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Rhetorical Appeals Edition

Directions: Follow each step in order!!
1. You were on a cruise. Your ship sank and the people in your group were the survivors.
You swim to land and realize there are no people other than the members of your group
a. Out in the ocean, you see three boxes. You don’t have time to save all of them,
so you have to choose one.
b. While on the island, you already found: nine feet of fishing line, two fishing
hooks, a knife, and ½ a box of matches.


 One blanket  One iPod  One tube of
 One roll of toilet  One extra-large can of sunscreen
paper black beans  Three granola bars
 Two cans of tuna  One gallon jug of  One sauce pan

2. On your own paper (independently), write a proposal to your tablemates about which
box to save. Your proposal will have nine (9) sentences.
a. Ethos: 3 sentences
i. How will this box be “right” for the group to choose?
b. Logos: 3 sentences
i. What facts do you have that will help the group stay alive if they pick
your box?
c. Pathos: 3 sentences
i. How will this box make the group happy?
3. Present your argument to your group. Your group may only choose ONE argument/box
to take into the next round of Survivor.
4. When every group is down to one box and one argument, present your argument to the
class. The group with the surviving argument is the winner and ultimate argumentative

Who will out ethos, out logos, and out pathos?

Who will be the crowned the ULTIMATE ARGUMENTATIVE SURVIVOR?
We will find out!

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