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Justice for Hollie campaign ~ Suggested Actions for MPs

Please help secure justice for Hollie Greig and other victims of the paedophilia going
on in Scotland. We suggest MPs take the following actions, any of which will be
helpful. MPs may have other ideas or suggestions as to what can be done, the
campaign would be very glad to know those (via your constituent).

1) Write/speak to your Party Leader about this issue and ask him/her to take

2) Write/speak to the Home Secretary (Theresa May), the Justice Minister

(Ken Clarke), the Children, Schools & Families Minister (Michael Gove)
about this issue and ask him/her to contact their counterparts in Holyrood to
enquire what action is being taken;

3) Write/speak to the Secretary of State for Scotland (Michael Moore) about

this issue and ask him to investigate and report back;

4) Write/speak directly to members of the Scottish government:

Alex Salmond First Minister (has been informed many times but has taken
no action)

Nicola Sturgeon Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health
& Wellbeing;

John Swinney Cabinet Secretary for Finance & Sustainable Growth (who
has expressed personal concern about this case);

Michael Russell Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning

and/or Adam Ingram Minister for Children & Early Years;

Kenny MacAskill Cabinet Secretary for Justice (already implicated in the


Elish Angiolini Lord Advocate (already implicated in the cover-up);

Frank Mulholland Solicitor General.

5) Table an oral or written Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of

State for Scotland asking what action is being taken in Scotland to resolve
the Hollie Greig issue where it is widely believed that Grampian Police are not
fulfilling their public duty to investigate the crimes of paedophilia and of
murder and are harassing those trying to bring these to light;

6) Table a request for an Early Day Motion and collect support from
Parliamentary colleagues for a full public inquiry into the Hollie Greig case &
the paedophile ring in Scotland as well as into the murder of Hollie’s uncle
Roy Greig which has never been investigated;
7) Write/speak to Hollie & Anne Greig’s MP Owen Paterson regarding the
raid on the Greigs’ home in Shrewsbury during their absence on 3rd June 2010
by West Mercia Police with members of Shropshire Social Services in
attendance, whereby the home was left in a great state of disorder which
upset Hollie, and Anne’s property was removed;

8) Write/speak to Robert Green’s MP David Mowat regarding Mr Mowat’s

enquiries into the raid on Mr Green’s home in Warrington by Cheshire Police
on 13th February while he was being held in detention by Grampian Police, for
which no warrant has come to light;

Please would MPs taking any of the above actions keep your concerned
constituent/s informed of responses or outcomes.

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