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 A balance of two or more similar words, phrases or  Redundancy is the unnecessary repetition of an idea.
clauses. Like deadwood it can weaken the expression of your
 It improves writing style and readability. idea. It may occur in words, phrases and clauses of your
 It is also known as parallel structures.
Redundant Words
Parallelism of words Repeat the meaning of the other words in the sentence.

Gerund (verbal nouns): He enjoys singing, dancing and -Redundant adjective: He studied past history extensively.
acting. Revised: He studied history extensively.
Adjectives: She was young, beautiful and intelligent.
-Redundant noun: The consensus of opinion was taken into
Adverb: He spoke simply, clearly and forcibly.
Parallelism of phrases Revised: The consensus was taken into consideration.
Infinitive phrases: He likes to read novels, to write (Consensus means a collective opinion.)
limericks and to act on the stage.
-Redundant adjective: The present incumbent president is
Prepositional phrase (adjectival phrases): She had the
Benigno Simeon Aquino III.
gift of youth, of beauty and of intelligence.
Revised: The incumbent president is Benigno Simeon Aquino
Prepositional phrase (adverbial phrases): He spoke with
III. (Incumbent means the person who is presently occupying
simplicity, with directness and with force. a position in an office.)
Parallelism of clauses
-Redundant: Betty is more taller than Mila.
Adjective clause: Any young man who likes a little Revised: Betty is taller than Mila. (Both words indicate a
adventure and who wants to save money at the same comparative degree.
time will find working on an ore freighter idea.
Adverbial clause: I noticed that I was perspiring Redundant Phrases
profusely, not because of the weather but because of Redundant phrases can clutter your sentences with ideas
nervousness. that have already been expressed by other words in the

Faulty parallelism: She is young, well-educated and has an Redundant: Pat’s face turned red in color, and he ran from
aggressive manner. (young and well educated are adjectives; the room.
has an aggressive manner is a predicate.) Revised: Pat’s face turned red, and he ran from the room.

Revised: She is young, well-educated and aggressive. (All

adjectives) Redundant Clauses
Redundant clauses can make sentences illogical or even
pointless. We can delete the redundant clauses either by
Faulty parallelism: The crowd began to wave Philippine flags
letting the main clause stand alone or by adding a
and shouting “mabuhay.” (An infinitive is made parallel with meaningful subordinate clause.

Revised: The crowd began waving Philippine flags and to

Redundant: The child asked unanswerable questions that no
shout “mabuhay.” one could answer.
Revised: The child asked unanswerable question.
*Note: Parallel sentence elements should be expressed in
the same grammatical forms.

Faulty parallelism: She would neither write nor would she

speak to him. (Neither is followed by a main verb, nor by an
auxiliary verb.)

Revised: She would neither write nor speak to him. Prepared by:
Michael E. Lim-B
Exercise: point out redundant structures on the
following sentences.
1. She had an idea in her head that would solve the
2. The car is so black in color that it was hard to see
when parked at night.
3. When he was finally alone by himself, Jeb took out a
4. On their way home, the girls stamped noisily by our
5. He was a negligent driver because he was careless.
6. 7. To find my keys, I retraced my steps back to my
front door.
8. He was fired for an excess of too many absences.
9. TV personalities are prone to public scrutiny and
10. Tom loves climbing up high the tree every
11. If all of us cooperate together, we will succeed.
12. It was a general consensus of opinion that we
should watch Eclipse.
13. The professor asked his students to cite the moral
lesson of the story.
14. The class will end exactly 3:00 pm in the afternoon.
15. I wish to have PC computer.

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