MB10 Press Statement

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House, London
3 February 2010
remarks by
Dr John Chipman
Director-General and Chief Executive
The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London

INTRODUCTION the Sichuan earthquake. Meanwhile the Chinese navy’s

Welcome to the launch of the 2010 The Military Balance. aim to develop an effective anti-access capacity towards
Joining me to answer your questions today are: James the US led to a tense confrontation between a US naval
Hackett, Editor of The Military Balance, Alex Nicoll, Director survey ship and Chinese government and fishing vessels
of Editorial, Nigel Inkster, Director for Transnational operating near Hainan Island. Defining ways in which the
Threats and Political Risk; Mark Fitzpatrick, Senior Fellow two navies might acceptably operate in areas near to China
for Non-Proliferation, Oksana Antonenko, Senior Fellow would be a good subject for the military to military talks
for Russia and Eurasia; Christopher Langton, Senior between the US and China that unfortunately can easily be
Fellow for Armed Conflict and Defence Diplomacy; Dana placed in jeopardy when the countries find themselves in a
Allin, Editor of Survival and Senior Fellow for US Foreign political dispute, especially over Taiwan.
Policy and Transatlantic Affairs; Rahul Roy Chaudhury, Western countries are for their part assessing how
Senior Fellow for South Asia; Toby Dodge, Consulting recent conflict should affect the way they shape their
Senior Fellow for the Middle East and Bastian Giegerich, armed forces. The US QDR emphasises the stabilisation
Research Fellow for European Security. and reconstruction roles that have been such prominent
We publish this year as the United States releases its features of recent military activity while arguing that
Quadrennial Defence Review (QDR), the United Kingdom assured access to sea, air, space and cyberspace is
begins to consider its own Strategic Defence Review with a continuing vital mission for US forces. The QDR
a Green Paper, NATO prepares to intensify work on a new acknowledges the asymmetric techniques likely to be used
Strategic Concept to be approved at a summit later this by US enemies and thinking in the UK in anticipation
year, Russia presses its case for a new European security of the defence and security review also emphasises that
order and Australia continues to advance its ideas for an future styles of conflict may be different.
Asia-Pacific Community. There is much debate on the
question of the global balance of power moving eastward
and on how the nature of violent conflict is changing. This
year we again have produced a chart of conflict that draws
attention to factors that may lead to twenty-first century
conflict: population growth, urbanisation, migration,
extremism, climate and food security and disease among
We also examine carefully the military modernisation
plans of several countries and notably the way in which
the Chinese armed forces are preparing for ‘diversified
missions.’ This term is used by the PLA to refer to
expanded non-traditional security responsibilities such
as helping to safeguard the country’s increasingly global
economic and energy interests, adopting more pro-
active anti-terrorist and anti-separatist strategies and
participating in long-range multilateral anti-piracy escort
duties. Special emphasis has been placed by China on
disaster relief since 2008 when the PLA was evidently
caught unprepared to deal effectively with the result of

Embargo: Not for publication or quotation in any form before 10:30 BST on 3 february 2010
Press Launch
THe MILITARY BALANCE 2010 Arundel House, London
3 february 2010
Page 2 of 4

