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The verbs are listed in the order in which they first appear. Where 3 dots (...) are
used, this means that the object must go in this position.
account for ... - erpluin be off- stan l joumer
Ilou rlo \rtt uct)uttt lit'theit slrdilgc bcl)ot iailr'l ll l.tctt ure rrn rllt - )t si.r o tkttk totDrtnaLL erenittg
accuse ... - ofslr thlt :omeone Lus comnitterl r crinre be off- (oi fbod) hA r eone bld
He u 6 ilct:used oJ stcatling tl.)e t)ntrc.l ll.)isl.ic0nt I tl.)ittk it t qf.
act on ... - tlrkc tctior lls thc rcsult 0l (cg rd\ ice) 'tn('ll
be on - be tuking pllLce
lle rcted rnt )\)ilt Idt ie lnd h1k thc nh tttitt 1 plr.1 is ott lit 0)totlJet tl.lttc ili,!l.tts

add on... - include in rour cllcLrlrrlurns be on be u orking. l]ll\'e bcrn s\\ itchc(l 0n
Don t laryet to tdd oil s(nne ntoile) lo) ctlcttscs Tl.tL'tr nntst bc solttc0ttc ittsitlc fl.)c tclct itio)t is ())t
add up to ... - resuLt jn a total ol be out - not irc irt honc. lur c lcft r brikljng, tcmpoftril\
Tl.te ntrnq ou cd uldcd ul to au't tuo tl.\)ilsLtnd Poilnds fl.te boss is oill tl ll.)( ntunenl bul he'll lte bttk srr,t
aim at... - tn I0 rLflcct or inllucnce ccnlin people be out of ... - n,, l,'rt!,qr lt.trr.tnr lclt
il.tis orlt ettisentettt is obr i(iltsl.l' dintcd 0t tce)tatgcts. I n t.l)tritl ue rc urt oJ su!(tt tt iltot)tctlt
answer to (a description) - corrrspon(l to I descrijrtiot'l beup-hrre risen
fhe nnn ue tnested unsilcrcd lo ll.)c dintn0l s desuiPtioil Pil)fitt tt)( tq h.) Iill.) Pct k]tt.
approl'e of ... - think sonethJng, is good be up - hlrr r got oLrt ol hrd to smrt thc dlrr
I don f 0Dpt(ile ol (rll tl.tis krtd nntlem nttrsic 6crrl .r.vr /a:l/,/Is ellan o cktk uttl sl:,L'still isn t ttl )ct!
ask for ... - nilke sonrething likelr to hrppcn be up - (of tirnc) hur e erpirrd
)rrt ll bc askingfor trouble iftotr ctitiise l.tet totk Tiiltt' s ill Plilst sk)t) tL t itin!
ask in - lrsk rcnrore l0 comc in beup to-he'doing (ilsuulh sonrcthing r Long)
D()n t lelte lailt fiiend (n ll.\'dourtc! .lsk l.tint in! \ oil t? lmkiil! !ililt.1 llltat Iutc )ott l)Nn ttl bl
ask out - iLsk rome(De to go 0r.Lt tr ith \ 0u br:at down (oi thc sun; shinc rnd bc cxtrenrclr hot
I nsketl Sl.ntrtt oilf but sl.te stitl httl lols ol lnntcuot'k to da It utts ntidtltt.l uild ll.)a stn uttsbettlitryrktun
back anat' - rerreat mor c hlckr rrds beat up - hil or kick sonrronc rnd hurt thrfl br(ll\'btrttk skt.fl bltkel uut.l Lts lhe Kunnnn c0nrc nuftL TLr| !l.tietcs brtt tl.)r r icti)it Llf dnd slol( (tll his ntontl
back away from ... - reu cat liom bed dol'n - slcep soncs hcre rrLrLrsLurl
loshn0n buLked aua.) lxtnt the otryrI dog lle Ltrrrl to lxd rlaun itt ll.t('stutbl"r. li)t tl.)r tligl.)t.
back down - no lorgcr kccp t0 \ orLr positiol'r in il argunent belong to - be or nctl br
\eiIl)et ftt t.)' u tnIcd trt bttck Irtutt srt tl.)e 0rgunenI (,tIiItt!ed )ad.1t Diltst bcl()il! t() s()ntcoltc tcttll.) tit:1.)
back out - not do rLs proniscd bend down - nror r thc top ol tJre bodr cllr nu lrcls
Tl.)e pi]ilist l.uts blcked (il!t so I t e gol lo Iind uttatfut onc Ht' butl rlrtu tt unl Pi(kel il[) t f ie( o.l l)lUr.
back out of ... - s ithdrlr lrom (eg arl ugrccnrcnt) black out-.rrlp thc lighr: uorkrrrg {n b ;lckoLrt)
ul brrk rut rtl tl.te tgeeilkttl uille$ ILlings inlnrc TI)e Ptluet utl l)lu(krl t)ttl l)illf ll)( Ltl)

back up - gir e soneonc help lnd sLrpport blarc out (of music) - be r crr loLrd
)1.1 lriends boLked t?e up ul.)en I t1tttltluined ubout n0isc TIp utusit bltttd t)ll tnl !<ilt I t)tt t tr) t il)l( l.ttnlt(lt(
backup- make a cop\ 0l $ork on r conrputer blaze anar (of a fire) - bLrnr liercch
I tltruls back up nl u)tk iil (0s(' sotnell.)in! l.)uzfcns TLtt'litt blu-cl uuu.) ruttl sttttt uutt)u!(l Ltt ul)
bail out-(oir pilor) junrp out of lnreropLlLre in tlgLrt blaze auat'- slroot r:rpidlr :rntl c0ntinu0rr\l\ filol ilund&ctl lo buil rut itrsl befile ll.)e lhne trushel. Tl.t( t : cd t il t.) u' i l l.) l t nt r t l.t i n t
tc i t'o t i s l s bl ! t il t s
barge in - rush in fu(lel\, intcflrpt blow down (of wind) - crtusc to irll don n
!l.t(ilt btt,,1cd iil jttsl os ll.te cuil ctstti()il uils lelliilK iill(|eliil! l t a6 u ct c bl t ) l u dou n b.1 l.rc l iet t t t r i tull

batter down - krcp hitting sofrething until jt lalls to thc ground blor out- rrtingLriih (cg l clndle) br bhu ing
Tht fitcnfun l.tud lo bdltct datilt thc d&] tu get iil lloll.tu blctL t)il1 tLtildle till lltt trrtttt ut'ttl dtilk
be al ar' - hlr c g,onc sonrcl hcrc cl:r blon over (of storm) - prLss
Ou) lJ(td (l (lqut ltilcnl s dilt.) an 0 busiltcss ttil) Tltslotlt littrtll.l bleu rtet utl.) ll)tsntoutilt!
be down - iecl dcprcsscd blon up- destror rith rrn crpkrsion
lle s bceu lau tl et et sin(e his loi1 litd llt ll tlc(,l ntilr (,\phritn kt bkn Ltl lh( bti(lir
be dox'n - hlr e lallen rLecrelsed boilover(of a liquid)-boil rrd go orer thc trp oilLpun
[-n.lbtlr]tuttl.t l)tofitsutr loilil b.)'10 Pu (nl TLtc niilk b()ilcd o&t tnl l(ll u lcn'iblt iltrss
be donnwith ...-hlre crught -.omr krnd oiillncss book up - rcscn e r \crt (cg ti)r the theltrc)
Bttrl uln t (iltt to lbe tnctlin! Ilc s doutt u itl.t tt tit us TLte sl.t)u u Lts btttkel ill u'('uks bclirr it oluttl.

be in - lrrir c boss around- kcrp tclLing sonrronc \\ hxt to ilo

Qtttpcliliott cnltits ntusl b( in b) lh( cn(l oftl.)t l(ck I kil()il u'1.)tl l )it l()itryt\ltl l)osrit1,q tttt rttrrtntl'
be in -hlr e come into llshron bottle up (feelings) - rupprcss fcclingi
Tl.xtt l)lirst.)l( ts deltntlel.f irt tl ll.)( ilnnlul I urts t u) utt!t) bill I lt ird k) b\Lllt trlt ilt.y lctlittlls
be in - hc lt homc bottom out - rclrch thr klr est poirt
\ sl.nttlrl bc itt Jfutnt urrrk srrn Tl.te tttession lx)ll(rnul oill uttl tltings bqttt to intUt)Lr
be in - (olthr tide) br high branch out- tlcrck;1r in ncn ltcrts
\lltett lidt is itt ll)ur isil | tntttlt trx,n on lht! bctcl.) lirnt sl.ruhl brrttLl.t ottlutttl dtt tlrV di.lluutl liltxlil(ls
be in on ... - hc inr"hc.l i.t ."mctlrins brcak awal - \cl)lrrute fnrnr l poliriclLl pril\ (l(lj l)frlklr\x\ )
I rhil I knrtu )nuLl.) ilboilt it us I u ustl I in t)il tl)e I)luntliil! \nnt, lissiltnls l,rtkt uutt.1 rnl lrtt iltc(l tl.irit ()u n Pttll

,l I i t t i -D i ct i ct rtctr,lt

brrrk dos'n - :t()l) \ orkins bringon-trrin dcrrlop

'.' ttt) l)tk(
thu n ttt tl)t tt ttilj( lill.ils ll t lr.) k) l)t it1,! t)t1 til1.) l)t()iltisin! tll.tlt,l6
brtrk dtts'u- hr.r control of rourctlotion: (n brclki|run) bring out (a product) - mtro(lu(r rr pr Lrtlttct on to tlrr nrir k(t
ll) tttutl lurkt,tlotttt ul.tut sht ltutrtl lh('tulitl nut I ll rrlirilltirrrrttl sttttl ttttt t)tnldsu(\l )uu'
breah dol n - kcep hrttrng rontcthrnS Lrntil iL ilrll: to th( grounrl brirtg ... out io-rillr\c (cgrr rir\h) tr) lLpl)clrl or thr L)oil\
\\t,l.ttrl lr, ltnrtk tl,,tt tt lltt,furtt lrt,<t'l ttt f t! | i t,'! sl rd I I b() t irs l, i t t'4s 1l
t t t t it l r tt t I i n tt t u sl.t

lrrelk irr - rntcr u:ing, tirrtr bring ... round - br ing b;tck to con.crrrurnt::'lirt'tnt,n btrkt itt tunl rotttul lltL cl.tiltlrt'tt l)ottt tltL Ltttsc't ltiLtl lo btitt,l btitilt totttttl tltt,t l.t(,l.iu(l litiltlrl
brrrh in - intrrnrpt l c()n\ cr\ir(ion bring ... round-t() per:ull(lc :ontronc to :tgrcc rith ioLt
( ottltl I jttsl ltutk itt lltttc tiltl nltlk(,tl ()tililtL'tll) lt)lt ll ilu (,1 btitt'4 Ltt't totilttl h) lt)ilt lx)iill t4 Ufu
break in - entrl rr hLriltlrnq in otulcr to sturl :onrclhing bring up- lxrk rticr rnd rdueltc (u ehiltlttn trpbringingr
ll.te lltit'tts llr*c itt tutl sillt'ttll Ltct lt,utllt,r.t I utts l,rttt,!ltl ill l\ tn.) lrutt(lPdrL,ttts l)oilt tltL t,1t rtl lit t
hreak in (an aninal) - unrc ln rurinr.rl bring up - nrrnrion
Il htkt,s fxtli(]tu' lt ) lil ulk iil ii l/r/ /rrr'.rr's l)i(l th( tndil,!L') l, ilt'< ill) ll.,t' tlr!t,slitttt t4 .littuilt( tt!uitt,
break in tln ..,- lrllcff.rfl,ci.l !',.1\cr\.It.,,r1, bring up - hring :onrcthin! ul)\tuir:
l l.ttt l t, lr t b t t,tt k i tl )tl tl.lo t ct )tl t L' tst t i t rl b il l i l t l i il t r l t ) lt
t ) ( tttl d l tt t l ) t i n,.! ill !,:l ilss 4 l t l ) u l.tul ) t )t t ( t) t(' l ) b('l'
r r ( (
l L, ) t

bretk into ,,. - rntcf r) ortlcr to :tr,ll 5ontcthjns bristle (rith anger)- Irxrk rcn ungn
I ltt lliel btr*t int() ll.tL, !tlli(t' d)t(l stlr !ltt, llutls \1.\' l)l isllul tL illt dtt,lo ir /rcrr ii rt,sritr llta 1,,,,,u,a|
break off- rrrtl (li\conrnuc (cu rr ttl.ttionrhp) brush o1I- hnr.h \onl(tlrinq Lrntil it comrs oif rL :urtircr
t l, ht l l il p t l.)ul l lt'!t ( ttt trtt lil ttsl.t lh( (ltt I tl.l lttttk rl DI
I tilt.) r r t tl t l i ot t sl.t i t sl.tL' u ul t lt) ! fttktl,
breirk ofl - rrprtlrtc lonrethin!, b\ hrc.rki0!l brush up - inrpror r r our knon lrtlgr ,rnd :liill
ll.t ltit,tttl l,rkc rll rt lirt('tt.l (fu)(tltl( tilt(l i!il c iltr st)il)r I tt 0ll t)lt d cr)iltst lt) l)tilsl, ill) il| Vtillisl,
break out - c.lLpr lnrn pr i:orr bubble orer-llc frLll oi(c\cirrnlcnt (tc)
TLta fu ittrrs bt r tkt )ttl (lil t ilril 4 t 6l l)u it nl.
| ll t tt Lt t, bt bbl i t ti. r t c t u i l lt t,,tc il u tt c il l ds u ('lt t t )il ll.t( ( )u ( 1.)

hrerk out (of fighting) -!r.rft (n orrrl)r(,rk) build up - gct (\ 0ur \tr(ngth ,rnd lrc.rllhl h;rcl, ;ritrr ilrr ill0c!!
I i,ll.ttitt,q Lttsbn*ett t)rtl dild t)nil.t ltr0lt, lutt' lnut ittf tilctl 1.llrt t)t.) illilt|.s I ltttl tt tl,t t'v'rtist's lo bttihl ttll //ll J/,1,/r,(tl,
break outof ...-(sfrl)r tronr ((3 j)rrs()r) huild up a bu:ine.5 - .11 r q.' '1r .t lr.t.r ttc..
| |iI ll tttt (,t ltrtuk,,ttl,4 |L)is l) ist)tt II s Irxt u all,!tturtlLl llt ltrts bttill lllir l)ttiitlrsr ill itllt) t il1illli.tulit)il(tl Lt))nlail.l
break through ... - pcnctnr(e u\ing l()rec build up - incrctrr tn hrriltl-upt
fltt'oottl llr*t lhtl)t,<l.t lh( bunius(utl t)nlt) tl.)( l)il(l) ll lh(,ilts k(Pr l)ttillitt:< rl) ll.\'tt uill bt'ttt t.tphtlrt
break up (of:r parn . l)reeling) - cn(l build up - corcr rn rror in bLrildings {u(lj br ilt-ul))
Tlt fttlt liilull.t l))ttk( t!l) tl iltilili'.l)l fltt.l rt rull.l l)ttiIl ItP ll.tts 4]ut .1ll ll.)( ltt('s L)tt('tlt)tt(
brtak up - :tltn rt .chrrrl lrolidrtr hump into ... - nr((t h\ ch.rnc(
llt tl.tiklrut btutk ill lt)t tll( j/t))ttilct l.\)litltt.) ilr,\l ucrk I lttutt ltttl t ttlo tut ltl lt iuttl itt lt )u )t t t'sl(t(ht.l

break up - brr:rk ilrto l)iccc\ tlirirrtcgr.ttr burn donn - hc conrplctrlr tlcrlrorcrl br frrc
//,('J/r,r1l/ rl r/s j// J(,1 (( lhdl !h( Sl)il l)lthr ill t)tt ll)( )t\ks I t(,tcr!(,(l d li'tt fx)ss|jsit)ils b4t)tt lltt'l.ttttst,btiltttl thrLLrt
breathe out - crhrrlr burst irtto (applause) - \ud(lenh \t.rrt ,rppl,ru(ling
fultl trtil lilcttllt till(l ll.t(,il brcttlh(,t)il1 slt)ul) Tltt'tttttliuttt,bttrs! iillt) ttlPltiltse u l.)L'tl ll.)r ilt) ttllurrl
bring about- rrufr to h.rpPcn burst into (tears) - brgin tcrr ing) :Lrdrirnh
ll lnl hnttt, rtlttttl !l,it tl\!n,!( !l tlltltlr' l\ tltttt ltttrsl iillt) luts u ltut I lt)l(l I)u ll)dl ltt't ttl lnnl tlittl
bring along - lrn rtr: \ 'ntc 'n( \\ ith \,... burst into ( flancs) - rrrrltlrnlt :til t hurning
lJ \rtt s ilttuL,tlul n lt.1 ttrtl lsrittp Ltt,t tthtttX ltt tll(' il1,.\l t)t('L,liil,l' /itrt.itoattttl ilill.) ll.tL'l\itt:: ltilt ultut il l)l!Nl ittlrtlltttttcs
bring back (mcmories) - nrirkc \ (ru lltink .Lhorrt .r pirfr (\ cnl burstout (hughing)-.trddcnlr \r.rfl (r! l.ughrrrg) (n ourb!rrt)
I l.1i s l)ht( r b t i ills bt( l' il td) tt )l iL'! il ill r l.ti hl l.r r tl t I ht (t t)tt I l)l[sl t)!tl httt,<lin,-a ttl lltt, ch t tt
bring brck - r rtrrn \ont(thing butt in - t,rlc pirrt in r (on\cF,ttion t rthrrut lrrrrtg rrkctl
lly lti'1l.tltrtrr s ittsl l)n)rt:!1.)l lilt(k ll.)( lt)rls ltt ltttoutl ( un I lil!l l)illl iil l.)u(' lil(l ilttkt t lt)iil1,
bring dol n (the go\ ernmcnt) - c.r urr it I o lr r.c porr cr call aftcr - gir r lhc :rrnrr nrrnrc ,r:
I l1L,t)llx)silit)11 filu lirt utilspitul lt) l, itt'q tLttt tt lll('lt)t r) 1ilil1't1l \ltt u tts tuIIt'tI [:Ii:tl)t'II) tllo l,t,t :lrttIt(lII|)lItu.
briug don n (priccs) - rctlL tc pr icci call lirr ... - rrqttrrc
ll t, I n tltt' lt t,4t l iltr t t r sl tt l0 s lt.) ) (,( | t( i n ! I t it t'\
II r t I ) Tl'i'.:11,1,'11,',, ,,tlli l;,1 tt .\ttl thl ',1t
bri rrg don n - e;ttr.e to t.rll to tltr lr orrnd crll for ... - g,o ( to ,r bLriltlingt rLntl collcct :onrconr
()ilt (('Iltc li)tuttftl ltdsl)r)ll!ltl thtlIl l).1 oIrt)l tll(it l(lutlt'ts l\ lttyliiettrl s ttllitt! liil ntr ttl htll l)drl si.\
bring fbrl ard - rrr rtngr to r ( ( !, .r ncrti rS ) rxr ljcl
r call for .., - dcnr.rn(i
Il.|) tL btitt,ll.rl lltt t)tklitt,! flttil t!t(l lt) lhis \ulillrhtl PL\)l)l( ttt (tlliil! lt)t tttl iilqilit) ittlt) ll.)( tt((ilutl
bring in (rtroner ) - urfr ilron(\ call in-illk (;ln (\perII lo cl)Ic iut(l tio rirntrthing lirr rrrrt
I ltt' l)l) l)t i tt,ls i tt tn (,\l nl lut nlt ('l f)( til ttds tt u ('k lttt t, lo ttll itt t )lilt)tltut lt) li.\ ll.ul lr!tI,
l\ t ll f

