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Stefanny 000000013307

Advertising & Society

Assignment 1

Some researchers say that children eight and under have more positive attitudes toward
advertising (and, as a result, are probably more willing to be persuaded by the ad) than
children older than eight. Test this idea. Talk to some young kids and ask them about ads.
Then ask the older kids about the same ads. What have you discovered?

The advertisement showed was Eskulin Soap for kids and was shown to Clarissa (7,5 years old) and
Chloe (15 years old). The ad was shown to Clarissa first, and once she watched the whole television
commercial (TVC), she was persuaded by the ad, when asked about what she thought about the ad, she
clearly said that she want to buy the soap. She showed a lot of interest in this soap compared to the
older kinds.

Chloe was shown the ad, but she already seemed unimpressed and uninterested towards the
advertisement at first. At the end when she was asked about her thoughts on the advertisement, she said
the advertisement was okay, but not that much until she wanted to buy the Eskulin soap.

In this case, the argument that children of eight years old and under have more positive attitudes toward
advertising than older kids was supported by Clarissa and Chloe. Clarissa was persuaded by the
advertisement and wanting to buy the soap, meanwhile Chloe was already done with that phase of using
that soap. However knowing that the soap target consumer is children, Eskulin succeeded on the
advertisement. The argument from the researcher was proven right with this discovery. Small kids tend
to have more positive attitude and are likely to be persuaded by an advertisement compared to older

Clarissa is a 7 years old girl, born in 2011 in Jakarta. She currently in 2nd grade in her school. Meanwhile Chloe
was born in 2003 and is a 9th grader in her school. They come from a middle-up family background. Below is the
picture of the product being advertised by the TVC.

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