ISAF/OEF-A 6 Polish 21st Podhale Rifles Bde 13 UK 11th Light Brigade Estimated troop
7 1st Royal Australian Regiment 14 USMC 2nd MEB (7th RCT) contributions of
1 RC-Capital
Battle Group NATO–ISAF nations
Italian 186th Para Regt 15 RC-West
8 Dutch 11th Air Aslt Brigade Albania 250
French 2nd For Leg Inf Regt Italian 183rd Para Regt
Turkish Battle Group 9 Romanian 2nd Mtn Bde Australia (AUS) 1,350
Italian 187th Para Regt
Austria 4
2 French 3rd Marine Inf Regt 10 Canadian 1st PPCLI Inf Battle Spanish Bn
Group Azerbaijan 90
3 US 4th IBCT/4th Inf Div 16 RC-North
Belgium 530
4 US 3rd IBCT/10th Mtn Div 11 US 5th SBCT/2nd Inf Div German 1st Jäger Regt
5 US 4th AB IBCT/25th Inf Div 12 Danish Battle Group Herzegovina 10
Regional Command North
ANA G 2/205th Bde Bulgaria 460
Canada (CAN) 2,830
A 111th Capital Div H 1/205th Bde
Croatia 290
+ 2/201st Bde I 3/205th Bde GER Czech Republic (CZE) 480
B 1/201st Bde J 4/205th Bde KUNDUZ GER Faizabad Denmark (DNK) 690
SWE Kunduz
C 3/201st Bde K 2/207th Bde JOWZJAN Mazar-e Sharif TAKHAR BADAKSHAN Estonia (EST) 150
D 1/203rd Bde L 1/207th Bde M 16 Finland 165
E 3/203rd Bde M 1/209th Bde FARYAB France (FRA) 3,095
F 2/203rd Bde N 2/209th Bde SAMANGAN Pul-e Kumri PANJSHER
US Georgia 1
US Nuristan KUNAR Germany (GER) 4,365
Maimanah BAGHLAN
Regional Command West Panjsher Greece 145
∼4,400 Bagram
KAPISA Asadabad Hungary (HUN) 360
2 US
Iceland 2 (civilian)
PARWAN Mehtar Lam
Qal’eh-Now Wardak TUR KABUL Jalalabad US Italy (ITA) 2,795
Chaghcharan 4 B PAKTIA Latvia 175
Logar Lithuania (LTU) 250
Herat US Khost
DAIKONDI 6 E 5 D US Luxembourg 8
Ghazni Netherlands (NLD) 2,160
GHAZNI New Zealand (NZL) 300
Sharan ISAF Kabul
URUZGAN HQ ISAF (4 star) Norway 480
US Poland (POL) 1,910
Tarin Kowt ZABUL IJC (3 star)
7 J 8 PAKTIKA Portugal 145
FARAH US Regional Command Romania 990
9 G Capital – Kabul Singapore 9
Farah K Qalat
∼6,130 Slovakia 245
10 Slovenia 130
11 H
13 I Kandahar Spain 1,000
Lashkar Gah Sweden 430
UK/DNK/EST Turkey (TUR) 720
Regional Command East Ukraine 10
KANDAHAR ∼18,300 United Arab Emirates 25
UK 9,000
US 34,800
Regional Command South US (OEF) 31,129
ISAF Provincial Reconstruction Team
∼36,500 US Total (rounded)
and troop nationality (see above for key)
Source: NATO, IISS. Information as of October 2009

The IISS agrees with the growing consensus that future foundation for a better understanding of cyber-warfare. In
state on state conflict may be characterised by the use time, future editions of The Military Balance may even have
of so-called asymmetric techniques. Chief among these to assess capabilities in this area.
may be the use of cyber-warfare to disable a country’s
infrastructure, meddle with the integrity of another Afghanistan
country’s internal military data, try to confuse its financial For the moment, most minds are concentrated on whether
transactions or to accomplish any number of other the efforts of the London conference on Afghanistan
possibly crippling aims. Despite evidence of cyber attacks can lead to a negotiated peace in the country. While the
in recent political conflicts, there is little appreciation military surge is taking place, it is now more overtly
internationally of how properly to assess cyber-conflict. recognised that reconciliation with ‘reconcilable’ Taliban
We are now, in relation to the problem of cyber-warfare, is an important element of the overarching strategy and
at the same stage of intellectual development as we were that integration of Taliban who accept the current political
in the 1950s in relation to possible nuclear war. The IISS dispensation is a necessary goal.
is determined through its own research programme to That said, the Afghan insurgency is complex. There are
create the intellectual architecture needed to understand far more insurgents than ISAF or Afghan security forces
better the problem of cyber-warfare. When is an attack can ever kill. The relationships that some groups have
to be recognised? What is legitimate defence? Is there a with al-Qaeda or AQ affiliates are highly differentiated.
doctrine of pre-emption applicable to the risk of cyber This suggests that judging what level of residual Taliban
attacks? Can cyber-attacks be deterred? Is there a method presence or influence is tolerable even from a narrow
of arms control that could be applied to cyber-capabilities? counter-terrorist perspective is very difficult. Moreover,
What international law can be brought to bear to regulate effectively sealing the border with Pakistan across
the risks? These questions have no ready answer. The IISS which Taliban fighters have been able to pass relatively
will, during this year, convene a number of workshops and unhindered, requires a form of collaboration with Pakistan
publish an Adelphi book addressing these issues to lay the not yet achieved. Even were a policy of reconciliation to

