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Homeward Bound

Volume 11 Number 07

Yet, Jesus was subject to temptation just

Could Jesus Sin? as each and every one of us. The Bible says,
“Seeing then that we have a great high priest,
Although this is a seemingly simple that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son
question, there is no clear and simple answer of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we
from scripture. We know from reading the have not an high priest which cannot be
Gospels that Jesus did not sin and knew no sin. touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but
But, it is important to know that because He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet
overcame, we without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto
can overcome. the throne of grace, that we may obtain
Had Jesus mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
sinned, even but (Hebrews 4:14-16) In “all points” Jesus was
once, God’s plan tempted. Not a few, not some, but in all points
to save man and He was tempted, just as you and me, yet He did
redeem him to NOT sin. The writer of Hebrews tells us this
Himself would because it was important for the Christ to
have failed. A endure temptation without sinning to make
perfect, sinless His redemptive act an act of value, one filled
lamb must need with merit and power. To have been tempted
be offered and knowing that He could not possibly sin would
Jesus was that have been insincere and falsely portray His
Chosen sinless humanity, therefore not being just like you and
Lamb of God. me.
Jesus hungered. Jesus thirsted. Jesus If Jesus could not possibly sin, then the
sweat. Jesus needed to cleanse His body. temptations He endured would have been
Jesus labored and tired in His flesh. Jesus meaningless and
wept and experienced sorrow. Jesus had more His suffering and
than ample opportunity to be frustrated and death upon the
possibly even to the point of anger. He was a cross of no
man living in a body of flesh just as you and redeeming value.
me. We are familiar with Jesus’ temptation by Satan tempted
Satan in the wilderness before He began His Jesus sorely and
ministry. This is a powerful story for us to though He left
recall and be an empowerment for our own Him for a time
selves as we face the onslaught of temptation after the great
daily from Satan and his minions. temptation in the
Jesus is 100% God and 100% man by wilderness, he did
nature. These two natures were somehow able return. Only by overcoming temptation, each
to coexist contemporaneously in the body of and every one, without sinning, could He have
flesh in which He habitated. It would have possibly set the example for us to overcome sin
been impossible for this to happen had He in our own lives. Knowing from scripture, had
been born in a sinful state as did all men born it been so said that Jesus could not and would
prior to Him. Since the sin nature is passed to not sin, we would despair of being able to
the children from the seed of a human father, it overcome sin in our own lives, there being no
was necessary for the Father to provide the true example.
“seed” for the sinless flesh of Jesus. (continued on page two)

Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

Could Jesus Sin? (continued) must have had thoughts of another way, any
Jesus most certainly had opportunity to sin and other way than the cross of Calvary. His soul
there are some examples in scripture that being sorrowful, even unto death and, “ . . .
uniquely show that temptation was at work in being in an agony he prayed more earnestly:
His life and that He made conscious effort to and his sweat was as it were great drops of
overcome the temptation and not sin. Not the blood falling down to the ground.” (Luke
least of which was the Gethsemane garden 22:44) The agony, temptation and the decision
experience in the hours before He was to be made and carried out in His flesh was so
crucified. great that, “ . . . there appeared an angel
The Bible says, “Then cometh Jesus with unto him from heaven, strengthening him.”
them unto a place called Gethsemane, and (Luke 22:43) Any lesser man would have run,
saith unto the immediately run far away from what was facing
disciples, Sit ye Him at that very moment. The decision to take
here, while I go upon Himself the sins of man, to suffer
and pray horrendously and die without mercy for them,
yonder. And he to this end He came to Earth and overcame the
took with him desires of His flesh and submitted to the will of
Peter and the the Father.
two sons of The Bible says, “For even hereunto were
Zebedee, and ye called: because Christ also suffered for us,
began to be leaving us an example, that ye should follow
sorrowful and his steps: Who did no sin, neither was
very heavy. guile found in his mouth: Who,
Then saith he when he was reviled, reviled not
unto them, My again; when he suffered,
soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: he threatened not; but
tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he committed himself
went a little farther, and fell on his face, and to him that judgeth righteously:
prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, Who his own self bare our sins in his
let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I own body on the tree, that we, being
will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the dead to sins, should live unto
disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith righteousness: by whose stripes ye
unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me were healed.” (I Peter 2:21-24) Here
one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not Peter tells us that though He was hanging upon
into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, that cruel cross He sinned not though He had
but the flesh is weak. He went away again the opportunity. Jesus chose to commit Himself
second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, unto the righteous judgment of the Father,
if this cup may not pass away from me, except knowing like as Abraham said, “Shall not the
I drink it, thy will be done. And he came and Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis
found them asleep again: for their eyes were 18:25)
heavy. And he left them, and went away Jesus operated from a position of au-
again, and prayed the third time, saying the thority, of being omniscient (knowing all
same words. Then cometh he to his disciples, things) and being omnipotent (possessing all
and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take power). Jesus knew from before the foundation
your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the of the Earth that man, the pinnacle of His
Son of man is betrayed into the hands of creation, would fall in sin and that He was
sinners.” (Matthew 26:36-45) Matthew here chosen by the Father to redeem man from that
relates the powerful experience of Jesus in the fallen position. Knowing all and having all
Garden at Gethsemane where He certainly power gave Him, (continued on page three)

Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

Could Jesus Sin? (continued) would soon be crushed and defeated, Jesus’
in His flesh, the confidence and the power to death and resurrection forever breaking the
overcome and do the will of God. What an power of sin and death that he exercised over
example for you and for me! Without this mankind!
example we would not know it could be done, This is why John, the beloved disciple,
be possible for us to overcome and endure unto the man who more than probably any other
the end. His call to us would have been man on the Earth at that time knew Jesus
meaningless without proof, without evidence. intimately, could say to all who would follow,
The fact that His Spirit comes to abide in us as “My little children, these things write I unto
we surrender our lives to Him gives us that you, that ye sin not.” (I John 2:1) This
very same power that the flesh of Jesus of exhortation to overcome sin in our own life
Nazareth possessed and therefore we can, we would have rung hollow had He not overcame
must overcome sin! sin and went to the cross unblemished by sin
The Bible says, “Wherefore seeing we stain and be that perfect sacrifice.
also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every
weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset
us, and let us run with patience the race that is How did Jesus fulfill
set before us, looking unto Jesus the author
and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that PROPHECIES
was set before
him endured only God could fulfill?
the cross, There are at least 44 specific prophecies
despising the relating to the life of the Messiah . . . and Christ
shame, and is fulfilled everyone of them . . . a feat that only God
set down at the could perform. (Example: being from the line of
right hand of David (Matthew 1:6), being born of a virgin
the throne of (Matthew 1:23) and being crucified (Psalm 22:16).
God. For Some would say, “That could happen simply by
consider him chance.” Really?
that endured Two science professors, Peter W. Stoner and
Robert C. Newman, applied the science of
probability to just 8 select Old Testament
contradiction prophecies being fulfilled in one man. The odds?
of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied One chance in 10 to the 17th power. To make this
and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet huge number more understandable, they illustrate
resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” it:
(Hebrews 12:1-4) This, this very thing is the ''Suppose we take 10 to the 17th power in
confidence that both you and I have knowing silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas.
that if Jesus could overcome the possibility of They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now
sin in His life, we can, we must do it also. In mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole
the Garden Jesus resisted unto blood striving mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man
against doing His will over the Father’s. Those and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes,
but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that
precious drops of sweated blood that dropped
this is the right one. What chance would he have of
to the ground was proof enough in His own getting the right one? Just the same chance that the
flesh of the actual struggle going on in both the prophets would have had of writing these eight
flesh and the heavenlies since it was at that prophecies and having them all come true in any
very point in time that Jesus overcame and one man, from their day to the present time,
proceeded to the cross, performing the Father’s providing they wrote using their own wisdom.''
will as planned. Satan was overcome and (Stoner and Newman, Science Speaks, p. 107)
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

