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Chris Kammer and the American Academy for

Oral Systemic Health Present the 2nd Annual

Hot Topics in Oral Systemics

Friday February 23, 2018-9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Palmer House Hilton
Honore Ballroom

2018 Speaker Lecture Presentation Guide

Gums of Steel Oral Systemic Health Testing

Sponsored by:

FREE Program
A Message from Dr. Chris Kammer

Welcome to Chicago and another installment of Hot Topics in Oral Systemics. We want to
keep the flow of new and breaking oral-systemic information coming your way. We are
only able to bring you this event thanks to the volunteer presentations of our speakers
and the financial support of XLEAR–The Xylitol Experts. We hope this holds you over until
the next AAOSH Scientific Session next November in Las Vegas In conjunction with AAP-
MD & ACAM November 8-10, 2018 | Red Rock Resort | Las Vegas.


AAOSH is an Approved AGD PACE Program Provider. This session will provide up to 7 CE credits.

There will be announcements during morning and afternoon sessions for course codes for con-
tinuing education credits. Please keep track of your individual codes to obtain CE credit. They
are for your own records only for proof of attendance if requested by an organization or a
state/provincial licensing board. CE forms are available at the registration booth in the stair-
well of the Honore Ballroom. The forms contain spaces to track your CE credit codes. AAOSH
will not be responsible for keeping track of them on an individual basis, except for AGD (den-
tists only) who have submitted their AGD numbers. AAOSH will submit your credits to AGD by
year-end as required. Medical providers who are attending this session will be given a sepa-
rate form for their CE credits. The CE credit form for dentists also comply with more stringent
continuing education requirements imposed by state/provincial licensing boards. You are ad-
vised to contact your local licensing board if you have questions on state compliance.
Friday Morning Program Synopses
9:00-11:00 AM

The Experience for a Lifetime!

-Presenting the missing link to
your best health

Dr. Chris Kammer, DDS and Robyn Ramirez

Course Description: Does it sometimes feel like you are just killing time with a joyless
existence? Are you feeling imprisoned by fear, regret, anger, financial worries, poor
self esteem, and just being too self conscious? Would you like to experience the free-
dom, peace and joy of living in the moment? Mindfulness- don’t knock it till you try it!
There are scientifically proven health benefits that cannot be denied! This presenta-
tion will not only educate you but also involve you in experiential learning unlike any
other CE. Please understand that this session will make things happen in your world
that may never have happened otherwise. You’ve been through too much in your life
to deny yourself The Experience! This topic deserves a seat at the table in every oral
systemic discussion. Mindfulness can reduce stress which can then, in turn, reduce in-

Systemic health goes beyond the nutrition you put in your mouth. It is also impacted
by the words that come out of your mouth. Joy can be found in every day living but
is it passing you by? This course will review the scientific health benefits of mindful-
ness, deliberate kindness, meditation, yoga, forgiveness, paying it forward, grati-
tude, and also offer up a short course in miracles. We will review the evidence and
then put it into action!

Objective: Learn the systemic health benefits of mindfulness and paticpate in activi-
ties to experience them.
11:00 AM-12 Noon

Major Oral Systemic Bombshell Goes Un-

heard!-This Lifesaving Revelation Must Not
Be Ignored

Dr. Brad Bale, MD

Course Description: In the recent peer reviewed study from Brad Bale,
Amy Doneen and David Vigerust, five high risk periodontal pathogens
were identified to be CAUSATIVE in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Yes
that’s right, causative! Were you aware that atherosclerosis is the #1 dis-
ease that has been killing us for over 100 years? It can lead to heart at-
tacks and strokes and it has an oral bacterial causative factor! Did anyone
actually hear that?? This landmark study was published over 1 year ago
in the British Medical Journal -so why wasn’t this the cover story on every
dental journal last year? Why aren’t these medical pioneers giving the key-
note at the big Chicago Winter Dental Meeting taking place a few miles
from our venue? You should be outraged! What is it going to take to turn
the health world upside down and start saving lives in dental and medical
offices all across the country? These questions will be explored, medical
updates will be covered, and finally Dr Bale will lay out the strategies re-
quired to go forward with the best systems to save lives....and he’ll make it
clear that you can’t go forward without the dental team!