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form before 10:30 BST on wednesday 3 february 2010
Press Launch
THe MILITARY BALANCE 2010 Arundel House, London
3 february 2010
Page 3 of 4
gain traction, ensuring the necessary follow-up so that Middle East Arms Sales and Iran
reconciled Taliban kept to their new convictions requires Concerns not just about Iran’s nuclear programme but
a highly organised policy and efficient institutions. India’s also its missile development prompted efforts during 2009
scepticism about the wisdom of seeking to distinguish to shore up regional missile-defence capabilities among
‘bad’ from potentially ‘reconcilable’ Taliban additionally the states of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). Most
complicates the picture. It reinforces the view also GCC states remain very concerned about Iran’s regional
endorsed at the London conference that embedding ambitions and have quietly sought forms of strategic
internal reconciliation in renewed regional cooperation is reassurance from the United States and are acquiring the
necessary. most modern military equipment available. In 2008 the
However great the priority in Afghanistan, political UAE and Saudi Arabia committed $9.7 billion and $8.7
engagement with Iraq also remains vital so that the gains billion respectively on arms purchases. Public statements
achieved in the last two years are sustained and Iraq can from senior US defence and diplomatic personalities
develop as a force for regional stability rather than as a emphasise the determination to support GCC states.
theatre for regional competition. While diplomatic efforts continue to slow Iran’s presumed
nuclear programme, the elements of a deterrence policy
Iraq are being put in place with the broadly willing cooperation
Any assessment of the current strategic and political of regional states. This deterrence policy consists largely
situation in Iraq has to compare events in Baghdad today in strengthening GCC defences and in reassuring these
with the peak of the instability in January 2007, before countries that the US sees their security as strategically
the start of the surge, when 3,500 civilians were killed in important, especially if threatened by Iran. Furthermore,
one month. Against this background clear and sustained Obama’s revised European missile-defence shield will
progress has been made in creating an efficient security more quickly put in place southern-based interceptors to
service and functioning political system. However, Iraq provide defence against Iran’s growing capabilities.
still faces profound challenges that could hinder further Unfortunately, Iran has not responded well to Obama’s
progress. Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia retains the ability engagement strategy. It has rejected the key principles of
to launch regular very destructive mass-casualty attacks the deal that had been tentatively agreed in Geneva on
against high-profile government targets and the civilian 1 October to swap 70% of Iran’s low-enriched uranium
population in and around Baghdad. These attacks not stockpile for an equivalent amount of research-reactor fuel.
only highlight ongoing sectarian tensions but serious Permutations of the nuclear deal continue to be discussed in
shortcomings in the ability of Iraq’s security services. various capitals, but Iran insists that it must retain at every
Politically, Iraq did carry out a successful provincial turn at least one weapon’s worth of enriched uranium, thus
election in January 2009 followed by a comparatively obviating the whole point of the proposed arrangements.
smooth transition in local councils across the country. Technical difficulties in any case are perhaps frustrating
However, the repeated postponement of the national the regime’s ambitions. Although Iran’s stockpile of
elections, now scheduled for March 7th, indicates enriched uranium continues to grow and soon will be
continuing disagreement amongst the country’s ruling enough for two weapons’ worth when further enriched,
elite about the system under which they will compete for the gas centrifuges are showing signs of deterioration;
power. The exclusion in January of over 500 candidates more are installed but 1,000 fewer are producing enriched
for the national elections by the Accountability and Justice uranium than was the case last May.
Commission responsible for de-Ba’athification indicates While Obama’s outreach strategy has failed in its
both the fluidity of the rules governing the electoral process stated objective, it has succeeded in two other ways.
and the desire of influential actors within the government First, by offering a further compromise as he did last
to exploit them for political advantage. The final test of year, the president is better able to persuade allies and
the sustainability of the political and security architecture partners on the need for additional sanctions. China
built in Iraq since regime change in 2003 will come with the has not yet pronounced itself ready for sanctions, and
drawdown of US troops. In August this year the number of Russian support is not certain yet either, but both agreed
US troops in the country will be reduced from the current on the need for a concerted approach to Iran by the P5
115,000 to 50,000, with plans for their complete removal plus Germany. There will, therefore, likely be a further
by December. An Iraq free of a US military presence will round of UN sanctions. Second, US outreach strategy
need to find ordered ways to manage its lingering political has been conducted in such a way as to permit the Green
disputes hopefully free also from too many external if Movement to continue to flourish in Iran. While regime
regional influences. How, in particular, local actors can change remains a distant prospect, the survivability of
contain the likely rise of Iran’s influence in domestic the opposition is impressive and something outsiders
politics will be the key issue for 2011. will not want their policies to kill.

