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TITAN DATAFAXES AND RULES ‘Tim DuPertuis and Lots Of Playtesters “Atfong last the datafaxes and rules for the Warkiound, Reaver, Revenant and Mhantom Titans are finished (still have a ways to go con the Gargant however), so get thase models painted and cut an ‘he bate! ADDING TITANS TO YOUR ARMIES: “Titans are parchosed ag ales out of the support section of aa army list up to maximum, of 25% of your army, Twans are not really appropeiate for 1900 poant games afterall! Asa second Dption, determine before the game the maxinsusn narber of points are available fer Titan purchases foreach side ‘Tuan purchases are be considered as coming fiom a special se- tion of the support section of the aemy Hist and both players should have the same amount of points available for Titan pur- chases. Imperial Tang are considered as fom the Impe- ‘ial Guard army list, sare allies in apace Marine army. Since ‘Titans are pticnal yehcies in the 40K system, all players newd to knew well before armies are selected that points wal be available foe purchasing Titans, VICTORY POINTS: ‘The Derk Millenium Viciory Points Table-Vebicle is sionply exe tended instead of ending at 400 points to get VP for Titans. Titan Cost Damaged Destroyed or Disabled 401-500 * Avietory points 3 victory points 501-800 23 vietory points: 601-700, = A vietory points 701-300 ‘ Avietory points ‘801-200 4S vietory points: 801-1000“ S victory points 1001-1100 <6 vietory points ‘TITAN MOVEMENT Titars may move up to the movement stat on tho dataiax. Titans do not ran at dowsblo rate and do not change at double rate. However, Tans enly need to declare a charge in onder to engage another Tar sot stomp other things as they move (soe stomp ‘ules bens). ‘Titans must move in a straight line in the direction their legs are facing If they need to change direction cating their movernent, ‘each urn of up 1043 degrees conts 3 oftheir movement. This 3° Sil counts as mavemvent for spoed modifiers. Very agile Titans Such as the Varheund asd Revenant get one aiditional tree 45 ‘Gegice tusn at the slart and atthe end of their moves as describest ‘on the daiafaxes. Lor hillsand broken or dificult ground have no efecto a ‘Titan's move, Ttans ean step over objects as tall as their knees, ‘but not taller. Woods are very dificult round. Buildings and rmacsh are impassable, Tans may make stomp attacks cn ‘buildings one 4° xt" section at 2 time in an attempt to clea a passage to valk through. (sce stomp rules below), ‘TIAN DEPLOYMENT “Titans deploy before all other tops, starting with all Titans ‘bolonging to the fonce with the lowest Stratagy Rating, Eldar ‘Titans are considered to be moving 21” atthe startof the guine. ‘TITAN SHOOTING AT OTHER TARGETS “Thane follow the normal targeting roles for shooting at vehicles and infantry, but ach main weapon s considered « separate unit in game lerins this means that if one of the Tian wespens destroys a squad or vehicle, the next weapon ta shoot may choose another target. tans may always shoot at any Titan (not jast che closest) in preference lo vehicles or infantry ‘Special Firing, Rules: Because of their immense power supplics and superior ammuni~ tional Tian woapons ignore range-based penetration moxtitiers All Titan weapons using normal sustained fre dice rule roll fhe Sustained Fire dice frat to determine hose many shots have beon. fired. Then rol to it fo each shot. Secondary targets for sus- tained fire Titan weapons can be up to 6" away freen the intial target. Titans are not equipped with targeters We found that, given their relatively high 65 skis, tangeters made itso Tans rly missed thels targets and would preity much Blow every ‘hing off te bead TITAN FIRE ARCS Fire arc. are measured from the pivot point (wespon pivot pin) of the weapon, LOS fram Titan wespens is also figured from the pivat point of the weapon as this fs whore the isrgoting devices bre mounted. Ranges to and from Titans are measured from the feet of the Titan, not the tipo the (12°) guns, (Note: These lithe detnis are need #9 prevent serious arc nd range sbuses becase the Titans ares0 large.) Unless it states otherwise un the datahix weapons table, tans ‘weapons have a minimum weapons range of 6. Carapace ot wing, ‘mounted weapons alwayshave a minimum range of 12". Any targets at ranges closer than these may not be targeted by the ‘Titan's weapons, “are with pivoting waists may make one waist pivot fp 087 at the end ofthe movement phase (and ONLY a the END the ‘movement phase) boot Ging Al weapons fics except for Sonpons with 360 fir ane mnt fie wth the in Boy re fe fits may not move unkess te boy within the ent 90 degre ae ofthe legs IMPERIAL VOID SHIELDS ‘oid shies ane sed to protect Imperial Tans from damage. Hite will damage the void shlelt first, and only when all void shields ‘sre downvean the Titan take any damage itself Void shields are ‘wounded! automatically by any hit; however thay have a + armor sive on 205 against any damage so a weapon must have at Teast a2 save modifier to force a save rol. the void shield ‘makes ite save, the attack is deflected with no harm tothe Titan. If the void shield fails is save it goes down, but the damage from the attack is absorbed and wen tham the Titan itself (or any ‘other void shields that are still up) anv fxperial Tian has ane or more void shield up then the shields will provide a save from psychic powers usod against the ‘Tan on wll o 4+ cna DS, Ifa ofthe shields are down, then it receives no save and the power affets tho Titan Miko a vehicle, [Note that the Titan only gets one attempt to save against a psychic ‘panes, no matter how many shields are working. Also, note thet this save will fist friendly’ poychic powers as well imauisiton 33 Downed void shies can be epaied ifthe Ttan has a Tech Priest Engineer on board, Each Tech Priest ray ater to repair ene ‘oid shield portar. Rll s DK a the end ofthe wach of your turns {or each repair etempt, on all of4 5 or 6 the Tech Priest manages to repai the veel shield and st comes back sp, ELDAR HOLOFIELDS Eldar Titans are fitted with holoficlds that an unmodified save against shooting attacks based on the speed of the Titan in the previous turn, Eldar Titens are always considered tobe moving 21” atthe start of the game. Titan Movement Hoiotield Save 20's be 10+ * . 5s o 6 [fan Eldar Titan has a functioning holofield then it wil provide a save from psychic powers used against the Titan on a toll of Ay ona Dé Ifthe Ekdar Titan’sholofeld is not functioning or destroyed, then it receives no save. Ako note that this save will cect frienaly’ psychic powers as well POWER FIELOS Power Fields work the same way as void shields, but go dowen permanently when the save is fatled. SHOOTING AT TITANS: tacking meclels can always choose toshoot at ANY Titan in preference to other targets, even ifthe Titan is not the closest target \Weapons hit as normal with the fllowing special to hit modifiers: “sLLange target +2 Nery large target (Great Gargant oniy! =X. Movement medifies as appropriate High/Low Blast Markers 2° (or smaller) blast markers are oot lerge enough to include both the body and the legs af large Titans, To hit the legs of an Imperial for Eldar Titan of Reaver/Phantomn size or larger wth a (oF smaller) blast marker you must directly target the logs and have no chance of hitting any other parts. the Titan. With regards to blast marker weapons in genoa assure thatthe height ofthe late s equal to # radius (.e. blasts with 3° templates go up. tothe eight of, ot). Falling Titans Ifa Titan falls bocauso of leg darnage or just general dosteuction, rolla satter die t see which way it falls. Anything under the falling Titan must make 2 stomp attack save or be hit by tho Ramm value ofthe Titan. CLOSE COMBAT ‘ATitan must declare a charge (giving up its shooting phase) to go. into close combat with other Titans. Titans do not have to declare 8 charge to make stomp atiacks on infantry and /or vehicles (see Stomp rules below), A Titan fights in close combat just ike any model. Imperial Titans ‘use the Princeps’ WS, Land A stats in close combat, Eldar Titans uso the spirit stone's WS, Land A stats in close combat. In adtition there are modifiers to the WS, land A stats in the Dan ‘tat line that modify a Titan's fighting abilities, Example: Phantom uses the spict stone WS of @and then adds the +3 Phantoe Titan modifier fo a total WS of 9 Use the Titan's Ram Value when inflicting damage on opposing ‘models that are hi in close combat, uniess using close combat ‘seeapons,in which case all attacks use the weapon's wales. All fits caused by non-Ttan enemy models in close combst are inflicted on the Titan's legs. Non-Titan opponents may not uso the ‘multipleattacker bons and may not parry Titans can only be pire! by Titans of a smlae or larger size Each close combat weapon the Titan carries adds +1 to its Attace characterstis in addition to any other rules tha apply to tbe ‘weapon. ‘Stomp Attacks vs Charges and Rams “Titans that aze charged or rammed by anenemy model are allow: led to make & ree’ stomp attack against cach enemy model that attempts to charge or ram the Titan. Work out the stomp attack as ‘orm, but do not deduct anything from the Titan's next move. If the charging or ramming model i able fo avoid or otherwiso survive the stomp, it may complete i's move and attack the Titan ‘hand to hand combat or ram it Because Ttans are so massive, rams will ony aifect the Titan's legs, these isno chance wo damage ‘othee Titan hit locations, ‘STOMP ATTACKS. _ATTitan may make stomp attacks (one or many, ss long asithae ‘movernent remaining) during its movement without declaring 2 ‘charg. Each stomp attack costs the Titan 7" of is movement and tacks with the Ram Value of the Ttan, Note thata Titan isnever ‘damaged when itaukes a stomp attack. Infantry /Vehicles ‘As the Titan moves over a unit or vehidle if may aitempe to step ‘omit. These attacks use a blast marker to determine which targets ace it. Scout class Titers (Warhouncd, Revenant) use a 15 iach ‘last marker while the Reaver and Phantom use 2 2 blast marker. Since these attacks are slow and penderous, each individual ‘model or vehicle attacked may try tomove cut of the way by zolling a Ds, The number below indicates the roll necessary to ‘escape a stomp attack 3+ Non-Terminator Infantry escapes. 