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Offices of Senator Mike Lee CONTENTS
Salt Lake City Office Social Capital Project 8
Wallace Bennett Federal Building
125 S State Street, Suite 4225 Commerce 10
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
(801) 524-5933 Public Lands 12
Ogden Office Judiciary 14
James V. Hansen Federal Building
324 25th Street, Suite 1410 Economic Policy 16
Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 392-9633 National Defense 18
St. George Office Solutions Summit 20
285 W Tabernacle, Suite 200
St. George, UT 84770 Photo Gallery 24
(435) 628-5514
Constituent Services 32
Washington, DC Office
Russell Senate Building
Room 361A
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5444
The founders designed a legislative branch where U.S.
Senators would be accountable to the states. Each year
during Utah’s legislative session, I deliver my annual
report to the Utah Legislature and people of Utah. I
take this responsibility seriously. This annual report is
intended to keep the Utah Legislature and the people of
Utah abreast of what I am doing as I strive to represent
the values for which we stand in this great state.

What we do together
The state of associational life in america

We are wealthier in mericans are living through life expectancy is at all-time highs. By While much is going well in America cans face in this new era. All are import- Why does the health of America’s as-
a period of transition to these standards, it has never been a on a comparative and historical basis, ant, including the rise of dual-income sociational life feel so compromised?
material terms than a post-industrial society better time to be alive in America. these middle layers of society are suf- families, increasing commodification of Where is it compromised? What conse-
ever before, but leading based on knowledge and fering. services once performed by acquain- quences have followed from declining
thinkers have issued services, one that has wrought im- And yet, despite this real progress, tances, isolating social technology, and social capital? Why do some communi-
mense social changes. Past changes there is a disorienting sense that our For example, between 1960 and 2015, a growing reliance on the federal gov- ties have more robust civil society than
warnings that we are of similar scale—first from the long social fabric is frayed. We are wealth- the proportion of children under 18 liv- ernment that ignores local knowledge others? What can be done—or can stop
increasingly inhabiting pre-agricultural past to rural farming ier in material terms than ever before, ing with only one or neither parent in- and leads to polarized “solutions” that being done—to grow Americans’ stock
life, followed by our tumultuous tran- but leading thinkers have issued warn- creased dramatically, from 12% to 31%. can’t help but offend the values of large of social capital? What will enable us to
a “fractured republic.”
sition to an industrial economy—have ings that we are increasingly “bowling And in 2015, over a third of parents— swaths of the populace. live better together?
SENATOR MIKE LEE been accompanied by social disloca- alone,” “coming apart” and inhabiting a and half of fathers—said they spent too
tion and subsequent adaptation. “fractured republic.” little time with their children. The Social Capital Project, launched by The answers to these questions are elu-
my office in 2017, is exploring the na- sive and will occasionally be controver-
To be sure, much is going well in Amer- At the heart of those warnings is the In the early 1970s, nearly seven in ten ture, quality and importance of our as- sial. But this is a discussion our nation
ica. Relative to many other countries, view that what happens in the middle adults in America were still members of sociational life. In other words, what we desperately needs to have, and I hope
we hold an enviable position. Having layers of society – what we do together a church or synagogue. Today, just 55% do together. this project can help further all of our
emerged from the Great Recession, the in the space between the individual and are. understanding.
nation enjoys relatively low unemploy- the state – is vital to sustaining a free, Through a series of reports and hear-
ment and incomes that, while growing prosperous, democratic and pluralistic And between 1972 and 2016, the share ings, it studies the state of the relation-
too slowly, are as high as they have ever country. It is in this space – a space held of adults who thought most people ships that weave together the social
been across the board. Educational at- together by extended networks of co- could be trusted declined from 46% to fabric enabling our country—our laws,
tainment continues to increase; a high- operation, social support, norms, trust 31%. our institutions, our markets and our Mike Lee
er share of Americans than ever before and mutual obligation -- that we learn democracy—to function so well in the United States Senate
have a college degree. Most workers to solve problems together. There are innumerable factors that have first place.
enjoy longer retirements, and overall contributed to the challenges Ameri-

6 7
The Rise in Opioid Overdose Deaths
The Social Capital Project Our physical and mental health reflects the health of our relationships with others. Studies show that social networks influence the be-
Investigating the evolving nature, quality, & importance of associational life havior of their members, affecting whether they are obese or fit, happy or sad. The stark fact is that socially isolated people and others
without social support die younger.

