HB Newsletter Volume 11 - Number 08

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Homeward Bound

Volume 11 Number 08

practicing of sin, ongoing and premeditated.

Lips Versus Life Remember, Jesus says, “Many will say to me
in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
“He that hath my commandments, and prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he cast out devils? and in thy name done many
that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and wonderful works? And then will I profess
I will love him, and will manifest myself to unto them, I never knew you: depart from me,
him.” (John 14:21) ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:22-23)
You may insure your eternal security by
Do you profess to love the Lord Jesus following Him in obedience, forsaking all sin,
Christ? Do your actions line up with your and thereby proving through your actions just
words? Jesus here tells us of the importance of Whose you really are. Talk is cheap, it costs
proving our love for Him by “keeping”, that is you nothing to say it. Prove it by your life and,
obeying His commandments. The verb keepeth “Let your light so shine before men, that they
here indicates an ongoing and current action, may see your good works, and glorify your
one that is a continuing and not simply a one Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
time event or action. Do you keep His John Payne
commandments? Just a few verses prior Jesus
says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
(John 14:15) This is not optional. The manner
in which we live our day to day lives proves
whether we are indeed His blood washed
servants, forgiven of our sin and on our way to
an eternity with Him in Heaven.
Make no mistake, it is according to how
He has described the terms of discipleship that
we will be
judged, not the
profession of our
lips. Well did
Isaiah prophesy,
“Wherefore the
Lord said,
Forasmuch as this people draw near me with
their mouth, and with their lips do honour me,
but have removed their heart far from me”.
(Isaiah 29:13) Jesus says, drawing on this
prophecy, “This people draweth nigh unto me
with their mouth, and honoureth me with their
lips; but their heart is far from me. But in
vain they do worship me . . . ”. (Matthew
15:8-9) How grievous He has said that it is
these who worship Him in vain, meaning that it
profits them nothing and will not avail on the
day of judgment.
I know many who claim to be His but
the lives they lead demonstrate a continuing

Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 08

That’s why I’ve been very encouraged to

Flunking Witnessing find out that true witnessing doesn’t involve any
of these things. It doesn’t even involve having
by John Fischer
a memorized speech. Witnessing is really
nothing more than befriending people and
I heard a story once about a girl who telling them your story at the right time (usually
flunked witnessing. Though this was an actual when they ask you).
course she failed at a Bible college, I think we Witnessing is being so in love with God
can all identify on some level with flunking that you eventually end up talking about him.
witnessing as not a course, but a reality in our Witnessing is being so overwhelmed by the
daily lives. I’ve flunked witnessing numerous undeserved nature of your salvation that you
times by simply not making myself available to can’t contain your joy. Witnessing isn’t coercing
the Holy Spirit for the job. Others have someone; it’s quite the opposite. It’s having
probably flunked someone
witnessing by not coerce the
feeling prepared Gospel out of
enough. We have you, because
all kinds of ways they can’t stand
of disqualifying not knowing
ourselves for this what’s going on
job. We wouldn’t with you
know what to say. anymore.
We wouldn’t know If you
how to bring up want to prepare
the subject. We for anything,
haven’t taken the think about
course, much less your own story,
passed it. how you can
But telling tell it, and how
others about you can
Christ is one of connect it to the
the five great events that are
purposes in our lives. Why do we often find this happening around you – the things that are
so hard? Partly, I think it’s because we’ve going on in the world that you know people
made such a big deal about it. In some circles want to talk about. But don’t worry about not
it’s not one of five purposes, it’s our only being prepared. Probably some of the best
purpose. And it’s usually presented as if we witnesses around are people who would flunk
were at a sales conference getting pumped to a witnessing course, but make excellent
sell our product. friends.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a very
poor salesman. I’m the kind of guy whose
sales pitch would be, “You don’t want to buy
this, do you?” I don’t like interrupting people. I
“Therefore said he unto them, The
don’t like infringing on their space. I hate it harvest truly is great, but the labourers
when people do that to me, so why would I are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of
engage in it myself? Plus, I don’t like pretense. the harvest, that he would send forth
I don’t like being nice to someone just to make labourers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2)
a deal. I wouldn’t want anyone to think they are
a means to an end.
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 08

