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Task Title: School Structure

Name: Jawaher Ahmed Alkaabi

Course: EPC 3903 – Practicum 3b
Instructor: Robin Ogdol

(Technology, 2017)
AFPS Kg 2 Structure of the Day

Time & Class What does the teacher do What does the students do
Morning time/ - Greeting the students. - Respond to the teacher.
7:00 – 7:05 National - Singing the national
anthem anthem (not every day).
- The teacher prepare a small - Students answer and listen
Time to catch revision, activity, art, etc. to the teacher.
up on things or for the students to do. - They play around with the
7:05 – 7:45
to do some - The teacher ask some things the teacher give
activities students to complete their them or complete their
work book. work book.
- Greeting the students. (each - Greet the teacher.
teacher has her own way to - Listen to the teacher
do that) carefully and try to answer
Introducing the
- The teachers usually start her questions and ask
introducing the lessons, some.
7:45 – 8:25 (everyday they
with having few examples - Students always participate
have different
that can help the students to in the small activity if they
understand. had the chance.
- Explain the small activity if
they had one.
- The teacher sum up - Students will take their
introducing the lesson. lunch box, wash their
- She tell the students to take hands and go to the eating
their lunch box and go to area.
the eating area. - They will find the place
- The teacher will meet the they want to sit in.
students there or follow - When they finish their food
them. they will go wash their
- The teacher will feed some hands and stay in the
8:25 – 8:45 Break Time students who are slow in classroom
- When the students finish
they are free to go back to
the class without the
- The teacher, assistant or I
will stay with the students
who didn’t finish their food
- The teacher will give the - Listen to the teacher
students activities/ explanation.
Independent worksheets with different - Work on their task.
8:45 – 9:25 Experience levels. - Give the teacher their work
Time - She will explain the task to when they finish.
each group of students
- Check students work.
- The teacher will ask each - Students will get their
students to get their books books and open the page
from their bag/ she will give they’re going to work on.
them their books if she have - They start doing the task
them. given and some students
- She will ask them to open are faster than the others,
9:25 – 10:05 Students Book
the book on the page so they continue on doing
they’re working on. the rest of the tasks by
- Explain the task, solve it themselves.
with them on the board and - Give their books to the
sometimes they do it alone. teacher to check when they
- Check their work. finish.
- During my observations and my time on TP, on this time all they
do for now is practicing the dance they will perform during the
10:05 – 10:45 Special Classes
foundation day. The teacher will play the song and perform in
front of the students, and the students will follow the teacher.
- The teacher will work with some students who need to follow up
the rest of their classmates, she will give some students their books
10:45 – 10:55 Free Time to complete what’s missing, the students will work with the
teacher if she asked them to, and the rest of the class will be
playing around.
- The teacher will have some different students from different
classes in her class, those who needs to wait for their parents or
After classes wait tell their older siblings finish classes to go home with,
10:55 – 2:30
time sometimes the teacher will let the students do what they want,
sometimes she will let them paint, play in the resource room or

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