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Get it for $190

In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking.

This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each
attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed
software to practice penetration testing on your own machine.

Then you will learn what is a website, how does it work, what does it rely on, what do mean by a web server,
a database, and how all of these components work together to give us functioning websites,

Once you understand how websites work, we will start talking about how we can exploit these components
and this method of communication to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take you from
a beginner to a more advanced level -- by the time you finish, you will be able to launch attacks and test the
security of websites and web applications exactly the same way that black hat hackers would do, not only that
but you'll be able to fix these vulnerabilities and secure websites from them.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 1
Get it for $100

Nmap is the Internet’s most popular network scanner with advanced features that most people don't know
even exists! Discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap on this complete

Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers,
penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the
security of a network and its hosts.

You cannot be a good ethical hacker or systems administrator without being an expert in Nmap. You will go
from beginner to expert in easy to follow structured steps - and we cover all major platforms that Nmap can
be used on, including - Windows, Mac, Linux and Kali.

The ideal student for this course is technically minded with an interest in ethical hacking and network

At the end of this course you'll have a practical skill-set in using Nmap to scan networks. You will be able to
find vulnerabilities and weaknesses on systems that can be exploited by hackers.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 2
Get it for $195

In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking.
The first thing you will learn is some basic information about ethical hacking and the different fields in
penetration testing.

This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each
attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed
software to practice penetration testing on your own machine. All the attacks explained in this course are
launched against real devices in my lab.

The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks
and how devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these
systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take you from a beginner to a more
advanced level -- by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields.

At the end of each section you will learn how to detect, prevent and secure your system and yourself from
each attack.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 3
Get it for $195

This course will help you master Hacking Tricks, as well as the theoretical and practical basis for Ethical
Hacking & Penetration Testing.

You will learn how to operate the Kali Linux and Windows OS for Ethical Hacking purposes, set up and use a
VPN, scan websites for vulnerabilities, sniff and spoof, use TOR and surf on the Dark Web, work in a
virtualized environment, understand how Wireless Hacking works, and many more tips and tricks.

You will get lifetime access to the course's content! This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If
you are not satisfied in any way, you’ll get your money back.

The course creator will personally be answering any questions you have and will be happy to provide links,
resources and any help to help you master Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing.

What are you waiting for?


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 4
Get it for $200

Gain the ability to do ethical hacking and penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an
experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course including
installing Kali Linux, using VirtualBox, basics of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, cracking
wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and more
topics that are added every month!

The lectures in this course are helpful and will inspire you to reach your ethical hacking goal. This course will
teach you how to install VirtualBox, what to do to create the virtual environment, installing VirtualBox in a
Windows 8.1 environment, basic Linux terminal, VPNs, and much more.

More than 10,000 people have already completed the process of deciding to take this course. You can read a
review below:

“I am 11 videos in and LOVING this course right now. The instructor is very thorough. I would certainly
recommend this course to others as I am just starting out in pen testing and hacking and feel that this is what
I have been looking for. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort into such an amazing course.”


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 5
Get it for $195

This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about Honeypots, IDS and Firewalls. Each
chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.

After taking this course, you will understand Honeydrive, Kippo, and DNSSEC.

HoneyDrive is the premier honeypot Linux distro. It contains over 10 pre-installed and pre-configured
honeypot software packages such as Kippo SSH honeypot, Dionaea and Amun malware honeypots, Honeyd
low-interaction honeypot, Glastopf web honeypot and much more. Kippo is a medium interaction SSH
honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by
the attacker.

Snort is an open-source, free and lightweight network intrusion detection system ( NIDS) software for Linux
and Windows to detect emerging threats. Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a suite of
extensions that add security to the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol by enabling DNS responses to be
validated. Specifically, DNSSEC provides origin authority, data integrity, and authenticated denial of existence.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 6
Get it for $80

This course is designed in a way to help you learning exploit development without opening many books and
instead using a hands-on lab approach.

This course includes 3 hours of lecture videos which teaches exploit development by practices. There will also
be one quiz consisting of 25 questions on exploit development and a PDF to use during videos.

You will learn exploit development in a nutshell and core concepts, tools and techniques which are building
blocks for anyone who wants to learn exploit development in fast pace. You’ll also learn how to discover
buffer overflow vulnerabilities in FTP Servers, Email Server and how to discover weaknesses in web servers.
In any exploit development and research, fuzzing plays an important role; this course will teach you different
methods of fuzzing. Follow the pace of course and you should be able to write your own working exploit as
explained in the course.

