Introduction To Pagaam

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PAGAAM is a non Political, non Religious, social organisation of

oppressed and exploited Indians .It is to create general awareness
amongst masses about root causes of their sufferings, PAGAAM is to
find out remedies through scientific, peaceful and constitutional
methods. It is to strive to transform Indian society into a strong and
model nation. PAGAAM is the abbreviation of PHULEY AMBEDKARI


1. To establish social identity to follow ideology of Jyotiba Phuley

and Baba Sahib Ambedkar to create moral and free society for
social transformation.
2. To develop capable, competent and selfless leadership and
cadres to lead mass movement for national integration and pull
society out of clutches of chatur varna system.
3. To find permanent solution to social inequality through casteless
and classless society and improve work culture and working
conditions against economic exploitation.
4. To create need and desire to lead meaningful life with respect
and recognition and dignity of labour.
5. To create mass awareness about constitutional safeguards and
struggle to get proportionate share in the national wealth.


(a) Any socially exploited and oppressed Indian Citizen (S.C/ ST/
OBC and minorities communities member) having attained 18 years
of age, can become member with the approval of screening
(b) Member must have firm faith in Ideology of Mahatma Phuley and
Baba Sahib Ambedkar.
“Casteless and Classless Society can create environment for lasting
Equality, Freedom and Fraternity.”
(c) Member must contribute his/her Time, Talent, Skill, Intellect to
learn and provide leadership role for social transformation.


Membership is enrolled through four channels as per the capacity

and capability of member to pay back. Each channel will send 25%
of its members or 100(One Hundred) which ever is less to form
General Body of PAGAAM.

Channel ‘A’ Corporate Member Monthly Subscription Rs. 1000/-

Channel ‘B’ Senior Member Monthly Subscription Rs. 100/-
Channel ‘C’ Associate Member Monthly Subscription Rs. 10/-
Channel ‘D’ Junior Member Monthly Subscription Rs. 1/-


General Body is having maximum 400 members i.e. maximum 100

members through each of the four channels of membership. From
each state delegates are sent to general body on the bases of
proportionate representation at national level. National General
Body will be elected/selected for three years from each respective
state as per quota decided by Central Executive Committee during
the month of January preceding election year, Every delegate
elected/selected by respective state unit will have equal rights in
proceedings of general body.

CEC (Central Executive Committee) General Body will elect 10% of

its members or 40 members, which ever is less, as Central Executive
Members from the house. President may nominate one General
Body member from each channel as CEC member.

Central Executive Committee (CEC) will elect by secret ballot or
voice vote it’s National President, National president will nominate
all other office bearer from the CEC as per requirement of the
organisation at the National level.


Minimum five office bearers, President, Vice President, General

Secretary, Office Secretary and Treasurer, will form the screening
Committee. Screening Committee shall be declared by the President
on the spot. Screening Committee has the sole, rights and powers,
to refuse membership to any person or take disciplinary action
against any member or office bearer. How ever the aggrieved
person can appeal to General Body through CEC, which has the final

Area of operation of PAGAAM is All India. PAGAAM through its state
and district units will spread its operation in all the states and union
territories of India.
It is a Mass based, Broad based and Cadre based organisation.

Birth of PAGAAM will take place on 23rd September 2008 at Roshan
Ground, Hoshiarpur, Punjab.


i. Screening Committee Member or any other office bearer ceases to

be office bearer if he is unable to enroll 5 corporate members within
a period of one year.
ii. CEC member ceases to be CEC member if he is unable to enroll 10
senior members over a period of one year.
iii. General body member ceases to be G.B. member if he is unable
to enroll 100 associate members over a period of one year.


HPDC will consist of five eminent Personalities, recognised by

screening Committee. For the initial 5 years from the FORMATION of
PAGAAM i.e. 23rd Sept, 2008, HPDC will have all Powers and
Responsibilities for Policies, Planning, Programs, Projects etc. for
PAGAAM. Screening Committee will execute all directions of HPDC in
letter and spirit without any reservation. After 5 years HPDC ceases
to exist. All the power and responsibilities of HPDC will
automatically be taken over by screening Committee.


Membership channel A =100

Membership channel B =1000
Membership channel C =10,000
Membership channel D =1, 00,000

National Conference ————- 1

State Conferences ———— 5
District Conferences ———- 25

Funds will be generated through membership, special donations,
grants etc. as decided by CEC from time to time,

1. Social transformation as Mission:-

Education had been a deprived and a forbidden thing since the

creation of chaturvarna system for majority of Indians. When ever
there had been a chance for any awakened personality he started a
movement of enlightenment against the deprival of education and
unjust social system. But the established socially advanced section
reacted vehemently and suppressed all such revolutionary efforts,
tooth and nail. When teachers of nation start defying law of the
land, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Lawyers and Judges start their
partition role, the gullible masses are bound to suffer. Working
classes become slaves and things, instead of persons.
When the former feel good about such culture and propagate
theories in defense of such notorious culture, based on inequality
and injustice it is a strange and dangerous thing. It takes a
communal overtone and creates a situation like civil war between
haves and have nots. Because of this system, state of education and
particularly higher education becomes woefully inadequate to meet
rising demand and remains the privilege of socially and
economically well of only, in spite of political independence since
15-8-1947. The history has shown that this privileged class will not
understand and recognise the right of their co-brothers, due to
orthodoxy. Therefore PAGAAM is a movement for first
enlightenment through education, thereafter provides opportunities
to empowerment and privileges. PAGAAM is committed to a life with
respect and recognition instead of superfluous labels of living
standards. We pursue social justice, social transformation and
national integration as a mission.