Senator Lee created the Social Capital Project at the release of the first report, at which noted social The ongoing opioid epidemic is the biggest public health crisis since HIV and AIDS came onto the scene over three decades ago. The
the beginning of 2017, within the  Joint Econom- capital experts Robert Putnam, Charles Murray, Yu- Social Capital Project is exploring the relationship between having an unhealthy associational life and dying from several causes that
suggest social disrepair. These “deaths of despair” include those from opioid and other drug overdoses, as well as those from suicides
ic Committee, where he serves as Vice Chairman. val Levin, and Mario Small testified. The Project also and alcoholic liver disease. The Project is also assessing the social disrepair caused by the opioid crisis—the collateral damage to fami-
The project is intended to assess the state of Amer- released a set of interactive maps that displayed the lies, communities, and institutions as a result of these drugs.
ican “associational life”—our informal relationships spread of the opioids crisis, an analysis of trends in
with family, friends, neighbors, fellow congregants, volunteerism, and blog posts examining family life.  Total Unintentional Opioid Overdose Deaths, US Unintentional Opioid Overdose Deaths, Utah
Per 100,000 population (2011-2015)
and coworkers and our formal institutions set up to  
meet our diverse needs. Senator Lee believes that By the end of the year, work was underway on the Suppressed 04 .9 7.29 .9 13.8+

many of the nation’s most pressing problems are creation of a social capital index assessing associ- 25,000
at least partly social rather than economic. But our ational life in each county of the US, as well as re-
understanding of the social factors that affect all of ports on economic mobility, disconnected men, 20,000
us is limited in comparison with the vast amount of and mortality from drugs, alcohol, and suicide
data and research on economic factors. The Social (“deaths of despair”). 2018 will also see the proj- 15,000

Capital Project seeks to remedy this deficiency. ect examining the religious safety net in Utah and
  around the country, social segregation patterns,
In 2017, the Social Capital Project released three and the impact of technology on our associational
major reports on: Our Changing Associational Life, life. By shining a spotlight on these issues, Senator
the Opioid Epidemic, and the Rise in Unwed Child- Lee hopes to inspire more creative policy solutions 0
bearing. It held a committee hearing in May, tied to to reverse the fraying of our social fabric. 1987 1997 2007 2015

View the full reports from the Social Capital Project at
8 9
Supporting Utah Business
Creating an environment where the free market can thrive

Senator Lee is a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, which,
among other things, oversees issues related to interstate commerce, tourism, consumer issues, eco-
nomic development, and technology.

Rolling Back Harmful Regulations

Sheep ranchers visit, Uintah Basin Senator Lee worked closely with his Senate colleagues and the White House to identify harmful feder-
al regulations that could be repealed through the Congressional Review Act, including the repeal of a
rule that would have prevented Utah businesses from settling disputes through arbitration.

Commerce Committee Highlights

• Confirmed Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce and Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation.
• Introduced S. 993, the Restoring Internet Freedom Act, which would repeal the 2015 Open
Internet Order passed by the Federal Communications Commission.
• Introduced S. 118, the Reinforcing American-Made Product Act of 2017 to ensure that a ro-
bust and clear standard for what is “Made in the USA” is enforced nationwide. This bill passed the
US Magnesium, Grantsville BIO-Utah Roundtable Senate Commerce Committee on May 18, 2017.
• During the Committee’s consideration of a bill to reauthorize the FAA, Senator Lee successfully
Business Visits passed his amendment to require the FAA to begin a rule that would permit the development, test-
ing, manufacturing, and operation of supersonic aircraft in the United States.  
Senator Lee and his staff have partnered with the Department Of Workforce Services and county eco- • Co-sponsored S. 1272, the Drone Federalism Act, which would preserve the authority of states
nomic development directors, chambers of commerce, and industry associations to better understand and local communities to regulate drones that operate below 200 feet.
the small businesses that help make Utah a great place to work and live.
10 11
Energy & Natural Resources Committee

Senator Lee is a member of the Senate Energy &

Natural Resources Committee where he serves as
chair of the Subcommittee on Public Lands, For-
ests, and Mining.

