HW3 210A Solution

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Problem 4 we Uy/H vez0 4. Streamlines | Trajectries a = constant dee dy = > y= conan 4 for streamline +hrogh (xo,4o) Trajedsy for parhole 4 =H sg Y=4e,, Bo ae DL x=m+ a 2 Vorheity Planar so = -Ye 3B. Circulation Ps fu ain oS Xe or f We (yays) dx ys yoth) dx Circuit ay wed — Usor - Ulgorh), 1 Ox Ox wdx = OH 4 ~ 2 dy Ge vdy=0 = ~ it 3 -dx ey = Wax wdy ey -wdy = 0 Bete way ref, wendd = Jed = dA = -UhL 4 oF reenyte = Te -Ubt H 4. Find Velocity Grawrent , Roof Strain Tensor, Oilohon Raie Zee = Mors My = O Lz =o] & Dilahon Rote Veloety Gradient ay 0 Oo aia av] ~ fu 33 2 06 fo # | Ty = 3( Ws (vyj™) = _ ~ The an) 2H { set nox ve suck that [a] =4 6, Evoluhon of Square Fluid Element dy= des Zp B) => fer tne clement df (iyo) we have dare df (110) (36 o)* (0,0) => fr Ine cloner d£(0)!) we have dire dl (241 v(22)- d4(E 0) So element defyms ag follows 7 ty aa & edt Aliernatively we may inveshgalt = ae (Tuer) = ay’ the conbilovtion of Ta anh Tr seperately i Rototions dyi= dx- Te => frrling element able) we have dys dfitio) + cae 4) = dt (0,-2 => fe line element A#(01) we have a= ation (2 sh: ale ,0) rota follows | dares os Follows taps Hat So element fo : i Lig \ << Sel body ninon etal with angular velsedty (2 Sie i Deformation» ax” U {2 & = a ¥ soe = at) ( 2 te) oH ary > fer line elenent Aftyo) weave dui'= => for ling clement del) have Ave daloin (3,278) = At 0) wat Shear datrmation : ve fo (Ta) = Ge -Arasiust) at 4 wcities SE. -Asiilut)dt > -e~ {4 A [in tt) aw (t aa Pasthline —we look for two curfaus whore inecechon dehnes pasnline Eliminate tine > t~te = Ain (%) & = to + & In (4) 2, Streakline as seen at tet" throuh xo We again use trajectones uk eliminate , where t= t* Elninae to: th to = ein (K) Sennen eee a Ll te i Seo | a= on Le, nas [ sin owet) ~sin fav (44m (%)) ] + 22 In (%) = eo {AL sin(auot") ~ sin Caw (#-Fln())] — 282 In ai} & Evolution of Fluid sphee: t=t) at (-R/2,0;0) Comsis eurface as collection of flud particles with cae ocpert: Ko= ~ E+Reinercose Yo=Rsinxaing Ze= Reosx Applying Trajectry Equatons ( to=0) ® x= xe exp [Ad] = (“Ee Rerscosp) exp {at} I= Ye &xpf-A,[sintaud) +t} = Rsina sing exp {~ 4H, [siniut) ail} Z= Zo expt fy [ sin(ewt J wt] = Reoss exp { 4, Lsiniad)- aut] J Eliminating and by rearang ng) Squaring each tem ond summing Reina cosp)*+ (Rsind sings) +(Reora) = R* Note we have used the fact that i Gomme a anal es (Yay Une vee Me, Baie - Uriy where frinstane Uz,y > tt => irrototional I OF Ua tby + Uae = A = Acos(ut}-Asinjwt) = A-A=0 ° > incompressible 5, Show uw cataAes moment eqn ard Ant plat). (Neglect massfore ie 9) Monentum: 0 (3+ u-Zu) = —Yp + U-2! ae Ae ce) ~Vp + Txw Plt ytivls ) P K xe O wre O sine W =O Srnce Flow ircotatonal we may write w=T>. Noe at = 2). ol BR) So momentm bewmes VB =O implies Bo constont Based on velocety Fel b= 8 (x ~ cos tut)ye - sin*hot) 2*) 28 = Aw cos (ut) sin (wt) (¥ -2 *) ar Ba ( E+ cost) y* + sintlut] 2) So PED = C + Ascostenpancat(z-s)) ~ ~ (rests ste) PNP Aus colt) snl) (oy!) ~ (iP cos tly sintodlzt) ie | Problem 4.4 ws wont) ; woe U uso weo P = pol2-coswt) Conhouty BB+ Ve lpu) = Oo Bir Rew 0 mtr =0 Aaposin wt + py (2~coswt) Bx = O Be eo sinwt Ream = SX = Caswt 2 {43 sinwt} Trleyele went) = PREY + Use Ur uloit) = C woo (Seep OJ ap at here + &,lpui) ~0 is integration constant Problem 4-2 w= (ox/t 0,0) papi) i pape at tete Arpply conhnurty Soe V-(pu) =0 & +p =o Bipldj=o Rearanse OF 2 abt P + In pdp,) = bn (t/t) Integrate

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