Objective: Understand how five high risk oral pathogens cause atheroscle-
rosis that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
12 Noon-1:00 PM- Meet the vendors participating in the 2018 Hot Topics in Oral Systemics conference. You
can participate in oral systemic testing and engage in questions and answers with the speakers. We recom-
mend that you carry out your lunch and bring it into the room to take part in all the activities & networking
during the noon break.

Dining Establishments Near the Palmer House Hotel

Freshii-17 E Monroe Street, Chicago, IL-Highly recommended & in the hotel!

Corner Bakery Café-35 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL
Max’s Take Out-20 E Adams Street, Chicago, IL
Good Stuff Eatery-22 S Wabash St, Chicago, IL
Vapiano-44 S Wabash St, Chicago, IL
Brightwok Kitchen-21 E Adams St, Chicago, IL

Oral Systemic Testing Will be Available All Day Long!

The Gums of Steel Warriors along with CardioRisk Laboratories will offer oral systemic testing that can save
your life. Gums of Steel will be the provider for the OralDNA saliva test that can detect dangerous bacterial
pathogens that not only promote gum disease, but contribute to serious health problems such as heart attack
and stroke. The HeartSmart blood test will also be offered by Gums of Steel. The test detects A1c and c-re-
active protein levels. This test is important to detect systemic inflammation. In addition to the blood and saliva
tests, Gums of Steel will also offer the biophotonic laser nutritional scan. CardioRisk laboratories will provide
carotid artery (CIMT) ultrasound imaging. This test screens for arterial inflammation and the presence of
plaques in the arteries. Compared to other testing mechanisms, the CIMT test can determine much earlier if
someone is at risk of a heart attack.

All the tests will be conducted in the exhibitors’ area in the back of the Honore Room of the Palmer House
Hilton. The costs of the tests are $95 for OralDNA, $75 for HeartSmart, $128 for the CIMT test, and $20
for the biophotonic scan.
Friday Afternoon Program Synopses
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Eight 20-Minute “TED Talk” style presentations with Q & A
(All Starting Times are Approximate)

1:00 pm
New Strategies to Knock Out Perio Pathogens
While Increasing Demand and Proving Effec-

Dr. Jonathan B. Levine, DMD

Course Objective: Dr. Jonathan Levine is someone you need to know. He is

a visionary product inventor, clinical researcher and published author. He
holds 18 patents and has 8 patents pending in oral care. He is responsible
for modernizing the way people fight periodontal disease while beautify-
ing their smile. He’s knocking out the toughest highest risk perio pathogens
and he has the Forsyth Institute study to prove it. It is well understood that
50% of American adults have periodontal disease and 75% of the pop-
ulation has some form of gum disease. This information, combined with the
fact that only 12% of people floss regularly, suggests that current strate-
gies to control gingival inflammation have not been effective at a popu-
lation level and renewed efforts are necessary. Now imagine a system of
homecare that is 16 times more effective than brushing and flossing alone
and his system requires no flossing! Dr. Jonathan Levine presents the facts,
the science, the “buzzy” demand and the clinical research of a new Edison
Award Winning innovation for patients to treat and prevent gingival in-

Objective: Learning new evidence-based strategies for reducing periodon-

tal pathogens without using antibiotics.
1:30 pm

Are We on the Evolutionary Road to Ruin?

How Diet and Oral Health Impact the Placenta
and Future Generations

Dr. Mark Cannon

Course Description: Homo sapiens developed uniquely as a result of the

microbiome shifts. The microbiome drives evolution and what changes the
microbiome? Diet! The agricultural revolutions; Neolithic, Industrial, and now
genetic modification (possibly) have shaped humankind for better or for
worse. Oral medicine is a vital component of Evolutionary Medicine, as the
oral Gateway Microbiome shapes the health of the host and modulates the
immune system. In addition, the Oral Gateway microbiome is intimately re-
lated to the development of the Placental Gateway microbiome, ultimately
transforming generations to come. Appropriate oral hygiene techniques can
improve the health of the host, both orally and systemically, possibly not
just for the individual, but also for their progeny.

Objective: Examining the connection of diet and oral health to your system-
ic health and how it may impact future generations.
2:00 pm

I’m Not Fat! I Just Have Bad Inflammation!

