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Dehradun, the sentifiir began. Dr. chool Currisulum. She
July 20 (HTNS) Dillip K. Girl, Principal Fac- also stressed on the impor- ,ment and'sincerity. He -The Seminar cern
The Faculty of Education, ulty of Education presented tance of moral values and added, "India is a land of eluded by a Memento
the ICFAI University, the welcome address and ethics that form the very immense potential and cali7 presentation to all the
Dehradun organized a Semi- spelled the Aims and Oh- basic ethos of the profes- ber and both could be Resource Persons by
nar anging Para- jectwes of the University. tapped equally by. being a
digms of Teaching — from sion in shaping the young worthy teacher and stu- the Registrar, ICFAI
Presenting the inaugural ,ininds of tomorrow' dent." University, Dehradun.
Motivator to Mentor t d address Prof. G.P. Shrz- i cited examples from Among all other digni-
The Seminar was presided vastava, Yice-Chancellor her own life which not only Jaydeep Chatterjee, Prin- _tams present on this.
over by Professor G.P. exhorted on the' importance made her nostalgic about cipal Doori Global School', occasion were the Pro—
Shrivastava, the Vice Chan- of adopang the latest the moments but also kept spoke on CBSE's Continu,- Vice ChancellorDr. S.C.
. cella of ICFAI University trends in education and in the audience spell bound. ous Comprehensive Evalu- Deorani, Deans of vari-
Dehradun. Eminent Person- developing a mindset, that .'Greg Mann, Principal ation introduced in all its ous Departments, Of-
, alities from the field of edu- is flexible to the need of the Carman Residential and affiliated schools. Chat- ficers ofAdministrative
cation invited to the Semi- - hour. • terjee highlighted the de- 'wing and Faculty mem-
nar were - B. Gill, Principal Day School was at his hu- velopment of over-
The Welcome address
Heritage School, Greg was followed by a Key Note morous best during the traits of a child which in-, . bets of ICFAI Univer-
Seminar and was very well eluded Cognitive, Psycho- sity, Dehradtin,
Mann, Principal Carman address by Dr. Seems received by the students The Vote of thanks
Residential and Day School Agnihotri, Faculty member- specially motor and affective domain,
during his inter- in making him a healthy in- was proposed by Dr.
/and. J. Chatterjee, Principal , who highlighted on the active session: .David M. Domingo.
Doon Global School, Changing trends of Educa- dividual. The program was Co-
Dehradun, He stressed on imparting With the help of power ordinated by'Dr. Seema
tion and its Current status. learning through experi-
The Guests were wel- 'Paradigm shift in Educa- ence rather than , forced point -presentation he Agnihotri, Prof. Santa
orned hy presenting of a tion' was another sphere learning whichuccording to cleared the queries and Negi, Prof, Anjali
Sapling as per the Univer- that was emphasized upon him is quite detrimental to . doubts•raised by the stu- Bhatia, Prof. Poonam
dents on different issues of
ty norms ofPromoting En- ' by Dr. Agnihotri the overall growth of an in- CCE. Apart from this he-em- Verma Rana, Prof.
Vironmental Conservation Speaking on the conteit dividual child. He advised phasized on the demeanor.' Archana Thapliyal,
ameng one and all. The dig- B.Gill, Principal Heritage the prospective teachers to Prof. Ravi Kant Mishra
nitaries lighted the tradi- School deliberated on the take up teaching profession of teachers in Residential and Dr. David M.Dom-
tional lamp `Samayi' after New Pedagogy that is be School where the 'students ngo of- the Faculty of
as a challenge to reckon
which- the proceedings of Lug' introduced in the with, dedication, commit-'. come from varied back- Education, ICFAI Uni
grounds and psyche. versity, Deluadun.



(Oar wa.
• Vol. 1 7 NT— No. 20 ...
ur.ritiALMN •
_ _
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 • Pages 16 •

8 GOrhwall Post Dehradun, July 21, 2010

ICFAI 'Varsity h ► ds Seminar on

` Changing . Paradigms of Teaching'
EHRADUN, 20 July: The
Faculty of Education of the ICFAI
University, Dehradun organised a
Seminar on 'Changing Paradigms
of Teaching — from Motivator to
Mentor', here, today.
The Seminar was presided
over by Professor GP Shrivastava,
the V ice-Chancellor of the
Eminent personalities from the

