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Freshwater Biology (1997) 38, 247–261

Structure and diversity of stream invertebrate

assemblages: the influence of temperature with
altitude and latitude
D E A N J A C O B S E N , * R I K K E S C H U LT Z * A N D A N D R E A E N C A L A D A †
*Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 51 Helsingørsgade, DK 3400 Hillerød, Denmark
†Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Apartado 17–01–2184, Quito, Ecuador

1. Structure and diversity of the macroinvertebrate fauna were studied in relation to
altitude and latitude among three groups of streams from Ecuador (lowland: 100–600 m,
Central Valley: 2600–3100 m, páramo: 3500–4000 m), and one group from the temperate
lowland region of Denmark. The streams in the four regions were comparable with
regard to physical characteristics such as size, current and substratum.
2. In terms of faunal composition the Ecuadorian highland streams bore more
resemblance to the Danish lowland streams than the Ecuadorian lowland streams. The
greater similarity between the Ecuadorian highland and the Danish streams, however,
was due to the large number of insect families in the Ecuadorian lowlands, many of
which were not found in the other regions. Of ten physico-chemical parameters
measured, maximum stream temperature explained by far the most variability in faunal
3. The number of insect orders and families increased linearly with maximum stream
temperature and therefore decreased with altitude and latitude. A compilation of
literature data on insect richness and maximum water temperature from streams around
the world confirmed this pattern, yielding a common linear relation for both temperate
and tropical streams. This pattern may arise due to a direct temperature effect on
speciation but is probably also related to geological history and the influence of climatic
changes on stream ecosystems. We estimate that small, tropical, lowland streams have,
on average, a two- to fourfold higher species richness than temperate lowland streams.

Species richness among most groups of organisms in Benson & Smith, 1986), while others have found
the sea and on the continents increases markedly the same diversity in tropical and temperate regions
from high latitudes towards the tropics (Fischer, 1960; (Patrick, 1964; Arthington, 1990; Flowers, 1991). Our
Rosenzweig, 1995). This pattern is much less clear ability to evaluate this question is limited, however,
in the freshwater biota. Species richness of aquatic because few studies are available from the tropics, all
angiosperms is lower in tropical than in temperate differing in sampling technique, and because know-
regions (Crow, 1993), and richness of molluscs is about ledge on the systematics of tropical freshwater insects
the same (Hubendick, 1962). Apparently only the fish is incomplete.
have reached a far greater species richness in tropical Temperature affects stream invertebrates in a num-
freshwaters (Lowe-McConnell, 1987). The latitudinal ber of ways (Ward & Stanford, 1982; Allan, 1995) and
pattern of aquatic insect diversity is unclear, as some is the most apparent abiotic variable related to latitude
authors have found higher diversity in the tropics as well as to altitude. Studies on altitudinal succession
(Bishop, 1973; Stout & Vandermeer, 1975; Pearson, from tropical (Illies, 1964; Hynes, 1971; Williams &

© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd 247

248 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada

Hynes, 1971) and temperate regions (Kownacka & extensively cultivated areas. The maximum distance
Kownacki, 1972; Allan, 1975; Ward, 1986) demonstrate between any two of the streams was 25 km. The
clear changes in faunal structure and a decrease in lowland streams were sampled in June 1995. The
diversity with altitude. Illies (1964) suggested that an second Ecuadorian group included streams at altitudes
analogous succession in life-types to that from high between 2600 and 3100 m in the Central Valley of the
to low altitudes should also exist from high to low Andes around the capital city of Quito. The streams
latitudes, and temperature was suggested to be the drain secondary scrub vegetation and extensively cul-
main variable governing this pattern. However, longi- tivated areas. These streams were up to 85 km apart
tudinal zonation studies following the same stream and were sampled in September and October 1994.
from mountain brook to lowland river obscure the The third group of Ecuadorian streams was located in
effect of temperature itself because small streams and the Eastern Cordillera of the high Andes at 3500–
large rivers, even at the same altitude, are two different 4000 m a.s.l. These streams drain páramo, a humid
habitat types with different faunal assemblages grassland vegetation characteristic of the Northern
(Vannote et al., 1980), and stream size itself has an effect Andes. The páramo streams were up to 110 km apart
on species richness (Brönmark et al., 1984; Minshall, and they were sampled from February to May 1995.
Petersen & Nimz, 1985; Jacobsen & Friberg, 1997). Finally, a group of Danish lowland streams at 0–
Comparative studies on the overall faunal structure 100 m a.s.l. located in mid-Jutland, was included. The
and diversity of similar stream types located at differ- streams drain secondary deciduous forest, pasture and
ent altitudes (Ormerod et al., 1994) and latitudes (Stout cultivated areas and were maximally 75 km apart. The
& Vandermeer, 1975) are few. Hence, the specific streams in Denmark were sampled from May to July
influence of temperature on faunal composition along 1993. All streams in Ecuador and Denmark included
altitudinal and latitudinal gradients has remained in the study were first-, second- or third-order streams,
elusive. rather fast-flowing with coarse substratum and with
This study compares quantitative composition and no or very little aquatic macrophyte growth. None of
diversity of the macroinvertebrate fauna from four the streams had significant sources of pollution.
groups of streams. Three groups were from different
altitudes in tropical Ecuador, and one group was from
Physicochemical measurements
the temperate, lowland region of Denmark. All streams
were sampled in the same way, and a consistent level In Ecuador, physicochemical parameters were meas-
of identification to family was applied to all samples. ured on three occasions during the dry season in each
Furthermore, the streams were comparable with of the lowland and Central Valley streams, but only
regard to physical parameters such as size, current once in each of the páramo streams. The highest
and substratum. Temperature was the main physical daytime temperature recorded and mean values of all
parameter differing systematically among the stream other parameters are used in this study. Measurements
groups. The purpose of the study was to examine the in the Danish streams were performed once in March.
general patterns in structure and diversity of the The maximum temperatures, however, originate from
invertebrate fauna across altitudes and latitudes and several years of measurements in each stream. Con-
subsequently relate the patterns to stream temperature. ductivity, normalized to 20 °C, was measured with a
WTW LF96 meter, pH was measured with a WTW
pH96 meter, and alkalinity was measured by means
Materials and methods of gran titration with 0.1 N HCl (Mackereth, Heron &
Localities Talling, 1978). Mean current velocity (in 0.4 3 water
depth) was measured with a Höntzch digital anemo-
The study included three groups of streams in Ecuador meter with a vane wheel sensor at four to eight points
and one group in Denmark. Each group consisted of along three cross-sections. The composition of the
eight streams. The first group in Ecuador included substratum was measured by registering the type of
streams located in the coastal lowlands at altitudes of substratum in 58–113 points along six to eight ran-
100–600 m above sea level (m a.s.l.). These streams domly chosen transects across the stream. The mineral
drain disturbed, tropical, lowland forest, pasture and substratum types were assigned to the following six
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 249

