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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments

White Paper
Cisco Public

Align Operations for Network

Functions Virtualization
Achieve Operations Equilibrium: A Strategy for an NFV Operating Model

© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1

Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

What You Will Learn 3
Introduction 3
NFV Operating Environment 4
Computing and Storage Resources 4
Network Resources 4
Virtualization and Abstraction 5
OpenStack 5
Tenants 6
VNF Tenant Architecture 6
Target Operation Support System Environment 6
Continuous Integration and Deployment: Agile Processes and DevOps 6

Strategy for an NFV Operating Model 7

VNF Service Management 7
Organizational Changes 7
Order Fulfillment 8
Automation and Orchestration 9
Assurance 9
Fault and Operations Management 10
Security 10
Billing 11
NFV DevOps 11
Asset and Configuration Management 11
Change and Release Management 11
Performance and Capacity Management 12
DevOps Tool Capability 12

Conclusion 13
Cisco Service Offerings 13
For More Information 13
Acknowledgements 13

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

What You Will Learn

Organizations are rapidly migrating to network functions virtualization (NFV) to address
the competitive challenges of cost and time to market. This transformation requires
significant changes in products, standards, and interoperability. But perhaps the most
crucial challenge of NFV deployment is alignment with the operational model. This
document identifies the operational challenges of NFV and offers best practices for
developing an NFV operations strategy.

Introduction Figure 1.  NFV Multidimensional Architecture

Network functions virtualization (NFV) offers r .) s

er Tie , Etc r es
significant business benefits to an organization, but Ti gi
n ie roc ation
on T P r
ti tio B ce es
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ss teg
it also poses challenges to the traditional operating ta s ra , JD ur Acc
n es teg EST o sine l) In
se in n
I S, R s ta Bu tern a
environment. In a traditional hardware-centric Pr
Bus M Re (Da x
(J (E
environment, topology changes are infrequent. But

Network Services
in a virtualized environment, the pace will be faster (Wireless and Wire line - Function Packs)

Availability and Resilience

than many processes that require manual operations

Common Service Provider–Platform
can accommodate. Organizations need to be (Data Model, Services, and APIs)

able to dynamically discover, create, allocate, and NFV
Service Definition
reconfigure resources. Orchestrator

Traditional operation models enable operators to Manager
perform basic tasks such as root-cause analysis Network Function SDN s
and impact analysis when faults occur. In a Forwarding Graph (Data Plane) Controller a lit
virtualized environment, the challenges are greater, m
with operators needing to monitor the entire NFVI VIM s te
network for application faults and performance. Architecture Foundation
Operators also need to be able to automatically add
resources when performance degrades, to meet The major challenge in operating an NFV environment
service-level agreements (SLAs). is the new operating model required to run a service
chain consisting of one or more virtual network
Traditionally, service operations have been
functions (VNFs). New approaches are needed
challenging for operators because of the need to
to address increasing software development and
span multiple technology domains. In a virtualized
management dependencies, rapid changes, and
environment, the challenge is magnified because in
operating methods used in virtualized environments.
addition to spanning multiple technology domains,
New capabilities are needed to manage development
service operations also must cover both virtualized
and release of VNF and NFV components. Other
and physical infrastructure, and they must reach
new capabilities are needed to improve visibility into
across networks to cover the entire fabric.
virtualized aspects of the solution and the linkage
This document presents operational considerations to physical-component counterparts. You can buy
and an operation model strategy for organizations technology and tools, but the new pace of the data
deploying an NFV environment. Figure 1 shows the center will require changes in your organizational
components of the NFV architecture discussed in structure, levels of expertise, mindset, and processes.
this document and their relationship to the business. This transformation will take work and time.