hring in (:r rcrdict) - rc.rch.r r rrrlic caU in ltt.t pl,ttr r hilc r)n tllr \it\ [o .on](\\ ltu( rl\r
ll\'ilIt l)t!)r!,\ltl itt t ttnlicl t4 ttttl,iiltll.l I ttllt'tl itt ott lh(, lt (| l\)t)lt' lt) slL, lil)u l[)(l uuL,
hrirtg irt-.rrrr'.t.,il\l lrlILl t.'.r l1"li(( .r.ilr',il call in -.r:k lirr :ontctltrng to bc rctrrrnttl brcrru.t oi tt pr oblcnt
I rl i l)t in.! lld ilt l()t tlil6lit)ttiil! tlr)il1 lh(' rll)('t) ilr Dtuilt!lu\1il)r) tttllttl itt ll.rtt'trtrs It, tltt'tk llt'bntkts
hrirtg .., in on - irr olr t in tt tlircttssion ctc call off- crrnecl
: ' ) !it: l)tll in ott rttu listttssir"r ctllLtl r,ll lltt'iltttltlt ltutttst Ilt ut,ttll)t't Lt(tt t) l)(t(l
hrittg rrrt - t LiL.t lr.Ltl to call ort .., -,Lsl, ,rppc,rl trr
'. . 1t,,il l))ttllll)l t\t (ilt tlllt([ t)f (!sll\nil I ttll rtt tr,rt (tll lii tt)t!t lrll)

Mini-Dictir.nta t'y

callon...-rjsir clearup-rjdr putinorrler

\il.tttll u'ecull sisletul.)ctluep0ktljndon'
rtttloilt \lcll l:tttclrttlurif ll.)isntssl)elote lh(tistt)rsu))iLr
call out - con tec t sonreonc ancl lsk tJrc m to comt ncL hr lpir clear up (of an infection) - d isrLp pclrr
llhetlll.)elite golsetious.ilct:tllul ottttl.)cJi)eUiltde Theiltlibtotttsuill L)elptl.)einJc(tioiltuLlettul)
cal-tout-sleikinaloudroicc climbdonn-rrdnrit\0u\\ercrrong
call out- tell \\orkers t0 g0 0n strikr close down - ckrse pcrnlncntlr
llhett negotiutions b
call up - phone cloud over (of the slq-) - bc cor ercd in cloutls
I utttrkl hat e tolled I'ut Ltl but I lilil t knou )\)u) nuiltber. t rin
ll s cloudiig opr. ll ktks rts i.f it s going
calmdown-stopbeinglngn comeacross ...-Iindhr chlncc
Calnt lctuntTl.tink r[ )'ottt blotil presstuat luas luck.y ltttttte rutrxs tl.tis tnsc in u setrndJ.ttutd
camp out - slccp 0utsiclc iI u tent come across - gi\ e thc inprrssion of bcing
carried away - liJled s ith emotion s0 tLrxt \1)u lose control come apaft - brexk intl Jriruc.
ll'ctrcrccdilicduilu)b.)ll.tcrlt)'thill of lhcilutsi. Tl.iisnodel justctilr!0l0ttul.)cnlfi(kcdil up
carn- off (a prize) - \r rn x prizc come before - come [0 I coLrrt rrrd incc (eg r jrLdiic)
carrv on ... - co1'rtLnLre corne down (of rain etc.) - taLJ

Tbe se(rioics corried ott ua*ii!

carrl on with ... - contir'rLre (rn acti\ in ) come don'n - cone irom thc north or irom thc t0\\ n to thc c0Lrntn
carn out-cor]duct pcrtbrn(egasurrel) comedown-relchltlecision
carn out-do(asinstructed rs\0[hi\cthfcateredctc) comedon'non. -criticiscse\ereh
catch on - bcconrc popuJar come forq ard s-ith .. - gile irlcls or inlbrm:rtion
catchon-reaLiseshatishappenrng comefrom -hlrels\oufcountn orplrLccoforigin
Daugltrslinulll'cutrgl:tuttndtcalisedituusull uitkc lt:utlclt'(ilnPetll.t inlttslraliu
catch up - get ro the slme staL'rdafd rs fie othcrs come in (useful) - pror c to br usefLrl
/'r'c,risspr/ sorrre /e.soils und I nced lo cllcl.) uf Tl.tis brx trttne itt trseJil rne du.1
catch up on - do r ork r hich should alreldr har e bcrn donc come in (of nen s) - hc rrccir cd
\lurcgol (ll tl.)(l boilrcuotktoculcl)ilPoil \ert.rlrri.iyrr.i/co;;rr iit (luJite0tlleutl.itoil 1it'fot'l
catchupnith - get mthcsrmcle\el conein -brplrrcedinrrruce
I l.tad tur uork Lttrrd b ctlcl.) tp u ill) ll.)c nlsl of ll.)a cld:s I nluliltztldl. I (uile in lilst i)t tl.1( tlre
cave in(ofaceiling)-coJlapse comein(ofaflight)-rrrircut:rLrlirport(ltlj incoming)
lltcnr[lctrkcdtntlll.)euvlct cttscdlbrcpilin{loflt('in Oruttlrttiresfligl.ttfitrttll.ycutttcinlenl.lou]sldLt
change ol'er - char'rge t0 i nc\ s\ srem (n ch:lngc{)\ rr) come in (for cridcism) - be cfiticiscd
charge ...r'ith-tbrmall\ rccrscol comeilr-(of thctide)bclrigh
',lcduilhburglrry Tltisbettcl.tisuttttplclcll'crtLtttdulvttlltttilc()iltesin
checkin-regJster:rt:r hotel or:rirport (Lr check-in) comeinto -inhrrit
checkinto - rcgisterlrtrhotel 0rJjr|ilrt comeintouse-stlrrtLlcingusc(l
lleJinttll.ltl.teckeditttorturl.totel ultctt rtclttck TLte tteu slstt'nt(utttcittt)uscltsl tv)nll.)
checkout(of ahotel)-plr rhcbill lndlelre ;r hotcl comeinto -J)crelr\xnt
\lel.rotefucl.tcckriltb)'d(Nnul tl.lcldlixl llonc.)lotlsiltl&)nrcink)il llstl()lill (tll iiltlt)ttdttl
checr on - encour,rgc br chccring come off- L)ecome uL'tstuck'troutl tl.tcercdll.tcurnnct onusLtt'slru!,qldlofiltisl.) Il.le poslctutnt(([l srtIhtrdl0stitkil ()tttlti]t
cheerup-bccome Lessntiserlhlc come off (of pla.veni)-lcurcrhrpllccrhcrruguLucisbcingltlLrrd
(.l.uet ilptTl.)iills(il] tbcll.)dtbud; fl.tcnuttl.tu6sljlfc(l lildll)e /'rsl.tutl trttrtuLrtl.l.
chopdoun-cLrt (egrucc)rithlnrrrcunti it tirllstothclroLrn(l Comcoffit! - LrlontbclirrcrOtll
Tl.)t! tttc u tts disuts(d to u (' hud lo cl.tof il tlou n 0 nrc rt[l ilt Ht .; trl lursl lrltlt An l tulk stnlt ttbbisltl

cleanout-remo\run\rntc(l rlrticlcslrndclctLrthororrghlr comeon(of anillness)-:tlLrt

Ilittttttl ll.tcscbutksultileluustlttnin,q()tl ll.)e(ilpb(Ln(|. ,,,.r,r1, 11t'1ttl utolltrningott
cleanup-cleitnthoroughlr(n clctn-up) comeon-,lrrr\l)rrrrronLlsrdt0cncolnlgcsontcotc
Tltis xttttt is ri rrcssl ll br, urt yn gting lo clr]il it uD' (lntt 1tt! l)ttt t br lj ill)tencd.t | jtt ttilt rhr ill
clearawav-rcmorcthingrroir hirrcbccrLrsing comeon(of electrical equipment)-stlrrL
Plcast clttu tut) lotu brt*s srt I ttut lal tl.)t! tilblt Tl)e lteulitt! L()nt$ t)n Ltl Jir( in ll)( tn()t nitl,l
clear off - go :nvl (inpolitc) come ou - lrppe ltr on dte st;rgc
Ocrtt tlll llctlrttttutntlc(Ulc[ikc]'ot! u()tn(l l)u(! lrtttl-ltuncontl ll.t(rlul (ltl.)cUt)
clearout-tid\ lncl thro$ rulr thing-snolongcrnccdcd comeout(of astain)-tlislLppcrr


ctrne out (of a sccret) - bc rcr urlerl cfl out - lrke lr krrrd noisc ot plrirr lc:rr rtc
ll /r'r/ /l)r j/r// l /, l)iJ.ic( /r/ lilt, trttttt 0tl il t' u t,t I dll sl.r)ck(l ll e Lttttnl Ltint (r) oul itt l)titt ttt lh( lxtll l.til l.)is ttt ilt
cone out (of a book or film) - bc ;rr uillrble n Lhr puhlic cltt back - frducr
His ttt'tt lilttt ()nks !)ltl ildl illt)illh l'l.tLt l.utl fut tttl lutk lt!\lt!(litilt duti)l! M$sitil
come out (of thc sun) - ,rppqLr in rhc rkr cut back on - rr(lucc
fht tlrttds u t]tl uu (| dill ll.ll stilt luil( t)il1 ll c ll Lutt t lo tttl bu(k t )tt lt!\ilt its il )il.1 sttltr.l 'lt)^ (h)ll n
come out - lcrr r lt trxrnr or huiiling cut dol\'n - consiln]c l$\
The stl.trrl lnll rutt3 tlll ull tlit' [)tl)ils (tntL' t)ut \i)il utl ltn //r(//?l JI(,c/s \i)I slx)illd lI l() (ltl l()iltl
come out in ... - hir\c ((g rl)()tf) ort roUI lr0dr cut do$n 0n - rrdLrcc
I ttttttt' rtttt in t ttt ) il)fu rush 4tL't culitl!! tl.r)t(' l)u ) i('s It.l tt) t:il1 lol n t)11 tll( 0nlailnl t)l.l(tl lt)lt ell t,t('t.l ld.)
conreout$ith -comcnith rrthcrproplttotltrcincntrrerc cut ... do$n (tosize)-rrtlLrcc the import;lncr r)l
\ntdt(t s lol t)t)lc ttotk srt sht'ctlt I t)til( tiul llill.) lti l() His ttnt.lotttt (li(ln t intltrss Tl.te.) srrtt (tl ltint l()u ti lo si:?
cone O\'er, -lrlfcct cut off- (li\colrnrct ;t phone clll
I srttltlcttll slttlul ln,ntbliil,< I futt I knttt tt lul tttttt,rtt ct tlc I il tt (il1 t)ll iil lh? iltil(llt tl dtl inl()tlilnl ll\)nt utll
cttme round - trg:tin con.ciorr.nrr: cut off- 5cl)rntr .rn(l i\oLtrc
\ltt lrt* t,1ts kt tuilt tt)t!n(l (tlld sln,l luirtlul sttrttr lcll rll ilighl till utl oll ll.1( ltill
come through (of a nressage) - ur nr r cut off- f(plmtc b\ cuttins (rdj ( Ltt-otl)
I l,i fJJ(/1r,lzis f//s/ ( ontt ll.urttt,ll.t ltolt Ltetttillttrtt furs ll(.\'t (ul t4l llt( l)tth)jils t)l l.1u ietns tttrl ttttttlc lhtilt iltht sl\illt
come to ., - hc ncccsltn bc lL qLtc:tion oi cut Out - not inclu(lr
ll'l.tctt il tontts ht driD,l tltt'ittttitt,l I ilt Lt'pdtss I tn lr.l itry l() utl ttilt il)l.t 1/r,.r.i(,J /.i /r'il, (i l,(/, sltlt) ((illL'Dl.
come [o - | cco\ cr c0nfct( )ll\tl(\r cut out (of an eogine)-.uddcnl\ rrr4r urrrking
I uus itt tt tonttt fot t!tt lt.)s lh!n I littttll.t ttttttc lo I ltc etrlint stttltltttll tttl ttttl tuttl I cottltll I stut l il t:ltul
come up (of the sun) - ri:c cut it oul - \to| bcing trnrclt:ilLltble
ll t leli url.1 ill llt ilttil ili)t,,1 dt lhe st!il utts trntinl4 ttft Lill il t) t br so silll'
conle up - conre lr) cut up (adi.) - uptrl
I tiltn ctilt( ilP dtll tsBd ll.r l l.l lo ll)? tltlttttl llt uus te r.t utl ul ul.)(n his tk\ ditl
come up - l)r n](nttorlcil dan n on .,, - bccotttr cle,tL to
lrttt ttrtue ttntt ttf itt trttttst'r4 (t)tnutttlit)tl ll lintlll tltu tterl ril ttt( ll.)0t I tl )ildd( (t lu t iblr tilislilkL'
corne up - rfr!c rLl)llc:rl deal n itb - cb sonrething uborLr
lil ttl|n)tlililil.l lti r.\ltt ut)tk lus L!)tnt,t![) Ilte ntuttrt,lt,t l ill dcul u itl.t (ut.l u)ullilinls
conre up against ... - bt fuccd br dcal n ith ,. - (ol ,r ner spuper mticle ctc ) bc :ibor I
llc ttntt'ttp tt'lrtittsl utrtt t llrbluns ulttn ut,bttill tttt Lvtttst,, trt lttlt tlctrls u itl.1 lh( lt(l)lots ol ,!rlliil! tll.
conle up to expecrailons - rrrch rhr lcr rl crpcr tcd dcal nith ,,, - do bLrsinrs: n ith
| ill()t lriltLrlt. tln' lxtliltl litlit I ()iltt ilf) l(t ('\Pktillititi ll r rltt,l tt tll.t t)hlit.t lt, ttttttlLt)il(
comeupsith -rlrrnkr,tr(r,l$llrtr,'r)' die anar (ofa noise) - hccomc rurkrr tiintcr
lltut llt(' (,\f)ols tt)t t()il( ilf ) r ill) tl)t: tnru(,t lo rtu f|olilLtn lhe uoil't).1 tltt bttttd tliul tttttt.y ttDl tl.i(,(t()u(l (lisDp)s('l
confuse ... nith - not hr;rblr to rcll thc tliilirtncc dic don n - tlrcrclre bccontc cluictrr
\ ott rt, tottl ttsitt,4 t)1( u ill.l nt.l ll rllttr. u Ltt s rtlsrt u rhtlttt ll ltatt llw ttrist Itttd dittl tlrtttt ll)t Ll.uinn(tt ur)l oil sf)rtkin!
ctnl dor n - lrrcontr crrrle r die out (of a tradition) - tli:lppcrr
''srtttlt (nl
s lttt hrtl I ll lctttt il lt) (lt)tril llltt.) lrulitiotldl ct (rfls Lttrt lictl 0trl ilt ll)e lust lil'l )utrs
coop up - kccp inconfincti phcr
rL dig into .. - pLrt vrLrr hlnrl in:idr rnrrthinq rrncl lxlk titr :omrthing ltt i st tt rcrs tt t t, t r | )l L'(l t q i tl I Ln'i t t Ll I s li n I i lr n r rs t dtt.\' lltt scrtlill ptutrl dt,! ink) his pttkt,l (ttnl lrrk tttl rt kt]
copt'down - l rrlc rr co;tr oi dig up - dircor cr hiddcn inlirrmltion
Pleust'rrtll thn tt ul.tttl I I ( u I illot t)n llt( l)t\u(l ll,( tclx)tlrtt ut'rch )l/l( /r) ri( ltl) iltlotilillion (tl)tiltl l.jrt.
cord0n ofT-crcel )rffiu\ k) rr\tilct rlto\cntcnt disagreerith ,..-(oilixrrl ordrink) nrrkr roL fecl ill
lltt'ltlttt tr,trhttt,l t)ll ll.tL,tt(t lt) f)t(,t utl iln\ iil(i(l(,il1s I lt)u t L\ll rttloul I Ltt.l rlistt,gtt, u ill.t tttt'
courlt ... itr-in(lullc nrrrht ln.ilt ltftr\it\ dispose of - gct r id ol
\t!tt (tilil1 ntr ut I rl ht r: lr |ttllt llL'ttlilrl litll t ntli'utt.) tl (lislx)si)t{trl rtll tl.ttst'tl.tciltituls
count on - rrlr 0n do anar n'ith ...-rrboli:h
I htl(, 1 ((ut u)lntl t)n )t)l lo l)( lhltt t))l liDt( l t c rh ile u t t.1 u i l lt l okl s.t stt'ilt r
l et t r ll i t t,l l ot tt t t rscs
(Otlnt ... ()ul-(\(ll(l( lr,)nr Jn.l(li\ jt\ d0 up - luftcn
\,itt Lltl (()ull Dt(,oll I nl ttttttlt lrxt rlrl lr, !t lrt tlistrrtlttttitt,l l)o trft.tutr crnl rt 1u1 ll trlcl.t rrltll
crack donn -ltct ltorc:(ricth do up - dccor:ttr nrilkr rcl)ilF k)
I ha lt litt tt t t t t rnkiil! (k )il il lt ) lt u t'il1 till tnt rt ? | I itbl( I I ll tttt'tl ttntt ntrtt' fliltl us I Dt loin! ht tkt ttl lltts trtnt
crack up - hlt\ i lt rtcn ctkt|ru n
ou: br could do $ ith - nccd
litr ll tnil trp il tt)rt krq) utilkitl,< t) htil I in ll.tirsl.t I trttltl tht u illt (r l(ilt,<. trrl rltittk
crop up - irl)p(rf hirl)]rcn unc\pc( trdlr doze ofl- llLll into r lighl slcclr
1 lt !)l)lL'ilt l.tus Lt t)llul ill) st) I ttttt.t bt, u rtkitt,< rtll tti,<hl ll u us st) lt ilt iil ll.utl I ntttsl Lnt t dr t:Ltl rll litt ( nr)iltutl
cross out - put r linr throttgh {cl rt nrr:trkr') drag on - conti rLrc ulrfccc)sllrjl\ lirr ,r lo r!. lintr
I tttttl rt rttltt lt) 0t)ss t)ttl ll.)is illisl0k( lh( nrcrliui1 (ltr.;.:trtl ott ttttlil I I o tLrk tl tti'thll
crondaroutrd -:urrrtrnil in ltttgt nLntbcr. drrn up (of a r ehicle) - conrr to .r pl.rcr iurl \top
l:tt,t |0ttt'ttrttt rlul tttrtttttl ln't utttl tt iul lrt,,1,1 ltt,t lillt),ltdllt I ht ttl tlttu t!l tul(l ll.)( tlt it u rtl:tuttd Lti.s tLtt

crond into -so inro r pl;tcr in l;rrgr nrrnthrr. dran up - lllcprLrc i(t il contfJctl
llttttst0ttls rl lt(ltlt dt)tlul iillt) ll)t tl(tliuilt ll(,ll dt(tx ilD tll('L()ntnt(l uil(l l'il1 t\)il tt trtlt ht hth tl

