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On Upgrading the Numerics in Combustion Chemistry

Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge,
MA 02139, USA

A method of updating and reusing legacy FORTRAN codes for combustion simulations is presented using the
DAEPACK software package. The procedure is demonstrated on two codes that come with the CHEMKIN-II
package, CONP and SENKIN, for the constant-pressure batch reactor simulation. Using DAEPACK generated
code, analytical derivative calculations, sparsity pattern information, and hidden discontinuity information can
be obtained for the models of interest. This information can be easily integrated with different solvers giving
the modeler great flexibility in selecting the best solution procedure. Using the generated code, the CONP code
was connected to three different solvers, and the SENKIN code was connected to two different solvers. The
effect of model formulation, analytical derivatives, sparsity, and sensitivity equation solution method were
analyzed for three large kinetic mechanisms for methane, acetylene, and n-heptane. For the n-heptane model,
with 544 species and 2446 reactions, a factor of 10-speed improvement over the original solution procedure was
found using analytical derivatives and sparse linear algebra. For sensitivity calculations, for a small number of
parameters, a factor of 55 improvement over the original solution procedure was found for the n-heptane
problem. Upon closer examination of results, no one method is found to always be superior to other methods,
and selection of the appropriate solution procedure requires an examination of the specific kinetic mechanism,
which is easily conducted using DAEPACK generated code. © 2002 by The Combustion Institute

INTRODUCTION much attention, and over the last five years

several programs have been developed to build
During the past two decades, computer simula- reaction mechanisms for different fuels based
tions have become an important tool for design- on well understood reaction rules [1]. For more
ing and investigating combustion systems. Con- complex fuels, the number of species in the
siderable effort has been devoted to generate model can easily be several hundred, with the
chemistry models applicable to a wide range of number of reactions in the thousands.
reaction conditions, as well as to more accu- Although the older computer codes can still
rately predict the existence of pollutant species, handle simulations for these much more com-
which have concentrations several orders of plex systems (sometimes with extensions and
magnitude smaller than the main reactants and adjustments), they often use routines that be-
products. Much progress has been made in the come inefficient quickly as the number of spe-
last decade towards this goal; however, to ac- cies and reactions increases. There are two
complish this the reaction mechanisms have approaches to help minimize this. One method
increased greatly in complexity because of the is to work on robust ways to reduce the size of
addition of many radicals and other transient the chemical mechanisms while retaining suffi-
species into the mixture description. cient accuracy. There have been several efforts
The number of species and reactions involved along these lines and much progress has been
in these new mechanisms is often staggering. made [2–5], but efficient general algorithms for
One example of this is methane/air combustion, reducing mechanisms and ensuring the reduced
which is as basic as one can get for hydrocar- models are accurate over the range of condi-
bons, but requires anywhere from 30 to 50 tions important in a combustion simulation are
species and hundreds of reactions to accurately still not available.
describe the chemistry over a wide range of Another approach is to replace the existing
conditions. Complex fuels have also received solution procedures with newer procedures that
take advantage of advances made in numerical
* Corresponding author. E-mail: analysis during the last decade. To do this,
COMBUSTION AND FLAME 128:270 –291 (2002)
0010-2180/02/$–see front matter © 2002 by The Combustion Institute
PII 0010-2180(01)00352-2 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

however, significant portions of these legacy complex, and interconnected hierarchies of sub-
codes must be rewritten to take advantage of routines.
the new solvers, which is often a time consuming DAEPACK is a collection of programs de-
and error prone task. Unless the interfaces veloped to help modelers apply modern algo-
remain consistent, a considerable amount of rithms and techniques to their FORTRAN1
work is also necessary to validate the new code models efficiently and accurately. At the core of
to the same degree as the previous, older codes. DAEPACK is a source code analyzer. The
In this paper, we present a new method to analyzer is able to parse FORTRAN source
automate this process of updating legacy codes. code and extract information needed for more
We demonstrate this procedure on a simple modern solvers, such as the calculation of ana-
chemical simulation and show how this can lytical derivatives, sparsity information, and hid-
improve computational performance in some den discontinuities. DAEPACK then generates
cases by over an order of magnitude. To accom- automatically auxiliary subroutines to calculate
plish this, we use a software package developed this information, making it available to the
at MIT called DAEPACK [6]. We first describe modeler for analysis and for interfacing with
DAEPACK and then discuss the chemical sys- modern solvers.
tems and solution techniques used for these For this paper, two aspects of DAEPACK are
simulations. We then apply DAEPACK to cal- demonstrated for programs of interest to the
culate analytical derivatives and sparsity infor- combustion community. The first aspect is the
mation for three separate chemical kinetic generation of analytical derivatives. For stiff
mechanisms, and examine the efficiency of the ODE/DAE solution procedures, derivatives of
derivative calculations. Finally, we compute the the model are necessary for using robust solu-
resulting simulations with and without sensitiv- tion techniques. Numerical derivatives, espe-
ity computations, using several solvers and tech- cially for very large models, are costly and not
niques that can be easily interfaced with DA- always accurate, and determining and coding
EPACK generated code. All computations were the analytical derivatives by hand can be time
conducted on an 800 MHz Pentium-III com- consuming for complex subroutine libraries.
puter with 256 MB running Linux. Several methods for obtaining analytical Jaco-
bians automatically have been developed [7].
DAEPACK currently implements the sparse
forward mode method of automatic differenti-
DESCRIPTION OF DAEPACK ation [7] and we plan to add other modes in
future releases of the software.
The oldest and most prevalent approach used In addition to calculating analytical deriva-
for modeling and simulation is the FORTRAN- tives, DAEPACK can also generate sparsity
based paradigm. The model is typically encap- patterns for a particular model. With the model
sulated into a single subroutine that calculates in symbolic form, the generated code can auto-
the residuals for the system of equations of matically determine the sparsity pattern and
interest. Very often, the residual subroutine adapt it to the current state of the model. This
calls third-party subroutine libraries to compute is extremely useful for kinetic models, where
the residuals. Older solution techniques typi- one program can generally read in many differ-
cally require only the residual subroutine and ent kinetic models, each having its own sparsity
some other easily obtainable model informa- pattern. The occurrence information can then
tion. Newer techniques, however, often require be used by the modeler to estimate the potential
much more specific information about the sys- of exploiting sparsity, and also as input into
tem of equations, but also offer much more sparse linear algebra solvers such as the Harwell
efficient, robust, and sometimes more accurate MA48 libraries [8].
solution procedures. This information is typi-
cally difficult to obtain and code into the sub- 1
The current implemention is for FORTRAN code, how-
routine, especially with the use of calls to third- ever, the approach is valid for all procedural programming
party subroutine libraries which can have large, languages.