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Figure 2 shows an example of a framework provided by the European Telecommunications Standards

Institute (ETSI1) NFV Industry Specifications Group, a consortium of service providers and vendors that
address NFV architectures and orchestration for NFV. This document also takes into consideration the
ETSI Management and Orchestration (MANO) framework that categorizes the requirements for an NFV
architecture into three functional layers to provide guidance in aligning the operational environment.
Figure 2.  ETSI NFV Framework

OSS NFV Management and

Service, VNF, and
Infrastructure Description

Virtualized Network Functions


Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure

Virtual Compute Virtual Storage Virtual Network

Virtualization Layer

Hardware Resources
Compute Hardware Storage Hardware Network Hardware

NFV Operating Environment and may require more computing power from virtual
CPUs (vCPUs), memory, and network throughput.
NFV adoption introduces new multivendor elements
into the operating environment that are needed The new virtualized platform must provide
for automation, workflow, and virtualization. These excellent performance for virtualized appliances
elements include processes, tools, and expertise and services, as well as power to run automated
that integrate into existing provisioning, operations, tasks (for example, Intelligent Platform
and lifecycle management. Essentially, the NFV Management Interface [IPMI]). It must also interface
environment consists of bare-metal storage, network, with next-generation assurance systems (Simple
and computing resources that can be managed in a Network Management Protocol [SNMP] and
virtualized way on a virtualization and abstraction layer NETCONF and YANG) in a scalable and efficient
using automation and workflow tools. way. A centralized management console will
After the physical and virtual platforms are enabled, facilitate capacity planning and forecasting.
services can be easily and even dynamically Network Resources
enabled on the platform to support rapid service
enhancement, dynamic provisioning, and A service provider’s core business is to manage a
efficient operations. variety of networks and services. The adoption of a
software-defined network (SDN) introduces another
Computing and Storage Resources layer—a network overlay or virtual network—that will
One of the main expected benefits of NFV is the require additional expertise from operations and
capability to move from a purpose-built application- engineering, as well as tools that can provide the
specific integrated circuit (ASIC) model to a end-to-end visibility to the network operations
commodity x86 server. In reality, some use cases may center (NOC) so that incidents can be resolved
not be appropriate to run on low-end virtual machines, quickly and efficiently.

Source: http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/nfv/001_099/002/01.01.01_60/gs_nfv002v010101p.pdf

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Virtualization and Abstraction roles and responsibilities are needed, and automation
may take over some traditional processes. The new
One of the main components of NFV is the capability
model will increase economic efficiency, and service
to virtualize and abstract computing, storage, and
providers and their vendors may also have new
network resources. Today’s data centers run tens
activities to help ensure that capacity is available for
of thousands of virtual machines and are moving
consumption of computing, memory, and network
toward yet another level of virtualization based on
resources in the virtualized environment.
Docker containers, potentially supporting in the
range of a hundred thousand virtual machines. OpenStack
Additionally, Gartner predicts, “By 2018, converged
OpenStack is becoming widely adopted in
infrastructure systems categorized as ‘hyper
organizations, because it offers an opportunity for
convergence infrastructure’ will represent 35
cost savings and for large ecosystems to enhance
percent of total converged infrastructure shipments.”
their capabilities, time to market, and potential use
The level of virtualization being proposed to support cases. NFV was developed for openness with a
the new set of applications in the NFV space will broad support community, similar to OpenStack.
require significant change in the operating model.
However, although OpenStack helps reduce
New tools and solutions are already evolving,
costs for organizations and improves the speed
reusing components from data center virtualization
of innovation, it also introduces new operational
that are already mature and delivering value
challenges for the pace of typical service provider
repurposed for NFV. However, the operationalization
operations. The frequency of OpenStack releases
of that technology often lags as a result of
and the potential increase in the frequency with
technology complexity, changes in processes, and
which VNFs need to be upgraded can affect the
comfort with existing processes and tools.
change and release management and deployment
Concepts such as the following may need to be processes in place today.
inserted into existing processes and teams:
Because OpenStack is built on open-source
• Agility and DevOps projects, ideally a service provider should rely on
a distribution partner that can provide a carrier-
• Model-based orchestration (NETCONF and YANG)
class solution the meets platform consistency and
• Situation management supportability requirements. These subscription
• vCPUs contracts provide support for the platform for
upgrade releases, and manage performance,
• Virtual network interface cards (vNICs)
security, and availability according to agreed-on
• Network underlays and overlays service-level definitions.
• Virtual forwarders (Open vSwitch [OVS],
Because NFV infrastructure (NFVI) environments
Cisco® Vector Packet Processing [VPP], Cisco
must be elastic and grow based on demand,
Virtual Topology Forwarder [VTF], etc.)
organizations should choose OpenStack distributors
• Intel Data Path Development Kit (DPDK) and VPP that provide capabilities to automate the installation
• SDN controllers of the operating system in computing nodes added
to a cluster, allowing rapid growth.
Organizations need to understand how to plan
for this new operating model, in which network In addition, an upgrade process is needed that not
elements share resources that are not controlled only allows the code to be kept current (to reduce
or designed for that dedicated function. New bugs and security vulnerabilities and take advantage
organizational models that break down traditional of new features), but also to allow existing VNFs to
silos are needed. And organizations will need to operate normally after an upgrade is completed.
deploy, manage, and maintain the new virtualized Sometimes organizations may need to rely on more
infrastructure next to the current existing platform than one version of an environment at a time, so
and support a hybrid infrastructure. the operation of multiple environments needs to
be addressed. Availability requirements will play an
Virtualization also accelerates network element important role in determining when upgrades can
provisioning and resource sharing for resources that occur without outages or downtime, if needed.
are underutilized. New provisioning methods and