Mini-Dictiotta ry

dran up - pttll rotttcthing c|rrc to rttmcthing tlsc fence off-:cplntc br crrctinu :L funcc drrkn fuut tQ o d.tuit tt(.\t lt) ILtc l)ul lli' ll lence tl.i ll.ris 0t'n tnd l)uild (t [)l(t.lltlrutd
wouldn't dream of - rorrltln t conritlet fight rcpcl, not ullo\\ t0 (0lnr null
I u |)tldtt t lt LuDl (t uutt ittll stttl.t tt tctrililrt tlttss' ll.te tld ltttl.t lti(,(l n) IilllJt (l.l tl.)t tull ttill.t u sti(k
dreamup- think ol(l ncr uctititt ctc) file arar - pLrt lr$lr\ in r filc
I l.tttLc h t kttlt ilruniil! ttl tlru uclirilits lo kccp ll.1(ttt uillttsul Plust, lilc dilt.t tl.tir rlotl
dress up - pLrt 0n snt:trt clcllrnt 0r trtnttll clitthcs fill in - gir c all thc inlornrttion (o sor't'lcortc
ll s tt Jlt nil u dtlinp tt u( ll l.ltt c tu ltrss ttl) Irtt rlttiottsl) tkn I knou'ul.)ut s l.)01)ltttul st) I ll ltll lrttt itt
drink to - tL ink ;rnd hopc tirr succesr fill in - complcrr il firmr)
lcl.i d/ l,lk /i,.ir/c.r1\T iil ll.t( L()iltprtiliut lltkt strtt lott Iill in utrt'tll
drink up - finirh r oLrr drink fill in - tlkc sontrrtnc s pllLcc rnd tltt thcir lork
It s tittte kt lrittk trp tiltrl ,q0 I ilt lilliilg iil u hile tbe nuil(t!t,t t duzl
drive off- lcur c in u r chiclt fiII ... in on - gir c sonttonr ltll the intornllrtion ill)or.ll
()nt custt)tltu lt(il'r (l.l uill.ilntl [)tryin14litt ll.te pcilril. lil beller lill t(,il itt t)tt ll.rc l(luils t)l u l.\tt l.,4l\utd
drop an av - gct snritllcr in nLtttthcr bccontc lcsr :lrong fill up - nukc lirll
Suploll dt\fleil IItt.i us l.t( luil('l to kuJl his p|()]11is,iJ Ill Iill trp tl.te ttttk ilill.) P(lt'(l bclbtr u't lutrr
drop in - r isit cirsLlLlLr fill ., (r'ith confidence) - nrikc sonrconc rcn confidcnt
I iilst dt 1pflul iil lo see i.i tDt.l rne u utltrtl tt ) lt ) su itll tttitry TI.)c Lutcl.t s ltlk lilltd tl.t( tetDt tt ill.1 c()nlilute

drop out- \ithdr;l\\ (cg lrom r coill)ctition) filter out-g,ct ritl oisomcthing unrrrntcd {cg noirc xn iml)urit\ )
lur (nnDctil()t's l.ilLe dflll)rl ottl bu(rttsc ol itt.jtrr.l eur-plttgs sl.trtrrltl lillct otrl ntosl t)l t1()isc
drop out- lclrrc n0t conplctr (cgr coLicsc c()tlAc) (L't (lroP1)ut) find out - discin cL
\(rne slMlutls ht0 t)ul ul.)ut llt('nttNt !(ls tilott'dil|i(ttll Dill .rtrt .finl otrl u lue ltc lircs'
drop out of - stop bclonrills to (cg lr collcgc) fire an'a-r - bcgin r\krng qut:tiort:
1fl c r t[ t tppc rl r t t l f t I I tgt' sl.te u ( il k cl t s t u t i I t,As
r r I t ( !(l u lcu ntrt't qrrcstirns -.lll t' fit'( tuu.)
dn up - conre ro rn end fishfor ...-tn () get(irli)rmution ctc) ln rnilldircct \\rr\
ll ltLffli\ t)l l)tttol dr.t ilP. t)til t:uts u ill l)r ttsttlcss. lle trc uttnrtttl Lterc al4ritr lisl.tittglot infi)t'ilt(lion
ease off- lxcontc lcsr intcn:r fil in - br contrincd in tltc rp:tcr ltrrr idttl
llhttt lht'nitt rll.Ill gr tnd d(1 Dt.t sl.\)ffittS
1111515 .1///DA/iry3r4c aort t lil itt brrl s lrxt sttttrll.
eat out - go oul rtltrl lt:tr c l nt(tl fit in - n ork s rll s ith othcf: in lt groLrp
I n tiretl oJ uttking lcl s utl ottl lutigl.)l I.iilst dil)t t Jit iil u cll il ill.l ll.)(, test tt tltt lt)ilp
eat up - cat rLll thc lin)(l \ ou rrc {ri\ rn fit in - lu\ c cn{,ugh linr( lor ;ilI il(li\ il\
l)il ttl oll -t't)ut u?!!ltl)16 Il.rc.y rt' litll ol tilutttitts Itrtilll.rt bc ulile ltt lil iil t sl-xil'l iltctiiltltiilililr()u 0ltuut/ilt
end up - cr cntLtrtJlr bcconrc (f(nltcthing, not originrLllr pllnnrd) fL\ ... up with - rrmnge fbr 50nrc(xrc to hil\ c (cg it job)
lliLl.apl skuld ()t (ts uil td()i bttt cnlcl ttl ts t Tl utltt()ttlttrl Hc s nt, ilP u ill.) d iob dl tl.)(' l()el sttlct Dt(rk(l
enter for -l)Ul \r)llf runl( rll)\\ll.l. J ({,llll)ctil,)r flakc off (of paint) - conrr otJ in lhkcs
I t t' tlctided kr uttet liil' Gliltttulilts (,ruttdttntlPr !)tt1l5l Il.)t ptiill b!!ttt lrt llafu oll in tl.t! srtnsl.tiilt
evict ... from- lirtcc to lcltr flarc up (ofviolence) - \udd(nh strrt rntl bcconrc rerious
.lturn Llukln I lxt.t tl)t! rutl st) l.)c ilzs u'i(lul lt(nn tl.1t ll4l I irlente llntul up tlllu u ilnil uds killtl in t ligl.)t
face up to .., - lccrpt lnd ilrul u ith r diiticult\ fling (rourself) inlo ... - sturt t|ring sttnrcthins cnthusi:l\tjcxlh
Irtr'll l.nte lo littt ilP lt) ll.t( p,tl)luil s(tilt( littn' \ 1 il il :< l.te B! l l i n l o ltt, t u r t'k u i l h :<tut l ! nl l.l u s i (t s D t
fall back - rctrcru flood in - comc in llqc nuntbcrs
cncn.1 liil' uts so iiltilst! tl.xtt tl.)r ttrUs l.)ul kr lrtll ltuk
TItt' .1plli(ulions Lilnc fl(nxlin! in lionl ull rtr e t ll.te tountr.l
lhll do$'n - t:rll to the groLrntl flutter doy n - comc dos n to the gruund likr u lcui Sirl rn ll.t( nr)l sliLLul ttt(l .ltll dott tt Tl.)e Piec({ (l l0Pt:t lltrllued fuu tt lo ll.u tlt'tL'l brl()il

fall don'n (of an argument) - bc u crk fl1 into - sLuldrnlr Set \cn iulgn ctc
Tl.tul il'lunkDl ldllr drtu il ultt'tt )\)il tilkt ll.)r (()sl tnl() 4L()tt)tl \ lleu intut tt tt!( thut sl)a st l tl.)c ttttss ll.tcl l.ttttl tttudt,
fall for - br tlccerr cd br lbld up - nnkc nclt b\ lblding
Ilrtu crtttlrl I lttre lttllett Jor tl.tut rful trick! Itt ltlrlcd ttp ll.rt tkturneill ttil pul il trru]itll.l uuut
fallfor -bc:trongh xnrrrctcrlto till in krcsith fool around with - hrh:tr r in it elrrlc:r or irrcsprtnsiblr u lu
B.yntt tltrt.ys litllslot urnrctt trilh kn',q rul Lttir. \ur shrttldtt I lal d.tildtcn litl trtrtriltl u ill.t nt0l(l.ics
fall in (of a ceiling or roof) - colJrpsc fool ,.. into rlcccirc ionreone llnd nlrkc thent do sonrcthing
The L e iI i t r
14 I r I I it t d ild s( t ( t'd I lu ) Dl c u t n' bu tl 1.1 i n i t t t ul Ht Iuled tl.rtttt iillt) b(li?r in! hc uut t P(ili(tilnn
fall olT- llll ironr u l
hcr it rs plitccd on to thr llurr freeze over (o[ a stretch of n ater) - be cor crttl ir icr
I kttttt'kctl lublt rnd t i|ltss lell rtl.l hsl u iillct' ll.t( lukt, l)rrc rtrt,t
fall off- drcrctrc freeze up - bt ro\ crc(l in icr
llcntbct'sltiP Luts litllt)t (ll
siu(r ll.)() lill ilP ll.)t Pt ircs ll uus srt tful ll.utt ll.)c lilrs i\).? ttp
fall out- qu:Lrrcl no longcr bc frirnds lreshen up - n lrrh lrnd nrrkr r orrrsclf krok ntorc prsrnnblc
lell rul ttttt t lttttt utttl l.uren t sltkett sitttt lhurt Tlt( butl.r(rilil s uptlilits iJ I't)il d lik( lo lrcsl]ttt 11p
fall out(of hair)-conrc llrrr Irom lht hctd gamble(mone1) ana\'- lorr ntoncr br glmhling
ll nty l.tuir krt'ps lttlliu:!, ()il| ut tl.tis rulc I ll srtn bc bultl llr ldntblrd dtu.t ull fl.ta tnottt'.t' l.wl ittl.tuitt'l
fall through (of a plan) not succcrd 8et a messagc across - connlunicttc nrkr proj)lr undcr:t:rnd
I il.|(illutiltltl.l, pltttt lell ll.rnrt4b stt ut' tlill furt u I ud her. ll
uusil I us.l lt)'<(l ilt.t Dtt5tu!( 0(r,ts in stt(1.1 ( I liil)(
feelupto -lirlclpublt urllcnoughtodolrmcthing get around (of ner s) - bc knrrr n cr rnl hrrc
I n lu) littl I shtt t ltel trp kt ft414in14 ilrlt.) TLv trcu s ol lltt' trklnrl s(ril lol (toilill.

-lI irti-Dictionary

grrar. -tlr:corcr(thrtruthrtc) geaon-hlL\crgoodrchtionship

I t,,iltld il tLtJ ll cLtl gul tl tln tnil.t (tJ l.tis disoppe(mDce' Tnce.1 riltd I htte tluu.t's got on reoll.t' u'ell
getrt...-rcrrch lind geton-becoffe old
ll.)dt iskr)l.1igl.)J(ilnktoget0l
li:41.)l Intgettiil!rtn,louknou'liltnetil.l'sercnl.)'
ger at ... - criticisc get or - continuc 'Jn xcti\ in
ll) 0toilcl.1 is]luo.)'slctting0tnte.etenul.tenitstxlilt.)ttillt. Iilttsl gelonotIll netetJinisl.tthisletter.
gel irNa! - cicltpc (n ccns t\ ) get on ... - l.lct intu G bus etc)
TL)e ll.tict,cs gol ou q in t sloletl ctt. Tbe bus trrrs litll so u'e cailldil l llct ut
getala\'-gox\l\ onLrolidlr geton-pfog,ress
ll(bopctuldIunlfttrubolido.t iiltl)e()ilntr_t HotL otc)oilg?llingutitt _lrut trcu job?
Getah.a\'!- ldortbcLjcrrroLrl geton(like ahouseonfire)-be great friends
getan'aYnith...-escrpc notgetclught getonn'ith,.,-hare lgoodrclutjonship\ith
Il.1ctl.)ict'csilt(tillledh|et0u'0.1'uitl.)nx)st(tl.tet ieueller) lr.Vri.sit,t)plctsqntatul eIs.ttogctonu'itl.)
getawa_vnith ...-recei\elrclltirelr LightpunishmeLrt getonnith ...-continucqithanacti\ir\
-lsilutsl.)ctfitstoJIctrce.Sotldl'Eatouu.)u'itl.)oill.loline Plelsesloplalkitrgtndgetonu'itl.t)orruorkl
get (your breath) back - stop tceling out of breath get out - c\crpe ImLn a bLriJtLing,
I l.)0(l lo slof ntnnitry b gct ilt.) btc]tl.) blck bo.t s nnmged to get ou t b.)' cliDtbittg lbrougl.r tt u ittdou
getback-rctLrnrliomrr joLrrnil getout-ltr\e acarorbLrilding
Tl.tefunil.y grl buck l.x)ue in tlJe etil.t crcnin! The cil sk)pped ond the dtit'et got (ntt.
getback-begi\eLrblcksonethingrouLrrrclent getoutof...-:uoiddoingsonetJrjLrg
I rc finoll.y got btrck tl.tost lxtoks I lenl Lter. ] ilonugd b gct out ol doiug tl.te uosltiitg ul)
getback-norernrl getoYer-(,,Drmunir,lrc nakepeopkundersnnd
Gpl b1ckt|ot! tp sluilding too closet It u]s dilJicult tu get tit.)'mess1le uet in o siDt\le u?.1
getbackat...-!,etrc\cn8c0n getover...-reco\effronr
Edtil! sKol buckul tl.)tnenul.\1 tttitrcdhcl ba.sllrcs.r l'()unccdrcsttohe\.)oillel otet)\ntrapeftttioil
getbehindwith.,.-brLlteinpx\iLrg, get.,.overwith-finishdoilgsonretJringunplcasant
lJ ttttrgetbel.rittduitl.ttl.teMl. lailtnigl.tlkxcll.tcJhl LctsRel tl.lisl.xttibleleslot'eluithoildthenttecunreltt.
getb\'-JLrsrnunlgctinancialll getround...-persurdesomeonetochlngetheirnrind
It s ili(JiLult tu let b.)'on nt.) solar.t -Jutl.l gat tailtld l.tiilt sonteltor to letul hct his nt
get b\' - gct plst get round to ... - iinallr do soLnething aitrr r long de]rr
llesknll iiltbeun.)tnduecailldtltgetb.) IteJittoll.t'gotxttutdtolnilelingnt_)ilnclesletter.
get doNn - clinrb dor n fron l hgh phcc get through to ... - rontilct (cg b\ phone)
l,ouisfell tsl.ttuusgeltingdoultl)oDtll.)euct ,1ll ll.lclinesorpenguged.]on'tgettliroul1hkthctrdoffit.
get... dou'n-rnnor nukeuLrhlppr getto,.,-xnn0\
Tl.tis told ueutltet is teIll.t' getlitry nrc dout Cultn tlou nt Drn t let ltis s?rL?s?t gcl to )ail
getdol\'n-\'ite,nukcanotcol gettogether-rssemblc(Lr g,ertogether)
Thetlcrkslt*esloul)'sotlj]tl(oullSetdouilull tl.t(detuil.r ll'egettuUetl.)etonce0)'elt bltlkoboill oltllines
getdo{'nto...-strrt(sofie\\ork) getup-ler\e\ourbedrndstanthcdar
Tlttt s enottgh ttlking Lct s lcl dau tl t() sontr u ork Tl.te tltrut rang but I brtd dilfictilr' gettin! ul
getin-rntcr(irbLrililinuctcl getup.,.-gctt0thct0|01
ll.)i(f !)l in ll.t'|trgl.t lbc uindotr lt took nrc lcn ilinilles lo get ilp thlt hill.l
get in - [rri\ c honlr get up - organisc
getin(ofatrairletc)-:urirclLtitsdestinltion getupto...-d0(usulllr vrmetJrjngnlughtr)
Tl.te ltain sl.nttl(l gel in dt set en ll.)it l.t I n tu'e ll.nse cl.tiltlteil ute letting ul lo sotnc ntischief.
getin-do(soneprxcticectc) giveawav(asecret)-rcrcrllsecrrt
gct in - bring indoors gil'e a{'av - gir c r ithout r\])ecting pa\ n'ter'tt
Itrt(iiliil! Sl.tnll Il.telpiott getll.1t!unsl.tittgitt: Tl.te.1 rcgitingtuu.1 l)etntnplesof tlteieu cl.ncoldt!bu.