Stopping the Weight Gain

Debbie Zafiropoulos

Course Description: The truth behind your added girth may not be from
what you
eat but from activated fat cells! Every supermarket, superstore cashier aisle boasts
the newest tabloid method to lose weight. You see them and if you’re like me, you
buy everyone! Suckered in by the headline promise of “Losing 21 pounds in 14 days
by fasting, selective eating, micro measuring, endless running, purposeful walking
and or mega juicing...blah, blah, blah”. Or how about in the height of your insomnia
you turn on the boob tube and sit through a hyped-up infomercial featuring a ge-
netically gifted, visually pleasing GQ cover model hypnotizing you with new body
images achieved thru ‘Intermittent Fasting’ where you only eat a certain amount of
calories during a certain eating window? Really? If I did all this would I be fit? Skin-
ny? Healthy? Or broke?....... What if my cortisol induced adipose tissue was related
to my own immune system?

This informative program is designed to help us understand the role inflammation has
on the increasing numbers on the scale. We already know about the oral systemic
connection of biofilm and inflammation, now let’s take it a step forward and define
the difference between “good” and “bad” inflammation and its role in disease. How
reducing inflammation has a bi-directional relationship in illnesses like heart disease,
and type 2 diabetes, and how chronic inflammation plays a role in weight gain and
simple steps to reverse it.

Objective: How oral bacteria and the systemic inflammation it causes can be contrib-
uting to weight gain and obesity-related problems.
2:30 pm

The Struggle to Relax is Real and It’s Harming

Us!!-Ending Nighttime Clenching: The Secret

Dr. Randy Widen

Course Description: When the jaw can’t relax at night it leads to clench-
ing, grinding, muscle spasms, TMJ pain, poor sleep and headaches! This
is systemically unhealthy! Also chronic bruxism can destroy teeth, implants
and restorative dental work. We’ve all seen it! So when an isotonic neu-
romuscular centric relationship is created during sleep, a natural bilater-
al non-occluding physiological rest position occurs as a response. Muscle
spasms are deprogrammed, TMJ signs and symptoms are ameliorated,
teeth and dental work are protected. The new simple standard of care
for the vast majority of our patients is now here. You won’t believe how
easy and effective this is to deliver in your dental office.

Objective: Learn how subconscious nighttime clenching could contribute to

physiological damage and systemic diseases like sleep apnea.
3:00 pm

The Dead Addict is Your Neighbor!

Can Anyone Solve America’s Opioid Crisis?

SirPatrick Iwu

Course Description: In the first 2 minutes of this presentation you will dis-
cover the clear and present danger of the USA’s opioid crisis and then you
won’t be able to look away. How did the medical and dental profession
let this happen? Are the restrictions on prescription writing enough? When
small town America drops to its knees, helpless to stop the madness, what
can anyone do? An abundance of answers just aren’t there. However one
man’s unique approach has caught the attention of a state governor and a
major tech corporation. Now add a partnership with the dental profession
and we may have our best hope for future generations. Get ready to per-
sonally experience the virtual reality technology that will deliver our coun-
try’s best weapon in this battle.

Objective: Learn how to detect the signs of a patient who is addicted to

prescriptive opioid and solutions for steering clear of opioid addiction.
3:30 pm

No More Lazy Rx’s for Deadly Opioids!

Effective Natural Alternatives Are Here

Dr. Walter Tatch

Course Description: US life expectancy fell last year for a second year
running for the first time in more than half a century, reportedly driven
by the worsening opioid crisis. Sadly, the medical and dental professions
have contributed to this national opioid emergency, but it doesn’t have to
continue! There is no longer any excuse to just automatically start your pa-
tients off on a destructive prescriptive path that could end up killing them.
Careful consideration must now be made to use natural alternatives for
pain management that can significantly decrease and in some instances,
eliminate the need of opioids after various dental procedures. There are
no chemicals or toxins in this new natural solution and it is composed of all
natural, homeopathic ingredients that have been scientifically proven to re-
duce pain, bruising and swelling, with a faster healing time. Come hear the
man who has devoted many years of his life to developing this system. This
most timely presentation has an urgency that can’t be ignored.