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Tenants • Authentication and authorization

NFVI operators have unique challenges managing • Operations testing and handover
a shared environment for multiple tenants because • Tenant architecture support
each service can have unique requirements within
a shared space. The NFVI operator must first have Target Operation Support System
a well-defined VNF lifecycle process for adding, Environment
operating, and retiring services, with well-defined Target operation support system (OSS) environment
service objectives and agreements for releases, considerations include the following:
changes, security, capacity management, etc.
• Coexistence of multivendor bare-metal and
VNF service component owners may also have
virtualized platforms (with multiple versions)
current process requirements that differ from
the agile methods used by NFVI operations. • OSS and business support system
Process integration and a strong understanding (BSS) environments for automation
of operational activities by VNF owners and NFVI and orchestration tasks
operators are needed. A recommended approach • Domain and cross-domain orchestration acting
is to develop well-defined roles and responsibilities on different layers to provide scalability and
for each entity, including NFVI engineering support rapid service creation and deployment
and operations staff, VNF owners, and tenant
engineering groups. Continuous Integration and Deployment:
Agile Processes and DevOps
Responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed
(RACI) charts showing areas of responsibility Considerations for continuous integration and
can help ensure that role, responsibility, and continuous deployment in implementing agile
communication requirements are met. A common processes and DevOps methodologies includes
approach is for the NFVI operator to act as an the following:
organization (within the larger organization) to help
• The NFV target operating environment
ensure that NFVI agile processes can be employed
must be more dynamic than a traditional
for rapid change and adoption of virtual services.
physical network function (PNF) environment,
VNF Tenant Architecture providing the capability to easily enable
features and upgrade images.
Tenant architecture is needed to help manage
onboarding, release, production, and retirement of • VNF version control is needed. You must
VNF applications from multiple sources and vendors. decide whether to keep multiple versions
A flexible tenant architecture provides workflow or have the VNF manager (VNFM) or NFV
tools for the onboarding, testing, production, and orchestrator (NFVO) destroy and re-create
archive phases of a VNF. The architecture must VNF appliances with new releases.
allow multiple vendors to support end-to-end • You need determine how to optimize processes for
services (service chaining), and provide continuous integration and continuous deployment,
production-level verification for performance, shorter release cycles, and agile practices.
scalability, security, availability, and manageability.
• Frequent software upgrades (VNFs, OpenStack,
Considerations include the following: etc.) require code control, automated testing,
and continuous deployment of new functions.
• Isolation of tenant (vendor) code (VNFs)
• Improved speed and ease is needed
• Tenant code storage to add new NFV environments, quickly
• Sharing of code requirements among vendors test and validate services, and quickly
• Validation of vendor specifications deliver new services and capabilities.
• Quota policy • Bimodal IT and SLAs and different classes
• Forecasting and elasticity policies of services (noncritical and mission critical)
require different processes and policies.
• Archive policy
• Processes need to be developed to operate
• Microsoft Active Directory and login
sandboxes in the NFVI with various approval gates.
portal access control lists (ACLs)

