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Jeffrey Smith

January 11 2018
IM Periods 5 and 6
Project Proposal

1) I will be researching the benefits and risks associated with predictive genetic testing
without the involvement of a medical professional. Genetic counselors are the primary
medical professionals that involved with predictive testing. Some companies offer a
direct to consumer test without the need for a genetic counselor. With the increased use
of predictive testing, the American Society of Human Genetics issued the question as this
years DNA Day essay contest.

2) The outcome of my research will be a paper. The paper will be submitted to the DNA
Day essay contest hosted by the American Society of Human Genetics.

3) The intended audience for my research paper is members of the American Society of
Human Genetics. Winning essays are posted to the website for the American Society of
Human Genetics.

4) Information will be collected from professional journals, research publications, and

testimonies from representatives in the field of predictive testing. The use of publications
from the American Society of Human Genetics is encouraged.

5) No additional resources will be required to write and submit the essay. There is no entry
fee for the contest.

Jeffrey Smith
January 11 2018
IM Periods 5 and 6

● During January the initial research will be conducted and structured into an outline. A
preliminary draft will be completed based on the outline. By the end of the month, an
outline and draft will be finished.
● Two more rounds of revisions will be done to the drafts. Each draft will be modified to
meet the 750 word limit and fully address the question. By the end of the month, the
essay will be finished and prepared for submission.
● The finished essay will be submitted a week before the March ninth deadline to ensure
proper submission and leave room for resubmission if an error occurs. Then I will begin
working on my presentation board for the Celebration of Excellence.
● The essay contest winners will be announced on DNA Day, April 25. I will continue
working on my presentation board for the Celebration of Excellence.
● The Celebration of Excellence will be held on May 1.

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