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Control of a Wind Energy Conversion System

Based on an Induction Generator Fed by a

R. Cárdenas1, R. Peña1, J. Ruiz1, J. Clare2, P. Wheeler2, G. Asher2
1 University of Magallanes, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, P.O. Box 113-D, Punta Arenas, Chile.
University of Nottingham, School of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Nottingham University Park, Nottingham NG7, 2RD,
United Kingdom.

Abstract— In this paper the control of a grid-connected

Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) based on a
sensorless vector controlled cage induction machine fed by a
matrix converter is presented. The machine is vector Gear Box Cage induction Pi
controlled using a Model Reference Adaptive System Machine Grid
(MRAS) observer to estimate the rotational speed and rotor
position. The electrical torque of the induction generator is IM MC a
regulated to drive the WECS to the operating point where
the wind turbine aerodynamic efficiency is maximised.
Stability issues related to the operation of a WECS Variable Speed

Wind Turbine MATRIX
connected to the grid using a matrix converter are also CONVERTER
discussed in this work. Experimental results, obtained with
a 2.5kW prototype are presented and fully discussed in this
paper. Output Modulation Input
Current Voltage
Matrix Converters (MCs) have many advantages, DSP Based
Control System
which are well documented in the literature [1-4]. MCs
provide bi-directional power flow, sinusoidal input/output Fig. 1. WECS proposed in this work.
currents and controllable input power factor [1]. When
compared to conventional back to back converters, the Modulation (SVM) algorithm [2] is used to control the
MC has some significant advantages. For instance, due to MC, regulating the torque and the magnetising current in
the absence of components with significant wear out the generator. The proposed WECS is shown in Fig. 1.
characteristics (such as electrolytic capacitors) the MC The IG is sensorless vector controlled using a control
can potentially be very robust and reliable. The amount of system orientated along the rotor flux vector.
space saved by a MC, when compared to a conventional In the MC a second order input filter is required in
back to back converter, has been estimated as a factor of order to reduce the input voltage distortion and to
three [3]. Therefore, due to its small size, in some improve the input current waveform [1,3,4]. The
applications the MC can be embedded in the machine interaction between the input filter, MC and IG may
itself [4]. Furthermore there is not an intrinsic limitation produce oscillations and even instability at high power
to the power of a MC. A MC of 150kVA has already operation unless some compensation method is used [8-
been fabricated and tested [3] for military applications. 10]. In this paper a simplified model of the WECS and
MCs in the MW range have not been fabricated yet, but MC is proposed. The model analyses the system stability
the devices required for building them are commercially using the damping coefficients of the MC input stage.
available. To avoid the use of a position encoder in the control
The advantages of cage induction machines, for wind system, in this work an MRAS observer [5] is used. The
energy applications, are also well known [5-7]. These observer is implemented using the commanded voltages
machines are relatively inexpensive, robust and require instead of the measured values. Therefore additional
low maintenance. When induction machines are operated voltage transducers for measuring the machine stator
using vector control techniques, fast dynamic response voltage are avoided.
and accurate torque control is obtained. In this paper a
variable speed WECS based on a grid-connected IG fed
by a matrix converter is proposed. A Space Vector