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
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Cisco Public

Strategy for an NFV The best way to address these changes is to

build a Service Management process for platform
Operating Model and application owners in which all assumptions
The main goals of NFV are to promote rapid are verified to help ensure that groups agree
service introduction, efficient operations, and highly on the service parameters. These parameters
available elastic services. However, to achieve these typically include goals for availability, mean time
goals, an organization must have an NFV operating to repair (MTTR), change notification and approval
model strategy for operational transformation. In this expectations, VNF onboarding expectations, key
document, the phases of operational transformation performance indicators (KPIs), and governance.
are referred to as Day-0, Day-1, and Day-2 to Parties included in this process may be infrastructure
help describe the planning, development, and and platform owners, VNF owners, VNF engineering
production phases. groups, and overall service owners.

• Day-0: Understand the requirements; plan the In a Service Management arrangement, interested
strategy and roadmap; align business goals; and parties meet on a regular basis to share information
prioritize use cases, resources, and budget. about metrics, risks, concerns, and opportunities
for the service. Initial meetings for VNF Service
• Day-1: Develop a lab-ready platform Management may include the following:
environment with trained resources able to
install applications and services and build • A well-defined and agreed-upon
operational capabilities. Define and design roles, onboarding process with defined KPIs
responsibilities, processes, and tool interactions. • Defined and documented service goals
• Day-2: Roll out the production environment, for fault, release, change, capacity,
with applications running in the production and quality for the VNF service
environment and ongoing service • KPIs for Service Management
improvements, upgrades, and updates. • Ongoing Service Management processes
For each phase of operational transformation, a for service review, governance,
service provider needs to build a strategy based investment, and service improvement
on new or transformed operational capabilities. The Organizational Changes
operational capabilities described here are some
of the primary functions for which operators will Organizations typically change or build new groups
need to plan and implement a new (or transformed) to better support the new NFVI and NFV-based
service model. solution architectures. These groups may be unique
or may initially contain virtual team members from
Note that this document uses multiple industry existing infrastructure and service groups that
frameworks that best exemplify the operations have unique skill sets in areas such as OpenStack,
transformation capabilities needed for NFV. programming, and scripting.

VNF Service Management When defining organizational capabilities, several

factors need to be considered for best results:
Most organizations have agreements, or at least
a working set of assumptions, that describe how • Definition of roles and responsibilities: Make
an underlying infrastructure service is managed sure that each group or entity understands
in relation to a service or application. With VNF, its roles and responsibilities to prevent gaps,
Service Management includes a new type of confusion, and overlap between groups.
underlying platform (NFVI) and migration from
• Skills enablement: Understand the new skills
physical network functions to VNFs, as well as
that will be needed for success in areas such
perhaps new people and a new organizational
as OpenStack, automation, and orchestration.
structure. These changes necessitate a new set of
assumptions and agreements about how the NFVI • Bimodal IT: Establish a separation of duties, so that
platform and VNF service chains are managed. one new team manages the NFVI infrastructure,
and other teams manage existing infrastructure
until opportunities for integration are identified.

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Sometimes the NFV project may introduce new Figure 3.  NFVI-as-a-Service Proposed Model
services based on new VNFs. These are considered
Platform Network Sevice
completely new, or greenfield, deployments, which VNF Owner Engineering Provider
are easier to implement with little or no impact on
existing services. Greenfield deployment can be a Service Operations
Center or Service Desk NFVI Tenant Operations
good option for organizations introducing virtualization
in their infrastructure. Organizations can create a Network Operations
NFVI Infrastructure Operations