2. To stabilize swing of thought

The history of human thought recalls the swinging of pendulum of

thoughts which takes centuries as explained by Peter Kropotkin in
his book ‘Anarchist Morality.
PAGAAM is an Institution to stabilize the swinging of Anarchist


The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum

which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber
comes a moment of awakening. Then thought frees herself from the
chains with which those interested-rulers, lawyers, clerics-have
carefully enwound her.
She shatters the chains. She subjects to severe criticism all that
has been taught her, and lays bare the emptiness of the religious,
political, legal, and social prejudices amid which she has vegetated.
She starts research in new paths, enriches our knowledge with new
discoveries, and creates new sciences.
But the Inveterate enemies of thought the government, the
lawgiver, and the priest-soon recover from their defeat. By degrees
they gather together their scattered forces, and remodel their faith
and their code of laws to adapt them to the new needs. Then
profiting by the servility of thought and of character, which they
themselves have so effectually cultivated, taking advantage of the
laziness of some, the greed of others, they creep back to their work
by first of all taking possession of childhood through education.
A child’s spirit is weak. It is so easy to coerce it by fear. This they
do. They make the child timid, and then they talk to him of the
torments of hell. They conjure up before him the sufferings of the
condemned, the vengeance of an implacable god.
The next minute they will be chattering of the horrors of revolution,
and using some excess of the revolutionists to make the child “a
friend of order.” The priest accustoms the child to the idea of law,
to make it obey better what he calls the “divine law.” and the
lawyer propagates that the civil law may be the better obeyed.
And by that habit of submission, with which we are only too
familiar, the thought of the next generation retains this religious
twist, which is at once servile and authoritative; for authority and
servility walk hand in hand. During these slumberous interludes,
morals are rarely discussed. Religious practices and judicial
hypocrisy take their place. People do not criticize; they let
themselves be drawn by habit, or indifference. They do not put
themselves out for or against the established morality. They do
their best to make their actions appear to accord with their
professions. All that was good, great, generous or independent in
man little by little becomes moss grown; rusts like a disused knife.
A lie becomes a virtue, a platitude a duty. To enrich oneself, to seize
one’s opportunities, to exhaust one’s intelligence, zeal and energy,
no matter how, become the watchwords of the comfortable classes,
as well as of the crowd of poor folk whose ideal is to appear
bourgeois. Then the degradation of the ruler and of the judge, of
clergy and of the more or less comfortable classes becomes so
revolting that the pendulum begins to swing the other way.
Little by little, youth frees itself. It flings overboard its prejudices,
and it begins to criticize. Thought reawakens. And evolution starts.
Once Condoleezza Rice minister of state for America has said that
“Slavery is a birthmark of the US. It has disfigured the Country.”
Similarly India’s birth mark is Caste system which has not only
disfigured the country, but also destroyed and enslaved.

3. Opportunities wasted is regret tasted:-

Don’t wait for opportunities, create your own is the PAGAAM of
Phuley and Ambedkar. It is not always that you hit the iron when it
is hot, believe in hitting it so hard that it gets hot, and opportunity
is not wasted. Now a days world has become a global village. Winds
of change are blowing and no one will be able to resist. (WTO) World
Trade Organisation is at our doors steps. GATT (General Agreement
for Trade and Tariff) has become reality. World Bank policies are
dominating economic health of every Country. Satellite T.V. has
entered our work place, Drawing room, Kitchens, Dinning room, Bed
rooms and bath rooms, Every moment our thought system is
influenced by some one else. Our behavior and values are being
controlled by others. Under such conditions we listen India is
becoming Asian Tiger. We are boasting of being in high gear of
economic development for the last decade and GDP (Gross Domestic
Production) growth is approaching double digit. We are finding the
list of billionaires is also growing day by day. It is a good news. But
when we learn that 83 crores of Indians are earning less than Rs 20
a day for their survival, head bows in shame. Our policy planners
politicians, economists and bureaucrats are confused over the
outcome. Either they are incompetent to handle their constitutional
responsibilities, honestly and faithfully or they are hand in glove
with the system based on inequality. Under both circumstances we
cannot expect that poor citizen of India can ever enjoy the share of
national wealth equitably.
PAGAAM is in fact to propagate economic model which will not only
ameliorate the condition of poor citizens, but at the same time
generate employment, reduce corruption, improve administrative
system and put an end to political corruption (mother of all evils).
New economic Model is an opportunity:-