The Story of One winter day Harry and his wife went
to visit an uncle that was a minister. They
Harry Orchard intended to stay a day or two, but an
-Adapted from 'Harry Orchard The Man God unexpected blizzard snowed them in for two
Made Again’, An Autobiography weeks. During this time God spoke to his heart,
and Harry gave his heart to Jesus. He vowed to
“The word which came to Jeremiah from the turn his back on the world and live for God.
LORD, saying, Arise, and go down to the Peace returned to their home.
potter's house, and there I will cause thee to Unfortunately, Satan was there to
hear my words. Then I went down to the destroy that decision. Back home, Harry had a
potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a court case pending where he had to face a
work on the wheels. And the vessel that he previous dishonesty in his business. He was
made of clay was marred in the hand of the determined to confess the whole thing and
potter: so he made it again another vessel, as make it right, but at the moment of truth he
seemed good to the potter to make it.” weakened and covered the whole affair with
(Jeremiah 18:1-4) lies.
His vow to God was broken, his new
The following story is about a man who, Christian experience was gone. From then on
after living a life of crime, was suddenly given Harry plunged deeper and deeper into sin.
time, lots of time, to think. Fortunately, for Desperate for money, Harry set fire to his
him, it was not too late to change. business, collected the insurance, then skipped
A loud, official knock sounded at the the country with a friend's wife.
door of the hotel room. Alone before long, he eventually moved
The sheriff stood out- to Idaho and began working in the mines in
side. "Orchard, you're 1899. Those were the days of the "wild, woolly
under arrest," he west." Crime was prevalent, and labor unions
stated. ruled the country with a reign of terror. At first,
Shortly, Harry Orchard despised the ruthless tactics used by
Orchard found himself the unions. Later, however, he became
in the county jail. That convinced that their cause was justified. The
day marked the end of a cruelty used by officials who were sent in to
long career in organized correct the situation enraged him. He didn't
crime. understand that two wrongs do not make a
Life began for right.
him in 1866 on a He gave himself over to getting revenge.
farm near Toronto, For years he was a skillful and willing tool for
Canada. Every Sunday he was sent to church. the leaders of the labor unions who were
By the age of 22 he married a sweet Scottish anxious to remove any man that stood in their
lassie and together they worked to establish way. For a price, he became guilty of the blood
their home. It was a happy home and all of scores of innocent people.
seemed to be going well. Life was off to a good The day of reckoning finally came. After
start. taking the life of former Governor Frank
After four or five years of marriage Steunenberg of Idaho, he found himself for the
however, plagued by debt, Harry began taking first time behind bars. It was a jarring
steps that led him down the wrong path. First it experience. He felt like a caged animal.
was an occasional drink and a game of cards. Deprived of his freedom he had time to do
Next came frequent gambling and many nights something that he hadn't done for years. He
away from home. Little dishonesties crept into had time to think. In fact, he had nothing to do
his business practices. but think. As he lay (continued on page five)

Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

The Story of Harry Orchard (continued) deeds, God might still forgive him. Then the
seriousness of his crimes would plague him
in his cell, the dreadful deeds of the past forced again and banish the possibility of forgiveness
their way into his consciousness. from his mind.
Beginning with his boyhood, each scene Days and weeks passed with this
marched through his mind. As he reflected, towering question ever on his mind. At times
conviction and remorse began to take hold of
him. Desperately he tried to fight these
feelings but to no avail. For weeks the
struggle continued. Nights passed
where he was unable to close his eyes all
night due to the thoughts that chased
each other wildly through his mind.
After three long weeks in the
local county jail, he was moved to the
penitentiary at Boise for "safekeeping."
The struggle in his mind intensified. He
was placed in solitary confinement. His
meals were handed to him in silence.
For ten days he was not permitted to
communicate with anyone in any way. Harry Orchard, 3rd from left, on way to prison
This angered him, but here again there was
nothing to do but think without interruption. he thought he would fight it out in court until
Try as he would he could not get away acquitted and then change his life and seek
from those terrible scenes that seemed to haunt God's mercy and forgiveness, but this plan
him. He was not deeply concerned with the brought nothing but darkness. Only one course
charges that were being brought against him, of action brought him the tiniest ray of hope--
for though he was guilty, he knew it would not to make a full confession regardless of the
be difficult for the labor union leaders to build consequences.
an alibi to acquit him. He also knew that any After months of deliberating, he
money needed to buy his freedom would be virtually came to this decision. Then he would
used. think that he could never go through with it.
It was the eternal side of life that The thought of the shock it would be to the
troubled him now. He often had boasted that world, and the monster that he would be
he did not believe in God, but deep in his secret pictured as, were appalling to him. He felt that
heart he believed there was a God and that he he could make public his confession only if he
must face Him. Alone and imprisoned, he could receive God's forgiveness and then die.
finally wondered if he could ever make his He wanted the earth to swallow him up so that
peace with God. he would never have to look upon the face of
As he realized how terrible his life had man again.
been, the guilt pressed him down with a weight The mental agony was terrible. The one
that seemed to be more than he could bear. The thing that overshadowed all others and made
devil harassed him with the thought that he the rest sink into insignificance was the desire
had gone too far and that God would not listen to first of all make his peace with God. When
to his cry. Suicide was an appealing thought he surrendered, his cold, hard heart began to
until he would realize that he was not ready to melt, and the first real tears in years came to
die. his eyes. What a relief they were! That night he
he thought came forcibly to his mind made a solemn vow--to confess to all men the
that if he would frankly confess his terrible terrible sins of his evil life. The following
morning he began (continued on page six)
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

The Story of Harry Orchard (continued) that he and his mother had forgiven him and
wanted only for him to turn to God for
to write out his awful confession which he later forgiveness and the salvation of his soul.
gave to the world from the witness stand. For nearly fifty years Orchard walked
When the trial came, the labor union the grounds and halls of prison. He made
leaders were there to prove his testimony false himself as useful as he could and became a
since it laid bare their own criminal plans and financial asset instead of a burden to the state.
actions. Lawyers were hired to confuse him and At his death his one expressed wish to be
prove his story false. Throughout the grueling buried outside of the penitentiary was granted
days of cross examination, he clung to God to to him.
help him tell the truth, the whole truth, and In his personal testimony he states,
nothing but the truth, though he knew that his "Were I to live a thousand years, and had to
plea of guilty carried with it nothing but the spend every one of them in prison, I would still
death sentence. When the lawyers finished say that I am glad in my heart that I burned all
cross-examining him, they were constrained to the bridges behind me when I turned my back
express their amazement at the consistency of upon the old life of sin that dragged me down
his long sordid story. When he was finished, he to the committing of such terrible crimes."
was sentenced to be hung. But in his heart By the time of his death at the age of
there was peace, for now he knew he was eighty-eight, the hardened expression and
forgiven and had become a new creature in shifty eyes of the criminal that had first entered
Christ Jesus. the prison had been changed. The lines of his
Not long after being returned to the face seemed to be etched with kindness and
penitentiary, he heard that his sentence was love. A gentleness seemed to radiate from his
being commuted from a death sentence to a presence. God had re-made him.
sentence of life imprisonment. As he faced the One of the most important questions
thought of life imprisonment, he felt you may ask in this life is, "Am I ready for
overwhelmed. Dying seemed easier than living. Jesus' coming?" "Is my heart right before
Again he struggled as he learned to submit to God?" The answer to these questions will
the will of God for him. determine where each of us will be throughout
Life was not easy in the prison, but he eternity. May God be with you as you seek daily
determined by the grace of God to make the to know that there is nothing between your
best of it. Day by day he went to his Saviour for soul and the Saviour.
the help that he needed in
struggling with the nature and
habits that had controlled him
for so long.
God worked mirac-
ulously to change him. A
chaplain proved to be a
valuable spiritual counselor to
him and he eventually had the
joyous privilege of following
Christ's example of being
baptized. He saw a touching
revelation of the love of God
when Julian Steunenberg, the
son of the former governor
whom Orchard had murdered,
came to see him to tell him
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