new service and define the processes and tools to

support it with less concern for existing infrastructure. Physical Infrastructure
However, in cases in which services rely on both
physical and virtual appliances (for example, physical
and virtual solutions in a service chain), a hybrid
Order Fulfillment
environment may be required, with additional planning Order fulfillment is one of the most important steps
needed for deployment and operation. in the service provider’s lead-to-cash process.
The capability to autoprovision resources, as well
In cases in which VNFs are replacing PNFs, traffic as modify and terminate them, is one of the main
may need to be migrated (offloaded) from physical benefits for which organizations adopt NFV.
to virtual services (or a mix of the two). Depending
on the case, the strategy could be focused on This level of automation can require significant
freeing resources from a physical appliance to integration of OSS and BSS solutions, with some
a virtual one (for example, moving the routing- elements provisioned at a more abstract level
reflection function from a physical router to a virtual with open APIs and enterprise service bus (ESB)
appliance), while keeping the PNF responsible for technology. This level of integration applies to
heavy traffic. both order fulfillment and assurance, for which the
orchestrator is the primary controller.
In some cases, when the PNF is approaching end
of life or retirement, organizations can consider a Figure 4 shows the abstraction between different
complete migration of the PNF to VNF. The most layers of OSS and resource-facing components.
important aspect to be considered is the capacity
Figure 4.  OSS Abstraction Concept
of the VNF to handle the same load as the PNF,
helping ensure that elasticity is available to provide Service layer
horizontal scalability and thus maintaining the APIs
expected quality of service (QoS). OSS

The rate of change in the new environment must APIs APIs

also be considered for operations, even in bimodal SDN NFV APIs

Controllers Orchestrators
IT organizations, because the organization will still
have existing processing requirements. Identifying VNF Managers
Network Management
change windows and pre-approved changes for the Systems
SDN Enabled APIs
new environment will be important in maintaining
the desired agility and rate of change. Many VNF Managers Element Management
organizations use new IT concepts to achieve the SDN Enabled Systems

desired operational outcomes:

Network Elements
• Fast IT: This technology modifies lifecycle SDN Enabled
process to improve service agility,
provisioning, and time to market. Abstraction helps reduce integration costs, support
• NFVI as a service: Organizations trying to increased service definition changes, and improve
get the most from a common NFVI platform operation results. In an NFV environment, order
for different business units may find it more fulfillment capabilities typically interface with the
effective to have a common NFVI operations orchestration layer so that communication can flow
team to support tenant (VNF owner) bidirectionally through the use of APIs.
operations teams. Figure 3 shows a model.

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Automation and Orchestration • Source-code management

Automation and orchestration are the primary functions • Experience in using representational
for providing service agility, service quality, and rapid state transfer (REST) APIs
provisioning. However, there are complexities involved • Virtualization experience
in integrating, managing, and operating these new tool
sets. Additional expertise and changes in roles and • SDN experience
responsibilities are also required. • Agile methods
Tool sets and processes may include the following: • Test-based development
• Write unit and integration tests
• Enterprise orchestration
• Provisioning and activation Assurance
• Continuous deployment workflow To achieve the desired levels of service quality and
• Artifacts management performance, assurance capabilities will need to
be reassessed. For instance, in an automation and
• Source-code management
virtualization environment, the main actor is the
• Continuous integration and testing orchestrator. The orchestrator is responsible for
• Application lifecycle management assuring the services being provisioned, as well as
• Controller provisioning for performing remediation and optimization tasks.
• Service catalogs In the new model, the orchestrator interfaces with
• Monitoring (fault, service level, capacity, etc.) both new and existing tools and processes. One
newer layer of the assurance architecture is a
In the next-generation operations environment, data collection and aggregation layer. This layer
new roles will be created in the existing service is critical for managing information coming from
provider organization. One important role, the inventory, events, alarms, logs, and metrics to help
automation engineer, will add new capabilities ensure that data can be stored and consumed
to the organization with new skill and process for real-time service and inventory dashboards,
requirements, including the following: service-impact analysis, fault and cause analysis,
• Knowledge of Linux and log and performance analysis. Figure 5 shows
an assurance architectural approach for managing
• Experience with scripting, next-generation service provider service platforms.
automation, and orchestration

Figure 5.  Proposed Architecture for NFV Assurance

External OSS Systems (MoM, Ticketing, Tenant Portals, etc.)