During year 2009-2010 GDP of India will be above Rs 5 million

Crores and population of India above 115 Crores. Awakened Voters
above 18 years age numbering 70 crores, will decide the fate of new
economic model. In our openion Total GDP will generate profit
margin of 30% Total Annual Profit based on GDP =Rs15 lakhs
We propose each bonafide Voter, as per the list of election
commission of India must get voter Identity Card. There after every
voter irrespective of his/her status of employment or profession or
earnings must be provided Rs.1000 per Month by the Govt. of India
as a share from National wealth or GDP. This amount shall be
remitted to the bank account of every voter/Citizen by Reserve Bank
of India through its banking system. This amount shall not be
allowed to be handled by politicians or bureaucracy to avoid
Corruption. In this way Govt. of India will distribute Rs. 70,000
Crores/Month or 8, 40,000 crore/year to Voters out of National
Thus every family of 5 with 3 voters above 18 years of age and 2
miner children will get Rs. 3000/ month from National wealth which
is much higher than the present (BPL) below Poverty Level. Thus
poverty will be removed in one stroke.
Establishment expanses of Govt. of India and state Govts after
implementation of recommendation of 6th pay commission will be
Rs 3 lakh Crores per year.
There are 20 crore Indian Employees who are earning about Rs.10,
000 or more per month in public, private and self employment.
They shall pay 20% of their salary i.e. Rs. 2000/-per month as
National Social Security fund. As he/she is not to pay any income
Tax or any surcharge or professional Tax. Under new Model. At the
same time he/she will be regularly getting Rs. 1000/-per month out
of remittance of National Wealth fund also.
Thus Govt. will get 20x2000x12= 4, 80,000 Crore per annum as
National security fund. This is more than 150% of the total
establishment Expanses of central and state Governments.


For elections every candidate will be given Rs.100/-per valid vote

polled in his favor at the time of elections to Parliament or state
Legislative Assemblies.
Thus for 70 crore voters (if all votes are polled and elections are
held in 5 years the money refunded to candidate @ Rs100 per vote
is equal to Rs 70, 00/-x2 for MP+MLA 14,000 crore during
simultaneous election of parliament and state Assemblies. Under
worst conditions we consider two more mid term elections and
expenses for five years, and three elections = Rs 42,000/-crores i.e.
Rs 8400 crore per years.

Now Annual income of Govt

From GDP profit margin of 30% =Rs.15,00,000 crore

From Social security Fund =Rs.4,80,000crore
Total = Rs. 19, 80.000 crores
No more sale Tax, VAT, Income Tax, Excise Duty or any other type of
Tax will be levied

Annual Income of Govt.

Expanses of Govt.
To voters as share of national wealth =8,40,000 crores
To Candidates contesting election =8,400 crores
To Employees of Central/state establishment =3,00,000crores
To National defense/security fund =1,00,000crores
To National Education fund =2,00,000crores
To National Health fund =2,00,000 crores
To Natural calamity fund =1,00,000crores
To Roads infrastructure generation fund =1,00,000crores
To other development fund =1,00,000crores

Total annual expanses = 19,48,400crores

Annual Surplus = 31,600 crores
Nothing subsidized will be provided. No subsidies of any types.
Now from the above model a Candidate who
gets 100 votes he will get = Rs10,000
gets 1000 votes he will get = Rs1,00,000
gets 2,00,000 votes he will get = Rs2 crores

Thus the candidate will not be at the mercy of the donations from
rich people. He will work as per his moral commitment for the
Nation. At the same time he will be getting back Rs. 2crores as an
election fund from the state. He can run his office and can do
necessary urgent public works out of this fund. This will reduce
political corruption, through funding by rich people and vested
We may be asked a voter who will be getting Rs 1000/-per month
without doing any work will misuse it. We want to suggest that
individuals have two vellies. One below the neck and the other
above the neck. When we get our vally below the neck filled our
valley above the neck (brain) starts working to remove appetite of
morality. Thus we will regenerate a creative and moral society. We
will remove poverty in one go. Political corruption the mother of all
corruptions will be harnessed. We train our cadres and functionaries
about the working principles of new Economic model and develop a
mass movement through PAGAAM.
Therefore PAGAAM is striving to start a mass movement of have


Let us explore a simple situation when a poor family of three voters

and 5 members. (2children) living in a village of Punjab state. For
the survival of the family Rs 3000/- per month will be provided from
the national wealth fund. Some critics may say that poor people will
produce more children to get more money without work. To this
useless argument, we want to say that amount is not provided to
children. It is provided to grown up voter after 18 years of age. Thus
this money will not become incentive to produce more children who
are to be looked after and fed for 18 years.
Production of more children are due to verge of hunger to get more
earning hands. This is also a cruelty by rich for child labour at low
cost, and undermining dignity of labour through under employment
and unemployment. Under that condition the poor is bound to
produce 8 children. If four or five die due to malnutrition or poor
health services and one or two found to be irresponsible and
disobedient, at least one child must survive to become a help in the
old age. Thus unemployment and insecurity are the main causes of
more population amongst poor society. Under the new model they
are bound to get their share from the national wealth fund. They
become certain secure and responsible citizen of a welfare state
and start using the faculty of their brains. More over national
wealth fund is not a charity. Nor any Allowance for unemployment.
It is a bonafide right in the national wealth of a citizen which he
gets with pride and no shame.
Now we want to illustrate through an example;-
How Jackal of poverty will run away at the very sight and roar of a
lion like PAGAAM.
In the villages of state of Punjab there are 14 lakhs poor families
identified by state Govt. We intent to give two cows to each family,
worth Rupee 50,000/- each, and yield of 25 litres of milk each per
day, at a total cost of Rs 1,00,000/- . This is to provide each family
with self employment opportunity which otherwise is a landless
The family will get interest free loan without any subsidy from the
national wealth surplus fund. Their labour and services are their
routine job presently at the mercy of land lords.
Daily expanses on green fodder, dry foder, feed and other material
and services (excluding labour) is Rs 150/- cow i.e. Rs. 300 per day.
Yield of milk of two cows =50 litre per day @ Rs. 14=700/-day
Rate of milk =Rs. 14 per litre
Daily income from 50 liters of milk =Rs.700/-
Daily saving per Month= Rs 400/-
400x30=Rs. 12,000 per month
Rs. 4500 per Month i.e. Rs. 150/day shall be paid as labour charge
to the family =
Monthly saving= 12000-4500x7500
Yearly saving for 8 Months i.e. lactation period= 7500/-x8= 60,000/-
Annual Amount saved=7500x8=60,000/-
Thereafter within next 6 month again milking will start. Loan will be
refunded within two years. Family will become self employed
without exploitation at the hands of landlords, moneylenders and
unwanted middlemen and official boom.
Further Improvement of GDP and National wealth will take place.
There will be a white revolution in the state of Punjab i.e. 14,
00,000x50=7 crores litters of additional milk will be produced daily.
Total cost to state @ Rs one1lakh per family to 14 lakhs families=
14, 00,000x1, 00,000=14,000 crores only for two years rotational
This amount can be given from surplus National wealth fund for two
years only in rotation and taken back interest free loan after two
years on regular installments.
In this way not only unemployment can be removed, poverty will
also be eradicated with additional production of 7crore litres of Milk
To give practical shape to such a wonderful economic model
PAGAAM has already started developing infrastructure to make
wonders happen.


