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(SAMPLE FIRST-TIME LETTER TO YOUR MP – NB please let HDJ/Belinda know if you are making

contact with your MP as we’re keeping a log of all the responses from them and actions they
are taking)

MP’S ADDRESS (local Constituency office is



Justice for Hollie Greig

You may have already heard about Hollie Greig as many people have already been in contact
with their MPs about this issue. It calls for immediate and concerted parliamentary action, as
children are at risk and public officials are breaching their codes of office as well as the law.

The children at risk include pupils at Beechwood Special School in Aberdeen, a school for
children with special needs. Hollie, a 30-year-old Down’s Syndrome woman who attended the
school in the 1990s claims that the headmaster, Andrew Young (prematurely retired in April
2010) abused her and allowed other members of a paedophile ring access to the children. 2
doctors’ reports confirm the abuse. Hollie has named in all 22 members of the ring and 7
other victims to the local police. However, rather than investigating the matter the police and
legal authorities have been harassing Hollie and her mother Anne Greig and also trying to
silence their legal representative, Robert Green who began campaigning on their behalf last
year. Robert has been arrested twice in 2010 on ‘breach of the peace’ charges simply for
leafleting and speaking publicly.

Grampian police have also failed to investigate the death in very suspicious circumstances of
Anne’s brother Roy Greig in November 1997, shortly after he stumbled upon Hollie’s father,
Denis Mackie who was part of the ring abusing her. Mackie now resides in Portugal.

Along with many others throughout the UK who have become aware of this situation, I am
most concerned that pressure is brought to bear on the Scottish authorities to do their job
properly and act to protect the children at risk, rather than the reputations of prominent
figures in Scottish society known to be members of the paedophile ring.

Some MPs have been saying this is a matter for Holyrood not Westminster, however the
unlawful harassment of Anne and Hollie and of Robert extends to England where all three now
reside. They have recently suffered police raids on their homes for which there was no
warrant in either case, nor any account of the personal property removed. In the case of the
raid on the Greig’s home in Shrewsbury on 3rd June, the small, cosy home was completely
trashed by the police, curtains pulled off rails, drawers tipped out and then the locks changed,
so that when Anne and Hollie returned later they could not get into their own house!
Subsequently also personal photographs seized in the raid were posted on the internet.

Of course the Greigs’ MP Owen Paterson (North Shropshire) and Robert’s MP, David Mowat
(Warrington South) are working to resolve this matter however in view of its sensitivity it is
very important that other members of Parliament back them up and join in demanding a full

Further details about the case and suggestions as to what MPs can do are on

I very much hope therefore you will take action about this if you are not already doing so, and
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Yours sincerely
SIGNATURE + NAME + ADDRESS (address very important!! Some MPs have made the lack
of an address from their constituent an excuse for not answering properly, would you believe!)

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