System Presentation/Dashboards and Reports Service Assurance APIs
Service Provider and Tenant Resource and Device Service
Operations Dashboard Dashboard (Faults, Performance, and Inventory) (Faults, Performance, and Inventory)
Service Orchestration Solution

Assurance Policy and Definition

and Assurance Data Analysis
Real time Service and Service Impact Fault and Cause Log Performance
Resource Inventory Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis

Open Big Data Distribution and Persistence

Assurance Data Collection and Aggregation Filtering and Correlation

Details Events and Alarms Synthetic Tests Logs Metrics

Provision Managed System Instrumentation


Physical Virtual Data Center Infrastructure WAN
Devices Devices (Computing, Network, and Storage) Infrastructure

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Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
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Cisco Public

Fault and Operations Management • Loss of control: Some techniques used by

Processes are similar for fault and operations attackers can compromise control of resources,
management, but new tools, alarms, and expertise leading to long outages and significant
are needed to rapidly resolve fault conditions. service impact. Recovery can be difficult, with
Operators need to understand new outage types potential loss of data. Some techniques can
involving virtual entities and the linkage between allow attackers to control the network and
virtual elements and physical devices. Operators compromised VNFs, enabling unauthorized
need to plan for fault and operations capabilities by configuration changes and theft of service.
understanding new fault messages and required Organizations need to apply efficient security
actions. In general, Day-0, Day-1, and Day-2 practices that are relevant to physical, virtual, and
activities are needed that build and optimize fault shared environments, such as the following:
capabilities over time.
• Properly handle certificates and store private keys.
To help ensure a smooth transition to Day-2 fault • Apply security patches to operating system,
and operations management, operators should hypervisors, and VNFs to secure vulnerabilities
consider overall lifecycle strategies that address and thwart exploitation mechanisms.
these changes:
• Implement security within virtual machines
• Day-0: Tools strategy and lab requirements using network overlays and firewalls.
for capability development • Secure API and user credentials.
• Day-1: Fault and operations capability • Secure VNF appliances with strong
development for the minimum viable product authentication methods.
• Day-2: Operations and fault management • Block physical access to equipment
training and service improvement and storage network devices.
• Day-2: Metrics such as percentage of • Implement security zones for virtual
network privilege framework (NPF) or machines according to their functions.
percentage of service impact identified • Harden the operating system and
proactively (for service improvement) hypervisors by disabling unnecessary ports
and applying local virtual firewalls.
• Use encryption to protect sensitive
An NFV environment can be susceptible to a variety
information and VNF images.
of security risks that need to be considered as
part of the solution design, and that will need to • Separate customer-facing VNFs and infrastructure
be monitored and managed on a daily basis. The VNFs in different OpenStack clusters to provide
ETSI has published some guidelines in ETSI GS an additional level of operational security.
NFV-SEC that are specific to NFV. In addition, many • Provide security event and incident
considerations that also apply to virtualization and management capabilities through a
multitenancy technologies will likely affect overall security operations center (SOC).
operations of such environments:
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
• Loss of availability: Denial-of-service (DoS) for NFV
attacks on virtual appliances can affect NFV has many infrastructure, virtualization,
operations in the data and control planes. middleware, management, and orchestration
• Loss of confidentiality: In shared virtualized components, and authentication, authorization,
infrastructure, data leakage and eavesdropping are and accounting (AAA) requirements across these
important operational challenges to be addressed. domains will differ. In many cases, third-party
• Loss of integrity: Multitenant environments can operators will have access to components to be able
suffer from internal attacks such as Domain to use and administer portions of the deployment,
Name System (DNS) redirection and IP spoofing. including AAA components. These various domains
Unauthorized changes to equipment parameters and actors generally necessitate trust boundaries
can also profoundly affect operations. and appropriate administration with trust-certificate
authority for individual actors for specific components.