Objective: Learn alternative pain remediesinstead of opioids and the sys-

tems to improve healing ffollowing oral surgery and other dental proce-
4:00 pm

Dental Marijuana- Is It Time?

THC and CBD- What You Need to Know Now

Dr. Chris Kammer DDS

Course Description: The biggest class of cell receptors in the whole body
are the cannibinoids. The discovery of the endocannabinoid system has
been called the single most important medical scientific discovery ever. This
system makes possible the chemical communication going on in your body
that is responsible for homeostasis. The fastest growing segment of health
and wellness right now involves hemp and CBD oil. What is the difference
between THC and CBD? What are the legalities of usage? How are they
used for reducing pain, inflammation, anxiety and even seizures? How do
they impact sleep, memory, and appetite suppression? Which modality
gives the fastest peak effect and how long does it stay active in the body?
When will they be available for use in dentistry or are they now? Bring
your biases and your skepticism to this presentation and prepare yourself
for the future because the future is here now!

Objective: The benefits of CBD and THC that can improve systemic health
as well as the dental experience.
4:30 pm

The Nurse Practitioner Is the Answer!

Bridging the Gap from Dental to Medical

Gina Pritchard

Course Description: Why didn’t we figure this out a long time ago? Dentists
connecting with MD’s has historically been near impossible! Why not utilize
the Nurse Practitioner, who can take the handoff from dental teams so that
the ball doesn’t get dropped once early risk is identified. Whether the sit-
uation calls for on an onsite NP, a referral to an NP, or utilizing tele-med-
icine with an NP, Gina Pritchard will discuss her experience with all of the
options. The Dental-Medical collaborative approach is a must and as the
primary nurse practitioner for The Prevent! Clinic and certified in the Bale-
Doneen Method as well, Gina Pritchard operates with a passion to continu-
ally improve the quality of the lives and health of her Prevent! Clin clients.

Objective: Understanding the various ways for a dental team to utilize

a nurse practitioner and form an integrative medical care relationship to
bridge the gap between medicine and dentistry.
5:00 – 8:00 pm The Fabulous AAOSH Reception in Potter’s Lounge

Right next door you’ll get a chance to process this most amazing day while
networking with your colleagues. Catch a complimentary beverage and
appetizers and while Deejay Kammer gets your feet moving and lifts your
spirits with all your favorite tunes. There’s usually even a karaoke perfor-
mance or two!! Lots of fun is guaranteed and expect some fabulous AAOSH
giveaways as well!

Let Dr. Chris Kammer be your implementation director!

Our next scientifc session will be our bigget one yet!

Register Today at for early bird discounts for the 2018 Scientific Session.
2018 Exhibitors
All booths are located in the back of the Honore Ballroom
Speaker Biographies

Robyn Ramirez

Robyn has been actively involved in the dental industry for over 16 years. After working for years in sales,
training, development and leadership in the retail industry, Robyn was recruited into the world of dentistry as a
Patient Care Coordinator in Moses Lake, Washington. It was there that she was discovered by PDA’s Director of
Coaching, Patti Sooy. Patti saw a spark, a passion and an infectious air of positivity in Robyn and knew right
away that she would be a great fit for our Business Development Program.

As a Business Development Coach for dental practices across the nation, Robyn loves seeing her clients dream,
grow and prosper while developing and energizing their teams and watching aspirations become realities!

Robyn is passionate about strengthening emotional intelligence to help others overcome limiting beliefs, break
cycles of negativity, and interact in more constructive, productive ways. She provides solid strategies to help
manage stress and turn frustration into positive action, career success and personal well-being.

Committed to life-long learning, Robyn has countless hours of continuing education credits under her belt. She
has completed the prestigious BaleDoneen Preceptorship®, which teaches dentists and healthcare providers the
necessary measures to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

One of Robyn’s most recent accomplishments is her certification as a CI-Q® Enhanced Skills Practitioner. This
immersion training program teaches the neuroscience of conversation, or Conversational Intelligence®, and has
quickly become one of the most impactful and sought-after programs in the coaching industry.

Robyn is an industry expert, a wealth of knowledge, and a breath of fresh air. She leaves any room feeling en-
ergized and ready to take on whatever aspirations are in the air or challenges that may lie ahead.