tried to correct, but as best as I can reconstruct

I'm Okay! Honest what happened, my tire slipped off the edge of the
Author and Christianity Today columnist asphalt onto the dirt. That started the Explorer
injured in SUV accident. rolling over sideways, at least three times and
Philip Yancey probably more. Amazingly, the vehicle stopped
right side up. All windows were blown out, and skis,
(Editors note: I received a personal email from Philip boots, laptop computer, and suitcases were strewn
Yancey the other night, a friend of Homeward Bound over 100 feet or so in the dirt. I tried my hands and
Ministries. He is doing well and gives God the glory for his legs and they worked fine. I was able to unbuckle
deliverance from severe injury or death in this accident.
the seat belt and walk away. Within five minutes a
He thanks you all for praying for him and his recovery!)
couple of cars stopped and their occupants,
So many have called to express concern, and Mormons on the way to church, called for help.
a few wild rumors have been floating around, so I I had a lot of minor cuts and bruises on my
thought it would be best to send out an "official" face and limbs, but except for a persistent
report of my accident on Sunday, February 25. I'm nosebleed, nothing serious. I did have intense pain
OK! Honest. Here are the details. in my neck, though. When the ambulance came,
I had spent a lovely weekend in Los Alamos, they strapped me into a rigid body board, taping my
New Mexico, speaking to a unique church that head still and immobilizing it with a neck brace. It
combines six different denominations. Janet took almost an hour to reach the town of Alamosa
traveled with me in southern Colorado.
so much during Looking back now, I see so many mini-
the book tour miracles that all contributed to a good outcome.
these past few The Mormons (two of whom were E.M.T. trained)
months that she traveling that route on a Sunday morning. The most
felt obligated to experienced X-ray/MRI technician, normally off on
stay home and do weekends, filling in for a sick colleague. The E. R.
her duties at the doctor, featured that day on the cover of the local
senior center paper, a graduate of the University of Michigan
where she works, med school who had just returned to his small town
so I went alone. in Colorado to be of service. And, most of all, the
My New Mexico injury itself.
hosts met me in Taos for a delightful day of bam- Alamosa has no radiologist on duty over the
bam bump skiing on Thursday, then we drove weekend, so all images had to be modemed to
together to Los Alamos. It's quite a place, created in Australia (where it was Monday morning, a normal
the 1940s for the Manhattan Project, and the fabled work day) for interpretation. The images are so
home of the atomic bomb. The town has more dense that the high-speed transmittal takes an
Ph.D.'s per capita than any place in the world. I had hour, and then the diagnosis can take another hour.
a fascinating meeting with some of the physicists After the initial batch, the doctor came in with
and other scientists from the lab during which we those prefatory words no patient wants to hear:
discussed matters of science and faith and nuclear "There's no easy way to say this, Mr. Yancey … " I
terrorism and pacifism and other weighty issues. had broken the C-3 vertebra in a "comminuted"
Friday night I spoke on my book Prayer: Does It fashion. (I didn't know that word either; look it up
Make Any Difference?—a very appropriate topic in and the dictionary says "pulverized.") The good
view of what follows. Saturday I did a seminar news was that the break did not occur in the spinal
consisting of three one-hour lectures and a book cord column itself. If it had, well, C-2 is where
signing, and then took off early Sunday morning for Christopher Reeve's break occurred, so you get the
Denver, where I planned to meet Janet for a picture of what can happen up there. The spinal
friend's wedding. column has three channels, one for the spinal cord,
I was driving alone on a remote highway, and two for arterial blood supply, which is where
curvy but not too hilly, at about 65 mph. A curve my fracture occurred. The bad news was that due to
came up suddenly and I turned to the left, perhaps the splintered nature of the break, a bone fragment
too sharply. As you may know, Ford Explorers are may well have nicked or penetrated an artery.
rather notorious for fishtailing, and this one did. I "We have a jet standing by if needed to
airlift you to Denver," the doctor explained. We'll
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 08