44 Light vehiles uggin, kes, spenders), a 6 —_Hoavy Vehicles escape. (vehicles with fast speed less than or equal to the exespe is succesaful siyply move the model out ofthe “Titans path, Vehicies are moved forward only, not sideways or ackwwards Stomp atacks against vehicle ae salve against the top (rear armor values. ‘Stomp Attacks vs Buildings ‘Titans may make ‘stomp! attacks against buildings. Rach stomp, attack wil only affect one 4” by 4 rection ofa bulking. and a ‘successful ion will cause a rell on the Building Damage Effect Table with a +3 modifier to the roll IMPERIAL TITAN CREW [Imperial Titans are operated by large crews who work together to Keep thei machine moving and fighting, The mo= vial exw ember of these huge war engines isalways the commander (call aPrinceps). He willbe aided by Tech Past Engineors who _mainiain and repair the machine, and Servitor Motrat that fire the Tian’ weapons Weapons are fred using the BS of the Titans Servitor Moderai ‘The Moderati are built into the weapon they fire, so may not be placed if slain. An Imperial Princops may direct the fre of the Titan against a single target. Any shots on that target receive a +1 tohit modifier, Use the Princeps’ WS, I and A in close combat fhe is slain the postion can be taken over by Tech-Priest Engineer using the ‘Rormal rules, but not by a Moderati as they are permanently ‘connected to their weapons. Until the Princeps’ pasion is taken ver the Titan may not move, fight in hand to hand combat or shoot (ie. they are hit in hand to hand combat automatically) ELDARTITAN CREW Eldar Titans are operated by a crew consisting of an Eldar Guide and Eldar Gunners who work together with the sprit stone to keep their machine moving and fighting. The spirit stone WS, BS, [and A stats are used by Eldar Titans unless the spit stone is. ‘damaged. Eldar Guides do not have the Imperial Princeps' ability to direct fire the sprit stone's BS is high enough already’). PSYCHOLOGY Like vehicle crews, Titan crews are immune to Psychology and never have to take break tests while in the Titan. All Titans cause terror. See the terror rules for changing or being, charged by 2 terror causing beastie PSYCHIC DEFENSE Paychic powers affect Titans as if they were vehicles, with the ‘exception that functioning void shields /powerfields /holoficlds give the Titan a 4+ save against paychic atacks, VEHICLE AND STRATEGY CARDS ‘Titans do not use cards vehicle cards! None ofthe Strategy Cards ‘can have any effect on Titans and none ofthe cards can be used on a Titan, NON-TECHPRIEST REPAIRS: ‘Techmarines and Mekboyz wandering about the batlefield are not capable of repairing Titans, so do not use the special repair rules on Titans. SPECIAL RULES FOR ODDBALL WEAPONS. Ifa weapon s not lsted here, then use the normal rules for the weapon when used againt Titans. Graviton Gun: Graviton guns are not powerful enough to ‘penetrate void shields or powerfields, therefore shiolded Titans are not affected. Unshielded Titans taking hits are automatically penetrated, but the +1 damage modifier is not used, Haywire Grenade: Haywire grenades won't effect a shielded ‘Titan, but otherwise affects them normally. Stasis Grenade: Titans are not effected by the outer slowing, down’ area around the eige of the template, instead treat the main template as slowing them down rather than imprisoning them. ‘Rad Grenade: All Titans are shielded against radiation, so crews are immune tothe effects of Rad grenades. Squig Catapults: Buzzer Squigs stay fairly lose to the ground ‘where their normal food is, so they never get igh enough to affect Titan crews. [Demolisher Cannon: The +2 damage modifier does not apply to Titans, Earthshaker Cannon: Earthshaker Cannon shots affect Titans as normal except that the special D3 damage table effect only applies ‘against unshielded Titans. Holofield saves prevent a ht, so a ‘succesful save will prevent the special DS damage table effect as well Pulsa Rokkit: Roll a Dé: 1 Damage Table, 10 effect 6 = roll on the Titan's Leg ‘Shielabreaker Ammo: Does not work against any Titan shields or fields ‘Vortex: Vortex detonators are fitted as standard to all Titans, The ‘vortex detonator projets afield over a lage area which can detect the tiny warp drives within vortex grenades and causes them to detonate prematurely f any model within 12" ofthe Titan ‘attempts to use a vortex grenade, the grenade will be detected by the vortex detonator, andthe grenade will automatically explode in the model's and, Pace the blast marker over the model as if it hhad hit itself with the vortex grenade. Ifa vortex grenade is thrown from outside the area coverd by the vortex detonator and lentes the area covered by the vortex detonator, the grenade explodes at the outer limit ofthe field. Place the blast marker with its canter a the outer limit ofthe fel. Generally the Titan's vortex detonator will protect the Titan from ‘vortex grenade damage. Vortex grenades and the Vortex psychic power effect on shielded (void shields or powertields) Titans, Holofields provide a save against Vortex blast markers, Ifa vortex template from a previously thrown genade, the vortex psychic power or a suicide Vortex bomber hits an wnshielded ‘Tantreat ilike a vehicle hit: the hit willbe inthe leg location and since the template will never completely cover the target, the leg will only be affected on a roll of a4+-on a DS. Ifthe legis hit, the vortex penetrates automaticaly. Roll for damage onthe log damage table and