categories: silt, sand, gravel, pebble, cobble and were identified using Roldán (1992) and Merritt &
boulder (Hynes, 1970). Cummins (1996).

Invertebrate sampling Data treatment

Benthos samples from the Ecuadorian streams were Similarity in overall faunal structure among the thirty-
collected in the dry season, when taxon richness and two streams was analysed using the computer soft-
density of invertebrates are highest (D. Jacobsen & ware package PRIMER (Clarke & Warwick, 1994) to
A. Encalada, unpublished data), while the Danish construct a dendrogram. PRIMER ’s multivariate tech-
streams were sampled in summer, from May to July. niques are based on non-parametric calculations of
Winter samples of benthos were available from six similarity between samples. PRIMER was also used
of the eight Danish streams. The mean number of to perform multivariate non-parametric correlations
individuals was 20% higher, and, on average, one to (weighted Spearman harmonic) of faunal composition
two more families were found in the winter samples to environmental parameters. In this way the para-
than in summer samples. meters, or combination of parameters, best explaining
In each stream, a 10- to 20-m reach was chosen for the faunal variability could be found.
the study. Invertebrate samples were collected by ‘Species’ accumulation curves were made for the
standardized ‘kick-sampling’ using a 25 3 25-cm four regions to estimate regional insect family richness,
nylon handnet (mesh size: 0.5 mm) placed on the regarding each of the eight streams in a group as a
stream bottom. A sample was obtained in the following locality. The order of plotting the eight streams was
way: three transects across the stream were chosen, randomized 1000 times using jack-knifing and the
and at each transect the stream bottom in front of the mean value of family number was plotted. A
net was disturbed by kicking twice in the substratum Michaelis–Menten regression was fitted to the data
at four positions: next to bank, at 25%, at 50% and at points because this is an asymptotic function that
75% of the stream width. Although this method is allows estimation of total richness within a confined
not strictly quantitative, it allows comparison among region through extrapolation (Colwell & Coddington,
samples. The benthos samples were preserved in 1995). This procedure gives three parameters of inter-
70% ethanol. Samples were sorted without use of est: (α) the point diversity, or mean number of taxa
magnification. found at one locality, by some authors called alpha
To achieve the same level of identification of inver- diversity, (γ) the maximum richness of a region or taxon
tebrates from Ecuador and Denmark, all insects were pool, called gamma diversity (Vmax in the original
identified to family level and non-insects to class. Michaelis–Menten equation), and (β) the number of
At present we must either work with operational localities needed to represent half of the region’s taxon
taxonomical units (OTU) as applied by Stout & pool (Km in the original equation). The β-value is here
Vandermeer (1975), use taxonomically well known regarded as a measure of the so-called beta diversity,
groups as indicators of biodiversity, or keep identifica- which is a measure of the rate of species accumulation
tion to a consistent taxonomic level such as family as one moves from locality to locality.
(Williams & Gaston, 1994). We recognize that the
family level is not absolutely consistent among insect
orders, but is influenced by the maturity and tradition Results
of the taxonomy of each order. However, keeping
Physicochemical characteristics
identification at the family level is probably more
consistent than using a mixture of species, genera and Of the measured physical characteristics, significant
families, as so often seen in the literature. Family differences among the stream groups were only found
richness of insects at individual stream sites is highly regarding temperature and substratum composition,
correlated to species richness (Bournaud et al., 1996; the Danish streams generally having a less coarse
Wright, Moss & Furse, 1997) so, when identification substratum (Table 1). However, the four groups of
to species is not consistently possible, family richness streams were dominated by relatively coarse sub-
will reflect species richness. Insects from Ecuador stratum and good current, and all thirty-two streams
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
Table 1 Mean values and ranges (in parentheses) of some chemical and physical chacacteristics of the four groups of eight streams in the coastal lowlands, Central valley and
páramo in Ecuador and from the lowlands of Denmark. Significant differences among values are shown by different index letters (P , 0.05, Mann–Whitney U-test, one-tailed)

