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TEACHER Miss M Yasin SUBJECT : Acids and Alkalis Lesson 1

Date/Day: Period Expected Number of Pupils Teaching Group

5th May 2011 5 Year 7 MHSO 1
Day 4

Support Differentiation: Pupils with Special Needs: G & T Pupils:


Learning - Know the difference between acid and alkali

Objectives - Understand the pH scale in terms of strong/weak- acid/alkali/neutral

Starter Acid and alkali cross word (tests to see what pupils already know)
Activity Approx 5 minutes

Teacher activity: make sure pupils on task; circulate room

Planned Activity 1:
Activities To complete acid and alkali brainstorm
for Main Extension activity: keyword list worksheet
Part of the Approx 15 minutes
(Tell pupils it is ok if they haven’t completed to finish off for homework and can add
details as lessons progress)
Teacher activity: Go over; Acid/Alkalis and pH scale Approx 5 minutes
Activity 2:
Sort out the images on the worksheet into two groups – acids/alkalis
Approx 5/10minutes

Teacher activity: Go over answers-do on white board Approx 5mintues

Extension activity: acid and alkalis worksheet

Activity 3:
pH scale worksheet Approx 5 minutes
Teacher activity: circulate room and check work
Literacy Tell pupils when writing out answers, to use proper sentences and to put full stops and
capital letters in the appropriate places.
Plenary Ask pupils what they think today’s learning objective was.

Ask the question how can you distinguish between acids and alkalis
Next lesson: looking at indicators

Resources Brainstorm worksheet; Activity 2 worksheet; Extension tasks worksheet;

Activity 3 worksheet
Homework To complete brainstorm if not completed in the allocated time during lesson.

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