add +1 to the dice rll for effect to represent the ‘massive amount of damage inflicted ‘Vibro Cannon: The vibro cannon works through void shields and powerfelds so no save is allowed. Titan holofields do provide a save against vibro cannon hits. Distortion Cannon: Titans with functioning void shields or powerfields automatically avoid destruction thanks to their shields. The warp hole is slightly displaced by the presence of {active shields and so the Titan is never sucked into the warp, but {s scattered Ds" in a random direction. Use the normal vehicle d-cannon rules on unshielded Titans Wiaitheannon: The wraitheannon are not powerful enough 10 penetrate void shields or powerfields, therefore shielded Titans are not affected. Unshielded Titans taking hits are automatically penetrated. Titan holofields do provide a save against ‘wraitheannon hits. ‘Trakta Cannon: Ttans are affected in the same way as buildings (hits one random focation, penetration equals artillery die +306). Hits will hit shields on shielded Titans. ‘Smasha Gun: No affect on Titans ‘Shock Attack Gun: Shock Attack guns work through shields, so fields offer no protection from them. Titan holofields do provide a save against shock attack gun hits (roll once for each Snotling base). Since Titans are so much larger than normal 40K vehicles, Snotlings will have less effect on them. Roll (once for each Snotling, base) for any hit location touched by the template on the damage chart below. Less 14 Noeffoct. 5 Theleg is jammed with squirming Snotlings, eclucing move- iment by half 6 The leg mechanism seizes up with squished Snotlings, Immobilizing the Titan for the rest ofthe game. WEAPON 13 Noeffect 4 The weapon is filled with frenzied Snotlings and is destroyed ‘on a D6 rol of 5+, Otherwise the Titan is not affacted, 5. Snotlings are stuffed into the ammo feed or power supply of the weapon. Every time the weapon fires roll aD6. On a D6 roll of 1-3 the weapon explodes after the shot, rendering it useless forthe est ofthe game, 6 The weapon is completaly jammed with Snotlings, rendering ittuseless for the rest of the game. Bopy 12 Noeffec. 3 Rampaging Snotlings attack one random crew, The crew member i killed on a D6 roll of d+. 4 The smell of burning Snotlings indicates a bad control short ‘The Titan may not move or fire for one turn. 5. Rampaging Snotlings attack all of the crew. Bach crew ‘member is killed on a D6 rol of 4+. {6 Snotlings damage the controls. The Titan may not move or fire unt the controls are repaired. (Techpriest, Fldar Guide or Meekboss must rll a 5+ to repair in his own rally phase ) WINGS (Eldar oniy) 1.3 No effect. 43 "The Snotlings cause intermittent shorts i the holofeld _generator system. Fach incoming shot will ignore the Iholofield save on a+ roll on a D6 forthe rest of the game. 6 Holofield generator is destroyed, HEAD 14 Noeffect. 5 Rampaging Snotlings cause the Titan's controls to go crazy _making the Titan difficult to control. The Titan may only _move, shoot each weapon, ot fightin HTH combat if you frst roll d+ on a D6. Roll separately for each action or weapon. 6 Rampaging Snotlings cause the Titan's controls to go crazy ‘making the Titan difficult to control. The Ttan may only _move, shoot each weapon, or fightin FTTH combat if you frst roll a5+ on a D6. Rol separately for each action or weapon, PSYCHIC POWERS vs TITANS ‘The following powers can be used against Titans or their crews. ‘Generally, use them as you would against a vehicle, assuming thatthe Titan's fields or shields do not save against the power Libravian: Smite Adeptus: Carmine Assassin (Titan crew roll three Ds and choose the lowest), Machine Curse (Only one Titan weapon may be af- fected, Titans are not affected by the non-moverent part of the effect) 28 Inquisition: Holocaust, Vortex (see Vortex Grenade above) Eldar: Executioner, Mind War, Guide (Casting cost is 3 Force cards for Tian weapons ) ‘Ork: Death Wave, Brain Bursta, Power Vomit, Da Krunch ‘Squat: Domination ‘Tyranid: None Slaanesh: None ‘Taeench: Bolt of Change, Fire Storm ‘Nurgle: None ‘SPECIAL RULES FOR TITAN WEAPONS, ‘Turbo Laser Destructor: Ignore the first jam die, but a second jam result jams the weapon, ‘Vulcan Mega Bolter, Laser Blaster, Gatling Blaster: Ignore all jam dice Inferno Cannon: Refer to the Inferno cannon special rules inthe Imperial Guard Codex. The damage rules are the same except that the Titan mounted Inferno cannons fires two 3" blast markers each tum instead of using the heavy flamer template. ‘Titan Multiple Rocket Launcher: Refer tothe Whiriwind Multi- launcher rules in the Angels of Death or Ultramarine Codexes. ‘The rules are the same, except thatthe Titan Multiple Rocket Launcher uses a sustained fire die to determine how many blast ‘markers are placed and the weapon uses normal Hit/Misfire results ‘To fire the Titan multiple rocket launcher: Place blast marker, roll to hit as normal and place blast marker in final location. Roll one sustained fire die to determine how many blast markers are placed, 1: original blast marker only 2rd: Roll a scatter die for each of the additonal blast markers ‘and place them touching the first blast marker in the directions indicated by the seater dice. Jam: Reroll the ist jam result, but a second jam result jams the ‘weapon. Plasma