Inorganic substratum (%)

Max. temp. Conductivity Alkalinity Width Discharge Current
250 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada

(°C) (µS cm–1) (mEq l–1) pH (cm) (l s–1) (cm s–1) silt 1 sand gravel 1 pebble cobble 1 boulder

Coastal lowlands 24.8a 40a 0.37a 6.89a 323a 122a 20a 8a 63a 30a
(22.4–26.3) (18–67) (0.17–0.62) (6.30–7.49) (140–643) (6–394) (4–42) (0–29) (46–72) (0–51)
Central valley 14.6b 192b 1.51b 7.88b 227a 148a 24a 25ac 37b 37ab
(10.7–17.8) (101–317) (0.55–2.79) (6.82–8.90) (108–443) (9–689) (7–43) (0–69) (18–66) (7–62)
Páramo 9.8c 56a 0.63a 7.39ab 213a 106a 23a 10a 35b 55b
(6.4–14.8) (19–119) (0.14–1.50) (6.18–8.25) (123–350) (5–289) (5–53) (0–24) (10–56) (39–81)
Denmark 15.3b 331c 1.55b 7.64b 183a 57a 24a 36bc 54a 9c
(12.0–18.0) (165–450) (0.23–2.53) (6.35–8.31) (50–272) (1–120) (8–39) (18–47) (17–69) (0–20)

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Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 251
Table 2 Number of individuals and taxa (insect families and non-insect classes), Margalef’s richness index and Pielou’s evenness
index from ‘kick-samples’ from Ecuadorian and Danish streams. Mean values with ranges in parentheses are given for each group
of eight streams. Significant differences among values are shown by different index letters (P , 0.05, Mann–Whitney U test,

Individuals Taxa Richness Evenness

Lowland 436a 29.3a 3.38a 0.756a
(114–1040) (24–33) (2.89–3.81) (0.622–0.849)
Valley 1382b 20.9b 1.97b 0.516b
(587–4100) (15–26) (1.52–2.27) (0.337–0.751)
Páramo 653ac 13.5c 1.35c 0.634b
(335–1310) (10–20) (1.02–1.84) (0.520–0.799)
Denmark 750bc 20.0b 2.01b 0.556b
(318–1070) (17–24) (1.59–2.48) (0.386–0.644)

had from four to six of the applied inorganic types of streams was lower (70%) (Table 3). The Crustacea
substrate. Temperature clearly divided the streams (Gammaridae) showed a clear increase with altitude,
into three groups: the Ecuadorian lowland streams from absence in the Ecuadorian lowland, 3% in the
had a mean maximum temperature of 24.8 °C, the Central Valley, to 14% on the páramo. Gammarus was
páramo streams of 9.8 °C, while the Central Valley a very prominent part of the Danish stream fauna.
and Danish streams had similar mean maximum tem- Oligochaeta also increased in proportion from the
peratures of 14.6 and 15.3 °C. All chemical parameters Ecuadorian lowland to the páramo. Turbellaria
differed clearly among the stream groups, reflecting (Planaridae) and Bivalvia (Pisidiidae) were other
the nutrient-poor waters of the Ecuadorian lowland important groups in the páramo streams. The number
and páramo streams relative to the Central Valley and of insect orders decreased with altitude. In the lowland
Danish streams. streams nine orders were found. Odonata comprised
8%, Hemiptera 7%, Megaloptera 0.8% and Lepidoptera
0.5% of the lowland fauna, but, except for a few
Structure of fauna
Odonata in the Central Valley, these four orders were
The density of invertebrates was significantly lower absent in the Central Valley and the páramo streams.
in the Ecuadorian lowland streams compared to the Ephemeroptera dominated the insect fauna in all
Central Valley and the Danish streams while the three regions in Ecuador, but were less numerous in
number of higher taxa (insect families 1 non-insect Denmark (Table 3). Plecopterans, in contrast, were rare
classes) was higher in the lowland streams (Table 2). in all three regions in Ecuador but were numerous in
Two indices were calculated to evaluate the two basic the Danish streams. Coleoptera and Trichoptera were
components of diversity, richness and equitability: the more important and Diptera less dominant in the
Margalef richness index as a measure of the number Ecuadorian lowland streams than in the other
of taxa taking the sample size into account, and the stream groups.
Pielou evenness index as a measure of equitability A total of fifty-four families of insects were found
irrespective of the number of taxa. Both the Margalef in Ecuador and forty-four in the lowlands (Table 4).
and the Pielou indices were significantly higher in the Twenty-three insect families were restricted to the
lowland streams than in any other of the three stream lowlands, mainly families of Odonata and Hemiptera,
groups (Table 2). Thus, the fauna of the lowland whereas eleven families were restricted to the
streams were less dominated by few taxa. Central Valley and the páramo. Only one family
The fauna of the lowland and the Central Valley (Limnephilidae: Trichoptera) was restricted to the
streams of Ecuador was completely dominated by páramo. Fifteen families were found at all altitudes
insects (95% and 93%, respectively), while the propor- and many of these were common or abundant at all
tion of insects in the páramo and in the Danish altitudes (Baetidae, Elmidae, Glossosomatidae,
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
252 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada
Table 3 Composition of the macroinvertebrate fauna given as a total of kick-samples from eight streams in three Ecuadorian and
one Danish region