get io - isk (rn elcctricirn ctc) t0 conrc rncl rcPlir sonrrthing give back - rcnrrn s0ilething borr0\\ ed
getinto...-brinroLredinmLrnplea::rntsituation(egtrouble debt) givein-sLopmaklnglncffort'tttfinedtusell Luttrst'ul.)eiltl.1e.)'d()tiilh)d(bt.
tl.teit lltr'tentnrl.ylinisl.tcd.Dttlgirtintnu
getinto(clothes)-putonclothes oltcn\\ithdillicult\ givein-glrcsomrhodr sonrclorkrouhnrrdonr
I nt ltrpu ttou attd I c])t t let iilk) nt.y rld cktl.tes Plense git c in lattr b1nteuork b.l ,lktnlul
get0ff-lcr\e(xbus trrinctc) giveoff ...-cnit(cglsmcll)
(,tl (l.l (tl tl.)e stul oftcr ll.1c tou'n Lull TL)e ilti.\lute uns yiring o.fl u strange snrull.
get off- not hc con\ icted oir crime giye out- (lisLribute
ll,)risnti:<|.)l !(l oll i.l tl.tejurige btlieresl.tissktr.y hn.)'ougitcot.ttll.lcrcb(nks.Jtl.teleqile0niL??
getoff(tosleep)-stirrt:lceping giveout...-cnrit(rghrrt iLrnres)
ll lt )k nr tt'lts lo let (u k) ile+ lost n igW.
r' l litctor.)' cl.)ilnik 1 rla.r gllfu3 rnl lilaLk cloutls ol suxtke
tcll..,rhcrctogetoff-criticiscsomconcibrthcirbchrriour giveout-stoprvorkingbecaLrscoltircclntssororcrLrsr

Mini-Dictio tta t'r

give up - rtop pcr mlnenrlr go into (hospital.) - cutcr hos|itrl l\ r plltitnt

\itke | {<utc ill snlokiry u.t trtu1|l.t Ltus prtnc 6ffft i.q(///i, into l.x)sDilll lot u iltinot ofcttliott
give up (time) - spcnd tinre go off- beconlc brd
lpitculnnrol ilt.l linelol.ldliulll.tclotul loutl.ttlrrb Stnell tl.ristl.teese lll.)ittkilsloncttl.
give up - rbundon, enri {eg l sclrch) go off... - bcgin trr dishke
n.tcloliccl.)]dtuliteilptltrscdtd.)ul.tenitptttlotk Sl.teuentofiLtittt u'|.](:nl.)t:tutedsnokin{
give up-lllo* sonrconctosit Jtxndin(\oLrscil) gooff (of analarrn)-suddenLr nrkcrnoise
|:<trctlfnt)seltt0tl.)eolilul.tdildstuxl ll.tclitcul]tnuentolf uttdu'cctll tltsbedout.
gil'e ... up (as a bad job) - stop bccru:c it scens pointlcss go off (of electrical equipment) - stop
I kcpt tr.) iil! to pltone bill in tl)( rttd | !1t'e it trp ns n bod jrtb' l.tertin3 grns ofl urrlrmnticoll.l tl t)tidiligl.)t.
glaze ol'er (of eves) - tosc rll tLrejr e\fr(\ii, go off (at the deep end) - become r cn lLtgr
goabout...-cleu] nith t:lcklr(rt'rsk) goon-contr0Lrc
Iloutlotorr 30ilboiltSt)ltitlgitlsalrfrcrrgrden' Sholl lgrott 0t lnteloul.terul enrtryIt?
goafter...-tn'toget(cglr iob) goon-be gLridcdbt
I te detidel to 30 rt.llu ll.Ltl iol) ts t rccrptiotlist. il.te police Lttrctt t lat ilntd.i iulatiltItion h) go ()il
go after ... - cluse go on - hllppe n

ll.)e U.)ieL 6 \'au ll net et calcl.t tl.tun

It s n0 t$e loiilg illet ll lzrl s 3oi itj ott otttsiltl
goagainst(ofaverdict.)-bcLur|Lrourrblc goon...-bcspcnton
ll tl.)(rctdict,qo(soloiilstn( Ill losen_)l.totnc lhtsl ofotilnonc.)goesonfoo(l tndcloll.les
goahead-procccd clolhltrou$rnt t0d0(n go-rhexd) goon(ofelectricalequipment)-stansorking
l)udsttiduecrtuldgouhurl rtndbttildttteel.tttrse Tl.yl.)eltiui<i<()esoutuhnnltirlll.tilitgetsknc(ld.
goaheadwith...-proccecl tith goonabout...-cor]tinrallf tilkrbout
goalongnith(asuggestion)-r!,rct,'.r\uggr\tion goons'ith,,,-contir)utdoing
Lctsl.ilte0l)i::o -il: gotlutgilill.)llltl Plursago0ur(ilh.)out'uotk Doilllel nrcslof .)nu
goa*ar'-lelrcapJace goout-lra\croLrrhonrrtogot0thccinenltrtc
lftnotuttnttobttlatt.t'tl.ting \on.),1i1 goingoil ll.tisctuing |J'l)tl oboul luiottou'
gobackonapromise-notkeepafr,)n)i\c goout(of the tide)-goltvu tionthcshore
go by (of time) - p:rss go out (of a light) - stop gi\ ins olrt liuht
Astiilrcuentb.t.Gnrl.utntgtcunnreJ\nlol l.ter. lhr)ruLtsulour) cuttndtll ll.ttligl.)lsileill oill
go br'- usc lbr guJcLlnce go out (like a light) - breuntc LrLteon:ciuLts
Dott t ga b.l t)t.l u ]lcl.t It s llsl Ht Ltil nrc tnl l uutl oul like u
gob_l-plss goprst gooutnith...-go\rjths0rr'rconct0thecinenrirctc
go down (of the sun) - set go through - bc coLrplctcd succtsslullr
go down (of nen s) - bc rcccir ccl go through ... - e\l)edcL'rcc
fltencustllhtrlistnisulstlidnl{tdrnttter)uell lbrpelncterXothtoilghuttc.\'f)uicncelik(tl.)tl tgti)tl
godonn-getsnlller tlecrelrsc gothfough .. -cltnirtr rcricn
go down on r-our knees - kurcl ckrl n ol apologize go through (a procedure) - pcrlbrLr l procctlurc
godornnith...-cutch:orlckindofilircusr gothrough$ith...-completrsonrcthing\ourlrccdt0c10
gofor...-choosc gounder(ofacompant')-frLil gobrnkrupt
I L'.\pc(t (atukil u ill p1t ltt tl.te tl.reQer oplirttt
ll u c uilt t let tl.)c l(ilil tl.)c i)ilfttt.) trill g0 trnler.
gofor...-rttrck goup-n\c
gofor...-findlttnrctirr goup-stru'ttobLrrn
Hclctt rtstttrll.)gocslrtrnrcntd.ndrcssucll. flttuouul sltrxl trntl uultl.tetl tl.tcbtriltling!t)lPinlhDkr
go iu (of the sun) - go brhind u ckrud go up (of a cheer) - bc hrnrrl
fl.tcsunutntinundil slrilledl0 lctl trful .1 (l.tcu uctttultttl.tctl.tuntfirtt tplterted
go in - enrrr hoyiL:rl as a prtie t1t go up - rrPPr0lLch
[ilt !oi]t:<itl li)tn1.)t)l)eruti(nt ()ilTt!(,slq lletLCill illutlddsktdlwt iJ sl.teu(B0ll )i!
goin...-fitinsidr gorith,.,-corhinclcll sith
!)in)Jnsttilcdst lnteltt btoutt Luwlbugktgrtilitl)ll)( jtt(krl
goinfor(acompedtion.)-cntrrrrcompctirion gonithout...-n0t hu\c
Lel ;'pinlot lh(silitntilin!(o))if(lilitn ILtudtoprtuill.r)ul su,qttbcttttttItl frtgrtlttnlol)tt.)tont(
gointo...-srxft:omckilcloienlrlornrrrtlrsrclrrccr gfoninto-hcconrcllrgccnoughftr\errrpr0pcrlr
\ll.r,tt Ll.arlLs uts ('ightkil L)e uutl ittl() lh( utnt) (irunt ttill srxtn ltou inkt ll.tut iutktl
go into ... - txlk lrbout in dct:riJ gro$ out of ... - no longcr behr c in thc slrrc n lr

lIitt i-DiCtiottat"1,

!r(r$ lll)-, l,L l!( lr)ilt cltil(J to.t(ltLlt ice up - hrc( )nrc cor cr ctl in icc
, ),
rtlLl ,ltt'u ill) iil d lit l t tllt:l('
,t n,,,,,t', tlk f)ltilt'iktl illtiltl tltt, ltihl htsl trttltrtl.
Itrnd dttr n - grr r lo th( n(\( SCrt(r.ttl0n idcntifi silh ...-hc \intilur tr).lnil lr(l !\ntpitth\ li)r
llttt tt('\I'ldtr l,ttrltt,ut Lnttl(l ilttttt l)1)ilt ilrll)('t lt)ltil,ll.ttl Tlt(sdtn(ll.titt:<l.jdplt,ttt,rl h,utt, lutnitlutli[t uill.)ltu lDl)bl(,t]t
hlnd in -tirc.ontconc rontr rrrrrk \r)[ l)it\r (l(nlc inform on - lttrur si\ ( hrtrnll ill infi )rn'tilti(nl itb( )ut
l'l(rst, l.trilttl itt lttsl i l\iltdt t, k l)ttr tl llt(:<til! ittft))iltrl tilt llrt'it lcular Ltntl ltt,It[ ut].cslr(l
hand in (r'our notice) - r*ign iront r rrrrr jolr inlite iu - ltrk sontronc t( ) coDt( into \ 0ut h( )usc
\fu ltt)llul in l.)u nrttttt'ul.rt'tt sltt'Irtttul t lltllu ir,lt ll lt.l thtt I tor! itlL il( lltr1t itt lit tt cult ol lut!
hand out - di\rriburc int ite out - ;tsk lontc(nlc l() So out
( tilt tt)il I)til(l t)ttl lltOJ( l)tr)ks lt) ttll'
lu\lt LtcrL, l.t illd s iilt iltd iltr !)ttl h) ll.)! ll.ttutrc lltis t,l (,iliil,,!
hand oter - gir r tr) \()nlcon( rl\r ( n h,tnthrr cr) join in - hreonrc inr 0h cti in ln ,retir itr \\ ith oth(r ltr()l)lc
\lt lill s Lantlul rtrLr,tttrtttiua tl ll.)( Lt)iltl(il1.t lt) tlt(, Ilt(.t u!t't lting. h) lld.t l(xilbtll uud u(ntlul tttt'kt ioin itt
hand it to ... -rr(inrirc foDt(()nc j0t dOn n - nt.rkr r ili,t( ( lllli
't 'fl)l,tli,,r)
\ ttt t t, t, tl I t LtLtt nl il h ) lt nt Nr \ltt' tt ttltl stll tt t t.) llti t t,l
lll ittsl 1rl lt,utt.lrttn nrtnt url tdtlttss
hang around ... - \t;t\ in r ltlttcc t[ring n()thing in p,tftieUl;tr fump at (an opporfunin ) - !cir( tn opporrunrt\ cnrhu)irstic:tlh
I Lnrn, br t1 s u t'rt, ttil)t!ill ll)( L,Iltutt( tt l)t,il I lr.ll.
slill lntryit4 I ll.tttt,1l.rl |tssic ut)trll ilnl) ill tl.rc cl.nure rl t litt'lttlitlt.r
hang up - cnLl ;t ph(,nc cr)n\ cr\.ltion jump on ,,. - junrp untl gcr on tonterlling
l il l)(ll0 Lxlil,< Itl) tt st)illu)ilr tLtlillt lt) lts( ll)( llillttt ittittpcd rtt tl.t( bils iilsl us it nus ltdt in!
Iread for ...- nuc in thr tlircction ol jump out - conrc oLrt qLricklr lnd ruddrnh
ll( rif,1' J,/,/,i/,,!, ) lhtl ut, huultl lrt lht ilruttsl t$ltiltttiltt l.i /1/l f{r/s/)r/.Nl/lq lht,thtnut.l t! iltilt iilDtlt:l t)ill
hcal orer (of a norrnd)-clrsc lrntl bccontr hclrltlrr jump up - srund Lrp sudtlrnlr
ll LtUt' u ttilttl Lttts ltutl&l u t'r l )tl tilt tuilt )t I ll.t(,
r t
lltsltt. Tl.t! pilPlr dllltnp(l t0 ut lhr tuttlwt uttt't.ul tlt( ttnill
htal up - bcconrc lrrllthr rrntl nonrrrrl :r!;rin keep at it - coniinLrc &)int \(nnrthing ( (lc:pitc tliffieLrltirr t
Htttr htttg tr ill il l(tk( J(i lltis (ttt kt lt(Itl ttll I kttrtu trtrr Ltnneuril is lil.lilrtlt brtl )t)il iltusl k('L,p tt il
htarfrom ...-rrtrirc r irtt(ror Jthr)nc c.tll fr(Dl Ieep as'ar' - not :tllo\\ (o conlc
I Lutr t,tt I furnl lirnt llttul.t sitttt' slrt, t ntt, itt ltrl.1 fhtt spr(D sl.ilrtt|d kttI) |tilt.) iltt)sqrih^'s
hear of .,. - urt ncr r ol keep back (information)- nol tcll rr\c:tl inli)rnt:ltion
Ltl ttn ktt,'rt tl l,'il l)t,ll ,l ill.l I tlttilttitl l)itl Lte lt'll Ittt ct(t.llltiilT'' lstt I Lu kt'tlritt! st)ttt('llitt! bttk
hclp }'ouruclf to -.rrr r r 0urrcll n irh keep don n -.ur in lt lo\r porilion
I'lutst l.ttlp tt)tutdl lt) sdlill httlt thntt or'stfuliu uill lrc l(ilt
hi( it off- bccontc lricntir keep donn-
kccp lt r Irn lrrrl
ljill rttttl lttl Lttt L sr) nlt(11 itt Ltilnilttilt fl.\,.) tL'slk Lt ltil il ,ll. | | tt t
kttlt ltritcs th ru t t u ( il t ilt I h )sc ( ttslt )nlt,rs
hit on - suddcnlr think ol
.., keep dowrt- t0ntrol r(stlicr tltc lfccd()nl ot
llI tI lt$! ltil t)il tt tlL'u sh)i!ttt lt)t thr tilltul (li(lultI ttsul l_ris tT]il.) il) kltf tlJc lul)l], h)u )l
hold ... against-.rlIru .onrcthing to girr rou rr hrrtl jnrltres.ion kecp in - not :rlkrr to lc:rrc:r. r Punirhntrnt
Irl.ttt ttltr t_1s hr*s url.scrul)l( l)ut &ilt l l\ll it d, l,ilt tl.'|, lu(l.,L,t' k(Pl i,, u,,r,, (r/.\'.i./ir'lrcrru /x/isl
hold back - rc.trrtin r)r)t \h()\ ((t tc:lr\) keep in - kccp trt thc ritlc rrl thr ro:rtl
ll tt rts tlillitttll lt) hl(l l)tr(k ll.t( tt,tils ht t'P u t ll i tt tts I r ttt u dl k il ilt il ( t t ill r.t ft \tils.
hold back (infornration) - not (i\c rcrutLl jnlirrnlrrron keep ,.. frOm - prc\ ctlt rolucon( lfont cloing ronrthing
ll I'ttt lvltl ltutk ittfrtntrttint I'tu t!)ttll h( ul'(,slt\1. I lrittl ilt kcclt ttt.t drn l)rnt tlutsitt,q tltt tul
hold dOnn-rcqr;rin n()t illkr\ tol.lcl up keep off(a subiecr)- nor ntuli(nt r rubircr
Hrlrl llta tttittul futrtt trhilc lllirv il un itt.iutitnr hrl tl.l ll.)! sttl)iecl rl rrs slrc ttttt I ttl.lrnl rttt tl.tis ttttt
hold don n (a iob) - krrP .r joh keep off ... - r)ot \\rlk on
Il( s t) ld:.t ll.ttl ltL hts ilil.littrlt.t Ltfulitp rhtr tt rr ltb Plutst kttlt rtll lht,3rtrss
hold dos n ( priccs ) - t)' 'l nr r(.I.u fri( (. i keep off (of rain or sno$ ) - not fturt
llr ltt,hl thutt t)ut lti(('s lltilt t)ll)(,ts itkrul'd llt(,its ltkkil.t lh( ntiil k+l t4l tlnlil tltL Lt\'ilitt!
hold off (of neathcr) - not occrtr;t! (\ltretcd hc tlcl.rrcd keep off ... - not crt (crflltin t\ l)$ 0ilix)(l)
Ltttkil.r lht ruitt ln'ld rl.l rttttil lln' uttl(lt ils ut ('l u I k(q) tll spict li/nlt ds ll.)r_t r('l)il| ll)t ilt(,
hold on - s;rit keep on ...(+ ing) - cgntinuc
lh'hl 'tt rt tlt,,ilrilrt I ll {t rl ilI i itl I hdtut t littt(l t iol) tct l)ttl I ilt lttinil il) krl) t1 lt.titr!
hold up - rrsc t rc thr(rt oI\ iolUtcc to rob (n ltokl-rrp) kecp ol't - (\)nlinLte !.j\ ing cntIlo\ nlcnt to not disntirf
Ihul s ll)(' sut)il(l liiltt tl.rt'lttttk s ltr't'tt lttltl ttl lltis lutr. llt)il ttrilill ut4)lt).t|rr I ill ltil k(q tilt tl lh(,('ttl tl lltt! sutilt!
hold up - lrcp rrnt(thir)t up rn l), '.iti' kecp out- nol ;tlIrn to rntcr
I t( st)ilt( tlnillr l)i('t(l tll u trnl h) lr)l(l ilp ll,L, sl)t'lt|r I l)('r! t 4il tlttlt il'iul lt,tttt, lrt k!4) tiltl lrt'sltlss(,rs

hold up - tlchr \top nlr)\ inS kcep up (appearances) - (( lr) hrhlr c :rr r orr did iorrrlr
'ntir)uc ltrrr
lln, lnt.llit utts lrt'ld ill) l)1,ail!i\'tl t!)t ttti(lutl n) kt\'l) ttl (tl)f)curutttr,s slill st to tl.)(, l)(,sl llJldtil tiltt
Itopc for ... - n trnl \ontctlltnr to ltipl)cn kcep up - grr ut thc \xntc \pcc(l us
l\tttrtll Intlsitt,4 lit l)(llu uutlh(,t dttrin3rtu futlitlt.l Iltt'ollvrs ut,rt'uttlkitu so litst thtt il trtts tlil.litttll k, ktt,l ll)
hot up (ofcompctilion)- inrcn.itr berrrnrc iicreer keep up - c(n)tinltc not \tol)
( t)t)11\,lilthil is lr)lliil,< ttl) tn(l sttlrrolrci,lo,rr lt),!,1 l,til.l
Tlrt sttrn kt,ltl ilp illl (fu.t n, I lidil t lo t)il|
hurn up - .1,, thrlr. l.l\tcr keep up - nnirrnin Ipr\ nl(|tt\ (tc )
ll )1,il tit1il | l)utrl ill) ut,ll iltiss llrt'ltltttc I tutltltt I tt.llrnl lrt krq tU ll1( ltt.) ntunts \rt lltt' ttlt
icc orrr (of n atcr) - htcontc crrr cred in icc keepUpnith ,..-l0lrt llrcrlrntr\Pee(l :tn(l \lit\ l(\(l \\ilh
lltt, ft,ntl tLLtl ',t Lr. tttttsiil,! lilt)l)h'lnS ltt'dtttks Ilt'ltnl ht tun luslt,t k) ht'!l ul u itl.t tltt luttfurs.