On June 21, Senator Lee held a hearing to showcase

collaboration between local, state, and federal land
managers on large-scale habitat and watershed
Antiquities Act Abuse restoration projects in the west. Tyler Thompson
from the Utah Department of Natural Resources
This year, Senator Lee fought ardently to restore local
testified about the success of the Watershed Resto- Native Species Protection Act
control over land in Southern Utah. In December, the
ration Initiative in Utah. Mr. Thompson highlighted
senator accompanied President Trump to the Utah In September, Senator Lee reintroduced S. 1863,
Utah’s innovative efforts to promote habitat resto-
Capitol to announce reductions to the Bears Ears and the Native Species Protection Act, which would
ration and prevent erosion after wildfires.
Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments. Sena- prevent the federal government from regulating
tor Lee is continuing to work with the rest of the Utah entirely intrastate species under the Endangered
congressional delegation to codify the president’s re- Species Act. The bill would restore constitutional
ductions and protect the state from further Antiquities limits on federal authority and empower states to
Act abuses. manage species that exist exclusively within their
Shaping the Narrative in Washington
respective borders. For Utah, this would mean
In October, Senator Lee delivered an address at the more flexibility to manage species like the Utah
Senator Lee spoke at the Heritage Energy & Climate
Heritage Foundation outlining the history of the Antiq- Policy Summit in November, outlining the unfair, prairie dog in a way that benefits both the animals
uities Act and the detrimental effects of unilateral na- market-distorting impacts of federal intervention and property owners. Senator Lee coauthored an
tional monument designations on local communities. in the energy sector and laying out his vision for op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about the Utah
unleashing America’s enormous energy potential. prairie dog and the Native Species Protection Act.
12 13
Judiciary Committee Judicial Nominations
Liberty and justice for all

19 25
Senator Lee is a member of the Judiciary Committee where he serves as chair of the Subcommittee on
Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights. The primary issue on the Judiciary Committee’s
agenda for 2017 was nominations, but Senator Lee also introduced important legislation, including: JUDGES CONFIRMED BY JUDGES REPORTED
Closes a warrantless data collection loophole in stan-
dard domestic criminal investigations.

7 9 18
Smarter Sentencing Act
Reduces mandatory minimum sentences for non-vio- JUDGES AWAITING JUDGES AWAITING
Updates federal statutes to better reflect Americans’
modern expectations of privacy.

Email Privacy Act

Updates federal privacy law for email retention. Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
“It is difficult to imagine a judge who is more well-prepared, more well-
Due Process Guarantee Act Eliminates the per country percentage caps on em- credentialed, or more well-suited as a matter of judicial interpretation,
Protects Americans from being detained indefinitely, ployment-based immigrants. of statutory construction, or as a matter of judicial temperament. I am
without charge or trial. honored to support the confirmation of judge Neal Gorsuch.”
Balanced Budget Amendment SENATOR MIKE LEE on the confirmation of Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
Restoring Board Immunity Act Consitutional amendment requiring Congress to bal-
Helps states reform occupational licensing regulations. ance the federal budget.
14 15
Economic Policy
Creating opportunity for all

In 2017 Senator Lee proposed major reforms to the regulatory process, the Congressional Budget Office, federal
spending, welfare, higher education, and trade policy. As the newly-appointed Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic
Committee, he participated in hearings that covered challenges facing American workers, the opioid crisis, and the
Federal Reserve’s regulatory programs. Senator Lee also worked with his Senate colleagues to successfully double the
Child Tax Credit in the final tax reform bill Congress passed into law in December.
Below is a brief description of legislation Senator Lee introduced on the Joint Economic Committee in 2017:

Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act Head Start Improvement Act

Nullifies a rule that basically gives the Dept. of Housing Gives states and parents greater flexibility to meet the
and Urban Development national zoning authority. specific needs of low-income children.