Blastgun: Only one plasma weapon may be mounted on a Titan, ‘To fire the plasma blastgun: Place blast marker, roll fo hit as normal and place last marker in its final location, Roll one sustained fre die to determine how ‘many blast markers are placed I: original biast marker only. 2 or3: Rolla scatter die for each of the additonal blast markers {and place them touching the fist blast marker inthe directions, Indicated by the scatter dice Jam: Reroll the first jam result, but a second jam result jams the ‘weapon, Earthshaker Cannon: Use the same rales asthe earthshaker cannon mounted on the Basilisk (Imperial Guard Codex) except that the weapon isa move and fire weapon when mounted on a Titan, ‘Volcano Cannon: The volcano cannon isa high power laser ‘weapon with massive penetration and enough power to cause secondary blast effects in a radius around the main target point. Whatever is under the hole inthe blast marker is hit using the Primary Effect stats. Anything under the rest ofthe blast marker is hit using the Secondary Effects stats, [Reaver Powerfist: Add +2 to the Damge chart rol [Reaver Chainfist: Add #3 to the Damge chart roll Phantom Powerfist: Addl +3 to the Damge chart rll ra Bese ssa S sea ‘Type: Walker Warhound Titans are very agile so. may change theit facing by up to a5" a the slart ‘andl othe end of their movement fr tee WS, 85,1, A and Tad ane base onthe characteristics ofthe ctew as modified by the factors snovin sbove SESS Pineeps 4 5 5 4 TwehPreat 6 449 Nodal 4 3 4 3 RAM VALUE Strength: 8 Damage: D12 Save Mod: 5 an o2 5 3 4 CREW: 1 Princeps, 2 Servitor Moderati gunners and a Techpriest Eng ner WEAPONS: Two Titan weapons must be purchased from the list below. Warhourd weapons hhavea 90" field offre to the front PSYCHOLOGY: The Warhound causes Terror as de- scribed in the Psychology section of the rulebook, WEAPON DATA wary Weapon TuboLaser Desi. 620 2060- VulcanMegaBoter 620 2040+ = PlasmaBlasigun 620 2072 - Inferio Gannon 010 1018" - ‘tan MR. Launcher 620 2072 - VOID SHIELDS: The Warhouind is fitted with two vated shields that provide a save similar to Terminator armor except thatthe save is 1+ 0n 2D6, One downed void shield may be repaired by the Tech Priest in the player’ rally phase ona Do roll of 4. res Long Sh Long Str. Dam. Mod, Pen. + DGDIZHO $p.2"Blest 120 2068 Sp.3"Blast_ 80 D5iDiS Sp.5°Blst 0 POINTS COST: 300 plus weapons Peet CO Aa ue atmo tesa ee Mien mi a any vol ee yp, shots wl ithe voila there ee ee 1 ll for Hi tion I both vol sic are dawn ro on the Hit Location tbleto se whet the shot aries Give rt aaa fies Bro id Leg Damage Table ‘The thisk armour plates on the Wahoos eg held bute forsee blow wows owe. The ‘Wathoand may not vein is net tru 2 The Wathound is kocked sprawling. I staggers D6"n a radon direction coli noes nto, ‘9-4 Theleg in erhnsy damaged, The Ward may How only te BB" per rn, {5-6 The le ic bawn olf sd the Warbeinedcrhes tthe ground. anny net veo tac forthe et cof theme and isfetvely destroyed ah anything v8 Weapon Damage Table 4-2 ‘The wouponinjanencd or parallydamaed and can onl be 3-5 The weipon is torn fren the Warbonr's rt and esos The weapon explodes! The explosion fasies hack tothe Warhoans bay, bypssng ll armor, tl ausing2 secondary explosion Rel en the Body Damage Tabet find he fet ofthis expe 9 fit al ve Body Damage Table 11 TheTect-trie Engiccrs shin He may no longer he used to tpi damaged vo tel, halk reactor mekdownscrreplce the Fines. 2 _TheMalert conto lt hand weapon ssl, The weapon may no longer he Hie igh hurd wear slain, The weapon nyt hanger be i 4-5 Thereictor i bit the Tech Priest Engineer manages to sat down hefere explo 6 he dead, count this resulta ro of inset, The Te Piet Enginer can ale to repaithe feaciorn the payer’ Rally phase, Ona rll of 4 ona D6 he sce andthe weator comes bk. tbc Ie fs te race ah down for theres othe hale and the Wart cons a6 boing sued for vitary oie rp the Wathound nny not move le atack and cunts as elag un ondinary vehicles wtacka hy eneray tn ian hand combat ie. they hit aomtialy The Warhound pista reactor explaes! Tas Warhoand is destoyed cresting cloud of tong pliner 3Do" ie dseter which in auy mols inthe cloud with he ecto 3 Theplasm clon wil rain ply. with hese effect asthe plasma clan created bya plnim grenade (hom wl hive 4 mich aner Mast mark!) Head Damage Table safer wonnd If he has aed sale wend esa a dr los The Wathaund's conta stems ae érmiged makine itiicul to sone The Watheund may ‘only move ne atack if yo fist roll + on D6 Rol mediately hefere novo, shooting it ingin HTH. Note that ispossbl tend up mosing and no being abe st ight ie TTL 4-5 The Priacep insti. The Washout! may it mxne or akach unis poston taken very the “Tech: Pried! Frpnwer md connt as ting an ondinary vehicle atsckel by enety roe ia hand io hand cormbt (i.e they ht aso) © The Wathound's anmaniton explodes. The Warhousd is destroyed andany reels win 3° suffer De strength 10hits wth a3 avieg throw moditer. In alditnn, the Warhoand's race explodes, as described fr ol of Ga te Bey Damage Table alsy, Not tht is mart cl chne to the Tian willbe hit wice whenit ybex psy the exphiag ans and bythe exploding reactor! WU SUA U Bp LO Wiese mc 1642 “Type: Walker SES, 1 A,and Ldanchased on the ch Hs of the crw as mit By he 1 Princops, 3 Servitor Moderat! ‘gunners and a Tecnpriest Engineer weapons icion inepopebesi mii ‘vo helt that provi PsycHoLocy: The Reaver cases Tras descr in he ycholoy seclinohe rulock WEAPON DATA ao Save Amer fo Sea ee TupolaserDest. 