It is important to recognize that there is a evaluating the derivative values is generated

fundamental difference between automatic dif- from the original source code evaluating the
ferentiation (AD) and partial derivatives com- function of interest. The advantage of this ap-
puted by symbolic computing environments proach is that portable code is generated. Also,
such as Maple and Mathematica. On the one the user does not need to have access to a
hand, AD generates a segment of code that can compiler which supports operator overloading.
evaluate values for partial derivatives of the In many of these source-to-source tools, rather
dependent variables at any given values for the than requiring the user to redeclare selected
independent variables. In particular, symbolic variables, the user must simply specify which of
expressions for the partial derivatives are never the program variables are independent and
constructed at any point. On the other hand, a dependent variables. The AD tool will automat-
symbolic computing environment will (automat- ically identify which intermediate variables are
ically) derive symbolic expressions for the par- directly involved in the computation of the
tial derivatives, and then encode these expres- derivatives. In the operator overloading ap-
sions as a subroutine to evaluate derivative proach, it is often the responsibility of the user
values, if this is required. The disadvantage with to identify these active intermediate program
this latter approach is that the symbolic expres- variables manually. Some tools employing
sions for partial derivatives can grow very rap- source-to-source transformation are JAKEF
idly in complexity, whereas the AD approach of [13], GRESS [14], PADRE2 [15], ADIFOR
only computing values remains a priori bounded [16], Odyssée [17], TAMC [18], and DAEPACK
in terms of memory usage and computational [6].
cost [7]. DAEPACK provides several options for com-
The AD component of DAEPACK is one of puting derivative values. The option applied in
several software tools available for obtaining this paper is very similar to the algorithm used
numerical values of derivatives of functions in ADIFOR. Specifically, the reverse mode is
coded in imperative programming languages applied at the statement level and the overall
such as C, C⫹⫹, and Fortran. Several variants of derivative values are propagated through the
AD exist [7], essentially differing by how the code with the forward mode. The implementa-
chain-rule is applied to the underlying elemen- tion in DAEPACK has been designed from the
tary operations of the target code, however, beginning for efficient accumulation of sparse
most AD tools produce derivative code via one derivative matrices. In the sparse forward mode
of two ways. The first is by using the operator used in this paper, only nonzero derivative
overloading features of several modern pro- values are propagated and carefully optimized
gramming languages, including C⫹⫹ and For- utility routines are provided to reduce the over-
tran-95. Operator overloading is an advanced heads associated with working only with non-
programming feature that enables a user to zero entries. ADIFOR also provides a library,
redefine mathematical operators (e.g., ⫹, ⫺, ., SparsLinC, for computing sparse derivative ma-
and /) for user-defined data types. AD tools trices. Another option available in DAEPACK
employing this technique provide special data for exploiting sparsity is to use seed matrix
types for selected program variables in the code. compression [7] in conjunction with the sparsity
These data types carry with them the informa- pattern information. However, basic row or
tion necessary for computing derivative values. column compression is unsuitable for the Jaco-
The user can redeclare certain program vari- bians considered in this paper because they all
ables to be this data type and the compiler will contain some dense rows and columns.
generate automatically new instructions for In addition to generating code for derivative
computing the derivative values. Some tools evaluation and sparsity pattern determination,
employing this approach are ADOL-C [9], DAEPACK provides several components for
ADOL-F [10], BC1 [11], and GC1 [12]. The generating other codes evaluating information
other main approach for producing derivative necessary to perform advanced numerical cal-
code is source-to-source transformation. Using culations. For example, given a Fortran source
compiler technologies, new source code for code evaluating a model, DAEPACK provides a

component that generates new code computing chosen for its simplicity, yet it has many things
the natural interval extension of the model [19]. in common with more complex systems. The
This new code may be used, for example, to governing ordinary differential equations are
solve systems of equations using interval New- given below:
ton/generalized bisection. Another component
generates new code computing the convex re- dY i
␳ ⫽ W iw i (1)
laxations of nonconvex functions in the model dt
[20]. This code is necessary for many global

optimization and non-convex mixed integer dT
non-linear programming algorithms. Finally, a ␳Cp ⫽ ⫺ W kh kw k (2)
dt k⫽1
component has been developed to generate the
information necessary to perform reliable and where ␳ is the gas density, T is the temperature,
correct numerical integration and parametric Cp is the mixture specific heat, Yi is the mass
sensitivity analysis of models containing discon- fraction, Wi is the molecular weight, wi is the net
tinuities [21–23]. This DAEPACK component species production rate, and hi is the enthalpy of
generates new code that allows the user to lock species i. The code uses the CHEMKIN-II
the model so that it evaluates a smooth func- library to calculate both the thermodynamic
tion. This is achieved by setting a flag that fixes properties as well as the chemical production
the trace of statements executed despite the and destruction rates. The basic chemical equa-
presence of IF statements and discontinuous tions are summarized here, but the interested
intrinsic functions such as MIN and MAX. This reader should consult the original CHEMKIN
new code also extracts the discontinuity func- report for more details.
tions associated with the discrete events, which For this paper, we consider an elementary
are necessary for performing simulation and reaction system with N species and M reactions.
sensitivity analysis correctly and efficiently.
In general, any reaction j is described by its
The current paper applies DAEPACK to two
stoichiometric coefficients:
relatively simple programs used extensively by
the combustion community and included with
冘␯ ⬘ A º 冘 ␯ ⬙ A
the CHEMKIN-II packages [24, 25]. Both ij i kj k (3)
programs simulate a constant-pressure batch i⫽1 k⫽1
reactor. The first program, CONP, computes
where ␯ij⬘ and ␯ ij⬙ are the stoichiometric coeffi-
only the simulation, while the second program,
cients for species i, reaction j. For elementary
SENKIN [26], computes the simulation with
reactions, each reaction rate ␯j is calculated as:
sensitivities. We first construct the model and
then outline the solution techniques used for
写C 写C
solving the model. We then apply DAEPACK r j ⫽ k f, j 共T兲 ␯ kj⬘
k ⫺ k b, j 共T兲 ␯ kj⬙
k (4)
to the system and examine the sparsity of some k⫽1 k⫽1
common, large scale kinetic systems and the
efficiency of analytical derivative calculations as where Ck is the concentration of species k, kf,j is
compared to numerical differences. Then we the forward-rate temperature dependent term,
implement new solvers into the CONP and and kb,j is the backward-rate temperature de-
SENKIN code and evaluate the performance of pendent term. For the majority of reactions, the
using DAEPACK and the new solvers with forward-rate temperature dependent term kf,j is
CONP and SENKIN. calculated using Arrhenius coefficients, kf, j
⫽ Aj T nj exp共⫺Ea, j /RT兲, where Aj is termed the
A-factor for reaction j. The backward tempera-
GOVERNING EQUATIONS ture dependence is either determined in a sim-
ilar manner, or more often calculated through
The system we examine in detail solves the equilibrium arguments using the thermo-chem-
adiabatic, constant pressure problem for a per- ical data. The concentration of species k can be
fectly stirred, batch reactor. This system was expressed in terms of the density:

C k ⫽ ␳ Y k/W k (5) nisms indicative of the type of chemical kinetic

systems that are becoming more prevalent, ex-
and the density in turn is related to the species amining calculations for both simple simula-
mass fraction by the ideal gas law: tions, and simulations with sensitivities com-

冉冘 冊 puted for the reaction A-factor parameters. All

P Yi three systems are described within the
␳ 共P, T, Y i兲 ⫽ (6)
i⫽1 i CHEMKIN-II framework and are available on
the internet.
Third body reactions also play an important role The first mechanism we examine is the GRI-
in many of these reaction mechanisms. Third Mech 3.0 methane/air mechanism [27]. The
body reactions are written as: GRI mechanism is a well documented system
and has been used extensively for both spatially
写 写C
r j ⫽ k f, j 共T兲C M, j C k␯ kj⬘ ⫺ k b, j 共T兲C M, j ␯ kj⬙
homogeneous and non-homogeneous [28, 29]
k⫽1 k⫽1 systems. Version 3.0 of this mechanism has 53
species, 325 reactions, and contains extensive
nitrogen chemistry. The specific case examined
where CM,j is the third body effective concen- for this paper is a stoichiometric mixture of
tration, calculated as: methane and air at one atmosphere and 1,500
K. We seed the simulation with a small amount

冘␣ C
of O and H radicals to start the simulation.
C M, j ⫽ ij i (8) The second mechanism we investigate is an
acetylene flame soot-formation mechanism
where ␣ij is a third-body efficiency and varies for from Wang and Frenklach [30]. This mechanism
different reactions and different species. ␣ij is has 99 species and 533 reactions. Because the
generally one for most of the minor species but mechanism focuses on soot production, it in-
may vary for the major species. Because of this, cludes chemistry that is considerably different
the third body concentration is calculated in than the nitrogen/methane chemistry in GRI-
CHEMKIN as: Mech. The specific case examined for this paper
is an acetylene/air mixture with 7.75(mol/mol)%

