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Question Pyramid 1 Pyramid 2

What is shape type this

pyramid? A Christmas tree, box In the year 2017, the shape In the year 1950, the shape
or cup (from Population
type for the pyramid is like a type of the pyramid is like a
Pyramid slideshow)
christmas tree. christmas tree.

What does the shape say about It says that there is a higher
the distribution of the The shape says that there was
fertility rate because the
population? an increase in fertility but not
highest age group is 0-9 years
as much like in 2017.
Which age group has the
highest percentage of the 0-4 0-4
population? Male- 7.9% Male- 7.4%
Female- 7.5% Female- 6.9%

Which age group has the 85-89 80+

lowest percentage of the Male- 0.0% Male- 0.1%
Female- 0.1% Female- 0.2%
Are there any
usual/interesting anomalies There isn’t anything unusual in People lived longer in 1950
in the pyramid? the pyramid of 2017. than in 2017.

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