Hubble Space Telescope this material is very dusty and reflects starlight.
New data shows that this structure consists of
Observes a Star two lobes of material, one of which (lower left)
on the Brink of Destruction is moving toward us and the other of which
(upper right) is moving away. The knots of
Presented here is a Hubble Space ejected material have sizes comparable to that
Telescope "natural color" image of the material of our solar system.
surrounding the star Eta Carinae. Eta Carinae This star is an example of a supernova, a
has a mass of approximately 150 times that of star in the process of exploding. Most
the sun, and is about 4 million times brighter supernovae destroy the star which undergoes
than our local star, making it one of the most such an explosion, but this star is so massive it
massive and most luminous stars known. Eta has survived!
Carinae is highly unstable, and prone to violent God’s Creation is so wonderful and
outbursts. The last of these occurred in 1841, beautiful. There are countless objects in the
when despite its distance (over 10,000 light heavens for us to see, revealing His majesty
years away) Eta Carinae briefly became the and power, this is just one of them. For more
second brightest star in the sky. This pictures of objects in space taken by the Hubble
photograph revealed new detail in the rapidly space Telescope, visit:
expanding shell of material which was ejected
during the last century's outburst. The clear
view of Eta Carinae dramatically demonstrates
the ability of Hubble to
reliable study faint
structures near bright
objects although far away.
The picture is a
combination of three
different images taken in
red, green, and blue light.
The ghostly red outer glow
surrounding the star is
composed of the very
fastest moving of the
material which was ejected
during the last century's
outburst. This material,
much of which is moving at
more than two million
miles per hour, is largely
composed of nitrogen and
other elements formed in
the interior of the massive
star, and subsequently
ejected into interstellar
space. The bright blue-
white nebulosity closer in to
the star also consists of
ejected stellar material.
Unlike the outer nebulosity,
Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661
Homeward Bound – Volume 11 – Number 07

It’s What We Do!

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you: and, lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the world.
Amen.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

It’s what we do. Plain and simple. This

is Jesus’ command to us today and His Word is
as fresh as it was almost two thousand years
ago. All things we do as believers must be
wrapped up in and concerned with this very
thing. Anything else is anything less than
Jesus commanded us. Is this what you are
Prior to Jesus giving this final command
to His disciples, when He appeared to them
immediately after His resurrection in the room
where they had gathered, “Then said Jesus to In my opinion . . .
them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father
hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he In my opinion, the great single need of the
had said this, he breathed on them, and saith moment is that light-hearted superficial
unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” (John religionists be struck down with a vision of God
20:21-22) high and lifted up, with His train filling the
Jesus sends His disciples on the very temple. The holy art of worship seems to have
same mission for which the Father had sent passed away like the Shekinah glory from the
Him, to reconcile the world unto the Father. In tabernacle. As a result, we are left to our own
order to do this great work believers need to devices and forced to make up the lack of
receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus spontaneous worship by bringing in countless
Christ. Filled with His Spirit and knowing the cheap and tawdry activities to hold the
work at hand we go and serve. It’s what we do. attention of the church people. (A. W. Tozer -
Anything less than this and we have fallen Keys To The Deeper Life).
gravely short.
Receive the Holy Spirit. Preach the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Baptize those who Thank you for taking the time to read this
repent and are saved. Teach new converts to issue of Homeward Bound! As usual, your
obey Jesus in all things. Prepare them for questions and comments are most welcome.
service in the Great Commission. It’s what we Do you write? Do you have something
do! John Payne
you’d like to share with the readers of
Homeward Bound? Please consider sending
it in for review. Until next time . . . may
God bless you and use you in the Harvest of

Homeward Bound Ministries – Post Office Box 3351 – Milford – Connecticut – 06460 – (203) 882-9661

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