978-1-4244-1668-4/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 2711

Tvi Further information about vector control of IGs for wind
1 ³ Ze* energy applications is outside the scope of this paper and
e j Tv sWf+1 e-jTv the interested reader is referred elsewhere [5-6].
iqo*+ vqo* vif
PI Space
Matrix A. Modelling of the Matrix Converter.
vdo* Vector
+ Modulation
PI a
ido* - Te Input
The electrical arrangement of the MC used in this work
ido ia filter is shown in Fig. 3. An LC filter is used in the MC input
iqo e-jT ib to improve the waveform quality of the current supplied
Gear to the grid. Usually a resistor in parallel with the input
vif Box filter inductance is required to improve the damping of
the system.
š a
vi The MC has nine bidirectional switches that are used
š to connect the input lines to the converter output.
kt Zr2 Current Machine Variable Speed
Assuming that the switching frequency is much higher
Model Wind Turbine
Fig. 2. Control system proposed. than the input/output fundamental frequencies, then the
input/output voltages can be represented by their average
II. CONTROL OF THE PROPOSED VARIABLE SPEED WECS values over a cycle period. The MC input/output
relationship is obtained as [2]:
The control systems proposed in this work are shown
in Fig. 2. The IG is driven by a variable speed wind vo
vi mic  vic md @ (4)
turbine. The MC is controlled using the space vector
modulation algorithm discussed in [2]. Zero displacement
factor at the MC input is used. However, variable
io mi  ioc m d @ (5)

displacement factor control is also feasible [2]. The demanded values of md and mi are calculated as:
Following the convention adopted in [3], for the
md* vo* 3vsvmc
mi* voc * 3vsvm
analysis presented in this work two rotating axes are
required. For the input side a synchronous frame rotating the voltage vsvm is used by the modulation algorithm and
at Ze is used. This frame is orientated along the input it is not necessarily equal to the input voltage vi.
voltage vector. For the output side a conventional vector The values of md* , mi* calculated by the Digital
control system, for cage machines, is required [5]. In this Signal Processor (DSP) in a given sampling instant are
case the induction machine is vector controlled using a used by the modulation algorithm at the next sampling
direct vector control system orientated along \r [11]. time. This introduced a sampling period delay in (4).
Because the WECS is not required to operate at high Furthermore, in a typical digital implementation a zero
rotational speed, the IG is operated at nominal flux. order hold device is used to maintain a constant value of
Therefore the current demand ido* is constant for the (6) for the whole sampling period. When both, the time
whole operating range. delay and the zero order hold are considered the values of
It can be demonstrated that in steady state, when the md and mi can be calculated as:
wind turbine is operating at the maximum aerodynamic
efficiency, the captured power Pm and the induction md md* Z ( s ) mi mi* Z ( s ) (7)
machine rotational speed are related by [11-12]: Where Z(s) can be calculated as [8-9]:
Pm kopt Z r3 (1) 1  e  sW s
Z (s) e  sW d (8)
where kopt depends on the blade aerodynamics, gear box sW s
ratio and wind turbine parameters [5,11]. From (1) and where Wd is the processing delay and Ws is the sampling
neglecting the losses, the WECS is operating in the time. Usually Wd|Ws unless additional delays are
optimal aerodynamic efficiency point when Te is introduced in Wd. For instance, some of the commercially
controlled to: Grid input Input Filter Bidirectional
Te k opt Z r2 (2) R Switch
using the state equations of a cage induction machine a s11 s12 s13
orientated along the rotor flux [5], it can be shown that B
for optimal power capture, the torque current demand iqo* a
is obtained from (2) as: R s21 s22 s23
* 3 kopt Lr a
iqo kt Zˆ r2 kt (3) s31 s32 s33
2 P L20 ido
a b c
where P is the pole number. Considering that sensorless To cage induction
operation is used in the proposed WECS shown in Fig. 2, generator
the rotational speed estimated by the MRAS observer is Fig. 3. MC topology corresponding to the block of Fig. 2.
used to regulate the torque current demand of (3).

available serial A/D converters may introduce extra Grid Input Filter Induction
delays in the control system. The transfer function of (8) Rf generator
can be represented using a Padé approximation [13]. Lg Rg 'ii 'io
'ig 'i1
a Cf a
Using (5) a small signal model of the system can be ' vg ' vi ' vo
obtained. Assuming that 'io|0, because the DFIG is
considered a highly inductive load, and neglecting Z(s), a
small signal model of (5) is obtained as:
Grid Input Filter
3ª º
'ii « I 0 'mi*  I 0c 'm d* » (9) Rf
2¬ ¼ 'ig
Small signal models of (6) are obtained as: b)
3V svm0 'mi*  3M i 0 'v svm
0 (10) ' vg
Cf ' vi
3V svm0 'm d*  3M d 0 'v svm 0 (11)