do another MRI, this time with an iodine dye brimstone, but I felt an overwhelming sense of trust
solution to reveal any possible leakage from the in God. I have come to know a God of compassion
artery. This is a life-threatening situation." and mercy and love. I have no clue what heaven or
Meanwhile Janet, whom I had called from an afterlife will be like but I felt sustained by that
the ambulance, had scrambled to throw things trust. OK, the morphine drip was beginning to kick
together and begin the drive to Alamosa (4 hours in too!
from Evergreen) to be with me. Our Good Those were the tense hours: Janet riding
Samaritan neighbor Mark insisted on going with down the road with our neighbor, feeling helpless
her, a magnificent gift as it freed her to make phone and unsure, with scenes of how her life would
calls and compose herself during that tense drive. change with a dead or paralyzed husband; and me
They were about halfway to Alamosa when the utterly helpless, strapped on a table with the images
doctor gave her this news via phone, explaining that that would determine my future bouncing off some
if they found arterial leakage they could not hold satellite en route to Australia.
the plane for her; I would be shipped immediately. As it happened, thank God—oh, yes, thank
You would have to use a cell phone in Colorado to God—the results
understand some of the tension here: about every were far better
third word gets dropped and, in the mountains, the than either of us
call cuts off every thirty seconds or so. Poor Janet could imagine.
was trying to decide whether to turn around and The MRI
drive back to Denver or continue on to Alamosa, revealed no
with the possibility of watching my jet contrails in arterial leakage.
the sky above her. I was released
I went in for the iodine-dye scan, and then within half an
was left alone to wait for the transmission to hour of Janet's
Australia and the results. In all, I lay strapped onto arrival, fitted
that body board for seven hours. The emergency with a rigid neck
room was quite busy that day, mostly crying babies. brace that will
I had plenty of time to think. I've done articles on keep my head from moving for the next 10 weeks or
people whose lives have been changed overnight by so. If all goes well, the vertebra may heal back
an accident that left them paraplegic or appropriately on its own; if not, I may need surgery
quadriplegic. Evidently I had narrowly missed that down the road.
fate; and I mean narrowly--my break was about We got a hot meal, my first of the day, and
one-half inch from the spinal cord. However, if my began the drive back to Evergreen. Before midnight
artery was leaking, an artery that feeds the brain, or I was sitting in a bathtub discovering new cuts and
if it threw a clot, well, a fate worse than paralysis abrasions, warming up, and getting ready for a
awaited me. challenging night's sleep in my own bed.
I stayed calm throughout, my pulse holding I am profoundly grateful to so many who
steady around 70. And as I lay there, contemplating put the word out, who prayed and continue to pray
what I had just been teaching in Los Alamos about for my recovery. I'm sure I will face new challenges,
prayer, and facing the imminent possibility of death and my schedule over the next few months
for the first time, I felt very peaceful. I reflected on definitely needs some major adjustments. But I am
what a wonderful life I have had, with a life-giving alive, my fingers and toes are moving, my brain is
marriage partner of 37 years, all but three of functioning. I remember sitting in the seat of the
Colorado's 54 14,000-foot mountains under my Ford Explorer as it finally stopped rolling, with its
belt, adventures in more than 50 countries, work engine still running, and thinking, "This begins
that allows me both meaning and total freedom. chapter two of my life." Indeed it does, though with
Just that weekend I had heard again story after considerably brighter prospects than it seemed at
story of people who have been touched by one of the time. I hope to ski long mogul runs again, albeit
my books. I looked back on my life and felt no not till next year, and I have another chance to
regrets (well, I would like to get those last three climb those last three "14ers," to gaze at the wild
"14ers" climbed). And as I thought of what may flowers along the way, to cherish friends and love
await me, I felt a feeling of great trust. No one my wife and family and thank God for every minute
raised in the kind of church environment I grew up of this precious gift of life. Praise God.
in totally leaves behind the acrid smell of fire and
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 08

I AM CRYSTAL METH You’ll lie to your mother; you’ll steal

from your dad, When you see their tears, you
This is a ‘poem’ written by a 21-year-old female should feel sad. But you’ll forget your morals
who lost her life while addicted to crystal meth and how you were raised, I’ll be your
(methamphetamine). After her death her family was conscience, I’ll teach you my ways. I take kids
cleaning out her apartment and in her top dresser from parents, and parents from kids, I turn
drawer found this. Although it is written by the people from God, and separate friends. I’ll take
victim, it could easily have been the words of Satan everything from you, your looks and your
who taunts and tempts, and not through this drug pride, I’ll be with you always — right by your
alone . . . you may insert most other types of side.
You’ll give up everything - your family,
addictions in its place here and it would be equally
your home, Your friends, your money, then
valid. Addictions destroy men’s souls as easily as
you’ll be alone. I’ll take and take, till you have
other sins. The price is great and it is a tragedy.
nothing more to give, When I’m finished with
you, you’ll be lucky to live. If you try me be
I destroy homes, I tear families apart, warned - this is no game, If given the chance,
take your children, and that’s just the start. I’m I’ll drive you insane. I’ll ravish your body, I’ll
more costly than diamonds, more precious control your mind, I’ll own you completely,
than gold, The sorrow I bring is a sight to your soul will be
behold. If you need mine.
me, remember! I’m The
easily found, I live all nightmares I’ll give
around you – in you while lying in
schools and in town. I bed, The voices you’ll
live with the rich; I hear, from inside
live with the poor, I your head. The
live down the street, sweats, the shakes,
and maybe next door. the visions you’ll see,
I’m made in a I want you to know,
lab, but not like you these are all gifts
think, I can be made from me. But then
under the kitchen it’s too late, and
sink. In your child’s you’ll know in your
closet, and even in the heart, That you are
woods, If this scares mine, and we shall
you to death, well it not part. You’ll regret that you tried me, they
certainly should. I have many names, but always do, But you came to me, not I to you.
there’s one you know best, I’m sure you’ve You knew this is would happen, many
heard of me, my name is crystal meth. times you were told, But you challenged my
My power is awesome; try me you’ll see, power, and chose to be bold. You could have
But if you do, you may never break free. Just said no, and just walked away, If you could live
try me once and I might let you go, But try me that day over, now what would you say? I’ll be
twice, and I’ll own your soul. When I possess your master, you will be my slave, I’ll even go
you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie, You do what you with you, when you go to your grave.
have to — just to get high. The crimes you’ll Now that you have met me, what will
commit for my narcotic charms Will be worth you do? Will you try me or not? It’s all up to
the pleasure you’ll feel in your arms, your you. I can bring you more misery than words
lungs, your nose. can tell, Come take my hand, let me lead you to
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 08