冘C ⫹ 冘␤ C
acetylene by volume at a temperature of 1,000 K
C M, j ⫽ (9)
i ij i and a pressure of one atmosphere. Again, the
i⫽1 i⫽1
simulations are started with a small concentra-
where ␤ij ⫽ ␣ij ⫺ 1. In addition to these simple tion of O and H radicals.
third body reactions, CHEMKIN-II provides The final mechanism that we investigate is an
means for calculating pressure dependent third n-heptane mechanism of Curran et al. [31].
body reactions, which tend to be complex non- With 544 species and 2446 reactions, this mech-
linear functions whose descriptions are not re- anism represents the type of large mechanism
quired here. Please consult the CHEMKIN that will become more common in the future.
papers for a complete explanation and discus- The specific case examined for this paper is an
sion of them. n-heptane/air mixture with 0.14(mol/mol)% n-
The net molar production rate for any given heptane at a pressure of 12.5 atm and 800 K.
species is then described in terms of the indi- Mechanisms such as these typically rely on
vidual reaction rates and their associated stoi- both extensive databases of carefully measured
chiometric coefficients: reactions as well as the incorporation of reac-
tions based on generalized reaction families and

冘 共␯ ⬙ ⫺ ␯⬘ 兲 r
reaction rules. Extensive and careful analysis is
wi ⫽ ij ij j (10) required to determine the correctness and va-
lidity of large and complex mechanism such as
We investigate the constant-pressure batch re- these. Any enhancement to robustness and ef-
actor for three specific chemical kinetic mecha- ficiency that can be obtained with the current

infrastructure of codes would be a tremendous ential-algebraic equation (DAE) systems; an

benefit to these analyses. ODE system is a subset of the above where

F 共Ż, Z, t, p兲 ⫽ IŻ ⫺ f 共Z, t, p兲 ⫽ 0 (13)

where I is the identity matrix. For an Nth order
We first look at the solution of the constant BDF method, we discretize Ż as:
pressure problem as described by Eqs. 1 and 2
冘␣ Z
without calculating sensitivities. For stiff prob-
Ż n⫹1 ⫽ i 共n⫹1兲⫺i (14)
lems such as most chemical kinetic problems,
the most popular approach is a variable order,
variable time-step BDF method originally at- where n is the current time-step. The coeffi-
tributed to Gear [32]. To use BDF methods, we cients ␣i are typically a function of both the
first write the system in a general way, order N and the time-step h of the computation,
and are discussed in detail in [32, 33]. The full
F 共Ż, Z, t, p兲 ⫽ 0 (11)
discretized equation that is solved by the BDF
subject to the initial conditions, method is written as:

␾ 共Ż 共t 0兲, Z 共t 0兲, t 0, p兲 ⫽ 0

where Z is our vector of dependent variables, Ż
is the time derivative of our vector of dependent
F 冉冘


␣ iZ 共n⫹1兲⫺i, Z n⫹1, t n⫹1, p ⫽ 0 (15)

variables, t is our independent variable (in this Using a Newton method to solve the above
case, time), and p are the parameters of the non-linear equation, we obtain the iterative
problem. This equation describes general differ- equation:

共k⫹1兲 共k兲
Z n⫹1 ⫽ Z n⫹1 ⫺ J⫺1 G 共Z n⫹1
, Z n , Z n⫺1 , . . . , Z 共n⫹1兲⫺N , t n⫹1 , p兲 (16)

where G is the discretized form of F, and k is the obtained widespread acceptance. It uses up to a
iteration level. The Jacobian J is defined as: 5th-order BDF method with a variable time-
stepping procedure to obtain results within
⭸F ⭸F specified error bounds. For general DAE sys-
J ⫽ ␣0 ⫹ (17)
⭸Ż ⭸Z tems, DASSL [33] has gained widespread accep-
tance, and similarly uses up to a 5th-order BDF
Note that the above expression simplifies for
method with a variable time-stepping proce-
ODE systems to the following:
dure. For very large systems, even with the use
⭸f of defered Jacobians, the Jacobian calculation
J ⫽ ␣ 0I ⫺ ⫽ ␣ 0I ⫺ J⬘ (18) and LU factorization are still the most costly
parts of the simulation. Both of these solvers
Extensive research has gone into creating assume dense, meaning that most of the ele-
efficient, robust BDF solvers with strict error ments of J are non-zero, or banded linear
control. Most popular methods work by mini- systems. However, many of the large systems
mizing the number of Jacobian evaluations and encountered in combustion simulations are ex-
LU decompositions required, typically by reus- tremely sparse but lack any sort of regular
ing old Jacobians from previous time-steps and structure such as bands. For these systems,
carefully monitoring the convergence rate of the significant gains in efficiency can be made by
quasi-Newton iteration to ensure good conver- exploiting this sparsity in the Jacobian evalua-
gence. The heuristics for these programs are tions and in the linear algebra using direct
quite complex and require years of adjusting to sparse Gauss elimination. DSL48S [35], based
obtain optimum and robust performance. For on DASSL, was written to take advantage of
ODE systems, the VODE package [34] has this form of sparsity by using the Harwell MA48

sparse linear algebra libraries [8]. For computa- ture of this system to obtain an efficient method
tions contained in this paper, we use VODE, for solving the sensitivity equations. The advan-
DASSL, and DSL48S for our simulations. tage of this method is that the Jacobian does not
Parametric sensitivities for the dynamic sys- need to be factored at every step.
tem described above can be found by solving The third method commonly used is the
auxiliary sensitivity equations along with the staggered corrector method, and is described in
original system. For the ith parameter, the Feehery, Tolsma, and Barton [35]. This method,
additional sensitivity equations are: as in the staggered direct method, separates the
solution procedure at each time step into two
⭸F ⭸F ⭸F phases, solving the original system and then
ṡ i ⫹ si ⫹ ⫽0 (19)
⭸Ż ⭸Z ⭸p i solving the sensitivity equations. Unlike the
subject to the initial conditions, staggered direct method, however, the stag-
gered corrector method solves the sensitivity
⭸␾ ⭸␾ ⭸␾ equations iteratively using the deferred Jaco-
ṡ i 共t 0兲 ⫹ s i 共t 0兲 ⫹ ⫽0 (20) bian. By using an iterative solution procedure,
⭸Ż ⭸Z ⭸p i
the Jacobian again is not required to be factored
⭸Z at every step, and can thus provide a substantial
where si ⬅ .
⭸pi increase in performance.
For each parameter pi, there are N ⫹ 1 The original SENKIN code uses the stag-
sensitivity variables for the system defined by gered direct method for computation, as imple-
Eqs. 1 and 2, where N is the number of species. mented in DASAC [37]. For the computations
There are two important observations to note reported in this paper, we use the DASPK3.0
about the above sensitivity equations. The first [39] and DSL48S [35] libraries for the simula-
observation is that clearly the original dynami- tions with sensitivities. All three solvers are
cal system is not coupled to the sensitivity based on the DAE-solver DASSL. DASPK in-
equations, and can be solved independently of corporates all three methods for solving sensi-
the sensitivity equations, although the sensitivity tivity systems, and provides an enhancement to
equations are dependent on the dynamical sys- the DASAC implementation for ill-conditioned
tem. The second observation is that the sensi- problems [39]. Like DASSL, it uses dense linear
tivity equations are linear in the sensitivity algebra for factorizations and back substitu-
variables with a Jacobian matrix identical to that tions. DSL48S uses the staggered corrector
employed for the state equations. method for computing sensitivities, and as men-
Unlike the simulations, there are several tioned previously uses the Harwell MA48 sparse
competing methods for solving the sensitivity linear algebra libraries.
equations. In this paper we investigate three All of these programs provide the ability to
different methods. The first method is the stag- calculate numerical Jacobians or use a user
gered direct method [36, 37]. It divides each supplied analytical Jacobian. For many sys-
time step into two computations, first comput- tems, a user provided analytical Jacobian can
ing the original system, and then computing the make the solution procedure more robust,
sensitivity equations. Because the sensitivity and can also increase the efficiency tremen-
equations are linear, this method directly in- dously. DAEPACK provides a method for gen-
verts the system to solve the sensitivity equa- erating the necessary analytical Jacobians easily
tions. By doing a direct inversion, however, the and integrating them with different solvers.
method must factor the Jacobian at every step,
which can become very expensive for large
The second method is called the simulta-
neous corrector method, described by Maly and For this paper, we use DAEPACK to upgrade
Petzold [38]. This solution procedure treats the two codes that come with the CHEMKIN-II
system as one large non-linear dynamical sys- library called CONP and SENKIN. CONP
tem, and takes advantage of the resultant struc- solves the constant pressure system described in