Dr. Chris Kammer

Dr. Chris Kammer, DDS, is the founding father of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. His has lec-
tured throughout the USA, given in-office programs and consulting with his Gums of Steel Hygiene Transforma-
tion program and oral systemic testing. Dr. Kammer has dedicated his career to raising the public’s dental I.Q.
by spreading the positive message of modern miracles of dentistry to millions nationwide. His has been featured
in media outlets such as Time Magazine, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Redbook, CNN, FOX News, NBC’s
Today Show, and National Public Radio. Kammer was featured as the “Person of the Week” on ABC’s World
News Tonight with Diane Sawyer for creating the national Halloween Candy Buy Back. He may be best known
for his legendary performance for 25 million people of an original dental song on American Idol.
Speaker Biographies

Dr. Bradley Bale, MD

Dr. Bradley Bale is one of the nation’s leading specialists in preventing heart attacks, stroke and diabetes. Since 2002, he’s given
more than 600 speeches and presentations to medical groups in the US and abroad, including the American Heart Association,
Berkeley HeartLab and European Atherosclerosis Society. His media interviews include The Huckabee Show, Fox TV, ABC TV, The
Wall Street Journal and ESPN, which recently reported on how Dr. Bale screened coaches, scouts and former players from Seat-
tle Seahawks football team for cardiovascular disease (CVD), using a state-of-the-art ultrasound test. He has also served as a
medical expert on the Larry King Cardiac Foundation’s program on sudden cardiac death, honoring the late Tim Russert.

Dr. Bale is medical director of the Heart Health Program at Grace Clinic in Lubbock, Texas and cofounder of the BaleDoneen
Method international preceptorship program, an accredited continuing medical education (CME) course teaching health care
providers advanced techniques to detect—and reverse—CVD before the patient suffers a heart attack or stroke. Hundreds of
MDs have completed the training, some of whom subsequently opened their own prevention clinics, hailing the course “an incred-
ible resource…the future of medicine,” “the best, by far, educational program I have ever attended,” and “the education of a
lifetime…the only totally comprehensive program in the world for the prevention of this disease.”

For more than 30 years, Dr. Bale maintained one of the largest primary care practices in Spokane, Washington, where he
cofounded the Heart Attack Prevention Clinic with Amy Doneen, MSN, ARNP in 2003—one of the first such facilities in the US.
(It’s now called the Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center). Convinced that standard methods of cardiac care weren’t doing
enough to identify early stages of CVD and avert recurrences in heart attack and stroke survivors, he cofounded the BaleDoneen
Method of personalized risk assessment and disease management in 2001. Of the 3,500 patients he’s treated with the method—
including many physicians with CVD—only one had a heart attack, from which the patient made a full recovery. None of them
suffered strokes.

A sought-after speaker and educator, Dr. Bale is co-chair of Berkeley Heartlab’s national five-hour CVD prevention course, which
he will present in 18 cities from coast to coast this year. He made a similar tour last year, and in 2008, he lectured in 20 cities
as co-chair of a national CME program on lipids and CVD. Dr. Bale has presented study abstracts at the 2009 American Heart
Association meeting, the 2009 International Atherosclerosis Society meeting, the 2007 European Atherosclerosis Society Meeting,
the 2005 American Heart Association conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, and many others.

His research on CVD prevention has been published in such respected medical journals as the American Heart Association’s Cir-
culation, Atherosclerosis, the official journal of the European Atherosclerosis Society, Post Graduate Medicine, Journal of National
Medical Association, Journal of Clinical Lipidology, Physician’s Weekly, and Journal of Clinical Lipidology, ADVANCE for Admin-
istrators of the Laboratory and ADVANCE for Healthy Aging. He has also served as a reviewer for American Journal of Cardi-
ology, a consultant to deCODE Genetics and Cleveland HeartLab, and is on the speakers’ bureaus for Takeda, diaDexus and
Berkeley HeartLab.

