Exercise 1 Drosophila Morphology

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Exercise 1 Drosophila Morphology

1. Identification of female and male.

2. Body Morphology examination (under a dissection microscope).
a. Sexual dimorphism
b. Morphology of Head, eyes, leg and bristles
3. Adult wing mounting and examination
a. Prepare three solutions (PBS, 70% propanol, 80% glycerol)
b. Take out several wings and place them into the PBS.
c. Wash them in the PBS and transfer into the 70% propanol.
d. Wash them in the 70% propanol, and transfer into the 80% glycerol
e. Wash them in the 80% glycerol.
f. Prepare a slide and place a drop of 80% glycerol.
g. Place the wings onto the slide and place a cover slide.
h. Examine the wings under a compound microscope.

Template for Lab report

1. Describe the differences between female and male

2. Describe the morphology of head, eyes, legs, and bristles
3. Describe the adult wing morphology and pattern
Male Female

Head Eyes Legs Bristles

Wing Morphology:


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