You will rock once you develop your first working exploit after completing the course; however following
instructions is a must.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 7
Get it for $200

In this course you will see exactly how to create an advanced keylogger starting from nothing. This keylogger
is capable of recording all the keyboard and mouse input! It can even record independent of the language
settings, because it logs the physical keys on the keyboard first. Next, by using an arbitrary keymap with
human friendly names, it translates the machine keys to something that we can understand. It also possesses
mail sending capabilities so you can just schedule the logfile to be sent via mail, let’s say every 12 hours. In
addition to this, it will also keep the logfile encrypted. Therefore, we will create another program which will
be able to decrypt the logfile on your end.

For learning C++, this is an ideal course because it is completely hands on learning that provides a functional
end product!

As an Information Technology professional, this course creator realizes what the final product of this course is
capable of. This course should only be used for good and for learning. This is only for educational purposes.

The keylogger that you are going to see will be able to cause some serious damage, so please use it in a legal
and responsible way.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 8
Get it for $200

The facts are, hacking is on the rise, and more and more people are getting hacked, and it's getting easier
than ever to become a victim. How do you protect yourself? By learning how the hackers do what they do!

This course will start from scratch teaching you everything you need to know about how to protect yourself
against Hackers. You will learn how hackers actually hack, both the theory and the practical. The focus is on
protecting yourself against attacks.

Step by step, you will build your own hacking lab, so that you can work through both the theory and the
implementation of real hacks with your own live experiments in your lab. You will learn most of the major
ways hackers succeed, and will obtain the knowledge to not only protect yourself, but to launch an exciting
new career to help prevent others from become victims of hacks as well.

If you do not have any security or programming experience, no problem! The course assumes no previous
experience, and starts with the most basic issues, and continues step by step to more complex topics.

By the end of the course, you will be able to do a real hacking attack and you will be able to protect yourself
and your organizations against this attack.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 9
Get it for $100

Do you want to learn real-world hacking techniques but don’t know where to start? This is your chance. This
course covers security loopholes and techniques to broaden your knowledge of security systems. Anyone
who’s interested in hacking or security systems can benefit from this welcoming hacking community and in-
depth course.

Certified hackers are given free reign when it comes to identifying and getting rid of security threats. They are
encouraged by clients to use all known malicious hacking techniques, so that the computer or computer
network in question can be best protected against criminal hacking attempts.

In 11 hours of content, this course will cover the ins-and-outs of hacking. To get the most out of this course,
you should be familiar with programming and scripting language. Most videos are accompanied by
documents, so you’ll walk away with a hacking textbook to accompany your studies.

After taking this course, you will have the required information, training materials and professional practice
environment to implement proven hacking techniques. You’ll possess the tools necessary to test the security
and vulnerability of your own computer or computer system, and to implement proven hacking techniques.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 10
Get it for $100

Network and IT security is no joke. In a matter of minutes cyber criminals can access protected networks,
view encrypted files, accounts, and even steal identities. This course is designed to introduce these concepts
and the real-world tactics that hackers use, so that you can protect yourself and your network.

This course is ideal for everyone, regardless of their skills and expertise. The arrangement and presentation of
learning resources will let both novices and more advanced students broaden their knowledge of IT security,
ethical hacking and penetration testing.

Boost network security and identify weaknesses with this course. Designed for anyone seeking a career in IT
security, as well as programmers and technology enthusiasts who want to develop hacking and prevention
skills, this course is for all.

This extended version of the course contains over 239+ detailed lectures and over 27+ hours of video
training. It's one of the most comprehensive ITsec and ethical hacking courses on Udemy. As an additional
bonus for finishing this course, you will get a free voucher for ISA CISS Examination!


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 11
Get it for $190

This course is designed to build up on what you already know about network hacking. It is highly practical, but
it will not neglect the theory. Since this is an advanced course, you will be breaking each attack into its
smaller components and understand how each of these components work. Therefore, by the end of the
course, you will not only be able to mix these attacks and adopt attacks to suit different situations and
different scenarios, but also will learn how to write your own man in the middle scripts to implement your
own man in the middle attacks.

This course is divided into three main sections including: Pre-Connection Attacks, Gaining Access, and Post-
Connection Attacks. These sections cover advanced techniques in depth.

Finally at the end of the course you will learn how to protect yourself and your systems from these attacks.

All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against real computers. In each technique, you
will understand the theory behind it and how it works, then you'll learn how to use that technique in a real
life scenario. By the end of the course you'll be able to modify these techniques or combine them to come up
with more powerful attacks and adopt them to different scenarios and different operating systems.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 12
Get it for $200

These lectures teach the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for and pass the
“Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures" exam. These sections can be taken in any order, as a review of a
concept or knowledge area. However, if you are just becoming familiar with it security and ethical hacking it is
recommended that you view the sections sequentially.