The efforts of PAGAAM in the direction of social awakening

amongest backward classes is not new. Whenever some intelligent
and awakened personality amongst these communities got an
opportunity. The struggle was initiated. But due to the willful and
determined attitudes of the oppressor class all such efforts were
nullified and suppressed. From the historical evidence, we can see
that Adi dharmi Movement in Punjab, Jatav and Kureel movement in
western and central U.P Namo-shudra Movement in Bengal,
Ramanami-Satnami Movement in Madhya Pradesh, Adi-Shudra
movement in Andhra Pradesh, Adi Dravida Movement in Tamil Nadu,
Polayas and Ezava Movement in Kerala and many such other
movements started in almost all over India in the beginning of 20th
Mahatma Phule’s Movement which is popularly known as Shudra
Ati-Shudra verses Sethji-Bhatji Movement was nothing but to define
and demarcate the battle field. i.e. the natural foes and was
instrumental to unite oppressed and exploited people to launch a
very successful struggle under the banner of Satya Shodhak Samaj.
During 1873 his contention that all the disabilities and sufferings
were due to ignorance and denial of education to these
communities, compelled him to start education for mahars, Matanga
etc. with the help of his wife Savitribai Phuley.

Thus a sound ground work was prepared by Jotiba Phuley for Dr.
B.R. Ambedkar to move ahead on declared battle lines. Dr. Baba
sahib Ambedkar started his struggle in 1916 and through many
odds fought for the cause till his last days in 1956. Dr. Ambedkar’s
paper ‘Caste in India’, Their Mechanism, Genesis and development’
read at the Columbia University, New York, USA on 9th May 1916
exposed the deeds, of Indian society to the western world. Baba
Sahib’s evidence before the Southborough Committee on 27th
January, 1919 was his first essay in political writings. He
emphasized the communal representation with reserved seats for
the most depressed classes. He stressed that this will not
perpetuate social divisions, but will act as a potent solvent for
dissolving them by providing opportunities for contact, Co-operation
and re-socialization of Self-determination of Baba sahib was met
with and the right of nomination by Viceroy for the members of
these communities to district boards and other such bodies was
enshrined in the first India Act, 1919.

In this way Babasahib Ambedkar was successful to lit the initial

spark and thereafter oppressed and exploited people started
struggle for the very cause of self respect. Dr. Ambedkar who
became undisputed leader of untouchables stressed that” Ours is a
movement which aims at not only removing our own disabilities, but
also at bringing about a social revolution, a revolution that will
remove all man made barriers of caste by providing equal
opportunities to all, to rise to the highest position and making no
distinctions, between the man and man so far as civic rights are
concerned”. That is why at Mahad on 25th December 1927 he burnt
Manu Samriti the spirit of suffrings for downtrodden and uncalled
for privileges for the upper caste. Dr. Ambedkar’s evidence before
Simon Commission surfaced the ill intentions of India’s High Caste
people roaming under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi during

1930-31 and 1931-32 Round Table Conferences gave opportunity to

Dr. Ambedkar to represent the cases of Untouchables at London and
secured special rights for them in the form of communal award
declared on 17th August, 1932. Mahatma Gandhi came in the way of
special rights being granted to the untouchables under communal
award and took fast unto death on 20th Sept. 1932 at pervade Jail,
Poona. However, a deadlock was broken by a treaty between
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Babasahib Ambedkar known as “Poona
Pact” which was signed on 24th September, 1932. In the second
India Act which came into effect during 1935, Dr. Ambedkar was
instrumental to incorporate a schedule of these untouchable castes
in the Act. He also secured some special rights for these castes.
Thus from this date these untouchable castes were grouped in the
schedule and are since then known as Scheduled Caste in legal

During 1942 Dr. Ambedkar became member of Viceroy’s Council and

in 1943, he was able to secure a fund of Rs. 3 lakhs from the British
Government to send 26 persons of these communities for higher
and foreign studies. He realized the need of education and founded
People’s Education Society in 1945 and opened many educational
institutions through this society. Dr. Ambedkar who was very much
conversant with the ill-intentions of Mahatma Gandhi and his
lieutenants wrote as such. “The Poona Pact was intended to device
a method whereby the Scheduled Castes would be able to return to
legislature, representatives of their choice. This intention has been
completely nullified as will be seen from series of statistics. The
series have been constructed from the results of last elections
which took place in February 1945’. (Ref-State and Minorities).