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form before 10:30 BST on wednesday 3 february 2010
Press Launch
THe MILITARY BALANCE 2010 Arundel House, London
3 february 2010
Page 4 of 4

Group Army CHENGDU Military Region RUSSIA

Bomber Div
Military border
Transport Div
Fighter Div National border
� Special Mission SH E N YA NG
Naval Air Div
Fleet HQ
34th 39GA
40GA 1st NORTH
24th 30th
38GA 5th 5th SOUTH
15th KOREA
6th 27GA 12th North Sea
26GA Fleet HQ
36th 20GA 12GA
19th 4th 10th 6th
� Shanghai
3rd 1GA
13th 28th East Sea
4th 33rd
Lhasa Fleet HQ
14th 29th
42nd Guangzhou 42GA

LAOS 8th

9th © IISS

NATO/Russia Conclusion
For the remainder of 2010, in Europe, much attention will In conclusion, The Military Balance 2010, describes a world
be focused on the shape ultimately taken by the UK defence in which many countries still perceive external threats
and security review, how it fits with the French White from both states and non-state actors and are modernising
Paper released last year and more broadly on how NATO’s their militaries accordingly.
Strategic Concept identifies the mix of defence and defence- Western militaries have to judge against the recent
diplomatic missions that NATO should adopt. Already it experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan whether they need
is clear that NATO enlargement is much further down the to prepare more for ‘war among the people’, or whether
agenda of priorities and that achieving a practical working they can safely abstain from such conflicts in the future.
relationship with Russia is a more immediate goal. It is Early indications are that the priority will be to focus
important for example that Russia has become more helpful on capabilities that are ‘adaptable’ to different types
to ISAF in facilitating the so-called Northern Distribution of conflict. In light of severe funding constraints, the
Network, supplying ISAF forces in Afghanistan by rail emphasis on partnerships, divisions of labour and alliances
from Latvian ports via Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will certainly become important in theory but, as always,
crossing into Afghanistan at the Uzbek–Afghan border. It is difficult in practice.
clear that Russia does not wish the ISAF mission to fail and The gruelling experience of recent Western military
recognises the risks for instability in neighbouring Central interventionism suggests that as the operations in Iraq
Asia if it does. In that context, it makes sense not just to and eventually Afghanistan wind down, definitions of so-
revive but greatly to reform the NATO–Russia Council and called ‘wars of choice’ will become wider, and definitions
if possible replace it with a relationship or body that better of ‘wars of necessity’ even narrower. For military planners,
meets NATO and Russian needs. the hope must be that the outside world and politicians
NATO’s strategic concept will have to address the permit the time for armed forces to reconstitute themselves,
relationship with Russia more profoundly than ever before. and develop doctrines to fight the kinds of conflicts that
This is so especially in light of the efforts by President are thought both strategically necessary and benefit from
Medvedev to inspire a debate on a European Security public support. In the meantime, updating the concepts of
Treaty, a debate between Russia and key NATO members deterrence and containment to make them applicable to
that the IISS has in London been also able to facilitate. current and prospective conflicts and styles of warfare will
While a new treaty is unlikely to be agreed, finding more be an important duty for strategists, including those at the
forms of practical cooperation with Russia is a priority. IISS.

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form before 10:30 BST on wednesday 3 february 2010

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