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Cisco Public

VNF Security and Multitenancy NFV DevOps

VNF security encompasses several security domains. NFV operations need to focus on IT Information
Intra-VNF security is needed where security policy, Library (ITIL) processes and the Enhanced
authentication, key management, credentialing, and Telecommunications Operations Map (eTOM)
encryption are unique to a specific VNF. Inter-VNF framework and align with DevOps needs. The main
security is needed for shared services used by the areas to consider here are the following:
VNFs, including network services such as DNS, IP
• Asset and Configuration Management
addressing, time services, certificate authorities,
orchestration, and identity management. In addition, • Change and Release Management
VNFs have their own trust boundaries to logically • Performance and Capacity Management
separate VNF service traffic from other VNF traffic.
Concerns about legal intercepts and related
Asset and Configuration Management
complications need to be addressed. Use cases, Up to this point, operators have relied on mainly static
such as backups, patching, software updates, and asset and configuration management systems that
changes, should also be considered in relation to rely on human input to extract configuration data.
both intra- and inter-VNF security concerns. This data was used primarily for physical lifecycle
management. In most cases these systems are ill-
Service-Level Agreements and Regulatory equipped to deal with real-time virtual elements that
Compliance may be needed for fault or change management.
Agreements with customers and other operational A strategy is needed to identify and understand
entities within the organization should include specific requirements for real-time configuration
security policy. SLAs may also require analytics items that address these types of issues:
that require access to VNF and NFV resources.
Regulatory compliance must also be considered to • What are the uses and value of real-
identify where physical resources may be needed. time data in operational processes such
as fault and change management?
Threat Vectors, Monitoring, and Detection • How and where will virtual configuration items
Security professionals need to investigate and linkages to physical elements be stored and
potential threat vectors posed by a more complex exported to OSS and BSS layers? Typically, this
virtualized infrastructure and platform system with processes happen within the orchestrator.
an increasing number of actors. Considerations for • What is the orchestrator roadmap for
forensic analysis should be investigated to identify maintaining real-time configuration
potential physical resources. and asset management data?
• What are the integration roadmap requirements
Billing for existing asset and configuration
In the planning phase, an organization may need to systems with regards to multitenancy?
implement a more complex chargeback model to • What new or existing tool sets are
meet the needs of the shared resource environment. needed for real-time linkage between
In general, a combination of customer-facing services elements in the NFV environment?
requires tenant metering and shared infrastructure
consumption chargeback. Resources used by Change and Release Management
customers may need to be accounted for and sent Overall, the rate of change and potential interactions
to a billing system for service charging. Resources will increase in the VNF environment. Operators
consumed by a tenant may also need to be reported will need to integrate with existing processes
for cost allocation or internal chargeback. Both cases while building new ones for the release of platform
may require tools to capture data from individual updates (NFVI) or VNFs.
components of the NFV stack and send the data to
To integrate with existing change management
service provider billing or accounting systems. processes, operators need to understand the risk
With the potential risk of dramatically increased To avoid confusion and delay in production, Day-1
resource use, organizations need to keep tight planning should include a complete understanding
control over use to help ensure that operational and categorization of VNFI and NFV changes and
objectives and budgets are met. how they can be performed using a continuous
integration and continuous deployment methodology.

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Cisco Public

Typically, these changes include the following: The major difference in the NFVI environment is in
understanding and managing the performance of
• Platform infrastructure upgrades VNF applications, by monitoring errors, application
• Infrastructure and VNF platform software upgrades problems, and capacity requirements. In general,
• Infrastructure software patches and security fixes traditional tools are still used to manage the
performance and capacity of physical elements.
• Addition of new VNFs
• VNF instance movement, addition, and deletion Organizations can start by understanding and
baselining VNF performance in the NFVI environment
VNF release management requires a new set and capturing NFVI and NFV logical performance
of activities, tools, turnover requirements, and thresholds in addition to physical thresholds for
communications involving new groups, such as bandwidth, CPU, memory, and storage.
VNF owners, VNF engineers, tenant operators,
and platform operators, in VNF lifecycle activities A recommended set of Day-1 and Day-2 processes
(onboarding, ongoing release management, and include the following:
retirement). Table 1 later in this document lists • Day-1:
next-generation OSS tools needed for change and
release management. -- Capture infrastructure and NFVI platform
performance and capacity thresholds (can be
Day-1 activities should then include the following physical or logical limitations).
goals to efficiently implement new, more rapid -- Capture VNF performance and capacity
release management and deployment processes: capabilities, as well as limitations and
• Identification of Day-0, Day-1, and thresholds in relation to overall service quality
Day-2 processes and interactions and performance.