Global Trade Accountability Act Davis-Bacon Repeal Act

Tax Reform and the Child Tax Credit Requires actions taken by the executive branch on
trade to be subject to congressional approval.
Repeals 80-year-old wage subsidy law which drives up
federal project costs and hinders economic growth.

In June, September, and October, Senator Lee a doubling of the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 Agency Accountability Act Working Families Flexibility Act
participated in three different panels with Ivan- to $2,000 per child. The implementation of this Makes all fines, fees, and penalties subject to the ap- Allows employers to give option for employees to choose
ka Trump, to discuss the importance of includ- meaningful policy into the final tax bill is a clear propriations process, allowing for more oversight. either overtime pay or paid time off for overtime hours.
ing relief for working families in any tax reform victory for parents and families all over the coun- CBO Show Your Work Act Welfare Reform and Upward Mobility Act
legislation. He continued to work closely with try, and represents a positive step towards end- Requires higher transparency from the Congressional Reform welfare to repair dignity, strengthen families, and
Ms. Trump, Senator Rubio, and his colleagues ing the bias in our tax code that penalizes hard- Budget Office by making more data available. assist Americans in becoming self-sufficient once again.
on the Senate Finance Committee throughout working parents who are busy raising the next
Protecting American Jobs Act Higher Education Reform and Opportunity Act
the fall, and their combined efforts resulted in generation of taxpayers.
Transfers the power to hear and adjudicate NLRB com- Provides students with options that prepare them for the
plaints to the U.S. Court System. challenges and opportunities in today’s job market.
16 17
Providing for the Common Defense Retention of Utah Apache
Peace through strength
Helicopter Batallion
Senator Lee believes there is no higher priority for spending, smart reforms to the Defense Depart- Senator Lee applauded the Army’s an-
the federal government than the defense of our ment, and better aligning our international en- nouncement of its stationing decision to
nation. He continues to advocate for policies that gagements with U.S. economic and security prior- retain the AH-64 Apache Attack-Recon-
provide the appropriate resources that our ser- ities. naissance Battalions, allowing Utah’s air-
vice members and their families have earned and men to continue their mission for our na-
deserve while also ensuring that the Department Senator Lee continues to advocate for a full audit tion and contributions to total Army end
of Defense is running as efficiently as possible. of the DOD in order to clearly differentiate what strength.
resources and programs are needed to ensure that
Congress can and should find a better way to pro- our country is kept safe and our service members Senator Lee has continually fought for
tect the individual liberties and opportunities of are equipped and prepared for any future threats. performance-based decision making in
Americans through reductions in overall federal military operations. Based on their excel-
lent performance, Utah’s guardsmen and
women have earned the right to continue
fulfilling their commitments to our coun-
try with the Apache.

Senator Lee met with the Utah National

Guard’s Adjutant General, Major General
Jeff Burton the morning of the announce-
ment in his Washington, DC office, ex-
pressing gratitude and congratulating
him on this exciting news.

18 19
2017 Presenters
Utah Solutions Summit
Collaboration: Our blueprint for success Rich McKeown
Chairman, Leavitt Partners
Constructive Collaboration: Elements of Alliance Building

Hosted August 24, 2017, the fourth-annual Utah Solutions

Summit featured local and national leaders discussing how Capital Collaboration Panel
Moderated by Curt Roberts, Kickstart
principles of collaboration can be applied to our communi- Howard Hochhauser, Ancestry; Gordon Goldstein, Silver Lake Group;
ties, businesses, governments, and creative ventures, and Steve Mills, Uinta Brewing Co.; Tim Spring, The Riverside Company
also how to apply these lessons to individual blueprints for Tom Davin, 5.11 Tactical; Pat Maciarello, The Compass Group;
success Debra Woyce, National Vision; Travers Garvin, KKR

Joseph Grenny
The best days of the American Speaker, Author, and Social Scientist
Change Collaboration

people remain ahead of us. I Molly Kocialski

hope, and I expect, that we will Director, Denver US Patent & Trademark Office
Creative Collaboration
do the right thing by the Ameri- Dennis Lindsey
can people by returning to these General Manager, Utah Jazz