Dr. Bale is a clinical assistant professor, School of Medicine, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center and an adjunct professor at Texas
Tech’s School of Nursing. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Kentucky and his Bachelor of Arts in
biochemistry from Lawrence University. He was board-certified in family medicine in 1978 and is a member of American Heart
Association, American Stroke Association, American Diabetes Association, American Lipid Association, Council on Arteriosclerosis,
Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention and other medical societies. He has partici-
pated in numerous Grand Round and CME presentations and spoken at many major medical conferences.
Speaker Biographies

Dr. Jonathan Levine

Dr. Jonathan B. Levine is a man on a mission: To revolutionize the oral care and dental aesthetics industry. As a re-
nowned dentist and prosthodontist in practice for nearly 30 years, Dr. Levine offers a comprehensive approach to
dental health, intersecting beauty with function. Dr. Levine is a visionary product inventor, clinical researcher and
published author. Holding 18 patents and 8 patents pending in oral care, Dr. Levine is responsible for modernizing the
way people whiten their teeth. By combining his numerous patents with innovative dental technologies and a tenacious
drive to always “make it safer, faster and more effective,” Dr. Levine continues to up the ante with breakthrough pro-
fessional techniques, and sleek, sophisticated at-home consumer and professional teeth whitening treatments.

Dr. Levine is an Associate Professor at the NYU School of Dentistry and is as committed to advances in the medical
field as he is to his patients at 923 Fifth Avenue. A national key opinion leader in oral health, Dr. Levine believes
strongly in guiding the next generation of dentists and is the Program Director of the Advanced Aesthetics Program
in Dentistry at NYU CE. Dr. Levine also contributes his professional services to humanitarian efforts and organizations.
He is on the board of Foundation Rwanda, which helps the children of the 1994 genocide, and on the advisory board
of Health Corps, a national service and peer-mentoring initiative. He also donates his services to Operation Smile to
help correct childhood facial deformities across the globe.

Debbie Zafiropoulos

Debbie Zafiropoulos or Debbie Z as she is known as in the industry has dedicated her life to being on the cutting edge
of science and technology. Thirty years in the industry has afforded Debbie many opportunities to meet and learn
from a variety of experts and thought leaders and to this day she has maintained a mutually exciting collaborative
and advisory relationship with. Debbie’s passion and hard work ethic has made her a go to systems specialist and
respected advocate for disease prevention thru education, synchronized screening protocols and the integration of
science and technology. Debbie is a favorite Keynote Speaker with meeting planners; her topics are always current,
relevant and delivered with passionate interaction and authenticity.

In 2015 Debbie founded the a 501(c)(3) whose mission is Prevention; thru education,
Progress; with the integration of technology, Screening; by teaching SOSA™ a synchronized screening protocol she
developed and finally Referrals; making sure the patient and the care giver are referred to the proper specialist
immediately accompanied with a qualified system for immediate care.

When you meet Debbie you will see why her passion and drive has earned her numerous honors and accolades in the
industry not only as a sought out advisor to many Fortune 100 companies as well as startup companies who need her
unique vision, drive and knowledge.

In 2016 Debbie was overwhelmed when she received notice that she was selected for the prestigious SUNSTAR
Americas Award of Distinction for her progressive work in education, cancer prevention and synchronized screening
protocols. Surrounded by her family from Philadelphia, Canada, Greece and New York, former recipients, colleagues
and a ballroom of thousands of new friends that experience still remains one of the happiest in Debbie’s life! In 2017,
Debbie was honored to be recognized as one of the Top 25 Women In Dentistry as nominated by her peers.

When the industry wants a respected professional who has the expertise, endless passion and drive they call upon
Debbie Z.
Speaker Biographies

Dr. Mark Cannon

Dr. Mark L. Cannon is a native of the mid-west, born and raised in Nebraska. He received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery
from the University of Nebraska, and then attended Northwestern University for his Masters of Pediatric Dentistry. He com-
pleted his residency at Children’s Memorial Hospital and received his Diplomate status by the American Board of Pediatric

After completing his hospital residency and obtaining his Masters in the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Cannon was
asked to stay as a Faculty member of Northwestern University Dental School. He has kept up his teaching and is now a
Professor of the Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology- Division of Dentistry and is the Research
Coordinator for the Pediatric Dental Program at the Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Dr. Cannon has
been very involved in research for many years, developing many new products and techniques for dentistry and obtaining

He is a past president of the Illinois Society of Dentistry for Children, and a member of the International Association of
Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to maintaining a large private practice in the suburbs of Chicago, he has lectured at many
national and international meetings, often as the keynote speaker. He has presented to a large number of state and local
dental societies. Dr. Cannon is a guest lecturer at Sao Paulista State University, UNESP, in Aracatuba, Brazil, and at the Uni-
versity of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Pediatric Dentistry.