keepupwith...-inlorfiroLrrscLt ot thcl.rte.trrcu: letoff-rot puni5ll

It|ilil]sl)l\lhisPtlftth)kklttlt ttilltllttltttsittcssttttL; lll l(l \'ott tll ll)tilincl)it dt)ill(l il htll)t'iLtlttit
ker iu - n pc :omcthing inn) rl conrl)utrr lct off (steam) - relcls( tcn\ir rrr rnus\

kick off- :tlrrt rr gilnrc oi lix)tlxll ( n kick oll ) let on - tcll \ont(r)nc l t(crrt
ll.te ralt,tt,t bltu l.tis ul.tistlc ttttl llrt,ttttltL Iotutrtl kickrttl ol.l. ll s sttl)lr)sul ltt l)( il strtl !r rhttl I ltl on
kickup(afuss) letout-rllos logr)r)Lrtsi(lc
lltiltt tt ill kttk ilP u litss il ct t| ll.tilt'l ts)t I ilt't! (ilt(l li(ll \tit t)l)ul(,d ll.t( (hnt kt let' (tl t)ttl lit llt(' ni'.|.)l
knecldott'rt-godornonrour kncc: letout(clothcs)-nrrtkrckrthe-.lurgcr
|1.1( /)li(on(u1 ktttaltd tirt tt
knockdonn-hit;Lntl c.rrrrrtolrrll ti)thcgrolrnil letoul ...-rmit (lr l()url norsr)
Tl)('(l)illutsktr)(kttl lotr ttttsshtu(tsLtt)ssiltillh(ftxtd llrllll(l rilltt i(t(tiltt',stnkt'
knockdonn-tlcntrrli:h lieahead-hrgorrtgto()ccuinth(iLrtur(
knockdonn-lcduccthrpricc{rtlj InockL|ltn) liedonn-licrontcrltcrc urrr:rllr tof*tor \l((l)
Ptitt,sl.ntu,baut kttrrktdiltutt l).ttilrll.)rrlut pu(ull llecl litctl ttlttt l4ttnSlrlicthttt tt lot tt lttl
knockout-lrilrrntlnr;rkrrLnconscioLrr(n knockorrt) lieq'ith ...-brtlrt rrstronribilitr of
H(liil )nrst)1.)(t)lll.utl hLknrxktltttt'rtttl llht)islt)l)l(t)t(,-\ttrl)ll)L'Jtultli6Ltilltll.t('!t)Lunnt('nl
kuockout-tlinrirtrrtciromrcompctition(.rdl knockout) liftoff(ofarocket)-lcLrcthcgroLrntl
lapseinto,,,-l(rscconcenlrrtiollilr(i rt,il(hchrr\insdlffrfcnth lightup-illrrntin.rte
\ht stnlrlt'ttl.t l(rf)srd iillt) tlt! hL(rl litlr(l lr trr'kt,ls t,rltlilttl tiltl lil ttp lht sk.t
laughat...-nrrtkrirrnoi ridiculc lightup(ofet'es)-heconrcbright crcitrtl
n.te.r tll ltttt'll.ttrl rtl l.tis tiliuhns toslttltt' llct t.ttt lil ill) il l)dt sl.t( suu lltt rlitilttotttl ttt'tklutt'
laugh off- inrl)ortrirt
prctcnd romcthinl i: rnru:ins iutd nol ljne up - :tlrntl in .r Jinc
lavdon'n-fstlrhlish(flrlcs rcgullrtions) It'edoln-nritktpcol)cir)rlerirnri5tirkr
\()ilililtst ll)lL)ll ll.)(lr)ftltlr(ll.uttt'lrtillott tt lL u0sst!(l.)dtlill)i(l ll.titt1lktlo Ill iltrt,t littilthtutt
lavdolu-pl.tec:rrnrcthing:omc\hrrc liYeoff ...-g,rt lhcnrrrncr ncrtlril t0:upNttr0rrr:clf
(tl tt)tt slt)l) pluuL' unl lul ilru tt totu ftt'tts llc s ttttttttlilrt.\td *t ltr ltds lt) lit e t)il ll.t(' \lult'
lar donn (rour life) -.rcrificr rour liic lire off ... - krcp:rli\c b\ rxtins
flttluitl tLnttll.tL,itlitcsltiltl.trit (t)ililltt,sttttitrtslitatl rll.lisl.)tildruututtll lj)tl|t)ilkks
laroff-dirntis.ironrtrrtrk(oit(ntcnrl)or,rril\r lilcon...-hlctiorrtl ornloncr)lirr:Lrnrlrl
la\ on-ullnisc livcon(of a repulation)-funi\( rontLnr(
lal it on - crrtggclttr lire r ith ... - rrccrl)t \onrcrhing .rrd cofti ilrt |rtrr life
layout-xrr;tng((n l;r\o[t) lirenup-nt:rke ntoru jntcrc:tinqrndlirrlr

lal'out-.pcnrl ntr)nc\ (n outh\) lilcupto ...-hr.r:srndit\(\pc(tc(l

lltttlrtitl rttl tthtl tlDloilt'lktilttlttrtLlhtlttttst, ltnLsstlitt,tl ttltl,tl)ot(Pilttlit)iltlsdsill)(,tl)d(lt(,ss
leakout(of ascctet)-btconttknonrt lockin-prcrrnt\r)nrror'rrlronrlclrringbr |rckirgthcdotrr
\ll.tut tl(uso.l lhrLt)n(ullutkdoill llt(rrllttstntsl.)ft)) lith(lt l(Ltttl!(l t),lttlttkt'dnrcitt'
leapat-lrcc(pt rtndtnthurirsticrtllt
clLtickJr lockout-prrrentror'lcrrr'rcfrontcrrtcringhr lotkrrrgLhtdoi
lltlutln4ttl ll.n'tl.uttttlt)ntukr!)nl(r.\lttt lil)nrl lll.)otl!t)l btukhtlhtllttl llittullillttutltxketl ottl
leal'eon-notsurttlrLrfi lockup-prrt jnrrurnt;Lntl lockthcdrrrr
Lutt(lllrllt)tt Itttttl lttuttl(l., ll,L'lililt il.ttslutill hxkui ttlllt1nlt,,,,r, tnlftll(t ,!t!t(l lttttil(
lea\cout-nr)tinel[(lc lookafter...-rrl,cc;rrcoi ltcrr:pon:ihlctol
letdorn-(li\.ll)pr)rnl notkctl)rt l)rurnr\( lookrround...-ulrlkrrrorrndin(i lol)kirt(.t l)uil(lin()
Dt)tt l ut)tt) ll tuttt l u(tt l l(l )oil (hiltt l ltr*ttl t|tttilttl bttillitt,4 lrtste ulnl rt,lnirs nLt,tltl thint
Ittdorn-lurtgthcrttcltlt:kLrt) lookat.,,-clrntirtc check
'll.ttskirl uttslrntsl.ttl srtslrtlttil thtttl lll ut'l rltulttttitlt)ltx)kttl ll)tut,\il('
lefdown-trrkctltc;tir orLtof(cgrL nrc) lookback-thrnk.thout plLst r\cnr\
let in - ;rl|rrt in look back on .,, - think rtlrorrt thinqr thrrL hupperrcrl rn rhc p r.r
flttl ttrtt lltl_1ott inil tttutclttlou,!ltlt,(t lllrt,ttlhr*lttthrtttl.tttdttslttttlistlttt /irrl'r /ir,i.
let ... inlo (a sccret) - \hlrrr :r lcfr(t \ ith \r)nrcon( looh don'n on ... - corr:idcr inlirior
ill ltl t,tttttltids('()t'l ll il)tll)itll.\ltllttltt) ll.rt)htkul rhttttrtthttltt'cttttscrllu,t l)trrtlttll,t,i
let ... into - ;rllou \o rrore to cont( into ,r pllrcc look fbr ... - tn to lirrd
Tl)(lx)tlL'rl('lttti)tlttll.t('|.)tltl /:,ttirsritrr lttthrfuitt,qli,tllcloli((\lttltt))t
letoff-rrlkrr il j)ir\\rn!,rrtolclrc:r irhielr looktbn'ardto ...-il\rljtuithplc,rsrrrt'(l)it(t lt)ltl tt)utll ttl llt('lntlli(li!I.)ls lnthtkintlotuutl h)strit,luu ltiutlsrtqrttt


look in - \ i\it brirtl\ moye on-(lisprr\c g0 x\lr\ trom r place

I ll lrt* in ut tl.te (ltet)tist s 0ttl lcl s()nte ilspit iil fl.)L'tuut l0tt.t' iltored ott rnd sturtcd kxfting t0ttnd llunlcns
look into .,, - rur cstigltc rnove on - tulk lbout sol'r'refiing diile fent
Il.)c Policc 0t'c lookiltg iillo u seties ol robbet ics itt llsc urea l,('L s tnor('on tn(l ktlk tbottt tl.)e ()iltknk f1t )t(.tl l?tl
look on-$:ltch romething happen (n orllo0kcr) mo\'e on - m:llie l)rogrcss (cg t0 lt Dettcl Job)
.[ul ia loaked ott in l]an ot ds ll.)c (d t' t il inlrt ll.te sl.tjf u indot
u Ket n udillc(l to nrt e otr tni
get t job il itl) nt0)c icsloilsibilit.l
look on .,. -consider. tirink olsoneone or Jomethjng rI il ccfilin \N\ move on to - clrangr t0 r dificrrnt sUbjcct
I look on Jtrnes us sontconc I cutt ulu t.t's bc Irunk ttill.t Tl.)c.) nlat'ed tilt lo u less (utttorc$i0l kqia
look out - be crreful narrol'down - rcdrrcr iLr LrLrnrher br eliminrring the othcrs
Lmk lult Hc s g0l u grtnl ll e t e ttrrrru cd drtu choie to Edinbrtrgl.) ot 1tl.)cns
look round ... - go rroLrnd rud irlspccr (u huildilg) nole dos n - mJk( )llutt Iut(f .lbL)ul
ll e ll lrnk round tl.te building ntd set il it s stritutl:lc I d beftu nole dolt n ll.)c dite(lions k) lrtut l:touse
look through ,,, - ignore open up - talk opcnlr
Tblt snob loakcd lhtouglt iitc uttd lrcteilded I l usfi | lho( l\l.ten llrttitt teulised I u'nyt t tiltgr.)'ha bclun lo (Det] ill)
look up - find inforn'ration in a book o$n up - rdn'rit to (lojng sonrrthinu s roL]g
Loak ilp thc uelningol lhe uotd in ll)is dit:tian0).1 lICdth.) Ln(ln loil]ted ul I l.taLe b(il luilisl.)cd insteul
look up - impror t partwith ...-r'rot kecp ili\c 0rsell ti) sonteone
fhings ile stutting tu loak up Busincss is inUnt in! I u ds tel fand rf tn.l fu4 ntil didn t ulnt lo lltl tLitl.] I)itil
look up - ruise r our er es rLnd look pass br - n llk plst (n prsscr'b\ )
l|e looked up attd stil. tl.)c nt in tl)e l)'e( \()trc ol tl.)( PeoPlc pnssittg b.1 truk try tt1licc 0[ l.tet
look up to ... - fespect pass on- g,irc uimc0ne (x nc\srge etc) lionr somcone else
I retlh looked trp to ill]'dttntt led(l.)ei ! uds il.| insfit(lian Tl.)e ne);t tlttc I se( L)er ] ll ltss on )ol) ncus
make for .., -go in thc direction ol pass on (a disease) - trunsrit r disease
I tlttnl gocs oJJ. udkc ljt neLtresl e.\it. TLte disnse u?s ltsscd an ll.)toilgh th(' dtiilking uoter.
make ... into - transtbr nr pass on - trunslcr (the cost 0r sl\ ings)
Tltel te nnde tl.)e ald tl.)c]ttc inh t disca ll e Lnpe fu pa ss o t t 0 n.l s0 ri n ls t() o il t ( r.rlorle/..t
make off - run lru lrr esclpc pass out- nrnt
The gang node olf datrn thc tad(l uilh tlte iloil|.1 fltt trnnt utrs srt strt.fl) thtl I p0ssad oilt.
make off with ... - stcal lnd escafe \ ith pirss over -
n0t c0nsider lbr promotion
The thiel nade oJJ u ill.t ull nturc1 in tu.l f urse Pt u tt s bec n f)0 ssc (l o rc t fo r lt un o t i r t t t .1'ct t go i n
make out - pretend pav ... back - get rer enge
Tbe gnrds nttde oill tl.x!l tl.te.t ()il|dil t iltule\t{ntl ils )t)t) s dctcmtincd lo lq ltitn brttk lor entbttntssinB lur
make out- manage t0 sce 0r herr clcxrl\ pav for ... - Lrse moner to bur sonrrthing
Il tt tts dttk so I touldn I tnuke ul the nttnlxrs rtltht l.rnses liilt s trnclc ltid bt hd lnlilu.t i)t SFin
makc out a cheque - l rite l chequr pav in - dcposit nt)nc\ into in lrccount
Plelse fit]ke out tlJc cheque lo flou t0 . II.!rc.)au fuid tl.ul cuslontt't s tlteqrrc in )e12.
make up vour mind - de cide pal off-pn the mone\ \0u o\c
I te ilnfu up nt.1 ntind h Lnk /bt t nt'u jrtlt I sl.nuld l.)0t( ftid oft ilt) debti b.) the end 0[tl.)t!.teur.
make up in\ent (x rton ) (rdj made{rp)
- pelt down (of rain) - come dol u r rn hcar ilr
I nl silte be ilude ilf ll.idl slt)t'.|'qboil! leltiilg lost iil ll.te ltrtryle n.1c t0in uvs Pellin! drtu n 0trlside tt I decidpd lo sl(.1 itt
make up - become friends rgrin rfter rn rrgLrnrcnt phase in- introdrLcc grrdurllr
l'ont atnl Sustn Lnt'e finrtlll ntrlt r![) l]te) tl.)rit tr,!lnrcnt. Tl)c cl.iltryes u'ill be flusel itt orct lhc nc.\t l(u .teors.
make up for ... - compensate for pick at (food) - e:rt snrall nrouthfirlr of tixrcl
Tint LtU sonrc Jlou ars lo nnkc uf [oi tt riring ltle Robitt s onll pickin! tt l.tet litul \otttcll.)in! niltst l)e utut,<
mark don n - hor
thxt thc price hrs be en redrrccd
s pick out - choose
Pt ircs lut ntorked dottn utt etlM lpn f)ct LcDl
e been I r.)' la lick oul ll.)e tilullu l(rn0l()es Tl.)c.)' tc stLcctrr.
measure out - nrcilsLrrc (eg lr po\ de0 untjl it i-s the NLfio[nt 1e quircd pick up - lelrn tr ithout nruch cffirrt
lktke ytre )otr nteatsne alrl cuch thcnticttl tc*1 trttc[ull.l I lickpd u[) son( ol rrl frrj/i.ilr b.1 lislcning to fiop tttrtsic.
meet s ith ... - hur r something hlppen to r orr pickup-stop l rehicle rrnd collect (udi prck,up)
I n aliairl yotrr husl:)]nd lns fiel ilill) uil Lt((ilettl Tl.te trntl.t uill li(k lou up otrtsidc lotn ltortse tt ten richtt'k
miss out - not inclLrcle pick up (a prize) - r i r :L prizc
Ill Lltetk ll.te list ognin in ctsa I re uisst'd soil('ll.tiiltr ()il1 lltr picked ilf lirsl pti:('in ll.ic contpeliliotl
miss out on ... - not he in\ 0h e(l jr't (ilcrtcn]el]t ctc) pick up (the bill) - plr thr brll
ll s t pil.l )or! ()rldtl t (ank )'()t! ntissed ottl on t ktl 0l ltttt Churlu picketl ttp llr bill. \l c didn l Lxil t to lt.) u.ttl.)iil!
mist up - Lrrconrc cor cred I iLh concLrnsltion pick up - inr pnrr c
The u tnhtu s ntisted u! til(l il ( (ottldn'l ye ortlsi[e \alu ltikerl trp dutin! tl.)t ilt()ilt1.) of .1ttililst.
mistake ,,, for - tLrink -.ome one is sonrconc clsc piece together -:rsseLrble ioLnr r conrplctc iclrl
P('(Ulc tft tlu u.)s iltitlttkitti: nte [rt' ttt.l sisttr. ll t tt' h'.i ir! to li[c lo!(lhu t.\'0(tl.t u l.itt Lxq\cncd lu e
mir up - bc unablc to lell thc r iiftrcncr brtl ccr pile up (ofwork) - increlse
Tltc tnncs tre sini/1/J n/ /lr-&/.r) to ilti.\ tl.ietn ilp tttlh' lilcd ttl tr Ltatt I uas otLu.) o/? /r//,il/ti,rs
mixed up in ... - inr oh crl n (s0n'rcthin{ (lishonr\r )
r plan ahead-plrrn lunnge things in rdrurcc
I'nl stuc ll.ut litl uds tni.\ed tn in ilr trlilxr1srnncl.tott lI t' tc ultcad.l lltnnin{ thutl lin r/e\/ ){,1//.rsrol
move on - nlkc son'teone nt()\ c ;ls r\ fronr lt plltcr plant out (scedlings) - r'c'plrrnt snlrll plluts $ ith rooil to !,fo\\
ll.te prlirc nrt el lhe uottd ott to rk)l ll.)o)t blrtkittg tul Pluttl ottl tl.)r sudlings Lttll rr til(trc tlutl