Dedication of the black-and-white cow named Bessie says in a southern

drawl that Graham has been "preaching the pure milk of
Billy Graham Library God's word for 60 years." Bessie tells kids to "get moo-
ving" to learn more about the preacher.
A frail Billy Graham, using a walker and leaning Critics have dubbed the display the "Golden Calf"
on his son Franklin, was honored Thursday by three and say it cheapens Billy Graham's legacy. But Franklin
former U.S. presidents as they dedicated a museum built to Graham said it is meant as an appeal to children.
be a "living crusade" that will carry on his work after the The museum, which reporters toured before the
minister is gone. ceremony Thursday, is more heartfelt tribute than
The $27 million Billy Graham Library traces the scholarly review.
evangelist's journey from farm boy to the most widely Graham's personal papers will be stored at the
heard minister of all time. He befriended every U.S.
president since Harry Truman and preached in person to
more than 210 million.
"This building behind me is just a building,"
Graham said in brief remarks. "It's an instrument, a tool
for the Gospel. The primary thing is the Gospel of Christ."
In a keynote address a crowd of about 1,500,
President George H.W. Bush wept as he said how much
the minister meant to him, calling Graham "a spiritual gift
to all of us." Bush noted Graham had comforted four
generations of his family; that includes President George
W. Bush.
Presidents Carter and Clinton recalled how
Graham's insistence that his crusades in packed stadiums
be racially integrated helped bring blacks and whites
together in the South.
But Clinton said Graham is just as impressive for museum, while documents related to his crusades will
the personal kindness. "When he prays with you in the remain in an archive at Wheaton College, the prominent
Oval Office or upstairs in the White House, you feel he's evangelical school in Illinois where the minister and his
praying for you, not the president," Clinton said. wife met as students.
Graham, 88, suffers from fluid on the brain, There are photos of Graham with the U.S.
prostate cancer and Parkinson's disease, and is largely presidents he befriended and displays of gifts they gave
confined to his home in Montreat. His hair thinning and him, including a golf club and a check that President
his face dotted by age spots, he was driven by golf cart to Nixon had given the preacher as an offering. However,
the outdoor stage, where aides helped him to his seat in there is no mention of how Graham's close ties with
heat inching toward 90 degrees. His wife Ruth, 86, has Nixon had cast a shadow on the minister.
degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck and is Old TV sets broadcast clips of the troubled times
bedridden at their home. in America when Graham preached, including the Civil
The 40,000-square-foot complex was built on the Rights era. Graham has been praised for integrating his
grounds of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and crusades starting in 1953, but also criticized for his
among its designers was the ITEC Entertainment Co., of restrained support for the movement.
Orlando, Fla., which has done work for Disney and other Designers have recreated the scene of Graham's
theme parks. The dairy farm where the preacher grew up is 1949 Los Angeles tent revival, dubbed the "Canvas
just a few miles from the site and the library reflects his Cathedral," that lasted for weeks, drawing national
roots. attention to his ministry for the first time. A replica of the
The cavernous lobby is meant to resemble a barn Berlin Wall is meant to underscore how remarkable it was
with scattered bales of hay and milk cans. The sounds of a that Graham won permission from communist
cackling chicken and neighing horse are piped in. The first governments to evangelize behind the Iron Curtain.
Bible verse Graham's mother taught him, John 3:16, "For Billy Graham's children have been divided over
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only where their parents should be buried — at the library or at
Son," is engraved onto a rafter. The Cove, a Bible training center near the Grahams' home.
To the right is a cow shed, where a display that Franklin Graham believes his parents have decided the
has drawn the most curiosity stands. An animatronic location, but "haven't made that public yet."
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661

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