Eqs. 1 and 2 using the VODE integration tion in CONP and two alternative formulations
package. The VODE package requires that the for the same constant-pressure problem. Sec-
user encapsulates the function f (Z, t, p) in Eq. ond, we examine the improvement in perfor-
13 as an external subroutine, and pass it along mance using analytical Jacobians with all three
with the dependent variables, time, and param- systems. Third, for the sparse systems, we exam-
eters to the VODE subroutine. For the CONP ine using both analytical Jacobians and sparse
program, the vector of dependent variables is linear algebra to improve performance using
simply Z ⫽ (Yi , T)T. The functional form of f is different solvers. Finally, we examine the effect
easily determined from Eqs. 1 and 2 and is of solution technique, sparsity, and analytical
encapsulated into the subroutine FUN. Using derivatives on the sensitivity calculations.
CHEMKIN-II, the actual length of the subrou-
tine FUN is quite small (20 lines), as most of the
real computational work is done within the calls EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL
to CHEMKIN-II library subroutines (which re- JACOBIANS
mained unchanged throughout this work).
SENKIN solves the same system as CONP, plus The destruction and formation of most chemi-
the sensitivty of the system to the reaction cal species is usually dominated by only a hand-
A-factors using the DASAC solver [37]. ful of reactions. Reflecting this physical reality,
DASAC is based on the DASSL DAE solver most large chemical kinetic models in the liter-
and uses the staggered direct method for com- ature are extremely sparse in terms of interac-
puting sensitivities. To use DAE based solvers tions between different species. That is, physi-
we must compute the residual function F(Ż, Z, cally each species reacts with at most only a
t, p) as defined in Eq. 11, which is carried out in a small number of the total number of species
subroutine called RES. Constructing RES from which exist. Most solution methods in current
FUN is very simple. For this system, RES is use, however, rely on dense techniques and do
again quite small, as most of the work is carried not attempt to take advantage of this inherent
out in the CHEMKIN-II library subroutine. sparsity. For this section, we use DAEPACK
The authors of CONP and SENKIN opted to generated code to examine the sparsity of the
use the finite-difference Jacobian generation actual numerical simulations, and determine
subroutine that comes as part of VODE and ways to exploit this sparsity in numerical solvers.
DASSL to determine the Jacobian matrices J⬘ For numerical solvers, the sparsity of the
and J. To switch to analytical Jacobians, we first system is dependent on the non-zero entries in
run the source code through the DAEPACK the Jacobian J, as defined in Eq. 17. For the
code analyzer. DAEPACK requires all of the original formulation where Z ⫽ (Yi , T)T, inspec-
main subroutines, and the libraries that the tion of the original conservation Eqs. 1 and 2
main subroutines access (in this case, the reveals that the Jacobian J is totally dense. The
CHEMKIN-II libraries), be available as source reason for this is that every concentration found
code. DAEPACK then generates a subroutine in the rate Eq. 7 is dependent on every species
that computes the necessary derivatives for the mass fraction Yi through Eqs. 5 and 6. This
Jacobian using the sparse forward mode analyt- results in very poor performance for the current
ical Jacobian procedure, as well as the sparsity automatic analytical derivative techniques, and
information needed by the Harwell MA48 sub- also for sparse linear algebra. In the resulting
routine. The user then writes a small wrapper computations, we refer to this as the density
subroutine to interface the generated code with formulation.
the desired solver. Several examples of wrap- The choice of Z ⫽ (Yi , T)T is a common one,
pers for commonly used solvers are included but not the only one. An equivalent system can
within the DAEPACK distribution. be constructed for the constant pressure prob-
Using sparsity information returned from the lem by using the species moles ni and the system
automatically generated code, we first examine volume V as dependent variables instead of
the sparsity of the three chemical systems men- species mass fractions, where ni ⫽ CiV. The
tioned previously, given the original formula- species conservation equations are simply

dn i solver DASSL. In the resulting numerical cal-

⫽ w iV (21) culations, we refer to this as the augmented
density formulation.
The differential equation for the volume can be Using the above formulations, we examined
derived from the ideal gas law V ⫽ nRT/P. For the sparsity for all three mechanisms mentioned
constant pressure, the differential equation for previously. Although the mechanisms were
volume is fairly large, we found that the Jacobians for
these mechanisms were still very dense, even for
冘 w V ⫺ ␳CV T 冘 W h w
dV V the sparse formulations. The GRI-Mech was
⫽ i k k k (22)
dt n k⫽1 p k⫽1 90% dense, while the acetylene flame was 63%
dense. Only the n-heptane was significantly
For this case, the dependent variables become
sparse, with 90% sparsity.
Z ⫽ (ni , T, V)T and the system of differential
Upon inspection of the CHEMKIN-II librar-
equations is Eqs. 21–22 with the energy Eq. 2.
ies, we found that this was caused by third body
The advantage of this system is that the Jaco-
reactions. Because the third body concentration
bian is now sparse, unlike our original formula-
was calculated through Eq. 9, any species in-
tion, and we have kept an ODE formulation.
volved as a reactant or product in a third-body
The disadvantage of this system is that both ni
reaction had a dense row for the Jacobian. This
and V are extensive properties, whereas the
input of CONP is in mole-fractions, tempera- can be circumvented by using a slightly different
ture, and pressure. Because of this, we have method for calculating the third-body concen-
freedom in selecting the initial volume and total tration. Calculating this concentration as:
moles to anything satisfying PV ⫽ nRT. For the
冘␤ C
simulations presented here, we select the initial C M, j ⫽ C ⫹ (24)
ij i
volume such that initially the species moles are i⫽1
equivalent to the species mole-fractions. Be-
cause the mole-fractions are the same order of where the concentration C is calculated from
magnitude as the mass-fractions, this allows us the ideal gas law C ⫽ P/RT. This is identical to
to use the same relative and absolute error the original formulation, but representing it this
tolerances that we used for the density simula- way produces a much sparser Jacobian for the
tions. In the subsequent computations, we refer three mechanisms, because the majority of ␤ij’s
to this as the mole formulation. are set to zero. A comparison of the sparsity
We can also rearrange the original system pattern for the original formulation, mole for-
Z ⫽ (Yi , T)T and add ␳ to the dependent mulation, and augmented density formulation is
variable vector Z. Thus, Z ⫽ (Yi , T, ␳)T becomes given in Table 1 and Figs. 1–3 for all three
our vector of dependent variables; and the mechanisms with and without the revised third-
additional equation becomes: body treatment. The subsequent numerical
computations were done with the revised third-
␳ ⫺ ␳ 共P, T, Y i兲 ⫽ 0 (23) body treatment to give a fair representation of
where ␳(P, T, Yi) is computed from the ideal gas the benefit of using sparse solvers.
law, Eq. 6. The advantage of this system is that Next we compared CPU timings for the func-
it solves the exact same equations as the original tion evaluation, the Jacobian evaluation with
system, but the introduction of the additional analytical derivatives, and LU factorizations.
dependent variable ␳ now makes the Jacobian These three calculations constitute the majority
matrix J sparse. The system, however, is now a of the computational time done by all the
DAE system, and a DAE solver such as DASSL solvers. This is shown for all three mechanisms
or DSL48S must be used to solve it, as discussed and all three formulations in Table 2. As shown
above. This is less of an issue when computing in this table, changing the formulation does not
sensitivities, because the most popular pro- significantly affect the CPU timing for the func-
grams for computing sensitivities (DASPK, tion evaluation. This is because the large major-
DASAC, DSL48S) are all based on the DAE ity of time in the function evaluation is spent