Lowland 100–600 m Valley 2600–3100 m Páramo 3500–4000 m Denmark 0–100 m

n % n % n % n %

Turbellaria 106 3.0 18 0.2 217 4.2 63 1.0

Oligochaeta 26 0.7 183 1.7 473 9.1 84 1.4
Hirudinea 5 0.1 81 0.7 3 0.1 3 0.05
Bivalvia 5 0.1 12 0.1 167 3.2 129 2.1
Gastropoda 31 0.9 1 0.01 11 0.2 21 0.3
Arachnida 12 0.3 66 0.6 – – 34 0.6
Crustacea – – 334 3.0 719 13.8 1487 24.8
Insecta 3300 94.7 10 316 93.3 3629 69.5 4197 69.8
Plecoptera 7 0.2 19 0.2 7 0.1 887 14.7
Ephemeroptera 1034 29.6 4145 37.5 1372 26.3 534 8.9
Odonata 265 7.6 3 0.03 – – – –
Hemiptera 213 6.2 – – – – 5 0.1
Coleoptera 834 24.0 591 5.3 540 10.4 274 4.5
Megaloptera 25 0.8 – – – – 7 0.1
Trichoptera 434 12.5 1110 10.1 259 4.9 140 2.3
Lepidoptera 16 0.5 – – – – – –
Diptera 453 13.0 4448 40.3 1450 27.8 2350 39.1

Hydroptilidae, Leptoceridae, Ceratopogonidae, (rs 5 0.16). The best combination of parameters to

Chironomidae, Empididae, Simuliidae and Tipulidae). account for the variation in fauna was temperature
Overall, the Ecuadorian lowland and highland fauna and conductivity (rs 5 0.58).
(Central Valley and páramo combined) shared twenty
families. The Danish stream fauna (thirty insect famil-
Diversity of fauna
ies collected) shared sixteen families with the Ecuador-
ian lowland streams, sixteen with the Ecuadorian Alpha and gamma diversities were highest in the
highland streams and nineteen families, overall, with Ecuadorian lowland region and lowest on the páramo
the Ecuadorian fauna. (Table 5). The streams in the Central Valley and in
A dendrogram based on fourth-root-transformed Denmark had intermediate and similar α and γ values.
data to downweigh very abundant taxa showed that Between 85 and 92% of the theoretically estimated
the Ecuadorian lowland and the Danish streams com- regional insect family pool (γ diversity) was reached
posed two clearly distinct faunas, while there was from the eight sampled streams. The β-diversity was
greater resemblance between the Central Valley and significantly higher on the páramo than in any other
páramo streams (Fig. 1). More interesting though, the region (P , 0.05, t-test) and lowest in the Ecuadorian
Ecuadorian highland streams showed more similarity lowlands. The γ diversity of the four groups was
to Danish lowland streams (42%) than to Ecuadorian linearly and very closely related to mean maximum
lowland streams (33%). temperature of each group (r2 5 0.98).
Faunal composition in relation to environmental Regression analyses between family richness and
parameters was also analysed by PRIMER ’s multivariate the physicochemical parameters on the thirty-two
technique. Maximum temperature had the highest stream sites showed that family richness was highly
correlation coefficient (rs 5 0.49), and was therefore the related to maximum stream temperature (r2 5 0.74)
single parameter best explaining the faunal variation. (Fig. 2). Family richness was also, but to a much lesser
None of the other parameters showed nearly as good extent, related to stream width and the percentage of
correlations, the second best correlated parameter gravel and pebble in the substratum. None of the
being pH (rs 5 0.17), and conductivity the third chemical parameters showed significant correlations.
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Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 253
Table 4 Insect families collected from kick-samples from eight streams in three Ecuadorian and one Danish region


