by the distractions ate with long-term objectives. writing on behalf of the board.

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