plar don n - nrrkc .ontetltinr rpltclr lc.. inrPort;rrrr put back - ;rrilntc to ht\ r (cs r ntccti ng ) lttrr
'lht (utt uL'|)ttt Il,( iltrcIitt,4bttck rtttIiI IItt, llIhnin1Twstlt.y:
tttlhrtilits ltittl kt ltlt.t thnn llil,itrklt'ul lt) l)t(,tutt l)tilit.
plar off- phr l nr.rtclt to tlccrtlc s ho i: rltr r innrr put back - rct|lrn !rnttthing kt rJrr l)lilcr it \ll: hclorc
ttutils l.ul tt) 114.1 rl.l lrt tl.titl llutr:
Tl.)( l))il | ltr'tlLl lt) Dltl ll.te tnutd.ts btck ul.tctt )oil f t)il)Il tl.iL't))
plav through (a tune) - phi r runc fronr rhc bcginning Lo thc cnri put by- \rt\ c lirr lrrtrrrc usc
Pltt luilL'lhtttt,1l.t so ile tttt Lten ul.wt il srttutls likt //( 1,,/i,,/JlL ttttttl() l4tl /)t /;i/ (/,lf,l(//{/*
phr. n ith (n ords) - il\( \\ , rlrl\ t, | ( t (.ltc .ln cl trL t putdosn -klll xn rnintrl ltccilrsc il i: oid or rcn ill
fl.tttnintslt,t uttsrttl.l lltt.linuuill., lt)ils \tlhitt3u,tll tl.tttttSt ()ilt tttl ililt !) ill lhtl ut,Luttl lrt lnrrc Lliilt pilt dt)un
plug in - connccL to il \ull)l) (t (lrcrrieit\ putdo$n-critjritr
Fin(tll.)' plu! it \t)r!t ()ntlulu tttttl su ildt rtt Pett)lt (trL, tlI ltltittl| lut dtn t l)1,&ilsr sl)c s o bil sh)u
poinl out - (ltus llttcntlon ro it liLct or rontcthing n r)ilh rcring put dol'n (monet-) - Jlrr ullc Llono llr lr rlcposit
| ))tltsl f)()inl oill lltill il( loil l nrtiltrll_y u.,k 0n Stilrlals I Lttttl lo ltrl rhn tt liLl poiltlls ds t lclx^il
polish up - rmpror c put ,,, dos n to - gir c :rs lr r r:ts0n
I n(cd to ptlisl.) ill t)t.) Vdiliil.) bpljrc ni.l l.\lilt.j I Pill L)is b(tl lciltl)c) doun lo lrcssutL,oJ ut)rk
pour a$a\ - ilirposc ol tr liquid pul fofllard - J .ilSS(.tlun ct(
llu rtttttllt ittitt snttlltil sltnrXc su I lttttttl il Ltttt.r. I d lik( h) pul li)l tL(trd u f)r4r)stl liil irupfltt in,< sillts
pour don n (of rain) - contc tlrn n hclr ilr put in (a request) -:uLrnrit nrrrkc u rrtlrrr:r
ll u os pt)ttt iil! dttu tt tttttl I dirln I lut t rilt ttubrtllLt llc l.tdt( lul itt tt tcqtesl lrt ( ilul u)iltptllrr.
pour in - cntrr in lrrrgc nLrntltcr. put in - in\rilll
ll ( c.Vc( led s,('( (t lt )t t l o loil t i t btt t r t tl.l l tL o l )ilsil tll tt )n(
l t ll e t e lurl tutttrtl Ltutil! tild l(iltbl( {k!:ltll pttt itt
pouf into ... - cnlrr in lltrltr nLrntbers put io - sl)cn(l tintr tloinu:ontctltrng
flL d(n)rs ueft! t)p('ilul ilttd ll.1e ct/stt)iltcts /ntNl iillt) ll)? slr.c Tlte nt'tl.ttttit l.trts lll in n(il'e llnil (t Ittudrctl Ltnrs urtk
pour out (a dfink) - porrr r drink inkr tr 9l;rrr or errlt put in for ... - nr;rkr u ti)rn;tl rcqucst li)r
oite \rc.)rtrt tttp utul lll futil t)ill lh? l&t lh( ilttilrtt!('t Ptrl iil I()t ilrr'( slttl.l l)ul ll.u b()ss tcJitsd.
pour out - rr\ c,rl ttclinur ill tn rr0conrrrtLlcd n.rr put into s ordr - \ ritc rlr,.:rr h0n r rtrr or \ har h:rltprnctl
llr pottrcd t)ul his ltrltlt,ns kt l.tis lxsl f)ietrl. LLtnl k) Pt!l til.t leelirys ifitt) utilk
ll s
printout- prinr jIli)illIrtton \torrd in ir coltl)Lttct (n lrintoUt) put (more effoft) into - do sonrcthlng s tth ntofc ciiin I
iD|css /lris tr') tnl ll.)t' (oilDtrtet uill priill t)il| ll)t drtlils \i)il niltsl ntrte c.lirtft inkt yrttt urttk
proceed against ... - hrgin lrgul tcrion ro hfin{ Lo lri:li pul moncY into - inr cst ntoncr in
ll t futt ctt t gol t,ttrttt:tl.i u ilcttc( to lfl)arul til(tintl tl.)(il] ll.l t()lt uuttls ilt( k1 fll til()r(,Dttlt!.1 ittkt bttsiness
protect ... from - prcr cnt :onrconc bcing h:rrnrcd ltr put into ... (of a boat)-cnrcrrt pofr or htrbour
Tilke lil
ililtlr('llu lo pnlrd.)1)l l)tril lhr rtill lhc l)t\td b1,,.!1il l() plt.) us tl)( liilL,t liltl ittlt) l.arl)(ilil.
pull anal (ofa lehicle) - rLlrt ro Leu\ c J l)Llr( put off- poslponr
ll)( lill)l\ ltil ltL'!t rnd tnt pilllel dl t.t Ilt t r: lttl lrt ltttt rll tl.)c tntt(l) ilnlil n(.\l nlutll.)
pull dorn - pLrLl \orlrclhing so thilt tt con'tcs ilo\ n put ... off-(li)tllct
l.l ll.t( stn is l(x) I\)l ltttll thtu rt lhe blind. I(tn I Lon(uttrtlr 'll.ul nrist is lttllin.'< ilta t)ll.
pull in - drir c ro thc utlr ol tllc rotd (itnd (ticn slol) ) put off- sr itch oll
Ld i lttll iil tl llt! n(.\t lxil'kitr! l)ltttt' tiltl lnt t' sttiltt sutttlu itl.tcs (rtrltl llt ltsl p|rttil ttt ltdt L, tl.1(' )t/ilt
lilt tl.l tl,( li,!ltr. pl(,(s(,
pull in - lltrr;lcr put off- cfciltc il lt.rtl intprlrion
Pt)l) ()ilculs lslilll.) l)lll in u ltt[<( t:t()ul. l))tt I b( lttl t4l ll Ltis ntttnu Ht s ruill.) rt'r.) sl.t.l
pull in (of a train) - ur rir r rt r rtrtion put ... off - dirsurulr (adj oifpLtrrins)
thL' lftti)t lullt?l t)t ttn(l ll.)( ldssu,gN ,lt)l t)ttl ()ilt lilllt'ntist0k('
| pttl )t)tt tl.l lr.ti)t! llttin
pull into ... - go to rr pllcr oif tltc rorrcl to br clrk rr jotrr ncr put on- ]]litc( (nlrkc-LLp cktthc:) ot \oUt borl\'dritct [)illlrl inltr tt !tt](t!( tl tl.tL,silr (l ll.1(, )tntl Duil l(r)k tll liir ltlh)t u Lnl l)ilt t)il tt iu(krl
pul.l off- succcrd in drrrnl rrntcthinr diificLrll put on ($ci8ht) - Frin \\ (illrr
D6lit( oll lltL,lilli(trlliLs sht ttunu,,qtl t!) pilll !l.l tll(,(lctl I t (' lltl t)11 itt Dllt(1.1 u(i::1.,1 ll.till I ttL,ul !)il1( il(t! d()lltat
pull off- drir c oii thc rortl put on - prc\(n( 1'lr0duce {cg l:hou )
llJt r Pull t)ll tl)( rtdtl utttl httt e t res! ll i' t t lt t lt i t t,q t tt t pt t xlr t( l k )il 4 fu t t t ttt r til td tt l iet t k.\l
r r
-l t t,tt r.
pull off- rcntor c hr prrlliug put o0 - ll\\Untf U5( (tn :lcccnt {r lLrtgr frt c rtc)
I [.1dlr(l t)tle (l ll.)a ti(l(,rs lt) lttll (il
l.)u btr)ts lt.) fill ()n (t rlttil,<t dcenl uttl prt,lLttlul,utts u lrttiXttt,r.
pull out (of a l'ehicle) - mor r inro rhr rotLcl or :r ilifirrcnr tmlllc llne put on (a brave face) - rltpcuL chrcrlul itlthou!,h \ 0u lrc not
1 lrtr.) strtltlettl.l l)illlt,(l ()il1 inlt) lh( ftst futlL' Iil(1.\' ilt(iltttilL\l lt) f)ttl rnt rt btttt t' ltttL tlt'sltilt ttll Ltet ltnllcnts
pull out of ... - tlccitlc not to c()ntiDUe put it on- tr\ to dcecirc ;tcoplc
nL,()t)tP(uI ltttllul t,ttl ,'l llk t|{kDn,ill llilttt.t sil.\t 1.1( s ilI l)rtt I tl.!iilk fu s Utttiil,< it ()lt
pull ol er (of ar ehiclc) - ntrtr c to ths :jtlc ol rhr r orrtl put out (\ our tonguc.) - nltkc r oLtr ton{Uc comc oUt oi \ ()Ur ntr )ilt ll
htll u cr Jitt t tilt)t)tt'nl trtl l(,1 lht (ll)r) cttrs:!t) lusl llou ttrrlt" Ihtl brt.y ltttt ttttl his lt)n,:ut dl ntcl
pull through - \Lrn r\ c in illnrtr put out - (li\|)cllr (rg r our brrckl
\r/sor rrrrs.rt,riolsl) ill l)ttl tjtuttil,<d lt) lttll ll.)tt)t!ll) I t (' l)ul t)ltl til.t bt* to I ililtsln l (h) ]ut lilliil:<
pull up (of a \ehicl€)- \lo\ do\\ n xnd \top put oul - brrlrdclrt
fltt' t tIt lttllttl ttlt rtttlsidt, lht ltrttl rktt 1l.t(l pttl t)ilt dil illlLul t)11 lltt ntlirt litt tttrrt''lpcrs
push in - Srt intr r rr qut rrr n l ront oi orltcr proltlr
i put out (, firc) - crtjngui:h rL firr
Tlul u\)illun ltul Lt l)lsl, it tnd 14ct rtt lltt,ltts lt4itr ttsl (&il( ts(l il hhnkt,l lt) lttt tilrt ll)(, lit(
put a$a\ - pltt \ont(tltin{ \onl(\ ltcrr to mrkr lr plrrcc tidr putouf- n]o\( (itn llrnt ctc) r\\,1\ lrorl rottr hodr
I lrx* lfu ltt*t rll ll)( ttl)lr ttld pilt tl.)uil ilut\ llurk pill t)il1 ltis tilt]t ts t si:lD(l li)t lhc l)us lo sh)l)

-lI itt i-Dictionary

l)tll ... otll - (.lu5c rontcr)nc iltcon\ fl)lctlcc run don tt - c;turr to lolc l)o\ cr ()t ciii-ctir cnc::
llr,ltl|t ut)tl)ulliil:l)t)ilrill l).t|tllilt!st)l(tl( Tl.)4tttuilthtutlltt'st'ttitt'll.tuL'srttllt)ilcbilidldt
(lrouldnt.) put(it)past...-lthink ircrrprrblroi runinto...-crr:hinLo
Ittottlrlillltttl iL f)tsl l)ol()tl.ttttllt'ltt'tiltiillttl llttldsl ilr)ilt('illt ll.rctt| ttiltittLoll.NliLllrtl rr htr.l
put througb - r()nnccL sonrcor( on tlrt phorrc run into ... - rclrclt tr figLrre of
((ttt lt)ttPttl ilt(ll.))t)lt'.11.)lt)ll.trtil,tttt,lL't' lhttrtsl trttltl tt|tittlrtiltillirttsrl/ttnds
l)ut up - PliLcc orl ir $.rll rull tnto ... - nt(f t [n(\l)cf Lc(ll\
lll pill illtt lt)stut)illl\tl uttll llt'rutt ittittlillitttllirsliltitt'<Utr1,.\llli,tl.)l
putup-Sr\c!()ilconclirxl .rnLl ,r brtl hrr lhcnrght runon ..,-bcporrrrtl lrr
ll,('l\)ldstrrrtlrtll s,tn.tltiotlslill iltt,ill) Tltistttttriltsrtttttttl(ulul pt'tr,l
putup(afight)-r$i:t tightrg,rrin.t \r)nrcor)cof lr)nr(thins runoutof ...-crhrrurr not lrir\cirn\ lcft
putuP-irtcrrilsc runourof(steml)-lo\(Uttltu\iit\nt fltcil.l\
llrlLls lLtl ttp lhLit lti(ts in .ntt)il)t('t ll)() sltilLrl uill.t:ltt,dl t,illhilsittsilt lttl srxttt rtil t)ill t)f slL,dill
putup(mone\)-proridrnrLrncr rulovrr... (ofavehicleordri\er)-hir Pul ilpll)rilt())t],.tlt)sl(t//i//) r//Ji//c.ij Tltt'ltttstr /tott,tttltihl ttossitt,lll.ttotttl
ptlt Ltp - clr(x)\r it crIlrl(llltc h)L il] (i(ctr()n rull ot-cf ... - fc\ ics rc.rd qLrieklr
\lL'l.ltt(lt)lttl tltt stnt)t,ltttlt(lt(htlL, liill.tistlcttlttt (t)ulllt)litnl nt)tt)tL\llttlt)ultleu,.1ain2
put up lith ... - tolrntc run ofer- mo\r qlickl\ tr) rl Plitcc
I td)t I Pttl tlf ilitl.t l)is ittl(tli'tt'ttL('tt||.t lt)ttilrt.t nttt ottt Lt lht,slt4t rtttl Lr*ctl itt lltt uitttlrtu
quieten dor n - ltccontc lt.. noi.r run through ... - r(p(,l dct:ril: q ckl r ti rr chccki ng p rJro.e.
r r Lr i u

llh0t lltt, ttrtud lttt

rainoff (usedinthepassirr:)-not,rl|rn IorttLrrbccrrLrrcrrl r;Lin rush in-cntci-qrrreklr
iltt'tttttlcl.tulttt;rutrtttl rtl.l sout'I.tttl rt urtslttl lttlttt.) ll)rlttl)ilsntsl)(,li)tttsil/)ndsll.)(bdl tiltl!
ramble ott - kcup trLlking in rLn Lllogrcrl n rtt nrsh into (a decision) - nrlrkc tr tlcci:lon ii irhour thinking

fcachotlt-\trttrhout \o[1 .lrntoi.lrt\r)r]rrtlrjng rushout-lcll\cll roo]]orbtriltlirlilqLtichLr

rcadoff-lortkcltLcittllrlttltntl nr)tc((Slttc.l\ufrntcrt\) saveup-r()llcctnlrncrrnortlcrtobtrrsontthilg
lll nal ,,ll lltr ilttusutunutl! il \t)t! (tt)t tt tilt'lhtnt futrt tt I nt sttLittll tlp lti bil.t tt il(u Mfurbik(
readout-rcrttl in;rl()rd\r)ic( scaledowr-rctlrrccth((\tcntol
I tutltl tlttt llt lisl(n tttf'ljrll.t ts I ruul r,ttl llt( najnl 1s tti,lhl uttttt, tl.rt'.'t sutlt,l fn n ll)( rt,iLlc !)l('tdlit)l
rclson with ... - tn !r r pcr.u;trlr .ont(onc l)\ uring |(r; rrsltntcnt\ scare aNa\ - irishtcl \onl(onr .tntl nltkt thrnt t0 lt\ ltr
llt'ltiul lrttust)iluill.)ltt') hill rl.t(,utiltr)tilllr)ltlisltn Tl.t(st)t!ilLlt4 lli(illtttilsuil('ildtttt\'lltLlltittts
rcckoll on ,,, - dc;lrntl on r\|(ct scare off- nlrkc lonr(onc r(r) f|iglrtcnrrl to c([']'tc t]flil
Iott trill ttLkrttt(lnttlt'ttl t() f)()f)lr(tt)iln'llt)ll)rt)tklin,< ll.tasaSttttnl il4ssl\illltutrtl.f un\'ll)iurs
rcD)ind .., of- nltkr -.onrrorr tnrrntltrr scare the pants olf ... - nr.rkr rrtrrnrrlr irightcncr
/i tis stori'r't tr)nilrlt t)tr t4 ll)( t ttllt.)t t4 \t)illlt \l ultt lfutL lxtnrt lililt j(ttL,l ll)t'lxiltts t)lJ )nrl
rcsigllfrom ...-:ll\ oitlcirlli tllr( \ou\irnt tolcrttt{cgrrrur lob) scrapcoff-rrmorrr()nrcthingh\:uitl)ing
\rttt ttsitnel ltrilt Ltt,t lh tlltt trytLitt1l tLillt ltu lttss ( st u kilil(,1) nttf( tll ll)L,lttiill
rillg ... back - Phonc lonrro0c ) rtg,rir l,ltcr
( screw up rour facc - t\\ ilt \ our iltc! t to :h0$ tli\rltpro\lrl )