Lowland 100–600 m Valley 2600–3100 m Páramo 3500–4000 m Denmark 0–100 m

Plecoptera Perlidae Gripopterygidae Gripopterygidae Leuctridae

Perlidae Nemouridae
Ephemeroptera Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae
Caenidae Leptohyphidae Leptophlebidae Ephemeridae
Euthyplocidae Leptophlebidae Leptophlebidae
Leptohyphidae Oligoneuridae
Odonata Calopterygidae Aeshnidae – –
Hemiptera Gerridae – – –
Hemiptera indet
Coleoptera Dryopidae Dytiscidae Elmidae Dytiscidae
Elmidae Elmidae Scirtidae Elmidae
Hydrophilidae Gyrinidae Helophoridae
Lampyridae Ptilodactylidae Hydraenidae
Psephenidae Scirtidae Hydrophilidae
Ptilodactylidae Scirtidae
Megaloptera Corydalidae – – Sialidae
Tricoptera Calamoceratidae Anomalopsychidae Anomalopsychidae Goeridae
Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Hydropsychidae
Helicopsychidae Helicopsychidae Helicopsychidae Leptoceridae
Hydrobiosidae Hydrobiosidae Hydrobiosidae Limnephilidae
Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Polycentropodidae
Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Rhyacophilidae
Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Sericostomatidae
Philopotamidae Polycentropodidae Limnephilidae
Lepidoptera Pyralidae – – –
Diptera Ceratopogonidae Blepharoceridae Blepharoceridae Ceratopogonidae
Chironomidae Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae
Culicidae Chironomidae Chironomidae Dixidae
Dixidae Empididae Empididae Empididae
Empididae Ephydridae Muscidae Lonchopteridae
Muscidae Muscidae Simuliidae Psychodidae
Psychodidae Psychodidae Tabanidae Sciomyzidae
Sciomyzidae Simuliidae Tipulidae Simuliidae
Simuliidae Tabanidae Thaumaleidae
Tipulidae Tipulidae Tipulidae
Diptera indet
Total number
of families 44 31 21 30

To test whether the relation between stream temper- temperate-arctic and tropical streams at different alti-
ature and insect family richness was generally valid, tudes, and thereby provided a latitudinal as well as
we compiled data available from the literature on altitudinal gradient. In the plot we used only single
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
254 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada
Table 5 Data on diversity of aquatic insect families from
Ecuadorian and Danish streams showing α-diversity,
β-diversity, γ-diversity and proportion of the regions family
pool occurring in one stream (α/γ)

α γ β α/γ r2

Lowland 26.1 (22–30) 47.7 0.89 0.55 0.985
Valley 16.9 (13–21) 35.2 1.13 0.48 0.998
Páramo 10.0 (6–16) 24.6 1.48 0.41 0.998
Denmark 15.0 (11–18) 34.8 1.36 0.43 0.998

prising at first, considering that Ecuador is located in

the tropics and Denmark in the north-temperate region
on another continent 11 000 km away, while the high-
land and lowland streams of Ecuador are only 100 km
apart. However, the finding supports the hypothesis
by Illies (1964) that a rhithron biocenosis adapted to
cold conditions is found in both temperate and tropical
latitudes, but at progressively higher altitudes the
closer to the equator the streams are located. Illies
based his concept primarily on ‘life-types’ adapted to
Fig. 1 Dendrogram showing the similarity between faunal
similar niches in temperate lowland and high altitude
assemblages in streams in three Ecuadorian regions and in
Denmark. The data were fourth-root-transformed before tropical streams. Here we demonstrate that the concept
calculating similarities. is also valid for the composition of higher taxa and
the structure of the invertebrate fauna comparing
Neotropical and European faunas, although the neo-
locality data and did not include large rivers
tropical rhithron fauna is derived from early Paleoan-
(Fig. 3). The richness of aquatic insects (y) increased
tarctic elements and later Nearctic immigrants (Illies,
linearly with maximum stream temperature (x) for
both temperate-arctic (y 5 1.93x – 2.96, r2 5 0.84,
The number of families shared by the Ecuadorian
P , 0.001) and tropical streams (y 5 1.72x – 2.80, r2 5
highland and Danish streams (sixteen) was, however,
0.48, P , 0.01). The regressions were similar for tem-
exactly the same as between the Ecuadorian lowland
perate-arctic and tropical streams (P . . 0.05, t-test).
and Danish streams. The higher similarity between
the Ecuadorian highlands and Denmark is, therefore,
Discussion primarily due to the high number of insect families
present in the Ecuadorian lowlands, many of which
Overall patterns of invertebrate community structure
were not found in the other regions. The majority of
In the present study faunal similarity among widely the families from Ecuador, which were not collected
different regions was analysed using family level in the group of Danish streams, do in fact occur in
identification because the aim of the study was to Denmark (e.g. Veliidae, Libellulidae, Hydroptilidae)
identify overall patterns in faunal composition. It but usually not in the type of stream investigated.
would have been difficult to find patterns had the Slightly more families and individuals would have
analysis been performed at the species level, because been obtained in the Danish streams had the collection
none or only very few species are probably shared taken place during winter, but the overall faunal
by the regions. The study showed that the faunal composition at the family level would not have been
composition of Ecuadorian mountain streams was markedly different.
more similar to Danish lowland streams than to Illies (1964) proposed a faunal transition from
Ecuadorian lowland streams. This result seems sur- rhithron to potamon biocenosis at about 2500 m in a
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 255

