BJJ Vocabulary

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BJJ Vocabulary

There seems to be a lot misguided information from both the Portuguese native speaking Jiu Jitsu
practitioners trying to to explain positions in broken English and from our English speaking friends
trying to relate to the roots of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by speaking and using Portuguese words in their
vocabulary. Here are a few pointers that may help you along with regards to our language barriers.

The Human Body English – Portuguese:

Hips – Quadril
Throat – Garganta/ Go-gó
Neck – Pescoço
Foot – Pé
Head – Cabeça
Shoulder – Ombro
Knees – Joelhos
Knee – Joelho
Toes – Dedos do pé
Shoulder Blade – Omoplata
Ankle – Tornozelo
Calf – Pantorrilha
Arm – Braço
Forearm – Antebraço
Belly – Barriga
Hand – Mão
Fingers – Dedos
Thumb – Polegar
Back – Costas
Elbow – Cotovelo
Heel – Calcanhar
Waist – Cintura
Chin – Queixo
Bone – Osso
Ear – Orelha
Shin – Canela
Joint – Articulação
Eyes – Olhos
Nose – Nariz
Wrist – Pulso
Ligament – Ligamento
Armpit – Axila

BJJ Related Injuries

Cauliflower – Orelha Quebrada/ Estourada/ Orelha Couve-Flor

Injury – Contusão
Staph – Forúnculo
Cut – Corte
Injured – Machucado
BJJ Positions Names

Posture – Postura
Look Up – Olha Pra Cima
Escape the Hips – Fugir de Quadril/Fuga de Quadril
Pummel – Esgrima
Slide – Escorrega
All Fours – De Quatro
Turn on All Fours – Vira De Quatro/ Virada de Quatro
Arm Bar – Chave de Braço
Knee Bar – Chave de Perna Reta/Chave de Joelho
Foot Lock – Chave de pé
Straight Footlock – “Botinha”, Chave de Pé Reta
Americana – Americana
Kimura – Kimura
Single Arm Kimura – Chave de Policia
Side Control – Cem Kilos/ Cruzada/ Lateral
Full Guard – Guarda
Closed Guard – Guarda Fechada
Half Guard – Meia Guarda
Half Spider Guard – Meia Aranha
Spider Guard – Guarda Aranha
Butterfly Guard – Guarda de Ganchos
Guard Pass – Passagem de Guarda
Stack Guard Pass – Passagem de Bandeja/Emborcada
Mount – Montada
Triangle – Triângulo
Arm Triangle – Triângulo de Braço/ Katagatame
RNC – Mata-Leão
Guillotine – Guilhotina
To Roll – Rolar
Forward Roll – Rolamento
Grips -Pegadas
Throw – Queda
Take down – Derrubar
Double Leg – Baiana
Hook – Gancho
Pull – Puxe
Push – Empurre
Escape – Fuga
Sweep – Raspada
Choke – Estrangulamento
Clock Choke – Estrangulamento de Relogio
Loop Choke – Estrangulamento Rodado
Cross Choke – Estrangulamento Cruzado
Peruvian Necktie – Gravata Peruviana
Japanese Necktie – Gravata Japonesa
Wristlock – Mäo de Vaca
On top – Por cima
Above – Acima
Below, Beneath – Debaixo, Por Baixo
Warmup – Aquecimento
Toe Hold – Mata-Leão no Pé
North South – Meia Nove/Norte Sul
Sit Up – Sentar
Grab – Agarrar
Seat Belt Grip – Pegada Mão com Mão

BJJ Colors and Kit

Belt – Faixa
Bar on the belt (degree) – Gráu
Fabric – Pano
Sleeve – Manga
Collar – Gola
Lapel – Lapela
Gi – Kimono
Mat – Tatame
White Belt – Faixa Branca
Blue Belt – Faixa Azul
Purple Belt – Faixa Roxa
Brown Belt – Faixa Marrom
Black Belt – Faixa Preta
Red and Black Belt – Faixa Coral
Red and White Belt – Faixa Vermelha e Branca
Red Belt – Faixa Vermelha

Other BJJ Words

Gassed – Cansado
On Steroids – Bombado
Damn – Porra
Let’s go! – Vamo Bora
Go – Bora
Bastard – Veado (does not mean the same thing but has the same conversational value)
Smash – Arrebentar
Finish him/her – Péga
Locked Position – Posição Encaixada
Pushup – Flexão
Situp – Abdominal
Strech – Alongamento
Traitor/ Scumbag – Creonte
‘Thanks God for one more day’ / Thank you God for one more day

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