lll titt'] 1,ttt lutkil lhtttsrtttyiltott'ilt'us \lttscrttul ttpltt,t Itttt,ittthr*rltttluN(dirtll)t!)rdl

riltgoff-cntl;t|)honrcrtntct.:ttiut scaloff-bkrckrntntnc(\tol)rr\ulttnt(^(ntcntiltLrulorrtrrlllltlllct
ringout(of bells)-rrntklrilh sealup-clos(tightl\ (cstrirhrill)c)
ring up - l)honr see ... into - itcfolttpttnr rontconr lntl;
()tlrt)l l()tt) bolltitttdsnttt,tttltt ln(/r/1/r't .\./ri ilk'ittlt)llt('tl.litLilt(l tska(l iltrlosil lt)uil
rite up-r(l\l,tu.tit.tllt,'.cilr,lilt]t,,.rt\rlt]!i \eeoff-..1\r,"llhrct"\,n](,rt)(t,,L:,,n.t l,rltfll(\
Iitttll\ll.)(lx1ql?t()scilld'ltittsl ll)L,ditldlt)tidl ,-tt)tfnltDutt lltll trtne itll.)(di)lx)tl losL'(\t)trttl.
rollttp-nrrrkcintorcrlinrlcrbr nrllingtutLj rrrllcd-upt srcthrough ...-notbctlccriretl ll
rot lrat - hccorttr rottcr) illl(l di:intcglttc see to ... - dc,tl \ itll
lltt'ttrtilnillul turlttltt(l tlt(ttitilttnldl t)ttl lrtrlltttrl htstt, lrtlll(lrtt(l dtrii,lutttttlslrtllttl.tlidtt
round off- conrplctr rn rcli\ it\ \.lti\llct(nil\ sell out -.cll :lll thr lrrrdr irt tr sltolt ctc
nllc(,ut-climifiLtr notcttnritlct scndarat'for...-\riltlrrsoltuontli)rinfi)fnllri(ntctc
lllrrA';likttttttttitlattlbttlttt'ttutlilrltrrrltuttrdt'r. ltcst,ttltttLtt.lli)tl(,ltilrtlllJrittillilillnhtttkt
rult,t$il\-c\flLl)clronrtro\cl0okinsirlLcr \()Lr (ir(lj rrLnl\rr\) sendback-fctrtfltsont(tltinsl0thrplirccirc:rntc||rrn
rundorl,t(oflrehiclc)-lrit rndinjttrr.rtntcrnc lielldlbr...-\cnrl ,l ntr\\llgcli)r :ontconrtocontrlntl ltclp

rundosn-lo\c|r)\\rr sendin-trll \0l]lrr)n(t(,itoiltto,l r(n,nl

ll ut)il I iltilk Ptrl.utps llu lttllt,tit,t lttilt,tiltl tlltilil llrs lottts is lttra .l'lutst'st,tnl lpt itt

Mirti-Dictiott ct t'1'

scttdin-nriLctor0nconcit\knglirr rnloLnltLron shol otf-ikrthins:or .hol tltingrtotr lnt nr|ltc::|coptc

scnd in - :cntl pc0l)lr to ,r plircr lo (L(rl u itlr .r rr oblcfr shor out - lclLc 'onreonc orrt ot rt pl.rt L
lhtltcnttttcttfl.tttl h)su](l itt lli(tt)tjl)lttlt)l)lhtLirltiltt \furlx)ild)ilrrtttl llilrtlt,glttsirltthrtr.
sendoff-po.t(llcttrrctc) shutdos'n-:lop{rr nnflrin(clc)rorkingtn shrLldorn)
lilklttlttiilPst)luilt t!il(l t|l ltL't l)illltth[\dt(l ll(l\tdlosl)ul &)itt lhritilui(ttstl tLttt)tuliutlin,l
sendoff-ortlrr:t pl;trrr tolcltre tltclrtld shutout-not .rllrrr lororlcrr)
ll tttssil(htbdlli)ill lhtl lht'tt'lt,ttt'st'ttl ltiilt ,tll lthtsttl lhtuintLn lttsl.tttl uttl llt'stilheljtnlhelintrtt
sendon-ior\lrtlillrtl(r(tc) siderith,..-suDDort
\l il( il) tn.) h()ut tt(l(ltns ll.t l)tt)utlt u ill sutd ll)(' lttlu t)tt
t ln tllis (lislllt' l sirlL tr tll.t lltt' 1x1,r',,,
settd out - :rnd sonrrthins to .r ot ol llei)l)lr sift through ... - lrrrk rhrough r rn clrlriullr
\l( & s|'nt t)il1 int ilulit)ns lt) ull llr !ilrslt llc siltatl ll.ilrttt1ll.t lln'lit ol rtitlirltlt,s lt) fitl(l st))i(,t)ttt'sttildl)lt'
setabout-stilrtiiolng:onrctltinr signarar(rourrights)-sigrrir (l()(rurcnt!i\iruLl)ccttuiDfisl]l(\)
llttl bettct settl)t)ttt(lL'ntitry r4rlrli,,/fsi l)ottlsigntildll\)tt ti1l.tls1154ny111p1,,,rt
sctaside(ajudgement)-5ir\ riuds(nl(0ti5n()t\rli(l sirnmerdoq'0-lrrcor]]clci:tlngrr

set ... back-cost\onrc(ntrilrt.lttour)tr)l ltr)n(\ sinkbackinto ...-lutnh; llto((gtntrntrhlltr )

srt dor n (standards) - c\rirbli\h \t.lnorr(\ sink in - hr :lou lr untlcr.Lirrtl
srl in (of r season) - beronrc c.trrhir:hr(l sink (its teeth) into - bilf (l(ct)l\
l.rili/rk', .ff/in ll)(urtll)u,:.!rtl Tl.)!(lt)'<ltiltPt(l illtilttl stttkilsl((11.1 ittLt)hud)tn
seloff-crrLr:r:onrrthjnsto:trlrt sitaround-:it doinl rotlting1rto(luctL\c
seloff-leir\e0nir ioLrfrc\ sitdonn-bcicrrtcd(trdi .jt-tlrun)
llrtcsdtin:<(l.l ub(tttl ti,qhl ttlrxktttttll bcll.tucb.l ltttltt Pleustsil lrttt tttulliltttk()t)l)srll ()ntlotldbl(
set off- crtust sttnrtthint ltr clp|rtrlr sit itt - occLrpr r hrLiL(Lng rl\ it .i11n ol l)rotcst
llricrllttlittl(ul()sl(t)bt'ltittrl rtitl sLl t)l.l[ flttLLrtktrsttl inrtntl tt'liNt'rl ktlLrtttlltLbttihlin3
sct out - i()r.rne\
5titrt on lt sit on (a comrnittee) - bc lt ntcntlrrr rrf tt coltntittrc
ll,('(."llisttsctt)illilrl)llrt'lilhtuirt'tttt,tttttt'.t Tlt(,tuuillt\)rlt)sil tillltt'lnttsitt,!(tililntiltk
sea out - bcsin rn rrctir in r ith .r .prcrlic purprr:c sit out (a dance) - .it (l(tr\ lt ln(l t)ot trkc P.[ t in r drncc
ll(sll t)ttl lri<cl illtitl)ullrittlt'tt,slul itt .lli'ir'rittttttsit lttt t0tlintl ttllrllrt,tsilrttrl lltt,ir.\l dtrtL'r
setoul-(li:l)lit\ in,tn(,rqxri\u(l sil\ slantdosn-rngrilr prrtt|(run.onrcthing,rithrr krLrtl noi:r

set up - r)rgrnisc \tlrft slarn on (the brakes) - prrr our li)r)l (lilickh (x) tltc l)mkc
r pr(lill
set up (equipment) - l) rtcf ccluiPilcnl sonrcnltcLc rLnri gct it rclrlr sleep through ... - coiltinr ( slccpint dc:pLtr thc |oi:c
sel up a database - prcprLrc lt tlrtllLbltrr so thirt it ir rcrr(l\ 1i)r urc slip into (clothes) - fut on cloth(\ quicLL\

settledo\n-li\(irquict (rrrtrnclilr slipout-lcr\rqLrickh;Lntlrlrrrrtlr

\ln'uttnlshu srlll((il)ult
st)tllo,!L'l tlt(ttndtt)ttl lll l|ttttl liltr,ttt ultilt, lltt,trt,u(tf(ltiil!ld(,titit)il
settledos'n-hcconttnlr)rc\tirl)l( slipup-nrirl'cJni\t;tk((n \lil){lp)
llt Ltctttluthril!il| tiltdtill slrilttnl.tst'lllul &ttt tt Tlttstutt'lhtuttttt.!li(k(lt \t)ilt(lnkl.iltsrlillx,(ltrl)
settlcinto(aroutine)-bceontctr:ctl torrrrrtinr slolrdosn-gorrrlt.r|pcnlcsrlrrr(n.lrlrtlrln)
Irtt srrttt scftltittlrtrt u)il|il|r(!)t(l lili,ltlstlrtiltlttinl. Il.telttittslt,ttt,tl il,u]tttstl L'illutl!l,L'lutlilcl.
scn on-rtttrtch ttsing.t nccrlle ;tttrl thtcrtl snlashin-hrt\onrctlring\ir)luttl\ ultil itrolllp\(\
(un )tiil ilil t)i ll)ti btttlt)tt tltdl (titt t)1.1.' \l t sitttsltul ll.te ltnt itt t|nl littttrl lltt' kitltfDltttl htl ittsilt
sharc out - dL\ r(lc rnrl (li\tfihilr( sflell of ... - gl\ c oul th( sntcll r)i
\lln( oul lh( tlsl t)l Il)( (lrssul l)du(u )t)tt Tltis ttke snttlls rl ltnt'1
slraveoff-rcmorcrtJlLlttlt.trt hrrltrtring snoothdown-nrrrke ronrcthirrtllrrclr srlirrthrLrrlucr
Btttllrthstlilltttttt-llL'ssltrrtttlr4.llttst)r1iltlt(1.)(, (,il?slttltt)ilt(,1)L|tnt)nl)islt(tilttttrlsiltrtlltclildoutt
shock.,. into-c:lu\(t(nttcr)rtcloL[r:onrctlringbt:lrockirtg,thcnr snapoutof...-(luickl\s(toulol(ilhtrtinlrrLlt
shootdosn-hringlrlh(qroun(l br.11ir1i11".11 snotredunder-o\enrltclnrrrl
l(itilittttdtt(ru.ll iltlssliltl (h)|)t l\ilttsltkt' llttcbt,ttt sttuttttl ilItlu ltitl.l(,illti(,llttt otuLrtiltltt'lilirut
shoot up - illcrc;l:( filllr(ll\ soak up the sun - lir in rhe \ut) lirr ;r long tintr
ll.)(fti((tlfrl)tlhussfulill)r(otll.i ltcbunynkitt.!tlllhrililtottt(,tttkisltttl
shoparound-Sotrrdiiicrent\llop\toltn(l .r rootl ltricr sortoulaproblcm-rolre ,r problrnt
ll )1)tsl)t)f)tu(ttndlrtt nti,gltl litttl ll.rll dl tltiuulti(( ll(tr,:t)l l()strlt)rl ll)t, lttl)l(,t4tlul)(,t(,tt)tlt)
slroutdonn-shout5oloild\ Lhll ll \l)cirkcr clrnnotbrhc:rrl sparhoff-uu:rlr rioltnL lctirrtr tLrltcgin

slrol iu-btirgroncrtncinlo;l rorrr't't spcakout-ltothcltlr:tjiL togircrorLr opiniitn(ttt j itttspol,rlr



speak up - spcak nrrre loucLlr stick on - rttrch using glLte

Cur )0t! slctk il[), I nt o bit d!4. I ll jilst stick ll.)('stuntps on this lettel
speed up - go l:lstcr stick to the point - not get lr tl\ fron thc poinr
Tlrt'cttt btgtnt tu spced up dnd uqs soou ()tl oJ sill.)l Tl.1tt istt I tele|ont. Kindl.y stick t() f)oiilt.
spit it out - 5lr n hrt r ou are relJh thinkingl stick up - l)oint up\1 trds
Spit il oilt.tTcll us ul.tot s on ytut tnitul I l.)ilt't tit) li)d on u nail nhitl.t ll//.r sti(*i( up ftn]n Jloot..
splash down (of a spacecraft) - Ilnil i n n,rter sair up (trouble) - cr.rse tf0ublc sptteurJi sl.rnrld splush tloun in tl.te Pacific \oDte ugiktht's tticd lo stit re trotl:)lc 0t the iltcctin!
split up - dir rde into groLrps stop off- brcd l journcr
I iltt
u ) ou tu s|lil uf intu g ouls q foilr. I e stoplcd ofl in (1nbct)'d oil tl.le u t.) bnck t() S.)dnc.)'
split up - cnd l reJationship stop over-bfeak ir plltnc journcr (n st0po\er)
Hou stdt Jock rnd .Jill l.i]r e jtN sllit uf ultet oll ) rltN Feli(itl shfled u tt iil Bungkok ()n
tl.tcsc tl.)p lnmc
spread out- open somethior lnd put it on a surtucc stofm out- ler\e irr tr rcn bld tempcr
The [lcile]tl sfue]d tl.te nnl an on ll)e toble Oil'cn lost l.tis tentpc) dttd stomrcd ui.
squeeze out - li)rcc sontcthing orrt ol I c0ntxincr b\ s(lLteezinu sto$asav-hirlr (cg onlship)(n sto$ll\it\)
I iust c0n I s(luee.e ortt tl.)tt lust bit (l'tutl.lpostel bol l.ttd stoued 0uu.l, l.npiil! b sltil tu lilM'ict
stand bt' ... - supporr straighten out - stop sone0ne bcing n'orried lncl conlirsed
1 grxxl fl iend uill sttnd b.l,tou if lou tt iu ttotrble Tltis Pulient l.)os eiloti(nrul pnbleilts He trculs stt.0igl.)tening ailt.
standb) -beinresenr rflrdr to bc rsed (n st:Lnd-br) strap up - lut blLldlgcs lI ound (eg xn ilrnt)
Coilld )ail stund b) in ctse ue ncetl un ritt0 dtiLeti fhc nilrse stroplcd trl l.)e] ]ut Ind tuld l.)et nat Io use il.
stand b\, ... - n0t chlngc roLunind tbout shlrtrorr hlle slid stretch out - lic rr fLrll )engrh
\1)thing 1.10s chlilged I stlnd l).)' n.t ot'i!1iilol stutenknl ll'c liclLlyd out on tl.)c sdnd and ilent h sleel)
stand for ... - represent rtrike up (of a band)-.trn lrLr\lnll nIt.i(
lllnt lt, tl't ltilers IEl ;1n,fi j,r, l l.te hutul shttck ttf dild tl.te dtilccrs belon disll.t)
stand for .,. - rolcratr strip down - t:rkc to picces
He uon t sfutnd frt tn.) n)nscns(, ll c ll Lnte to sttip doil'il tl.i( et(!int to liild u hdt s ut.on!
standin-trkc someone s plxce (n stand,in) stub out- t\tin.qLrish (a cigarcttc ctc; br hitti;rg it agrinst sontethinu
I'ou ll l.tare h ottend the nrcetin!
h sltncl iil iJ hc s ttiloble He slullxd ottt bis riglrctte in tl.te lsl.)tlo.)
standinfor ...-trkcsontcone sphcr(cgif drer rre iLl) suffer from ... - bc in plin bccause of
-lill Lnd la sttttd in fot Lter htss uhr.t Ltld suddenl-)'been tttken ill ll Lten I do a lot o[ t.)li]tg I suJlet fron tdrible ileck t(hr
stand out- be n0ticel]bk (xdi oLltstilt(ting) sum up - bricfh stare lhe nrin points
t)tsteilt [,til ofc slttt{ls ()ilt os tn obiuts o] e0 J0t c.V1ilsiotl I ll lt) lo ynt ul thp situttiott in t Icu u'orrls
stand out (a mile) - bc r rn noticcablc swallol down - cllrsc t0 ptss hoD't \ 0ltr moLtth t0 \ 0Ltr st0n'uch
\ittt cun sec Lte s ieulotts. ll sttnds (.)il| t iltile fl.)( Dill u 0s so hrge ll.xtt il uzs l.t1td fo). tl.te bo.t kt suztllut it.
stand up - let to r our fcet sn'ell up (of an ankle) - brconc hrgrr
The pupils htrtc t0 stInd up ilheil the teod.tct cltitts in ll ll.L tnkle suclls tq futt 0tt icc futk ()fi it
stand up for (r,our rights) - strongh dcfcnd r oLtr lghrs switch off - stop electricll cclLripmrnt I ofting
Don't be ]ftuid lo st1)td tq) fut )rtti till.ils 0s.t citi:ctl Be surc to su ilcl.) rlf nll tltc ligl.tts be.frtrc 1nu lear e
stand up to ... - t'tot rltn lrn lr liont sonteone switch off - strry pt\ing tttention not be lblc t0 concentmrr
Dut t e);pcct int k) st]nd ttp kt s1tuebrfi.l u illt tnLrstles thrtt bilq! Tl.te fu(ttu'c u trs so brt ing I sttitcl.ted oll.
stand up to ... - endurc (roLrgh trertntcfr) sq'itch on - stlrt clcctrirtl equipmcnt I orkinu
Tl.tis trutr u rts built tu stilnd uf) to ull kintls rl'u'crttl.ter Qtil [ su itcl.1 ofi ll.)e TI 0ttd uttttl] ll.le tkils,
start out- lu\c origin bc originrJlr
xs its swoop down - cone dor n suddcnlr tltd scizc 0t llttllck
I l.tis stLt) ted oul ds (t t)6-pctgc book bttt it TI)e bit (l sulnped d()u n ond ,qrIbbed the pierc oI U rqd
stdrt up (a business) - rct I bLtsiness going (rdj srltrr.up) tail back (oftraffic) - iorn I long qurue 0r rlilbtck)
I tn lut'iilg tl.)is job h stilt ill ltt-), orL n busiilcss The tt4Ji( t0iled bLttk li)r ut l(tst o nil?
slav ln - not go oLt t take aback -
I nt strt.lingin hnigl.)t. ILc ld tm nu(l) lrnileu0tk to do Tl.te G()t ('DtDteDl u'et( t0kril ubrttk b), ll.te retttirttt
\l.a\ on-n,)t l(.t\c.l( tlt( (\llcatc(l tintc take after ,., - rcscnrblr
lldn) f)il|)ils stit.)ul on ut scl.laol lo lIke suilc Dtt)t( (.\tilts's te4 inlclligent. Sl.)e tukes oJtcr l)e) Dtotl.)cl
staY on- rcnrltjll in phcr not comc oif take apart - dismi|ntlc Lke to piccr:
)11'l.tttl urtt t sfut) on in tl.)is u iila!, I Lud k) tutkp tl.)r t|(xlcl qm l k) Iit it into! b0,\
sta\- 0n- not br N itchct Oif take (vour breath) an av - surprise r ou lt lot
Do ll.)r li,ll.tts l.)tr( Lo slu.l ou dll, ricu lo()k ttt-l'btcd!h ou'u.l slt:tIutuIttt
StaY up - not ilo t0 bc(l rakeback-.rgnt tlt.rt nlrrt r.,tr .Ji(l i.,l('t ur.(
\l.)Ltll tL( stutl tQ ltll uilcl.i ll.)( lot? Iilntl Itttkc hrttk trer.ltl.titl! | ynd | rcil|.t etjo.lul n.yself.
sta) out - not rrtut n hontc take back - rcturn
llost (l tl.ic tutn stu.)cl oilt (el(btutiit!1tll Ii!ht. I t)tilsl luk? tl)cs( b(ttks butk to libttt)
step don n (of a chairperson ) - n.igrr take ... back- mlkc soncone rhink olprst crcnts
Tl.)t! d.nit'ildil stql)cd rloun atrl tL'us rcllrced by Ltis rlelttrt.l Tltis d0u(' tnusit ltkes nc butk to ll)c time I ttrcl .1rtru lttther.
step in - grt rn\ ol\ crL intcn cnc take donn - r ritc clor n intormirrion
I htd tu slcl in ul.tctt distttssion got l.)uttul. ll.)( ttf(nlcr knk djutr tl.te dctuils rl uttident.
step up - incrcitsr lake don n - rrntor r fronr lr hrgh phcc
Tl.te1 fud kt rltl) ilp lt(rlil(tion k) iltt)d iit0cusatl tfuntntl On tl.te sl.tell wts trtt rld l:ttt.t Ltl.titl.t Lt trtok dou u und olcnul