Peruvian Andes stream, and Statzner (1975) found the closely related to the fauna of the páramo than to the
transition at 1700 m in a stream in Zaı̈re. These findings lowlands. Hynes (1971), however, studied longitudinal
agree with the findings in the present study, as the succession in a stream in Trinidad and found a major
fauna of the Central Valley (2600–3100 m) was more shift in faunal composition at an altitude of only 30 m.
Hynes argued that the transition from rhithron to
potamon fauna occurs where the hill stream meets the
plain and therefore depends on the nature of the
stream bed, and that temperature (which did not vary
much in his study) is yet another factor superimposed
on the stream system. This disagreement reflects the
difficulty of interpreting studies of longitudinal faunal
succession in relation to altitude and suggests that
it may be more appropriate to regard altitudinal
succession in streams as a continuous process rather
than dividing streams into distinct zones. Ward (1985)
has a more thorough discussion of stream zonation in
relation to temperature.
Surprisingly few studies have adressed directly the
importance of temperature as a structuring parameter
for the stream invertebrate communities under normal
conditions in comparable streams. The streams
included in this study did not differ greatly regarding
size, current, substratum or aquatic macrophyte
growth, and the chemical parameters did not explain
much of the faunal variability or family richness.
We suggest therefore that temperature is a major
parameter structuring the stream fauna.

The global relationship between stream temperature

and insect richness
We acknowledge the problems involved in discussing
patterns in diversity of a complete fauna composed
of such different insect orders as Plecoptera (which
primarily is a temperate order; Illies, 1969), Odonata
(which primarily is a tropical group; Corbet, 1980)
and Trichoptera (which seems to have diversified at
temperate as well as at tropical latitudes; Ross, 1967).
Nevertheless, Fig. 3 indicates that overall family rich-
ness of stream insects is linearly related to maximum

Fig. 2 Significant regressions of insect family richness of

stream insects and mean stream width, percentage of gravel
and pebble in the substratum and maximum stream
temperature for three regions in Ecuador and one in Denmark.
s 5 streams from the Ecuadorian lowland, u 5 streams from
the Ecuadorian Central valley, n 5 streams from the
Ecuadorian páramo, and d 5 the Danish lowland streams.
Regression coefficients are provided.

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256 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada

but probably also several more families, so future

species : family ratios are difficult to predict. At present
the data suggests that, overall, South American aquatic
insect families do contain more species than families
in North America and Europe (Table 6). It is also quite
clear that there are more species of aquatic insects in
the neotropics than at higher latitudes. More species
of, especially, Odonata, Heteroptera, aquatic
Coleoptera and perhaps Trichoptera are responsible
for this difference. This does not mean, however,
that Fig. 3 cannot be regarded as representing species
richness as well as family richness in relation to
stream temperature. The data in Table 6 concern whole
continents, while Fig. 3 concerns local diversity found
at single stream sites, and individual streams in the
Fig. 3 Regression of family richness of stream insects and
tropics do not necessarily house more species of each
maximum temperature from single locality studies found in
the literature (y 5 1.60x – 0.18, r2 5 0.71, P 5 3.65*10–9). s 5 family occurring, although more species taxonomically
temperate-arctic streams and d 5 tropical streams. Temperate belong to each family.
and arctic data-points from: Andersen et al., 1989 (Denmark, If individual stream sites do, in fact, have more
one); Elgmork & Sæther, 1970 (Sweden, one); Glenstrup, 1981
species per family closer to the equator, the relationship
(Denmark, one); Heitkamp, Lessmann & Piehl, 1985 (Germany,
two); Jones, 1948 (Wales, one); Mackay, 1969 (Canada, one); between species richness and maximum stream tem-
Matthias, 1983 (Germany, one); Petts & Bickerton, 1994 perature will be exponential instead of linear, but a
(Switzerland, two); Slack, Nauman & Tilley, 1979 (Alaska, global relationship should still persist. Fig. 3 suggests
three); Stoneburner, 1977 (U.S.A., two); Ulfstrand, 1968
that tropical lowland streams have about one and a
(Sweden, two); Ward, 1986 (U.S.A., one); Winterbourn, 1978
(New Zealand, one). Tropical data from: this study (Ecuador, half to two times more insect families than temperate
three); Arthington, 1990 (Australia, one); Bishop, 1973 lowland streams. In addition, Table 6 suggests that
(Malaysia, one); Dudgeon, 1989 (Hong Kong, one); Henry aquatic insect families in South America have, on
et al., 1994 (Brazil, one); Illies, 1964 (Peru, one); Machado & average, one and a half to two times more species per
Roldán, 1981 (Colombia, two); Matthias & Moreno, 1983
(Colombia, one); Patrick, 1966 (Peru, two); Turcotte & Harper,
family. This leads us to suggest that, overall, tropical
1982 (Ecuador, one). In Dudgeon (1989) only a fauna list lowland streams should have a two- to fourfold higher
combining four streams is given. The number of families in species richness than temperate lowland streams.
one stream is estimated from the species-accumulation curve The critical part on the graph is where tropical high-
established for the Ecuadorian lowland streams. In Henry et al.
(1994) maximum stream temperature is not given, but is
altitude streams and temperate streams overlap (10–
estimated by the authors of the present study. 20 °C). Illies (1969) suggested that at the species level
the diversity of the neotropical rhithron fauna is very
low compared to the European fauna because the
stream temperature and that this pattern represents a coherent nature and the north–south orientation of
global trend. However, species richness, rather than the Andes has given little opportunity for isolation and
family richness, is what primarily concerns us when speciation during the interglacial periods compared to
patterns of biodiversity are examined. The number of the many individual mountain regions in Europe.
species per family may not be constant on a global Illies used plecopterans as an example, which at that
scale; we might suspect that families become more time had five families and sixty-five species in South
species-rich closer to the equator. America, while Europe had seven families and 340
We made an attempt to compare species : family species. Later the number of plecopteran families in
ratios for aquatic insect orders in South America, South America has been reduced to two. Therefore, at
North America and Europe. Such an analysis should least regarding rhithron plecopterans the
be interpreted with caution because of the incomplete species : family ratio is now the same on the two
knowledge of the South American fauna. Many more continents, but little information is available for other
species are to be described from South America, insect orders.
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 257
Table 6 Number of families, species and the species : family (S : F) ratio for aquatic insect orders on three continents. Data for
South America from Hurlbert, Rodriguez & Dias dos Santos (1981), data for Europe from Illies (1978) and data for North America
from Merritt & Cummins (1996). The asterix denotes that the number of species in tropical South America is estimated.
Megaloptera includes Neuroptera. Diptera is not included because of the very incomplete knowledge of the order