• Well-defined roles and responsibilities • Day-2:

documented in a RACI chart -- Collect, monitor, apply trend analysis, and
• Release process flows and tool interactions report relevant capacity KPIs. Combine these
• Turnover requirements among groups processes with existing performance and
capacity processes.
• Service expectations (from the
Service Management team) -- Use a forecast process to identify future
requirements. Use forecasting for capacity
Performance and Capacity Management management.
Understanding the performance and capacity -- Perform capacity management using
of network functions running on commodity baselining, forecasting, trending, what-if
hardware is a challenge best met with capacity analysis, and alarm analytics to make decisions
planning, continuous monitoring, and dynamic about capacity additions and modifications.
consumption management. -- Incorporate the concept of elasticity to right-
Commodity computing, storage, and network size subscription levels.
virtualization introduces several new performance DevOps Tool Capability
and capacity variables, including vCPUs, memory,
and vNICs. These new variables make it difficult Hardware release cycles are measured in years, but
to understand how applications will perform in the VNFs and virtualization components (OpenStack,
environment. Organizations will need to either rely Kernel-based Virtual Machine [KVM], etc.) have
heavily on testing and predictive analysis or ask upgrade cycles measured in days, weeks, or
vendors to provide validated designs and metrics months. To keep up with changes in the releases,
that can be replicated. organizations need to develop or modify change
management processes to allow these changes
Best practices for performance and capacity to occur rapidly while meeting the demands of the
management include a number of standard Day-1 business. Organizations also need to adopt a new
and Day-2 processes such as baselining, trending, generation of OSS tools that can handle these
alarming, forecasting, and what-if analysis. challenges more easily.

© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 12

Align Operations for Network Functions Virtualization Environments
White Paper
Cisco Public

Table 1 lists some of these new tools available and describes their importance for a DevOps model, including
continuous integration and continuous deployment.
Table 1.  Next-Generation OSS Tools

Tool Description
Source control This tool is responsible for keeping consistent the configurations and customizations
performed by the vendor on top of the release changes implemented by the open-
source community or by the VNF vendor.
Code repository A repository manager that supports secure, clustered, high-availability is essential to
helping ensure that code changes are stored, reused, and deployed properly in an
automated and dynamic environment.
Automated testing Automate the regression and functional testing of code builds overnight before
applying them in production environments, and perform testing in the production
environment for real-time validation and active production monitoring.
Bug and feature The capability to manage, report, and address problems is fundamental to providing
tracking confidence in and control over rapid deployment and release cycles. Automated
integration between testing and bug tracking is needed to help ensure quick
responses and error handling.

Conclusion For More Information

The process of deploying an NFV solution can http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/service-
differ for each organization. Every environment provider/network-functions-virtualization-nfv/
contains different variables—platforms, vendors, and index.html
equipment—and different teams are responsible for
the various aspects of organization infrastructure A complete list of the acronyms is
management. The strategy an organization defines available at: http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/
for deploying and expanding NFV is crucial to the Category:Internetworking_Terms_and_Acronyms
organization’s perception of the technology adoption. (ITA)

Regardless of the deployment approach used, to

operate an NFV environment the service provider
must align the operation processes, tools, and This white paper was produced by:
organization to deliver services quickly and efficiently
• Renato Fichmann – rfichman@cisco.com
to meet market demand and stay competitive.
• Jake Hartinger - jharting@cisco.com
Organizations also have a defined set of tools to
• Saurabh Jain – saujain@cisco.com
manage and monitor the deployment of all the
NFV components so that any impact on business The following contributors helped review and align
services can be easily identified and resolved across the content:
all the elements of the solution: VNFs, virtualization
resources, and underlying infrastructure. • Rajiv Asati - rajiva@cisco.com
• Fatih Ayvaz - faayvaz@cisco.com
Cisco Service Offerings • Carmelo Califano - ccalifan@cisco.com
Cisco Advanced Services offerings include strategy, • David Schofield - daschofi@cisco.com
planning, and building services to help you navigate
this new virtualized, automated landscape. Please
contact us at itsmo-bdm@cisco.com.

© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S.
and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of
their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
C11-737101-00 05/16

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