Ethical hacking is testing the IT resources for a good cause and for the betterment of technology. This training
will establish your understanding of all the fundamental concepts, processes, and procedures. You will spend
time concentrating on each knowledge area, and studying the tools and techniques, inputs, and outputs
associated with each knowledge area.

Here’s a recommendation from a previous course participant:

Excellent Course, Highly Recommended - If you are interested in learning the principles of IT Security and
Hacking, this course is for you. Very detailed, in-depth, and well-presented. With over 25 hours of video, and
references to several outside resources. This course builds and excellent foundation for the beginner and
provides a good review for the more experienced IT professional”


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 13
Get it for $95

This is the only course that you need to start running Kali Linux and ethical hacking tasks on Amazon cloud!

Instead of using your own host device, you will learn how to boot & run Kali Linux entirely on the Cloud. You
can use any browser to access your Kali Linux. In addition, you will have an ethical hacking lab entirely on the
cloud. This includes a Windows victim machine as well. No more cpu & memory problems, no more virtual
machines in your local device. You won't have to spend a dime up to 1 year as you will use Amazon AWS Free
Tier account for the entire training, provided that you take good care of the running instances to stay under
the free limits. Also, you can save the entire screen like a movie so that you can show it as a proof of actions.
You can later watch these screencasts to improve your skills.

You will practice nmap and metasploit, included in the course! Even if you are a complete beginner in cyber
security and ethical hacking, or you want to refresh your skills, you will enjoy the course.

In a nutshell, by the end of the course, you'll be able to create your own Ethical Hacking Lab on Amazon AWS
cloud from scratch, using the latest techniques which black hat hackers use to penetrate systems remotely.
Better than that, it won't even take an hour to start running your machines.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 14
Get it for $195

In this course, you will start as a beginner without any previous knowledge about the hacking. The course
focuses on the practical side and the theoretical side to ensure that you understand the idea before you
applying it.

This course is intended for beginners and professionals, if you are a beginner you will start from zero until
you become an expert level, and if you are a professional so this course will increase your knowledge about
the hacking. In this course you'll learn how the black hat hackers hacks Windows OS using advanced
techniques, and also you'll learn how the white hat hackers Secure Windows OS by analyzing it, and how to
detect the hackers identity.

Divided into eight sections this course covers preparation, information gathering, gaining access, encoding
and combining the payload, post exploitation, hooking with BeEF, performing previous attacks over WAN
network, and protection and detection.

After finishing this course, you will get a certificate directly from Udemy. In addition, if you enroll in this
course, you will get discounts for future courses.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 15
Get it for $195

White Hat Ethical hacking is testing the IT resources for a good cause and for the betterment of technology.
This training will establish your understanding of all the fundamental concepts, processes, and procedures..
You will spend time concentrating on each knowledge area, and studying the tools and techniques, inputs,
and outputs associated with each knowledge area.

In Introduction to Ethical Hacking, you will be introduced to various concepts on ethical hacking. You will
receive an introduction to the basics of Risk Management and Disaster Recovery as well as an introduction to
Penetration Testing.

Master one of the most popular programming languages in the world by understanding and implementing
basic Python code, creating and running real-world Python programming, and gaining knowledge of basic
programming concepts. Learn a simple, streamlined coding language quickly and easily.

Delving into the world of coding can be intimidating. With so many complex languages and implementation
possibilities, it's easy to become overwhelmed. By starting off with Python programming, you'll learn a
simple, versatile and highly readable code that you can execute on a wide variety of systems quickly and


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 16
Get it for $20

This Cyber Security Training will immerse students and professionals into an interactive environment where
they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems. The lab intensive environment gives
each user in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems.

The two main objectives are to learn the basic technical knowledge of Ethical Hacking and to get knowledge
of Ethical Hacking terminologies.

Targeted for beginners, this course will help you learn about nmap, metasploit and other Kali Linux tools.
After leaving this intensive class, you will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking and
Security in Offensive Way.

Here is a review from a previous participant:

“The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are
included using Kali Linux. This is impressive.”


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 17
Get it for $195

If you want to get started as an ethical hacker, learn how network security professionals protect their
systems, or take your IT career to the next level you are going to love this course! This course is a sequel to
The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced, which over 50,000 students have taken, and was
at one point the most popular ethical hacking course in the world! Join us now and receive over 80 lectures &
15 hours of HD video, and 1-on-1 assistance from experienced network security professionals.

The following topics are covered in this course: Introduction to ethical hacking, Linux installation, terminal
basics, and Wireshark Setup, Staying anonymous online, proxy servers, and accessing the dark side of the
internet using TOR, Aircrack-ng, HashCat, and wifi hacking, Defending your own networks from attacks,
Cloning websites, Arduino USB keylogger that works out of the box for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10, and
Windows power shell scripting.

If you have an eager mind and want to gain the knowledge hackers use to compromise systems and use it on
your own, this course if for you.