He has had presentations to the following organizations; I.A.D.R./A.A.D.R., the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the
American Society of Dentistry for Children, Academy of Dental Materials, World Congress of Biological Materials, Interna-
tional Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Pediatric Dental Association of Asia, Australasian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry,
World Congress of Preventive Dentistry, Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
and the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Dr. Mark Cannon has been assisting in establishing Autism Spectrum Disorder research at Northwestern University as part
of the Kilee Patchell Evans Autism Research Group, directed by Dr. Derrick MacFabe. Dr. Cannon works with the Special
Infectious Disease Laboratory at Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital, concentrating on the effects of polyols on the
microbiome, especially the specific changes in the gut microbiome that occurs in A.S.D.

Please click here to learn more about the current KPEARG research. The polyol effects on microbiome research has been
presented at the following meetings; IADR, AADR, AAPD, IAPD, AAOSH and the Xcel seminars.

Dr. Cannon is the senior partner and founder of Associated Dental Specialists of Long Grove, starting the practice in 1981.
The practice is thrilled to have so many second generation patients!

Dr. Cannon is very involved with his family, with three boys and two girls. The two oldest boys, Ryan and Christopher, are
both US Army officers, and he is very proud of their service to our country. Ryan was a Captain, assigned to the famous
101st Airborne, “Screaming Eagles”, and has served two overseas tours, including a tour stationed at F.O.B. Wolverine,
Afghanistan. Ryan is now an Air Dispatch Controller living in St. Louis, MO. Middle son Christopher graduated Summa Cum
Laude from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and is stationed out of Fort Drum, New York with the 10th Mountain Divi-
sion. He is a 2nd Lieutenant and aviator, flying Blackhawks and assigned to the 10th Air Calvary, and just returned from a
tour in Afghanistan. Christopher is married to Amanda Glasgow. His older daughter, Andrea, graduated with honors from
Northwestern University with a degree in Psychology. She now works in Minneapolis, MN and is married to Jim Thomson,
who is attending the Law School of the University of Minnesota. His youngest daughter, Michelle, is a senior at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, Madison, majoring in International Marketing and youngest son Keith is attending college at New York

Dr. Cannon enjoys music, especially live; having had lessons in many different instruments and really enjoys attending pro-
fessional sporting events with his colleagues. He also works on restoring classic vehicles always enjoying items of historical
interest. Dr. Cannon fancies himself a good cook, especially barbeque, serving up famously smoked ribs. He also is quite a
do-it-your-selfer, having spent so much time doing everything while working his own way through all those years in school.
Speaker Biographies

Dr. Randy Widen

Dr. Randy Widen attended the University of Illinois Dental School. He learned oral anatomy and oral neuromus-
cular physiologic function from E. Lloyd DuBrul, D.D.S., MS, Ph.D. Dr. Widen learned concepts and practices of
preventive dentistry from Dr. Robert F. Barkley, D.D.S. of Macomb, IL.

Dr. Widen practiced general dentistry in Washington, DC where he learned concepts and practices of gna-
thology lab and didactics from Dr. Charles E. Stuart and Peter K Thomas, D.D.S. Dr. Widen became President
of Greater Washington Gnathic Study Club. Dr. Widen also learned and participated in body movements and
disturbances labs and seminars from Moshe Feldenkrais.

In 1980, Dr. Widen founded Randmark Dental Plans where he designed, developed, and implemented a nation-
al Dental HMO that enrolled, serviced, financed and administered capitated and insured dental products to over
4500 dentists, 750000 members, HMOs and insurance companies.

Dr. Widen holds three dental patents including NiteBite. A device and method for relieving head, neck, facial,
joint and tooth pain. An intra-oral, semi-custom, separating device, worn over the upper anterior teeth, allows at
least one lower anterior tooth to contact the rear wall of the device within the user’s freeway space and prevents
lower posterior teeth from contacting upper posterior teeth. The device provides a method of deprogramming
and releasing the muscles of the upper and lower jaws. The device comprises an extruded or molded shell made
of a hard polycarbonate or similar hard plastic material. The internal surface of the shell is lined with a mold-
able thermoplastic resin with a low molding temperature which allows the user to mold the internal aspect of
the device onto and over the teeth to produce a custom fitted device. This relieves the stresses, strains, pains and
damage that can be caused by para-functioning of the dental neural-muscular system.

