Reprogramming The Enemy The Disappearance of Cognitive Freedom

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Is the Military (Congressional) Industrial Complex (MIC) taking weapons development too far? Has the
MIC's hunger for power and control overtaken its responsibility to the people? The answer to both
questions appears to be yes. How did I reach this conclusion? Let me show you.

In order for you to understand the larger picture, I need to supply you with some information.

The first chunk of data involves the current state of technology. We are on the verge of another
technological revolution. The convergence of scientific advancements in many disciplines is reaching a
crescendo. One example is the impending commercial marketing of neuro technology. The Man-
Machine Interface will soon be available at Walmart near you (if not already transformed into a Citizen
Processing Center). They will also be used by Law Enforcement and TSA Agents to determine if you are
being truthful. As this progression advances, the existence of mind control technologies will be

The second data upload is there are weapons in the development pipeline that can target people based
on information contained in their DNA. For example, they can, or will be able to shortly, (I am using
fictitious groups to illustrate this point in order to remain politically correct) kill all Green people. On the
other hand, they will be able to kill all people of Orange descent. They could even kill all people with
Purple eyes. Alternatively, eliminate all people with the Coodies.

The last transmission of data is in regards to Nanotechnology. We now have the ability to create self-
assembling molecular machines. This means, technology exists to spray molecular sized, self-assembling,
tracking, locating and tagging devices into the air we breathe. These include transmitters, transponders,
receivers, photon emitters, DNA modifiers, and other devices. Perhaps someday they will be able to
shrink quantum computers to this size.

These technologies give our government unprecedented capabilities. It gives them almost god-like
powers to surveil, control, and cull us. There are those in our government who would use this power for
their own devices. For a psychopath, these are the ultimate tools for the attainment of power, influence,
and money. Imagine if the Third Reich had access to this technology. How might the world be different
today? We may yet find out.

Throughout history, people of like mind have formed organizations to further their collective goals. In
many instances, these organizations desire to spread their doctrine globally. The United States
government is one of these organizations. When thrusting a secret program such as ECHELON on the
citizens of this country, our government also lobbies governments worldwide to propagate it.
Geoengineering, Targeting-Stalking, Relaxing of Immigration Laws, and Mass Surveillance are evidence
of collusion. The goal is one contiguous police state across the planet.

My point is, we have a corrupt government that caters to corporations and the wealthy, has
circumvented the Constitution, and is developing a new generation of weapons for use on us. Do we
trust them with the ability to read our minds and spray nanotechnology on us that will give them more
surveillance capabilities? We cannot even trust them with our cell phones. Can we expect them to treat
our minds with respect? We already have the answer to that question. If you are a Target, clearly the
answer is no. If you are aware of the use of frequencies from various sources to induce the general
population into a sense of false security, or worse, a catatonic state, the answer again is no.
The Featured Article tells us that invasion of our privacy without due cause or reasonable suspicion will
occur without a doubt. They have the technology and like children with a new Christmas toy, they want
to use them. It is not about our privacy after all. It is about the fear instilled in all of us through countless
False Flag operations. The manufacturers of the devices will make millions supplying every Law
Enforcement Agency (Local Police Department), Military Branch, Intelligence Unit, Airport, Concert
Venue, Sports Area, and Hotel with them.


“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts…

...perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”

― John Steinbeck
This means that in a short time, the technologies used to torture Targeted people will be available to
everyone. They will not be military grade; however, they will work the same. When everybody has
neurotech in their homes, maybe explaining that someone has been hacking your brain will not sound
so “crazy.”

In our government today, secrets are the path around the constitutional guarantees promised 241 years
ago. Secrets are the soil shoveled on top of our caskets. Secrets are the bond that hold traitorous
alliances together. Secrets are what keep despots in power. In a land where hard-earned freedom
reigned, the thumb of tyranny is crushing us.

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