In (9-11), it is assumed that in the quiescent point Fig. 4. Single phase models of the proposed WECS.a) Modelling of the
system including grid and induction machine. b) Equivalent model
Vi0=Vsvm0=Vi0c= Vsvm0c, Mi0=Md0=q/3 and Vo=qVi0, where considering a strong grid.
V0 is the output voltage and q is the voltage transfer ratio.
Replacing these values in (9-11), the small signal model MC input voltage used by the SVM algorithm is filtered
of (9) is obtained as: using:
q2 ª º c vid viq
'ii  « I o  I oc » 'vsvm (12) vifd vifd (16)
2Vo ¬ ¼ sW f  1 sW f  1
Neglecting the losses, considering vsvm=vi and using (16), the input current can be obtained from (8,13)
(I0+I0c )/V0=2Pm0/Vo2, the input current can be obtained as:
from (12) as: P 'v Z ( s )
P Pm0 'iid  m20 id
'iid  m0 'v id 'iiq 'v iq (13) Vio sW f  1
Vio Vio2 (17)
Pm0 'viq Z ( s )
The results of (13) shows that the MC converter can be 'iiq
considered as an equivalent small signal resistance. If the Vio2 sW f  1
MC is supplying energy to the grid, the small signal The stabilising effects of (16) can be explained
resistance Reqd='vid/'iid is positive and the small assuming that a very narrow low pass filter is used. If Wf
signal resistance Reqq ='viq/'iiq is negative. If the MC is of it can be shown from (17) that 'iid='iiq=0 for any
supplying energy to the IG stator, then 'vid/'iid is voltage perturbation ('vid, 'viq). Therefore in this case
negative and 'viq/'iiq is positive. Reqdof, Reqqof and the damping coefficients of the
The effect of a small signal negative resistance in eigenvalues associated with 'viq(s)/'vq(s) | ]filter in any
either the d or q axis can be explained using Fig. 4. Fig. operating point (see (14)). Note that in (17) some
4a shows the system considering the grid impedance and additional improvement in the damping coefficient of
the input filter. (14) is realised by the transfer function Z(s). This transfer
If it is assumed that the system is connected to a strong function introduces a phase shift between the voltage
grid (i.e. Lg|0, Rg|0), then Fig. 4a is simplified to the perturbation 'vi and the corresponding current variation
model shown in Fig. 4b, where the MC is represented by 'ii, similar to that produced by filtering action.
a small signal impedance. Using Fig. 4b, (13) and The damping coefficient of (14) has been calculated
neglecting the cross couplings between the d-q axis, the neglecting the cross-coupling between the d-q axis. This
damping coefficients of the input stage can be calculated simplification produces negligible error when the filter
as: parameters Lf, Cf are small and the gains 'vid/'iid and
Lf Cf Lf Cf 'viq/'iiq (see(17)) are also small. The gains are small
]d |  ] filter ] q |  ] filter (14) when the MC is operating with a high power output and
2 Reqd 2 Reqq the cut-off frequency of the rotating filter is relatively
where ]filter is the damping coefficient considering no large. The simplified model, for the q-axis, is shown in
load operation (i.e Reqof) . From Fig. 4, ]filter is Fig. 5. In this block diagram ZT can be calculated as:
calculated as: sL f R f
ZT ( s ) Rg  sLg 
sL f  R f
Lf Cf
] Z re 1 (15) and the d-q cross coupling are neglected.
filter Lf Cf
2R f Because of simplicity, the block diagram for the d-axis
where Zre is the resonant frequency of the input filter. In voltages and currents is not shown in this paper. However
order to modify the d-q-axis equivalent impedance, the