Knowing his bleak chances of being elected to Constituent Assembly

from his strong hold (Maharashtra) Dr. Ambedkar got himself
elected from Khulna District of present Bangladesh, with the help of
name Shards and Muslims. That is how he got the chance of
becoming Chairman of Constitution Drafting Committee in the
Constituent Assembly and was able to provide safe-guards for
SC/ST/OBC and minorities in the Indian Constitution.
While presenting Constitution he expressed his doubt,’ on 26th
January, 1950 we are going to enter into the life of contradiction. In
politics, we will have equality, but in social and economic life, we
will have inequality. Let us remove this contradiction at the earliest.
Or else those who suffer from this contradiction will blow up the
structure of democracy, which we have so laboriously built”.
The inevitable happened on 6th December 1956, the spirit of social
emancipation disappeared.

Hope, Change and Inspiration are the three basic things which make
mountains to fly.

keg karma Fonda, slew Kiwi maws]

i.e. do nix me Cuie, moth pier imply did Awes]
Hope sustains life. It is a lesson from the great and glorious life
history of Phuley and Ambedkar that success always comes at
adequate cost not free. For success we may pay before or after but
must pay. But the first prescription of success is HOPE. One must
have a firm belief that one can do and he will succeed. There are
two types of persons.
Type A: - persons work at the dictates of feelings or Heart and
mould themselves as per situations.
Type B: - persons work at the dictates of character or Brain, and
mould situations as per the requirement.
There is also a direct inter link between individual development and
ability. It is a continuous process. A successful person develops his
capabilities and capacities and a normal person lives on prevailing
standards, Hope is only the key factor to develop faith, brings about
change and to find inspiration to become successful. Those who
loose hope surrender themselves to destiny. Their vision blurs, and
actions stops. A hopeless person is one without vision and action. A
person with vision but without action is only dreaming. A person
with vision and action is developing HOPE and making positive
difference in life. Self determination and faith keeps hope alive.
The other factor to achieve what one wants is Inspiration.
Inspiration is spark which ignites human faculties to overcome and
confront obstacles.


Nothing different will happen if we do not want change. We may cry
there is lot of inequalities, lot of injustice and lot of price increase,
lot of unemployment and diminishing natural wealth and resources,
deteriorating health services, polluted water and eatables. Our
personal contribution to this type of problem is very limited. We
know the cry of individual voice is also heard and make a difference.
The fundamental question is how the basic change in the lives of
millions of under privileged masses will come about? How much we
may try to bring about change in others the fact is, we can not do it.
We may influence, we may even help others but we can change only
ourselves. When we change ourselves we may bring change is
others. What makes us to change ourselves? We are knowing that
our life is miserable, pathetic and not worth living, but our
knowledge does not engage the gears of motivation unless we
decide we want a different life. Through PAGAAM we are putting on
that spark of inspiration that we can have a better standard of
living, we are bringing Hope to hopeless millions.
There are three things which make people want to change. Those
and Ambedkar to bring about enlightenment of social
Transformation to already Pained and Bored society.


Although our society of oppressed and exploited masses is brutally

exploited. It is pained, bored and enlightened regarding the
outrageous behavior of over privileged and microscopic small
minority. Even then the desired change is not taking place. Why it’s
the prescription wrong? Is the medicine fake? or is the Doctor a
We are to answer these questions if we are genuinely interested in
the health of patient (society).First precaution is we must take
tablets from the labeled bottle Knowing the contents makes the
difference. The idea is not to make society of better persons, but to
take better care of the persons society is composed of. The change
(medicine) will not work if it is merely an intellectual exercise
involving super specialists, and knowledgeable persons only. The
society as a whole must feel the need and want to change. Now the
second thing is will society feel any better tomorrow because of this
change? and the third thing is, will this change bring improvement
in the entire future life? We know that the prescription is correct,
Medicine is also Geneon, Doctor is also a generous professional.
Then why patient is still sick? Why health is not improving?
The Answer is, necessary precautions are not being followed.
Therefore required change is not taking place. Precautions are not
being followed, Precaution is not to stress upon “Don’ts” but stress
on “Want to”
As Positives works, Negatives do not work.

“Before we get rid of something, we must plan what will take its
place or we may end up in even worse condition.

For example we want justice and we must strive for justice, instead
when we start with. We do not want injustice our stress is on
negativity and passiveness. Everybody is more enthusiastic and
energetic and motivated for getting what he want, He is always
passive about the things one does not want and his effeteness to
get rid off its diminishes.
Therefore PAGAAM is for developing an urgent need for creating a
“want to” script. When I am interested in the thing what I want
there is no need of planning what will take its place. Thus the next
process “How to” bring about change starts straight away.

From there journey starts

I could change-HOPE
I would change- KNOWLEDGE……………….
A changed Person is the target.
Hope is a place where no one believes in solution any more, they
are automatics. Visionaries in the society solve problems, and if
they cannot solve, they have faith that solution is possible, if they
keep on searching for it. Then we reach place of HOPE.


An effort was made in the recent past to give
responsibility/accountability to educated employees for improving
the lot of oppressed and exploited society. Employees, as educated,
capable, well benefited and resourceful will provide the society,
security, safety, guidance, resources direction and inspiration to
make the society secure and competent, knowledgeable and
Hopeful to get their dues in the National wealth. But the results
found to be similar to the experiment conducted by Dr. Grail
Johnson’s of USA.