take dorn-chsnrrntlc untLo urnrcthingrou lurc crccted tear apart-di\turb crotionul r pLrJl br diifi'rcnt directions
lttculedl.telptot]kelounll.)(l('nt \l.ttuustol)t uputtb.luildl.yul(lictiilgu)tations
takein-ibol dcccirc teardown-trlroffuurrllctc
takein(clothes)-nrkcclotLrcsourrolrr tearoff-remole br telrtrg
take in - Lrndefstlnd rr en thing tear up - tcnf rl']to preces
lc()uldnltuktitt ull tl.ttittJiltttutio)t Ltl otkr lluttduht(tQhislcllct undlheuitoil! ol ll.teuindou
take in (for questioning) - tuke to x policc stltion t0 (lur\liof tee off- hit the llfst shot in l ganrr ofgolf
take... into(\'ourconfidence.)-coLrliclcil tell ... apart-(Liffcrcntilltcbctscclr
take... into-ircceptrspilrt0llnorglnislLtio;r telloff-rcpriulLncl(u trlling{O
llctcletilelkrtttkcl.tininkt freDl/.\r/rrJ.r Hi:)itoll.)etlddl.tintqfl .lu unnin3l.)ontelqte
take ,,, into - rrcconrplrnr sonrcone into rt pLace tell on ... (of pressure) - hlr c l noticcltblc cifcct ol
llelu*n.lltrttgl.ttetinktl.ttspilul ll.tistilotiliilg lhcftcssiltct)fdll ll.)(c\ltuuotkl)egtnlolell ()ubtlt.
takeoff(of aplane)-rtrp:rrt (r ilke otl) tenseup-bec0me renous fiakcrorLrnrrsclcstighr(rdj rensed-Lrp)
l'hu lldn( is (luc to ltkc o.ll ul si,\'o clock I ulu uts teny ul u bul I l.)ltc lt) nttke (t sfeed.l
takeoff-rcmorc(clothesctc)florrrotrrbodr thinkof ,.,-lurc:uropinjonrbout
llt lih knk(ll L) onl.)isslillcts l|l.i(ttlo.Wuthinkrf Ltct l]lcsl pfu.),?
take off- dcduct think ol'er - considcr
take off (of sales) - inr p r;r c considc r lb l\ think tfirough - thrn k clrcfrrllr lhoLrt tll t h r possib le coLr\eq Lrcr'rce s

oil I ut i)til
Stles usrrull.) tuke tl.)e se.lsal
tou irt lll ( licil | tleds to tl.)itlk it t)t!91.1 Tl.)erc cutH l)c f roblctils
takeon-rlssuilc(urcsponsibilitr c\tll\orkctc) thro\r'a$av-grtrlcloisomcthingnoJongcrusefLrl(lcLj thro*:rulr)
take on (passengers) - rllol prssengers to bolrd l sJrip or pllne throw down - thro\\ sonrething (10\ rstrirs 0r to x l0$ cr positron
takeon-gi\tcmplo\nrcntto thros ... into(prison)-lorccsonreolretogurntrpri\or]
takeout(abook)-borrix lbooklromlljblln lhron out-getridof
\'ot Ltn tuke t)il| lott libitt) btnks il )ou utttt lo lle Ltud to lhtou ()ul tll tl.)e L)ucked ll.ttcs
takeout-obtrinu egrrl rLocunent thror up(a job)-rr:iunironr:r job
Tuke oul sune itNtnil( bef otr lou lo on holi(ltl R()sd ll)rcu ilf) l)et j(11) u]tl ictuillul to l.)ct ()ilnlr.)
takeoul-tlkrsonrconrk)thecinrnrrrtc tidt-up-nrrkc(rilr(n)nl)ncrtbrprLttiruthing:rriur
Ht)rltkiil!ilteoill loll)rilis(oll.)i.\(tcilitt! \rtt ll Lrlrclolil.l illtl.)ts)tt)ntb4t)t(.lt)ilt lutl)tt lttsfu)iltr
takeout-c\tfiLct(cgltOotl]) tiedorn-linritthcfrctdonroi (lcnlirl LLtd lo ltkr ottl lh( Loll.) ts il utts s() btd I don | iluill k) be liul l()uil b.)'t tLilc dil(l t lLilDtl_l
take out (a loan) - arr':rngc t0 borros mor'rc\ tighten up (securin) - rrkc srcr,rritr -rtricrer
\l.tclrxtk1ul tt hnntrtltttyutteutril ll.tisproie(lruJ?(/i,/.l0uell L)urcloligl.)lililPstutrit.)
takesit(outofl-ou)-nltkrsrou tccl rcn tircd tipoff-infornr rurnuboutlLllturec\rnt(n tip-oiR
Dtinq trll ll.tis grtlutin! rcull.)' ltk$ il oul ol loil tlru f)(lice uete ttpl)cd oJJ ubottl bunk ttid
takcitouton ...-makcsonrconcsullcrbeclLrse\0urrcrr]gn rtc
tireout-mrkesonrconc\rn tired(arlj tiled0[t)
lkilou'.)ott trufspl bllt lt,iltlttilllttil('lt)lttkL iltttll iltltnet (turlit4qrtll tl.tttscbricksteolh lirctlnjcoull
takc oler-glriL'r control oi(lr conrlxr]\) (n rxleo\rO tone dosn- mrkc lcsr cltrenrc
take overfrorn.,,-rcphce toneupmuscles-inrprrrcthe contlitionofnusclci
llct(l oIi(cl.)usscnl st)iltct)nclt)ltk(otct ft)tit tl)c(llnntutget Tl.testelutisestLill trtttcttli'0tti /eglilsrit.i
takcto...-ljkcsonconc\0un'rctt li)rthclifsttimc topup-fill LrplLc0rtrrirerthlthlsbccnplrrtilllrcmptied
ll(ll.t uds so lj icildl.l lhul I l&k l0 hct ittilttcrlitlel) ( iln Il(D ]oil tQ ()t u\)il|(l
_)\)r! DrJu u crl/cct
takc up - rtur t (r iob 0r hobb\ ) touch down (of a plane) - lrLnrl
takeuptnoffrr-ircccl)l irr'roilir touchon...-ntc[tt0n
takcup-Ltsc 0ccull\ (lrntc sl)llcc) touchupaphoto-llterbr chlngingsmxll detrils(tdi toltched-ull)
takcup-nriscrtopic tos awar (of avehicle)-pLrll rtur lnotherrehiclcriitltlropr
takeup-shortrn{rgrskin) trackdosn-JindlLttcrr rxoidiliicultr
Tltt skitl uus trtt krl1rl vt Ltutl kt tuke it trl I rt littull.l uuilx,,lc(l to lttrk doilil I ul).t (t tlt buk
talli ... into - pcrsuudc ro reone tu) rlo sonrcthing, tfl'on - put 0n sonrcthing t0 scc if it flts
talli ... out of- pcrsLtltlc ronrronr rot to (lo 50 nrthilti.l tr)- out - tcst
\l)t lt irl lo

tuckinto.,,-( nashdonn-ttrcr\lttfltorrnto\((lirtliontlL.ttrlicr
ll.trl.1iltrlr)urtrkusltttkul ilti,lltt,itlitttt'r. )rrtiltttsl tttshfututrlltt,urtllsbtlrtrtt)ililtttllxtiilliil'<
rumbled0nn-l.rll douninrli.,rrdrr rashout-rrnrorcrLsthrrr:rrltoinlshing
lhttht,qkilrkttl tlintttttl st'nl'ttsl ltttttlslittlthtutt Tl.)isnut ld('r!!utl uill tttsltrtttttl.teslttitt
trr)e into ...-\(t ((nrrr)l:toir p.rtjrulirf irr(1r(nci rLrLiostlrtLon nashup-llt:htltcrlishcslLnt cutlc[ (r \lr\]ring-rl))
I lik( lilttiil,! iill) It)tL,t'!tt ru(lit) sl!!li()ni tltiltlrt,tt trtil tlt'tu lltt,lrtltlt'rtnl I ll utsl.t ttlt
nrneup-nrrrkc;rnrusirill in.rrunrcnrpl.rr inttrnc natchoutfor...-bcc:rrrful bccr[.ct)l rdrrnstr
Tl.t(illltsi(ititsl)(!0ttlttlii(ltl!ltlltt,s/,/,((',:ili,lrfrlr/l llttkl.tottllit srrritr.ittDutlt)ult)ltilkinlittlltt,lrttst
turnagainst...-rolrngrr:trpport hcho:tilcti) saterdo$n-l)t;Lkrrclkcr lcs:contrrlcr:jltl

turnasa\ -rcfLr.ccntn to $avedo$n-\ignltT t0st()ll

turnback-\t()p;lndrcLurnthe n.rr rouhrrrr(onre n'are on-.ignrrl (cgrilllic)tocr)nrinrc
l'l.tctrtrl tttsltlr,ckttl ttlltt,1 ttctclttcctl lrtltlttbtLk lltcltlittu(trc(l tl.tcatnt)nbul nltt(ltllt((o(t(l)tsslt)l)
turndonrt-rclr:t rcirct qeafdo$n-nrirkrsclrlicl
turndon'n-rcrlucc(thchf.Lting \()lLrnlcct() nearoff (of pain)-no|(rn{cr.rfllctsonrconc
//l/3fAr/r/t iltrtnt,r.u(ll lrtnt (h)ililtlultttliil'! ll ilttist)iltt'liiltrl)(.liilrlh('lxtiilu()rc,41.
nlrnin-Sotol)c(l sear... out-nltkc:omcLrnccrhllu:(cd{rtlj rornoLtt)
\ltlbdlultilni)t stn)tt (tsi(tt'llt)ttuttdtl.til(t)ltt)t)r)t)t)u l)ttittgttll lltt.tlty.litl!tutll)i'L'isntpoit.
ll.lslt!(l|/tlsilstktll.)lu|t inttr.)t!(t)duttk Ittttornrttl ,/l.i,ocsi,rlll lutt tlrtbt lltil(ulni).
tunr... into-chrrgciDto.oltclhinudiitcr(nl neigh..,don'n-1)ut\oil(onctrnclcrlkrtoipr$:urr
llll ltk(,nttrllhltt sntrtlthlltt'sk)ltutllint itllt)t! lurlltnttttt Tllctrrtsttt,illhtddrtuttl\ulilristtrtnit,s
turnoff-\topiLnclc(trrcirl (l(\icr\\orking seighup-u..c.:
ll td li!ltl ll(tsl.1es lrnt t)ll ll)t
turn off ... - l(Lrc rrnc rrrtl rtnrl g() nto;rn()th(r while anar (the tirne) - nukr thr tinre L)il:l
furnon...-:rtt;rcl hccomcho.tilc nhipup-cncotrr;ttrpcol)lctr)icclcrcitctlrtc
Hc tr ts lxtrll) itt.jtrrul u l.tut
turnol1-\rrlLl.rnclcctricrldrriccrorking winddonn-trllrr
Tt|ilrtttlltt',4till ttil(l :!it(,il tiiltttt)htil il lnulrttltritrlttbl)t'lttltL'llnt'uinddrnttdl lhtu&kL,Il
rurn on - \tirr l heh.r\ ing rn .r (cr t.rn \\ r\ n ind down - trrr n ;L hlndlr to nlirkc !(lilcthillg conlc (lo\\ n
turn out ... - J)ro(lrLcc l'ind donn-gntdLltllr rcdrrcr thr lmorurf of \\ork tr business tior.
rurnout ...-hcinthrrntl nindup(acompan.r)-flu\c.lconrp:ln\ tocul\crllrlil'tg
ll0t\ill !)ul lt)l)(d'ltltlrnt(.(ij
Tl.tcsl.r)u dr.\i/(\.ilt(i.rJi)irl/r/rul Ltt'l.utl tr'uintl ultlltt'trntptttt
rurnout-.\ileltoii{thclightorgrtst Irireup-connrct(rplrrg)rith(lrc(ric:ll \\irc\
Otttldlutt ltuttotttll.tLli, ttl.tett itttt luttt' tt(lt)tstt'rl\)treuit(l llth(tl p[tt14tonulh,
turnout-ronrctolrplicrto\(rs0mcthir!(n lufrorLt) workarat-kccprorking,;na1,,, ,,a',, norkofT-getritl 0l brrrcrtrru

ll lilr di( Qilt l lilnt lt) il l ilt itt l|ttblt'', ltttittt't iit1t,lrt/rrl sorrtr ttrt,r'(ists l() u\trk t)ll ('\t'css litl
rur,tup-r)t(rcit\c(rgthctolttntc) \'orkon...-\\ofktonltkror intprorc
Dt)illltltt)ttftlhtrrtltilttr"llslrtttl tttrtt,lltttlrutl) ()il) r(i('ilislttttru0tkitt,qrtttirul.l'l)(tllfii(.
turnup-nlilkc\onrcthjrlg,point rrprrud: norkon ...-til rr)ilflucnc(
turnup-.lrri\(.rl)pc;lr!om($hcr( norkout-tlrinkrboLrt.rJrrohlrrlrntl iindtltrrrn.ucr
()nt tlttilt( lilntul Ltl) tt)t fu)rt lulc ltnht\ | iilsl (ilI I utilk oilt tl.t( tntltt't lt) lhis sililt
t\pcas'a\-kucptrping nork0ut-bc,rl] nghtinthe cntl
uscup-tt.e .tll ol sorkout-(loc\(fri.rrtokrcptlt(n sorkrlrl)
nlkeup-(cilu\!\onr(r)nrlo)\(op\lrcl)il'rl.l nrestlerith...-ijglrt $ith(ollcltntoirll\j
$alk into a trap - unc\prrt((ll\ g(l t|llPprr] in .l (lillirr lt ritLrirtron \\ritc dorn - nr;rlir:r rotc ol r((otr in \\ litins
lknt'u ll.utrl utlktlittlt)tlt(tltt l.tett lstttr ltts,lrilt HttL')ttillt)l st)))t(l)up(r.tlIutl lttu)il(dt)uiltl)ist(ldt(,ss
$alkon-continrrcrrrlkingin.r ecrlirin(lirrctr)n s'riteoff-rcnd.r l(tt(rroilnorrilni\rti(nt
It'l s tt ttlk rtt ttttl htk rtl sotttt' tttrtr ltttiltlitks \itnt)i |1lt,t1lf l(il tltluils rl lltt,it sl(iill tllt't

I\:llliout-l(il\(.r\it\lilnol lrrolrst (D \\rlk1)ut) r'ritein-in5(t\oDctllirginlott lirrnrorotltcf $tirtrntc\t

$alLouton ,$t nritein-rrrtctotLT\ \t.rti{)lt(tr

trilril Up-tio c\(rcirts lr Irorcn thc nrttrclcr tn r.l|nt-trIt

ll t Lutt t, Ir il tt t)t ttl b(,li)t ( (htil/L /r? //r./r/ (t!r/r art


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