'viq - DSP-based
'vgq 1 'iiq 1 1 'vifq Control and
ZT + sCf sWf+1 Emulation system
+ -
'iiq Pm
vi02 Z(s) Modulation FPGA Based
and Control Switching

Fig. 5. Simplified model for the q-axis. In this model the d-q cross
coupling are neglected. Wind Turbine
0.1 Model
Exact Host PC a
Damping Ratio ]

0.06 3) a
Input Input Filter Variac
Simplified Zr
0.02 Model Stable operation
0 Cage
Unstable operation
-0.04 Fig. 7. The experimental system.
0 500 1000 1500
Cut-off frequency (Hz) in the MRAS observer, the flux obtained from (18) is
Fig. 6. Damping coefficients of the input stage for the simplified model used as the reference model. Adjusting the rotational
of Fig. 5 and from a full order state model. speed is possible to reduce the error between the
reference rotor flux and the rotor flux estimated from
a simplified model, similar to that shown in Fig. 5, can be (19). In order to avoid voltage transducers at the MC
easily obtained for the d-axis. output, the output voltage used in (18) is calculated from
Fig. 6 shows the damping coefficient of the input stage the demanded voltages obtained at the outputs of the
considering a phase power of 7.5kW, vin=220V, current controllers (see Fig. 2).
Ws=Wd=80PF, filter parameter Lf=0.8mH, Rf=56:, and
Cf=6PF. In Fig. 6 the damping coefficient of the V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
simplified model (obtained from Fig. 5), is compared
with the damping coefficient obtained from an exact The control system of Fig. 2 has been experimentally
model. The exact model is implemented implemented in the experimental rig shown in Fig. 7. The
considering the state equations of the circuit diagram variable speed wind turbine is emulated using a vector
shown in Fig. 4b. For both models, the “simplified” and controlled, speed regulated, cage induction motor. To
the “exact”, Z(s) of (8) is implemented using high order implement the emulation, a wind speed profile is sent
Padé functions [13]. from the host PC to a second order model of the WECS
As shown in Fig. 6, for low values of the cut-off implemented in the DSP [14]. The power coefficient
frequency of the filter of (16) (fc=1/(2SWf)), the error curve, Cp(TSR, E), of [15] has been discretised and stored
between the exact model and (14) is relatively large. in a look-up table. Linear interpolation is used to obtain
However, in most of the frequency (fc) range, the value the power coefficient from the look-up table.
obtained from (14) has a low error. As shown in Fig. 6, From the wind turbine model the demanded speed of
the simplified model of (14) is accurate to predict the the WECS generator, Zr*, is calculated in each sampling
cut-off frequency, of the rotating filter of (16), which time. The driving motor forces the IG rotational speed to
produces instability. this value [14]. With this emulation technique the IG
rotates at the same speed as that of a generator driven by
IV. MRAS OBSERVER. a real wind turbine. A complete discussion of the
emulation technique can be found in [5,14] where a dc
In this work an MRAS observer is used to estimate the machine was used in place of the induction machine.
rotational speed of the induction machine. This observer The MC is controlled using the SVM algorithm
is based in two models, the voltage model and the presented in [2]. A switching frequency of 12.5kHz is
current model [5,12]. The voltage model is used to obtain used to control the bidirectional switches. The MC is
the rotor flux as [5]: controlled from a DSP and FPGA-based external
Lr hardware. The commutation is controlled using the four-
\r ³ vo  Rs io dt  VLs io (18)
L0 step method implemented in the FPGA [16]. The MC is
where Rs is the stator resistance and V is the leakage connected to a three-phase variable transformer at the
coefficient. input and to a delta connected IG at the output. A speed
The rotor flux can also be calculated from the machine encoder of 10,000 pulses per revolution is used for the
current and rotational speed as: vector control system. This encoder is used for
comparison purposes and for controlling the driving
d\ˆ r § 1 · L
¨¨ jZr  ¸¸\ˆ r  o io (19) machine. The parameters of the experimental system are
dt © W r ¹ W r presented in the Appendix.