Dr. Johnson reported what happened at a state institution where he

had been a staff member when a new ward was launched to put all
“depressed patients” in newly created ward. The administration
asked for volunteers from each discipline to staff the newly created
ward, the people who volunteered, were for the most parts
nurturing parent type Therapists and attendants. They were good
intentioned, experienced and well qualified therapists. Their ward
quickly filled with patients and had the most constant population in
the Hospital no body got well and left the newly created ward.
Within six months the unit was discontinued. The depressed
patients were then moved to other wards of the hospital, they
improved quickly, and were discharged, the average stay in the
regular units was three weeks. Johnson’s conclusion was that
solicitous nurturing, however well interested staff kept these people
depressed. They improved at once when non parental staff
members confronted them with the requirement to exercise
responsibility for their own lives, to think to use their own wisdom
and behave like grown ups not child like.

The above experiment and its conclusion has proved the reasons
why educated Employees. Organized for a good cause having good
intentions could not make the depressed patient (The oppressed it
exploited society) Healthy. People want delivery not dogmas.
Therefore it is a timely and appropriate happening that a thought to
develop an institution like PAGAAM has developed to bring out
wonderful results for making people responsible, through the spirit
of self help. this is what PAGAAM intends.


Even under these critically, dominant conditions the Therapist
wanted only yes or no from the society. Whether you want to follow
us or not? answer Yes or No to this question, No reasoning. For
them obedience is more important than the interests of society or
even their own interest. They are interested only in preserving the
power of the therapist, (brain bank) than the whole person
(society). They trust neither others nor themselves. Instead
they/cites authority only. They forgot that just as we can develop,
new habits at any age, we can build new personality blocks and
renovate the house in which we live at any time. We can gradually
become what we want to be, provided we have some models and
blueprints. They have forgotten the ideals of Phuley and Ambedkar
as model of creative imagination, vision, wisdom and values.
Therefore the PAGAAM has become necessity of the day.

11. FAITH:-
When you are getting to the end of the runway and you don’t know
how to fly, you are in trouble. “Drive the Machine; do not let it drive
There is need of courage. But we can not start if we think courage
must come first.

We learn by diligent study and review, and then with, faith we start
doing hard and tough things also.

Living joyously means living not only by knowledge but also by

faith. Once we beat the small target, courage is available to beat
the bigger one also. We can not reach Mount Everest in one go. First
we are to track smaller hills in the beginning, and than with
enquired courage and faith and hope, we will be achieving the
hardest goal.


When ever wrongs are corrected conflicts arises. Often we resolve
conflict by confrontation corrections, Concessions, consensus,
Compromise, Co-operation and conciliation to overcome hostility to
secure friendship. Consider that life is a gift, and more over we are
enjoying a much superior life of a human being. Rather than animals
and birds. If we give a flight to our thought, we have strong and
able body and sound sensory organs to our creative imagination,
It produces a wonderful result and noble thought. Most of our
present day individual and collective universal knowledge is a gift
from the past. Imagination is not unique to the present. Visionary
and creative minds have done the important work of bringing past
-thoughts to an ever changing present. This is a continuous process.
We need not go back and invent wheel again. We can make human
society and this world worth living; we must know what that
thinking was which our visionary forefathers created. It is further to
be understood what had worked well and what did not work and
failed. By this distinction and scrutiny truth and reality will come
out. The greatest tool for scrutiny is critical reading the History. The
greatest treasure of truth is in literature and books, which are
written not under the influence of ruling classes. Through that
knowledge and thinking, we will become human being with
righteous thinking without whim or dogma. We will have discrete
and correct grasp of what has happened before in the past. We can
give and develop our own right evaluation to contribute to
preservation, Correction or enhancement of the present day human
PAGAAM is a door through which we can enter into the past and see
why civil society has tolerated life threatening behavior of
oppressors. Through this door we are to peep into the past to know
why cruelty, social oppression and use of persons like things
happened. We also intend to use the wisdom and vision of Phuley
and Abadan to know the difference between what can be tolerated
and what may not be tolerated at all. There are four things not to be
tolerated enlisted by our visionary forefathers.

1. Life threatening behavior

2. Cruelty
3. Social oppression
4. Using person as things.


When educated Employees of oppressed and exploited communities

identified their role as social change agents it was a wonderful
thought and responsible undertaking on their part. Over the periods
the message got eroded. The movement was taken over by modern
thought process changed, their behavior change, Their Action and
Activities changed, their character and control system changed.
Their Commitment level dropped. They became super skilled, self
styled stalwarts of Society. Thus the social gap between society and
these IAS officers widened.
These IAS officers in Political, Economic, bureaucratic and social
fields encased maximum in the name of Phuley and Ambedkar on
one hand, and destroyed Phuley and Ambedkari Gouravshali
History and value system on the other. We are to narrate a
heartening story of awakened society to take timely corrective
action on the part of these IAS officers to become a new hope for
gullible masses.
Whole world is very well aware of the Godhra episode and Post
Godhra Carnage of Gujarat state, of Union of India. The victims of
Godhra episode and the state supported anti social elements are
clearly identified by various commissions, but still justice is quite
away from reach of poor victims and harrassed in the four walls of
wealthy trinity of Politician, Clergy and lawyers, a great drama is
being played without any fruitful end in sight.
Ratna Bhai a blind person of a small village of Rajkot district of
Gujarat state was sitting in the village Panchyat. Panchyat meeting
was going on to assess the progress of development works started
by the Panchyat. Ratna Bhai was a poor person and identified (BPL)
Below Poverty Level. Being an awakened mind, although a blind and
poor person, questioned about the zero progress of the
development work under taken in the shuder basti of the village.
The so called IAS (Ignorant, Arrogant, super selfish) members of
Panchyat rebuffed Mr. Ratna Bhai. They told “you can not
contribute any thing to the progress of the village. Stay at home
and the village will feed you.” The blindness could not deter and
disgrace could not discourage Ratna Bhai, The Poverty could not
humiliate and make Ratna Bhai unworthy of living on this earth. It
was the self respect given by Phuley Ambedkari Gouravshali and
Adarshvadi Muhim. Which stirred the insight of Ratna ji Bhai.