62) 2060 - - 9 206 30662 Sp, Sust 20 VuleanWesaBoter 620 2040 8 Ds 20618 Sp, Sust aD PlasmaBlsteun 620 2072 10 Diz 5 DGsDI2+10 Sp,7" Blast InfemoCannon 010 8 DS 2065 $p,2" Blast ‘Titan M.R.Launcher 6-20 20-72 5 OF DE+D45 Sp, 3" Blast Laser Blaster 620 20-60 8 OB D6+D88 Sp, Sust 30 GotingBlaster 620 2072 6401048 Sp, Sust 20 Laser Bumer 08 aosi0 HTH Mota Cannon 201240809 9° Blet Eshaler Cannon 8 206 30618) 20h.2" Blast Voleare Cannon Primary ect 10 540106 Deis Sp ‘Secondary Ect 6 Ds 20615 Sp,5° Bast eaverPowerFist, 9 25 Reaver Chin Fist 10 2010 10) BERy oe 475 plus weapons ete as Cope euAn eo ee ate See ede Re Tithe Reavers any vol sheds up, shots willie void shies un theres nonect tool fr Hit Location. I bush oid shies ar down, rll athe Hic Location blo se where thes ik Peer acess Front eg eg Head Body 4 Body Body 5-6 Weapon’ 21 Weapon *Randomise betwoen the weapon closest to attacker and the carapace weapon. ‘Leg Damage Table “The thickarmour plates on the Reyer et Bol. bu the ore ofthe ow sows it down The Reaver my no move ins ext The Reser Isknocked sprawling. Ut stages DO” ina random drsetion, coldly with anything ‘The ep isserioly dmaged The Reaver ay ow only tgp D6” per tr, The fis lon off andthe Reaver crashes othe prot. Hmay nt me or aac fe the res ofthe gare and ieectvelydesroyed. Weapon Damage Table “The weapon is jammed oe pailly damaged and ean only be fei you fin voll a4 on a D6, The weapon is tom from te Reaver’ boy and iedestryed. ‘The weapon expnis The explosion alice Dic tthe Reaver ay bypsning al aie, ad cixing asccondiry explcin Rol nthe Bay Damage Table to Gnd the effect of hit emp Body Damage Tabi The Tech Priest pincers am He sey ones Deus 1 epi tna Vo sds, halt The Mesierati contig elt hard weapon sin. The weapon may longer fe The Nodraticonteoing ig hand weapon s slain The weapon may xo loner be fred The reactor ishit hu the Teck Priest Engineer anages io shut td Beene expla i eis ‘egctr inthe player's Rally phase. On aol of 46 he succeeds athe ear comes ck on ise Iie ts the reactors st dows for the resto tebe and the Reaver cons as Being sale Foe victory pot purposes, While the rectors de, the Reaver may t move or attack aa counts asbeing nt onary elite f atached by eacmy top in hunt hand combat i, they Bt suteaicly The Reaver’ plasma readorexpkskes! The Reser s destroyed creating a claw of ing pais 3D" im dameter which hits any roel nthe cloud with the efecto «hey plasma gu ite ot asm wl emi py, with de sae ees asthe plan sl cea hy 1 lnger bon marker! Head Damage Tabi suffers wound Ihe bs eady seed woe san ay descr elo The Rewer cont tems are damaged roking 4 difcl ta ever, The Reaver may rove or tack if ou it 444 4, Rol irmeditly befor moving, shoot ing in ITH, Note that peste to end up maving al net ing abe vo soto gt ETH, finceps is si, The Hever muy not ve or alack uni is postion is ken ober bs the inharl hand com Ge. they bit stomatal) ‘The Reaver sanmutitionexples, The Reavers destayed ant ary modes witha naar Strength IOs witha -¥saving teow moder In addin. the Reaves reactor exes as dscried ora tell of 6 a ts Bay Dtnage Tole are Note ha this eas that te lose CSS) WHO +2 8 42 “Type: Walker Revenant Titansare very age, so may change thie lacing by tp tod atthe sartan at te ‘end of their movement for ee MS, BS, 1 A,and Ld arebasod on the characteristics ofthe factors shown above BderGuirS 4 439316 4 The spirit stone's charetrats should be usa fcealloperations (apart tom morment) oa ‘sit ath Function. RAM VALUE ‘Strengths Damas p12 SaveMod: 5 Me trrat ied wih altel st Soares eon a ones WEAPONS: tore See Ne eas tee 2 Siren mescacscisims ios ae ibetrteenats bekenain 50 eid cimuneeet CREW: Spirit Stone, 1 Eldar Guide, 2Elour Gunners rp a #010" ony in ‘sition oe normal mae stim dig its ‘move, The jump may be up © Tice high There ‘Somonement penalty for pimp, sanply measure themovement ang the gr you Wowk for WEAPON DATA ‘mowing » Land Speeder o et Bike a arg Cee a ae) 62) 260 9 206 -§ ©3069 — Dashols PSYCHOLOGY: The Revenant eases Terra describe inthe [yyeology section ofthe rulebook 62 Om - - 4 1 + 06+ 2°BlastMarker en an- - 8 D0 6 Dine - 6008 - - 6 1 +1 D5 — Sshols POINTS COST: 750 Points eee oc os Me ae hes ene a heme REVENANT DAMAGE TABLES Hit Locations and Armor Values Eco id ‘The Revenae i nockedsprwling. stagger: DO na andor ection cong wth anything moved int ‘Thethick armor plats onthe Revo’ Ig ht, Wt the fre the br st de, The Revenant may net nove its ne tu tape The Revenant nay now oly Kap DA per tur. Using the ump jets will se ncn te Lg Damage Table wp aig eo hs op, ‘Thee s low andthe Revenanteraes tothe ground. tay hot moe otek fr theres of the gate andi elfevelydestoyed Weapon Damage Table ‘The weapon janes pany damaged and ea oa te ied yO fier a 4. a BS. Te weapon se Hote Kevenants Bay any destoye. The wearmenindest The expos lates tock he Revennts bay, passing al mee ant caning secondary explosion. Rell nthe Body Dare Tale find the fe of his expason Body Damage Table ‘Themasve it case the Revenant lostagger DIU? ini random dieton, oliding with aniing