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English 2025—Critical Research Essay 30%

The Assignment
An analysis of a literary text examines some part or facet of the work and uses this examination
to enrich our understanding of the text. Rather than attempting to enumerate all of the possible
meanings of a literary text, an effective analytic essay advances a specific interpretation of the
text or part of the text, drawing upon supporting evidence from primary as well as secondary
sources. Writing literary research, you are expected to discuss your own well-reasoned ideas
about a specific literary text. Remember, you are entering into a scholarly conversation, and
your work should reflect your own ideas and understanding. Each author will create his or her
own topic.

Your assignment is to write a critical essay analyzing one of the novels we are reading this
semester. Your essay should be at least 1500 words (plus Works Cited) and should cite at least
three (3) secondary sources in addition to the novel itself. In collecting research material for
your essay, the quality of sources is at least as important as the quantity of sources. Do not rely
solely on online sources; use the databases below to locate quality academic sources.

For the essay, you should begin by making a critical assertion about the work with a strong
thesis. Your thesis will help you determine the best organizational structure for presenting your
essay's argument. Devote the body of your essay to developing your argument. Details are
crucial. Your essay needs to include significant information from the primary text and secondary
sources to support your interpretation. Your conclusion should sum up your argument and show
your readers that you have reached your point. Your conclusion should also make clear why
your reader needs to know the information you have presented—think of an answer to the "so
what?" question. Begin with an outline so you know where the essay will be going. Your essay
should have a Works Cited page and use MLA documentation format when you quote,
paraphrase, or summarize another person's words or ideas.

See the Purdue OWL’s guide to MLA style:

Be creative and original as you fashion the topic for your essay. Take care to limit the focus of
your thesis, so you can thoroughly cover your subject in a short essay. Your critical essay should
not be an author biography, a response essay, or a book review. Consult the PDF of “Entering
Conversations about Literature” (on Moodle) and the Purdue University OWL’s page on
“Writing About Fiction” ( and “Writing
About Literature” ( for suggestions on
developing a thesis and on avoiding common pitfalls in literary analysis.

Databases for Literary Research

MLA International Bibliography*
Literature Criticism Online Archive*
Literature Resource Center*
Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online
Academic Search Premier
Project Muse (full-text articles)
J-STOR (full-text articles)

You will find an alphabetical list of databases on the LSU Libraries website at

Due Dates
Rough draft—emailed to peer-review group and instructor before 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 19
Peer-review workshop—in class on Friday, April 20
Final draft—due at the final exam meeting on Wednesday, May 2, at 3 p.m.

Rough Drafts
Revising is an important part of writing in this course. Submitting your rough draft for peer
review is critical not only for your own writing development but also for the good of your peer-
review group. Failure to complete and submit rough drafts or to participate in the workshop will
result in a 10% penalty (i.e. a letter grade) on the final essay.

Late Work
Hard copies of assignments are due at the beginning of class. If you are absent on the day that an
assignment is due, you are still responsible for turning it in on (or before) the scheduled due date.
No late essays will be accepted, unless we have agreed on specific arrangements prior to the due
date or you provide valid documentation for your absence (see attendance policy). Please contact
me immediately if you foresee any difficulties meeting a particular deadline.

As always, I will be glad to discuss your essay ideas or read rough drafts of your work with you.
You will have the opportunity to schedule individual conferences before this assignment is due
(and you can meet with me any time during the semester). Although I will not grade or
proofread drafts during our conference, I will provide feedback on organization, development,
style, and documentation.

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