South America Europe North America

Families Species S:F Families Species S:F Families Species S:F

Ephemeroptera 10 184 18.4 17 217 12.8 21 599 28.5

Plecoptera 2 100* 50.0 7 387 55.3 9 577 64.1
Odonata 19 1491 78.5 10 127 12.7 10 422 42.2
Heteroptera 14 715 51.1 12 129 10.8 18 421 23.4
Megaloptera 4 42 11.5 4 16 4.0 4 70 17.5
Coleoptera 18 1913 106.3 23 967 42.0 18 1214 67.4
Trichoptera 14 1500 107.1 22 895 40.7 23 1385 60.2
Total 81 5945 73.4 95 2738 28.8 103 4688 45.5

Speciation in relation to temperature and climatic and should also be considered to explain regional
history differences in taxa richness. During the last ice age,
some 20 000 years ago, large lowland areas at temper-
As part of the voluminous debate on the possible
ate latitudes, including most of Denmark, were
causes for latitudinal gradients in biodiversity Rohde
covered by glaciers. In the tropical high Andes the
(1992) concluded that temperature itself may be a main
mean air temperature was about 6 °C lower than
factor governing diversity because high temperature
today, with permanent snow cover probably extending
leads to higher mutation rates and shorter generation
down to 3500–4000 m, and glaciers to an altitude of
times, thereby speeding up evolution and speciation.
3000 m (Colinvaux, 1987; Schubert, 1988). Hence, the
Therefore, more families (and species) of stream insects
highland stream fauna was probably driven down to
have probably evolved in tropical lowland streams
lower altitudes (and the northern fauna to lower
than in tropical mountain or higher latitude streams.
latitudes) and many species became extinct. Con-
It is difficult to say whether temperature during
sequently, most stream faunas of the high Andes and
evolution works on a regional or a local scale. Regional
of northern Europe (or North America) are relatively
(γ) species richness affects, and is tightly related to,
young and still under colonization from lower alti-
local richness (Cornell & Lawton, 1992), obviously by
tudes or more southerly streams.
setting an upper limit to local richness. However,
The neotropical lowlands may also have undergone
temperature was more closely related to γ diversity
climatic fluctuations in historic or geological time
than to local richness, probably because of the con-
leading to extinctions, while still reaching higher
founding effect of local abiotic and biotic conditions
species richness (Fischer, 1960). In particular, lowland
at the individual stream sites. Furthermore, local rich-
streams may have been affected by lower temperatures
ness is probably affected by the partly stochastic
and extensive droughts during the Pleistocene
process of dispersal. Dispersal between localities is
(Covich, 1988). However, such climatic fluctuations
related to the β diversity. The higher β diversity of the
may also have contributed to speciation through isola-
páramo streams relative to the Ecuadorian lowlands
tion in refuges. The northern part of western Ecuador
may simply result from the fact that the páramo
is actually part of a postulated pleistocene refuge
streams covered a larger land area than the Ecuadorian
(Colinvaux, 1987).
lowland streams. However, β diversity may also have
been affected by low dispersal of flying adult insects
The influence of predation and food sources on insect
among the younger mountain streams.
Temperature itself may not be the sole cause of the
relation between richness and temperature. Species richness in tropical vs. temperate streams has
Quaternary climatic history is related to temperature been thought to be affected by several abiotic and
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
258 D. Jacobsen, R. Schultz and A. Encalada