Sparsity of the Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms. Dense Refers to the Original Density
Formulation, and Sparse Refers to the Mole Formulation and the Augmented Density
Formulation, Which Give Exactly the Same Sparsity Pattern

GRI-Mech Acetylene n-heptane

Non-zero Percent Non-zero Percent Non-zero Percent
Elem. Sparse Elem. Sparse Elem. Sparse

Dense 2,916 0% 10,000 0% 297,025 0%

Sparsea 2,679 11.4% 6,567 35.6% 30,095 89.9%

Sparseb 1,494 50.6% 2,742 73.1% 14,154 95.3%
Original CHEMKIN-II treatment of third body concentrations.
Third-body concentrations calculated by Eq. 24.

calculating the reaction rates, which is the same and dense as the GRI-Mechanism are only
regardless of the formulation. slightly more efficient with the current imple-
The CPU timings for the Jacobian evaluation mentation of analytic Jacobians. However, the
shown in Table 2 are more interesting. First, we acetylene soot mechanism shows a factor of two
point out that the current implementation of speedup in the Jacobian evaluation, and the
analytical derivatives performs poorly for the n-heptane mechanism has nearly a 12-fold
original density formulation. This is because of speedup in the Jacobian calculation, which
two reasons: the sparse forward mode analytical should improve the speed of the simulation
derivative computation becomes more efficient substantially.
as the sparsity of the system increases, whereas In addition to the Jacobian evaluation, Table
the density formulation is totally dense. Also, 2 also shows the LU factorization cost for the
the current implementation in DAEPACK em- entire Jacobian J in Eq. 17. The LU factoriza-
ploys sparse data structures, which creates ad- tion is only shown for the augmented density
ditional overhead and indirect references for formulation, although the other formulations
dense systems that are unnecessary. So, it is are similar for the dense calculations, and the
necessary to take advantage of sparsity to obtain mole formulation LU factorization is similar for
more efficient Jacobian calculations. Even with the sparse LU factorization. The sparse LU
the sparse formulations, mechanisms as small factorization is conducted using the MA48 li-

Fig. 1. Sparsity of GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism. 54 dependent variables. With (right) and without (left) third-body sparse

Fig. 2. Sparsity of Wang’s acetylene-soot mechanism. 100 dependent variables. With (right) and without (left) third-body
sparse formulation.

braries. The results here show that there is a ods discussed above. Again, we use DAEPACK
high overhead cost to using sparse linear alge- generated code to do these calculations, al-
bra for small, relatively dense systems. Only though now the calculation of sparsity is not
when we get to large, sparse systems such as the required. The timing results for the ⭸F/⭸p cal-
n-heptane system, can we really take advantage culations are shown in Table 3. For the one
of sparse linear algebra, and improve the LU parameter calculation, one can see that the
factorization substantially. It is interesting to finite difference derivative is by far the most
note that for all cases considered in Table 2 the efficient means of calculating ⭸F/⭸p. This is
cost of a Jacobian evaluation is greater than the because DAEPACK has been optimized to do
cost of a Jacobian factorization, which is some- much more complex, sparse derivatives, which
what contrary to the assumptions made in the requires a high overhead cost for creating the
design of sensitivity algorithms. sparse structures to do the sparse forward mode
For the sensitivity calculations in SENKIN, analytical derivative calculation. For a single
we also examine evaluating ⭸F/⭸p analytically. parameter, we would expect a much better
This computation is required for all three meth- result by doing a regular forward mode calcula-

Fig. 3. Sparsity of Curran’s n-heptane mechanism. 545 dependent variables. With (right) and without (left) third-body sparse


CPU Timings for Function and Jacobian Evaluations, and LU Factorizations, for Each
of the Three Mechanisms. Jacobians Calculated Analytically Using DAEPACK. Note
that the LU Factorization is Only Shown for the Augmented Density Formulation,
However all Three Formulations Behave Similarly for the Dense Solver, and the Mole
and Augmented Formulations Behave Similarly for the Sparse Solver. Timings are
Given in Seconds and Parenthetically as a Ratio to Function Evaluations

GRI-Mech Acetylene-soot n-heptane

N ⫽ 53, M ⫽ 325 N ⫽ 99, M ⫽ 498 N ⫽ 544, M ⫽ 2446

Function Evaluation
Density 5.46 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.33 ⫻ 10⫺4 7.94 ⫻ 10⫺3
Mole 5.23 ⫻ 10⫺4 7.97 ⫻ 10⫺4 7.2 ⫻ 10⫺3
Aug. Density 5.51 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.35 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.09 ⫻ 10⫺3
Jacobian Evaluation
Originala 0.0300 (55) 0.0841 (101) 4.34 (546)
Density 0.063 (115) 0.16 (192) 4.15 (523)
Mole 0.0283 (54) 0.0486 (61) 0.516 (72)
Aug. Density 0.022 (41) 0.040 (48) 0.338 (43)
LU Factorization
Dense 8.0 ⫻ 10⫺5 3.6 ⫻ 10⫺4 0.81
Sparse 7.8 ⫻ 10⫺4 2.9 ⫻ 10⫺3 0.25
Density formulation and numerical derivatives.

tion [7]. As the number of parameters grows, SIMULATION RESULTS

the efficiency of the sparse analytical derivative
calculation becomes apparent. For the full set of The next set of results (shown in Table 4
reactions, the speedup we see from using analyti- through Table 6), are the simulation results for
cal derivatives ranges from nine (for the GRI- the three mechanisms. Here we show the calcu-
Mech) to 37 (for the n-heptane mechanism). lations for three different commonly used solv-


CPU Timings for ⭸F/⭸p Calculation Using Analytical Derivatives Computed from
DAEPACK. Timings are Given in Seconds and Parenthetically as a Ratio to Function

GRI-Mech Acetylene-soot n-heptane

N ⫽ 53, M ⫽ 325 N ⫽ 99, M ⫽ 498 N ⫽ 544, M ⫽ 2446

Function Evaluation
Density 5.46 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.33 ⫻ 10⫺4 7.94 ⫻ 10⫺3
Aug. Density 5.51 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.35 ⫻ 10⫺4 8.09 ⫻ 10⫺3
⭸F/⭸p Evaluation, 1 parameter
Numerical 0.00109 (2) 0.0017 (2) 0.0159 (2)
Density 0.0055 (10) 0.0086 (10) 0.048 (6.0)
Aug. Density 0.0055 (10) 0.0086 (10) 0.049 (6.0)
⭸F/⭸p Evaluation, 100 parameters
Numerical 0.0551 (101) 0.0841 (101) 0.802 (101)
Density 0.010 (18) 0.015 (18) 0.07 (8.8)
Aug. Density 0.010 (18) 0.015 (18) 0.07 (8.8)
⭸F/⭸p Evaluation, M parameters
Numerical 0.178 (326) 0.416 (499) 19.4 (2447)
Density 0.020 (37) 0.039 (47) 0.49 (62)
Aug. Density 0.019 (37) 0.039 (47) 0.53 (65)