snove it, The Gunner ning high bind wenn tle Te ei in Longa “TheGusner contol the et hal weapon ikl. The weapon may n longer e fred ‘Theerytline expe it tte Gre ages shut Jon before impish Gufs ead cent tunel aval of 6 ited). The Gide ean ate eae cog he ane’ Rally pase. On cl of 4 he Guide vse atthe engine ces ack on line the ‘Golde fails dh enginc fst down fr ths eet o the bt atthe Revenant oun as being abled Farris pone purjose ie the nln Indo, he Revenant may noe aac alco ne bing on oniary vehi atackel hy-enen woope in HT cabal (Le they he aoetcal Te Resenat' crysis engine nos The Revenant is destroyed and he warpeore breach cree tereporay warp vores 200" dace. Any tals couplekly covered y te Bust ae deseoya Menke poialy cover ae detyed on 3196 af Head Damage Table TheRevenn cw conto. The Revenaet ny ly ‘The Gaile hil, 0 crystalline eg < wing weapons may not bee. Thc pit tae e destone Feedback will kil cach cew member om w D6 rol of 4. Ue the sis of the Guide/Ganars instead the spt tone fo th est the ae ‘The Spt Srnec desired andthe cedback cakes he Reveaah rytaine engine t implode Wing/Jet Damage Table The jump jos are damaged ant an only Re wed HLyou FN ol aoa DS “The Jur Joe ov dated id any ot be ae Thebes geseraoe is dstoed, a0 more Noli save en be ated EBYN Sue leUnp LO) bee.) Ca 243 10 ‘Typo: Walker Phantom Titans are very ail, se may change theiefacing by up #0 45a the start and at te fend oftheir movement for fee 15,85 1, and Lar bsed on he Cheveceats of he ews odd bythe iia shown wore ‘pntere- 8 ae Haus 4.433181 8 beams 4403184 8 The pi str’ hues bes Leileabrs penton commend wiay Setar eco RAM VALUE ‘The Pants itt with sheild that provides an urmedted aveagainst shooting tacks based (the sped of the Titan the previous tur, Wve oe weapons. : Posatree eee etek bee ee SURE RST Se vegcinay, posssne “The Phantom causes Terror. WEAPON DATA. alas a eee ate ea) eo ae - = 10902 8 win = 10 size. - 9 2012 6 mores 62m 8 200 6 201068 cm 0 - 0 06 6 Split Stone, 1 Eldar Gul 2Eldar Gunners 620 2072 - 4 620 2072+ POINTS COST: 550 plus weapons Cea eis HHANTOM DAMAGE TABLES Poy ee ere eee oy fon es tes, za Leg Head 25 Wings, 22 Body 22 Body 22 Weapon* 21 Weapon’ 21 } RESULT D RESULT | A RESULT LEFT ARM RIGHT ARM. LEFT ARM RIGHT ARM RESULT RESULT RESULT RESULT ae 2) a ee tempi iairmte epost aoe vow steps: Ps H g H A Ff 3 $ Ef FS 5 re 5 o 4 PSYCHOLOGY: ‘Type: Walker, Titan rights are very agile s0 may change ‘hele facing by op to 45 atthe tart and atthe end of thetr movement fr fee. Tie Sprteenes chet dpe reo Decry niece egret he 'HOLOFIELDS: Sonat 8 LDS staan Seeman eee be wih hd mage O12 Pies ete See ona erent a kicne ncteiteraulde Seti ibermvomnen Ween Dero tigas) Fr pet aciaceom bat). § wea paelce or ‘SUS iene sagitpower PSYCHIC DEFENSE: af eet igh eres es et oe tcl en tenia pps porensoa psvenovocy: team fa na athe cane Serene erm dmciodin Aout twits Wal sere scram poticyowema ee “30600 DEShoe ie fame esc agin bo amass Se er: erene Leg Damage Table “Te thick amor plats on he Knights ey kl. ut te fre of the low slows it dwn, ‘Te eight may not move net ‘The Rights nck prowling I taggers DS" i. rando det, oiling with saying moved it, ‘Te lyse damaged. Te Knight my ow oly inp DS” pr tun ‘The gt own andthe Kip crates th rnd ayo ove ack fr he est he game apd isfy destoyed. Arm Weapon Damage Table “Te weapons jammed nly damaged ad ean oly be Fed owed in HTH i you frat on3 DS ‘The weapon re the Knight's body and is destroyed ‘The weapon explodes Te enplson les back othe Kags oy, bypassing alt orcand amigo scondry expan Rall os the By Daag Table tind the fle. secon exon. Body Damage Table ‘The Kaigh’ cml re damaged making te Kaigh iil o con The Knight may nly move oatack gon fir rofatron a DS. ‘The nse aly damaged All te Kaights chanctrisis raved (FRU for he ‘Te Kings power sous bs ino ames ad the machine inmobilsed ad theo Fre geerator i deoye, The lt may ue emergency canes ie one weapon Rll {De atts behing ofeach lye tar The machi expos onal or any mods Wein fer D8 Staph 10 ht wih saing ow. “The Ear Guide contling he Kegh shim The Kaipe agne Dé" in ra ‘Src cling with anhing medio, and the callupes to he pound ‘The Knights amnion explo. The Kegs Jesuojed lay mds within > {ater Srength 10 ti with sing hom er Datatax produced by INQUISITOR magazine. ‘Copyright 61999 IN@MISITOR magazine. ‘Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. ORK STOMPER DENICLE DATA CREW: MOUEMEN 1 ORK COMMANDER SLOW SPEED: s* 2 ORK GUNNERS COMBAT SPEED: 10” (1 may be a MEK BOY +10 pts.) FAST SPEED: 15" | | 1 ORK DRIVER TWPE: WALKER 1510 GRETCHIN RIGGERS (¢4 pts. each) RAM UALUE: STRENGTH: 10 2d8 DAMAGE -7 SAVE MEK BOY OPTION ‘The Mekaniak and option allows for some repairs be mado. Is{ dition, the Gretchin can fie out of any available view slits or hatches with autoguns. REPAIRS ‘The Mekaniak may abandon his weapons’ arm to ‘attempt repairs. Any non-destroyed damage may be repaired by the Mek Boy on aroll of 1 or 2.on.aD12. This chance increases by 1 for each Gretchin Rigger available. Repairs may be atfempted once per turmin the HEAD: Heavy Plasma Gun or 2 Heavy Bolters - 360 degree field of fire LEFT ARM: Battlecannon & Multilauncher or Battlecannon & Gatling Cannon - 180 degree field of fire RIGHT ARM: Chainsword & Autocannon or Twin Lascannons - 180 degree field of fire BODY: Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer - 90 degree field of fire The stomper comes in a wide variety of weapon configurations. It is usually crewed by Ork Nobz in heavy armor. If a Big Boss or the Ork Warboss are to command it, it's stats change as above and the point value is increased by +60 for a Big Boss and +85 for a warboss. The Big Boss/War Boss and gear must be paid for separately. In addition, the Stomper may be fitted with a powerfield for +300 points. 