that is being introduced in the School

introduced in all its affiliated
Curriculum. She also stressed on schools. He highlighted the
the importance of moral values and
development of overall traits of a
ethics that formed the very basic child, in making him or her a'
ethos of the profession in shaping healthy indiVidual.
the young minds of tomorrow. She With the help of a power point
cited examples from her own life, presentation, he cleared the queries
which kept the audience and doubts raised by the students
on various issues of CCE. Apart from
Greg Mann was at his this, he emphasised on the
humorous best during the seminar demeanour of teachers in residential
and was very well received by the schools, where the students came
students, especially during his from varied backgrounds and
interactive session. He stressed on psyches.
imparting learning through The Seminar concluded with
experience rather than forced a memento presentation to all the
leaming, which according to him Resource Ftrsons by the Registrar,
was quite detrimental to the overall Among those present on the
growth of an individual child. He occasion were Pro-Vice Chancellor
advised the prospective teachers to Dr SC Deorani, Deans of various
field of education invited to the take up the teaching profession as
lit the ceremonial lamp 'Samayi' D epartments, Officers of the
Seminar were B Gill, Principal, developing a mindset that was a challenge to reckon with,
after which the proceedings of the flexible to the need of the hour. Administrative Wing and Faculty
Heritage School; Greg Mann, requiring dedication, commitment
seminar began. members of the University,
Principal, Carman School and J The Key Note address was and sincerity.
Dr Dillip K. Giri, Principal delivered Dr Seema Agnihotri, Dehradun.
Chattenee. Principal, Doon Global He added, "India is a land of
Faculty of Education, gave the The vote of thanks was
School. - faculty member, who highlighted the immense potential and caliber, and
welcome address and spelt out the proposed by Dr David M Domingo. i
The Guests were welcomed by changing trends of education and both can be tapped equally by
aims and objectives of the University. its current status. The Paiadigm Shift The programme was co-ordinated
presenting of a sapling as per the being a worthy teacher and
Giving the inaugural address, in Education was another aspect that by Dr Seema Agnihotri, Prof Santa
university norms of Promoting student."
Prof Shrivastava emphasised on the Negi, Prof Anjali Bhatia, Prof
E nvironmental Conservation was emphasised by Dr Agnihotri.
importance of adopting the latest Jaydeep Chattenee spoke on Poonam Verma Rana, Prof Archana
among one and all. The dignitaries Speaking in this context, B Gill CBSE's
trends in education and in commented on the new Pedagogy
Continuous Thapliyal and Prof Ravi Kant
Comprehensive Evaluation Mishra.
Wednesday, 21 July
P 2010
ages : 24, Price Nig Invitatio

C EHRADUN: Pth-if zIr-i-

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7-4(bitfat itItzra fwzrr ITErr
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#(4,str 744t4 fat t yarrri
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it • 41.11
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andigarh New Delhi Jalandhar . Bathinda .
ri Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Expe is d ussa l a(* test sc

rends ini education
EWS 20 from her own life which not only made her
The Faculty of Education, ICFAI U nostalgic about the moments but also kept
D ehradun, organised a seminar on niversity,
the audience sp
ng Paradigms of Teaching - from Motivator
iing Greg Mann was at his humorous best
ing the seminar and was very dur-
to Mentor" today. well received
The seminar was p resided over by Prof by studen,ts speciay ll during his
Shrivastava, Vic e-Chancellor of the univer- GP session. He laid stres s on impart interactive
ing leaming
city. Eminent persons from the field of edu- through exp erience rather than forced learn-
ing which, according to him,
cation invited to the seminar were B Gill, is quite detri-
Principal of Heritage School, Greg Mann, mental to the overall growth of an individ-

Principal of Carman Residential and Day ual child. He advised the p rospective teach-
School, and J Chatteljee, Principal of Doon ers to take up teaching p rofession as a chal-

Global School, Dehradun. lenge to reckon with and with dedication,
The guests were welcomed by p resenting commitment and sincerity. "India is the
land of immense p
a sapling as per the university norms of pro- otential and calibre and
moting environment co nservation both could be tapped equally by being a wor-
one and all. The di gnitaries lit the tradition- thy teacher and student," he added.
al lamp, "Samayi", after which the
Jaydeep Chatterjee spoke on CBSE's Con-
p roceed- tinuous Comp
ings of the seminar began. rehensive Evaluation (CCE)
Dr Dillip K Giri, Principal of the Faculty introduced in all its affiliated schools. ,
of Education, made the welcome address highlighted the developmen t of overall
and spelt the aims and objectives traits of a child. With the help of a power-
of point pr
1 the university. esentation, he cleared the queries
Making the inaugural address, Professor and doub t s raised by students on different
Shrivastava stressed
adopting the latest trends in education and
developing a mindset that was flexible to the
issues o f the
the importance of emphasised CCE. Apart from this, he
residential schools
demeanour of teachers in
where students come
from varied ba ckgrounds.
need of the hour.
The welcome address was followed by a key The seminar concluded with a memento-
note address by Dr Seema Ag presentation ceremony. All resource per-
nihotri, facut-
ty member, who highlighted the changing sons were given mementos by the Regis-
trends of education and its current status. trar, ICFAI University, Dehradun. Other
"Paradigm shift in education" was another dignitaries present on the occasion were
sphere that Dr Agnihotri laid stress upon. Pro-Vice Chancellor SC Deorani and Dean
of various dep artments.
B Gill, Principal of Heritage School, delib-
erated on the new p edagogy that was being The vote of thanks was p
David M Domingo. The roposed by Dr
introduced in the school curriculum. She p rogramme was
also stressed the i mportance of moral values coordinated by Dr Seem Agnihotri, Prof

and ethics that formed the very basic ethos Sarita Negi, Prof Anjali Bhatia, Prof Poonam
lof the p Verma Rana, Prof Archana Thapliyal, Prof
rofession in shaping the young Ravi Kant Mishra and Dr David M Domingo,
minds of tomorrow. She cited examples all faculty members, ICFAI University.

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