Comparison of Simulations for the Methane Reactor at Constant Pressure. Ta ⫽ 1,500

K, Pa ⫽ 1atm, XCH4 ⫽ 0.095, XO2 ⫽ 0.190, XN2 ⫽ 0.715. ␶ ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺3 sec. All Except
the Original Formulation use Analytical Jacobians

Number of
Total CPU Funct. Jac. LU
Solver Formulation Time (sec) Steps Eval. Eval. Fact. Conv. Error

VODE Original 1.83 1198 2791 22 156 0 57

VODE Density 2.84 1312 1768 26 184 0 76
VODE Mole 1.83 1212 1625 23 156 0 57
DASSL Density 5.77 1316 1713 74 74 0 9
DASSL Mole 3.12 1344 1746 68 68 0 8
DASSL Aug. density 2.75 1165 1532 78 78 0 15
DSL48S Mole 3.12 1248 1691 70 70 0 10
DSL48S Aug. density 2.90 1261 1707 76 76 0 16

ers, with all three formulations. We could not very aggressive time-step strategy, resulting in
use the augmented density formulation with many error test failures and subsequent LU
VODE because VODE is an ODE (not a DAE) factorizations. However, by separating the LU
solver, and we did not run the density formula- factorization from the Jacobian evaluation, the
tion with DSL48S because the sparse linear number of Jacobian evaluations still remains
algebra would be useless on a totally dense relatively small. This strategy works very well for
system. All of the calculations (except for the small systems (such as the GRI-Mech), where
original calculations) use analytical Jacobians. the cost of the LU factorization is much smaller
Relative and absolute tolerances of 10⫺6 and than the cost of the Jacobian evaluation. How-
10⫺15 were used, respectively, for the computa- ever, for larger systems, such as n-heptane, this
tions. Results showed no difference between the strategy becomes fairly costly.
three different formulations within the error As we would expect from Table 2, none of the
tolerances. improvements in analytical Jacobians or sparse
There are several interesting details observed linear algebra results in faster overall simula-
in these simulations. The first is the difference tions for the GRI-Mechanism (Table 4). Only a
between the VODE and DASSL (and thus small improvement can be seen with the larger
DSL48S) simulation strategies. VODE has a acetylene-soot mechanism using the new tech-


Comparison of Simulations for the Acetylene Reactor at Constant Pressure. Ta ⫽ 1,000

K, Pa ⫽ 1atm, XC2 H2 ⫽ 0.0775, XO2 ⫽ 0.1938, XN2 ⫽ 0.7287. ␶ ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺3 sec. All
Except the Original Formulation use Analytical Jacobians

Number of
Total CPU Funct. Jac. LU
Solver Formulation Time (sec) Steps Eval. Eval. Fact. Conv. Error

VODE Original 6.5 1369 6063 39 207 0 77

VODE Density 8.6 1405 2198 36 198 0 73
VODE Mole 5.0 1482 2322 36 224 0 92
DASSL Density 15.2 1337 1938 80 80 0 18
DASSL Mole 5.84 1212 1839 74 74 0 17
DASSL Aug. density 5.6 1340 1968 73 73 0 16
DSL48S Mole 5.4 1187 1896 69 69 0 11
DSL48S Aug. density 5.3 1376 2046 74 74 0 13


Comparison of Simulations for the n-heptane Reactor at Constant Pressure. Ta ⫽ 800

K, Pa ⫽ 12.5atm, XnC7H16 ⫽ 0.0014, XO2 ⫽ 0.0252, XN2 ⫽ 0.9734. ␶ ⫽ 1.8 sec. All
Except the Original Formulation use Analytical Jacobians

Number of
Total CPU Funct. Jac. LU
Solver Formulation Time (sec) Steps Eval. Eval. Fact. Conv. Error

VODE Original 342 863 18302 31 99 0 20

VODE Density 408 920 1536 33 123 0 34
VODE Mole 279 900 1506 32 117 0 29
DASSL Density 309 663 1156 47 47 0 6
DASSL Mole 131 629 1124 44 44 0 7
DASSL Aug. density 132 822 1410 45 45 0 6
DSL48S Mole 34.8 598 1029 47 47 0 7
DSL48S Aug. density 33.8 806 1348 55 55 0 11

niques, and most of the simulations are compa- benefit for these systems is quite large, com-
rable in CPU cost. The only notable improve- pared to only a small penalty for smaller sys-
ment for the acetylene-soot case is found with tems.
using the VODE solver and the mole formula-
tion, because the system is still small enough to
take advantage of the VODE heuristics, and the SENSITIVITY RESULTS
analytical Jacobian calculation is less expensive
for the mole formulation. The final set of results are for simulations with
For the larger n-heptane system (Table 6) we the calculation of sensitivities. The SENKIN
see substantial improvements by changing solv- program that comes with CHEMKIN II speci-
ers, using analytical Jacobians, and exploiting fies all of the reaction rate A-factors as sensitiv-
sparsity. Just by switching to the DASSL solu- ity parameters, saving the results at each step
tion strategies, we see a small improvement into an unformatted file. The SENKIN program
because of the reduced number of LU factor- uses the density formulation of the constant-
izations. By using sparse derivative formulations pressure reactor, using the DASAC solver to
and the DASSL strategies, we obtain a greater compute the simulation and sensitivities with
speed up of around 2.5, because of the faster finite difference Jacobian and ⭸F/⭸p calcula-
analytical Jacobian calculation. By taking ad- tions. As metioned previously, we have opted to
vantage of sparse linear algebra, the speed replace the DASAC solver with the DASPK and
improves by a factor of 10 over the original DSL48S solvers because of their greater flexi-
solver, and brings the resultant simulation time bility.
down from 6 minutes to a little over half of a Solving for the sensitivities of all reactions for
minute. a given kinetic mechanism is not always desir-
From the above calculations, it is easily seen able, primarily because of the sheer size of the
that there is no best numerical strategy for all resulting data file. For instance, for the n-
cases. For kinetic systems, knowing the sparsity heptane mechanism, storing all of the sensitivity
pattern of the kinetic system is essential in results for all of the reactions results in a file
determining whether sparse linear algebra or that is 10.6 MB for each time-step (assuming
dense linear algebra is most appropriate, or double precision). A typical case such as the
even (for small mechanisms) whether analytical n-heptane simulations presented in Table 6
or numerical Jacobians are more appropriate. It would result in a file the size of about 8.5
currently appears that only the larger, sparse gigabytes. For such large mechanisms, typically
kinetic systems take full advantage of analytical one wants to examine a specific subset of reac-
derivatives and sparse linear algebra, but the tions, instead of the full reaction set. For this