Fig. 8 shows the performance of the proposed system
when the wind profile of Fig. 8a is used in the wind
turbine emulator. Fig. 8b, shows the power generated by

Rotational speed
the wind turbine when the torque current of the cage
machine is regulated according to (2). The performance 1000
of the matrix converter based WECS is good, similar to Zr and Zr

that obtained from a WECS implemented using back to 800

back converters [5].
Fig. 8c shows the d-q axis machine currents (ido, iqo) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

and the power component of the matrix input current (idi). Time(s)
The IG direct current is regulated to a constant value and 1 Error %
the matrix converter input current is proportional to the (b)

Speed error
cube of the rotational speed for driving the WECS to the 0
point of maximum aerodynamic efficiency (see (1)). -0.5
Fig. 9 shows the real rotational speed, the estimated -1
rotational speed and the speed error. For this test a -1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
standard MRAS observer similar to that presented in [5] Time(s)
is implemented (see (18,19)). The sensorless performance Fig. 9. a) Rotational speeds corresponding to the test of Fig 6. b) Speed
of the proposed WECS, based on a matrix converter is error.
quite good even when the wind turbine inertia has been
reduced to 1kgm2, which is less than half the inertia of a 3000
wind turbine of this size. As shown in Fig. 9b, for this
fc (Hz)
test the speed error is less than 2% for the whole wind fc
profile. 1000
For the experimental test shown in Figs. 8-9, the cut-
off frequency of the synchronous rotating filter has been 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Input Current (A)

adjusted to |50Hz to achieve a good stable performance.

In order to test the system stability, the cage machine is 0
operated at 1150rpm, with a steady state torque current of Idi (b)
6A.The generated power is about 1.5kW. The cut-off
frequency of the synchronous rotating filter is varied -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
from 20Hz to 3000Hz in 6s. Fig. 10 shows the 1
experimental results obtained in this test.
14 0.6 q
Wind speed (ms-1)

(a) 0.4
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 Time (s)

Fig. 10. Experimental results showing the variation of the cut-off
4 frequency of the synchronous rotating filter. a) Cut-off frequency fc in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Hz. b) MC input current. c) Voltage transfer ratio q.

(b) Pi In Fig. 10a the variation of the cut-off frequency is

shown. Fig. 10b shown the matrix converter input
Power (W)


current. When the cut-off frequency is increased, the

-2000 damping coefficient of (14) is reduced, and the
oscillations in the input current increases. When the cut-
-3000 off frequency of the rotating filter is |1000Hz, the system
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
is unstable and the overcurrent protection trips. Fig. 10c
5 ido shows the voltage transfer ratio q. Again, when the cut-
d-q Current (A)

off frequency increases, the oscillations in the voltage

0 (c) idi transfer ratio q increases until the system becomes
When the cut-off frequency of (16) is set to an
-10 appropriate value, the oscillations in the input current and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
voltages are eliminated. This is shown in Fig. 11,
Fig. 8. Experimental results using a wind turbine emulator. a) Wind
where a frequency of 50Hz is used in the control
profile used in the test. b) Output power of the system. c) d-q stator system. For this test, the currents have little distortion.
currents and matrix converter input current idi. The input voltage (not shown in Fig. 11) has also little

5 Filtering the voltage used in the SVM algorithm enhances
Input Current (A)

3 the damping coefficient of the input filter.

1 Experimental results have been presented in this
-1 work. The performance of the WECS have been tested
-3 using wind profiles of relatively high variability. For all
-5 the tests the performance of the proposed WECS has been
0 30 1040 5020 60 70
Time (ms) excellent.
Fig. 11. Input currents for operation with a good damping coefficient.
This work was funded by Fondecyt Chile under
Input Voltage (V)

Contract 1060498 and The University of Magallanes,

Chile. The support of the IndustrialElectronics and
(a) Mechatronics Millennium Nucleus P04-048-F is also
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Input Current (A)

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