Othello Jealousy Essay

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A/L English Literature New Syllabus Help by RCF:

Drama 1: Othello

A model answer on “Othello”:

“Othello” is a play about the destructiveness of jealousy. Discuss.

Othello is the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. The

play is a study of how jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can

destroy lives. (In Othello, the hero succumbs to jealousy when Iago convinces him that

Desdemona has been an unfaithful wife – in the end, Othello murders his wife and then

kills himself.) It is interesting that Iago uses jealousy against Othello, yet jealousy is likely

the source of Iago's hatred in the first place. In Othello, jealousy takes many forms, from

sexual suspicion to professional competition, but it is, in all cases, destructive.

When jealousy is inserted in an individual’s heart; it begins to grow into evil and results

in the ultimate destruction of the victim and the culprit. Consequently, the emotion of

jealousy causes destruction of one’s self, leading to the manipulation, revenge, betrayal

and even the death of others. An illustration of jealousy is a seed. When a seed is

implanted, it turns into a plant; afterward the plant turns into a fruit, then humans as

part of their nutritional needs consume it. The same thing occurs with jealousy, however

this phase is within an individual’s emotions. First, jealousy starts as an emotion, but

once an individual starts to become more and more jealous, the more it will reflect on

his actions. Iago is the one responsible to plant the seeds of jealousy in Othello.Othello's

villain, Iago, is undoubtedly is one of literature's most impressive masters of deception.

The play’s main villain, Iago, is perhaps the most dangerous strategic person in the play.
Throughout the play, Iago plans with sophistication, to manipulate Othello into making

him believe that Desdemona has cheated on him by being unfaithful. “Get me some

poison, Iago; this night! I’ll not expostulate with her, lest her body and beauty unproved

my mind again”. The manipulation of Iago is so astonishing that it even convinces

Othello to kill the love of his wife Desdemona. The brutality of Iago is distinguished that

the only way to create the situation even worse is to make Othello murder Desdemona

with his bare hands. Iago’s craving throughout the play is to become a greater rank than

Cassio. To do so, Iago uses his intelligent skills of manipulation on Othello and Cassio to

try to make his dreams become reality. If it were not for Iago manipulating the dark side

of Othello, the outcome of the play would have been significantly different.Another

demonstration of Iago displaying his unpleasant jealousy towards Othello is when Iago

attempts to convince himself that Othello has had an affair with his companion, Emelia.

“For that I do suspect the lusty Moor hath leap’d into my seat; the though shereof doth,

like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; and nothing can or shall content my soul till

I am even’d with him, wife for wife” (2.1.284-288). This quote show that he must

needsto blind himselfwith jealousy so he does not see the truth. It is this type of

jealousy that contributes to the build up to Othello’s thoughtful revenge. Nothing

significant could really remediate the deepness of Othello’s jealousy as it stands. It

develops as evidence throughout the play that Othello is giving into the seeds of

jealousy planted by Iago.Betrayal in this play is somewhat like a married couple; they

both eventually lead to misery and regret. In this play, the act of betrayal has

tremendous actions to the plot of the play. This contributes to the fact that reality is not
always something that someone sees, however it is more often of what an individual

does not see. Iago’s character is a suitable example of how the acts of betrayal can

change individuals negatively. “I follow him to serve my turn upon him” (I,I,44). Iago

expresses these sentiments to Roderigo, presenting that he plans to betray Othello by

pretending to be a friend and turn on him when the time is right. Iago’s plan of betrayal

is in place so that he can eventually succeed in his ultimate plan of bringing Othello to

his demise.

As a consequence of the built of jealousy that exists within the character of Iago, death

is the product. As the play develops, it is evident that Iago’s lies are seen as truth and

that Desdemona’s innocence and true love are seen as lies. This misunderstanding of

characters leads to a severely tragic ending. “The lord have mercy on me And have you

mercy too! I never did Offend you in my life; never lov’d Cassio“(IIIII,II,57-

58).Desdemona maintains her virtues into her death and does not betray her true love,

Othello. Upon realizing what he has done, Othello chooses to kill himself finally realizing

what he has lost and how he has been deceived. “ I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No

way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.” (IIII,III 420-421) This quotation reveals a

fallen Othello. He comes to understand that the jealousy that Iago so carefully built

within him led him to commit unclear judgments and actions towards the one individual

that showed him true love and commitment. It is clear to see that Shakespeare uses the

feelings of jealousy during this play to demonstrate the motives of each character. The

mindsets of jealousy could really contribute to destroying one’s life and having an

immense impact on several parts of their lives such as betrayal, manipulation, revenge,
and the death of others. This play “Othello” proves that most human beings experience

periods of jealousy in their lifespan. Once a human goes through the emotion of

jealousy, it could certainly conquer and regulate the live of theirs.

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