reason, in addition to running the cases for the calculations. The first observation is that the
full set of parameters (M parameters) as the Si.C. and the St.C. methods show a large advan-
original SENKIN, we also ran it for 1 parameter tage when solving one parameter systems over
and 100 parameters. We have disabled writing the St.D. method, and a smaller advantage
out the sensitivity results to a file, because of the when solving 100 parameters. This is because of
extreme file size and cost of I/O. For many of the much smaller number of factorizations re-
the smaller sensitivity calculations, we did com- quired for these methods compared to the
pare the results with the original sensitivity direct method. As the number of parameters
calculation to ensure that the newer implemen- increases, the percentage of time spent factor-
tations were correct. ing the Jacobian decreases and the advantage
The results we present use two different gets washed out. For a large set of parameters,
formulations, the original dense formulation the St.D. method becomes the most efficient.
and the sparse augmented density formulation. This is because it uses a current factored Jaco-
For the density formulation, we use numerical bian at every time-step, and thus can take larger
Jacobians because this calculation is faster time-steps than the other methods. By taking
than the analytical Jacobian calculation for all fewer total time-steps, this method does less
three kinetic mechanisms using the current computations for several hundred parameters,
DAEPACK package. For the augmented den- even though it factors the Jacobian at every
sity formulation, we look at using both finite step. These results have also been seen in
difference and analytical derivatives for Jacobi- previous studies [39].
ans and ⭸F/⭸p evaluations, and the effect of Another observation is the small difference
using sparse linear algebra instead of dense between the Si.C. and St.C. methods for many
linear algebra for the solvers. Finally, we com- of the cases. Although the DASPK results com-
pare the three main methods for calculating paring the two methods gives a slight advantage
sensitivities; the simultaneous corrector (Si.C.) to the simultaneous corrector method, this ap-
method, the staggered corrector (St.C.) pears to be caused by a problem with the
method, and the staggered direct (St.D.) current staggered corrector implementation in
method. Only the St.C. method is available for DASPK, which causes many more error test
DSL48S, so we only show those results. We failures for the St.C. method than the Si.C.
would like to pinpoint, for each kinetic mecha- method, resulting in more time-steps and Jaco-
nism given Np parameters, which method, Jaco- bian evaluations. Comparing these values with
bian evaluation, ⭸F/⭸p evaluation, and sparse/ the DSL48S St.C. implementation shows that
dense linear algebra provides the fastest the error test failures should more closely agree
solutions. We use DASPK to compute the sim- with the Si.C. method.
ulations with dense linear algebra, and DSL48S For all cases with one parameter, the finite
to compute the simulations with sparse linear difference ⭸F/⭸p provided the most efficient
algebra. results. This is because of the poor efficiency of
The full set of results are shown in Tables 7 the analytical derivative calculation for ⭸F/⭸p
through 9 for the GRI-Mechanism, Tables 10 with one parameter, shown in Table 3 and
through 12 for the acetylene-soot mechanism, discussed above. For 100 parameters or M pa-
and Tables 13 through 15 for the n-heptane rameters, however, analytical ⭸F/⭸p has a clear
mechanism. For each of the tables, we show the advantage for most of the calculations. The
effect of using the different formulations, sen- reason is twofold. First, computing analytical
sitivity calculation methods, analytical versus ⭸F/⭸p compared to finite difference ⭸F/⭸p is
finite difference Jacobians, and dense versus much more efficient for large numbers of pa-
sparse linear algebra. For each of the cases, we rameters, as shown in Table 3. Second, many of
use the same initial conditions that were used the cases have a considerable difference in the
for the original simulation runs from the previ- number of error test failures for the finite
ous section. difference ⭸F/⭸p compared with the analytical
Before discussing individual results, first we ⭸F/⭸p. All of the acetylene soot cases, in partic-
make some general observations about these ular, seem to require considerably more steps


GRI-Mechanism. One Parameter

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 9 3482 92 0 10

St.C. 11 3413 107 0 12
St.D. 88.5 2557 2559 0 2
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 8.1 3106 107 0 6
Anal. 123 3417 124 0 16
Anal. F.D. 7.7 3283 108 0 9
Anal. 129 3563 105 0 11
St.C. F.D. F.D. 9.8 3011 114 0 13
Anal. 93 3020 103 0 10
Anal. F.D. 8.8 3126 114 0 12
Anal. 100 3263 108 0 10
St.D. F.D. F.D. 83.7 2557 2560 0 3
Anal. 154 2557 2560 0 3
Anal. F.D. 63 2556 2559 0 3
Anal. 133 2556 2559 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 10.3 3207 114 0 17
Anal. 93 3290 107 0 18

when using finite difference ⭸F/⭸p than analyti- benefit of sparse linear algebra for the larger
cal ⭸F/⭸p. cases. In many cases the advantage of DSL48S
The final general observation is that for all of over the other methods was very slight, but for
the cases except the GRI-Mech and acetylene some cases it was very large (for instance, all of
soot cases with one parameter, DSL48S with the the n-heptane cases).
St.C. method showed the greatest speed in- The complete timing results are given in
crease of any of the methods. This is probably Tables 7 through 9 for the GRI-Mechanism for
due to the correct implementation of the St.C. 1, 100, and 325 parameters. For one parameter,
method, as mentioned above, coupled with the we see about a 10-fold increase by using the


GRI-Mechanism. One Hundred Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 306 3165 94 0 8

St.C. 272 3221 109 0 12
St.D. 306 2756 2760 0 4
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 266 3128 114 0 16
Anal. 198 3365 113 0 11
Anal. F.D. 310 3429 111 0 15
Anal. 184 3293 100 0 16
St.C. F.D. F.D. 250 3249 116 0 16
Anal. 159 3061 109 0 9
Anal. F.D. 266 3474 121 0 16
Anal. 161 3170 113 0 19
St.D. F.D. F.D. 281 2767 2771 0 4
Anal. 202 2557 2560 0 3
Anal. F.D. 254 2737 2742 0 5
Anal. 181 2556 2559 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 663 3629 97 0 7
Anal. 163 3193 105 0 9


GRI-Mechanism. Three Hundred Twenty-Five Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 1026 3165 94 0 8

St.C. 1257 4235 99 0 7
St.D. 818 2756 2760 0 4
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 922 3128 114 0 16
Anal. 442 3365 113 0 11
Anal. F.D. 1073 3429 111 0 15
Anal. 416 3293 100 0 16
St.C. F.D. F.D. 891 3345 134 0 22
Anal. 367 3061 109 0 9
Anal. F.D. 922 3402 139 0 28
Anal. 390 3277 123 0 9
St.D. F.D. F.D. 767 2767 2771 0 4
Anal. 367 2557 2560 0 3
Anal. F.D. 734 2737 2742 0 5
Anal. 475 2556 2559 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 2358 3719 101 0 16
Anal. 377 3172 114 0 13

Si.C. or St.C. methods with finite difference with 100 parameters is again DSL48S with
Jacobian and ⭸F/⭸p as opposed to the St.D. analytical Jacobian and ⭸F/⭸p, and is 3 times
method used in the original SENKIN code. For faster than the original solution procedure. For
100 parameters, no methods stand out as supe- the full set of parameters, DASPK with the
rior, although the St.C. method is consistently St.D. method and analytical derivatives is
better than the Si.C. method and St.D. methods slightly better than DSL48S with the St.C.
with analytical ⭸F/⭸p, and is 1.9 times faster than method, about 3.7 times faster than the original
the original formulation with the DASPK solution procedure.
solver. For the full set of parameters, the largest Finally, the complete results are given for the
improvement is obtained with using analytical n-heptane mechansims in Tables 13 through 15.
⭸F/⭸p with the staggered corrector method, This time, for one parameter, both the solution
although using the St.D. method with DASPK method (switching from the St.D. to the Si.C. or
and dense linear algebra is only slightly less the St.C. methods), plus exploiting sparsity with
efficient. Dense versus sparse linear algebra has analytical Jacobians, give signficant increases in
only a limited effect on the computational effi- efficiency. DSL48S with the St.C. method, ana-
ciency. lytical Jacobian, and finite difference ⭸F/⭸p is by
The complete timing results for the acety- far the most efficient method, and is approxi-
lene-soot model for 1, 100, and 498 parameters mately 55 times faster than the original solution
are given in Tables 10 through 12. With one procedure. The benefit of sparsity also domi-
parameter, the largest improvement in perfor- nates the efficiency for 100 parameters, and
mance is again achieved by switching the even 2446 parameters. For 100 parameters,
method from the St.D. method to either the DSL48S with analytical Jacobian and ⭸F/⭸p is
Si.C. or St.C. with finite difference ⭸F/⭸p. about five times faster than the original formu-
Smaller improvements are observed with the lation. For the full set of parameters, the num-
use of analytical Jacobians, giving an overall ber of steps taken by the St.C. method is much
improvement of over 26 times the original so- more than the St.D. method, and the cost of
lution procedure. For 100 parameters and 498 doing back substitutions for the additional steps
parameters, the largest improvements are found decreases the benefits of using the sparse linear
from applying analytical ⭸F/⭸p rather than finite algebra of DSL48S and the St.C. method. We
difference ⭸F/⭸p. The most efficient method have opted to present only a subset of cases for