Sirpatrick Iwu

Sirpatrick Iwu was born in Raleigh North Carolina. From birth, he was recognized as a very unique child not
being able to speak until he was four years old. Now, you could not pay him to stop talking. Recognizes him-
self as person who is social incongruent due to the following; Sirpatrick is a graduate Averett University with
a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in sociology. He currently has his masters in higher
education from Walden University while at the same time being a proud father of two by the age of 30. Through
his professional career he has acted as a student life counselor, educator, enrollment advisor for PhD programs,
lead organizer for political campaigns were he was responsible for five offices in three different states, works in
retail as a Solution Specialist for Verizon wireless, he is the CEO and founder of clothing line LA212, and last but
certainly not least he is also the CEO and founder of The Virtual Experience.
Speaker Biographies

Dr. Walter Tatch

Dr. Walter Tatch is a board certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and has been in private practice for
over 12 years. He is a graduate of University of California at San Fransisco and University of Illinois in
Chicago. Dr Tatch is a Fellow of American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as well as a Fellow of
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He is also a member of numerous professional orga-
nizations including cosmetic medical societies.

Dr. Tatch has given lectures on various topics in Maxillofacial Surgery at the local societies, as well as profes-
sional meetings. His area of expertise encompasses a full scope of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The area
of special interest includes complex hard and soft tissue reconstruction in preparation for placement of den-
tal implants. He has successfully completed numerous surgical procedures from single implant replacement to
complex oral rehabilitation. Dr. Tatch has also performed many of ‘All-on-4/5’ cases with immediate occlusal

Dr Tatch has extensive training and experience in both non-surgical and surgical facial cosmetic procedures
as well as laser treatments. With many hours of continuing education and utilizing cutting edge technology, his
goal is to achieve the most ideal results for patients.

Dr Tatch lives with his wife and three children in the Northwest suburb of Chicago.

Fellow, America College of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellow, American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellow, International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellow, Illinois Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Member, International Society of Oral Implantologist
Member, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

Hospital Affiliations:
Lake Forest Hospital
Condell Medical Center
Speaker Biographies

Gina Pritchard

Education and Experience

Graduate from Texas Woman’s University (1986) – Bachelor’s Degree (major in Nursing, minor in Biology).
Accepted into the Critical Care Internship at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas.
Coronary Care unit – Clinical Nurse III, mentoring new graduates, and speaking and writing.
Clinical Research Coordinator for joint research projects between HeartPlace and Baylor University Medical
Center, Cardiovascular Services.
Master’s Degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.
National board certification as a Cardiovascular Clinic Nurse Specialist and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Ongoing Professional Development

Member of the American Association of Anti-aging Medicine, American Heart Association, Preventive Cardiovas-
cular Nurses Association, and the American College of Cardiology.
Graduate of and ongoing participant in the Bale Doneen Method Preceptorship adhering to the Bale Doneen
Paradigm of Cardiovascular Wellness.
Member of the National Lipid Association.
Currently a doctoral candidate in the DNP program at Belmont University.

As the primary nurse practitioner for The Prevent! Clinic, Gina Pritchard operates with a sense of constant process
improvement to improve the quality of the lives and health of her Prevent clients. Gina is impassioned to support
others to live their most beneficial lives. Heart attacks and strokes are NOT an inevitable part of life and Gina
Pritchard is experienced in helping families and individuals in avoiding and eliminating their devastating effects.
Her vision for others to have good health so they are able to participate in the important aspects of everyday
life is what fuels her drive. Gina started her nursing career at Baylor University Medical Center as a Clinical
Nurse and then went on to found and run Gina Lou Pritchard ACNP, PLLC where she honed and perfected her
skills as a heart attack and stroke prevention expert. Certified in the BaleDoneen Method®, Gina travels and
speaks as an advocate for early detection and prevention of heart disease, educating people everywhere on
the importance of heart health.

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