jbY bwx lwigau qbY ros jwiga]

“guru goibMd isMG jI”
Ratna ji Bhai left the Panchyat meeting dissatisfied but neither
disappointed not discouraged. His belief in Ambedkari values
strengthened his faith. His faith showed the glimps of early morning
dawn after the dreadly and dark moon less night.
The Insult turned into Hope, triggered a passion in ratna ji Bhai, to
prove his worth before village IAS members, He was not having any
money, any connections and any political clout. Though physically
blind and handicaped he was having hope. Hope in the mission of
Baba sahib Ambedkar and his master Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phuley.

His cousin came to meet Ratna Bhai. Ratna Bhai discussed that days
development with his cousin brother. Ratna Bhai’s cousin brother
suggested him the way. Both of them Contacted Pankaj Jog of RTI
(Right to information) helpline at Rajkot.

An application was moved under RTI act about the developmental

works under taken by the village Panchyat.
Bureaucratic machinery through various learned tacts and skills
tried to block the way of Ratna Bhai but his undeterred courage
bulldoged all obstacles and cleared road blocks. In the mean time
the IAS Panchyat members learnt about Ratna ji Bhai’s efforts and
started pressurizing his family to make him withdraw his plea. But
Ratna ji Bhai stood to his ground. He said “Nobody understood how
I felt when I was insulted for being blind. I had to generate a great
courage to show the mighty, powerful, ignorant, arrogant and super
selfish people their own blindness.”

Now when the district Development officer provided him

information that exposed the corruption in village works, Ratna ji
Bhai has proved his worth to his detractors and IAS officers.

On papers under the development grant village was having one tube
well, drainage system and street lighting but in reality nothing was
Now, Ratna ji Bhai is happy not because the blind person showed
IAS Panchayat members what was visible to him, But because
values of Indian Constitution which made RTI Act physible and its
application possible by even physically blind but mentally awakened
Now the work that was shown as completed is being done in the
village by IAS Panchyat members at their own cost where as
villagers are now standing with Ratna ji Bhai and asking them
questions about developmental works.
This is how one man battle turns into a mass movement.

PAGAAM is a Muhim to create awakened minds in each village like

Ratna ji Bhai to eradicate corruption and Power blindness.


Change is the output of ignited minds only. Well educated, better

social status, wealthy persons, orthodox clerics. Bureaucratic
administrators or Political masters generally frighten at the sound
of change. They want to maintain status quo, PAGAAM is an
institution to bring about change of thought. Where as above
category of professionals are against the change and the female
counter part is the worst effected in the male dominant Indian

Once, First time the founder of PAGAAM visited Mandi District

(BANJAR TEHSIL) Himachal Pradesh during early 1981 with some
friends working at Sunder Nagar BSL (Beas Satluj Link) Project. In
the village there was no light (electricity). On check up it was
informed by associate members that poor people were not using
electricity because of economic poverty. Where as high Caste and
wealthy people did not allow electricity cables in their houses
because the cables pass through the house of Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes people. This is the virtues and vices of Modern
scientific development and blind orthodoxy.
We are here to take note of same Himachal Pradesh (LAHUL and
SPITI area) where most of the time snow covers the hills.

ANGMO SHICHI was born during 1976 in a tribal farming family of

Lahul and Spiti Himachal Pradesh. She is 12th and the youngest
sibling born to her parents. During her childhood Shichi Angmo had
more important things on her mind rather that of playing with
friends, her mother was always telling “Be like a typical tribal girl.
Don’t give chance to any one to point finger at you. When during
winter the men of Lahul and Spiti used to move to lower reaches of
mountains for greener pastures Shichi decided to change things
right at home Angmo did not want to live as told by her mother. She
was thinking how to pull her people out of backwardness? How to
bring Lahul and Spiti closed to the developed world? When would
they raise the voice against oppression in male dominant society?
Such were the question gripping her mind.

During 1997 when she was a student, social work and Research
centre, Rajasthan came up with a scheme to offer training to tribal
people in solar lightening. She saw it as a first step towards the
lighting up the lives of her people. She was the only girl from tribal
Lahul Spiti to respond to that training course. Her great desire to
change the face of Lahul and Spiti put her to attend the course. She
wanted that darkness of snowbound areas must be removed.When
Lahul and Spiti is cut off from the state during winter, Solar panels
of all household must get electricity.