Acetylene-Soot Mechanism. One Parameter

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 20 3326 121 0 20

St.C. 24 3479 129 0 40
St.D. 393 4150 4160 0 10
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 23 3313 145 6 23
Anal. 368 3427 128 0 25
Anal. F.D. 15 3354 126 0 25
Anal. 222 3643 113 0 18
St.C. F.D. F.D. 27 3805 152 0 69
Anal. 179 3252 131 0 25
Anal. F.D. 22 3986 153 0 60
Anal. 184 3383 134 0 34
St.D. F.D. F.D. 380 4161 4173 0 12
Anal. 314 2297 2299 0 2
Anal. F.D. 182 4090 4100 0 10
Anal. 208 2297 2299 0 2
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 16 3163 130 0 27
Anal. 156 3208 122 0 20

the n-heptane problem with the full set of Like our earlier simulations without sensitiv-
parameters. The reason for this is the clear ities, there is no straight forward “best” solution
advantage of using analytical Jacobians, analyt- procedure for calculating sensitivities. It is inti-
ical ⭸F/⭸p, and sparse linear algebra. For this mately connected with the number of parame-
case, DSL48S and the St.C. method is the ters for which one wishes to calculate sensitivi-
fastest solution procedure, but only about two ties, and the general sparsity of the kinetic
times faster than the original problem solution, system. However, some clear guidelines can be
and only 1.4 times faster than the St.D. method given. For the larger mechanisms, one always
using analytical Jacobians and ⭸F/⭸p. gains a benefit by exploiting sparsity and analyt-


Acetylene-Soot Mechanism. One Hundred Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 492 3326 121 0 20

St.C. 520 3813 134 0 70
St.D. 871 4150 4160 0 10
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 502 3313 145 6 23
Anal. 540 3403 159 9 25
Anal. F.D. 486 3354 126 0 25
Anal. 383 3643 113 0 18
St.C. F.D. F.D. 617 4385 133 0 63
Anal. 323 3271 133 0 31
Anal. F.D. 537 4035 140 0 46
Anal. 309 3284 137 0 39
St.D. F.D. F.D. 856 4161 4173 0 12
Anal. 404 2297 2299 0 2
Anal. F.D. 649 4090 4100 0 10
Anal. 297 2297 2299 0 2
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 911 3242 126 0 21
Anal. 283 3139 122 0 22


Acetylene-Soot Mechanism. Four Hundred Ninety Eight Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 2552 3326 121 0 20

St.C. 2940 4034 176 0 78
St.D. 2941 4150 4160 0 10
Aug. density DASPK-Si.C. F.D. F.D. 2406 3241 129 0 21
Anal. 1237 3462 191 23 27
Anal. F.D. 2507 3407 124 0 26
Anal. 1301 3643 113 0 18
St.C. F.D. F.D. 2580 3757 149 0 45
Anal. 1018 3136 137 0 25
Anal. F.D. 2700 3882 135 0 50
Anal. 1036 3194 132 0 32
St.D. F.D. F.D. 2882 4161 4173 0 12
Anal. 898 2297 2299 0 2
Anal. F.D. 2629 4090 4100 0 10
Anal. 787 2297 2299 0 2
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 4903 3434 117 0 10
Anal. 881 2967 122 0 20

ical Jacobians. For the very large mechanisms, ters, the benefit of analytical Jacobians and
the benefit is quite impressive, especially for ⭸F/⭸p often gets washed out by the sheer num-
small numbers of parameters. For a small num- ber of back-substitutions required for the com-
ber of parameters, there is no benefit to using putation. In these cases, the St.D. method is the
analytical ⭸F/⭸p calculations; however, for me- best method, because it typically requires fewer
dium to large numbers of parameters, analytical time steps than the other methods. Otherwise,
⭸F/⭸p can help the sensitivity calculations sub- the other methods typically perform as well or
stantially. For very large numbers of parame- better than the St.D. method, and for one


n-heptane Mechanism. One Parameter

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 667 2288 97 0 23

St.C. 1591 2735 259 10 109
St.D. 6007 1024 1027 0 3
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 691 2155 98 0 23
Anal. 1824 2182 108 0 26
Anal. F.D. 328 2216 95 0 27
Anal. 1429 2154 96 0 20
St.C. F.D. F.D. 1031 2267 149 0 65
Anal. 1643 2063 114 0 31
Anal. F.D. 413 2076 129 0 46
Anal. 1448 2196 155 0 59
St.D. F.D. F.D. 6026 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. 6667 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. F.D. 2512 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. 2877 1024 1027 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 108 2052 89 0 14
Anal. 793 1984 101 0 24


n-heptane Mechanism. One Hundred Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 6391 2288 97 0 23

St.C. 9580 2980 291 20 116
St.D. 8886 1024 1027 0 3
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 5767 2155 98 0 23
Anal. 4834 2182 108 0 26
Anal. F.D. 5481 2216 95 0 27
Anal. 4437 2154 96 0 20
St.C. F.D. F.D. 7507 2736 216 8 90
Anal. 4440 2108 139 0 61
Anal. F.D. 5025 2176 113 0 34
Anal. 4099 2210 145 0 52
St.D. F.D. F.D. 8357 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. 7446 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. F.D. 4200 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. 3905 1024 1027 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 4859 2141 105 0 22
Anal. 1749 2062 94 0 14

parameter, the other methods are substantially sitivities. Using DAEPACK, we generated
better. These observations motivate an imple- FORTRAN code to compute analytical Jacobi-
mentation of the staggered direct method that is ans for these calculations, and also compute the
able to exploit sparsity in the linear algebra. sparsity pattern to use with sparse linear solvers
such as the Harwell MA48 libraries. Using these
CONCLUSIONS codes, several different solvers and solution
procedures were used with the older codes to
This paper has discussed the application of evaluate the benefit of using these newer solu-
DAEPACK to two simple codes included with tion techniques.
CHEMKIN-II that calculate homogeneous To evaluate these new techniques and dem-
batch reactor simulations with and without sen- onstrate the utility of DAEPACK, three differ-


n-heptane Mechanism. Two Thousand Four Hundred Forty Six Parameters

Jac. Conv. Error

Solver Formulation Method Jac. ⭸F/⭸p CPU Time Steps Eval. Fail. Fail.

DASPK Density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 132,880 2288 97 0 23

St.C. 120,765 2310 159 3 64
St.D. 47,389 1024 1027 0 3
Aug. density Si.C. F.D. F.D. 130,411 2155 98 0 23
Anal. 91,097 2182 108 0 26
Anal. F.D. 130,102 2278 105 0 32
Anal. 86,789 2154 96 0 20
St.C. F.D. Anal. 72,852 2053 166 0 68
Anal. Anal. 75,523 2105 146 0 59
St.D. F.D. F.D. 47,810 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. F.D. 43,714 1024 1027 0 3
Anal. 32,248 1024 1027 0 3
DSL48S Aug. density St.C. Anal. F.D. 117,344 2029 90 0 19
Anal. 23,123 1966 89 0 17

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