Updated monthly, the goal is to make this the #1 network security course online.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 18
Get it for $100

This course will teach you how hackers create Malware and Trojans. You will learn how to install the tools
that hackers use to create malware. You will discover how to use additional add-on programs that hackers will
use to create malware.

This course will take you on a journey of learning what malware is, how to create malware, how to upload
malware to a server, and how a victim will install this malware on their machine and how you can get control
over a victim's computer. You will use codeblocks to create malware programs, know how to use Reverse
Shell on a victim’s machine, understand the basics of C and C++ and much more.

Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your
learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.

For anyone wanting to learn more about Ethical Hacking and Malware and Trojans, this course is for you.

This course comes with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee so start learning about malware today.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 19
Get it for $100

This course is ideal for everyone, regardless of their skills and expertise. The arrangement and presentation of
learning resources will let both novices and more advanced students broaden their knowledge of IT security.

Training is starting with IT Security current threats and trends. Afterwards we are discussing popular security
myths. Great part of the training relates to Network security.

You will start with local networks and talk about protocols and theirs vulnerabilities. You will learn how to
design secure computer networks and subnets. You will become real network administrator.

Next you will discover why wireless networks could be so dangerous. You will learn standards, protocols and
security solutions. Wi-Fi networks are an integral part of our lives, but not everyone realizes that if it is
inadequately protected, your enterprise or home network can disclose your confidential passwords and give
attackers easy access to the machines you’re administrating.

Topics covered include core issues related to effectively securing the most popular Microsoft OS: identity
theft, authentication, authorization, encryption. We identify typical mistakes and guide you towards achieving
good OS protection.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 20
Get it for $20

Looking for Powerpoint slides and lectures that will put you to sleep? Keep moving, because this course is not
for you.

This course consists of 100% hands-on technical labs, utilizing Kali Linux to hack a variety of intentionally
vulnerable operating systems. All of the resources to build the labs are free. Detailed instructions on how to
set up the labs are included within this course (VMware Player, Kali Linux, Kioptrix, etc.). To make the most
out of this course, it is recommended that you actually perform the activities within the labs rather than just
watch the videos.

The main points that will be covered in this course is enumeration, remote exploitation, buffer overflows,
and privilege escalation. These labs will show you how to interpret results from tools such as Nmap, Dirb, and
enum4linux, and use them effectively to compromise vulnerable systems. Please note that these labs contain
spoilers, and it is a good idea to attempt to compromise the vulnerable systems on your own prior to getting
the answers from the walk through that's provided.

There are 7 original labs contained within this course as well as 6 bonus labs that were added to the


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 21
Get it for $200

This course is jam packed with content and will take an absolutely beginner in cybersecurity & ethical hacking
from zero to being able to actually hack wireless routers, crack passwords, and understand the reasons why
those things work. You will be getting live video demonstrations and lectures. Discussed is the process of
hacking, from gathering information in the Recon phase, to more involved looks at our targets in the scanning
phase. Enumeration and System hacking bring the basic "hacking process" to a close, but that is not the end
of things, far from it.

Many of today's large hacks and data breaches that you see all over the news are the result of very clever &
persistent social engineers. Learn valuable skills in conducting Social Engineering Penetration Tests as well as
how to protect against social engineering attacks. You are going to enjoy the demos in the course as they will
walk you through the whole process and not just the highlights. In just a few hours, you will already be
figuring out new ways to use the software tools and tricks and come up with new things to try.

Get rid of the mystery and learn what real hackers know. If you are excited at the idea of being an ethical
hacker, then there is no better place to start than right here.


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 22
Get it for $50

This course allows you to follow, in real time, each stage of the engagement that you can tweak and train
your skills from over and over again! You will get the latest tools and techniques using Rapid 7's Superb tool,
'Metasploit', to exploit targets as well as run post exploitation techniques and utilize PowerShell with 'Empire'

The course will visually engage with 'Empire', a post exploitation tool, used to harness the power of
Powershell to further exploit Microsoft Windows Operating systems where poor configurations and
overlooked policy have been deployed.

The course will start with an understanding of how to move around Metasploit, basic key strokes to get from
one section of the framework to another, and together, we will exploit our first system, work out what we can
and cant do, how to keep it if something goes wrong, and how to leave the session without being tracked. We
will learn how to not be seen by Intrusion Detection Systems and Evade Anti-Virus Software used by
professional Penetration Testers around the globe. The course will then look at Empire, again we will start
with the basics of moving around, how to gain our sessions known as 'agents', escalate our privileges if
required and migrate over to the Metasploit framework.

This course gives the best of both worlds!


Top 23 Ethical Hacking Online Courses For Beginner and Advanced Levels 23

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