Competitive Collaboration
founding-era principles that re-
Davis Smith
quire our collaboration. Founder and CEO, Cotopaxi
Cause Collaboration
Senator Mike Lee
Congressional Collaboration: Conviction’s Role in the Process

20 21
Engaging Communities &
Empowering Utahns
Since beginning his Senate service in January 2011, Senator Lee
has been committed to the belief that Utahns offer a special per-
spective that can uniquely benefit our country. Consequently, he
has shaped his staff structure, resources, and priorities with a fo-
cus on community engagement and the empowerment of Utah’s
Academy Nominations Opioid Crisis Roundtable many voices.
Senator Lee had the privilege to nominate Senator Lee and staff joined a group of Utahns
outstanding young Utahns to our nation’s for a roundtable discussion on the current
military service academies. opioid crisis facing our state and nation. Senator Lee firmly believes that nurturing relationships based on
respect and trust is the best way to find common ground and
build consensus among differing viewpoints. No matter how
controversial the issue, his staff members reach out and com-
municate with their fellow Utahns—everyone from community
leaders to concerned citizens—to find principled agreement and
forge innovative solutions.

Whether it be through town hall meetings, mobile office visits,

round table discussions, tele-town hall meetings, or scheduled
Utah Manufacturing meetings in one of his offices, Utahns are always welcome to
Visiting with employees at the Autoliv Utah Innovation share their ideas and feedback with Senator Lee and his staff.
manufacturing facility in Ogden.
Senator Lee met with a number of medical
technology companies to discuss some of the
innovation happening in the state.

22 23
Energy Development Medicare Roundtable
Senator Lee met with a group of fire fighters and police Senator Lee discussed the protection and
Senior Visits
Senator Lee spoke to a group of energy
producers about his efforts to reduce the officers from Salt Lake and Utah Counties to better promotion of healthcare options for Utah seniors. Senator Lee and his staff completed 44 visits to
barriers to responsible energy development. understand the issues they’re facing in their communities. senior centers in all 29 counties in 2017.

With Tooele County Commissioners

on a tour of local businesses.

Utah Agriculture Rural Tech Infrastructure Employee Town Halls

Senator Lee joined state house rep. Scott Chew Senator Lee discussed the success story of the
Senator Lee met with and listened to the
in seeing firsthand the issues facing Utah private sector bringing broadband and data
concerns of the hardworking and skilled men
farmers and ranchers. services to rural communities.
and women who make up Utah’s workforce.
24 25
Senator Lee met with Interior Secretary
Ryan Zinke alongside Governor Herbert and
Senator Hatch to discuss Utah public lands.

Student Engagement Meeting with police and fire chiefs from

Discussing the function and proper role of Utah and Salt Lake Counties to discuss
Talking tax reform and trade policy
government to students at Union High in Roosevelt. the opioid crisis and other issues.
at the World Trade Center Utah.
Senator Lee visited Hill Air Force Base to discuss the
base’s important role with the F-35 Fighter Jet.

Senator Lee discussed tax reform with Visiting with Sego Lily Soaps as
business and community leaders at the part of a local business crawl
2017 Utah Solutions Summit. down Spanish Fork’s main street.

Senator Lee visited the P&G plant to discuss the some of Meeting with Utah Credit Union
the unique advantages of locating in Box Elder County. Association members to discuss
financial security in the 21st century.
26 27
Bringing Utah to Washington
tour groups were welcomed
by Senator Lee’s staff in 2017,
totalling thousands of Utahns.

Taste of Utah
Senator Lee’s office part-
nered with other Utahns to
give those at our nation’s
capital a little taste of Utah
for Pioneer Day.