Angmo grew up fighting a mind set that prohibit girls from stepping
out. She learnt about solar Panel lighting System in tribal Homes.
This was the start. UNDP (United Nations Development Project) later
on funded the whole project. She passed on to 20 tribal girls what
she had learnt about solar panels. They went from village to village
from home to home on foot to install solar panel system in tribal
homes. Angmo has taken the solar project for lighting to women of
Bhutan also. Today women look up to Angmo as a lighting Leader in
tribal Homes. In spite of opposition of conservative women and
men. Angmo Shichi is determined to change, She says there is a
younger lot by my side who like him. Want to change the rules
imposed by orthodox society.
PAGAAM is Hope to provide support to millions of creative girls like
Angmo Shichis on the trajectory of next generations.


Knowledge and ignorance always go together. The unknown will

remain much more than known. This is the beauty of scientific
research. Zero and infinity are very close to each other. Creation or
destruction of one unit of mass requires tremendous energy as
explained by Einstine E = mc2. Therefore we can only reveal what
has been created by nature already, therefore PAGAAM students of
Phuley and Ambedkar history will develop interest to study it. After
understanding the glorious past of the movement they will preserve
the rich and ever inspiring treasure. Not only preservation they will
invent new techniques and develop new traditions to enhance the
glory of the Muhim. In this way they will be instrumental to make
the Muhim an ideal for the future generation.
With this background do the leaders of so called institution
running on the name of Phuley and Ambedkar have right to speak
for the masses? Do they respect the teachings of the Phuley and
Ambedkar for the inspirations of gullible masses? Do helpless and
hopeless masses endorse their behavior? They call themselves
protectors of poor and have nots, but who say they respect poor
and have nots? When such self styled leaders start believing that
they are most competent persons, the society in reality exposed
them as the most ignorant , arrogant and selfish persons. They lost
social recognition. Their achievements became negligible and as per
social science researchers have shown that
Expectation — Achievement = Frustration.

Too much — Too little = Maximum Frustration.

Thus within a short time all the self styled leaders become
maximum frustrated lot. For such junk people there are so many
purchaser (junk deader) in society who pay the price and use them
as agents of destruction of the same very ideology which they
intent to propagate. At this stage they cannot hear what they need
to hear. They cannot do what they need to do, They can not speak
what they need to speak. These become ignorant, arrogant and
super selfish leader. They failed not only in the test of pay back to
the society but also in the test of character building. They fail to do
right things at the right time. They remain busy in political survival,
personal gains, official status and family development only. They
fail to make right decision when there is choice between
commitment and their political survival, Personal gains, family
problems and social status. We are waiting with a PAGAAM from our
forefathers. We are not alone. There are crores of people waiting in
silence but becoming impatient. Do some thing to pay back the


Nothing infuriates people more than double standards. When

Political parties, Bureaucracy, Media and sadly security forces show
double standards while dealing with different groups under similar
conditions the future of democracy seems to be bleak.
During recent agitation over religious pilgrimage in Jammu and
Kashmir we were surprised to hear from security forces that “They
cannot fire upon protesters chanting Pro Indian slogans even if they
uproot rail track and smashed public property.”
Why Religious sites of Adivashi do not deserve as much protection
as Hindu sites?
Niyamgiri hill is a sacred place for Dongria Kondhs Tribes. It is a
home of Raja Niyam their law giver. They protested that their
sacred place shall not be sublet for mining. But government did not
yield. When the faith of a small defenseless group is ignored with
impunity, while other well to do have special treatment, this is only
a view of double standards.
What shape the country will take tomorrow? How society, shall show
its behaviours to the affairs concerning a common man? This is not
decided in the Parliament or State Assemblies.
It is discussed and debated in depth in the board rooms of editorial
boards of newspapers and T.V. channels. Time has gone when
Parliamentarians were making a statement and news papers and
T.V. channels used to broadcast it. Now News channels and News
Papers controlled by vested interests invent coloured news and
their counterparts in Parliament and Assemblies raise voice. What a
strange change?
Life become miserable not by itself but by comparison. It is a time
of competition. In economic Philosophy a person with more money is
respected. In political philosophy a voter (living) is respected.
No body makes any hue and cry about the means how the person
got wealthy? No body speaks, no media print or electronic make
news at what level voter is living. Whether he should be permitted
to live under law of land? We are to take to masses the Economic,
Political and Social conditions to bring rightful upsurge in their well


1. To have a plunge we are to doubly insure that our control system

work smoothly. We must know who is controlling me? Who is the
incharge me or somebody else? Is there any control at all or running
the things uncontrolled?
2. How physical health vision, hearing, heart, blood pressure? How
digestive system is working? Have we stamina to reach the finish
line? How is our supply of the mental stability, social relations and
emotional requirements working?
Is our altitude of head levelled? Is it down with shame of disgraced
actions or upright based on moral values? Are you feeling dragged
because of over load? Is your load distributed evenly? Have you
made compensating adjustments? Are you on the level ground or
rough and bumpy terrain? Does your nose point in the direction you
want to go? Are your objective in your pocket as secret or
transparently put on the board for whole society to see?
For running up the journey ahead, have you tested your maximum
capabilities, rehearsed and practised?
Are you ready to start?
People are moved to trust the trusted and also trust worthy people.
People are wound to be motivated by the motivated people only.
People intend to follow the visionaries, with a HOPE to make the
world worth living and their lives great. Those who are trustworthy,
motivated and visionaries must be realistic in their approach. The
most important and real among the gifts of nature we enjoy is the
Gift of HOPE…..HOPE…..and HOPE.

PAGAAM is to create HOPE, correct HOPE, enhance HOPE, deliver

HOPE and become HOPE for HOPEless society.

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