1 306-3 2° Blast 018-0668 Template 20667 Sus 206-8 Sustain 1Dico 306-9 06-5 Bu 020-204618 Clo. roved weapons. POINT COST: 458 Pee cheat DAMAGE TABLES Remar SAT ery Close Combat Versus The Stomper Only those locations a model can actually reach can be attacked. If the back door is forced the crew count as defending a fortified obstacle, and count as being in hard cover. Ds Head Damage Table ‘The armor ofthe head turet holds but the commander is so shaken he cannot fire the head weapons or erect fre for i turn. Arm gunners must use their own BS. ‘The weapons mounted on the head turret are damaged and can only be fired by first rang a 4 on 1 D6. ‘The head weapons are destroyed and the turet ls jammed. The commander can fre personal weapons through the view sit The jam can be reparred. ‘The head turret weapons and ammunition explode! The commander is hit and killed on a 4,5, or 6 on a D6 unless he can save against a S10 ht (personal armor allows saves). If a powerfeld is itted the contr are destroyed. The head turret, weapons, and armmunition explode as above and the head turret blows off, fying 206 in a random Srecten “Anything nda! the spot where ana takes De STR 9 hee witha“ save. The cormander mart save Sparse 206 STR Shits ate to save to survive. the exposion flashes Gown into the body causing a. secondary Efplosion. Ral on the body camage table fo Setemine es fleck. Powered Cools are destroyed s above, ie may m6 longer tunction, Body Damage Table The massive blow springs rivets and hull plates loose. Rivets ricochet around the interior. Check for each crew member on a D6 ral of 4, 5, or 6. They take a D4 hit at -1 Save for 1 wound. The engine and leg gears are’ damaged. The Stomper can only move at slow speed for the rest of the game or until repaired. The powerfleld generator 's damaged and shuts down until repaired. The Stomper’s engine explodes showering the insides with debris. All creamembers except the commander are hit and klled on a roll of 3-6 on a D6. Mekaniaks may save against a S10 hit f they have personal armor. ‘The Stomper grinds to a permanent halt. Weapons may stil be fired if there Is crew to man them. The powerfield generator is destroyed ‘The engine and fuel tank ignite and the Stomper moves out of control next turn then explodes. All erew without personal armor are killed, Those with field armor must save vs. 206 $9 hits at a -6 save to survive. The powerfield generator explodes. Anyone within 6" takes 2D6 S9 hits at a -6 save. Arm Damage Table The arm is hit and jammed. Any weapons on it may only fire straight ahead and any close combat weapons are unuseable. The arm is damaged and any weapons mounted on it can only be used if you first roll a 4+ on 106. The arm is blown off the Stomper. All weapons are destroyed and the the Stomper's attack characteristic is lowered by 1. The arm and weapons mounted on it explode! The explosion flashes back to the Stomper's body and causes a secondary explosion. Roll on the body damage table -1 to see what effect this second explosion has. Leg Damage Table The massive leg armor is buckled and dented. The Stomper drops to the next lowest speed on the next tur. The Stomper is knocked sprawling. It staggers D6" in a random direction, colliding with anything moved into. The leg/foot Is Seriously damaged with servos and controls shattered. The Stomper may only limp around at D6" er tur. The ponerfield is damaged and can no longer function until repaired. The foot is smashed to pieces. The Stomper lurches to one side and settles. It may only stomp in circles using the wrecked foot 25 2 pivot forthe rest of the game, The powerfield generator breaks loose from I's mountings and Viva NOdvam Viva SIOIHIA Ehren ec ila tcleg | niTA ‘the Falcons ee The pot need the other cards iting the Vehicle powSWORD BLADES ADO rane shot does Gua oo forthe Shadowsword. Inaqui N AND SU ERHEAVY TANK Q&A rans, Scclds ts pt nt pore eruragh efi hem 1 onan Eda Tian lr any prsecion 1 When ied at he Ta 2 When ding ot the Titan? A: Yes, the Eldar Titan gts he holo save The hail cere tscsentaly» dodge sve, 0 apps ts boat everthing (@ What about Necon Seatabs? Can they atic hell ol the Tears? ‘A: Yes Powered, void shields and holfieds haven thtcct on Serabs ‘0: When their powerfieds ae down wil he sab Sic the 2 to yoar armor rating? ‘As Yesssllythoyghitmay sound, ‘he demo charge stats got kind of mangled and the grenade Cond slered from a eutand:-pasteeror, sohere are he Stndard Domo Charge Charge has a strength of 9, does 306, hast blast area and has a6 save medi> ‘ary enough to last a whole bathe St. am. Sy. Wed Arm. Pan. Speci Siocon 8 aes AD ete Deo Charge st demo charge has a strength of 1, oes ‘hast aea and haa save

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