Inviting Business cups of Utah’s official
state snack served at the
to D.C. D.C. office for the weekly
“Jell-O with the Senator.”
Senator Lee’s office host-
ed Utah chambers of
commerce and business
groups during a trip to
Washington where they
were able to hear policy
updates, ask questions,
and receive training first
28 29
Media Year in Review: 2017
Communicating the Message of Limited, Constitutional Government

231 television and radio appearances 351 tweets sent from
@SenMikeLee, with more than
25 million impressions
Op-Eds published in the De-
seret News, Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, and others

new facebook followers for Senator Mike Lee’s official
Facebook page, bringing the total to 384,771
instagram posts by @SenMikeLee

30 31
Constituent Services Town Hall Events
Constituent Communication
Each year Senator Lee has the opportunity to In 2017, Senator Lee’s staff assisted more than 500
Every day, Senator Lee’s offices receive hundreds of Senator Lee held several tele-town hall events
help hundreds of Utahns in their dealings with individuals with casework related to federal agen- emails, letters, phone calls, and faxes from constituents throughout the year. These events give Utahns
the federal government. Services can range cies. offering feedback and asking that the Senator sup- the opportunity to ask questions and learn more
from helping a veteran obtain long sought med- port or oppose specific issues or pieces of legislation.
about what Senator Lee is working on. You can par-
als, helping a family in need through the Social If you or anyone you know is having trouble with Listening to and responding to these messages from
constituents is one of the privileges of representing the ticipate online at, via phone, or
Security disability process, assisting businesses a case or application with a federal government
people of Utah. on Senator Lee’s Facebook page.
with their employee’s delayed immigration pa- agency, please reach out to Senator Lee’s Salt
perwork, and working on a last-minute emer- Lake City office at (801) 524-5933 to find out more

In 2017, 76,561 people participated in these events
gency passport. about the help and services provided.
via phone and over 200,000 watched on Facebook.

Mobile Offices constituent messages sent in 2017

To sign up to be notified about future tele-town
hall events, visit
Senator Lee’s mobile office program provided a The mobile office holds events in multiple loca-
unique opportunity for Senate staff to engage tions throughout all 29 counties in Utah. The full
with Utahns in their local communities. It serves schedule is posted on and is up-
as a resource for constituents who might not oth- dated periodically.
erwise be able to meet with casework officers or
other staff in the Salt Lake and St. George offices.

166 total mobile

office visits
in 2017 45 days of mobile offices at
the Utah Capitol during
the 2017 legislative session 29 Senator Lee’s staff held
a mobile office in all of
Utah’s 29 counties in 2017

32 33
Senior Outreach Veteran Outreach
This year, Senator Lee’s office began our Senior Senator Lee’s staff has visited many veterans
Outreach program. With 44 visits and at least groups throughout the state and helped those
one in all 29 counties, Senator Lee and staff have who have served in our military receive the ben-
had the opportunity to hear from hundreds of se- efits they are entitled to. Senator Lee’s office has
niors across the state of Utah and provide them been able to assist Utah veterans with things
with assitance with issues they may have related such as medal requests, VA benefits, burials, mili-
to federal agencies. tary records, and more.

Senate Internship Program Military Academy Nominations

11 30 111
Senator Lee’s internship program provides college
students a forum in which they may enhance their 2017:
studies with the practical application of academ- Nominees Total Interviews
ic concepts in a real world setting. The internship Appointed Nominees Conducted
experience has proven valuable for many students
as they see the inner workings of the U.S. Congress Senator Lee has the honor to nominate outstand-
and the American legislative process. ing young Utahns to our nation’s service acad-
emies who have demonstrated through the ap-
A limited number of internships are available each plication and interview process that they have
year for Senator Lee’s Washington, D.C. and Utah a desire to serve our country and be a leader in
offices. Preference is given to college students the U.S. Armed Forces. Successful applicants have
who are attending a Utah university or college shown they can handle the rigorous academic and
and residents from Utah who are attending out- physical requirements of the academies while also
of-state schools. contributing to their local communities.
34 35
Important Links:
Federal Case Work, Mobile Offices, Town Hall Meetings:
Legislation and Voting Record:
The Social Capital Project Reports:
Academy Nominations, Tour Requests, Internships, etc:
Facebook: /SenatorMikeLee
Twitter: @SenMikeLee
Instagram: @SenMikeLee

“It is a tremendous honor to represent the people of Utah in the United

States Senate. I invite you to visit my website or call my office if
there’s something we can do to help. For anything from tour requests
to federal casework to questions about legislation, myself and my 2017 Annual Report Online:
excellent staff are here to serve you.”
For more information on Senator Lee’s 2017 Annual Report
please visit:


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