biotic factors such as available food sources, habitat The effect of environmental stability on insect diversity
diversity (Covich, 1988) and predation (Stout &
Vandermeer, 1975; Fox, 1977). No indications were Environmental variability and disturbance is regarded
seen in the present study of a higher habitat diversity as a key factor for biotic diversity in stream com-
or lower food diversity in neotropical streams com- munities (Stout & Vandermeer, 1975; Stanford & Ward,
pared to temperate streams as suggested by Covich 1983; Arthington, 1990; Reice, Wissmar & Naiman,
(1988). Flowers (1991) also proposed that food sources 1990). Although some temperate regions are character-
are basically the same in tropical and temperate stre- ized by highly variable stream flow, tropical lowland
ams, namely detritus and algae. streams in general seem more prone to spates than
Fox (1977) suggested that higher proportions of temperate or high altitude streams, and the global
predators in tropical streams may lower invertebrate maximum stream temperature gradient may run some-
what parallel to a ‘discharge unpredictability gradient’.
densities and increase diversity by maintaining com-
Ward & Stanford (1983) proposed that the general
petitively superior prey species at lower densities and
‘intermediate-disturbance hypothesis’ (Connell, 1978)
thereby allowing the existence of less competitive
should be applicable to stream invertebrate communit-
species. It is noteworthy that the two insect orders
ies, so that maximum richness is reached at inter-
that primarily contribute to the higher species richness
mediate levels of disturbance. However, we do not
of aquatic insects in the neotropics (Odonata and
know the exact optimum level of disturbance. There-
Heteroptera) (Table 6) both are predatory, and these
fore, whether the influence of increasing disturbance
groups mainly occur in the lowland streams. The
has either a positive or a negative impact on species
proportion of invertebrate predators (by numbers) is
richness may depend on the location of the streams
higher in Ecuadorian lowland streams (24%) than in
along the ‘disturbance-gradient’. Although intuitively
Danish streams (6%) (Schultz, 1997), and also higher
appealing, the review of Reice et al. (1990) found little
than that found in the Ecuadorian Central Valley
evidence for the hypothesis. ‘Rock-tumbling experi-
streams (9%) (D. Jacobsen & A. Encalada, unpublished
ments’ teach us little about patterns in diversity among
data). A study on the Ecuadorian páramo streams
streams and very few studies have examined species
showed that predator abundances were generally low
richness and quantified overall stability in a set of
(3%), but local dominance of Planarians may increase
streams. However, in such a study, Death &
this figure to 65% (Encalada, 1997). Hence, high densi-
Winterbourn (1994) found that unstable streams had
ties and diversities of invertebrate predators may fewer species than more stable streams. Hence, there
influence invertebrate community structure and may be a negative impact of the suggested latitudinal
diversity in tropical streams. disturbance-gradient on diversity of stream insects
Neotropical lowland streams often have an closer to the equator. Still, we know little about how
abundant and diverse fish fauna (Lowe-McConnell, variability in flow regime affects regional richness and
1975). Some experimental studies in temperate as well speciation of stream insects.
as in tropical streams (Flecker, 1992; Dudgeon, 1991, Tropical streams are, on the other hand, more con-
1993) have found effects of fish predation on inverte- stant than temperate streams in terms of temperature
brate community structure, but it is unclear just how regime. It has been suggested that a wide annual
important and general the impact from predatory temperature range (as found at temperate latitudes)
fish is. Flecker (1992) found that herbivorous and may enhance species diversity by allowing the coexist-
detritivorous fish, which are much more abundant in ence of differently synchronized life cycles, thereby
neotropical streams than in temperate streams, had a ensuring temporal separation of major periods of
stronger indirect effect than predatory fish on the resource use and reducing active competition (Vannote
dominant invertebrate taxa by depleting food et al., 1980). Likewise, wider daily variation in temper-
resources that were shared between the fish and ature increases species packing by providing a wider
the invertebrates. Both predatory and herbivorous/ range of temperature optima, even though suboptimal
detritivorous fish may thus be an important controlling conditions consequently will occur for each species as
factor for invertebrate community structure and well (see references in Ward & Stanford, 1982). It
diversity in neotropical streams. seems, therefore, that both temperature variability and
© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 38, 247–261
Structure and diversity of stream invertebrates 259

discharge variability should favour higher diversity Macroinvertebrate community structure and
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Hawksworth), pp. 101–118. Chapman & Hall, London.
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PRIMER software, Peter C. Dall for making the jack- Corbet P.S. (1980) Biology of Odonata. Annual Review of
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Peder Kristensen and two anonymous referees for Cornell H.V. & Lawton J.H. (1992) Species interactions,
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Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas at the Pontificia of ecological communities: a theoretical perspective.
Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Quito kindly Journal of Animal Ecology, 61, 1–12.
Covich A.P. (1988) Geographical and historical
provided laboratory facilities. This work was funded
comparisons of neotropical streams: biotic diversity
by grant 104.Dan8/630 from Danida, Danish Ministry
and detrital processing in highly variable habitats.
of Foreign Affairs.
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